Index: lib/html_enhanced_config.dart |
diff --git a/lib/html_enhanced_config.dart b/lib/html_enhanced_config.dart |
index 0178ccb03fb9a3dee1ec96607278fdf5a1e7339c..65e1419497d613324cf7b945946a49d67193a472 100644 |
--- a/lib/html_enhanced_config.dart |
+++ b/lib/html_enhanced_config.dart |
@@ -2,404 +2,20 @@ |
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
-/// A simple unit test library for running tests in a browser. |
-/// |
-/// Provides enhanced HTML output with collapsible group headers |
-/// and other at-a-glance information about the test results. |
+@deprecated |
library unittest.html_enhanced_config; |
-import 'dart:collection' show LinkedHashMap; |
-import 'dart:convert'; |
-import 'dart:html'; |
-import 'unittest.dart'; |
+import 'src/simple_configuration.dart'; |
+/// This is a stub class used to preserve compatibility with unittest 0.11.*. |
+/// |
+/// It will be removed before the next version is released. |
+@deprecated |
class HtmlEnhancedConfiguration extends SimpleConfiguration { |
- /// Whether this is run within dartium layout tests. |
- final bool _isLayoutTest; |
- HtmlEnhancedConfiguration(this._isLayoutTest); |
- |
- var _onErrorSubscription = null; |
- var _onMessageSubscription = null; |
- |
- void _installOnErrorHandler() { |
- if (_onErrorSubscription == null) { |
- // Listen for uncaught errors. |
- _onErrorSubscription = window.onError |
- .listen((e) => handleExternalError(e, '(DOM callback has errors)')); |
- } |
- } |
- |
- void _installOnMessageHandler() { |
- if (_onMessageSubscription == null) { |
- // Listen for errors from JS. |
- _onMessageSubscription = |
- window.onMessage.listen((e) => processMessage(e)); |
- } |
- } |
- |
- void _installHandlers() { |
- _installOnErrorHandler(); |
- _installOnMessageHandler(); |
- } |
- |
- void _uninstallHandlers() { |
- if (_onErrorSubscription != null) { |
- _onErrorSubscription.cancel(); |
- _onErrorSubscription = null; |
- } |
- if (_onMessageSubscription != null) { |
- _onMessageSubscription.cancel(); |
- _onMessageSubscription = null; |
- } |
- } |
- |
- void processMessage(e) { |
- if ('unittest-suite-external-error' == { |
- handleExternalError('<unknown>', '(external error detected)'); |
- } |
- } |
- |
- void onInit() { |
- _installHandlers(); |
- //initialize and load CSS |
- final String _CSSID = '_unittestcss_'; |
- |
- var cssElement = document.head.querySelector('#${_CSSID}'); |
- if (cssElement == null) { |
- cssElement = new StyleElement(); |
- = _CSSID; |
- document.head.append(cssElement); |
- } |
- |
- cssElement.text = _htmlTestCSS; |
- window.postMessage('unittest-suite-wait-for-done', '*'); |
- } |
- |
- void onStart() { |
- // Listen for uncaught errors. |
- _installOnErrorHandler(); |
- } |
- |
- void onSummary(int passed, int failed, int errors, List<TestCase> results, |
- String uncaughtError) { |
- _showInteractiveResultsInPage( |
- passed, failed, errors, results, _isLayoutTest, uncaughtError); |
- } |
- |
- void onDone(bool success) { |
- _uninstallHandlers(); |
- window.postMessage('unittest-suite-done', '*'); |
- } |
- |
- void _showInteractiveResultsInPage(int passed, int failed, int errors, |
- List<TestCase> results, bool isLayoutTest, String uncaughtError) { |
- if (isLayoutTest && passed == results.length) { |
- document.body.innerHtml = "PASS"; |
- } else { |
- // changed the StringBuffer to an Element fragment |
- Element te = new Element.html('<div class="unittest-table"></div>'); |
- |
- te.children.add(new Element.html(passed == results.length |
- ? "<div class='unittest-overall unittest-pass'>PASS</div>" |
- : "<div class='unittest-overall unittest-fail'>FAIL</div>")); |
- |
- // moved summary to the top since web browsers |
- // don't auto-scroll to the bottom like consoles typically do. |
- if (passed == results.length && uncaughtError == null) { |
- te.children.add(new Element.html(""" |
- <div class='unittest-pass'>All ${passed} tests passed</div>""")); |
- } else { |
- if (uncaughtError != null) { |
- te.children.add(new Element.html(""" |
- <div class='unittest-summary'> |
- <span class='unittest-error'>Uncaught error: $uncaughtError</span> |
- </div>""")); |
- } |
- |
- te.children.add(new Element.html(""" |
- <div class='unittest-summary'> |
- <span class='unittest-pass'>Total ${passed} passed</span>, |
- <span class='unittest-fail'>${failed} failed</span>, |
- <span class='unittest-error'> |
- ${errors + (uncaughtError == null ? 0 : 1)} errors</span> |
- </div>""")); |
- } |
- |
- te.children.add(new Element.html(""" |
- <div><button id='btnCollapseAll'>Collapse All</button></div> |
- """)); |
- |
- // handle the click event for the collapse all button |
- te.querySelector('#btnCollapseAll').onClick.listen((_) { |
- document |
- .querySelectorAll('.unittest-row') |
- .forEach((el) => el.attributes['class'] = el.attributes['class'] |
- .replaceAll('unittest-row ', 'unittest-row-hidden ')); |
- }); |
- |
- var previousGroup = ''; |
- var groupPassFail = true; |
- |
- // order by group and sort numerically within each group |
- var groupedBy = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<TestCase>>(); |
- |
- for (final t in results) { |
- if (!groupedBy.containsKey(t.currentGroup)) { |
- groupedBy[t.currentGroup] = new List<TestCase>(); |
- } |
- |
- groupedBy[t.currentGroup].add(t); |
- } |
- |
- // flatten the list again with tests ordered |
- List<TestCase> flattened = new List<TestCase>(); |
- |
- groupedBy.values.forEach((tList) { |
- tList.sort((tcA, tcB) => -; |
- flattened.addAll(tList); |
- }); |
- |
- var nonAlphanumeric = new RegExp('[^a-z0-9A-Z]'); |
- |
- // output group headers and test rows |
- for (final test_ in flattened) { |
- |
- // replace everything but numbers and letters from the group name with |
- // '_' so we can use in id and class properties. |
- var safeGroup = test_.currentGroup.replaceAll(nonAlphanumeric, '_'); |
- |
- if (test_.currentGroup != previousGroup) { |
- previousGroup = test_.currentGroup; |
- |
- var testsInGroup = results |
- .where((TestCase t) => t.currentGroup == previousGroup) |
- .toList(); |
- var groupTotalTestCount = testsInGroup.length; |
- var groupTestPassedCount = |
- testsInGroup.where((TestCase t) => t.result == 'pass').length; |
- groupPassFail = groupTotalTestCount == groupTestPassedCount; |
- var passFailClass = "unittest-group-status unittest-group-" |
- "status-${groupPassFail ? 'pass' : 'fail'}"; |
- |
- te.children.add(new Element.html(""" |
- <div> |
- <div id='${safeGroup}' |
- class='unittest-group ${safeGroup} test${safeGroup}'> |
- <div ${_isIE ? "style='display:inline-block' ": ""} |
- class='unittest-row-status'> |
- <div class='$passFailClass'></div> |
- </div> |
- <div ${_isIE ? "style='display:inline-block' ": ""}> |
- ${test_.currentGroup}</div> |
- |
- <div ${_isIE ? "style='display:inline-block' ": ""}> |
- (${groupTestPassedCount}/${groupTotalTestCount})</div> |
- </div> |
- </div>""")); |
- |
- // 'safeGroup' could be empty |
- var grp = |
- (safeGroup == '') ? null : te.querySelector('#${safeGroup}'); |
- if (grp != null) { |
- grp.onClick.listen((_) { |
- var row = document.querySelector('.unittest-row-${safeGroup}'); |
- if (row.attributes['class'].contains('unittest-row ')) { |
- document.querySelectorAll('.unittest-row-${safeGroup}').forEach( |
- (e) => e.attributes['class'] = e.attributes['class'] |
- .replaceAll('unittest-row ', 'unittest-row-hidden ')); |
- } else { |
- document.querySelectorAll('.unittest-row-${safeGroup}').forEach( |
- (e) => e.attributes['class'] = e.attributes['class'] |
- .replaceAll('unittest-row-hidden', 'unittest-row')); |
- } |
- }); |
- } |
- } |
- |
- _buildRow(test_, te, safeGroup, !groupPassFail); |
- } |
- |
- document.body.children.clear(); |
- document.body.children.add(te); |
- } |
- } |
- |
- void _buildRow(TestCase test_, Element te, String groupID, bool isVisible) { |
- var background = 'unittest-row-${ % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd"}'; |
- var display = '${isVisible ? "unittest-row" : "unittest-row-hidden"}'; |
- |
- addRowElement(id, status, description) { |
- te.children.add(new Element.html(''' <div> |
- <div class='$display unittest-row-${groupID} $background'> |
- <div ${_isIE ? "style='display:inline-block' ": ""} |
- class='unittest-row-id'>$id</div> |
- <div ${_isIE ? "style='display:inline-block' ": ""} |
- class="unittest-row-status unittest-${test_.result}"> |
- $status</div> |
- <div ${_isIE ? "style='display:inline-block' ": ""} |
- class='unittest-row-description'>$description</div> |
- </div> |
- </div>''')); |
- } |
- |
- if (!test_.isComplete) { |
- addRowElement('${}', 'NO STATUS', 'Test did not complete.'); |
- return; |
- } |
- |
- addRowElement('${}', '${test_.result.toUpperCase()}', |
- '${test_.description}. ${HTML_ESCAPE.convert(test_.message)}'); |
- |
- if (test_.stackTrace != null) { |
- addRowElement('', '', |
- '<pre>${HTML_ESCAPE.convert(test_.stackTrace.toString())}</pre>'); |
- } |
- } |
- |
- static bool get _isIE => window.navigator.userAgent.contains('MSIE'); |
- |
- String get _htmlTestCSS => ''' |
- body{ |
- font-size: 14px; |
- font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande',''' |
- ''' sans-serif; |
- background: WhiteSmoke; |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-group |
- { |
- background: rgb(75,75,75); |
- width:98%; |
- color: WhiteSmoke; |
- font-weight: bold; |
- padding: 6px; |
- cursor: pointer; |
- |
- /* Provide some visual separation between groups for IE */ |
- ${_isIE ? "border-bottom:solid black 1px;": ""} |
- ${_isIE ? "border-top:solid #777777 1px;": ""} |
- |
- background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(50,50,50) 0%, ''' |
- '''rgb(100,100,100) 100%); |
- background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(50,50,50) 0%, ''' |
- '''rgb(100,100,100) 100%); |
- background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(50,50,50) 0%, ''' |
- '''rgb(100,100,100) 100%); |
- background-image: linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(50,50,50) 0%, ''' |
- '''rgb(100,100,100) 100%); |
- |
- display: -webkit-box; |
- display: -moz-box; |
- display: -ms-box; |
- display: box; |
- |
- -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; |
- -moz-box-orient: horizontal; |
- -ms-box-orient: horizontal; |
- box-orient: horizontal; |
- |
- -webkit-box-align: center; |
- -moz-box-align: center; |
- -ms-box-align: center; |
- box-align: center; |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-group-status |
- { |
- width: 20px; |
- height: 20px; |
- border-radius: 20px; |
- margin-left: 10px; |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-group-status-pass{ |
- background: Green; |
- background: ''' |
- '''-webkit-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, #AAFFAA 0%,Green 100%); |
- background: ''' |
- '''-moz-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, #AAFFAA 0%,Green 100%); |
- background: ''' |
- '''-ms-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, #AAFFAA 0%,Green 100%); |
- background: ''' |
- '''radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, #AAFFAA 0%,Green 100%); |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-group-status-fail{ |
- background: Red; |
- background: ''' |
- '''-webkit-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, #FFAAAA 0%,Red 100%); |
- background: ''' |
- '''-moz-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, #FFAAAA 0%,Red 100%); |
- background: ''' |
- '''-ms-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, #AAFFAA 0%,Green 100%); |
- background: radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, #FFAAAA 0%,Red 100%); |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-overall{ |
- font-size: 20px; |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-summary{ |
- font-size: 18px; |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-pass{ |
- color: Green; |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-fail, .unittest-error |
- { |
- color: Red; |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-row |
- { |
- display: -webkit-box; |
- display: -moz-box; |
- display: -ms-box; |
- display: box; |
- -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; |
- -moz-box-orient: horizontal; |
- -ms-box-orient: horizontal; |
- box-orient: horizontal; |
- width: 100%; |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-row-hidden |
- { |
- display: none; |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-row-odd |
- { |
- background: WhiteSmoke; |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-row-even |
- { |
- background: #E5E5E5; |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-row-id |
- { |
- width: 3em; |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-row-status |
- { |
- width: 4em; |
- } |
- |
- .unittest-row-description |
- { |
- } |
- |
- '''; |
-} |
+ HtmlEnhancedConfiguration(bool isLayoutTest); |
-void useHtmlEnhancedConfiguration([bool isLayoutTest = false]) { |
- unittestConfiguration = isLayoutTest ? _singletonLayout : _singletonNotLayout; |
+ void processMessage(e) {} |
} |
-final _singletonLayout = new HtmlEnhancedConfiguration(true); |
-final _singletonNotLayout = new HtmlEnhancedConfiguration(false); |
+@deprecated |
+void useHtmlEnhancedConfiguration([bool isLayoutTest]) {} |