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Unified Diff: build/android/pylib/device/

Issue 896503002: [Android] Add LogcatMonitor. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 5 years, 11 months ago
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Index: build/android/pylib/device/
diff --git a/build/android/pylib/device/ b/build/android/pylib/device/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a6bf56d5001b1b2ea7c16acacf1325e10addba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/pylib/device/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import itertools
+import os
+import sys
+import unittest
+from pylib import constants
+from pylib.device import adb_wrapper
+from pylib.device import decorators
+from pylib.device import logcat_monitor
+ constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'third_party', 'pymock'))
+import mock # pylint: disable=F0401
+class LogcatMonitorTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ '01-01 01:02:03.456 7890 0987 V LogcatMonitorTest: '
+ 'verbose logcat monitor test message 1',
+ '01-01 01:02:03.457 8901 1098 D LogcatMonitorTest: '
+ 'debug logcat monitor test message 2',
+ '01-01 01:02:03.458 9012 2109 I LogcatMonitorTest: '
+ 'info logcat monitor test message 3',
+ '01-01 01:02:03.459 0123 3210 W LogcatMonitorTest: '
+ 'warning logcat monitor test message 4',
+ '01-01 01:02:03.460 1234 4321 E LogcatMonitorTest: '
+ 'error logcat monitor test message 5',
+ '01-01 01:02:03.461 2345 5432 F LogcatMonitorTest: '
+ 'fatal logcat monitor test message 6',
+ '01-01 01:02:03.462 3456 6543 D LogcatMonitorTest: '
+ 'ignore me',]
+ def _createTestLog(self, raw_logcat=None):
+ test_adb = adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper('0123456789abcdef')
+ test_adb.Logcat = mock.Mock(return_value=(l for l in raw_logcat))
+ test_log = logcat_monitor.LogcatMonitor(test_adb, clear=False)
+ return test_log
+ def assertIterEqual(self, expected_iter, actual_iter):
+ for expected, actual in itertools.izip_longest(expected_iter, actual_iter):
+ self.assertIsNotNone(
+ expected,
+ msg='actual has unexpected elements starting with %s' % str(actual))
+ self.assertIsNotNone(
+ actual,
+ msg='actual is missing elements starting with %s' % str(expected))
+ self.assertEqual(actual.proc_id, expected[0])
+ self.assertEqual(actual.thread_id, expected[1])
+ self.assertEqual(actual.log_level, expected[2])
+ self.assertEqual(actual.component, expected[3])
+ self.assertEqual(actual.message, expected[4])
+ with self.assertRaises(StopIteration):
+ next(actual_iter)
+ with self.assertRaises(StopIteration):
+ next(expected_iter)
+ def testWaitFor_success(self):
+ test_log = self._createTestLog(
+ raw_logcat=type(self)._TEST_THREADTIME_LOGCAT_DATA)
+ actual_match = test_log.WaitFor(r'.*(fatal|error) logcat monitor.*', None)
+ self.assertTrue(actual_match)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '01-01 01:02:03.460 1234 4321 E LogcatMonitorTest: '
+ 'error logcat monitor test message 5',
+ self.assertEqual('error',
+ def testWaitFor_failure(self):
+ test_log = self._createTestLog(
+ raw_logcat=type(self)._TEST_THREADTIME_LOGCAT_DATA)
+ actual_match = test_log.WaitFor(
+ r'.*My Success Regex.*', r'.*(fatal|error) logcat monitor.*')
+ self.assertIsNone(actual_match)
+ def testFindAll_defaults(self):
+ test_log = self._createTestLog(
+ raw_logcat=type(self)._TEST_THREADTIME_LOGCAT_DATA)
+ expected_results = [
+ ('7890', '0987', 'V', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'verbose logcat monitor test message 1'),
+ ('8901', '1098', 'D', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'debug logcat monitor test message 2'),
+ ('9012', '2109', 'I', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'info logcat monitor test message 3'),
+ ('0123', '3210', 'W', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'warning logcat monitor test message 4'),
+ ('1234', '4321', 'E', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'error logcat monitor test message 5'),
+ ('2345', '5432', 'F', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'fatal logcat monitor test message 6')]
+ actual_results = test_log.FindAll(r'\S* logcat monitor test message \d')
+ self.assertIterEqual(iter(expected_results), actual_results)
+ def testFindAll_defaults_miss(self):
+ test_log = self._createTestLog(
+ raw_logcat=type(self)._TEST_THREADTIME_LOGCAT_DATA)
+ expected_results = []
+ actual_results = test_log.FindAll(r'\S* nothing should match this \d')
+ self.assertIterEqual(iter(expected_results), actual_results)
+ def testFindAll_filterProcId(self):
+ test_log = self._createTestLog(
+ raw_logcat=type(self)._TEST_THREADTIME_LOGCAT_DATA)
+ actual_results = test_log.FindAll(
+ r'\S* logcat monitor test message \d', proc_id=1234)
+ expected_results = [
+ ('1234', '4321', 'E', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'error logcat monitor test message 5')]
+ self.assertIterEqual(iter(expected_results), actual_results)
+ def testFindAll_filterThreadId(self):
+ test_log = self._createTestLog(
+ raw_logcat=type(self)._TEST_THREADTIME_LOGCAT_DATA)
+ actual_results = test_log.FindAll(
+ r'\S* logcat monitor test message \d', thread_id=2109)
+ expected_results = [
+ ('9012', '2109', 'I', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'info logcat monitor test message 3')]
+ self.assertIterEqual(iter(expected_results), actual_results)
+ def testFindAll_filterLogLevel(self):
+ test_log = self._createTestLog(
+ raw_logcat=type(self)._TEST_THREADTIME_LOGCAT_DATA)
+ actual_results = test_log.FindAll(
+ r'\S* logcat monitor test message \d', log_level=r'[DW]')
+ expected_results = [
+ ('8901', '1098', 'D', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'debug logcat monitor test message 2'),
+ ('0123', '3210', 'W', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'warning logcat monitor test message 4'),]
+ self.assertIterEqual(iter(expected_results), actual_results)
+ def testFindAll_filterComponent(self):
+ test_log = self._createTestLog(
+ raw_logcat=type(self)._TEST_THREADTIME_LOGCAT_DATA)
+ actual_results = test_log.FindAll(r'.*', component='LogcatMonitorTest')
+ expected_results = [
+ ('7890', '0987', 'V', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'verbose logcat monitor test message 1'),
+ ('8901', '1098', 'D', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'debug logcat monitor test message 2'),
+ ('9012', '2109', 'I', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'info logcat monitor test message 3'),
+ ('0123', '3210', 'W', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'warning logcat monitor test message 4'),
+ ('1234', '4321', 'E', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'error logcat monitor test message 5'),
+ ('2345', '5432', 'F', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'fatal logcat monitor test message 6'),
+ ('3456', '6543', 'D', 'LogcatMonitorTest',
+ 'ignore me'),]
+ self.assertIterEqual(iter(expected_results), actual_results)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main(verbosity=2)
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