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Unified Diff: experimental/Intersection/LogoPlay.cpp

Issue 867213004: remove prototype pathops code (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 5 years, 11 months ago
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Index: experimental/Intersection/LogoPlay.cpp
diff --git a/experimental/Intersection/LogoPlay.cpp b/experimental/Intersection/LogoPlay.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 718da38bd35f5cb44036bdbb447164be401bd25e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/experimental/Intersection/LogoPlay.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "SkPath.h"
-#include "SkParse.h"
-#include "SkPoint.h"
-#include "SkUtils.h"
-const char logoStr[] =
- "<path fill=\"#0081C6\""
- "d=\"M440.51,289.479c1.623,1.342,5.01,4.164,5.01,9.531c0,5.223-2.965,7.697-5.93,10.024"
- "c-0.918,0.916-1.977,1.907-1.977,3.462c0,1.551,1.059,2.397,1.834,3.035l2.545,1.973c3.105,2.613,5.928,5.016,5.928,9.889"
- "c0,6.635-6.426,13.341-18.566,13.341c-10.238,0-15.178-4.87-15.178-10.097c0-2.543,1.268-6.139,5.438-8.613"
- "c4.373-2.682,10.307-3.033,13.482-3.249c-0.99-1.271-2.119-2.61-2.119-4.798c0-1.199,0.355-1.907,0.707-2.754"
- "c-0.779,0.07-1.553,0.141-2.26,0.141c-7.482,0-11.719-5.579-11.719-11.082c0-3.247,1.484-6.851,4.518-9.461"
- "c4.025-3.318,8.824-3.883,12.639-3.883h14.541l-4.518,2.541H440.51z"
- "M435.494,320.826c-0.562-0.072-0.916-0.072-1.619-0.072"
- "c-0.637,0-4.451,0.143-7.416,1.132c-1.553,0.564-6.07,2.257-6.07,7.271c0,5.013,4.873,8.615,12.426,8.615"
- "c6.775,0,10.379-3.253,10.379-7.624C443.193,326.54,440.863,324.64,435.494,320.826z"
- "M437.543,307.412"
- "c1.623-1.627,1.764-3.883,1.764-5.154c0-5.083-3.035-12.99-8.893-12.99c-1.838,0-3.812,0.918-4.945,2.331"
- "c-1.199,1.483-1.551,3.387-1.551,5.225c0,4.729,2.754,12.565,8.826,12.565C434.508,309.389,436.41,308.543,437.543,307.412z\"/>"
- "<path fill=\"#FFD200\""
- "d=\"M396.064,319.696c-11.206,0-17.198-8.739-17.198-16.636c0-9.233,7.542-17.126,18.258-17.126"
- "c10.357,0,16.844,8.104,16.844,16.635C413.969,310.884,407.557,319.696,396.064,319.696z"
- "M404.873,313.987"
- "c1.695-2.257,2.119-5.074,2.119-7.826c0-6.202-2.961-18.042-11.701-18.042c-2.326,0-4.652,0.918-6.342,2.399"
- "c-2.749,2.465-3.245,5.566-3.245,8.599c0,6.977,3.454,18.463,11.984,18.463C400.436,317.58,403.256,316.242,404.873,313.987z\"/>"
- "<path fill=\"#ED174F\""
- "d=\"M357.861,319.696c-11.207,0-17.199-8.739-17.199-16.636c0-9.233,7.544-17.126,18.258-17.126"
- "c10.359,0,16.845,8.104,16.845,16.635C375.764,310.884,369.351,319.696,357.861,319.696z"
- "M366.671,313.987"
- "c1.693-2.257,2.116-5.074,2.116-7.826c0-6.202-2.961-18.042-11.701-18.042c-2.325,0-4.652,0.918-6.344,2.399"
- "c-2.749,2.465-3.241,5.566-3.241,8.599c0,6.977,3.452,18.463,11.983,18.463C362.234,317.58,365.053,316.242,366.671,313.987z\"/>"
- "<path fill=\"#0081C6\""
- "d=\"M335.278,318.591l-10.135,2.339c-4.111,0.638-7.795,1.204-11.69,1.204"
- "c-19.56,0-26.998-14.386-26.998-25.654c0-13.746,10.558-26.498,28.629-26.498c3.827,0,7.51,0.564,10.839,1.486"
- "c5.316,1.488,7.796,3.331,9.355,4.394l-5.883,5.599l-2.479,0.565l1.771-2.837c-2.408-2.336-6.805-6.658-15.164-6.658"
- "c-11.196,0-19.63,8.507-19.63,20.906c0,13.319,9.638,25.861,25.084,25.861c4.539,0,6.874-0.918,9-1.771v-11.407l-10.698,0.566"
- "l5.667-3.047h15.023l-1.841,1.77c-0.5,0.424-0.567,0.57-0.71,1.133c-0.073,0.64-0.141,2.695-0.141,3.403V318.591z\"/>"
- "<path fill=\"#49A942\""
- "d=\"M462.908,316.552c-2.342-0.214-2.832-0.638-2.832-3.401v-0.782v-39.327c0.014-0.153,0.025-0.31,0.041-0.457"
- "c0.283-2.479,0.992-2.903,3.189-4.182h-10.135l-5.316,2.552h5.418v0.032l-0.004-0.024v41.406v2.341"
- "c0,1.416-0.281,1.629-1.912,3.753H463.9l2.623-1.557C465.318,316.763,464.113,316.692,462.908,316.552z\"/>"
- "<path fill=\"#ED174F\""
- "d=\"M491.742,317.203c-0.771,0.422-1.547,0.916-2.318,1.268c-2.326,1.055-4.719,1.336-6.83,1.336"
- "c-2.25,0-5.77-0.143-9.361-2.744c-4.992-3.521-7.176-9.572-7.176-14.851c0-10.906,8.869-16.255,16.115-16.255"
- "c2.533,0,5.141,0.633,7.252,1.972c3.516,2.318,4.43,5.344,4.922,6.963l-16.535,6.688l-5.422,0.422"
- "c1.758,8.938,7.812,14.145,14.498,14.145c3.59,0,6.193-1.266,8.586-2.461L491.742,317.203z"
- "M485.129,296.229"
- "c1.336-0.493,2.039-0.914,2.039-1.899c0-2.812-3.166-6.053-6.967-6.053c-2.818,0-8.094,2.183-8.094,9.783"
- "c0,1.197,0.141,2.464,0.213,3.73L485.129,296.229z\"/>"
- "<path fill=\"#77787B\""
- "d=\"M498.535,286.439v4.643h-0.564v-4.643h-1.537v-0.482h3.637v0.482H498.535z\"/>"
- "<path fill=\"#77787B\""
- "d=\"M504.863,291.082v-4.687h-0.023l-1.432,4.687h-0.439l-1.443-4.687h-0.02v4.687h-0.512v-5.125h0.877"
- "l1.307,4.143h0.018l1.285-4.143h0.891v5.125H504.863z\"/>"
-size_t logoStrLen = sizeof(logoStr);
-//functions to approximate a cubic using two quadratics
-// midPt sets the first argument to be the midpoint of the other two
-// it is used by quadApprox
-static inline void midPt(SkPoint& dest,const SkPoint& a,const SkPoint& b)
- dest.set(SkScalarAve(a.fX, b.fX),SkScalarAve(a.fY, b.fY));
-// quadApprox - makes an approximation, which we hope is faster
-static void quadApprox(SkPath &fPath, const SkPoint &p0, const SkPoint &p1, const SkPoint &p2)
- //divide the cubic up into two cubics, then convert them into quadratics
- //define our points
- SkPoint c,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q, mid;
- fPath.getLastPt(&c);
- midPt(j, p0, c);
- midPt(k, p0, p1);
- midPt(l, p1, p2);
- midPt(o, j, k);
- midPt(p, k, l);
- midPt(q, o, p);
- //compute the first half
- m.set(SkScalarHalf(3*j.fX - c.fX), SkScalarHalf(3*j.fY - c.fY));
- n.set(SkScalarHalf(3*o.fX -q.fX), SkScalarHalf(3*o.fY - q.fY));
- midPt(mid,m,n);
- fPath.quadTo(mid,q);
- c = q;
- //compute the second half
- m.set(SkScalarHalf(3*p.fX - c.fX), SkScalarHalf(3*p.fY - c.fY));
- n.set(SkScalarHalf(3*l.fX -p2.fX),SkScalarHalf(3*l.fY -p2.fY));
- midPt(mid,m,n);
- fPath.quadTo(mid,p2);
-static inline bool is_between(int c, int min, int max)
- return (unsigned)(c - min) <= (unsigned)(max - min);
-static inline bool is_ws(int c)
- return is_between(c, 1, 32);
-static inline bool is_digit(int c)
- return is_between(c, '0', '9');
-static inline bool is_sep(int c)
- return is_ws(c) || c == ',';
-static const char* skip_ws(const char str[])
- SkASSERT(str);
- while (is_ws(*str))
- str++;
- return str;
-static const char* skip_sep(const char str[])
- SkASSERT(str);
- while (is_sep(*str))
- str++;
- return str;
-static const char* find_points(const char str[], SkPoint value[], int count,
- bool isRelative, SkPoint* relative)
- str = SkParse::FindScalars(str, &value[0].fX, count * 2);
- if (isRelative) {
- for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
- value[index].fX += relative->fX;
- value[index].fY += relative->fY;
- }
- }
- return str;
-static const char* find_scalar(const char str[], SkScalar* value,
- bool isRelative, SkScalar relative)
- str = SkParse::FindScalar(str, value);
- if (isRelative)
- *value += relative;
- return str;
-static void showPathContour(SkPath::Iter& iter) {
- uint8_t verb;
- SkPoint pts[4];
- while ((verb = != SkPath::kDone_Verb) {
- switch (verb) {
- case SkPath::kMove_Verb:
- SkDebugf("path.moveTo(%1.9gf,%1.9gf);\n", pts[0].fX, pts[0].fY);
- continue;
- case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
- SkDebugf("path.lineTo(%1.9gf,%1.9gf);\n", pts[1].fX, pts[1].fY);
- break;
- case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
- SkDebugf("path.quadTo(%1.9gf,%1.9gf, %1.9gf,%1.9gf);\n",
- pts[1].fX, pts[1].fY, pts[2].fX, pts[2].fY);
- break;
- case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
- SkDebugf("path.cubicTo(%1.9gf,%1.9gf, %1.9gf,%1.9gf, %1.9gf,%1.9gf);\n",
- pts[1].fX, pts[1].fY, pts[2].fX, pts[2].fY, pts[3].fX, pts[3].fY);
- break;
- case SkPath::kClose_Verb:
- SkDebugf("path.close();\n");
- break;
- default:
- SkDEBUGFAIL("bad verb");
- return;
- }
- }
-static void showPath(const SkPath& path) {
- SkPath::Iter iter(path, true);
- int rectCount = path.isRectContours() ? path.rectContours(NULL, NULL) : 0;
- if (rectCount > 0) {
- SkTDArray<SkRect> rects;
- SkTDArray<SkPath::Direction> directions;
- rects.setCount(rectCount);
- directions.setCount(rectCount);
- path.rectContours(rects.begin(), directions.begin());
- for (int contour = 0; contour < rectCount; ++contour) {
- const SkRect& rect = rects[contour];
- SkDebugf("path.addRect(%1.9g, %1.9g, %1.9g, %1.9g, %s);\n", rect.fLeft, rect.fTop,
- rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, directions[contour] == SkPath::kCCW_Direction
- ? "SkPath::kCCW_Direction" : "SkPath::kCW_Direction");
- }
- return;
- }
- iter.setPath(path, true);
- showPathContour(iter);
-static const char* parsePath(const char* data) {
- SkPath fPath;
- SkPoint f = {0, 0};
- SkPoint c = {0, 0};
- SkPoint lastc = {0, 0};
- SkPoint points[3];
- char op = '\0';
- char previousOp = '\0';
- bool relative = false;
- do {
- data = skip_ws(data);
- if (data[0] == '\0')
- break;
- char ch = data[0];
- if (is_digit(ch) || ch == '-' || ch == '+') {
- if (op == '\0') {
- SkASSERT(0);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- op = ch;
- relative = false;
- if (islower(op)) {
- op = (char) toupper(op);
- relative = true;
- }
- data++;
- data = skip_sep(data);
- }
- switch (op) {
- case 'M':
- data = find_points(data, points, 1, relative, &c);
- fPath.moveTo(points[0]);
- op = 'L';
- c = points[0];
- break;
- case 'L':
- data = find_points(data, points, 1, relative, &c);
- fPath.lineTo(points[0]);
- c = points[0];
- break;
- case 'H': {
- SkScalar x;
- data = find_scalar(data, &x, relative, c.fX);
- fPath.lineTo(x, c.fY);
- c.fX = x;
- }
- break;
- case 'V': {
- SkScalar y;
- data = find_scalar(data, &y, relative, c.fY);
- fPath.lineTo(c.fX, y);
- c.fY = y;
- }
- break;
- case 'C':
- data = find_points(data, points, 3, relative, &c);
- goto cubicCommon;
- case 'S':
- data = find_points(data, &points[1], 2, relative, &c);
- points[0] = c;
- if (previousOp == 'C' || previousOp == 'S') {
- points[0].fX -= lastc.fX - c.fX;
- points[0].fY -= lastc.fY - c.fY;
- }
- cubicCommon:
- // if (data[0] == '\0')
- // return;
- quadApprox(fPath, points[0], points[1], points[2]);
-#else //this way just does a boring, slow old cubic
- fPath.cubicTo(points[0], points[1], points[2]);
- //if we are using the quadApprox, lastc is what it would have been if we had used
- //cubicTo
- lastc = points[1];
- c = points[2];
- break;
- case 'Q': // Quadratic Bezier Curve
- data = find_points(data, points, 2, relative, &c);
- goto quadraticCommon;
- case 'T':
- data = find_points(data, &points[1], 1, relative, &c);
- points[0] = points[1];
- if (previousOp == 'Q' || previousOp == 'T') {
- points[0].fX = c.fX * 2 - lastc.fX;
- points[0].fY = c.fY * 2 - lastc.fY;
- }
- quadraticCommon:
- fPath.quadTo(points[0], points[1]);
- lastc = points[0];
- c = points[1];
- break;
- case 'Z':
- fPath.close();
-#if 0 // !!! still a bug?
- if (fPath.isEmpty() && (f.fX != 0 || f.fY != 0)) {
- c.fX -= SkScalar.Epsilon; // !!! enough?
- fPath.moveTo(c);
- fPath.lineTo(f);
- fPath.close();
- }
- c = f;
- op = '\0';
- break;
- case '~': {
- SkPoint args[2];
- data = find_points(data, args, 2, false, NULL);
- fPath.moveTo(args[0].fX, args[0].fY);
- fPath.lineTo(args[1].fX, args[1].fY);
- }
- break;
- default:
- SkASSERT(0);
- return 0;
- }
- if (previousOp == 0)
- f = c;
- previousOp = op;
- } while (data[0] != '"');
- showPath(fPath);
- return data;
-const char pathPrefix[] = "<path fill=\"";
-void parseSVG();
-void parseSVG() {
- const char* data = logoStr;
- const char* dataEnd = logoStr + logoStrLen - 1;
- while (data < dataEnd) {
- SkASSERT(strncmp(data, pathPrefix, sizeof(pathPrefix) - 1) == 0);
- data += sizeof(pathPrefix) - 1;
- SkDebugf("paint.setColor(0xFF%c%c%c%c%c%c);\n", data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4],
- data[5], data[6]);
- data += 8;
- SkASSERT(strncmp(data, "d=\"", 3) == 0);
- data += 3;
- SkDebugf("path.reset();\n");
- data = parsePath(data);
- SkDebugf("canvas->drawPath(path, paint);\n");
- SkASSERT(strncmp(data, "\"/>", 3) == 0);
- data += 3;
- }
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