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Unified Diff: pkg/csslib/lib/src/css_printer.dart

Issue 814113004: Pull args, intl, logging, shelf, and source_maps out of the SDK. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Also csslib. Created 6 years ago
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Index: pkg/csslib/lib/src/css_printer.dart
diff --git a/pkg/csslib/lib/src/css_printer.dart b/pkg/csslib/lib/src/css_printer.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a80ee1aa5d49a99a3481131098b8537e858aa77..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/csslib/lib/src/css_printer.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-part of csslib.visitor;
- * Visitor that produces a formatted string representation of the CSS tree.
- */
-class CssPrinter extends Visitor {
- StringBuffer _buff = new StringBuffer();
- bool prettyPrint = true;
- /**
- * Walk the [tree] Stylesheet. [pretty] if true emits line breaks, extra
- * spaces, friendly property values, etc., if false emits compacted output.
- */
- void visitTree(StyleSheet tree, {bool pretty: false}) {
- prettyPrint = pretty;
- _buff = new StringBuffer();
- visitStyleSheet(tree);
- }
- /** Appends [str] to the output buffer. */
- void emit(String str) {
- _buff.write(str);
- }
- /** Returns the output buffer. */
- String toString() => _buff.toString().trim();
- String get _newLine => prettyPrint ? '\n' : ' ';
- String get _sp => prettyPrint ? ' ' : '';
- // TODO(terry): When adding obfuscation we'll need isOptimized (compact w/
- // obufuscation) and have isTesting (compact no obfuscation) and
- // isCompact would be !prettyPrint. We'll need another boolean
- // flag for obfuscation.
- bool get _isTesting => !prettyPrint;
- void visitCssComment(CssComment node) {
- emit('/* ${node.comment} */');
- }
- void visitCommentDefinition(CommentDefinition node) {
- emit('<!-- ${node.comment} -->');
- }
- void visitMediaExpression(MediaExpression node) {
- emit(node.andOperator ? ' AND ' : ' ');
- emit('(${node.mediaFeature}:');
- visitExpressions(node.exprs);
- emit(')');
- }
- void visitMediaQuery(MediaQuery query) {
- var unary = query.hasUnary ? ' ${query.unary}' : '';
- var mediaType = query.hasMediaType ? ' ${query.mediaType}' : '';
- emit('$unary$mediaType');
- for (var expression in query.expressions) {
- visitMediaExpression(expression);
- }
- }
- void emitMediaQueries(queries) {
- var queriesLen = queries.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < queriesLen; i++) {
- var query = queries[i];
- if (query.hasMediaType && i > 0) emit(',');
- visitMediaQuery(query);
- }
- }
- void visitMediaDirective(MediaDirective node) {
- emit(' @media');
- emitMediaQueries(node.mediaQueries);
- emit(' {');
- for (var ruleset in node.rulesets) {
- ruleset.visit(this);
- }
- emit('$_newLine\}');
- }
- void visitHostDirective(HostDirective node) {
- emit('\n@host {');
- for (var ruleset in node.rulesets) {
- ruleset.visit(this);
- }
- emit('$_newLine\}');
- }
- /**
- * @page : pseudoPage {
- * decls
- * }
- */
- void visitPageDirective(PageDirective node) {
- emit('$_newLine@page');
- if (node.hasIdent || node.hasPseudoPage) {
- if (node.hasIdent) emit(' ');
- emit(node._ident);
- emit(node.hasPseudoPage ? ':${node._pseudoPage}' : '');
- }
- emit(' ');
- var declsMargin = node._declsMargin;
- var declsMarginLength = declsMargin.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < declsMarginLength; i++) {
- if (i > 0) emit(_newLine);
- emit('{$_newLine');
- declsMargin[i].visit(this);
- emit('}');
- }
- }
- /** @charset "charset encoding" */
- void visitCharsetDirective(CharsetDirective node) {
- emit('$_newLine@charset "${node.charEncoding}";');
- }
- void visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
- bool isStartingQuote(String ch) => ('\'"'.indexOf(ch[0]) >= 0);
- if (_isTesting) {
- // Emit assuming url() was parsed; most suite tests use url function.
- emit(' @import url(${node.import})');
- } else if (isStartingQuote(node.import)) {
- emit(' @import ${node.import}');
- } else {
- // url(...) isn't needed only a URI can follow an @import directive; emit
- // url as a string.
- emit(' @import "${node.import}"');
- }
- emitMediaQueries(node.mediaQueries);
- emit(';');
- }
- void visitKeyFrameDirective(KeyFrameDirective node) {
- emit('$_newLine${node.keyFrameName} ');
- emit('$_sp{$_newLine');
- for (final block in node._blocks) {
- block.visit(this);
- }
- emit('}');
- }
- void visitFontFaceDirective(FontFaceDirective node) {
- emit('$_newLine@font-face ');
- emit('$_sp{$_newLine');
- node._declarations.visit(this);
- emit('}');
- }
- void visitKeyFrameBlock(KeyFrameBlock node) {
- emit('$_sp$_sp');
- node._blockSelectors.visit(this);
- emit('$_sp{$_newLine');
- node._declarations.visit(this);
- emit('$_sp$_sp}$_newLine');
- }
- void visitStyletDirective(StyletDirective node) {
- emit('/* @stylet export as ${node.dartClassName} */\n');
- }
- void visitNamespaceDirective(NamespaceDirective node) {
- bool isStartingQuote(String ch) => ('\'"'.indexOf(ch) >= 0);
- if (isStartingQuote(node._uri)) {
- emit(' @namespace ${node.prefix}"${node._uri}"');
- } else {
- if (_isTesting) {
- // Emit exactly was we parsed.
- emit(' @namespace ${node.prefix}url(${node._uri})');
- } else {
- // url(...) isn't needed only a URI can follow a:
- // @namespace prefix directive.
- emit(' @namespace ${node.prefix}${node._uri}');
- }
- }
- emit(';');
- }
- void visitVarDefinitionDirective(VarDefinitionDirective node) {
- visitVarDefinition(node.def);
- emit(';$_newLine');
- }
- void visitMixinRulesetDirective(MixinRulesetDirective node) {
- emit('@mixin ${} {');
- for (var ruleset in node.rulesets) {
- ruleset.visit(this);
- }
- emit('}');
- }
- void visitMixinDeclarationDirective(MixinDeclarationDirective node) {
- emit('@mixin ${} {\n');
- visitDeclarationGroup(node.declarations);
- emit('}');
- }
- /**
- * Added optional newLine for handling @include at top-level vs/ inside of
- * a declaration group.
- */
- void visitIncludeDirective(IncludeDirective node, [bool topLevel = true]) {
- if (topLevel) emit(_newLine);
- emit('@include ${}');
- emit(';');
- }
- void visitContentDirective(ContentDirective node) {
- // TODO(terry): TBD
- }
- void visitRuleSet(RuleSet node) {
- emit("$_newLine");
- node._selectorGroup.visit(this);
- emit(" {$_newLine");
- node._declarationGroup.visit(this);
- emit("}");
- }
- void visitDeclarationGroup(DeclarationGroup node) {
- var declarations = node.declarations;
- var declarationsLength = declarations.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < declarationsLength; i++) {
- if (i > 0) emit(_newLine);
- emit("$_sp$_sp");
- declarations[i].visit(this);
- emit(";");
- }
- if (declarationsLength > 0) emit(_newLine);
- }
- void visitMarginGroup(MarginGroup node) {
- var margin_sym_name =
- TokenKind.idToValue(TokenKind.MARGIN_DIRECTIVES, node.margin_sym);
- emit("@$margin_sym_name {$_newLine");
- visitDeclarationGroup(node);
- emit("}$_newLine");
- }
- void visitDeclaration(Declaration node) {
- String importantAsString() => node.important ? '$_sp!important' : '';
- emit("${}: ");
- node._expression.visit(this);
- emit("${importantAsString()}");
- }
- void visitVarDefinition(VarDefinition node) {
- emit("var-${node.definedName}: ");
- node._expression.visit(this);
- }
- void visitIncludeMixinAtDeclaration(IncludeMixinAtDeclaration node) {
- // Don't emit a new line we're inside of a declaration group.
- visitIncludeDirective(node.include, false);
- }
- void visitExtendDeclaration(ExtendDeclaration node) {
- emit("@extend ");
- for (var selector in node.selectors) {
- selector.visit(this);
- }
- }
- void visitSelectorGroup(SelectorGroup node) {
- var selectors = node.selectors;
- var selectorsLength = selectors.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < selectorsLength; i++) {
- if (i > 0) emit(',$_sp');
- selectors[i].visit(this);
- }
- }
- void visitSimpleSelectorSequence(SimpleSelectorSequence node) {
- emit('${node._combinatorToString}');
- node.simpleSelector.visit(this);
- }
- void visitSimpleSelector(SimpleSelector node) {
- emit(;
- }
- void visitNamespaceSelector(NamespaceSelector node) {
- emit(node.toString());
- }
- void visitElementSelector(ElementSelector node) {
- emit(node.toString());
- }
- void visitAttributeSelector(AttributeSelector node) {
- emit(node.toString());
- }
- void visitIdSelector(IdSelector node) {
- emit(node.toString());
- }
- void visitClassSelector(ClassSelector node) {
- emit(node.toString());
- }
- void visitPseudoClassSelector(PseudoClassSelector node) {
- emit(node.toString());
- }
- void visitPseudoElementSelector(PseudoElementSelector node) {
- emit(node.toString());
- }
- void visitPseudoClassFunctionSelector(PseudoClassFunctionSelector node) {
- emit(":${}(");
- node.expression.visit(this);
- emit(')');
- }
- void visitPseudoElementFunctionSelector(PseudoElementFunctionSelector node) {
- emit("::${}(");
- node.expression.visit(this);
- emit(')');
- }
- void visitNegationSelector(NegationSelector node) {
- emit(':not(');
- node.negationArg.visit(this);
- emit(')');
- }
- void visitSelectorExpression(SelectorExpression node) {
- var expressions = node.expressions;
- var expressionsLength = expressions.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < expressionsLength; i++) {
- // Add space seperator between terms without an operator.
- var expression = expressions[i];
- expression.visit(this);
- }
- }
- void visitUnicodeRangeTerm(UnicodeRangeTerm node) {
- if (node.hasSecond) {
- emit("U+${node.first}-${node.second}");
- } else {
- emit("U+${node.first}");
- }
- }
- void visitLiteralTerm(LiteralTerm node) {
- emit(node.text);
- }
- void visitHexColorTerm(HexColorTerm node) {
- var mappedName;
- if (_isTesting && (node.value is! BAD_HEX_VALUE)) {
- mappedName = TokenKind.hexToColorName(node.value);
- }
- if (mappedName == null) {
- mappedName = '#${node.text}';
- }
- emit(mappedName);
- }
- void visitNumberTerm(NumberTerm node) {
- visitLiteralTerm(node);
- }
- void visitUnitTerm(UnitTerm node) {
- emit(node.toString());
- }
- void visitLengthTerm(LengthTerm node) {
- emit(node.toString());
- }
- void visitPercentageTerm(PercentageTerm node) {
- emit('${node.text}%');
- }
- void visitEmTerm(EmTerm node) {
- emit('${node.text}em');
- }
- void visitExTerm(ExTerm node) {
- emit('${node.text}ex');
- }
- void visitAngleTerm(AngleTerm node) {
- emit(node.toString());
- }
- void visitTimeTerm(TimeTerm node) {
- emit(node.toString());
- }
- void visitFreqTerm(FreqTerm node) {
- emit(node.toString());
- }
- void visitFractionTerm(FractionTerm node) {
- emit('${node.text}fr');
- }
- void visitUriTerm(UriTerm node) {
- emit('url("${node.text}")');
- }
- void visitResolutionTerm(ResolutionTerm node) {
- emit(node.toString());
- }
- void visitViewportTerm(ViewportTerm node) {
- emit(node.toString());
- }
- void visitFunctionTerm(FunctionTerm node) {
- // TODO(terry): Optimize rgb to a hexcolor.
- emit('${node.text}(');
- node._params.visit(this);
- emit(')');
- }
- void visitGroupTerm(GroupTerm node) {
- emit('(');
- var terms = node._terms;
- var termsLength = terms.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < termsLength; i++) {
- if (i > 0) emit('$_sp');
- terms[i].visit(this);
- }
- emit(')');
- }
- void visitItemTerm(ItemTerm node) {
- emit('[${node.text}]');
- }
- void visitIE8Term(IE8Term node) {
- visitLiteralTerm(node);
- }
- void visitOperatorSlash(OperatorSlash node) {
- emit('/');
- }
- void visitOperatorComma(OperatorComma node) {
- emit(',');
- }
- void visitOperatorPlus(OperatorPlus node) {
- emit('+');
- }
- void visitOperatorMinus(OperatorMinus node) {
- emit('-');
- }
- void visitVarUsage(VarUsage node) {
- emit('var(${}');
- if (!node.defaultValues.isEmpty) {
- emit(',');
- for (var defaultValue in node.defaultValues) {
- emit(' ');
- defaultValue.visit(this);
- }
- }
- emit(')');
- }
- void visitExpressions(Expressions node) {
- var expressions = node.expressions;
- var expressionsLength = expressions.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < expressionsLength; i++) {
- // Add space seperator between terms without an operator.
- // TODO(terry): Should have a BinaryExpression to solve this problem.
- var expression = expressions[i];
- if (i > 0 &&
- !(expression is OperatorComma || expression is OperatorSlash)) {
- emit(' ');
- }
- expression.visit(this);
- }
- }
- void visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
- // TODO(terry): TBD
- throw UnimplementedError;
- }
- void visitUnaryExpression(UnaryExpression node) {
- // TODO(terry): TBD
- throw UnimplementedError;
- }
- void visitIdentifier(Identifier node) {
- emit(;
- }
- void visitWildcard(Wildcard node) {
- emit('*');
- }
- void visitDartStyleExpression(DartStyleExpression node) {
- // TODO(terry): TBD
- throw UnimplementedError;
- }
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