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Unified Diff: LayoutTests/crypto/subtle/ecdh-deriveKey-hmac.html

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Index: LayoutTests/crypto/subtle/ecdh-deriveKey-hmac.html
diff --git a/LayoutTests/crypto/subtle/ecdh-deriveKey-hmac.html b/LayoutTests/crypto/subtle/ecdh-deriveKey-hmac.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 82d6f7c8b0e4cb8f630f9632bb8c116eb11b48bf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LayoutTests/crypto/subtle/ecdh-deriveKey-hmac.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<script src="../../resources/js-test.js"></script>
-<script src="resources/common.js"></script>
-<p id="description"></p>
-<div id="console"></div>
-description("Tests deriveKey() using ECDH to make HMAC keys");
-jsTestIsAsync = true;
-// The test data uses a public key and private key (from different key pairs) for the P-521 curve.
-var privateKeyJwk = {
- "kty":"EC",
- "crv":"P-521",
- "d":"AI_Zu5xisuK-IIz85dTSoqaQSTxN1I88l05myJJ0ZYFMdQ2VmjFOIUTonKGG97yOGmikyid-6F48d7iI1zF6VRk7",
- "x":"ACw6DX7wqwHVO-JzyOet0B-r10YVLv5R5q_IfiWCzclg0u_x57NCtOcFCFpM2ZnS22tyYjZb0gBHGcgUE_I-h-6s",
- "y":"Actm2tCHBPOKLZMpJV3DaVOluln9zBsE2I0g6iV73I4M-liqA1rLSJN8q-vcSQtZF0JvzwuvGkGuTbvT_DaRQ2pf"
- };
-var publicKeyJwk = {
- "kty":"EC",
- "crv":"P-521",
- "x":"ADRllQ0B7icrnJ7ib2r-CXvymGFiC_3f6_o0SzLMBIggM8ndQm9l768SToMy1hUo64JsofGSQ37P4CRqT_QeivBD",
- "y":"ALKEzew1Xe4Sv86lZVqb2xxZ0l7WrE3DPJ93fUtSPih5iH8jg0GPDKMVoA5ffFmqPwbdgS2BK18PBFIT7QDGb2Zx"
-// This is the full 528 bits of key data derived by ECDH using the above keys
-// (only part of it will be used for these tests). In practice it wouldn't be a
-// good idea to make a key directly from ECDH
-// output without first going through a KDF, but this is just testing the API.
-var fullDerivedBytesHex = "0117D54D84379D0FD385BE068455A77A5366AB534FF172AB0A121F37D180DCCD19607ABB0C41CB9F6F12B01303AC4A69DC2D1D05180181FD496D9769B46BFFEC3425"
-function importEcKeys() {
- var keys = {};
- debug("Importing the private key...\n");
- return crypto.subtle.importKey("jwk", privateKeyJwk, {name: 'ECDH', namedCurve: "P-521"}, false, ["deriveKey"]).then(function(result) {
- keys.private = result;
- debug("Importing the public key...\n");
- return crypto.subtle.importKey("jwk", publicKeyJwk, {name: 'ECDH', namedCurve: "P-521"}, false, []);
- }).then(function(result) {
- keys.public = result;
- return keys;
- });
-var ecKeys = null;
-importEcKeys().then(function(result) {
- ecKeys = result;
- // Derive an HMAC SHA-1 128-bit key having the 'sign' usage.
- debug("Deriving an HMAC 136 bit key...\n");
- var algorithm = {name: 'ecdh', public: ecKeys.public};
- var derivedAlgorithm = {name: 'hmac', hash: "sha-1", length: 136};
- var extractable = true;
- var usages = ['sign'];
- return crypto.subtle.deriveKey(algorithm, ecKeys.private, derivedAlgorithm, extractable, usages);
-}).then(function(result) {
- key = result;
- // Verify the key's properties.
- shouldEvaluateAs("key.type", "secret");
- shouldEvaluateAs("key.extractable", true);
- shouldEvaluateAs("", "HMAC");
- shouldEvaluateAs("", "SHA-1");
- shouldEvaluateAs("key.algorithm.length", 136);
- shouldEvaluateAs("key.usages.join(',')", "sign");
- // Export the key and check its bytes.
- return crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", key);
-}).then(function(result) {
- bytesShouldMatchHexString("Derived Bytes", fullDerivedBytesHex.substr(0, 34), result);
- // Derive an HMAC SHA-256 key having the 'sign, verify' usage. Use default length.
- debug("Deriving an HMAC 256 bit key...\n");
- var algorithm = {name: 'ecdh', public: ecKeys.public};
- var derivedAlgorithm = {name: 'hmac', hash: "sha-256"}
- var extractable = true;
- var usages = ['sign', 'verify'];
- return crypto.subtle.deriveKey(algorithm, ecKeys.private, derivedAlgorithm, extractable, usages);
-}).then(function(result) {
- key = result;
- // Verify the key's properties.
- shouldEvaluateAs("key.type", "secret");
- shouldEvaluateAs("key.extractable", true);
- shouldEvaluateAs("", "HMAC");
- shouldEvaluateAs("", "SHA-256");
- shouldEvaluateAs("key.algorithm.length", 512);
- shouldEvaluateAs("key.usages.join(',')", "sign,verify");
- // Export the key and check its bytes.
- return crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", key);
-}).then(function(result) {
- bytesShouldMatchHexString("Derived Bytes", fullDerivedBytesHex.substr(0, 128), result);
- // Derive an HMAC 256 bit key having the 'verify' usage and non-extractable
- debug("Deriving an HMAC 256 bit key...\n");
- var algorithm = {name: 'ecdh', public: ecKeys.public};
- var derivedAlgorithm = {name: 'HMAC', hash: 'sha-256', length: 256}
- var extractable = false;
- var usages = ['verify'];
- return crypto.subtle.deriveKey(algorithm, ecKeys.private, derivedAlgorithm, extractable, usages);
-}).then(function(result) {
- key = result;
- // Verify the key's properties.
- shouldEvaluateAs("key.type", "secret");
- shouldEvaluateAs("key.extractable", false);
- shouldEvaluateAs("", "HMAC");
- shouldEvaluateAs("", "SHA-256");
- shouldEvaluateAs("key.algorithm.length", 256);
- shouldEvaluateAs("key.usages.join(',')", "verify");
-}).then(finishJSTest, failAndFinishJSTest);

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