(Empty) | |
| 1 <!DOCTYPE html> |
| 2 <script src=../media-file.js></script> |
| 3 <script src=../video-test.js></script> |
| 4 <script src=../media-controls.js></script> |
| 5 <script> |
| 6 var controlsContainer; |
| 7 var cueRoot; |
| 8 |
| 9 window.onload = function() { |
| 10 consoleWrite("Test that the cue root is not constrained by the controls/over
lay."); |
| 11 findMediaElement(); |
| 12 video.src = findMediaFile('video', '../content/test'); |
| 13 waitForEvent('seeked', function() { |
| 14 // The width of the controls depends on UA style, so verify that our ass
umption holds. |
| 15 controlsContainer = mediaControlsButton(video, "panel"); |
| 16 testExpected("parseFloat(getComputedStyle(controlsContainer).width)", "8
00", "<="); |
| 17 |
| 18 cueRoot = textTrackDisplayElement(video); |
| 19 testExpected("parseFloat(getComputedStyle(cueRoot).width)", "800", ">"); |
| 20 endTest(); |
| 21 }); |
| 22 waitForEventOnce('canplaythrough', function() { |
| 23 video.currentTime = 2; |
| 24 }); |
| 25 }; |
| 26 </script> |
| 27 <style> |
| 28 video { |
| 29 width: 2000px; |
| 30 height: 750px; |
| 31 } |
| 32 </style> |
| 33 <video controls> |
| 34 <track src="captions-webvtt/long-word.vtt" default> |
| 35 </video> |