(Empty) | |
| 1 <!doctype html> |
| 2 <title>Float precision of VTTCue attributes line, position and size</title> |
| 3 <script src=../../resources/testharness.js></script> |
| 4 <script src=../../resources/testharnessreport.js></script> |
| 5 <div id=log></div> |
| 6 <script> |
| 7 test(function() { |
| 8 var cue = new VTTCue(0, 1, 'text'); |
| 9 |
| 10 // Assign a value which is exactly representable as double but not float. |
| 11 var doubleValue = 1.000000000000004; |
| 12 cue.line = doubleValue; |
| 13 assert_not_equals(cue.line, doubleValue); |
| 14 cue.position = doubleValue; |
| 15 assert_not_equals(cue.position, doubleValue); |
| 16 cue.size = doubleValue; |
| 17 assert_not_equals(cue.size, doubleValue); |
| 18 |
| 19 // Assign a value which is exactly representable as float but is non-integra
l. |
| 20 var floatValue = 1.5; |
| 21 cue.line = floatValue; |
| 22 assert_equals(cue.line, floatValue); |
| 23 cue.position = floatValue; |
| 24 assert_equals(cue.position, floatValue); |
| 25 cue.size = floatValue; |
| 26 assert_equals(cue.size, floatValue); |
| 27 }, document.title+', stored as floats'); |
| 28 </script> |