(Empty) | |
1 <!doctype html> | |
2 <html> | |
3 <head> | |
4 <style> | |
5 .logo { | |
6 width: 6em; | |
7 height: 6em; | |
8 background-color: gray; | |
9 float: left; | |
10 } | |
11 p { overflow: hidden; margin-left: 3em; } | |
12 </style> | |
13 </head> | |
14 <body> | |
15 <div class="logo"></div> | |
16 <p>This paragraph should be next to the grey box. This paragraph should be next to the grey box. This paragraph should be next to the grey box. This paragraph s hould be next to the grey box. This paragraph should be next to the grey box. Th is paragraph should be next to the grey box. This paragraph should be next to th e grey box. This paragraph should be next to the grey box. This paragraph should be next to the grey box. This paragraph should be next to the grey box. This pa ragraph should be next to the grey box. This paragraph should be next to the gre y box. This paragraph should be next to the grey box. This paragraph should be n ext to the grey box. This paragraph should be next to the grey box. This paragra ph should be next to the grey box. This paragraph should be next to the grey box . This paragraph should be next to the grey box. This paragraph should be next t o the grey box. This paragraph should be next to the grey box. This paragraph sh ould be next to the grey box. This paragraph should be next to the grey box. Thi s paragraph should be next to the grey box. This paragraph should be next to the grey box.</p> | |
17 </body> | |
18 </html> | |