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Unified Diff: pkg/intl/example/basic/basic_example.dart

Issue 814113004: Pull args, intl, logging, shelf, and source_maps out of the SDK. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Also csslib. Created 6 years ago
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Index: pkg/intl/example/basic/basic_example.dart
diff --git a/pkg/intl/example/basic/basic_example.dart b/pkg/intl/example/basic/basic_example.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a8c5c342d4fe44dd7181e1d4b341f8b0a8df66d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/intl/example/basic/basic_example.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- * This provides a basic example of internationalization usage. It uses the
- * local variant of all the facilities, meaning that libraries with the
- * data for all the locales are directly imported by the program. Once lazy
- * loading is available, we expect this to be the preferred mode, with
- * the initialization code actually loading the specific libraries needed.
- *
- * This defines messages for an English locale directly in the program and
- * has separate libraries that define German and Thai messages that say more or
- * less the same thing, and prints the message with the date and time in it
- * formatted appropriately for the locale.
- */
-library intl_basic_example;
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:intl/date_symbol_data_local.dart';
-import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
-import 'messages_all.dart';
- * In order to use this both as an example and as a test case, we pass in
- * the function for what we're going to do with the output. For a simple
- * example we just pass in [print] and for tests we pass in a function that
- * adds it a list to be verified.
- */
-Function doThisWithTheOutput;
-void setup(Function program, Function output) {
- // Before we use any messages or use date formatting for a locale we must
- // call their initializtion messages, which are asynchronous, since they
- // might be reading information from files or over the web. Since we are
- // running here in local mode they will all complete immediately.
- doThisWithTheOutput = output;
- var germanDatesFuture = initializeDateFormatting('de_DE', null);
- var thaiDatesFuture = initializeDateFormatting('th_TH', null);
- var germanMessagesFuture = initializeMessages('de_DE');
- var thaiMessagesFuture = initializeMessages('th_TH');
- Future.wait([germanDatesFuture, thaiDatesFuture, germanMessagesFuture,
- thaiMessagesFuture]).then(program);
-// Because the initialization messages return futures we split out the main
-// part of our program into a separate function that runs once all the
-// futures have completed. We are passed the collection of futures, but we
-// don't need to use them, so ignore the parameter.
-runProgram(List<Future> _) {
- var aDate = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0, isUtc: true);
- var de = new Intl('de_DE');
- var th = new Intl('th_TH');
- // This defines a message that can be internationalized. It is written as a
- // function that returns the result of an Intl.message call. The primary
- // parameter is a string that may use interpolation.
- runAt(time, date) =>
- Intl.message('Ran at $time on $date', name: 'runAt', args: [time, date]);
- printForLocale(aDate, new Intl(), runAt);
- printForLocale(aDate, de, runAt);
- printForLocale(aDate, th, runAt);
- // Example making use of the return value from withLocale;
- var returnValue = Intl.withLocale(th.locale, () => runAt('now', 'today'));
- doThisWithTheOutput(returnValue);
-printForLocale(aDate, intl, operation) {
- var hmsFormat =;
- var dayFormat =;
- var time = hmsFormat.format(aDate);
- var day = dayFormat.format(aDate);
- Intl.withLocale(intl.locale, () => doThisWithTheOutput(operation(time, day)));
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