(Empty) | |
1 // Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. | |
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be | |
3 // found in the LICENSE file. | |
4 | |
5 // Flags: --harmony-reflect | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 (function testReflectConstructArity() { | |
9 assertEquals(2, Reflect.construct.length); | |
10 })(); | |
11 | |
12 | |
13 (function testReflectConstructNonConstructor() { | |
14 assertThrows(function() { | |
15 new Reflect.construct(function(){}, []); | |
16 }, TypeError); | |
17 })(); | |
18 | |
19 | |
20 (function testReflectConstructBasic() { | |
21 function Constructor() { "use strict"; } | |
22 assertInstanceof(Reflect.construct(Constructor, []), Constructor); | |
23 })(); | |
24 | |
25 | |
26 (function testReflectConstructBasicSloppy() { | |
27 function Constructor() {} | |
28 assertInstanceof(Reflect.construct(Constructor, []), Constructor); | |
29 })(); | |
30 | |
31 | |
32 (function testReflectConstructReturnSomethingElseStrict() { | |
33 var R = {}; | |
34 function Constructor() { "use strict"; return R; } | |
35 assertSame(R, Reflect.construct(Constructor, [])); | |
36 })(); | |
37 | |
38 | |
39 (function testReflectConstructReturnSomethingElseSloppy() { | |
40 var R = {}; | |
41 function Constructor() { return R; } | |
42 assertSame(R, Reflect.construct(Constructor, [])); | |
43 })(); | |
44 | |
45 | |
46 (function testReflectConstructNewTargetStrict() { | |
47 "use strict"; | |
48 function Constructor() { this[9] = 1; } | |
49 var O = Reflect.construct(Constructor, [], Array); | |
50 assertSame(Array.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(O)); | |
51 assertSame(1, O[9]); | |
arv (Not doing code reviews)
2015/03/04 09:45:01
also check length and Array.isArray to ensure we c
caitp (gmail)
2015/03/04 13:24:14
That's not exactly correct: https://people.mozilla
arv (Not doing code reviews)
2015/03/04 13:30:33
You are right.
Maybe a more interesting test then
caitp (gmail)
2015/03/04 13:54:56
Hmm, we seem to be doing something wrong though. I
| |
52 })(); | |
53 | |
54 | |
55 (function testReflectConstructNewTargetSloppy() { | |
56 function Constructor() { this[9] = 1; } | |
57 var O = Reflect.construct(Constructor, [], Array); | |
58 assertSame(Array.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(O)); | |
59 assertSame(1, O[9]); | |
60 })(); | |
61 | |
62 | |
63 (function testAppliedArgumentsLength() { | |
64 function lengthStrict() { 'use strict'; this.a = arguments.length; } | |
65 function lengthSloppy() { this.a = arguments.length; } | |
66 | |
67 assertEquals(0, Reflect.construct(lengthStrict, []).a); | |
68 assertEquals(0, Reflect.construct(lengthSloppy, []).a); | |
69 assertEquals(0, Reflect.construct(lengthStrict, {}).a); | |
70 assertEquals(0, Reflect.construct(lengthSloppy, {}).a); | |
71 | |
72 for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { | |
73 assertEquals(i, Reflect.construct(lengthStrict, new Array(i)).a); | |
74 assertEquals(i, Reflect.construct(lengthSloppy, new Array(i)).a); | |
75 assertEquals(i, Reflect.construct(lengthStrict, { length: i }).a); | |
76 assertEquals(i, Reflect.construct(lengthSloppy, { length: i }).a); | |
77 } | |
78 })(); | |
79 | |
80 | |
81 (function testAppliedArgumentsLengthThrows() { | |
82 function noopStrict() { 'use strict'; } | |
83 function noopSloppy() { } | |
84 function MyError() {} | |
85 | |
86 var argsList = {}; | |
87 Object.defineProperty(argsList, "length", { | |
88 get: function() { throw new MyError(); } | |
89 }); | |
90 | |
91 assertThrows(function() { | |
92 Reflect.construct(noopStrict, argsList); | |
93 }, MyError); | |
94 | |
95 assertThrows(function() { | |
96 Reflect.construct(noopSloppy, argsList); | |
97 }, MyError); | |
98 })(); | |
99 | |
100 | |
101 (function testAppliedArgumentsElementThrows() { | |
102 function noopStrict() { 'use strict'; } | |
103 function noopSloppy() { } | |
104 function MyError() {} | |
105 | |
106 var argsList = { length: 1 }; | |
107 Object.defineProperty(argsList, "0", { | |
108 get: function() { throw new MyError(); } | |
109 }); | |
110 | |
111 assertThrows(function() { | |
112 Reflect.construct(noopStrict, argsList); | |
113 }, MyError); | |
114 | |
115 assertThrows(function() { | |
116 Reflect.construct(noopSloppy, argsList); | |
117 }, MyError); | |
118 })(); | |
119 | |
120 | |
121 (function testAppliedNonFunctionStrict() { | |
122 'use strict'; | |
123 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(void 0, []); }, TypeError); | |
124 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(null, []); }, TypeError); | |
125 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(123, []); }, TypeError); | |
126 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct("str", []); }, TypeError); | |
127 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(Symbol("x"), []); }, TypeError); | |
128 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(/123/, []); }, TypeError); | |
129 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(NaN, []); }, TypeError); | |
130 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct({}, []); }, TypeError); | |
131 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct([], []); }, TypeError); | |
132 })(); | |
133 | |
134 | |
135 (function testAppliedNonFunctionSloppy() { | |
136 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(void 0, []); }, TypeError); | |
137 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(null, []); }, TypeError); | |
138 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(123, []); }, TypeError); | |
139 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct("str", []); }, TypeError); | |
140 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(Symbol("x"), []); }, TypeError); | |
141 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(/123/, []); }, TypeError); | |
142 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(NaN, []); }, TypeError); | |
143 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct({}, []); }, TypeError); | |
144 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct([], []); }, TypeError); | |
145 })(); | |
146 | |
147 | |
148 (function testAppliedArgumentsNonList() { | |
149 function noopStrict() { 'use strict'; } | |
150 function noopSloppy() {} | |
151 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopStrict, null); }, TypeError); | |
152 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopSloppy, null); }, TypeError); | |
153 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopStrict, 1); }, TypeError); | |
154 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopSloppy, 1); }, TypeError); | |
155 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopStrict, "BAD"); }, TypeError); | |
156 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopSloppy, "BAD"); }, TypeError); | |
157 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopStrict, true); }, TypeError); | |
158 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopSloppy, true); }, TypeError); | |
159 var sym = Symbol("x"); | |
160 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopStrict, sym); }, TypeError); | |
161 assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopSloppy, sym); }, TypeError); | |
162 })(); | |
163 | |
164 | |
165 (function testAppliedArgumentValue() { | |
166 function firstStrict(a) { 'use strict'; this.a = a; } | |
167 function firstSloppy(a) { this.a = a; } | |
168 function lastStrict(a) { | |
169 'use strict'; this.a = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; } | |
170 function lastSloppy(a) { this.a = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; } | |
171 function sumStrict() { | |
172 'use strict'; | |
173 var sum = arguments[0]; | |
174 for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) { | |
175 sum += arguments[i]; | |
176 } | |
177 this.a = sum; | |
178 } | |
179 function sumSloppy() { | |
180 var sum = arguments[0]; | |
181 for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) { | |
182 sum += arguments[i]; | |
183 } | |
184 this.a = sum; | |
185 } | |
186 | |
187 assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(firstStrict, ["OK!"]).a); | |
188 assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(firstSloppy, ["OK!"]).a); | |
189 assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(firstStrict, | |
190 { 0: "OK!", length: 1 }).a); | |
191 assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(firstSloppy, | |
192 { 0: "OK!", length: 1 }).a); | |
193 assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(lastStrict, | |
194 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, "OK!"]).a); | |
195 assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(lastSloppy, | |
196 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, "OK!"]).a); | |
197 assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(lastStrict, | |
198 { 9: "OK!", length: 10 }).a); | |
199 assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(lastSloppy, | |
200 { 9: "OK!", length: 10 }).a); | |
201 assertEquals("TEST", Reflect.construct(sumStrict, | |
202 ["T", "E", "S", "T"]).a); | |
203 assertEquals("TEST!!", Reflect.construct(sumStrict, | |
204 ["T", "E", "S", "T", "!", "!"]).a); | |
205 assertEquals(10, Reflect.construct(sumStrict, | |
206 { 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, length: 4 }).a); | |
207 assertEquals("TEST", Reflect.construct(sumSloppy, | |
208 ["T", "E", "S", "T"]).a); | |
209 assertEquals("TEST!!", Reflect.construct(sumSloppy, | |
210 ["T", "E", "S", "T", "!", "!"]).a); | |
211 assertEquals(10, Reflect.construct(sumSloppy, | |
212 { 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, length: 4 }).a); | |
213 })(); | |