(Empty) | |
| 1 <!DOCTYPE html> |
| 2 <head> |
| 3 <script src="/js-test-resources/js-test.js"></script> |
| 4 </head> |
| 5 <button id="button" style="height: 100px; width: 100px;"> |
| 6 </button> |
| 7 <button id="button_with_contextmenu" contextmenu="menu_id" style="height: 100px;
width: 100px;"> |
| 8 <menu id="menu_id" type="PopUp"> |
| 9 <!-- Test removal of separator at the start. --> |
| 10 <hr> |
| 11 <menuitem label="Item1"></menuitem> |
| 12 <!-- Test disabled menuitem. --> |
| 13 <menuitem label="Item2" disabled></menuitem> |
| 14 <!-- Test addition of separator for <hr>. --> |
| 15 <hr> |
| 16 <menuitem label="Item3"></menuitem> |
| 17 <!-- Test child menu with label. --> |
| 18 <menu label="Submenu"> |
| 19 <menuitem label="Item4"></menuitem> |
| 20 <menu label="Deeper submenu"> |
| 21 <!-- Test removal of separator at the start inside submenu. --> |
| 22 <hr> |
| 23 <menuitem label="Item5"></menuitem> |
| 24 <hr> |
| 25 <menuitem label="Item6"></menuitem> |
| 26 <!-- Test removal of separator at the end inside submenu. --> |
| 27 <hr> |
| 28 </menu> |
| 29 </menu> |
| 30 <menuitem label="Item7"></menuitem> |
| 31 <!-- Test child menu without label. --> |
| 32 <menu> |
| 33 <menuitem label="Item8"></menuitem> |
| 34 <!-- Test child menu with empty label. --> |
| 35 <menu label=""> |
| 36 <menuitem label="Item9"></menuitem> |
| 37 <menuitem label="Item10"></menuitem> |
| 38 </menu> |
| 39 <menuitem label="Item11"></menuitem> |
| 40 <menuitem label="Item12"></menuitem> |
| 41 </menu> |
| 42 <!-- Test collapsing two or more adjacent separators. --> |
| 43 <hr> |
| 44 <hr> |
| 45 <hr> |
| 46 <hr> |
| 47 <!-- Test menuitem menu without label. --> |
| 48 <menuitem></menuitem> |
| 49 <!-- Test menuitem menu with empty label. --> |
| 50 <menuitem label=""></menuitem> |
| 51 <menuitem label="Item13"></menuitem> |
| 52 <!-- Test menuitem of type "checkbox" without "checked" attribute. --> |
| 53 <menuitem type="checkbox" label="Item14"></menuitem> |
| 54 <!-- Test menuitem of type "checkbox" with "checked" attribute. --> |
| 55 <menuitem type="checkbox" label="Item15" checked></menuitem> |
| 56 <!-- Test default menuitem with "checked" attribute. --> |
| 57 <menuitem label="Item16" checked></menuitem> |
| 58 <!-- Test menuitem of type "radio" with "checked" attribute. --> |
| 59 <menuitem type="radio" radiogroup="group" label="Item17"></menuitem> |
| 60 <menuitem type="radio" radiogroup="group" label="Item18" checked></menui
tem> |
| 61 <menuitem type="radio" radiogroup="group" label="Item19"></menuitem> |
| 62 <!-- Test menuitem of with "icon" attribute. --> |
| 63 <menuitem label="Item20" icon="abc.png" checked></menuitem> |
| 64 <!-- Test removal of separator at the end. --> |
| 65 <hr> |
| 66 </menu> |
| 67 </button> |
| 68 <!-- Test with menu element without type attribute specified. --> |
| 69 <button id="button_1" contextmenu="menu_without_type" style="height: 100px; widt
h: 100px;"> |
| 70 <menu id="menu_without_type"> |
| 71 <menuitem label="Item1"></menuitem> |
| 72 <menuitem label="Item2"></menuitem> |
| 73 <menuitem label="Item3"></menuitem> |
| 74 </menu> |
| 75 </button> |
| 76 <!-- Test cancelling show event. --> |
| 77 <button id="button_2" contextmenu="menu_2" style="height: 100px; width: 100px;"> |
| 78 <menu id="menu_2" type="popup"> |
| 79 <menuitem label="Item1"></menuitem> |
| 80 <menuitem label="Item2"></menuitem> |
| 81 <menuitem label="Item3"></menuitem> |
| 82 </menu> |
| 83 </button> |
| 84 <!-- Test removing menu element inside show event handler. --> |
| 85 <button id="button_3" contextmenu="menu_3" style="height: 100px; width: 100px;"> |
| 86 <menu id="menu_3" type="popup"> |
| 87 <menuitem label="Item1"></menuitem> |
| 88 <menuitem label="Item2"></menuitem> |
| 89 <menuitem label="Item3"></menuitem> |
| 90 </menu> |
| 91 </button> |
| 92 <!-- Test with menu element without any children. --> |
| 93 <button id="button_4" contextmenu="menu_4" style="height: 100px; width: 100px;"> |
| 94 <menu id="menu_4" type="popup"> |
| 95 </menu> |
| 96 </button> |
| 97 <!-- Test if an element A has a parent element, then A's assigned context menu i
s the assigned context menu of its parent element. --> |
| 98 <div contextmenu="menu_5"> |
| 99 <div> |
| 100 <button id="button_5" style="height: 100px; width: 100px;"></button> |
| 101 </div> |
| 102 <menu id="menu_5" type="popup"> |
| 103 <menuitem label="Item1"> |
| 104 <menuitem label="Item2"> |
| 105 <menuitem label="Item3"> |
| 106 </menu> |
| 107 </div> |
| 108 <script> |
| 109 if (!window.eventSender) |
| 110 debug("This test requires window.eventSender.") |
| 111 |
| 112 function contextClickAndGetMenuItems(element) { |
| 113 var x = element.offsetParent.offsetLeft + element.offsetLeft + 4; |
| 114 var y = element.offsetParent.offsetTop + element.offsetTop + element.offsetH
eight / 2; |
| 115 eventSender.mouseMoveTo(x, y); |
| 116 return eventSender.contextClick(); |
| 117 } |
| 118 |
| 119 function cancel(event) { |
| 120 event.preventDefault(); |
| 121 } |
| 122 |
| 123 function removeMenu(event) { |
| 124 event.target.remove(); |
| 125 } |
| 126 |
| 127 description("Tests the custom context menu items."); |
| 128 var button = document.getElementById("button"); |
| 129 var items = contextClickAndGetMenuItems(button); |
| 130 |
| 131 // Esc key to hide the context menu. |
| 132 eventSender.keyDown("escape"); |
| 133 |
| 134 var buttonWithContextMenu = document.getElementById("button_with_contextmenu"); |
| 135 var itemsWithCustomContextMenu = contextClickAndGetMenuItems(buttonWithContextMe
nu); |
| 136 |
| 137 // Esc key to hide the context menu. |
| 138 eventSender.keyDown("escape"); |
| 139 |
| 140 var button1 = document.getElementById("button_1"); |
| 141 var items1 = contextClickAndGetMenuItems(button1); |
| 142 |
| 143 // Esc key to hide the context menu. |
| 144 eventSender.keyDown("escape"); |
| 145 |
| 146 var button2 = document.getElementById("button_2"); |
| 147 document.getElementById("menu_2").addEventListener("show", cancel, false); |
| 148 var items2 = contextClickAndGetMenuItems(button2); |
| 149 |
| 150 // Esc key to hide the context menu. |
| 151 eventSender.keyDown("escape"); |
| 152 |
| 153 var button3 = document.getElementById("button_3"); |
| 154 document.getElementById("menu_3").addEventListener("show", removeMenu, false); |
| 155 var items3 = contextClickAndGetMenuItems(button3); |
| 156 |
| 157 // Esc key to hide the context menu. |
| 158 eventSender.keyDown("escape"); |
| 159 |
| 160 var button4 = document.getElementById("button_4"); |
| 161 var items4 = contextClickAndGetMenuItems(button4); |
| 162 |
| 163 // Esc key to hide the context menu. |
| 164 eventSender.keyDown("escape"); |
| 165 |
| 166 var button5 = document.getElementById("button_5"); |
| 167 var items5 = contextClickAndGetMenuItems(button5); |
| 168 |
| 169 shouldBeEqualToNumber("itemsWithCustomContextMenu.length - items.length", 24); |
| 170 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[0]", "Item1"); |
| 171 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[1]", "#Item2"); |
| 172 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[2]", "---------"); |
| 173 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[3]", "Item3"); |
| 174 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[4]", "Submenu >"); |
| 175 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[5]", "_Item4"); |
| 176 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[6]", "_Deeper submenu >"); |
| 177 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[7]", "__Item5"); |
| 178 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[8]", "__---------"); |
| 179 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[9]", "__Item6"); |
| 180 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[10]", "Item7"); |
| 181 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[11]", "---------"); |
| 182 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[12]", "Item8"); |
| 183 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[13]", "Item11"); |
| 184 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[14]", "Item12"); |
| 185 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[15]", "---------"); |
| 186 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[16]", "Item13"); |
| 187 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[17]", "Item14"); |
| 188 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[18]", "*Item15"); |
| 189 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[19]", "Item16"); |
| 190 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[20]", "Item17"); |
| 191 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[21]", "*Item18"); |
| 192 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[22]", "Item19"); |
| 193 shouldBeEqualToString("itemsWithCustomContextMenu[23]", "Item20http://
8000/misc/abc.png"); |
| 194 shouldBeEqualToNumber("items1.length - items.length", 0); |
| 195 shouldBeEqualToNumber("items2.length - items.length", 0); |
| 196 shouldBeEqualToNumber("items3.length - items.length", 0); |
| 197 shouldBeEqualToNumber("items4.length - items.length", 0); |
| 198 shouldBeEqualToNumber("items5.length - items.length", 3); |
| 199 shouldBeEqualToString("items5[0]", "Item1"); |
| 200 shouldBeEqualToString("items5[1]", "Item2"); |
| 201 shouldBeEqualToString("items5[2]", "Item3"); |
| 202 |
| 203 </script> |