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Unified Diff: pkg/shelf/

Issue 814113004: Pull args, intl, logging, shelf, and source_maps out of the SDK. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Also csslib. Created 6 years ago
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diff --git a/pkg/shelf/ b/pkg/shelf/
deleted file mode 100644
index b138204853965a3173230594b1027013f9595d83..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/shelf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-## Web Server Middleware for Dart
-## Introduction
-**Shelf** makes it easy to create and compose **web servers** and **parts of web
-servers**. How?
-* Expose a small set of simple types.
-* Map server logic into a simple function: a single argument for the request,
-the response is the return value.
-* Trivially mix and match synchronous and asynchronous processing.
-* Flexibliity to return a simple string or a byte stream with the same model.
-## Example
-See `example/example_server.dart`
-import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart' as shelf;
-import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart' as io;
-void main() {
- var handler = const shelf.Pipeline().addMiddleware(shelf.logRequests())
- .addHandler(_echoRequest);
- io.serve(handler, 'localhost', 8080).then((server) {
- print('Serving at http://${}:${server.port}');
- });
-shelf.Response _echoRequest(shelf.Request request) {
- return new shelf.Response.ok('Request for "${request.url}"');
-## Handlers and Middleware
-A [handler][] is any function that handles a [shelf.Request][] and returns a
-[shelf.Response][]. It can either handle the request itself--for example, a
-static file server that looks up the requested URI on the filesystem--or it can
-do some processing and forward it to another handler--for example, a logger that
-prints information about requests and responses to the command line.
-The latter kind of handler is called "[middleware][]", since it sits in the
-middle of the server stack. Middleware can be thought of as a function that
-takes a handler and wraps it in another handler to provide additional
-functionality. A Shelf application is usually composed of many layers of
-middleware with one or more handlers at the very center; the [shelf.Pipeline][]
-class makes this sort of application easy to construct.
-Some middleware can also take multiple handlers and call one or more of them for
-each request. For example, a routing middleware might choose which handler to
-call based on the request's URI or HTTP method, while a cascading middleware
-might call each one in sequence until one returns a successful response.
-## Adapters
-An adapter is any code that creates [shelf.Request][] objects, passes them to a
-handler, and deals with the resulting [shelf.Response][]. For the most part,
-adapters forward requests from and responses to an underlying HTTP server;
-[shelf_io.serve][] is this sort of adapter. An adapter might also synthesize
-HTTP requests within the browser using `window.location` and `window.history`,
-or it might pipe requests directly from an HTTP client to a Shelf handler.
-When implementing an adapter, some rules must be followed. The adapter must not
-pass the `url` or `scriptName` parameters to [new shelf.Request][]; it should
-only pass `requestedUri`. If it passes the `context` parameter, all keys must
-begin with the adapter's package name followed by a period. If multiple headers
-with the same name are received, the adapter must collapse them into a single
-header separated by commas as per [RFC 2616 section 4.2][].
-[new shelf.Request]:
-[RFC 2616 section 4.2]:
-An adapter must handle all errors from the handler, including the handler
-returning a `null` response. It should print each error to the console if
-possible, then act as though the handler returned a 500 response. The adapter
-may include body data for the 500 response, but this body data must not include
-information about the error that occurred. This ensures that unexpected errors
-don't result in exposing internal information in production by default; if the
-user wants to return detailed error descriptions, they should explicitly include
-middleware to do so.
-An adapter should include information about itself in the Server header of the
-response by default. If the handler returns a response with the Server header
-set, that must take precedence over the adapter's default header.
-An adapter should include the Date header with the time the handler returns a
-response. If the handler returns a response with the Date header set, that must
-take precedence.
-An adapter should ensure that asynchronous errors thrown by the handler don't
-cause the application to crash, even if they aren't reported by the future
-chain. Specifically, these errors shouldn't be passed to the root zone's error
-handler; however, if the adapter is run within another error zone, it should
-allow these errors to be passed to that zone. The following function can be used
-to capture only errors that would otherwise be top-leveled:
-/// Run [callback] and capture any errors that would otherwise be top-leveled.
-/// If [this] is called in a non-root error zone, it will just run [callback]
-/// and return the result. Otherwise, it will capture any errors using
-/// [runZoned] and pass them to [onError].
-catchTopLevelErrors(callback(), void onError(error, StackTrace stackTrace)) {
- if (Zone.current.inSameErrorZone(Zone.ROOT)) {
- return runZoned(callback, onError: onError);
- } else {
- return callback();
- }
-## Inspiration
-* [Connect]( for NodeJS.
- * Read [this great write-up]( to understand
- the overall philosophy of all of these models.
-* [Rack]( for Ruby.
-* [WSGI]( for Python.
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