(Empty) | |
| 1 /* |
| 2 ******************************************************************************* |
| 3 * Copyright (C) 2014, International Business Machines Corporation and |
| 4 * others. All Rights Reserved. |
| 5 ******************************************************************************* |
| 6 */ |
| 7 |
| 8 #include "unicode/utypes.h" |
| 10 |
| 11 #include "cmemory.h" |
| 12 |
| 13 #include "unicode/filteredbrk.h" |
| 14 #include "unicode/ucharstriebuilder.h" |
| 15 #include "unicode/ures.h" |
| 16 |
| 17 #include "uresimp.h" // ures_getByKeyWithFallback |
| 18 #include "ubrkimpl.h" // U_ICUDATA_BRKITR |
| 19 #include "uvector.h" |
| 20 #include "cmemory.h" |
| 21 |
| 23 |
| 24 #ifndef FB_DEBUG |
| 25 #define FB_DEBUG 0 |
| 26 #endif |
| 27 |
| 28 #if FB_DEBUG |
| 29 #include <stdio.h> |
| 30 static void _fb_trace(const char *m, const UnicodeString *s, UBool b, int32_t d,
const char *f, int l) { |
| 31 char buf[2048]; |
| 32 if(s) { |
| 33 s->extract(0,s->length(),buf,2048); |
| 34 } else { |
| 35 strcpy(buf,"NULL"); |
| 36 } |
| 37 fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: %s. s='%s'(%p), b=%c, d=%d\n", |
| 38 f, l, m, buf, (const void*)s, b?'T':'F',(int)d); |
| 39 } |
| 40 |
| 41 #define FB_TRACE(m,s,b,d) _fb_trace(m,s,b,d,__FILE__,__LINE__) |
| 42 #else |
| 43 #define FB_TRACE(m,s,b,d) |
| 44 #endif |
| 45 |
| 46 static int8_t U_CALLCONV compareUnicodeString(UElement t1, UElement t2) { |
| 47 const UnicodeString &a = *(const UnicodeString*)t1.pointer; |
| 48 const UnicodeString &b = *(const UnicodeString*)t2.pointer; |
| 49 return a.compare(b); |
| 50 } |
| 51 |
| 52 /** |
| 53 * A UVector which implements a set of strings. |
| 54 */ |
| 55 class U_I18N_API UStringSet : public UVector { |
| 56 public: |
| 57 UStringSet(UErrorCode &status) : UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, |
| 58 uhash_compareUnicodeString, |
| 59 1, |
| 60 status) {} |
| 61 virtual ~UStringSet(); |
| 62 /** |
| 63 * Is this UnicodeSet contained? |
| 64 */ |
| 65 inline UBool contains(const UnicodeString& s) { |
| 66 return contains((void*) &s); |
| 67 } |
| 68 using UVector::contains; |
| 69 /** |
| 70 * Return the ith UnicodeString alias |
| 71 */ |
| 72 inline const UnicodeString* getStringAt(int32_t i) const { |
| 73 return (const UnicodeString*)elementAt(i); |
| 74 } |
| 75 /** |
| 76 * Adopt the UnicodeString if not already contained. |
| 77 * Caller no longer owns the pointer in any case. |
| 78 * @return true if adopted successfully, false otherwise (error, or else dupli
cate) |
| 79 */ |
| 80 inline UBool adopt(UnicodeString *str, UErrorCode &status) { |
| 81 if(U_FAILURE(status) || contains(*str)) { |
| 82 delete str; |
| 83 return false; |
| 84 } else { |
| 85 sortedInsert(str, compareUnicodeString, status); |
| 86 if(U_FAILURE(status)) { |
| 87 delete str; |
| 88 return false; |
| 89 } |
| 90 return true; |
| 91 } |
| 92 } |
| 93 /** |
| 94 * Add by value. |
| 95 * @return true if successfully adopted. |
| 96 */ |
| 97 inline UBool add(const UnicodeString& str, UErrorCode &status) { |
| 98 if(U_FAILURE(status)) return false; |
| 99 UnicodeString *t = new UnicodeString(str); |
| 100 if(t==NULL) { |
| 101 status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return false; |
| 102 } |
| 103 return adopt(t, status); |
| 104 } |
| 105 /** |
| 106 * Remove this string. |
| 107 * @return true if successfully removed, false otherwise (error, or else it wa
sn't there) |
| 108 */ |
| 109 inline UBool remove(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &status) { |
| 110 if(U_FAILURE(status)) return false; |
| 111 return removeElement((void*) &s); |
| 112 } |
| 113 }; |
| 114 |
| 115 /** |
| 116 * Virtual, won't be inlined |
| 117 */ |
| 118 UStringSet::~UStringSet() {} |
| 119 |
| 120 |
| 121 static const int32_t kPARTIAL = (1<<0); //< partial - need to run through forwar
d trie |
| 122 static const int32_t kMATCH = (1<<1); //< exact match - skip this one. |
| 123 static const int32_t kSuppressInReverse = (1<<0); |
| 124 static const int32_t kAddToForward = (1<<1); |
| 125 static const UChar kFULLSTOP = 0x002E; // '.' |
| 126 |
| 127 class SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator : public BreakIterator { |
| 128 public: |
| 129 SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator(BreakIterator *adopt, UCharsTrie *forwards
, UCharsTrie *backwards, UErrorCode &status); |
| 130 SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator(const SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator&
other); |
| 131 virtual ~SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator(); |
| 132 private: |
| 133 LocalPointer<BreakIterator> fDelegate; |
| 134 LocalUTextPointer fText; |
| 135 LocalPointer<UCharsTrie> fBackwardsTrie; // i.e. ".srM" for Mrs. |
| 136 LocalPointer<UCharsTrie> fForwardsPartialTrie; // Has ".a" for "a.M." |
| 137 |
| 138 /* -- subclass interface -- */ |
| 139 public: |
| 140 /* -- cloning and other subclass stuff -- */ |
| 141 virtual BreakIterator * createBufferClone(void * /*stackBuffer*/, |
| 142 int32_t &/*BufferSize*/, |
| 143 UErrorCode &status) { |
| 144 // for now - always deep clone |
| 146 return clone(); |
| 147 } |
| 148 virtual BreakIterator* clone(void) const { return new SimpleFilteredSentenceBr
eakIterator(*this); } |
| 149 virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const { return NULL; } |
| 150 virtual UBool operator==(const BreakIterator& o) const { if(*this==o) return t
rue; return false; } |
| 151 |
| 152 /* -- text modifying -- */ |
| 153 virtual void setText(UText *text, UErrorCode &status) { fDelegate->setText(tex
t,status); } |
| 154 virtual BreakIterator &refreshInputText(UText *input, UErrorCode &status) { fD
elegate->refreshInputText(input,status); return *this; } |
| 155 virtual void adoptText(CharacterIterator* it) { fDelegate->adoptText(it); } |
| 156 virtual void setText(const UnicodeString &text) { fDelegate->setText(text); } |
| 157 |
| 158 /* -- other functions that are just delegated -- */ |
| 159 virtual UText *getUText(UText *fillIn, UErrorCode &status) const { return fDel
egate->getUText(fillIn,status); } |
| 160 virtual CharacterIterator& getText(void) const { return fDelegate->getText();
} |
| 161 |
| 162 /* -- ITERATION -- */ |
| 163 virtual int32_t first(void) { return fDelegate->first(); } |
| 164 virtual int32_t preceding(int32_t /*offset*/) { /* TODO: not implemented */ re
turn UBRK_DONE; } |
| 165 virtual int32_t previous(void) { /* TODO: not implemented */ return UBRK_DONE;
} |
| 166 virtual UBool isBoundary(int32_t offset) { return fDelegate->isBoundary(offset
); } |
| 167 virtual int32_t current(void) const { return fDelegate->current(); } |
| 168 |
| 169 virtual int32_t next(void); |
| 170 |
| 171 virtual int32_t next(int32_t /*n*/) { /* TODO: not implemented */ return UBRK_
DONE; } |
| 172 virtual int32_t following(int32_t /*offset*/) { /* TODO: not implemented */ re
turn UBRK_DONE; } |
| 173 virtual int32_t last(void) { return fDelegate->last(); } |
| 174 |
| 175 }; |
| 176 |
| 177 SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator::SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator(const S
impleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator& other) |
| 178 : BreakIterator(other), fDelegate(other.fDelegate->clone()) |
| 179 { |
| 180 /* |
| 181 TODO: not able to clone Tries. Should be a refcounted hidden master instead. |
| 182 if(other.fBackwardsTrie.isValid()) { |
| 183 fBackwardsTrie.adoptInstead(other.fBackwardsTrie->clone()); |
| 184 } |
| 185 if(other.fForwardsPartialTrie.isValid()) { |
| 186 fForwardsPartialTrie.adoptInstead(other.fForwardsPartialTrie->clone()); |
| 187 } |
| 188 */ |
| 189 } |
| 190 |
| 191 |
| 192 SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator::SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator(BreakIt
erator *adopt, UCharsTrie *forwards, UCharsTrie *backwards, UErrorCode &status)
: |
| 193 BreakIterator(adopt->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE,status),adopt->getLocale(ULOC
_ACTUAL_LOCALE,status)), |
| 194 fDelegate(adopt), |
| 195 fBackwardsTrie(backwards), |
| 196 fForwardsPartialTrie(forwards) |
| 197 { |
| 198 // all set.. |
| 199 } |
| 200 |
| 201 SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator::~SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator() {} |
| 202 |
| 203 int32_t SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator::next() { |
| 204 int32_t n = fDelegate->next(); |
| 205 if(n == UBRK_DONE || // at end or |
| 206 fBackwardsTrie.isNull()) { // .. no backwards table loaded == no exceptions |
| 207 return n; |
| 208 } |
| 209 // OK, do we need to break here? |
| 210 UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; |
| 211 // refresh text |
| 212 fText.adoptInstead(fDelegate->getUText(fText.orphan(), status)); |
| 213 //if(debug2) u_printf("str, native len=%d\n", utext_nativeLength(fText.getAlia
s())); |
| 214 do { // outer loop runs once per underlying break (from fDelegate). |
| 215 // loops while 'n' points to an exception. |
| 216 utext_setNativeIndex(fText.getAlias(), n); // from n.. |
| 217 fBackwardsTrie->reset(); |
| 218 UChar32 uch; |
| 219 //if(debug2) u_printf(" n@ %d\n", n); |
| 220 // Assume a space is following the '.' (so we handle the case: "Mr. /Brown
") |
| 221 if((uch=utext_previous32(fText.getAlias()))==(UChar32)0x0020) { // TODO: sk
ip a class of chars here?? |
| 222 // TODO only do this the 1st time? |
| 223 //if(debug2) u_printf("skipping prev: |%C| \n", (UChar)uch); |
| 224 } else { |
| 225 //if(debug2) u_printf("not skipping prev: |%C| \n", (UChar)uch); |
| 226 uch = utext_next32(fText.getAlias()); |
| 227 //if(debug2) u_printf(" -> : |%C| \n", (UChar)uch); |
| 228 } |
| 230 |
| 231 int32_t bestPosn = -1; |
| 232 int32_t bestValue = -1; |
| 233 |
| 234 while((uch=utext_previous32(fText.getAlias()))!=U_SENTINEL && // more to
consume backwards and.. |
| 235 USTRINGTRIE_HAS_NEXT(r=fBackwardsTrie->nextForCodePoint(uch))) {// mor
e in the trie |
| 236 if(USTRINGTRIE_HAS_VALUE(r)) { // remember the best match so far |
| 237 bestPosn = utext_getNativeIndex(fText.getAlias()); |
| 238 bestValue = fBackwardsTrie->getValue(); |
| 239 } |
| 240 //if(debug2) u_printf("rev< /%C/ cont?%d @%d\n", (UChar)uch, r, utext_getN
ativeIndex(fText.getAlias())); |
| 241 } |
| 242 |
| 243 if(USTRINGTRIE_MATCHES(r)) { // exact match? |
| 244 //if(debug2) u_printf("rev<?/%C/?end of seq.. r=%d, bestPosn=%d, bestValue
=%d\n", (UChar)uch, r, bestPosn, bestValue); |
| 245 bestValue = fBackwardsTrie->getValue(); |
| 246 bestPosn = utext_getNativeIndex(fText.getAlias()); |
| 247 //if(debug2) u_printf("rev<+/%C/+end of seq.. r=%d, bestPosn=%d, bestValue
=%d\n", (UChar)uch, r, bestPosn, bestValue); |
| 248 } |
| 249 |
| 250 if(bestPosn>=0) { |
| 251 //if(debug2) u_printf("rev< /%C/ end of seq.. r=%d, bestPosn=%d, bestValue
=%d\n", (UChar)uch, r, bestPosn, bestValue); |
| 252 |
| 253 //if(USTRINGTRIE_MATCHES(r)) { // matched - so, now what? |
| 254 //int32_t bestValue = fBackwardsTrie->getValue(); |
| 255 ////if(debug2) u_printf("rev< /%C/ matched, skip..%d bestValue=%d\n", (UC
har)uch, r, bestValue); |
| 256 |
| 257 if(bestValue == kMATCH) { // exact match! |
| 258 //if(debug2) u_printf(" exact backward match\n"); |
| 259 n = fDelegate->next(); // skip this one. Find the next lowerlevel break. |
| 260 if(n==UBRK_DONE) return n; |
| 261 continue; // See if the next is another exception. |
| 262 } else if(bestValue == kPARTIAL |
| 263 && fForwardsPartialTrie.isValid()) { // make sure there's a forw
ard trie |
| 264 //if(debug2) u_printf(" partial backward match\n"); |
| 265 // We matched the "Ph." in "Ph.D." - now we need to run everything throu
gh the forwards trie |
| 266 // to see if it matches something going forward. |
| 267 fForwardsPartialTrie->reset(); |
| 268 UStringTrieResult rfwd = USTRINGTRIE_INTERMEDIATE_VALUE; |
| 269 utext_setNativeIndex(fText.getAlias(), bestPosn); // hope that's close .
. |
| 270 //if(debug2) u_printf("Retrying at %d\n", bestPosn); |
| 271 while((uch=utext_next32(fText.getAlias()))!=U_SENTINEL && |
| 272 USTRINGTRIE_HAS_NEXT(rfwd=fForwardsPartialTrie->nextForCodePoint(u
ch))) { |
| 273 //if(debug2) u_printf("fwd> /%C/ cont?%d @%d\n", (UChar)uch, rfwd, ute
xt_getNativeIndex(fText.getAlias())); |
| 274 } |
| 275 if(USTRINGTRIE_MATCHES(rfwd)) { |
| 276 //if(debug2) u_printf("fwd> /%C/ == forward match!\n", (UChar)uch); |
| 277 // only full matches here, nothing to check |
| 278 // skip the next: |
| 279 n = fDelegate->next(); |
| 280 if(n==UBRK_DONE) return n; |
| 281 continue; |
| 282 } else { |
| 283 //if(debug2) u_printf("fwd> /%C/ no match.\n", (UChar)uch); |
| 284 // no match (no exception) -return the 'underlying' break |
| 285 return n; |
| 286 } |
| 287 } else { |
| 288 return n; // internal error and/or no forwards trie |
| 289 } |
| 290 } else { |
| 291 //if(debug2) u_printf("rev< /%C/ .. no match..%d\n", (UChar)uch, r); // n
o best match |
| 292 return n; // No match - so exit. Not an exception. |
| 293 } |
| 294 } while(n != UBRK_DONE); |
| 295 return n; |
| 296 } |
| 297 |
| 298 /** |
| 299 * Concrete implementation of builder class. |
| 300 */ |
| 301 class U_I18N_API SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder : public FilteredBreakIterat
orBuilder { |
| 302 public: |
| 303 virtual ~SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder(); |
| 304 SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder(const Locale &fromLocale, UErrorCode &statu
s); |
| 305 SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder(UErrorCode &status); |
| 306 virtual UBool suppressBreakAfter(const UnicodeString& exception, UErrorCode& s
tatus); |
| 307 virtual UBool unsuppressBreakAfter(const UnicodeString& exception, UErrorCode&
status); |
| 308 virtual BreakIterator *build(BreakIterator* adoptBreakIterator, UErrorCode& st
atus); |
| 309 private: |
| 310 UStringSet fSet; |
| 311 }; |
| 312 |
| 313 SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder::~SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder() |
| 314 { |
| 315 } |
| 316 |
| 317 SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder::SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder(UErrorCod
e &status) |
| 318 : fSet(status) |
| 319 { |
| 320 } |
| 321 |
| 322 SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder::SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder(const Loc
ale &fromLocale, UErrorCode &status) |
| 323 : fSet(status) |
| 324 { |
| 325 if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { |
| 326 LocalUResourceBundlePointer b(ures_open(U_ICUDATA_BRKITR, fromLocale.getBase
Name(), &status)); |
| 327 LocalUResourceBundlePointer exceptions(ures_getByKeyWithFallback(b.getAlias(
), "exceptions", NULL, &status)); |
| 328 LocalUResourceBundlePointer breaks(ures_getByKeyWithFallback(exceptions.getA
lias(), "SentenceBreak", NULL, &status)); |
| 329 if(U_FAILURE(status)) return; // leaves the builder empty, if you try to use
it. |
| 330 |
| 331 LocalUResourceBundlePointer strs; |
| 332 UErrorCode subStatus = status; |
| 333 do { |
| 334 strs.adoptInstead(ures_getNextResource(breaks.getAlias(), strs.orphan(), &
subStatus)); |
| 335 if(strs.isValid() && U_SUCCESS(subStatus)) { |
| 336 UnicodeString str(ures_getUnicodeString(strs.getAlias(), &status)); |
| 337 suppressBreakAfter(str, status); // load the string |
| 338 } |
| 339 } while (strs.isValid() && U_SUCCESS(subStatus)); |
| 340 if(U_FAILURE(subStatus)&&subStatus!=U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR&&U_SUCCESS(sta
tus)) { |
| 341 status = subStatus; |
| 342 } |
| 343 } |
| 344 } |
| 345 |
| 346 UBool |
| 347 SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder::suppressBreakAfter(const UnicodeString& exce
ption, UErrorCode& status) |
| 348 { |
| 349 UBool r = fSet.add(exception, status); |
| 350 FB_TRACE("suppressBreakAfter",&exception,r,0); |
| 351 return r; |
| 352 } |
| 353 |
| 354 UBool |
| 355 SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder::unsuppressBreakAfter(const UnicodeString& ex
ception, UErrorCode& status) |
| 356 { |
| 357 UBool r = fSet.remove(exception, status); |
| 358 FB_TRACE("unsuppressBreakAfter",&exception,r,0); |
| 359 return r; |
| 360 } |
| 361 |
| 362 /** |
| 363 * Jitterbug 2974: MSVC has a bug whereby new X[0] behaves badly. |
| 364 * Work around this. |
| 365 * |
| 366 * Note: "new UnicodeString[subCount]" ends up calling global operator new |
| 367 * on MSVC2012 for some reason. |
| 368 */ |
| 369 static inline UnicodeString* newUnicodeStringArray(size_t count) { |
| 370 return new UnicodeString[count ? count : 1]; |
| 371 } |
| 372 |
| 373 BreakIterator * |
| 374 SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder::build(BreakIterator* adoptBreakIterator, UEr
rorCode& status) { |
| 375 LocalPointer<BreakIterator> adopt(adoptBreakIterator); |
| 376 |
| 377 if(U_FAILURE(status)) { |
| 378 return NULL; |
| 379 } |
| 380 |
| 381 LocalPointer<UCharsTrieBuilder> builder(new UCharsTrieBuilder(status)); |
| 382 LocalPointer<UCharsTrieBuilder> builder2(new UCharsTrieBuilder(status)); |
| 383 |
| 384 int32_t revCount = 0; |
| 385 int32_t fwdCount = 0; |
| 386 |
| 387 int32_t subCount = fSet.size(); |
| 388 |
| 389 UnicodeString *ustrs_ptr = newUnicodeStringArray(subCount); |
| 390 |
| 391 LocalArray<UnicodeString> ustrs(ustrs_ptr); |
| 392 |
| 393 LocalMemory<int> partials; |
| 394 partials.allocateInsteadAndReset(subCount); |
| 395 |
| 396 LocalPointer<UCharsTrie> backwardsTrie; // i.e. ".srM" for Mrs. |
| 397 LocalPointer<UCharsTrie> forwardsPartialTrie; // Has ".a" for "a.M." |
| 398 |
| 399 int n=0; |
| 400 for ( int32_t i = 0; |
| 401 i<fSet.size(); |
| 402 i++) { |
| 403 const UnicodeString *abbr = fSet.getStringAt(i); |
| 404 if(abbr) { |
| 405 FB_TRACE("build",abbr,TRUE,i); |
| 406 ustrs[n] = *abbr; // copy by value |
| 407 FB_TRACE("ustrs[n]",&ustrs[n],TRUE,i); |
| 408 } else { |
| 409 FB_TRACE("build",abbr,FALSE,i); |
| 411 return NULL; |
| 412 } |
| 413 partials[n] = 0; // default: not partial |
| 414 n++; |
| 415 } |
| 416 // first pass - find partials. |
| 417 for(int i=0;i<subCount;i++) { |
| 418 int nn = ustrs[i].indexOf(kFULLSTOP); // TODO: non-'.' abbreviations |
| 419 if(nn>-1 && (nn+1)!=ustrs[i].length()) { |
| 420 FB_TRACE("partial",&ustrs[i],FALSE,i); |
| 421 // is partial. |
| 422 // is it unique? |
| 423 int sameAs = -1; |
| 424 for(int j=0;j<subCount;j++) { |
| 425 if(j==i) continue; |
| 426 if(ustrs[i].compare(0,nn+1,ustrs[j],0,nn+1)==0) { |
| 427 FB_TRACE("prefix",&ustrs[j],FALSE,nn+1); |
| 428 //UBool otherIsPartial = ((nn+1)!=ustrs[j].length()); // true if ustr
s[j] doesn't end at nn |
| 429 if(partials[j]==0) { // hasn't been processed yet |
| 430 partials[j] = kSuppressInReverse | kAddToForward; |
| 431 FB_TRACE("suppressing",&ustrs[j],FALSE,j); |
| 432 } else if(partials[j] & kSuppressInReverse) { |
| 433 sameAs = j; // the other entry is already in the reverse table. |
| 434 } |
| 435 } |
| 436 } |
| 437 FB_TRACE("for partial same-",&ustrs[i],FALSE,sameAs); |
| 438 FB_TRACE(" == partial #",&ustrs[i],FALSE,partials[i]); |
| 439 UnicodeString prefix(ustrs[i], 0, nn+1); |
| 440 if(sameAs == -1 && partials[i] == 0) { |
| 441 // first one - add the prefix to the reverse table. |
| 442 prefix.reverse(); |
| 443 builder->add(prefix, kPARTIAL, status); |
| 444 revCount++; |
| 445 FB_TRACE("Added partial",&prefix,FALSE, i); |
| 446 FB_TRACE(u_errorName(status),&ustrs[i],FALSE,i); |
| 447 partials[i] = kSuppressInReverse | kAddToForward; |
| 448 } else { |
| 449 FB_TRACE("NOT adding partial",&prefix,FALSE, i); |
| 450 FB_TRACE(u_errorName(status),&ustrs[i],FALSE,i); |
| 451 } |
| 452 } |
| 453 } |
| 454 for(int i=0;i<subCount;i++) { |
| 455 if(partials[i]==0) { |
| 456 ustrs[i].reverse(); |
| 457 builder->add(ustrs[i], kMATCH, status); |
| 458 revCount++; |
| 459 FB_TRACE(u_errorName(status), &ustrs[i], FALSE, i); |
| 460 } else { |
| 461 FB_TRACE("Adding fwd",&ustrs[i], FALSE, i); |
| 462 |
| 463 // an optimization would be to only add the portion after the '.' |
| 464 // for example, for "Ph.D." we store ".hP" in the reverse table. We could
just store "D." in the forward, |
| 465 // instead of "Ph.D." since we already know the "Ph." part is a match. |
| 466 // would need the trie to be able to hold 0-length strings, though. |
| 467 builder2->add(ustrs[i], kMATCH, status); // forward |
| 468 fwdCount++; |
| 469 //ustrs[i].reverse(); |
| 470 ////if(debug2) u_printf("SUPPRESS- not Added(%d): /%S/ status=%s\n",parti
als[i], ustrs[i].getTerminatedBuffer(), u_errorName(status)); |
| 471 } |
| 472 } |
| 473 FB_TRACE("AbbrCount",NULL,FALSE, subCount); |
| 474 |
| 475 if(revCount>0) { |
| 476 backwardsTrie.adoptInstead(builder->build(USTRINGTRIE_BUILD_FAST, status)); |
| 477 if(U_FAILURE(status)) { |
| 478 FB_TRACE(u_errorName(status),NULL,FALSE, -1); |
| 479 return NULL; |
| 480 } |
| 481 } |
| 482 |
| 483 if(fwdCount>0) { |
| 484 forwardsPartialTrie.adoptInstead(builder2->build(USTRINGTRIE_BUILD_FAST, sta
tus)); |
| 485 if(U_FAILURE(status)) { |
| 486 FB_TRACE(u_errorName(status),NULL,FALSE, -1); |
| 487 return NULL; |
| 488 } |
| 489 } |
| 490 |
| 491 return new SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator(adopt.orphan(), forwardsPartial
Trie.orphan(), backwardsTrie.orphan(), status); |
| 492 } |
| 493 |
| 494 |
| 495 // ----------- Base class implementation |
| 496 |
| 497 FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder::FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder() { |
| 498 } |
| 499 |
| 500 FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder::~FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder() { |
| 501 } |
| 502 |
| 503 FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder * |
| 504 FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder::createInstance(const Locale& where, UErrorCode& st
atus) { |
| 505 if(U_FAILURE(status)) return NULL; |
| 506 LocalPointer<FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder> ret(new SimpleFilteredBreakIterator
Builder(where, status)); |
| 507 if(U_SUCCESS(status) && !ret.isValid()) status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; |
| 508 return ret.orphan(); |
| 509 } |
| 510 |
| 511 FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder * |
| 512 FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder::createInstance(UErrorCode& status) { |
| 513 if(U_FAILURE(status)) return NULL; |
| 514 LocalPointer<FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder> ret(new SimpleFilteredBreakIterator
Builder(status)); |
| 515 if(U_SUCCESS(status) && !ret.isValid()) status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; |
| 516 return ret.orphan(); |
| 517 } |
| 518 |
| 520 |