Index: chrome_mac/Google |
=================================================================== |
--- chrome_mac/Google (revision 0) |
+++ chrome_mac/Google (revision 0) |
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ |
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
+<!DOCTYPE dictionary SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/sdef.dtd"> |
+<dictionary title="Dictionary"> |
+ <!-- |
+ --> |
+ <suite name="Standard Suite" code="core" description="Common classes and commands for all applications."> |
+ <cocoa name="NSCoreSuite"/> |
+ <class name="application" code="capp" description="The application's top-level scripting object."> |
+ <cocoa class="BrowserCrApplication"/> |
+ <element description="The windows contained within this application, ordered front to back." type="window"> |
+ <cocoa key="appleScriptWindows"/> |
+ </element> |
+ <property name="name" code="pnam" description="The name of the application." type="text" access="r"/> |
+ <property name="frontmost" code="pisf" description="Is this the frontmost (active) application?" type="boolean" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="isActive"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="version" code="vers" description="The version of the application." type="text" access="r"/> |
+ <responds-to command="quit"> |
+ <cocoa method="handleQuitScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ </class> |
+ <class name="window" code="cwin" description="A window."> |
+ <cocoa class="WindowAppleScript"/> |
+ <element description="The tabs contained within the window." type="tab"> |
+ <cocoa key="tabs"/> |
+ </element> |
+ <property name="name" code="pnam" description="The full title of the window." type="text" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="title"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="id" code="ID " description="The unique identifier of the window." type="integer" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="uniqueID"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="index" code="pidx" description="The index of the window, ordered front to back." type="integer"> |
+ <cocoa key="orderedIndex"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="bounds" code="pbnd" description="The bounding rectangle of the window." type="rectangle"> |
+ <cocoa key="boundsAsQDRect"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="closeable" code="hclb" description="Whether the window has a close box." type="boolean" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="hasCloseBox"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="minimizable" code="ismn" description="Whether the window can be minimized." type="boolean" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="isMiniaturizable"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="minimized" code="pmnd" description="Whether the window is currently minimized." type="boolean"> |
+ <cocoa key="isMiniaturized"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="resizable" code="prsz" description="Whether the window can be resized." type="boolean" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="isResizable"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="visible" code="pvis" description="Whether the window is currently visible." type="boolean"> |
+ <cocoa key="isVisible"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="zoomable" code="iszm" description="Whether the window can be zoomed." type="boolean" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="isZoomable"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="zoomed" code="pzum" description="Whether the window is currently zoomed." type="boolean"> |
+ <cocoa key="isZoomed"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="active tab" code="acTa" description="Returns the currently selected tab" type="tab" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="activeTab"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="mode" code="mode" description="Represents the mode of the window which can be 'normal' or 'incognito', can be set only once during creation of the window." type="text"> |
+ <cocoa key="mode"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="active tab index" code="acTI" description="The index of the active tab." type="integer"/> |
+ <responds-to command="close"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesCloseScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ </class> |
+ <command name="save" code="coresave" description="Save an object."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="the object to save, usually a document or window" type="specifier"/> |
+ <parameter name="in" code="kfil" description="The file in which to save the object." type="file" optional="yes"> |
+ <cocoa key="File"/> |
+ </parameter> |
+ <parameter name="as" code="fltp" description="The file type in which to save the data. Can be 'only html' or 'complete html', default is 'complete html'." type="text" optional="yes"> |
+ <cocoa key="FileType"/> |
+ </parameter> |
+ </command> |
+ <!-- |
+ According to TN2106, 'open' should return the resulting document |
+ object. However, the Cocoa implementation does not do this yet. |
+ <result type="specifier"/> |
+ --> |
+ <command name="open" code="aevtodoc" description="Open a document."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The file(s) to be opened."> |
+ <type type="file" list="yes"/> |
+ </direct-parameter> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="close" code="coreclos" description="Close a window."> |
+ <cocoa class="NSCloseCommand"/> |
+ <direct-parameter description="the document(s) or window(s) to close." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="quit" code="aevtquit" description="Quit the application."> |
+ <cocoa class="NSQuitCommand"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="count" code="corecnte" description="Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object."> |
+ <cocoa class="NSCountCommand"/> |
+ <direct-parameter description="the object whose elements are to be counted" type="specifier"/> |
+ <parameter name="each" code="kocl" description="The class of objects to be counted." type="type" optional="yes"> |
+ <cocoa key="ObjectClass"/> |
+ </parameter> |
+ <result description="the number of elements" type="integer"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="delete" code="coredelo" description="Delete an object."> |
+ <cocoa class="NSDeleteCommand"/> |
+ <direct-parameter description="the object to delete" type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="duplicate" code="coreclon" description="Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location."> |
+ <cocoa class="NSCloneCommand"/> |
+ <direct-parameter description="the object(s) to duplicate" type="specifier"/> |
+ <parameter name="to" code="insh" description="The location for the new object(s)." type="location specifier" optional="yes"> |
+ <cocoa key="ToLocation"/> |
+ </parameter> |
+ <parameter name="with properties" code="prdt" description="Properties to be set in the new duplicated object(s)." type="record" optional="yes"> |
+ <cocoa key="WithProperties"/> |
+ </parameter> |
+ <result description="the duplicated object(s)" type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="exists" code="coredoex" description="Verify if an object exists."> |
+ <cocoa class="NSExistsCommand"/> |
+ <direct-parameter description="the object in question" type="any"/> |
+ <result description="true if it exists, false if not" type="boolean"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="make" code="corecrel" description="Make a new object."> |
+ <cocoa class="NSCreateCommand"/> |
+ <parameter name="new" code="kocl" description="The class of the new object." type="type"> |
+ <cocoa key="ObjectClass"/> |
+ </parameter> |
+ <parameter name="at" code="insh" description="The location at which to insert the object." type="location specifier" optional="yes"> |
+ <cocoa key="Location"/> |
+ </parameter> |
+ <parameter name="with data" code="data" description="The initial contents of the object." type="any" optional="yes"> |
+ <cocoa key="ObjectData"/> |
+ </parameter> |
+ <parameter name="with properties" code="prdt" description="The initial values for properties of the object." type="record" optional="yes"> |
+ <cocoa key="KeyDictionary"/> |
+ </parameter> |
+ <result description="to the new object" type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="move" code="coremove" description="Move object(s) to a new location."> |
+ <cocoa class="NSMoveCommand"/> |
+ <direct-parameter description="the object(s) to move" type="specifier"/> |
+ <parameter name="to" code="insh" description="The new location for the object(s)." type="location specifier"> |
+ <cocoa key="ToLocation"/> |
+ </parameter> |
+ <result description="the moved object(s)" type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <!-- NSCoreSuite doesn't define these. |
+ <command name="run" code="aevtoapp" description="Run an application. Most applications will open an empty, untitled window."/> |
+ <command name="reopen" code="aevtrapp" description="Reactivate a running application. Some applications will open a new untitled window if no window is open."/> |
+ --> |
+ <command name="print" code="aevtpdoc" description="Print an object."> |
+ <!-- type would be better written as "file | document". --> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The file(s) or document(s) to be printed." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <!-- "set" is supposed to be hidden. --> |
+ <command name="set" code="coresetd" description="Set an object's data."> |
+ <cocoa class="NSSetCommand"/> |
+ <direct-parameter type="specifier"/> |
+ <!-- "set" is supposed to return the fully evaluated "to" data. |
+ <result type="any"/> |
+ --> |
+ <parameter name="to" code="data" description="The new value." type="any"> |
+ <cocoa key="Value"/> |
+ </parameter> |
+ </command> |
+ <!-- "get" is supposed to be hidden. --> |
+ <command name="get" code="coregetd" description="Get the data for an object."> |
+ <cocoa class="NSGetCommand"/> |
+ <direct-parameter type="specifier"/> |
+ <result type="any"/> |
+ </command> |
+ </suite> |
+ <suite name="Chromium Suite" code="CrSu" description="Common classes and commands for Chrome."> |
+ <class-extension description="The application's top-level scripting object." extends="application"> |
+ <cocoa class="BrowserCrApplication"/> |
+ <element description="Contains the bookmarks bar and other bookmarks folder." type="bookmark folder" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="bookmarkFolders"/> |
+ </element> |
+ <property name="bookmarks bar" code="ChBB" description="The bookmarks bar bookmark folder." type="bookmark folder" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="bookmarksBar"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="other bookmarks" code="ChOB" description="The other bookmarks bookmark folder." type="bookmark folder" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="otherBookmarks"/> |
+ </property> |
+ </class-extension> |
+ <class name="tab" code="CrTb" description="A tab."> |
+ <cocoa class="TabAppleScript"/> |
+ <property name="id" code="ID " description="Unique ID of the tab." type="integer" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="uniqueID"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="title" code="pnam" description="The title of the tab." type="text" access="r"/> |
+ <property name="URL" code="URL " description="The url visible to the user." type="text"/> |
+ <property name="loading" code="ldng" description="Is loading?" type="boolean" access="r"/> |
+ <responds-to command="undo"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesUndoScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="redo"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesRedoScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="cut selection"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesCutScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="copy selection"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesCopyScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="paste selection"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesPasteScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="select all"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesSelectAllScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="go back"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesGoBackScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="go forward"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesGoForwardScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="reload"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesReloadScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="stop"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesStopScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="print"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesPrintScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="view source"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesViewSourceScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="save"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesSaveScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="close"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesCloseScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="execute"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesExecuteJavascriptScriptCommand:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ </class> |
+ <class name="bookmark folder" code="CrBF" description="A bookmarks folder that contains other bookmarks folder and bookmark items."> |
+ <cocoa class="BookmarkFolderAppleScript"/> |
+ <element description="The bookmark folders present within." type="bookmark folder"> |
+ <cocoa key="bookmarkFolders"/> |
+ </element> |
+ <element description="The bookmarks present within." type="bookmark item"> |
+ <cocoa key="bookmarkItems"/> |
+ </element> |
+ <property name="id" code="ID " description="Unique ID of the bookmark folder." type="number" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="uniqueID"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="title" code="pnam" description="The title of the folder." type="text"/> |
+ <property name="index" code="indx" description="Returns the index with respect to its parent bookmark folder" type="number" access="r"/> |
+ </class> |
+ <class name="bookmark item" code="CrBI" description="An item consists of an URL and the title of a bookmark"> |
+ <cocoa class="BookmarkItemAppleScript"/> |
+ <property name="id" code="ID " description="Unique ID of the bookmark item." type="integer" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="uniqueID"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <property name="title" code="pnam" description="The title of the bookmark item." type="text"/> |
+ <property name="URL" code="URL " description="The URL of the bookmark." type="text"/> |
+ <property name="index" code="indx" description="Returns the index with respect to its parent bookmark folder" type="number" access="r"/> |
+ </class> |
+ <class-extension extends="window"> |
+ <property name="presenting" code="pres" description="Whether the window is in presentation mode." type="boolean" access="r"> |
+ <cocoa key="presenting"/> |
+ </property> |
+ <responds-to command="enter presentation mode"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesEnterPresentationMode:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ <responds-to command="exit presentation mode"> |
+ <cocoa method="handlesExitPresentationMode:"/> |
+ </responds-to> |
+ </class-extension> |
+ <command name="reload" code="CrSuRlod" description="Reload a tab."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The tab to execute the command in." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="go back" code="CrSuBack" description="Go Back (If Possible)."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The tab to execute the command in." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="go forward" code="CrSuFwd " description="Go Forward (If Possible)."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The tab to execute the command in." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="select all" code="CrSuSlAl" description="Select all."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The tab to execute the command in." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="cut selection" code="CrSuCut " description="Cut selected text (If Possible)."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The tab to execute the command in." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="copy selection" code="CrSuCop " description="Copy text."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The tab to execute the command in." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="paste selection" code="CrSuPast" description="Paste text (If Possible)."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The tab to execute the command in." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="undo" code="CrSuUndo" description="Undo the last change."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The tab to execute the command in." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="redo" code="CrSuRedo" description="Redo the last change."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The tab to execute the command in." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="stop" code="CrSustop" description="Stop the current tab from loading."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The tab to execute the command in." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="view source" code="CrSuVSrc" description="View the HTML source of the tab."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The tab to execute the command in." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="execute" code="CrSuExJa" description="Execute a piece of javascript."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The tab to execute the command in." type="specifier"/> |
+ <parameter name="javascript" code="JvSc" description="The javascript code to execute." type="text"> |
+ <cocoa key="javascript"/> |
+ </parameter> |
+ <result type="any"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="enter presentation mode" code="CrSuEnPM" description="Enter presentation mode in window."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The window to enter presentation mode." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ <command name="exit presentation mode" code="CrSuExPM" description="Exit presentation mode in window."> |
+ <direct-parameter description="The window to exit presentation mode." type="specifier"/> |
+ </command> |
+ </suite> |
+</dictionary> |