1 layer at (0,0) size 800x600 clip at (0,0) size 785x600 scrollHeight 810 | 1 layer at (0,0) size 800x600 clip at (0,0) size 785x600 scrollHeight 810 |
2 RenderView at (0,0) size 800x600 | 2 RenderView at (0,0) size 800x600 |
3 layer at (0,0) size 785x600 | 3 layer at (0,0) size 785x600 |
4 RenderBlock {HTML} at (0,0) size 785x600 | 4 RenderBlock {HTML} at (0,0) size 785x600 |
5 RenderBody {BODY} at (0,0) size 785x600 [border: (1px solid #000000)] | 5 RenderBody {BODY} at (0,0) size 785x600 [border: (1px solid #000000)] |
6 RenderBlock {DIV} at (21,21) size 402x402 [border: (1px solid #000000)] | 6 RenderBlock {DIV} at (21,21) size 402x402 [border: (1px solid #000000)] |
7 RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0 | 7 RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0 |
8 RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0 | 8 RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0 |
9 RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0 | 9 RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0 |
10 layer at (42,42) size 340x340 | 10 layer at (42,42) size 340x340 |
11 RenderBlock {DIV} at (21,21) size 340x340 [bgcolor=#DDDDDD] [border: (1px soli
d #000000)] | 11 RenderBlock {DIV} at (21,21) size 340x340 [bgcolor=#DDDDDD] [border: (1px soli
d #000000)] |
12 layer at (63,63) size 300x300 | 12 layer at (63,63) size 300x300 |
13 RenderBlock {DIV} at (21,21) size 300x300 [bgcolor=#81AA8A] [border: (1px soli
d #000000)] | 13 RenderBlock {DIV} at (21,21) size 300x300 [bgcolor=#81AA8A] [border: (1px soli
d #000000)] |
14 layer at (104,104) size 300x300 | 14 layer at (104,104) size 300x300 |
15 RenderBlock {DIV} at (41,41) size 300x300 [border: (1px solid #000000)] | 15 RenderBlock {DIV} at (41,41) size 300x300 [border: (1px solid #000000)] |
16 layer at (145,145) size 300x300 | 16 layer at (145,145) size 300x300 |
17 RenderBlock {DIV} at (41,41) size 300x300 [bgcolor=#AA7994] [border: (1px soli
d #000000)] | 17 RenderBlock {DIV} at (41,41) size 300x300 [bgcolor=#AA7994] [border: (1px soli
d #000000)] |
18 layer at (186,186) size 300x300 | 18 layer at (186,186) size 300x300 |
19 RenderBlock {DIV} at (41,41) size 300x300 [border: (1px solid #000000)] | 19 RenderBlock {DIV} at (41,41) size 300x300 [border: (1px solid #000000)] |
20 layer at (227,227) size 300x300 | 20 layer at (227,227) size 300x300 |
21 RenderBlock {DIV} at (41,41) size 300x300 [bgcolor=#81AA8A] [border: (1px soli
d #000000)] | 21 RenderBlock {DIV} at (41,41) size 300x300 [bgcolor=#81AA8A] [border: (1px soli
d #000000)] |
22 layer at (268,268) size 300x300 | 22 layer at (268,268) size 300x300 |
23 RenderBlock {DIV} at (41,41) size 300x300 [border: (1px solid #000000)] | 23 RenderBlock {DIV} at (41,41) size 300x300 [border: (1px solid #000000)] |
24 RenderBlock {DIV} at (61,61) size 90x90 [bgcolor=#0000FF] | 24 RenderBlock {DIV} at (61,61) size 90x90 [bgcolor=#0000FF] |
25 layer at (30,650) size 337x160 backgroundClip at (0,0) size 785x600 clip at (0,0
) size 785x600 outlineClip at (0,0) size 785x600 | 25 layer at (30,650) size 337x160 backgroundClip at (0,0) size 785x600 clip at (0,0
) size 785x600 outlineClip at (0,0) size 785x600 |
26 RenderBlock (positioned) {DIV} at (30,650) size 337x160 | 26 RenderBlock (positioned) {DIV} at (30,650) size 337x160 |
27 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 289x19 [color=#008000] | 27 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 289x19 [color=#008000] |
28 RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 289x19 | 28 RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 289x19 |
29 text run at (0,0) width 289: "PASS: event at (45, 45) hit box1 at offset
(3, 3)" | 29 text run at (0,0) width 289: "PASS: event at (45, 45) hit box1 at offset
(3, 3)" |
30 RenderBR {BR} at (289,15) size 0x0 | 30 LayoutBR {BR} at (289,15) size 0x0 |
31 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 289x19 [color=#008000] | 31 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 289x19 [color=#008000] |
32 RenderText {#text} at (0,20) size 289x19 | 32 RenderText {#text} at (0,20) size 289x19 |
33 text run at (0,20) width 289: "PASS: event at (54, 44) hit box2 at offse
t (2, 2)" | 33 text run at (0,20) width 289: "PASS: event at (54, 44) hit box2 at offse
t (2, 2)" |
34 RenderBR {BR} at (289,35) size 0x0 | 34 LayoutBR {BR} at (289,35) size 0x0 |
35 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 297x19 [color=#008000] | 35 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 297x19 [color=#008000] |
36 RenderText {#text} at (0,40) size 297x19 | 36 RenderText {#text} at (0,40) size 297x19 |
37 text run at (0,40) width 297: "PASS: event at (104, 93) hit box3 at offs
et (2, 2)" | 37 text run at (0,40) width 297: "PASS: event at (104, 93) hit box3 at offs
et (2, 2)" |
38 RenderBR {BR} at (297,55) size 0x0 | 38 LayoutBR {BR} at (297,55) size 0x0 |
39 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 305x19 [color=#008000] | 39 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 305x19 [color=#008000] |
40 RenderText {#text} at (0,60) size 305x19 | 40 RenderText {#text} at (0,60) size 305x19 |
41 text run at (0,60) width 305: "PASS: event at (175, 137) hit box4 at off
set (2, 2)" | 41 text run at (0,60) width 305: "PASS: event at (175, 137) hit box4 at off
set (2, 2)" |
42 RenderBR {BR} at (305,75) size 0x0 | 42 LayoutBR {BR} at (305,75) size 0x0 |
43 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 321x19 [color=#008000] | 43 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 321x19 [color=#008000] |
44 RenderText {#text} at (0,80) size 321x19 | 44 RenderText {#text} at (0,80) size 321x19 |
45 text run at (0,80) width 321: "PASS: event at (167, 528) hit box4 at off
set (2, 296)" | 45 text run at (0,80) width 321: "PASS: event at (167, 528) hit box4 at off
set (2, 296)" |
46 RenderBR {BR} at (321,95) size 0x0 | 46 LayoutBR {BR} at (321,95) size 0x0 |
47 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 305x19 [color=#008000] | 47 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 305x19 [color=#008000] |
48 RenderText {#text} at (0,100) size 305x19 | 48 RenderText {#text} at (0,100) size 305x19 |
49 text run at (0,100) width 305: "PASS: event at (227, 197) hit box5 at of
fset (2, 2)" | 49 text run at (0,100) width 305: "PASS: event at (227, 197) hit box5 at of
fset (2, 2)" |
50 RenderBR {BR} at (305,115) size 0x0 | 50 LayoutBR {BR} at (305,115) size 0x0 |
51 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 337x19 [color=#008000] | 51 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 337x19 [color=#008000] |
52 RenderText {#text} at (0,120) size 337x19 | 52 RenderText {#text} at (0,120) size 337x19 |
53 text run at (0,120) width 337: "PASS: event at (539, 569) hit box7 at of
fset (296, 296)" | 53 text run at (0,120) width 337: "PASS: event at (539, 569) hit box7 at of
fset (296, 296)" |
54 RenderBR {BR} at (337,135) size 0x0 | 54 LayoutBR {BR} at (337,135) size 0x0 |
55 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 321x19 [color=#008000] | 55 RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 321x19 [color=#008000] |
56 RenderText {#text} at (0,140) size 321x19 | 56 RenderText {#text} at (0,140) size 321x19 |
57 text run at (0,140) width 321: "PASS: event at (431, 441) hit box8 at of
fset (85, 85)" | 57 text run at (0,140) width 321: "PASS: event at (431, 441) hit box8 at of
fset (85, 85)" |
58 RenderBR {BR} at (321,155) size 0x0 | 58 LayoutBR {BR} at (321,155) size 0x0 |