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Unified Diff: pkg/intl/lib/src/intl/number_format.dart

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Index: pkg/intl/lib/src/intl/number_format.dart
diff --git a/pkg/intl/lib/src/intl/number_format.dart b/pkg/intl/lib/src/intl/number_format.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e23d358e7947d871e761cb063ff613886cc5b42..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/intl/lib/src/intl/number_format.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1069 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-part of intl;
- * Provides the ability to format a number in a locale-specific way. The
- * format is specified as a pattern using a subset of the ICU formatting
- * patterns.
- *
- * - `0` A single digit
- * - `#` A single digit, omitted if the value is zero
- * - `.` Decimal separator
- * - `-` Minus sign
- * - `,` Grouping separator
- * - `E` Separates mantissa and expontent
- * - `+` - Before an exponent, indicates it should be prefixed with a plus sign.
- * - `%` - In prefix or suffix, multiply by 100 and show as percentage
- * - `‰ (\u2030)` In prefix or suffix, multiply by 1000 and show as per mille
- * - `¤ (\u00A4)` Currency sign, replaced by currency name
- * - `'` Used to quote special characters
- * - `;` Used to separate the positive and negative patterns if both are present
- *
- * For example,
- * var f = new NumberFormat("###.0#", "en_US");
- * print(f.format(12.345));
- * ==> 12.34
- * If the locale is not specified, it will default to the current locale. If
- * the format is not specified it will print in a basic format with at least
- * one integer digit and three fraction digits.
- *
- * There are also standard patterns available via the special constructors. e.g.
- * var percent = new NumberFormat.percentFormat("ar");
- * var eurosInUSFormat = new NumberFormat.currencyPattern("en_US", "€");
- * There are four such constructors: decimalFormat, percentFormat,
- * scientificFormat and currencyFormat. However, at the moment,
- * scientificFormat prints only as equivalent to "#E0" and does not take
- * into account significant digits. The currencyFormat will default to the
- * three-letter name of the currency if no explicit name/symbol is provided.
- */
-class NumberFormat {
- /** Variables to determine how number printing behaves. */
- // TODO(alanknight): If these remain as variables and are set based on the
- // pattern, can we make them final?
- String _negativePrefix = '-';
- String _positivePrefix = '';
- String _negativeSuffix = '';
- String _positiveSuffix = '';
- /**
- * How many numbers in a group when using punctuation to group digits in
- * large numbers. e.g. in en_US: "1,000,000" has a grouping size of 3 digits
- * between commas.
- */
- int _groupingSize = 3;
- /**
- * In some formats the last grouping size may be different than previous
- * ones, e.g. Hindi.
- */
- int _finalGroupingSize = 3;
- /**
- * Set to true if the format has explicitly set the grouping size.
- */
- bool _groupingSizeSetExplicitly = false;
- bool _decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = false;
- bool _useSignForPositiveExponent = false;
- bool _useExponentialNotation = false;
- int maximumIntegerDigits = 40;
- int minimumIntegerDigits = 1;
- int maximumFractionDigits = 3;
- int minimumFractionDigits = 0;
- int minimumExponentDigits = 0;
- /**
- * For percent and permille, what are we multiplying by in order to
- * get the printed value, e.g. 100 for percent.
- */
- int get _multiplier => _internalMultiplier;
- set _multiplier(int x) {
- _internalMultiplier = x;
- _multiplierDigits = (log(_multiplier) / LN10).round();
- }
- int _internalMultiplier = 1;
- /** How many digits are there in the [_multiplier]. */
- int _multiplierDigits = 0;
- /**
- * Stores the pattern used to create this format. This isn't used, but
- * is helpful in debugging.
- */
- String _pattern;
- /** The locale in which we print numbers. */
- final String _locale;
- /** Caches the symbols used for our locale. */
- NumberSymbols _symbols;
- /** The name (or symbol) of the currency to print. */
- String currencyName;
- /**
- * Transient internal state in which to build up the result of the format
- * operation. We can have this be just an instance variable because Dart is
- * single-threaded and unless we do an asynchronous operation in the process
- * of formatting then there will only ever be one number being formatted
- * at a time. In languages with threads we'd need to pass this on the stack.
- */
- final StringBuffer _buffer = new StringBuffer();
- /**
- * Create a number format that prints using [newPattern] as it applies in
- * [locale].
- */
- factory NumberFormat([String newPattern, String locale]) =>
- new NumberFormat._forPattern(locale, (x) => newPattern);
- /** Create a number format that prints as DECIMAL_PATTERN. */
- NumberFormat.decimalPattern([String locale]) : this._forPattern(locale,
- (x) => x.DECIMAL_PATTERN);
- /** Create a number format that prints as PERCENT_PATTERN. */
- NumberFormat.percentPattern([String locale]) : this._forPattern(locale,
- (x) => x.PERCENT_PATTERN);
- /** Create a number format that prints as SCIENTIFIC_PATTERN. */
- NumberFormat.scientificPattern([String locale]) : this._forPattern(locale,
- /**
- * Create a number format that prints as CURRENCY_PATTERN. If provided,
- * use [nameOrSymbol] in place of the default currency name. e.g.
- * var eurosInCurrentLocale = new NumberFormat
- * .currencyPattern(Intl.defaultLocale, "€");
- */
- NumberFormat.currencyPattern([String locale, String nameOrSymbol]) :
- this._forPattern(locale, (x) => x.CURRENCY_PATTERN, nameOrSymbol);
- /**
- * Create a number format that prints in a pattern we get from
- * the [getPattern] function using the locale [locale].
- */
- NumberFormat._forPattern(String locale, Function getPattern,
- [this.currencyName]) :
- _locale = Intl.verifiedLocale(locale, localeExists) {
- _symbols = numberFormatSymbols[_locale];
- if (currencyName == null) {
- currencyName = _symbols.DEF_CURRENCY_CODE;
- }
- _setPattern(getPattern(_symbols));
- }
- /**
- * Return the locale code in which we operate, e.g. 'en_US' or 'pt'.
- */
- String get locale => _locale;
- /**
- * Return true if the locale exists, or if it is null. The null case
- * is interpreted to mean that we use the default locale.
- */
- static bool localeExists(localeName) {
- if (localeName == null) return false;
- return numberFormatSymbols.containsKey(localeName);
- }
- /**
- * Return the symbols which are used in our locale. Cache them to avoid
- * repeated lookup.
- */
- NumberSymbols get symbols => _symbols;
- /**
- * Format [number] according to our pattern and return the formatted string.
- */
- String format(number) {
- if (_isNaN(number)) return symbols.NAN;
- if (_isInfinite(number)) return "${_signPrefix(number)}${symbols.INFINITY}";
- _add(_signPrefix(number));
- _formatNumber(number.abs());
- _add(_signSuffix(number));
- var result = _buffer.toString();
- _buffer.clear();
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Parse the number represented by the string. If it's not
- * parseable, throws a [FormatException].
- */
- num parse(String text) => new _NumberParser(this, text).value;
- /**
- * Format the main part of the number in the form dictated by the pattern.
- */
- void _formatNumber(number) {
- if (_useExponentialNotation) {
- _formatExponential(number);
- } else {
- _formatFixed(number);
- }
- }
- /** Format the number in exponential notation. */
- void _formatExponential(num number) {
- if (number == 0.0) {
- _formatFixed(number);
- _formatExponent(0);
- return;
- }
- var exponent = (log(number) / log(10)).floor();
- var mantissa = number / pow(10.0, exponent);
- var minIntDigits = minimumIntegerDigits;
- if (maximumIntegerDigits > 1 && maximumIntegerDigits > minimumIntegerDigits)
- {
- // A repeating range is defined; adjust to it as follows.
- // If repeat == 3, we have 6,5,4=>3; 3,2,1=>0; 0,-1,-2=>-3;
- // -3,-4,-5=>-6, etc. This takes into account that the
- // exponent we have here is off by one from what we expect;
- // it is for the format 0.MMMMMx10^n.
- while ((exponent % maximumIntegerDigits) != 0) {
- mantissa *= 10;
- exponent--;
- }
- minIntDigits = 1;
- } else {
- // No repeating range is defined, use minimum integer digits.
- if (minimumIntegerDigits < 1) {
- exponent++;
- mantissa /= 10;
- } else {
- exponent -= minimumIntegerDigits - 1;
- mantissa *= pow(10, minimumIntegerDigits - 1);
- }
- }
- _formatFixed(mantissa);
- _formatExponent(exponent);
- }
- /**
- * Format the exponent portion, e.g. in "1.3e-5" the "e-5".
- */
- void _formatExponent(num exponent) {
- _add(symbols.EXP_SYMBOL);
- if (exponent < 0) {
- exponent = -exponent;
- _add(symbols.MINUS_SIGN);
- } else if (_useSignForPositiveExponent) {
- _add(symbols.PLUS_SIGN);
- }
- _pad(minimumExponentDigits, exponent.toString());
- }
- /** Used to test if we have exceeded Javascript integer limits. */
- final _maxInt = pow(2, 52);
- /**
- * Helpers to check numbers that don't conform to the [num] interface,
- * e.g. Int64
- */
- _isInfinite(number) => number is num ? number.isInfinite : false;
- _isNaN(number) => number is num ? number.isNaN : false;
- _round(number) => number is num ? number.round() : number;
- _floor(number) => number is num ? number.floor() : number;
- /**
- * Format the basic number portion, inluding the fractional digits.
- */
- void _formatFixed(number) {
- var integerPart;
- int fractionPart;
- int extraIntegerDigits;
- final power = pow(10, maximumFractionDigits);
- final digitMultiplier = power * _multiplier;
- if (_isInfinite(number)) {
- integerPart = number.toInt();
- extraIntegerDigits = 0;
- fractionPart = 0;
- } else {
- // We have three possible pieces. First, the basic integer part. If this
- // is a percent or permille, the additional 2 or 3 digits. Finally the
- // fractional part.
- // We avoid multiplying the number because it might overflow if we have
- // a fixed-size integer type, so we extract each of the three as an
- // integer pieces.
- integerPart = _floor(number);
- var fraction = number - integerPart;
- // Multiply out to the number of decimal places and the percent, then
- // round. For fixed-size integer types this should always be zero, so
- // multiplying is OK.
- var remainingDigits = _round(fraction * digitMultiplier).toInt();
- // However, in rounding we may overflow into the main digits.
- if (remainingDigits >= digitMultiplier) {
- integerPart++;
- remainingDigits -= digitMultiplier;
- }
- // Separate out the extra integer parts from the fraction part.
- extraIntegerDigits = remainingDigits ~/ power;
- fractionPart = remainingDigits % power;
- }
- var fractionPresent = minimumFractionDigits > 0 || fractionPart > 0;
- var integerDigits = _integerDigits(integerPart, extraIntegerDigits);
- var digitLength = integerDigits.length;
- if (_hasPrintableIntegerPart(integerPart)) {
- _pad(minimumIntegerDigits - digitLength);
- for (var i = 0; i < digitLength; i++) {
- _addDigit(integerDigits.codeUnitAt(i));
- _group(digitLength, i);
- }
- } else if (!fractionPresent) {
- // If neither fraction nor integer part exists, just print zero.
- _addZero();
- }
- _decimalSeparator(fractionPresent);
- _formatFractionPart((fractionPart + power).toString());
- }
- /**
- * Compute the raw integer digits which will then be printed with
- * grouping and translated to localized digits.
- */
- String _integerDigits(integerPart, extraIntegerDigits) {
- // If the int part is larger than 2^52 and we're on Javascript (so it's
- // really a float) it will lose precision, so pad out the rest of it
- // with zeros. Check for Javascript by seeing if an integer is double.
- var paddingDigits = '';
- if (1 is double && integerPart is num && integerPart > _maxInt) {
- var howManyDigitsTooBig = (log(integerPart) / LN10).ceil() - 16;
- var divisor = pow(10, howManyDigitsTooBig).round();
- paddingDigits = symbols.ZERO_DIGIT * howManyDigitsTooBig.toInt();
- integerPart = (integerPart / divisor).truncate();
- }
- var extra = extraIntegerDigits == 0 ? '' : extraIntegerDigits.toString();
- var intDigits = _mainIntegerDigits(integerPart);
- var paddedExtra =
- intDigits.isEmpty ? extra : extra.padLeft(_multiplierDigits, '0');
- return "${intDigits}${paddedExtra}${paddingDigits}";
- }
- /**
- * The digit string of the integer part. This is the empty string if the
- * integer part is zero and otherwise is the toString() of the integer
- * part, stripping off any minus sign.
- */
- String _mainIntegerDigits(integer) {
- if (integer == 0) return '';
- var digits = integer.toString();
- // If we have a fixed-length int representation, it can have a negative
- // number whose negation is also negative, e.g. 2^-63 in 64-bit.
- // Remove the minus sign.
- return digits.startsWith('-') ? digits.substring(1) : digits;
- }
- /**
- * Format the part after the decimal place in a fixed point number.
- */
- void _formatFractionPart(String fractionPart) {
- var fractionCodes = fractionPart.codeUnits;
- var fractionLength = fractionPart.length;
- while (fractionCodes[fractionLength - 1] == _zero &&
- fractionLength > minimumFractionDigits + 1) {
- fractionLength--;
- }
- for (var i = 1; i < fractionLength; i++) {
- _addDigit(fractionCodes[i]);
- }
- }
- /** Print the decimal separator if appropriate. */
- void _decimalSeparator(bool fractionPresent) {
- if (_decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown || fractionPresent) {
- _add(symbols.DECIMAL_SEP);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return true if we have a main integer part which is printable, either
- * because we have digits left of the decimal point, or because there are
- * a minimum number of printable digits greater than 1.
- */
- bool _hasPrintableIntegerPart(x) =>
- x > 0 || minimumIntegerDigits > 0;
- /** A group of methods that provide support for writing digits and other
- * required characters into [_buffer] easily.
- */
- void _add(String x) { _buffer.write(x);}
- void _addCharCode(int x) { _buffer.writeCharCode(x);}
- void _addZero() { _buffer.write(symbols.ZERO_DIGIT);}
- void _addDigit(int x) { _buffer.writeCharCode(_localeZero + x - _zero);}
- /** Print padding up to [numberOfDigits] above what's included in [basic]. */
- void _pad(int numberOfDigits, [String basic = '']) {
- for (var i = 0; i < numberOfDigits - basic.length; i++) {
- _add(symbols.ZERO_DIGIT);
- }
- for (var x in basic.codeUnits) {
- _addDigit(x);
- }
- }
- /**
- * We are printing the digits of the number from left to right. We may need
- * to print a thousands separator or other grouping character as appropriate
- * to the locale. So we find how many places we are from the end of the number
- * by subtracting our current [position] from the [totalLength] and printing
- * the separator character every [_groupingSize] digits, with the final
- * grouping possibly being of a different size, [_finalGroupingSize].
- */
- void _group(int totalLength, int position) {
- var distanceFromEnd = totalLength - position;
- if (distanceFromEnd <= 1 || _groupingSize <= 0) return;
- if (distanceFromEnd == _finalGroupingSize + 1) {
- _add(symbols.GROUP_SEP);
- } else if ((distanceFromEnd > _finalGroupingSize) &&
- (distanceFromEnd - _finalGroupingSize) % _groupingSize == 1) {
- _add(symbols.GROUP_SEP);
- }
- }
- /** Returns the code point for the character '0'. */
- final _zero = '0'.codeUnits.first;
- /** Returns the code point for the locale's zero digit. */
- // Note that there is a slight risk of a locale's zero digit not fitting
- // into a single code unit, but it seems very unlikely, and if it did,
- // there's a pretty good chance that our assumptions about being able to do
- // arithmetic on it would also be invalid.
- get _localeZero => symbols.ZERO_DIGIT.codeUnits.first;
- /**
- * Returns the prefix for [x] based on whether it's positive or negative.
- * In en_US this would be '' and '-' respectively.
- */
- String _signPrefix(x) => x.isNegative ? _negativePrefix : _positivePrefix;
- /**
- * Returns the suffix for [x] based on wether it's positive or negative.
- * In en_US there are no suffixes for positive or negative.
- */
- String _signSuffix(x) => x.isNegative ? _negativeSuffix : _positiveSuffix;
- void _setPattern(String newPattern) {
- if (newPattern == null) return;
- // Make spaces non-breaking
- _pattern = newPattern.replaceAll(' ', '\u00a0');
- var parser = new _NumberFormatParser(this, newPattern, currencyName);
- parser.parse();
- }
- String toString() => "NumberFormat($_locale, $_pattern)";
- * A one-time object for parsing a particular numeric string. One-time here
- * means an instance can only parse one string. This is implemented by
- * transforming from a locale-specific format to one that the system can parse,
- * then calls the system parsing methods on it.
- */
-class _NumberParser {
- /** The format for which we are parsing. */
- final NumberFormat format;
- /** The text we are parsing. */
- final String text;
- /** What we use to iterate over the input text. */
- final _Stream input;
- /**
- * The result of parsing [text] according to [format]. Automatically
- * populated in the constructor.
- */
- num value;
- /** The symbols used by our format. */
- NumberSymbols get symbols => format.symbols;
- /** Where we accumulate the normalized representation of the number. */
- final StringBuffer _normalized = new StringBuffer();
- /**
- * Did we see something that indicates this is, or at least might be,
- * a positive number.
- */
- bool gotPositive = false;
- /**
- * Did we see something that indicates this is, or at least might be,
- * a negative number.
- */
- bool gotNegative = false;
- /**
- * Did we see the required positive suffix at the end. Should
- * match [gotPositive].
- */
- bool gotPositiveSuffix = false;
- /**
- * Did we see the required negative suffix at the end. Should
- * match [gotNegative].
- */
- bool gotNegativeSuffix = false;
- /** Should we stop parsing before hitting the end of the string. */
- bool done = false;
- /** Have we already skipped over any required prefixes. */
- bool prefixesSkipped = false;
- /** If the number is percent or permill, what do we divide by at the end. */
- int scale = 1;
- String get _positivePrefix => format._positivePrefix;
- String get _negativePrefix => format._negativePrefix;
- String get _positiveSuffix => format._positiveSuffix;
- String get _negativeSuffix => format._negativeSuffix;
- int get _zero => format._zero;
- int get _localeZero => format._localeZero;
- /**
- * Create a new [_NumberParser] on which we can call parse().
- */
- _NumberParser(this.format, text) : this.text = text,
- this.input = new _Stream(text) {
- value = parse();
- }
- /**
- * The strings we might replace with functions that return the replacement
- * values. They are functions because we might need to check something
- * in the context. Note that the ordering is important here. For example,
- * [symbols.PERCENT] might be " %", and we must handle that before we
- * look at an individual space.
- */
- Map<String, Function> get replacements => _replacements == null ?
- _replacements = _initializeReplacements() : _replacements;
- var _replacements;
- Map _initializeReplacements() => {
- symbols.DECIMAL_SEP: () => '.',
- symbols.EXP_SYMBOL: () => 'E',
- symbols.GROUP_SEP: handleSpace,
- symbols.PERCENT: () {
- scale = _NumberFormatParser._PERCENT_SCALE;
- return '';
- },
- symbols.PERMILL: () {
- scale = _NumberFormatParser._PER_MILLE_SCALE;
- return '';
- },
- ' ' : handleSpace,
- '\u00a0' : handleSpace,
- '+': () => '+',
- '-': () => '-',
- };
- invalidFormat() =>
- throw new FormatException("Invalid number: ${input.contents}");
- /**
- * Replace a space in the number with the normalized form. If space is not
- * a significant character (normally grouping) then it's just invalid. If it
- * is the grouping character, then it's only valid if it's followed by a
- * digit. e.g. '$12 345.00'
- */
- handleSpace() =>
- groupingIsNotASpaceOrElseItIsSpaceFollowedByADigit ? '' : invalidFormat();
- /**
- * Determine if a space is a valid character in the number. See [handleSpace].
- */
- bool get groupingIsNotASpaceOrElseItIsSpaceFollowedByADigit {
- if (symbols.GROUP_SEP != '\u00a0' || symbols.GROUP_SEP != ' ') return true;
- var peeked = input.peek(symbols.GROUP_SEP.length + 1);
- return asDigit(peeked[peeked.length - 1]) != null;
- }
- /**
- * Turn [char] into a number representing a digit, or null if it doesn't
- * represent a digit in this locale.
- */
- int asDigit(String char) {
- var charCode = char.codeUnitAt(0);
- var digitValue = charCode - _localeZero;
- if (digitValue >= 0 && digitValue < 10) {
- return digitValue;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Check to see if the input begins with either the positive or negative
- * prefixes. Set the [gotPositive] and [gotNegative] variables accordingly.
- */
- void checkPrefixes({bool skip: false}) {
- bool checkPrefix(String prefix, skip) {
- var matched = prefix.isNotEmpty && input.startsWith(prefix);
- if (skip && matched);
- return matched;
- }
- // TODO(alanknight): There's a faint possibility of a bug here where
- // a positive prefix is followed by a negative prefix that's also a valid
- // part of the number, but that seems very unlikely.
- if (checkPrefix(_positivePrefix, skip)) gotPositive = true;
- if (checkPrefix(_negativePrefix, skip)) gotNegative = true;
- // Copied from Closure. It doesn't seem to be necessary to pass the test
- // suite, so I'm not sure it's really needed.
- if (gotPositive && gotNegative) {
- if (_positivePrefix.length > _negativePrefix.length) {
- gotNegative = false;
- } else if (_negativePrefix.length > _positivePrefix.length) {
- gotPositive = false;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * If the rest of our input is either the positive or negative suffix,
- * set [gotPositiveSuffix] or [gotNegativeSuffix] accordingly.
- */
- void checkSuffixes() {
- var remainder =;
- if (remainder == _positiveSuffix) gotPositiveSuffix = true;
- if (remainder == _negativeSuffix) gotNegativeSuffix = true;
- }
- /**
- * We've encountered a character that's not a digit. Go through our
- * replacement rules looking for how to handle it. If we see something
- * that's not a digit and doesn't have a replacement, then we're done
- * and the number is probably invalid.
- */
- void processNonDigit() {
- for (var key in replacements.keys) {
- if (input.startsWith(key)) {
- _normalized.write(replacements[key]());
- return;
- }
- }
- // It might just be a prefix that we haven't skipped. We don't want to
- // skip them initially because they might also be semantically meaningful,
- // e.g. leading %. So we allow them through the loop, but only once.
- if (input.index == 0 && !prefixesSkipped) {
- prefixesSkipped = true;
- checkPrefixes(skip: true);
- } else {
- done = true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parse [text] and return the resulting number. Throws [FormatException]
- * if we can't parse it.
- */
- num parse() {
- if (text == symbols.NAN) return double.NAN;
- if (text == "$_positivePrefix${symbols.INFINITY}$_positiveSuffix") {
- return double.INFINITY;
- }
- if (text == "$_negativePrefix${symbols.INFINITY}$_negativeSuffix") {
- return double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
- }
- checkPrefixes();
- var parsed = parseNumber(input);
- if (gotPositive && !gotPositiveSuffix) invalidNumber();
- if (gotNegative && !gotNegativeSuffix) invalidNumber();
- if (!input.atEnd()) invalidNumber();
- return parsed;
- }
- /** The number is invalid, throw a [FormatException]. */
- void invalidNumber() =>
- throw new FormatException("Invalid Number: ${input.contents}");
- /**
- * Parse the number portion of the input, i.e. not any prefixes or suffixes,
- * and assuming NaN and Infinity are already handled.
- */
- num parseNumber(_Stream input) {
- while (!done && !input.atEnd()) {
- int digit = asDigit(input.peek());
- if (digit != null) {
- _normalized.writeCharCode(_zero + digit);
- } else {
- processNonDigit();
- }
- checkSuffixes();
- }
- var normalizedText = _normalized.toString();
- var parsed = int.parse(normalizedText, onError: (message) => null);
- if (parsed == null) parsed = double.parse(normalizedText);
- return parsed / scale;
- }
- * Private class that parses the numeric formatting pattern and sets the
- * variables in [format] to appropriate values. Instances of this are
- * transient and store parsing state in instance variables, so can only be used
- * to parse a single pattern.
- */
-class _NumberFormatParser {
- /**
- * The special characters in the pattern language. All others are treated
- * as literals.
- */
- static const _PATTERN_SEPARATOR = ';';
- static const _QUOTE = "'";
- static const _PATTERN_DIGIT = '#';
- static const _PATTERN_ZERO_DIGIT = '0';
- static const _PATTERN_GROUPING_SEPARATOR = ',';
- static const _PATTERN_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = '.';
- static const _PATTERN_CURRENCY_SIGN = '\u00A4';
- static const _PATTERN_PER_MILLE = '\u2030';
- static const _PER_MILLE_SCALE = 1000;
- static const _PATTERN_PERCENT = '%';
- static const _PERCENT_SCALE = 100;
- static const _PATTERN_EXPONENT = 'E';
- static const _PATTERN_PLUS = '+';
- /** The format whose state we are setting. */
- final NumberFormat format;
- /** The pattern we are parsing. */
- final _StringIterator pattern;
- /** We can be passed a specific currency symbol, regardless of the locale. */
- String currencyName;
- /**
- * Create a new [_NumberFormatParser] for a particular [NumberFormat] and
- * [input] pattern.
- */
- _NumberFormatParser(this.format, input, this.currencyName) :
- pattern = _iterator(input) {
- pattern.moveNext();
- }
- /** The [NumberSymbols] for the locale in which our [format] prints. */
- NumberSymbols get symbols => format.symbols;
- /** Parse the input pattern and set the values. */
- void parse() {
- format._positivePrefix = _parseAffix();
- var trunk = _parseTrunk();
- format._positiveSuffix = _parseAffix();
- // If we have separate positive and negative patterns, now parse the
- // the negative version.
- if (pattern.current == _NumberFormatParser._PATTERN_SEPARATOR) {
- pattern.moveNext();
- format._negativePrefix = _parseAffix();
- // Skip over the negative trunk, verifying that it's identical to the
- // positive trunk.
- for (var each in _iterable(trunk)) {
- if (pattern.current != each && pattern.current != null) {
- throw new FormatException(
- "Positive and negative trunks must be the same");
- }
- pattern.moveNext();
- }
- format._negativeSuffix = _parseAffix();
- } else {
- // If no negative affix is specified, they share the same positive affix.
- format._negativePrefix = format._negativePrefix + format._positivePrefix;
- format._negativeSuffix = format._positiveSuffix + format._negativeSuffix;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Variable used in parsing prefixes and suffixes to keep track of
- * whether or not we are in a quoted region.
- */
- bool inQuote = false;
- /**
- * Parse a prefix or suffix and return the prefix/suffix string. Note that
- * this also may modify the state of [format].
- */
- String _parseAffix() {
- var affix = new StringBuffer();
- inQuote = false;
- while (parseCharacterAffix(affix) && pattern.moveNext());
- return affix.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Parse an individual character as part of a prefix or suffix. Return true
- * if we should continue to look for more affix characters, and false if
- * we have reached the end.
- */
- bool parseCharacterAffix(StringBuffer affix) {
- var ch = pattern.current;
- if (ch == null) return false;
- if (ch == _QUOTE) {
- if (pattern.peek == _QUOTE) {
- pattern.moveNext();
- affix.write(_QUOTE); // 'don''t'
- } else {
- inQuote = !inQuote;
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (inQuote) {
- affix.write(ch);
- } else {
- switch (ch) {
- return false;
- // TODO(alanknight): Handle the local/global/portable currency signs
- affix.write(currencyName);
- break;
- if (format._multiplier != 1 && format._multiplier != _PERCENT_SCALE) {
- throw new FormatException('Too many percent/permill');
- }
- format._multiplier = _PERCENT_SCALE;
- affix.write(symbols.PERCENT);
- break;
- if (format._multiplier != 1 &&
- format._multiplier != _PER_MILLE_SCALE) {
- throw new FormatException('Too many percent/permill');
- }
- format._multiplier = _PER_MILLE_SCALE;
- affix.write(symbols.PERMILL);
- break;
- default:
- affix.write(ch);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /** Variables used in [_parseTrunk] and [parseTrunkCharacter]. */
- var decimalPos = -1;
- var digitLeftCount = 0;
- var zeroDigitCount = 0;
- var digitRightCount = 0;
- var groupingCount = -1;
- /**
- * Parse the "trunk" portion of the pattern, the piece that doesn't include
- * positive or negative prefixes or suffixes.
- */
- String _parseTrunk() {
- var loop = true;
- var trunk = new StringBuffer();
- while (pattern.current != null && loop) {
- loop = parseTrunkCharacter(trunk);
- }
- if (zeroDigitCount == 0 && digitLeftCount > 0 && decimalPos >= 0) {
- // Handle '###.###' and '###.' and '.###'
- // Handle '.###'
- var n = decimalPos == 0 ? 1 : decimalPos;
- digitRightCount = digitLeftCount - n;
- digitLeftCount = n - 1;
- zeroDigitCount = 1;
- }
- // Do syntax checking on the digits.
- if (decimalPos < 0 && digitRightCount > 0 ||
- decimalPos >= 0 && (decimalPos < digitLeftCount ||
- decimalPos > digitLeftCount + zeroDigitCount) ||
- groupingCount == 0) {
- throw new FormatException('Malformed pattern "${pattern.input}"');
- }
- var totalDigits = digitLeftCount + zeroDigitCount + digitRightCount;
- format.maximumFractionDigits =
- decimalPos >= 0 ? totalDigits - decimalPos : 0;
- if (decimalPos >= 0) {
- format.minimumFractionDigits =
- digitLeftCount + zeroDigitCount - decimalPos;
- if (format.minimumFractionDigits < 0) {
- format.minimumFractionDigits = 0;
- }
- }
- // The effectiveDecimalPos is the position the decimal is at or would be at
- // if there is no decimal. Note that if decimalPos<0, then digitTotalCount
- // == digitLeftCount + zeroDigitCount.
- var effectiveDecimalPos = decimalPos >= 0 ? decimalPos : totalDigits;
- format.minimumIntegerDigits = effectiveDecimalPos - digitLeftCount;
- if (format._useExponentialNotation) {
- format.maximumIntegerDigits = digitLeftCount +
- format.minimumIntegerDigits;
- // In exponential display, we need to at least show something.
- if (format.maximumFractionDigits == 0 &&
- format.minimumIntegerDigits == 0) {
- format.minimumIntegerDigits = 1;
- }
- }
- format._finalGroupingSize = max(0, groupingCount);
- if (!format._groupingSizeSetExplicitly) {
- format._groupingSize = format._finalGroupingSize;
- }
- format._decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = decimalPos == 0 ||
- decimalPos == totalDigits;
- return trunk.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Parse an individual character of the trunk. Return true if we should
- * continue to look for additional trunk characters or false if we have
- * reached the end.
- */
- bool parseTrunkCharacter(trunk) {
- var ch = pattern.current;
- switch (ch) {
- if (zeroDigitCount > 0) {
- digitRightCount++;
- } else {
- digitLeftCount++;
- }
- if (groupingCount >= 0 && decimalPos < 0) {
- groupingCount++;
- }
- break;
- if (digitRightCount > 0) {
- throw new FormatException('Unexpected "0" in pattern "' +
- pattern.input + '"');
- }
- zeroDigitCount++;
- if (groupingCount >= 0 && decimalPos < 0) {
- groupingCount++;
- }
- break;
- if (groupingCount > 0) {
- format._groupingSizeSetExplicitly = true;
- format._groupingSize = groupingCount;
- }
- groupingCount = 0;
- break;
- if (decimalPos >= 0) {
- throw new FormatException(
- 'Multiple decimal separators in pattern "$pattern"');
- }
- decimalPos = digitLeftCount + zeroDigitCount + digitRightCount;
- break;
- trunk.write(ch);
- if (format._useExponentialNotation) {
- throw new FormatException(
- 'Multiple exponential symbols in pattern "$pattern"');
- }
- format._useExponentialNotation = true;
- format.minimumExponentDigits = 0;
- // exponent pattern can have a optional '+'.
- pattern.moveNext();
- var nextChar = pattern.current;
- if (nextChar == _PATTERN_PLUS) {
- trunk.write(pattern.current);
- pattern.moveNext();
- format._useSignForPositiveExponent = true;
- }
- // Use lookahead to parse out the exponential part
- // of the pattern, then jump into phase 2.
- while (pattern.current == _PATTERN_ZERO_DIGIT) {
- trunk.write(pattern.current);
- pattern.moveNext();
- format.minimumExponentDigits++;
- }
- if ((digitLeftCount + zeroDigitCount) < 1 ||
- format.minimumExponentDigits < 1) {
- throw new FormatException('Malformed exponential pattern "$pattern"');
- }
- return false;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- trunk.write(ch);
- pattern.moveNext();
- return true;
- }
- * Returns an [Iterable] on the string as a list of substrings.
- */
-Iterable _iterable(String s) => new _StringIterable(s);
- * Return an iterator on the string as a list of substrings.
- */
-Iterator _iterator(String s) => new _StringIterator(s);
-// TODO(nweiz): remove this when issue 3780 is fixed.
- * Provides an Iterable that wraps [_iterator] so it can be used in a `for`
- * loop.
- */
-class _StringIterable extends IterableBase<String> {
- final Iterator<String> iterator;
- _StringIterable(String s) : iterator = _iterator(s);
- * Provides an iterator over a string as a list of substrings, and also
- * gives us a lookahead of one via the [peek] method.
- */
-class _StringIterator implements Iterator<String> {
- final String input;
- int nextIndex = 0;
- String _current = null;
- _StringIterator(input) : input = _validate(input);
- String get current => _current;
- bool moveNext() {
- if (nextIndex >= input.length) {
- _current = null;
- return false;
- }
- _current = input[nextIndex++];
- return true;
- }
- String get peek => nextIndex >= input.length ? null : input[nextIndex];
- Iterator<String> get iterator => this;
- static String _validate(input) {
- if (input is! String) throw new ArgumentError(input);
- return input;
- }
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