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Unified Diff: Source/core/rendering/RenderGrid.cpp

Issue 948343003: Move rendering/RenderGrid to layout/LayoutGrid (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 5 years, 10 months ago
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Index: Source/core/rendering/RenderGrid.cpp
diff --git a/Source/core/rendering/RenderGrid.cpp b/Source/core/rendering/RenderGrid.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e7ddd3c058ae151307e396b80013081388cbcdb8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Source/core/rendering/RenderGrid.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1754 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "core/rendering/RenderGrid.h"
-#include "core/layout/Layer.h"
-#include "core/layout/TextAutosizer.h"
-#include "core/layout/style/GridCoordinate.h"
-#include "core/layout/style/LayoutStyle.h"
-#include "core/paint/GridPainter.h"
-#include "core/rendering/RenderView.h"
-#include "platform/LengthFunctions.h"
-namespace blink {
-static const int infinity = -1;
-class GridTrack {
- GridTrack()
- : m_baseSize(0)
- , m_growthLimit(0)
- , m_plannedIncrease(0)
- {
- }
- const LayoutUnit& baseSize() const
- {
- ASSERT(isGrowthLimitBiggerThanBaseSize());
- return m_baseSize;
- }
- const LayoutUnit& growthLimit() const
- {
- ASSERT(isGrowthLimitBiggerThanBaseSize());
- return m_growthLimit;
- }
- void setBaseSize(LayoutUnit baseSize)
- {
- m_baseSize = baseSize;
- ensureGrowthLimitIsBiggerThanBaseSize();
- }
- void setGrowthLimit(LayoutUnit growthLimit)
- {
- m_growthLimit = growthLimit;
- ensureGrowthLimitIsBiggerThanBaseSize();
- }
- void growBaseSize(LayoutUnit growth)
- {
- ASSERT(growth >= 0);
- m_baseSize += growth;
- ensureGrowthLimitIsBiggerThanBaseSize();
- }
- void growGrowthLimit(LayoutUnit growth)
- {
- ASSERT(growth >= 0);
- if (m_growthLimit == infinity)
- m_growthLimit = m_baseSize + growth;
- else
- m_growthLimit += growth;
- ASSERT(m_growthLimit >= m_baseSize);
- }
- bool growthLimitIsInfinite() const
- {
- return m_growthLimit == infinity;
- }
- const LayoutUnit& growthLimitIfNotInfinite() const
- {
- ASSERT(isGrowthLimitBiggerThanBaseSize());
- return (m_growthLimit == infinity) ? m_baseSize : m_growthLimit;
- }
- const LayoutUnit& plannedIncrease() const { return m_plannedIncrease; }
- void growPlannedIncrease(const LayoutUnit& plannedIncrease)
- {
- ASSERT(plannedIncrease >= 0);
- m_plannedIncrease += plannedIncrease;
- }
- void updateFromPlannedIncrease(RenderGrid::AccumulatorGrowFunction trackGrowthFunction)
- {
- if (m_plannedIncrease == 0)
- return;
- (this->*trackGrowthFunction)(m_plannedIncrease);
- m_plannedIncrease = 0;
- }
- bool isGrowthLimitBiggerThanBaseSize() const { return growthLimitIsInfinite() || m_growthLimit >= m_baseSize; }
- void ensureGrowthLimitIsBiggerThanBaseSize()
- {
- if (m_growthLimit != infinity && m_growthLimit < m_baseSize)
- m_growthLimit = m_baseSize;
- }
- LayoutUnit m_baseSize;
- LayoutUnit m_growthLimit;
- LayoutUnit m_plannedIncrease;
-struct GridTrackForNormalization {
- GridTrackForNormalization(const GridTrack& track, double flex)
- : m_track(&track)
- , m_flex(flex)
- , m_normalizedFlexValue(track.baseSize() / flex)
- {
- }
- // Required by std::sort.
- GridTrackForNormalization& operator=(const GridTrackForNormalization& o)
- {
- m_track = o.m_track;
- m_flex = o.m_flex;
- m_normalizedFlexValue = o.m_normalizedFlexValue;
- return *this;
- }
- const GridTrack* m_track;
- double m_flex;
- LayoutUnit m_normalizedFlexValue;
-class RenderGrid::GridIterator {
- // |direction| is the direction that is fixed to |fixedTrackIndex| so e.g
- // GridIterator(m_grid, ForColumns, 1) will walk over the rows of the 2nd column.
- GridIterator(const GridRepresentation& grid, GridTrackSizingDirection direction, size_t fixedTrackIndex, size_t varyingTrackIndex = 0)
- : m_grid(grid)
- , m_direction(direction)
- , m_rowIndex((direction == ForColumns) ? varyingTrackIndex : fixedTrackIndex)
- , m_columnIndex((direction == ForColumns) ? fixedTrackIndex : varyingTrackIndex)
- , m_childIndex(0)
- {
- ASSERT(m_rowIndex < m_grid.size());
- ASSERT(m_columnIndex < m_grid[0].size());
- }
- LayoutBox* nextGridItem()
- {
- ASSERT(!m_grid.isEmpty());
- size_t& varyingTrackIndex = (m_direction == ForColumns) ? m_rowIndex : m_columnIndex;
- const size_t endOfVaryingTrackIndex = (m_direction == ForColumns) ? m_grid.size() : m_grid[0].size();
- for (; varyingTrackIndex < endOfVaryingTrackIndex; ++varyingTrackIndex) {
- const GridCell& children = m_grid[m_rowIndex][m_columnIndex];
- if (m_childIndex < children.size())
- return children[m_childIndex++];
- m_childIndex = 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- bool checkEmptyCells(size_t rowSpan, size_t columnSpan) const
- {
- // Ignore cells outside current grid as we will grow it later if needed.
- size_t maxRows = std::min(m_rowIndex + rowSpan, m_grid.size());
- size_t maxColumns = std::min(m_columnIndex + columnSpan, m_grid[0].size());
- // This adds a O(N^2) behavior that shouldn't be a big deal as we expect spanning areas to be small.
- for (size_t row = m_rowIndex; row < maxRows; ++row) {
- for (size_t column = m_columnIndex; column < maxColumns; ++column) {
- const GridCell& children = m_grid[row][column];
- if (!children.isEmpty())
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- PassOwnPtr<GridCoordinate> nextEmptyGridArea(size_t fixedTrackSpan, size_t varyingTrackSpan)
- {
- ASSERT(!m_grid.isEmpty());
- ASSERT(fixedTrackSpan >= 1 && varyingTrackSpan >= 1);
- size_t rowSpan = (m_direction == ForColumns) ? varyingTrackSpan : fixedTrackSpan;
- size_t columnSpan = (m_direction == ForColumns) ? fixedTrackSpan : varyingTrackSpan;
- size_t& varyingTrackIndex = (m_direction == ForColumns) ? m_rowIndex : m_columnIndex;
- const size_t endOfVaryingTrackIndex = (m_direction == ForColumns) ? m_grid.size() : m_grid[0].size();
- for (; varyingTrackIndex < endOfVaryingTrackIndex; ++varyingTrackIndex) {
- if (checkEmptyCells(rowSpan, columnSpan)) {
- OwnPtr<GridCoordinate> result = adoptPtr(new GridCoordinate(GridSpan(m_rowIndex, m_rowIndex + rowSpan - 1), GridSpan(m_columnIndex, m_columnIndex + columnSpan - 1)));
- // Advance the iterator to avoid an infinite loop where we would return the same grid area over and over.
- ++varyingTrackIndex;
- return result.release();
- }
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
- const GridRepresentation& m_grid;
- GridTrackSizingDirection m_direction;
- size_t m_rowIndex;
- size_t m_columnIndex;
- size_t m_childIndex;
-struct RenderGrid::GridSizingData {
- GridSizingData(size_t gridColumnCount, size_t gridRowCount)
- : columnTracks(gridColumnCount)
- , rowTracks(gridRowCount)
- {
- }
- Vector<GridTrack> columnTracks;
- Vector<GridTrack> rowTracks;
- Vector<size_t> contentSizedTracksIndex;
- // Performance optimization: hold onto these Vectors until the end of Layout to avoid repeated malloc / free.
- Vector<GridTrack*> filteredTracks;
- Vector<GridItemWithSpan> itemsSortedByIncreasingSpan;
- Vector<GridTrack*> growBeyondGrowthLimitsTracks;
-RenderGrid::RenderGrid(Element* element)
- : RenderBlock(element)
- , m_gridIsDirty(true)
- , m_orderIterator(this)
- ASSERT(!childrenInline());
-void RenderGrid::addChild(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild)
- RenderBlock::addChild(newChild, beforeChild);
- if (gridIsDirty())
- return;
- // The grid needs to be recomputed as it might contain auto-placed items that will change their position.
- dirtyGrid();
- return;
-void RenderGrid::removeChild(LayoutObject* child)
- RenderBlock::removeChild(child);
- if (gridIsDirty())
- return;
- // The grid needs to be recomputed as it might contain auto-placed items that will change their position.
- dirtyGrid();
- return;
-void RenderGrid::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const LayoutStyle* oldStyle)
- RenderBlock::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
- if (!oldStyle)
- return;
- // FIXME: The following checks could be narrowed down if we kept track of which type of grid items we have:
- // - explicit grid size changes impact negative explicitely positioned and auto-placed grid items.
- // - named grid lines only impact grid items with named grid lines.
- // - auto-flow changes only impacts auto-placed children.
- if (explicitGridDidResize(*oldStyle)
- || namedGridLinesDefinitionDidChange(*oldStyle)
- || oldStyle->gridAutoFlow() != styleRef().gridAutoFlow())
- dirtyGrid();
-bool RenderGrid::explicitGridDidResize(const LayoutStyle& oldStyle) const
- return oldStyle.gridTemplateColumns().size() != styleRef().gridTemplateColumns().size()
- || oldStyle.gridTemplateRows().size() != styleRef().gridTemplateRows().size();
-bool RenderGrid::namedGridLinesDefinitionDidChange(const LayoutStyle& oldStyle) const
- return oldStyle.namedGridRowLines() != styleRef().namedGridRowLines()
- || oldStyle.namedGridColumnLines() != styleRef().namedGridColumnLines();
-void RenderGrid::layoutBlock(bool relayoutChildren)
- ASSERT(needsLayout());
- if (!relayoutChildren && simplifiedLayout())
- return;
- // FIXME: Much of this method is boiler plate that matches LayoutBox::layoutBlock and Render*FlexibleBox::layoutBlock.
- // It would be nice to refactor some of the duplicate code.
- {
- // LayoutState needs this deliberate scope to pop before updating scroll information (which
- // may trigger relayout).
- LayoutState state(*this, locationOffset());
- LayoutSize previousSize = size();
- setLogicalHeight(0);
- updateLogicalWidth();
- TextAutosizer::LayoutScope textAutosizerLayoutScope(this);
- layoutGridItems();
- LayoutUnit oldClientAfterEdge = clientLogicalBottom();
- updateLogicalHeight();
- if (size() != previousSize)
- relayoutChildren = true;
- layoutPositionedObjects(relayoutChildren || isDocumentElement());
- computeOverflow(oldClientAfterEdge);
- }
- updateLayerTransformAfterLayout();
- // Update our scroll information if we're overflow:auto/scroll/hidden now that we know if
- // we overflow or not.
- if (hasOverflowClip())
- layer()->scrollableArea()->updateAfterLayout();
- clearNeedsLayout();
-void RenderGrid::computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths(LayoutUnit& minLogicalWidth, LayoutUnit& maxLogicalWidth) const
- const_cast<RenderGrid*>(this)->placeItemsOnGrid();
- GridSizingData sizingData(gridColumnCount(), gridRowCount());
- LayoutUnit availableLogicalSpace = 0;
- const_cast<RenderGrid*>(this)->computeUsedBreadthOfGridTracks(ForColumns, sizingData, availableLogicalSpace);
- for (const auto& column : sizingData.columnTracks) {
- const LayoutUnit& minTrackBreadth = column.baseSize();
- const LayoutUnit& maxTrackBreadth = column.growthLimit();
- minLogicalWidth += minTrackBreadth;
- maxLogicalWidth += maxTrackBreadth;
- LayoutUnit scrollbarWidth = intrinsicScrollbarLogicalWidth();
- maxLogicalWidth += scrollbarWidth;
- minLogicalWidth += scrollbarWidth;
- }
-void RenderGrid::computePreferredLogicalWidths()
- ASSERT(preferredLogicalWidthsDirty());
- m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = 0;
- m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = 0;
- // FIXME: We don't take our own logical width into account. Once we do, we need to make sure
- // we apply (and test the interaction with) min-width / max-width.
- computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths(m_minPreferredLogicalWidth, m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth);
- LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingInInlineDirection = borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth();
- m_minPreferredLogicalWidth += borderAndPaddingInInlineDirection;
- m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth += borderAndPaddingInInlineDirection;
- clearPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty();
-void RenderGrid::computeUsedBreadthOfGridTracks(GridTrackSizingDirection direction, GridSizingData& sizingData)
- LayoutUnit availableLogicalSpace = (direction == ForColumns) ? availableLogicalWidth() : availableLogicalHeight(IncludeMarginBorderPadding);
- computeUsedBreadthOfGridTracks(direction, sizingData, availableLogicalSpace);
-bool RenderGrid::gridElementIsShrinkToFit()
- return isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned();
-void RenderGrid::computeUsedBreadthOfGridTracks(GridTrackSizingDirection direction, GridSizingData& sizingData, LayoutUnit& freeSpace)
- const LayoutUnit initialFreeSpace = freeSpace;
- Vector<GridTrack>& tracks = (direction == ForColumns) ? sizingData.columnTracks : sizingData.rowTracks;
- Vector<size_t> flexibleSizedTracksIndex;
- sizingData.contentSizedTracksIndex.shrink(0);
- // 1. Initialize per Grid track variables.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) {
- GridTrack& track = tracks[i];
- GridTrackSize trackSize = gridTrackSize(direction, i);
- const GridLength& minTrackBreadth = trackSize.minTrackBreadth();
- const GridLength& maxTrackBreadth = trackSize.maxTrackBreadth();
- track.setBaseSize(computeUsedBreadthOfMinLength(direction, minTrackBreadth));
- track.setGrowthLimit(computeUsedBreadthOfMaxLength(direction, maxTrackBreadth, track.baseSize()));
- if (trackSize.isContentSized())
- sizingData.contentSizedTracksIndex.append(i);
- if (trackSize.maxTrackBreadth().isFlex())
- flexibleSizedTracksIndex.append(i);
- }
- // 2. Resolve content-based TrackSizingFunctions.
- if (!sizingData.contentSizedTracksIndex.isEmpty())
- resolveContentBasedTrackSizingFunctions(direction, sizingData, freeSpace);
- for (const auto& track: tracks) {
- ASSERT(!track.growthLimitIsInfinite());
- freeSpace -= track.baseSize();
- }
- const bool hasUndefinedRemainingSpace = (direction == ForRows) ? style()->logicalHeight().isAuto() : gridElementIsShrinkToFit();
- if (!hasUndefinedRemainingSpace && freeSpace <= 0)
- return;
- // 3. Grow all Grid tracks in GridTracks from their baseSize up to their growthLimit value until freeSpace is exhausted.
- const size_t tracksSize = tracks.size();
- if (!hasUndefinedRemainingSpace) {
- Vector<GridTrack*> tracksForDistribution(tracksSize);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < tracksSize; ++i)
- tracksForDistribution[i] = + i;
- distributeSpaceToTracks(tracksForDistribution, nullptr, &GridTrack::baseSize, &GridTrack::growBaseSize, sizingData, freeSpace);
- } else {
- for (auto& track : tracks)
- track.setBaseSize(track.growthLimit());
- }
- if (flexibleSizedTracksIndex.isEmpty())
- return;
- // 4. Grow all Grid tracks having a fraction as the MaxTrackSizingFunction.
- double normalizedFractionBreadth = 0;
- if (!hasUndefinedRemainingSpace) {
- normalizedFractionBreadth = computeNormalizedFractionBreadth(tracks, GridSpan(0, tracks.size() - 1), direction, initialFreeSpace);
- } else {
- for (const auto& trackIndex : flexibleSizedTracksIndex) {
- GridTrackSize trackSize = gridTrackSize(direction, trackIndex);
- normalizedFractionBreadth = std::max(normalizedFractionBreadth, tracks[trackIndex].baseSize() / trackSize.maxTrackBreadth().flex());
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < flexibleSizedTracksIndex.size(); ++i) {
- GridIterator iterator(m_grid, direction, flexibleSizedTracksIndex[i]);
- while (LayoutBox* gridItem = iterator.nextGridItem()) {
- const GridCoordinate coordinate = cachedGridCoordinate(*gridItem);
- const GridSpan span = (direction == ForColumns) ? coordinate.columns : coordinate.rows;
- // Do not include already processed items.
- if (i > 0 && span.resolvedInitialPosition.toInt() <= flexibleSizedTracksIndex[i - 1])
- continue;
- double itemNormalizedFlexBreadth = computeNormalizedFractionBreadth(tracks, span, direction, maxContentForChild(*gridItem, direction, sizingData.columnTracks));
- normalizedFractionBreadth = std::max(normalizedFractionBreadth, itemNormalizedFlexBreadth);
- }
- }
- }
- for (const auto& trackIndex : flexibleSizedTracksIndex) {
- GridTrackSize trackSize = gridTrackSize(direction, trackIndex);
- LayoutUnit baseSize = std::max<LayoutUnit>(tracks[trackIndex].baseSize(), normalizedFractionBreadth * trackSize.maxTrackBreadth().flex());
- tracks[trackIndex].setBaseSize(baseSize);
- freeSpace -= baseSize;
- }
- // FIXME: Should ASSERT flexible tracks exhaust the freeSpace ? (see issue 739613002).
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::computeUsedBreadthOfMinLength(GridTrackSizingDirection direction, const GridLength& gridLength) const
- if (gridLength.isFlex())
- return 0;
- const Length& trackLength = gridLength.length();
- ASSERT(!trackLength.isAuto());
- if (trackLength.isSpecified())
- return computeUsedBreadthOfSpecifiedLength(direction, trackLength);
- ASSERT(trackLength.isMinContent() || trackLength.isMaxContent());
- return 0;
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::computeUsedBreadthOfMaxLength(GridTrackSizingDirection direction, const GridLength& gridLength, LayoutUnit usedBreadth) const
- if (gridLength.isFlex())
- return usedBreadth;
- const Length& trackLength = gridLength.length();
- ASSERT(!trackLength.isAuto());
- if (trackLength.isSpecified()) {
- LayoutUnit computedBreadth = computeUsedBreadthOfSpecifiedLength(direction, trackLength);
- ASSERT(computedBreadth != infinity);
- return computedBreadth;
- }
- ASSERT(trackLength.isMinContent() || trackLength.isMaxContent());
- return infinity;
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::computeUsedBreadthOfSpecifiedLength(GridTrackSizingDirection direction, const Length& trackLength) const
- ASSERT(trackLength.isSpecified());
- // FIXME: The -1 here should be replaced by whatever the intrinsic height of the grid is.
- return valueForLength(trackLength, direction == ForColumns ? logicalWidth() : computeContentLogicalHeight(style()->logicalHeight(), -1));
-static bool sortByGridNormalizedFlexValue(const GridTrackForNormalization& track1, const GridTrackForNormalization& track2)
- return track1.m_normalizedFlexValue < track2.m_normalizedFlexValue;
-double RenderGrid::computeNormalizedFractionBreadth(Vector<GridTrack>& tracks, const GridSpan& tracksSpan, GridTrackSizingDirection direction, LayoutUnit spaceToFill) const
- LayoutUnit allocatedSpace;
- Vector<GridTrackForNormalization> tracksForNormalization;
- for (const auto& resolvedPosition : tracksSpan) {
- GridTrack& track = tracks[resolvedPosition.toInt()];
- allocatedSpace += track.baseSize();
- GridTrackSize trackSize = gridTrackSize(direction, resolvedPosition.toInt());
- if (!trackSize.maxTrackBreadth().isFlex())
- continue;
- tracksForNormalization.append(GridTrackForNormalization(track, trackSize.maxTrackBreadth().flex()));
- }
- // The function is not called if we don't have <flex> grid tracks
- ASSERT(!tracksForNormalization.isEmpty());
- std::sort(tracksForNormalization.begin(), tracksForNormalization.end(), sortByGridNormalizedFlexValue);
- // These values work together: as we walk over our grid tracks, we increase fractionValueBasedOnGridItemsRatio
- // to match a grid track's usedBreadth to <flex> ratio until the total fractions sized grid tracks wouldn't
- // fit into availableLogicalSpaceIgnoringFractionTracks.
- double accumulatedFractions = 0;
- LayoutUnit fractionValueBasedOnGridItemsRatio = 0;
- LayoutUnit availableLogicalSpaceIgnoringFractionTracks = spaceToFill - allocatedSpace;
- for (const auto& track : tracksForNormalization) {
- if (track.m_normalizedFlexValue > fractionValueBasedOnGridItemsRatio) {
- // If the normalized flex value (we ordered |tracksForNormalization| by increasing normalized flex value)
- // will make us overflow our container, then stop. We have the previous step's ratio is the best fit.
- if (track.m_normalizedFlexValue * accumulatedFractions > availableLogicalSpaceIgnoringFractionTracks)
- break;
- fractionValueBasedOnGridItemsRatio = track.m_normalizedFlexValue;
- }
- accumulatedFractions += track.m_flex;
- // This item was processed so we re-add its used breadth to the available space to accurately count the remaining space.
- availableLogicalSpaceIgnoringFractionTracks += track.m_track->baseSize();
- }
- return availableLogicalSpaceIgnoringFractionTracks / accumulatedFractions;
-bool RenderGrid::hasDefiniteLogicalSize(GridTrackSizingDirection direction) const
- return (direction == ForRows) ? hasDefiniteLogicalHeight() : hasDefiniteLogicalWidth();
-GridTrackSize RenderGrid::gridTrackSize(GridTrackSizingDirection direction, size_t i) const
- bool isForColumns = direction == ForColumns;
- const Vector<GridTrackSize>& trackStyles = isForColumns ? style()->gridTemplateColumns() : style()->gridTemplateRows();
- const GridTrackSize& trackSize = (i >= trackStyles.size()) ? (isForColumns ? style()->gridAutoColumns() : style()->gridAutoRows()) : trackStyles[i];
- // If the logical width/height of the grid container is indefinite, percentage values are treated as <auto> (or in
- // the case of minmax() as min-content for the first position and max-content for the second).
- if (!hasDefiniteLogicalSize(direction)) {
- const GridLength& oldMinTrackBreadth = trackSize.minTrackBreadth();
- const GridLength& oldMaxTrackBreadth = trackSize.maxTrackBreadth();
- return GridTrackSize(oldMinTrackBreadth.isPercentage() ? Length(MinContent) : oldMinTrackBreadth, oldMaxTrackBreadth.isPercentage() ? Length(MaxContent) : oldMaxTrackBreadth);
- }
- return trackSize;
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::logicalHeightForChild(LayoutBox& child, Vector<GridTrack>& columnTracks)
- SubtreeLayoutScope layoutScope(child);
- LayoutUnit oldOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth = child.hasOverrideContainingBlockLogicalWidth() ? child.overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth() : LayoutUnit();
- LayoutUnit overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth = gridAreaBreadthForChild(child, ForColumns, columnTracks);
- if (>logicalHeight().isPercent() || oldOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth != overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth)
- layoutScope.setNeedsLayout(&child);
- child.clearOverrideLogicalContentHeight();
- child.setOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth(overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth);
- // If |child| has a percentage logical height, we shouldn't let it override its intrinsic height, which is
- // what we are interested in here. Thus we need to set the override logical height to -1 (no possible resolution).
- child.setOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight(-1);
- child.layoutIfNeeded();
- return child.logicalHeight() + child.marginLogicalHeight();
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::minContentForChild(LayoutBox& child, GridTrackSizingDirection direction, Vector<GridTrack>& columnTracks)
- bool hasOrthogonalWritingMode = child.isHorizontalWritingMode() != isHorizontalWritingMode();
- // FIXME: Properly support orthogonal writing mode.
- if (hasOrthogonalWritingMode)
- return 0;
- if (direction == ForColumns) {
- // FIXME: It's unclear if we should return the intrinsic width or the preferred width.
- // See
- return child.minPreferredLogicalWidth() + marginIntrinsicLogicalWidthForChild(child);
- }
- return logicalHeightForChild(child, columnTracks);
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::maxContentForChild(LayoutBox& child, GridTrackSizingDirection direction, Vector<GridTrack>& columnTracks)
- bool hasOrthogonalWritingMode = child.isHorizontalWritingMode() != isHorizontalWritingMode();
- // FIXME: Properly support orthogonal writing mode.
- if (hasOrthogonalWritingMode)
- return LayoutUnit();
- if (direction == ForColumns) {
- // FIXME: It's unclear if we should return the intrinsic width or the preferred width.
- // See
- return child.maxPreferredLogicalWidth() + marginIntrinsicLogicalWidthForChild(child);
- }
- return logicalHeightForChild(child, columnTracks);
-// We're basically using a class instead of a std::pair for two reasons. First of all, accessing gridItem() or
-// coordinate() is much more self-explanatory that using .first or .second members in the pair. Secondly the class
-// allows us to precompute the value of the span, something which is quite convenient for the sorting. Having a
-// std::pair<LayoutBox*, size_t> does not work either because we still need the GridCoordinate so we'd have to add an
-// extra hash lookup for each item at the beginning of RenderGrid::resolveContentBasedTrackSizingFunctionsForItems().
-class GridItemWithSpan {
- GridItemWithSpan(LayoutBox& gridItem, const GridCoordinate& coordinate, GridTrackSizingDirection direction)
- : m_gridItem(&gridItem)
- , m_coordinate(coordinate)
- {
- const GridSpan& span = (direction == ForRows) ? coordinate.rows : coordinate.columns;
- m_span = span.resolvedFinalPosition.toInt() - span.resolvedInitialPosition.toInt() + 1;
- }
- LayoutBox& gridItem() const { return *m_gridItem; }
- GridCoordinate coordinate() const { return m_coordinate; }
- size_t span() const { return m_span; }
- bool operator<(const GridItemWithSpan other) const { return m_span < other.m_span; }
- LayoutBox* m_gridItem;
- GridCoordinate m_coordinate;
- size_t m_span;
-bool RenderGrid::spanningItemCrossesFlexibleSizedTracks(const GridCoordinate& coordinate, GridTrackSizingDirection direction) const
- const GridResolvedPosition initialTrackPosition = (direction == ForColumns) ? coordinate.columns.resolvedInitialPosition : coordinate.rows.resolvedInitialPosition;
- const GridResolvedPosition finalTrackPosition = (direction == ForColumns) ? coordinate.columns.resolvedFinalPosition : coordinate.rows.resolvedFinalPosition;
- for (GridResolvedPosition trackPosition = initialTrackPosition; trackPosition <= finalTrackPosition; ++trackPosition) {
- const GridTrackSize& trackSize = gridTrackSize(direction, trackPosition.toInt());
- if (trackSize.minTrackBreadth().isFlex() || trackSize.maxTrackBreadth().isFlex())
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-static inline size_t integerSpanForDirection(const GridCoordinate& coordinate, GridTrackSizingDirection direction)
- return (direction == ForRows) ? coordinate.rows.integerSpan() : coordinate.columns.integerSpan();
-void RenderGrid::resolveContentBasedTrackSizingFunctions(GridTrackSizingDirection direction, GridSizingData& sizingData, LayoutUnit& availableLogicalSpace)
- sizingData.itemsSortedByIncreasingSpan.shrink(0);
- HashSet<LayoutBox*> itemsSet;
- for (const auto& trackIndex : sizingData.contentSizedTracksIndex) {
- GridIterator iterator(m_grid, direction, trackIndex);
- GridTrack& track = (direction == ForColumns) ? sizingData.columnTracks[trackIndex] : sizingData.rowTracks[trackIndex];
- while (LayoutBox* gridItem = iterator.nextGridItem()) {
- if (itemsSet.add(gridItem).isNewEntry) {
- const GridCoordinate& coordinate = cachedGridCoordinate(*gridItem);
- if (integerSpanForDirection(coordinate, direction) == 1) {
- resolveContentBasedTrackSizingFunctionsForNonSpanningItems(direction, coordinate, *gridItem, track, sizingData.columnTracks);
- } else if (!spanningItemCrossesFlexibleSizedTracks(coordinate, direction)) {
- sizingData.itemsSortedByIncreasingSpan.append(GridItemWithSpan(*gridItem, coordinate, direction));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- std::sort(sizingData.itemsSortedByIncreasingSpan.begin(), sizingData.itemsSortedByIncreasingSpan.end());
- Vector<GridItemWithSpan>::iterator end = sizingData.itemsSortedByIncreasingSpan.end();
- for (Vector<GridItemWithSpan>::iterator it = sizingData.itemsSortedByIncreasingSpan.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
- GridItemWithSpan itemWithSpan = *it;
- resolveContentBasedTrackSizingFunctionsForItems(direction, sizingData, itemWithSpan, &GridTrackSize::hasMinOrMaxContentMinTrackBreadth, &RenderGrid::minContentForChild, &GridTrack::baseSize, &GridTrack::growBaseSize, &GridTrackSize::hasMinContentMinTrackBreadthAndMinOrMaxContentMaxTrackBreadth);
- resolveContentBasedTrackSizingFunctionsForItems(direction, sizingData, itemWithSpan, &GridTrackSize::hasMaxContentMinTrackBreadth, &RenderGrid::maxContentForChild, &GridTrack::baseSize, &GridTrack::growBaseSize, &GridTrackSize::hasMaxContentMinTrackBreadthAndMaxContentMaxTrackBreadth);
- resolveContentBasedTrackSizingFunctionsForItems(direction, sizingData, itemWithSpan, &GridTrackSize::hasMinOrMaxContentMaxTrackBreadth, &RenderGrid::minContentForChild, &GridTrack::growthLimitIfNotInfinite, &GridTrack::growGrowthLimit);
- resolveContentBasedTrackSizingFunctionsForItems(direction, sizingData, itemWithSpan, &GridTrackSize::hasMaxContentMaxTrackBreadth, &RenderGrid::maxContentForChild, &GridTrack::growthLimitIfNotInfinite, &GridTrack::growGrowthLimit);
- }
- for (const auto& trackIndex : sizingData.contentSizedTracksIndex) {
- GridTrack& track = (direction == ForColumns) ? sizingData.columnTracks[trackIndex] : sizingData.rowTracks[trackIndex];
- if (track.growthLimitIsInfinite())
- track.setGrowthLimit(track.baseSize());
- }
-void RenderGrid::resolveContentBasedTrackSizingFunctionsForNonSpanningItems(GridTrackSizingDirection direction, const GridCoordinate& coordinate, LayoutBox& gridItem, GridTrack& track, Vector<GridTrack>& columnTracks)
- const GridResolvedPosition trackPosition = (direction == ForColumns) ? coordinate.columns.resolvedInitialPosition : coordinate.rows.resolvedInitialPosition;
- GridTrackSize trackSize = gridTrackSize(direction, trackPosition.toInt());
- if (trackSize.hasMinContentMinTrackBreadth())
- track.setBaseSize(std::max(track.baseSize(), minContentForChild(gridItem, direction, columnTracks)));
- else if (trackSize.hasMaxContentMinTrackBreadth())
- track.setBaseSize(std::max(track.baseSize(), maxContentForChild(gridItem, direction, columnTracks)));
- if (trackSize.hasMinContentMaxTrackBreadth())
- track.setGrowthLimit(std::max(track.growthLimit(), minContentForChild(gridItem, direction, columnTracks)));
- else if (trackSize.hasMaxContentMaxTrackBreadth())
- track.setGrowthLimit(std::max(track.growthLimit(), maxContentForChild(gridItem, direction, columnTracks)));
-void RenderGrid::resolveContentBasedTrackSizingFunctionsForItems(GridTrackSizingDirection direction, GridSizingData& sizingData, GridItemWithSpan& gridItemWithSpan, FilterFunction filterFunction, SizingFunction sizingFunction, AccumulatorGetter trackGetter, AccumulatorGrowFunction trackGrowthFunction, FilterFunction growAboveMaxBreadthFilterFunction)
- ASSERT(gridItemWithSpan.span() > 1);
- const GridCoordinate coordinate = gridItemWithSpan.coordinate();
- const GridSpan& itemSpan = (direction == ForColumns) ? coordinate.columns : coordinate.rows;
- sizingData.growBeyondGrowthLimitsTracks.shrink(0);
- sizingData.filteredTracks.shrink(0);
- LayoutUnit spanningTracksSize;
- for (const auto& trackPosition : itemSpan) {
- GridTrackSize trackSize = gridTrackSize(direction, trackPosition.toInt());
- GridTrack& track = (direction == ForColumns) ? sizingData.columnTracks[trackPosition.toInt()] : sizingData.rowTracks[trackPosition.toInt()];
- spanningTracksSize += (track.*trackGetter)();
- if (!(trackSize.*filterFunction)())
- continue;
- sizingData.filteredTracks.append(&track);
- if (!growAboveMaxBreadthFilterFunction || (trackSize.*growAboveMaxBreadthFilterFunction)())
- sizingData.growBeyondGrowthLimitsTracks.append(&track);
- }
- if (sizingData.filteredTracks.isEmpty())
- return;
- // Specs mandate to floor extraSpace to 0. Instead we directly avoid the function call in those cases as it will be
- // a noop in terms of track sizing.
- LayoutUnit extraSpace = (this->*sizingFunction)(gridItemWithSpan.gridItem(), direction, sizingData.columnTracks) - spanningTracksSize;
- if (extraSpace > 0) {
- Vector<GridTrack*>* tracksToGrowBeyondGrowthLimits = sizingData.growBeyondGrowthLimitsTracks.isEmpty() ? &sizingData.filteredTracks : &sizingData.growBeyondGrowthLimitsTracks;
- distributeSpaceToTracks(sizingData.filteredTracks, tracksToGrowBeyondGrowthLimits, trackGetter, trackGrowthFunction, sizingData, extraSpace);
- }
-static bool sortByGridTrackGrowthPotential(const GridTrack* track1, const GridTrack* track2)
- // This check ensures that we respect the irreflexivity property of the strict weak ordering required by std::sort
- // (forall x: NOT x < x).
- if (track1->growthLimitIsInfinite() && track2->growthLimitIsInfinite())
- return false;
- if (track1->growthLimitIsInfinite() || track2->growthLimitIsInfinite())
- return track2->growthLimitIsInfinite();
- return (track1->growthLimit() - track1->baseSize()) < (track2->growthLimit() - track2->baseSize());
-void RenderGrid::distributeSpaceToTracks(Vector<GridTrack*>& tracks, const Vector<GridTrack*>* growBeyondGrowthLimitsTracks, AccumulatorGetter trackGetter, AccumulatorGrowFunction trackGrowthFunction, GridSizingData& sizingData, LayoutUnit& availableLogicalSpace)
- ASSERT(availableLogicalSpace > 0);
- std::sort(tracks.begin(), tracks.end(), sortByGridTrackGrowthPotential);
- size_t tracksSize = tracks.size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < tracksSize; ++i) {
- GridTrack& track = *tracks[i];
- ASSERT(track.plannedIncrease() == 0);
- LayoutUnit availableLogicalSpaceShare = availableLogicalSpace / (tracksSize - i);
- const LayoutUnit& trackBreadth = (track.*trackGetter)();
- LayoutUnit growthShare = track.growthLimitIsInfinite() ? availableLogicalSpaceShare : std::min(availableLogicalSpaceShare, track.growthLimit() - trackBreadth);
- // We should never shrink any grid track or else we can't guarantee we abide by our min-sizing function.
- if (growthShare > 0) {
- track.growPlannedIncrease(growthShare);
- availableLogicalSpace -= growthShare;
- }
- }
- if (availableLogicalSpace > 0 && growBeyondGrowthLimitsTracks) {
- size_t tracksGrowingAboveMaxBreadthSize = growBeyondGrowthLimitsTracks->size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < tracksGrowingAboveMaxBreadthSize; ++i) {
- GridTrack* track = growBeyondGrowthLimitsTracks->at(i);
- LayoutUnit growthShare = availableLogicalSpace / (tracksGrowingAboveMaxBreadthSize - i);
- track->growPlannedIncrease(growthShare);
- availableLogicalSpace -= growthShare;
- }
- }
- for (auto* track: tracks) {
- track->updateFromPlannedIncrease(trackGrowthFunction);
- ASSERT(track->plannedIncrease() == 0);
- }
-bool RenderGrid::tracksAreWiderThanMinTrackBreadth(GridTrackSizingDirection direction, const Vector<GridTrack>& tracks)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) {
- GridTrackSize trackSize = gridTrackSize(direction, i);
- const GridLength& minTrackBreadth = trackSize.minTrackBreadth();
- if (computeUsedBreadthOfMinLength(direction, minTrackBreadth) > tracks[i].baseSize())
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-void RenderGrid::ensureGridSize(size_t maximumRowIndex, size_t maximumColumnIndex)
- const size_t oldRowSize = gridRowCount();
- if (maximumRowIndex >= oldRowSize) {
- m_grid.grow(maximumRowIndex + 1);
- for (size_t row = oldRowSize; row < gridRowCount(); ++row)
- m_grid[row].grow(gridColumnCount());
- }
- if (maximumColumnIndex >= gridColumnCount()) {
- for (size_t row = 0; row < gridRowCount(); ++row)
- m_grid[row].grow(maximumColumnIndex + 1);
- }
-void RenderGrid::insertItemIntoGrid(LayoutBox& child, const GridCoordinate& coordinate)
- ensureGridSize(coordinate.rows.resolvedFinalPosition.toInt(), coordinate.columns.resolvedFinalPosition.toInt());
- for (GridSpan::iterator row = coordinate.rows.begin(); row != coordinate.rows.end(); ++row) {
- for (GridSpan::iterator column = coordinate.columns.begin(); column != coordinate.columns.end(); ++column)
- m_grid[row.toInt()][column.toInt()].append(&child);
- }
- RELEASE_ASSERT(!m_gridItemCoordinate.contains(&child));
- m_gridItemCoordinate.set(&child, coordinate);
-void RenderGrid::placeItemsOnGrid()
- if (!gridIsDirty())
- return;
- ASSERT(m_gridItemCoordinate.isEmpty());
- populateExplicitGridAndOrderIterator();
- // We clear the dirty bit here as the grid sizes have been updated, this means
- // that we can safely call gridRowCount() / gridColumnCount().
- m_gridIsDirty = false;
- Vector<LayoutBox*> autoMajorAxisAutoGridItems;
- Vector<LayoutBox*> specifiedMajorAxisAutoGridItems;
- for (LayoutBox* child = m_orderIterator.first(); child; child = {
- if (child->isOutOfFlowPositioned())
- continue;
- OwnPtr<GridSpan> rowPositions = GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromStyle(*style(), *child, ForRows);
- OwnPtr<GridSpan> columnPositions = GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromStyle(*style(), *child, ForColumns);
- if (!rowPositions || !columnPositions) {
- GridSpan* majorAxisPositions = (autoPlacementMajorAxisDirection() == ForColumns) ? columnPositions.get() : rowPositions.get();
- if (!majorAxisPositions)
- autoMajorAxisAutoGridItems.append(child);
- else
- specifiedMajorAxisAutoGridItems.append(child);
- continue;
- }
- insertItemIntoGrid(*child, GridCoordinate(*rowPositions, *columnPositions));
- }
- ASSERT(gridRowCount() >= GridResolvedPosition::explicitGridRowCount(*style()));
- ASSERT(gridColumnCount() >= GridResolvedPosition::explicitGridColumnCount(*style()));
- placeSpecifiedMajorAxisItemsOnGrid(specifiedMajorAxisAutoGridItems);
- placeAutoMajorAxisItemsOnGrid(autoMajorAxisAutoGridItems);
- m_grid.shrinkToFit();
-void RenderGrid::populateExplicitGridAndOrderIterator()
- OrderIteratorPopulator populator(m_orderIterator);
- size_t maximumRowIndex = std::max<size_t>(1, GridResolvedPosition::explicitGridRowCount(*style()));
- size_t maximumColumnIndex = std::max<size_t>(1, GridResolvedPosition::explicitGridColumnCount(*style()));
- ASSERT(m_gridItemsIndexesMap.isEmpty());
- size_t childIndex = 0;
- for (LayoutBox* child = firstChildBox(); child; child = child->nextInFlowSiblingBox()) {
- populator.collectChild(child);
- m_gridItemsIndexesMap.set(child, childIndex++);
- // This function bypasses the cache (cachedGridCoordinate()) as it is used to build it.
- OwnPtr<GridSpan> rowPositions = GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromStyle(*style(), *child, ForRows);
- OwnPtr<GridSpan> columnPositions = GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromStyle(*style(), *child, ForColumns);
- // |positions| is 0 if we need to run the auto-placement algorithm.
- if (rowPositions) {
- maximumRowIndex = std::max<size_t>(maximumRowIndex, rowPositions->;
- } else {
- // Grow the grid for items with a definite row span, getting the largest such span.
- GridSpan positions = GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromAutoPlacementPosition(*style(), *child, ForRows, GridResolvedPosition(0));
- maximumRowIndex = std::max<size_t>(maximumRowIndex,;
- }
- if (columnPositions) {
- maximumColumnIndex = std::max<size_t>(maximumColumnIndex, columnPositions->;
- } else {
- // Grow the grid for items with a definite column span, getting the largest such span.
- GridSpan positions = GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromAutoPlacementPosition(*style(), *child, ForColumns, GridResolvedPosition(0));
- maximumColumnIndex = std::max<size_t>(maximumColumnIndex,;
- }
- }
- m_grid.grow(maximumRowIndex);
- for (auto& column : m_grid)
- column.grow(maximumColumnIndex);
-PassOwnPtr<GridCoordinate> RenderGrid::createEmptyGridAreaAtSpecifiedPositionsOutsideGrid(const LayoutBox& gridItem, GridTrackSizingDirection specifiedDirection, const GridSpan& specifiedPositions) const
- GridTrackSizingDirection crossDirection = specifiedDirection == ForColumns ? ForRows : ForColumns;
- const size_t endOfCrossDirection = crossDirection == ForColumns ? gridColumnCount() : gridRowCount();
- GridSpan crossDirectionPositions = GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromAutoPlacementPosition(*style(), gridItem, crossDirection, GridResolvedPosition(endOfCrossDirection));
- return adoptPtr(new GridCoordinate(specifiedDirection == ForColumns ? crossDirectionPositions : specifiedPositions, specifiedDirection == ForColumns ? specifiedPositions : crossDirectionPositions));
-void RenderGrid::placeSpecifiedMajorAxisItemsOnGrid(const Vector<LayoutBox*>& autoGridItems)
- bool isForColumns = autoPlacementMajorAxisDirection() == ForColumns;
- bool isGridAutoFlowDense = style()->isGridAutoFlowAlgorithmDense();
- // Mapping between the major axis tracks (rows or columns) and the last auto-placed item's position inserted on
- // that track. This is needed to implement "sparse" packing for items locked to a given track.
- // See
- HashMap<unsigned, unsigned, DefaultHash<unsigned>::Hash, WTF::UnsignedWithZeroKeyHashTraits<unsigned>> minorAxisCursors;
- for (const auto& autoGridItem : autoGridItems) {
- OwnPtr<GridSpan> majorAxisPositions = GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromStyle(*style(), *autoGridItem, autoPlacementMajorAxisDirection());
- GridSpan minorAxisPositions = GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromAutoPlacementPosition(*style(), *autoGridItem, autoPlacementMinorAxisDirection(), GridResolvedPosition(0));
- unsigned majorAxisInitialPosition = majorAxisPositions->resolvedInitialPosition.toInt();
- GridIterator iterator(m_grid, autoPlacementMajorAxisDirection(), majorAxisPositions->resolvedInitialPosition.toInt(), isGridAutoFlowDense ? 0 : minorAxisCursors.get(majorAxisInitialPosition));
- OwnPtr<GridCoordinate> emptyGridArea = iterator.nextEmptyGridArea(majorAxisPositions->integerSpan(), minorAxisPositions.integerSpan());
- if (!emptyGridArea)
- emptyGridArea = createEmptyGridAreaAtSpecifiedPositionsOutsideGrid(*autoGridItem, autoPlacementMajorAxisDirection(), *majorAxisPositions);
- insertItemIntoGrid(*autoGridItem, *emptyGridArea);
- if (!isGridAutoFlowDense)
- minorAxisCursors.set(majorAxisInitialPosition, isForColumns ? emptyGridArea->rows.resolvedInitialPosition.toInt() : emptyGridArea->columns.resolvedInitialPosition.toInt());
- }
-void RenderGrid::placeAutoMajorAxisItemsOnGrid(const Vector<LayoutBox*>& autoGridItems)
- std::pair<size_t, size_t> autoPlacementCursor = std::make_pair(0, 0);
- bool isGridAutoFlowDense = style()->isGridAutoFlowAlgorithmDense();
- for (const auto& autoGridItem : autoGridItems) {
- placeAutoMajorAxisItemOnGrid(*autoGridItem, autoPlacementCursor);
- // If grid-auto-flow is dense, reset auto-placement cursor.
- if (isGridAutoFlowDense) {
- autoPlacementCursor.first = 0;
- autoPlacementCursor.second = 0;
- }
- }
-void RenderGrid::placeAutoMajorAxisItemOnGrid(LayoutBox& gridItem, std::pair<size_t, size_t>& autoPlacementCursor)
- OwnPtr<GridSpan> minorAxisPositions = GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromStyle(*style(), gridItem, autoPlacementMinorAxisDirection());
- ASSERT(!GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromStyle(*style(), gridItem, autoPlacementMajorAxisDirection()));
- GridSpan majorAxisPositions = GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromAutoPlacementPosition(*style(), gridItem, autoPlacementMajorAxisDirection(), GridResolvedPosition(0));
- const size_t endOfMajorAxis = (autoPlacementMajorAxisDirection() == ForColumns) ? gridColumnCount() : gridRowCount();
- size_t majorAxisAutoPlacementCursor = autoPlacementMajorAxisDirection() == ForColumns ? autoPlacementCursor.second : autoPlacementCursor.first;
- size_t minorAxisAutoPlacementCursor = autoPlacementMajorAxisDirection() == ForColumns ? autoPlacementCursor.first : autoPlacementCursor.second;
- OwnPtr<GridCoordinate> emptyGridArea;
- if (minorAxisPositions) {
- // Move to the next track in major axis if initial position in minor axis is before auto-placement cursor.
- if (minorAxisPositions->resolvedInitialPosition.toInt() < minorAxisAutoPlacementCursor)
- majorAxisAutoPlacementCursor++;
- if (majorAxisAutoPlacementCursor < endOfMajorAxis) {
- GridIterator iterator(m_grid, autoPlacementMinorAxisDirection(), minorAxisPositions->resolvedInitialPosition.toInt(), majorAxisAutoPlacementCursor);
- emptyGridArea = iterator.nextEmptyGridArea(minorAxisPositions->integerSpan(), majorAxisPositions.integerSpan());
- }
- if (!emptyGridArea)
- emptyGridArea = createEmptyGridAreaAtSpecifiedPositionsOutsideGrid(gridItem, autoPlacementMinorAxisDirection(), *minorAxisPositions);
- } else {
- GridSpan minorAxisPositions = GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromAutoPlacementPosition(*style(), gridItem, autoPlacementMinorAxisDirection(), GridResolvedPosition(0));
- for (size_t majorAxisIndex = majorAxisAutoPlacementCursor; majorAxisIndex < endOfMajorAxis; ++majorAxisIndex) {
- GridIterator iterator(m_grid, autoPlacementMajorAxisDirection(), majorAxisIndex, minorAxisAutoPlacementCursor);
- emptyGridArea = iterator.nextEmptyGridArea(majorAxisPositions.integerSpan(), minorAxisPositions.integerSpan());
- if (emptyGridArea) {
- // Check that it fits in the minor axis direction, as we shouldn't grow in that direction here (it was already managed in populateExplicitGridAndOrderIterator()).
- GridResolvedPosition minorAxisFinalPositionIndex = autoPlacementMinorAxisDirection() == ForColumns ? emptyGridArea->columns.resolvedFinalPosition : emptyGridArea->rows.resolvedFinalPosition;
- const size_t endOfMinorAxis = autoPlacementMinorAxisDirection() == ForColumns ? gridColumnCount() : gridRowCount();
- if (minorAxisFinalPositionIndex.toInt() < endOfMinorAxis)
- break;
- // Discard empty grid area as it does not fit in the minor axis direction.
- // We don't need to create a new empty grid area yet as we might find a valid one in the next iteration.
- emptyGridArea = nullptr;
- }
- // As we're moving to the next track in the major axis we should reset the auto-placement cursor in the minor axis.
- minorAxisAutoPlacementCursor = 0;
- }
- if (!emptyGridArea)
- emptyGridArea = createEmptyGridAreaAtSpecifiedPositionsOutsideGrid(gridItem, autoPlacementMinorAxisDirection(), minorAxisPositions);
- }
- insertItemIntoGrid(gridItem, *emptyGridArea);
- // Move auto-placement cursor to the new position.
- autoPlacementCursor.first = emptyGridArea->rows.resolvedInitialPosition.toInt();
- autoPlacementCursor.second = emptyGridArea->columns.resolvedInitialPosition.toInt();
-GridTrackSizingDirection RenderGrid::autoPlacementMajorAxisDirection() const
- return style()->isGridAutoFlowDirectionColumn() ? ForColumns : ForRows;
-GridTrackSizingDirection RenderGrid::autoPlacementMinorAxisDirection() const
- return style()->isGridAutoFlowDirectionColumn() ? ForRows : ForColumns;
-void RenderGrid::dirtyGrid()
- // Even if this could be redundant, it could be seen as a defensive strategy against
- // style changes events happening during the layout phase or even while the painting process
- // is still ongoing.
- // Forcing a new layout for the Grid render would cancel any ongoing painting and ensure
- // the grid and its children are correctly laid out according to the new style rules.
- setNeedsLayout();
- m_grid.resize(0);
- m_gridItemCoordinate.clear();
- m_gridIsDirty = true;
- m_gridItemsOverflowingGridArea.resize(0);
- m_gridItemsIndexesMap.clear();
-void RenderGrid::layoutGridItems()
- placeItemsOnGrid();
- LayoutUnit availableSpaceForColumns = availableLogicalWidth();
- LayoutUnit availableSpaceForRows = availableLogicalHeight(IncludeMarginBorderPadding);
- GridSizingData sizingData(gridColumnCount(), gridRowCount());
- computeUsedBreadthOfGridTracks(ForColumns, sizingData, availableSpaceForColumns);
- ASSERT(tracksAreWiderThanMinTrackBreadth(ForColumns, sizingData.columnTracks));
- computeUsedBreadthOfGridTracks(ForRows, sizingData, availableSpaceForRows);
- ASSERT(tracksAreWiderThanMinTrackBreadth(ForRows, sizingData.rowTracks));
- populateGridPositions(sizingData, availableSpaceForColumns, availableSpaceForRows);
- m_gridItemsOverflowingGridArea.resize(0);
- LayoutUnit columnOffset = contentPositionAndDistributionColumnOffset(availableSpaceForColumns, style()->justifyContent(), style()->justifyContentDistribution(), style()->justifyContentOverflowAlignment(), m_columnPositions.size() - 1);
- LayoutUnit rowOffset = contentPositionAndDistributionRowOffset(availableSpaceForRows, style()->alignContent(), style()->alignContentDistribution(), style()->alignContentOverflowAlignment(), m_rowPositions.size() - 1);
- LayoutSize contentPositionOffset(columnOffset, rowOffset);
- for (LayoutBox* child = firstChildBox(); child; child = child->nextSiblingBox()) {
- if (child->isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
- child->containingBlock()->insertPositionedObject(child);
- continue;
- }
- // Because the grid area cannot be styled, we don't need to adjust
- // the grid breadth to account for 'box-sizing'.
- LayoutUnit oldOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth = child->hasOverrideContainingBlockLogicalWidth() ? child->overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth() : LayoutUnit();
- LayoutUnit oldOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight = child->hasOverrideContainingBlockLogicalHeight() ? child->overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight() : LayoutUnit();
- LayoutUnit overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth = gridAreaBreadthForChild(*child, ForColumns, sizingData.columnTracks);
- LayoutUnit overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight = gridAreaBreadthForChild(*child, ForRows, sizingData.rowTracks);
- SubtreeLayoutScope layoutScope(*child);
- if (oldOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth != overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth || (oldOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight != overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight && child->hasRelativeLogicalHeight()))
- layoutScope.setNeedsLayout(child);
- child->setOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth(overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth);
- child->setOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight(overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight);
- // Stretching logic might force a child layout, so we need to run it before the layoutIfNeeded
- // call to avoid unnecessary relayouts. This might imply that child margins, needed to correctly
- // determine the available space before stretching, are not set yet.
- applyStretchAlignmentToChildIfNeeded(*child, overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight);
- child->layoutIfNeeded();
- const GridCoordinate& coordinate = cachedGridCoordinate(*child);
- ASSERT(coordinate.columns.resolvedInitialPosition.toInt() < sizingData.columnTracks.size());
- ASSERT(coordinate.rows.resolvedInitialPosition.toInt() < sizingData.rowTracks.size());
- child->setLogicalLocation(findChildLogicalPosition(*child, contentPositionOffset));
- // Keep track of children overflowing their grid area as we might need to paint them even if the grid-area is
- // not visible
- if (child->logicalHeight() > overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight
- || child->logicalWidth() > overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth)
- m_gridItemsOverflowingGridArea.append(child);
- }
- for (const auto& row : sizingData.rowTracks)
- setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + row.baseSize());
- // Min / max logical height is handled by the call to updateLogicalHeight in layoutBlock.
- setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight());
-void RenderGrid::layoutPositionedObjects(bool relayoutChildren, PositionedLayoutBehavior info)
- TrackedRendererListHashSet* positionedDescendants = positionedObjects();
- if (!positionedDescendants)
- return;
- bool containerHasHorizontalWritingMode = isHorizontalWritingMode();
- for (auto* child : *positionedDescendants) {
- bool hasOrthogonalWritingMode = child->isHorizontalWritingMode() != containerHasHorizontalWritingMode;
- if (hasOrthogonalWritingMode) {
- // FIXME: Properly support orthogonal writing mode.
- continue;
- }
- // FIXME: Detect properly if start/end is auto for inexistent named grid lines.
- bool columnStartIsAuto = child->style()->gridColumnStart().isAuto();
- LayoutUnit columnOffset = LayoutUnit(0);
- LayoutUnit columnBreadth = LayoutUnit(0);
- offsetAndBreadthForPositionedChild(*child, ForColumns, columnStartIsAuto, child->style()->gridColumnEnd().isAuto(), columnOffset, columnBreadth);
- bool rowStartIsAuto = child->style()->gridRowStart().isAuto();
- LayoutUnit rowOffset = LayoutUnit(0);
- LayoutUnit rowBreadth = LayoutUnit(0);
- offsetAndBreadthForPositionedChild(*child, ForRows, rowStartIsAuto, child->style()->gridRowEnd().isAuto(), rowOffset, rowBreadth);
- child->setOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth(columnBreadth);
- child->setOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight(rowBreadth);
- child->setExtraInlineOffset(columnOffset);
- child->setExtraBlockOffset(rowOffset);
- if (child->parent() == this) {
- // If column/row start is not auto the padding has been already computed in offsetAndBreadthForPositionedChild().
- Layer* childLayer = child->layer();
- if (columnStartIsAuto)
- childLayer->setStaticInlinePosition(borderAndPaddingStart());
- else
- childLayer->setStaticInlinePosition(borderStart() + columnOffset);
- if (rowStartIsAuto)
- childLayer->setStaticBlockPosition(borderAndPaddingBefore());
- else
- childLayer->setStaticBlockPosition(borderBefore() + rowOffset);
- }
- }
- RenderBlock::layoutPositionedObjects(relayoutChildren, info);
-void RenderGrid::offsetAndBreadthForPositionedChild(const LayoutBox& child, GridTrackSizingDirection direction, bool startIsAuto, bool endIsAuto, LayoutUnit& offset, LayoutUnit& breadth)
- ASSERT(child.isHorizontalWritingMode() == isHorizontalWritingMode());
- OwnPtr<GridSpan> positions = GridResolvedPosition::resolveGridPositionsFromStyle(*style(), child, direction);
- if (!positions) {
- offset = LayoutUnit(0);
- breadth = (direction == ForColumns) ? clientLogicalWidth() : clientLogicalHeight();
- return;
- }
- GridResolvedPosition firstPosition = GridResolvedPosition(0);
- GridResolvedPosition initialPosition = startIsAuto ? firstPosition : positions->resolvedInitialPosition;
- GridResolvedPosition lastPosition = GridResolvedPosition((direction == ForColumns ? gridColumnCount() : gridRowCount()) - 1);
- GridResolvedPosition finalPosition = endIsAuto ? lastPosition : positions->resolvedFinalPosition;
- // Positioned children do not grow the grid, so we need to clamp the positions to avoid ending up outside of it.
- initialPosition = std::min<GridResolvedPosition>(initialPosition, lastPosition);
- finalPosition = std::min<GridResolvedPosition>(finalPosition, lastPosition);
- LayoutUnit start = startIsAuto ? LayoutUnit(0) : (direction == ForColumns) ? m_columnPositions[initialPosition.toInt()] : m_rowPositions[initialPosition.toInt()];
- LayoutUnit end = endIsAuto ? (direction == ForColumns) ? logicalWidth() : logicalHeight() : (direction == ForColumns) ? m_columnPositions[] : m_rowPositions[];
- breadth = end - start;
- if (startIsAuto)
- breadth -= (direction == ForColumns) ? borderStart() : borderBefore();
- else
- start -= ((direction == ForColumns) ? borderStart() : borderBefore());
- if (endIsAuto) {
- breadth -= (direction == ForColumns) ? borderEnd() : borderAfter();
- breadth -= scrollbarLogicalWidth();
- }
- offset = start;
-GridCoordinate RenderGrid::cachedGridCoordinate(const LayoutBox& gridItem) const
- ASSERT(m_gridItemCoordinate.contains(&gridItem));
- return m_gridItemCoordinate.get(&gridItem);
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::gridAreaBreadthForChild(const LayoutBox& child, GridTrackSizingDirection direction, const Vector<GridTrack>& tracks) const
- const GridCoordinate& coordinate = cachedGridCoordinate(child);
- const GridSpan& span = (direction == ForColumns) ? coordinate.columns : coordinate.rows;
- LayoutUnit gridAreaBreadth = 0;
- for (GridSpan::iterator trackPosition = span.begin(); trackPosition != span.end(); ++trackPosition)
- gridAreaBreadth += tracks[trackPosition.toInt()].baseSize();
- return gridAreaBreadth;
-void RenderGrid::populateGridPositions(const GridSizingData& sizingData, LayoutUnit availableSpaceForColumns, LayoutUnit availableSpaceForRows)
- unsigned numberOfColumnTracks = sizingData.columnTracks.size();
- unsigned numberOfRowTracks = sizingData.rowTracks.size();
- m_columnPositions.resize(numberOfColumnTracks + 1);
- m_columnPositions[0] = borderAndPaddingStart();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfColumnTracks; ++i)
- m_columnPositions[i + 1] = m_columnPositions[i] + sizingData.columnTracks[i].baseSize();
- m_rowPositions.resize(numberOfRowTracks + 1);
- m_rowPositions[0] = borderAndPaddingBefore();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfRowTracks; ++i)
- m_rowPositions[i + 1] = m_rowPositions[i] + sizingData.rowTracks[i].baseSize();
-static LayoutUnit computeOverflowAlignmentOffset(OverflowAlignment overflow, LayoutUnit startOfTrack, LayoutUnit endOfTrack, LayoutUnit childBreadth)
- LayoutUnit trackBreadth = endOfTrack - startOfTrack;
- LayoutUnit offset = trackBreadth - childBreadth;
- // If overflow is 'safe', we have to make sure we don't overflow the 'start'
- // edge (potentially cause some data loss as the overflow is unreachable).
- if (overflow == OverflowAlignmentSafe)
- offset = std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, offset);
- // If we overflow our alignment container and overflow is 'true' (default), we
- // ignore the overflow and just return the value regardless (which may cause data
- // loss as we overflow the 'start' edge).
- return offset;
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::startOfColumnForChild(const LayoutBox& child) const
- const GridCoordinate& coordinate = cachedGridCoordinate(child);
- LayoutUnit startOfColumn = m_columnPositions[coordinate.columns.resolvedInitialPosition.toInt()];
- // The grid items should be inside the grid container's border box, that's why they need to be shifted.
- return startOfColumn + marginStartForChild(child);
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::endOfColumnForChild(const LayoutBox& child) const
- const GridCoordinate& coordinate = cachedGridCoordinate(child);
- LayoutUnit startOfColumn = m_columnPositions[coordinate.columns.resolvedInitialPosition.toInt()];
- // The grid items should be inside the grid container's border box, that's why they need to be shifted.
- LayoutUnit columnPosition = startOfColumn + marginStartForChild(child);
- LayoutUnit endOfColumn = m_columnPositions[];
- // FIXME: This might not work as expected with orthogonal writing-modes.
- LayoutUnit offsetFromColumnPosition = computeOverflowAlignmentOffset(>justifySelfOverflowAlignment(), startOfColumn, endOfColumn, child.logicalWidth() + child.marginLogicalWidth());
- return columnPosition + offsetFromColumnPosition;
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::columnPositionLeft(const LayoutBox& child) const
- if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
- return startOfColumnForChild(child);
- return endOfColumnForChild(child);
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::columnPositionRight(const LayoutBox& child) const
- if (!style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
- return startOfColumnForChild(child);
- return endOfColumnForChild(child);
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::centeredColumnPositionForChild(const LayoutBox& child) const
- const GridCoordinate& coordinate = cachedGridCoordinate(child);
- LayoutUnit startOfColumn = m_columnPositions[coordinate.columns.resolvedInitialPosition.toInt()];
- LayoutUnit endOfColumn = m_columnPositions[];
- LayoutUnit columnPosition = startOfColumn + marginStartForChild(child);
- // FIXME: This might not work as expected with orthogonal writing-modes.
- LayoutUnit offsetFromColumnPosition = computeOverflowAlignmentOffset(>justifySelfOverflowAlignment(), startOfColumn, endOfColumn, child.logicalWidth() + child.marginLogicalWidth());
- return columnPosition + offsetFromColumnPosition / 2;
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::columnPositionForChild(const LayoutBox& child) const
- bool hasOrthogonalWritingMode = child.isHorizontalWritingMode() != isHorizontalWritingMode();
- switch (LayoutStyle::resolveJustification(styleRef(), child.styleRef(), ItemPositionStretch)) {
- case ItemPositionSelfStart:
- // For orthogonal writing-modes, this computes to 'start'
- // FIXME: grid track sizing and positioning do not support orthogonal modes yet.
- if (hasOrthogonalWritingMode)
- return startOfColumnForChild(child);
- // self-start is based on the child's direction. That's why we need to check against the grid container's direction.
- if (>direction() != style()->direction())
- return endOfColumnForChild(child);
- return startOfColumnForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionSelfEnd:
- // For orthogonal writing-modes, this computes to 'start'
- // FIXME: grid track sizing and positioning do not support orthogonal modes yet.
- if (hasOrthogonalWritingMode)
- return endOfColumnForChild(child);
- // self-end is based on the child's direction. That's why we need to check against the grid container's direction.
- if (>direction() != style()->direction())
- return startOfColumnForChild(child);
- return endOfColumnForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionFlexStart:
- // Only used in flex layout, for other layout, it's equivalent to 'start'.
- return startOfColumnForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionFlexEnd:
- // Only used in flex layout, for other layout, it's equivalent to 'end'.
- return endOfColumnForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionLeft:
- return columnPositionLeft(child);
- case ItemPositionRight:
- return columnPositionRight(child);
- case ItemPositionCenter:
- return centeredColumnPositionForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionStart:
- return startOfColumnForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionEnd:
- return endOfColumnForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionAuto:
- break;
- case ItemPositionStretch:
- return startOfColumnForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionBaseline:
- case ItemPositionLastBaseline:
- // FIXME: Implement the previous values. For now, we always 'start' align the child.
- return startOfColumnForChild(child);
- }
- return 0;
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::endOfRowForChild(const LayoutBox& child) const
- const GridCoordinate& coordinate = cachedGridCoordinate(child);
- LayoutUnit startOfRow = m_rowPositions[coordinate.rows.resolvedInitialPosition.toInt()];
- // The grid items should be inside the grid container's border box, that's why they need to be shifted.
- LayoutUnit rowPosition = startOfRow + marginBeforeForChild(child);
- LayoutUnit endOfRow = m_rowPositions[];
- LayoutUnit offsetFromRowPosition = computeOverflowAlignmentOffset(>alignSelfOverflowAlignment(), startOfRow, endOfRow, child.logicalHeight() + child.marginLogicalHeight());
- return rowPosition + offsetFromRowPosition;
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::startOfRowForChild(const LayoutBox& child) const
- const GridCoordinate& coordinate = cachedGridCoordinate(child);
- LayoutUnit startOfRow = m_rowPositions[coordinate.rows.resolvedInitialPosition.toInt()];
- // The grid items should be inside the grid container's border box, that's why they need to be shifted.
- LayoutUnit rowPosition = startOfRow + marginBeforeForChild(child);
- return rowPosition;
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::centeredRowPositionForChild(const LayoutBox& child) const
- const GridCoordinate& coordinate = cachedGridCoordinate(child);
- // The grid items should be inside the grid container's border box, that's why they need to be shifted.
- LayoutUnit startOfRow = m_rowPositions[coordinate.rows.resolvedInitialPosition.toInt()];
- LayoutUnit endOfRow = m_rowPositions[];
- LayoutUnit rowPosition = startOfRow + marginBeforeForChild(child);
- LayoutUnit offsetFromRowPosition = computeOverflowAlignmentOffset(>alignSelfOverflowAlignment(), startOfRow, endOfRow, child.logicalHeight() + child.marginLogicalHeight());
- return rowPosition + offsetFromRowPosition / 2;
-static inline LayoutUnit constrainedChildIntrinsicContentLogicalHeight(const LayoutBox& child)
- LayoutUnit childIntrinsicContentLogicalHeight = child.intrinsicContentLogicalHeight();
- return child.constrainLogicalHeightByMinMax(childIntrinsicContentLogicalHeight + child.borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight(), childIntrinsicContentLogicalHeight);
-bool RenderGrid::allowedToStretchLogicalHeightForChild(const LayoutBox& child) const
- return>logicalHeight().isAuto() && !>marginBeforeUsing(style()).isAuto() && !>marginAfterUsing(style()).isAuto();
-// FIXME: This logic is shared by RenderFlexibleBox, so it should be moved to LayoutBox.
-bool RenderGrid::needToStretchChildLogicalHeight(const LayoutBox& child) const
- if (LayoutStyle::resolveAlignment(styleRef(), child.styleRef(), ItemPositionStretch) != ItemPositionStretch)
- return false;
- return isHorizontalWritingMode() &&>height().isAuto();
-// FIXME: This logic is shared by RenderFlexibleBox, so it should be moved to LayoutBox.
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::childIntrinsicHeight(const LayoutBox& child) const
- if (child.isHorizontalWritingMode() && needToStretchChildLogicalHeight(child))
- return constrainedChildIntrinsicContentLogicalHeight(child);
- return child.size().height();
-// FIXME: This logic is shared by RenderFlexibleBox, so it should be moved to LayoutBox.
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::childIntrinsicWidth(const LayoutBox& child) const
- if (!child.isHorizontalWritingMode() && needToStretchChildLogicalHeight(child))
- return constrainedChildIntrinsicContentLogicalHeight(child);
- return child.size().width();
-// FIXME: This logic is shared by RenderFlexibleBox, so it should be moved to LayoutBox.
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::intrinsicLogicalHeightForChild(const LayoutBox& child) const
- return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? childIntrinsicHeight(child) : childIntrinsicWidth(child);
-// FIXME: This logic is shared by RenderFlexibleBox, so it should be moved to LayoutBox.
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::marginLogicalHeightForChild(const LayoutBox& child) const
- return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? child.marginHeight() : child.marginWidth();
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::computeMarginLogicalHeightForChild(const LayoutBox& child) const
- LayoutUnit marginBefore;
- LayoutUnit marginAfter;
- child.computeMarginsForDirection(BlockDirection, this, child.containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent(), child.logicalHeight(), marginBefore, marginAfter,
- return marginBefore + marginAfter;
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::availableAlignmentSpaceForChildBeforeStretching(LayoutUnit gridAreaBreadthForChild, const LayoutBox& child) const
- LayoutUnit childMarginLogicalHeight = marginLogicalHeightForChild(child);
- // Because we want to avoid multiple layouts, stretching logic might be performed before
- // children are laid out, so we can't use the child cached values. Hence, we need to
- // compute margins in order to determine the available height before stretching.
- if (childMarginLogicalHeight == 0)
- childMarginLogicalHeight = computeMarginLogicalHeightForChild(child);
- LayoutUnit childLogicalHeight = childMarginLogicalHeight + intrinsicLogicalHeightForChild(child);
- return gridAreaBreadthForChild - childLogicalHeight;
-// FIXME: This logic is shared by RenderFlexibleBox, so it should be moved to LayoutBox.
-void RenderGrid::applyStretchAlignmentToChildIfNeeded(LayoutBox& child, LayoutUnit gridAreaBreadthForChild)
- if (LayoutStyle::resolveAlignment(styleRef(), child.styleRef(), ItemPositionStretch) != ItemPositionStretch)
- return;
- bool hasOrthogonalWritingMode = child.isHorizontalWritingMode() != isHorizontalWritingMode();
- if (allowedToStretchLogicalHeightForChild(child)) {
- // FIXME: If the child has orthogonal flow, then it already has an override height set, so use it.
- // FIXME: grid track sizing and positioning do not support orthogonal modes yet.
- if (!hasOrthogonalWritingMode) {
- LayoutUnit heightBeforeStretching = needToStretchChildLogicalHeight(child) ? constrainedChildIntrinsicContentLogicalHeight(child) : child.logicalHeight();
- LayoutUnit stretchedLogicalHeight = heightBeforeStretching + availableAlignmentSpaceForChildBeforeStretching(gridAreaBreadthForChild, child);
- LayoutUnit desiredLogicalHeight = child.constrainLogicalHeightByMinMax(stretchedLogicalHeight, heightBeforeStretching - child.borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight());
- LayoutUnit desiredLogicalContentHeight = desiredLogicalHeight - child.borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight();
- // FIXME: Can avoid laying out here in some cases. See
- if (desiredLogicalHeight != child.logicalHeight() || !child.hasOverrideHeight() || desiredLogicalContentHeight != child.overrideLogicalContentHeight()) {
- child.setOverrideLogicalContentHeight(desiredLogicalContentHeight);
- child.setLogicalHeight(0);
- child.forceChildLayout();
- }
- }
- }
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::rowPositionForChild(const LayoutBox& child) const
- bool hasOrthogonalWritingMode = child.isHorizontalWritingMode() != isHorizontalWritingMode();
- switch (LayoutStyle::resolveAlignment(styleRef(), child.styleRef(), ItemPositionStretch)) {
- case ItemPositionSelfStart:
- // If orthogonal writing-modes, this computes to 'start'.
- // FIXME: grid track sizing and positioning do not support orthogonal modes yet.
- if (hasOrthogonalWritingMode)
- return startOfRowForChild(child);
- // self-start is based on the child's block axis direction. That's why we need to check against the grid container's block flow.
- if (>writingMode() != style()->writingMode())
- return endOfRowForChild(child);
- return startOfRowForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionSelfEnd:
- // If orthogonal writing-modes, this computes to 'end'.
- // FIXME: grid track sizing and positioning do not support orthogonal modes yet.
- if (hasOrthogonalWritingMode)
- return endOfRowForChild(child);
- // self-end is based on the child's block axis direction. That's why we need to check against the grid container's block flow.
- if (>writingMode() != style()->writingMode())
- return startOfRowForChild(child);
- return endOfRowForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionLeft:
- // The alignment axis (column axis) and the inline axis are parallell in
- // orthogonal writing mode.
- // FIXME: grid track sizing and positioning do not support orthogonal modes yet.
- if (hasOrthogonalWritingMode)
- return startOfRowForChild(child);
- // Otherwise this this is equivalent to 'start'.
- return startOfRowForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionRight:
- // The alignment axis (column axis) and the inline axis are parallell in
- // orthogonal writing mode.
- // FIXME: grid track sizing and positioning do not support orthogonal modes yet.
- if (hasOrthogonalWritingMode)
- return endOfRowForChild(child);
- // Otherwise this this is equivalent to 'start'.
- return startOfRowForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionCenter:
- return centeredRowPositionForChild(child);
- // Only used in flex layout, for other layout, it's equivalent to 'start'.
- case ItemPositionFlexStart:
- case ItemPositionStart:
- return startOfRowForChild(child);
- // Only used in flex layout, for other layout, it's equivalent to 'end'.
- case ItemPositionFlexEnd:
- case ItemPositionEnd:
- return endOfRowForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionStretch:
- return startOfRowForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionBaseline:
- case ItemPositionLastBaseline:
- // FIXME: Implement the ItemPositionBaseline value. For now, we always 'start' align the child.
- return startOfRowForChild(child);
- case ItemPositionAuto:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-ContentPosition static resolveContentDistributionFallback(ContentDistributionType distribution)
- switch (distribution) {
- case ContentDistributionSpaceBetween:
- return ContentPositionStart;
- case ContentDistributionSpaceAround:
- return ContentPositionCenter;
- case ContentDistributionSpaceEvenly:
- return ContentPositionCenter;
- case ContentDistributionStretch:
- return ContentPositionStart;
- case ContentDistributionDefault:
- return ContentPositionAuto;
- }
- return ContentPositionAuto;
-static inline LayoutUnit offsetToStartEdge(bool isLeftToRight, LayoutUnit availableSpace)
- return isLeftToRight ? LayoutUnit(0) : availableSpace;
-static inline LayoutUnit offsetToEndEdge(bool isLeftToRight, LayoutUnit availableSpace)
- return !isLeftToRight ? LayoutUnit(0) : availableSpace;
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::contentPositionAndDistributionColumnOffset(LayoutUnit availableFreeSpace, ContentPosition position, ContentDistributionType distribution, OverflowAlignment overflow, unsigned numberOfGridTracks) const
- if (overflow == OverflowAlignmentSafe && availableFreeSpace <= 0)
- return 0;
- // FIXME: for the time being, spec states that it will always fallback for Grids, but
- // discussion is ongoing.
- if (distribution != ContentDistributionDefault && position == ContentPositionAuto)
- position = resolveContentDistributionFallback(distribution);
- switch (position) {
- case ContentPositionLeft:
- return 0;
- case ContentPositionRight:
- return availableFreeSpace;
- case ContentPositionCenter:
- return availableFreeSpace / 2;
- case ContentPositionFlexEnd:
- // Only used in flex layout, for other layout, it's equivalent to 'end'.
- case ContentPositionEnd:
- return offsetToEndEdge(style()->isLeftToRightDirection(), availableFreeSpace);
- case ContentPositionFlexStart:
- // Only used in flex layout, for other layout, it's equivalent to 'start'.
- case ContentPositionStart:
- return offsetToStartEdge(style()->isLeftToRightDirection(), availableFreeSpace);
- case ContentPositionBaseline:
- case ContentPositionLastBaseline:
- // FIXME: Implement the previous values. For now, we always 'start' align.
- //
- return offsetToStartEdge(style()->isLeftToRightDirection(), availableFreeSpace);
- case ContentPositionAuto:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-LayoutUnit RenderGrid::contentPositionAndDistributionRowOffset(LayoutUnit availableFreeSpace, ContentPosition position, ContentDistributionType distribution, OverflowAlignment overflow, unsigned numberOfGridTracks) const
- if (overflow == OverflowAlignmentSafe && availableFreeSpace <= 0)
- return 0;
- // FIXME: for the time being, spec states that it will always fallback for Grids, but
- // discussion is ongoing.
- if (distribution != ContentDistributionDefault && position == ContentPositionAuto)
- position = resolveContentDistributionFallback(distribution);
- switch (position) {
- case ContentPositionLeft:
- // The align-content's axis is always orthogonal to the inline-axis.
- return 0;
- case ContentPositionRight:
- // The align-content's axis is always orthogonal to the inline-axis.
- return 0;
- case ContentPositionCenter:
- return availableFreeSpace / 2;
- case ContentPositionFlexEnd:
- // Only used in flex layout, for other layout, it's equivalent to 'End'.
- case ContentPositionEnd:
- return availableFreeSpace;
- case ContentPositionFlexStart:
- // Only used in flex layout, for other layout, it's equivalent to 'Start'.
- case ContentPositionStart:
- return 0;
- case ContentPositionBaseline:
- case ContentPositionLastBaseline:
- // FIXME: Implement the previous values. For now, we always start align.
- //
- return 0;
- case ContentPositionAuto:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-LayoutPoint RenderGrid::findChildLogicalPosition(const LayoutBox& child, LayoutSize contentAlignmentOffset) const
- LayoutUnit columnPosition = columnPositionForChild(child);
- // We stored m_columnPositions's data ignoring the direction, hence we might need now
- // to translate positions from RTL to LTR, as it's more convenient for painting.
- if (!style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
- columnPosition = (m_columnPositions[m_columnPositions.size() - 1] + borderAndPaddingLogicalLeft()) - columnPosition - child.logicalWidth();
- // The Content Alignment offset accounts for the RTL to LTR flip.
- LayoutPoint childLocation(columnPosition, rowPositionForChild(child));
- childLocation.move(contentAlignmentOffset);
- return childLocation;
-void RenderGrid::paintChildren(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
- GridPainter(*this).paintChildren(paintInfo, paintOffset);
-const char* RenderGrid::renderName() const
- if (isFloating())
- return "RenderGrid (floating)";
- if (isOutOfFlowPositioned())
- return "RenderGrid (positioned)";
- if (isAnonymous())
- return "RenderGrid (generated)";
- if (isRelPositioned())
- return "RenderGrid (relative positioned)";
- return "RenderGrid";
-} // namespace blink
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