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Unified Diff: pkg/intl/test/message_extraction/part_of_sample_with_messages.dart

Issue 814113004: Pull args, intl, logging, shelf, and source_maps out of the SDK. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Also csslib. Created 6 years ago
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Index: pkg/intl/test/message_extraction/part_of_sample_with_messages.dart
diff --git a/pkg/intl/test/message_extraction/part_of_sample_with_messages.dart b/pkg/intl/test/message_extraction/part_of_sample_with_messages.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eced8884f078634a1397d66e1e8b15d2484f970..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/intl/test/message_extraction/part_of_sample_with_messages.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.part of sample;
-part of sample;
-class Person {
- String name;
- String gender;
- Person(, this.gender);
-class YouveGotMessages {
- // A static message, rather than a standalone function.
- static staticMessage() => Intl.message("This comes from a static method",
- name: 'staticMessage');
- // An instance method, rather than a standalone function.
- method() => Intl.message("This comes from a method", name: 'method',
- desc: 'This is a method with a '
- 'long description which spans '
- 'multiple lines.');
- // A non-lambda, i.e. not using => syntax, and with an additional statement
- // before the Intl.message call.
- nonLambda() {
- // TODO(alanknight): I'm really not sure that this shouldn't be disallowed.
- var x = 'something';
- return Intl.message("This method is not a lambda", name: 'nonLambda');
- }
- plurals(num) => Intl.message("""${Intl.plural(num,
- zero : 'Is zero plural?',
- one : 'This is singular.',
- other : 'This is plural ($num).')
- }""",
- name: "plurals", args: [num], desc: "Basic plurals");
- whereTheyWent(Person person, String place) =>
- whereTheyWentMessage(, person.gender, place);
- whereTheyWentMessage(String name, String gender, String place) {
- return Intl.message(
- "${Intl.gender(gender,
- male: '$name went to his $place',
- female: '$name went to her $place',
- other: '$name went to its $place')
- }",
- name: "whereTheyWentMessage",
- args: [name, gender, place],
- desc: 'A person went to some place that they own, e.g. their room'
- );
- }
- // English doesn't do enough with genders, so this example is French.
- nested(List people, String place) {
- var names = =>", ");
- var number = people.length;
- var combinedGender = people.every(
- (x) => x.gender == "female") ? "female" : "other";
- if (number == 0) combinedGender = "other";
- nestedMessage(names, number, combinedGender, place) => Intl.message(
- '''${Intl.gender(combinedGender,
- other: '${Intl.plural(number,
- zero: "Personne n'est allé au $place",
- one: "${names} est allé au $place",
- other: "${names} sont allés au $place")}',
- female: '${Intl.plural(number,
- one: "$names est allée au $place",
- other: "$names sont allées au $place")}'
- )}''',
- name: "nestedMessage",
- args: [names, number, combinedGender, place]);
- return nestedMessage(names, number, combinedGender, place);
- }
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