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Unified Diff: pkg/csslib/test/var_test.dart

Issue 814113004: Pull args, intl, logging, shelf, and source_maps out of the SDK. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Also csslib. Created 6 years ago
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Index: pkg/csslib/test/var_test.dart
diff --git a/pkg/csslib/test/var_test.dart b/pkg/csslib/test/var_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ec2852423e48ce400ea24899e4db063110f3ca4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/csslib/test/var_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,926 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library var_test;
-import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
-import 'testing.dart';
-List options = ['--no-colors', '--warnings_as_errors', 'memory'];
-compileAndValidate(String input, String generated) {
- var errors = [];
- var stylesheet = compileCss(input, errors: errors, opts: options);
- expect(stylesheet != null, true);
- expect(errors.isEmpty, true, reason: errors.toString());
- expect(prettyPrint(stylesheet), generated);
-compilePolyfillAndValidate(String input, String generated) {
- var errors = [];
- var stylesheet = polyFillCompileCss(input, errors: errors, opts: options);
- expect(stylesheet != null, true);
- expect(errors.isEmpty, true, reason: errors.toString());
- expect(prettyPrint(stylesheet), generated);
-void simpleVar() {
- final input = ''':root {
- var-color-background: red;
- var-color-foreground: blue;
- var-c: #00ff00;
- var-b: var(c);
- var-a: var(b);
-.testIt {
- color: var(color-foreground);
- background: var(color-background);
- final generated = ''':root {
- var-color-background: #f00;
- var-color-foreground: #00f;
- var-c: #0f0;
- var-b: var(c);
- var-a: var(b);
-.testIt {
- color: var(color-foreground);
- background: var(color-background);
- final generatedPolyfill = ''':root {
-.testIt {
- color: #00f;
- background: #f00;
- compileAndValidate(input, generated);
- compilePolyfillAndValidate(input, generatedPolyfill);
-void expressionsVar() {
- final errors = [];
- final input = ''':root {
- var-color-background: red;
- var-color-foreground: blue;
- var-c: #00ff00;
- var-b: var(c);
- var-a: var(b);
- var-image: url(test.png);
- var-b-width: 20cm;
- var-m-width: 33%;
- var-b-height: 30EM;
- var-width: .6in;
- var-length: 1.2in;
- var-web-stuff: -10Px;
- var-rgba: rgba(10,20,255);
- var-transition: color 0.4s;
- var-transform: rotate(20deg);
- var-content: "✔";
- var-text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #bfbfbf;
- var-font-family: Gentium;
- var-src: url("");
- var-src-1: local(Gentium Bold), local(Gentium-Bold), url("GentiumBold.ttf");
- var-unicode-range: U+000-49F, U+2000-27FF, U+2900-2BFF, U+1D400-1D7FF;
- var-unicode-range-1: U+0A-FF, U+980-9FF, U+????, U+3???;
- var-grid-columns: 10px ("content" 1fr 10px) [4];
-.testIt {
- color: var(color-foreground);
- background: var(c);
- background-image: var(image);
- border-width: var(b-width);
- margin-width: var(m-width);
- border-height: var(b-height);
- width: var(width);
- length: var(length);
- -web-stuff: var(web-stuff);
- background-color: var(rgba);
- transition: var(transition);
- transform: var(transform);
- content: var(content);
- text-shadow: var(text-shadow);
-@font-face {
- font-family: var(font-family);
- src: var(src);
- unicode-range: var(unicode-range);
-@font-face {
- font-family: var(font-family);
- src: var(src-1);
- unicode-range: var(unicode-range-1);
-.foobar {
- grid-columns: var(grid-columns);
- final generated = ''':root {
- var-color-background: #f00;
- var-color-foreground: #00f;
- var-c: #0f0;
- var-b: var(c);
- var-a: var(b);
- var-image: url("test.png");
- var-b-width: 20cm;
- var-m-width: 33%;
- var-b-height: 30em;
- var-width: .6in;
- var-length: 1.2in;
- var-web-stuff: -10px;
- var-rgba: rgba(10, 20, 255);
- var-transition: color 0.4s;
- var-transform: rotate(20deg);
- var-content: "✔";
- var-text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #bfbfbf;
- var-font-family: Gentium;
- var-src: url("");
- var-src-1: local(Gentium Bold), local(Gentium-Bold), url("GentiumBold.ttf");
- var-unicode-range: U+000-49F, U+2000-27FF, U+2900-2BFF, U+1D400-1D7FF;
- var-unicode-range-1: U+0A-FF, U+980-9FF, U+????, U+3???;
- var-grid-columns: 10px ("content" 1fr 10px) [4];
-.testIt {
- color: var(color-foreground);
- background: var(c);
- background-image: var(image);
- border-width: var(b-width);
- margin-width: var(m-width);
- border-height: var(b-height);
- width: var(width);
- length: var(length);
- -web-stuff: var(web-stuff);
- background-color: var(rgba);
- transition: var(transition);
- transform: var(transform);
- content: var(content);
- text-shadow: var(text-shadow);
-@font-face {
- font-family: var(font-family);
- src: var(src);
- unicode-range: var(unicode-range);
-@font-face {
- font-family: var(font-family);
- src: var(src-1);
- unicode-range: var(unicode-range-1);
-.foobar {
- grid-columns: var(grid-columns);
- compileAndValidate(input, generated);
- var generatedPolyfill = r''':root {
-.testIt {
- color: #00f;
- background: #0f0;
- background-image: url("test.png");
- border-width: 20cm;
- margin-width: 33%;
- border-height: 30em;
- width: .6in;
- length: 1.2in;
- -web-stuff: -10px;
- background-color: rgba(10, 20, 255);
- transition: color 0.4s;
- transform: rotate(20deg);
- content: "✔";
- text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #bfbfbf;
-@font-face {
- font-family: Gentium;
- src: url("");
- unicode-range: U+000-49F, U+2000-27FF, U+2900-2BFF, U+1D400-1D7FF;
-@font-face {
- font-family: Gentium;
- src: local(Gentium Bold), local(Gentium-Bold), url("GentiumBold.ttf");
- unicode-range: U+0A-FF, U+980-9FF, U+????, U+3???;
-.foobar {
- grid-columns: 10px ("content" 1fr 10px) [4];
- compilePolyfillAndValidate(input, generatedPolyfill);
-void defaultVar() {
- final errors = [];
- final input = '''
-:root {
- var-color-background: red;
- var-color-foreground: blue;
- var-a: var(b, #0a0);
- var-b: var(c, #0b0);
- var-c: #00ff00;
- var-image: url(test.png);
- var-b-width: 20cm;
- var-m-width: 33%;
- var-b-height: 30EM;
-.test {
- background-color: var(test, orange);
-body {
- background: var(a) var(image) no-repeat right top;
-div {
- background: var(color-background) url('img_tree.png') no-repeat right top;
-.test-2 {
- background: var(color-background) var(image-2, url('img_1.png'))
- no-repeat right top;
-.test-3 {
- background: var(color-background) var(image) no-repeat right top;
-.test-4 {
- background: #ffff00 var(image) no-repeat right top;
-.test-5 {
- background: var(test-color, var(a)) var(image) no-repeat right top;
-.test-6 {
- border: red var(a-1, solid 20px);
- final generated = ''':root {
- var-color-background: #f00;
- var-color-foreground: #00f;
- var-a: var(b, #0a0);
- var-b: var(c, #0b0);
- var-c: #0f0;
- var-image: url("test.png");
- var-b-width: 20cm;
- var-m-width: 33%;
- var-b-height: 30em;
-.test {
- background-color: var(test, #ffa500);
-body {
- background: var(a) var(image) no-repeat right top;
-div {
- background: var(color-background) url("img_tree.png") no-repeat right top;
-.test-2 {
- background: var(color-background) var(image-2, url("img_1.png")) no-repeat right top;
-.test-3 {
- background: var(color-background) var(image) no-repeat right top;
-.test-4 {
- background: #ff0 var(image) no-repeat right top;
-.test-5 {
- background: var(test-color, var(a)) var(image) no-repeat right top;
-.test-6 {
- border: #f00 var(a-1, solid 20px);
- compileAndValidate(input, generated);
- var generatedPolyfill = r''':root {
-.test {
- background-color: #ffa500;
-body {
- background: #0a0 url("test.png") no-repeat right top;
-div {
- background: #f00 url("img_tree.png") no-repeat right top;
-.test-2 {
- background: #f00 url("img_1.png") no-repeat right top;
-.test-3 {
- background: #f00 url("test.png") no-repeat right top;
-.test-4 {
- background: #ff0 url("test.png") no-repeat right top;
-.test-5 {
- background: #0a0 url("test.png") no-repeat right top;
-.test-6 {
- border: #f00 solid 20px;
- compilePolyfillAndValidate(input, generatedPolyfill);
-void undefinedVars() {
- final errors = [];
- final input = ''':root {
- var-color-background: red;
- var-color-foreground: blue;
- var-a: var(b);
- var-b: var(c);
- var-c: #00ff00;
- var-one: var(two);
- var-two: var(one);
- var-four: var(five);
- var-five: var(six);
- var-six: var(four);
- var-def-1: var(def-2);
- var-def-2: var(def-3);
- var-def-3: var(def-2);
-.testIt {
- color: var(color-foreground);
- background: var(color-background);
-.test-1 {
- color: var(c);
-.test-2 {
- color: var(one);
- background: var(six);
- final generatedPolyfill = ''':root {
-.testIt {
- color: #00f;
- background: #f00;
-.test-1 {
- color: #0f0;
-.test-2 {
- color: ;
- background: ;
- var errorStrings = [
- 'error on line 5, column 14: Variable is not defined.\n'
- ' var-a: var(b);\n'
- ' ^^',
- 'error on line 6, column 14: Variable is not defined.\n'
- ' var-b: var(c);\n'
- ' ^^',
- 'error on line 9, column 16: Variable is not defined.\n'
- ' var-one: var(two);\n'
- ' ^^^^',
- 'error on line 12, column 17: Variable is not defined.\n'
- ' var-four: var(five);\n'
- ' ^^^^^',
- 'error on line 13, column 17: Variable is not defined.\n'
- ' var-five: var(six);\n'
- ' ^^^^',
- 'error on line 16, column 18: Variable is not defined.\n'
- ' var-def-1: var(def-2);\n'
- ' ^^^^^^',
- 'error on line 17, column 18: Variable is not defined.\n'
- ' var-def-2: var(def-3);\n'
- ' ^^^^^^',
- ];
- var generated = r''':root {
- var-color-background: #f00;
- var-color-foreground: #00f;
- var-a: var(b);
- var-b: var(c);
- var-c: #0f0;
- var-one: var(two);
- var-two: var(one);
- var-four: var(five);
- var-five: var(six);
- var-six: var(four);
- var-def-1: var(def-2);
- var-def-2: var(def-3);
- var-def-3: var(def-2);
-.testIt {
- color: var(color-foreground);
- background: var(color-background);
-.test-1 {
- color: var(c);
-.test-2 {
- color: var(one);
- background: var(six);
- int testBitMap = 0;
- compileAndValidate(input, generated);
- var stylesheet = polyFillCompileCss(input, errors: errors..clear(),
- opts: options);
- expect(stylesheet != null, true);
- expect(errors.length, errorStrings.length, reason: errors.toString());
- testBitMap = 0;
- outer: for (var error in errors) {
- var errorString = error.toString();
- for (int i = 0; i < errorStrings.length; i++) {
- if (errorString == errorStrings[i]) {
- testBitMap |= 1 << i;
- continue outer;
- }
- }
- fail("Unexpected error string: $errorString");
- }
- expect(testBitMap, equals((1 << errorStrings.length) - 1));
- expect(prettyPrint(stylesheet), generatedPolyfill);
-parserVar() {
- final input = ''':root {
- var-color-background: red;
- var-color-foreground: blue;
- var-c: #00ff00;
- var-b: var(c);
- var-a: var(b);
- var-image: url(test.png);
- var-b-width: 20cm;
- var-m-width: 33%;
- var-b-height: 30EM;
- var-width: .6in;
- var-length: 1.2in;
- var-web-stuff: -10Px;
- var-rgba: rgba(10,20,255);
- var-transition: color 0.4s;
- var-transform: rotate(20deg);
- var-content: "✔";
- var-text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #bfbfbf;
- var-font-family: Gentium;
- var-src: url("");
- var-src-1: local(Gentium Bold), local(Gentium-Bold), url("GentiumBold.ttf");
- var-unicode-range: U+000-49F, U+2000-27FF, U+2900-2BFF, U+1D400-1D7FF;
- var-unicode-range-1: U+0A-FF, U+980-9FF, U+????, U+3???;
- var-grid-columns: 10px ("content" 1fr 10px) [4];
-.testIt {
- color: var(color-foreground);
- background: var(c);
- background-image: var(image);
- border-width: var(b-width);
- margin-width: var(m-width);
- border-height: var(b-height);
- width: var(width);
- length: var(length);
- -web-stuff: var(web-stuff);
- background-color: var(rgba);
- transition: var(transition);
- transform: var(transform);
- content: var(content);
- text-shadow: var(text-shadow);
-@font-face {
- font-family: var(font-family);
- src: var(src);
- unicode-range: var(unicode-range);
-@font-face {
- font-family: var(font-family);
- src: var(src-1);
- unicode-range: var(unicode-range-1);
-.foobar {
- grid-columns: var(grid-columns);
- final generated = ''':root {
- var-color-background: #f00;
- var-color-foreground: #00f;
- var-c: #0f0;
- var-b: var(c);
- var-a: var(b);
- var-image: url("test.png");
- var-b-width: 20cm;
- var-m-width: 33%;
- var-b-height: 30em;
- var-width: .6in;
- var-length: 1.2in;
- var-web-stuff: -10px;
- var-rgba: rgba(10, 20, 255);
- var-transition: color 0.4s;
- var-transform: rotate(20deg);
- var-content: "✔";
- var-text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #bfbfbf;
- var-font-family: Gentium;
- var-src: url("");
- var-src-1: local(Gentium Bold), local(Gentium-Bold), url("GentiumBold.ttf");
- var-unicode-range: U+000-49F, U+2000-27FF, U+2900-2BFF, U+1D400-1D7FF;
- var-unicode-range-1: U+0A-FF, U+980-9FF, U+????, U+3???;
- var-grid-columns: 10px ("content" 1fr 10px) [4];
-.testIt {
- color: var(color-foreground);
- background: var(c);
- background-image: var(image);
- border-width: var(b-width);
- margin-width: var(m-width);
- border-height: var(b-height);
- width: var(width);
- length: var(length);
- -web-stuff: var(web-stuff);
- background-color: var(rgba);
- transition: var(transition);
- transform: var(transform);
- content: var(content);
- text-shadow: var(text-shadow);
-@font-face {
- font-family: var(font-family);
- src: var(src);
- unicode-range: var(unicode-range);
-@font-face {
- font-family: var(font-family);
- src: var(src-1);
- unicode-range: var(unicode-range-1);
-.foobar {
- grid-columns: var(grid-columns);
- compileAndValidate(input, generated);
- var generatedPolyfill = r''':root {
-.testIt {
- color: #00f;
- background: #0f0;
- background-image: url("test.png");
- border-width: 20cm;
- margin-width: 33%;
- border-height: 30em;
- width: .6in;
- length: 1.2in;
- -web-stuff: -10px;
- background-color: rgba(10, 20, 255);
- transition: color 0.4s;
- transform: rotate(20deg);
- content: "✔";
- text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #bfbfbf;
-@font-face {
- font-family: Gentium;
- src: url("");
- unicode-range: U+000-49F, U+2000-27FF, U+2900-2BFF, U+1D400-1D7FF;
-@font-face {
- font-family: Gentium;
- src: local(Gentium Bold), local(Gentium-Bold), url("GentiumBold.ttf");
- unicode-range: U+0A-FF, U+980-9FF, U+????, U+3???;
-.foobar {
- grid-columns: 10px ("content" 1fr 10px) [4];
- compilePolyfillAndValidate(input, generatedPolyfill);
-testVar() {
- final errors = [];
- final input = '''
-@color-background: red;
-@color-foreground: blue;
-.test {
- background-color: var(color-background);
- color: var(color-foreground);
- final generated = '''
-var-color-background: #f00;
-var-color-foreground: #00f;
-.test {
- background-color: var(color-background);
- color: var(color-foreground);
- var stylesheet = parseCss(input, errors: errors,
- opts: ['--no-colors', 'memory']);
- expect(stylesheet != null, true);
- expect(errors.isEmpty, true, reason: errors.toString());
- expect(prettyPrint(stylesheet), generated);
- compileAndValidate(input, generated);
- final input2 = '''
-@color-background: red;
-@color-foreground: blue;
-.test {
- background-color: @color-background;
- color: @color-foreground;
- final generated2 = '''var-color-background: #f00;
-var-color-foreground: #00f;
-.test {
- background-color: var(color-background);
- color: var(color-foreground);
- stylesheet = parseCss(input, errors: errors..clear(),
- opts: ['--no-colors', 'memory']);
- expect(stylesheet != null, true);
- expect(errors.isEmpty, true, reason: errors.toString());
- expect(prettyPrint(stylesheet), generated2);
- compileAndValidate(input2, generated2);
-testLess() {
- final errors = [];
- final input = '''
-@color-background: red;
-@color-foreground: blue;
-.test {
- background-color: var(color-background);
- color: var(color-foreground);
- final generated = '''var-color-background: #f00;
-var-color-foreground: #00f;
-.test {
- background-color: var(color-background);
- color: var(color-foreground);
- var stylesheet = parseCss(input, errors: errors,
- opts: ['--no-colors', 'memory']);
- expect(stylesheet != null, true);
- expect(errors.isEmpty, true, reason: errors.toString());
- expect(prettyPrint(stylesheet), generated);
- compileAndValidate(input, generated);
- final input2 = '''
-@color-background: red;
-@color-foreground: blue;
-.test {
- background-color: @color-background;
- color: @color-foreground;
- final generated2 = '''var-color-background: #f00;
-var-color-foreground: #00f;
-.test {
- background-color: var(color-background);
- color: var(color-foreground);
- stylesheet = parseCss(input, errors: errors..clear(),
- opts: ['--no-colors', 'memory']);
- expect(stylesheet != null, true);
- expect(errors.isEmpty, true, reason: errors.toString());
- expect(prettyPrint(stylesheet), generated2);
- compileAndValidate(input2, generated2);
-void polyfill() {
- compilePolyfillAndValidate(r'''
-@color-background: red;
-@color-foreground: blue;
-.test {
- background-color: @color-background;
- color: @color-foreground;
-}''', r'''.test {
- background-color: #f00;
- color: #00f;
-void testIndirects() {
- compilePolyfillAndValidate('''
-:root {
- var-redef: #0f0;
- var-a1: #fff;
- var-a2: var(a1);
- var-a3: var(a2);
- var-redef: #000;
-.test {
- background-color: @a1;
- color: @a2;
- border-color: @a3;
-.test-1 {
- color: @redef;
-}''', r''':root {
-.test {
- background-color: #fff;
- color: #fff;
- border-color: #fff;
-.test-1 {
- color: #000;
-void includes() {
- var errors = [];
- var file1Input = r'''
-:root {
- var-redef: #0f0;
- var-a1: #fff;
- var-a2: var(a1);
- var-a3: var(a2);
- var-redef: #000;
-.test-1 {
- background-color: @a1;
- color: @a2;
- border-color: @a3;
-.test-1a {
- color: @redef;
- var file2Input = r'''
-:root {
- var-redef: #0b0;
- var-b3: var(a3);
-.test-2 {
- color: var(b3);
- background-color: var(redef);
- border-color: var(a3);
- var input = r'''
-:root {
- var-redef: #0c0;
-.test-main {
- color: var(b3);
- background-color: var(redef);
- border-color: var(a3);
- var generated1 = r''':root {
- var-redef: #0f0;
- var-a1: #fff;
- var-a2: var(a1);
- var-a3: var(a2);
- var-redef: #000;
-.test-1 {
- background-color: var(a1);
- color: var(a2);
- border-color: var(a3);
-.test-1a {
- color: var(redef);
- var stylesheet1 = compileCss(file1Input, errors: errors, opts: options);
- expect(stylesheet1 != null, true);
- expect(errors.isEmpty, true, reason: errors.toString());
- expect(prettyPrint(stylesheet1), generated1);
- var generated2 = r''':root {
- var-redef: #0b0;
- var-b3: var(a3);
-.test-2 {
- color: var(b3);
- background-color: var(redef);
- border-color: var(a3);
- var stylesheet2 = compileCss(file2Input, includes: [stylesheet1],
- errors: errors..clear(), opts: options);
- expect(stylesheet2 != null, true);
- expect(errors.isEmpty, true, reason: errors.toString());
- expect(prettyPrint(stylesheet2), generated2);
- var generatedPolyfill1 = r''':root {
-.test-1 {
- background-color: #fff;
- color: #fff;
- border-color: #fff;
-.test-1a {
- color: #000;
- var styleSheet1Polyfill = compileCss(file1Input, errors: errors..clear(),
- polyfill: true, opts: options);
- expect(styleSheet1Polyfill != null, true);
- expect(errors.isEmpty, true, reason: errors.toString());
- expect(prettyPrint(styleSheet1Polyfill), generatedPolyfill1);
- var generatedPolyfill2 = r''':root {
-.test-2 {
- color: #fff;
- background-color: #0b0;
- border-color: #fff;
- var styleSheet2Polyfill = compileCss(file2Input, includes: [stylesheet1],
- errors: errors..clear(), polyfill: true, opts: options);
- expect(styleSheet2Polyfill != null, true);
- expect(errors.isEmpty, true, reason: errors.toString());
- expect(prettyPrint(styleSheet2Polyfill), generatedPolyfill2);
- // Make sure includes didn't change.
- expect(prettyPrint(stylesheet1), generated1);
- var generatedPolyfill = r''':root {
-.test-main {
- color: #fff;
- background-color: #0c0;
- border-color: #fff;
- var stylesheetPolyfill = compileCss(input,
- includes: [stylesheet1, stylesheet2], errors: errors..clear(),
- polyfill: true, opts: options);
- expect(stylesheetPolyfill != null, true);
- expect(errors.isEmpty, true, reason: errors.toString());
- expect(prettyPrint(stylesheetPolyfill), generatedPolyfill);
- // Make sure includes didn't change.
- expect(prettyPrint(stylesheet1), generated1);
- expect(prettyPrint(stylesheet2), generated2);
-main() {
- test('Simple var', simpleVar);
- test('Expressions var', expressionsVar);
- test('Default value in var()', defaultVar);
- test('CSS Parser only var', parserVar);
- test('Var syntax', testVar);
- test('Indirects', testIndirects);
- test('Forward Refs', undefinedVars);
- test('Less syntax', testLess);
- test('Polyfill', polyfill);
- test('Multi-file', includes);
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