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Unified Diff: build/android/pylib/gtest/

Issue 788753002: [Android] Implement gtest and local in platform mode. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: fix findbugs + move log parsing up to GtestTestInstance Created 6 years ago
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Index: build/android/pylib/gtest/
diff --git a/build/android/pylib/gtest/ b/build/android/pylib/gtest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ce93d16336e8e5b4da7ab0bb668030f9f2c50ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/android/pylib/gtest/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import logging
+import os
+from pylib import constants
+from pylib import ports
+from pylib.base import test_run
+from pylib.device import device_errors
+from pylib.gtest import gtest_test_instance
+from pylib.local import local_test_server_spawner
+from pylib.local.device import local_device_environment
+from pylib.local.device import local_device_test_run
+from pylib.utils import apk_helper
+from pylib.utils import device_temp_file
+ 'org.chromium.native_test.ChromeNativeTestActivity.CommandLineFile')
+ 'org.chromium.native_test.ChromeNativeTestActivity.CommandLineFlags')
+# TODO(jbudorick): Move this up to the test instance if the net test server is
+# handled outside of the APK for the remote_device environment.
+ 'content_unittests', 'content_browsertests', 'net_unittests', 'unit_tests'
+class _ApkDelegate(object):
+ def __init__(self, apk):
+ self._apk = apk
+ self._package = apk_helper.GetPackageName(self._apk)
+ self._runner = apk_helper.GetInstrumentationName(self._apk)
+ self._component = '%s/%s' % (self._package, self._runner)
+ def Install(self, device):
+ device.Install(self._apk)
+ def RunWithFlags(self, device, flags, **kwargs):
+ with device_temp_file.DeviceTempFile(device.adb) as command_line_file:
+ device.WriteFile(, '_ %s' % flags)
+ return device.StartInstrumentation(
+ self._component,
+ raw=False,
+ **kwargs)
+ def Clear(self, device):
+ device.ClearApplicationState(self._package)
+class _ExeDelegate(object):
+ def __init__(self, exe, tr):
+ self._exe_host_path = exe
+ self._exe_file_name = os.path.split(exe)[-1]
+ self._exe_device_path = '%s/%s' % (
+ constants.TEST_EXECUTABLE_DIR, self._exe_file_name)
+ deps_host_path = self._exe_host_path + '_deps'
+ if os.path.exists(deps_host_path):
+ self._deps_host_path = deps_host_path
+ self._deps_device_path = self._exe_device_path + '_deps'
+ else:
+ self._deps_host_path = None
+ self._test_run = tr
+ def Install(self, device):
+ # TODO(jbudorick): Look into merging this with normal data deps pushing if
+ # executables become supported on nonlocal environments.
+ host_device_tuples = [(self._exe_host_path, self._exe_device_path)]
+ if self._deps_host_path:
+ host_device_tuples.append((self._deps_host_path, self._deps_device_path))
+ device.PushChangedFiles(host_device_tuples)
+ def RunWithFlags(self, device, flags, **kwargs):
+ cmd = [
+ self._test_run.GetTool(device).GetTestWrapper(),
+ self._exe_device_path,
+ flags,
+ ]
+ cwd = constants.TEST_EXECUTABLE_DIR
+ env = {
+ '%s/%s_deps' % (constants.TEST_EXECUTABLE_DIR, self._exe_file_name),
+ }
+ try:
+ gcov_strip_depth = os.environ['NATIVE_COVERAGE_DEPTH_STRIP']
+ external = device.GetExternalStoragePath()
+ env['GCOV_PREFIX'] = '%s/gcov' % external
+ env['GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP'] = gcov_strip_depth
+ except (device_errors.CommandFailedError, KeyError):
+ pass
+ # TODO(jbudorick): Switch to just RunShellCommand once perezju@'s CL
+ # for long shell commands lands.
+ with device_temp_file.DeviceTempFile(device.adb) as script_file:
+ script_contents = ' '.join(cmd)
+'script contents: %r' % script_contents)
+ device.WriteFile(, script_contents)
+ output = device.RunShellCommand(['sh',], cwd=cwd,
+ env=env, **kwargs)
+ return output
+ def Clear(self, device):
+ try:
+ device.KillAll(self._exe_file_name, blocking=True, timeout=30, retries=0)
+ except device_errors.CommandFailedError:
+ # Raised if there is no process with the given name, which in this case
+ # is all we care about.
+ pass
+class LocalDeviceGtestRun(local_device_test_run.LocalDeviceTestRun):
+ def __init__(self, env, test_instance):
+ assert isinstance(env, local_device_environment.LocalDeviceEnvironment)
+ assert isinstance(test_instance, gtest_test_instance.GtestTestInstance)
+ super(LocalDeviceGtestRun, self).__init__(env, test_instance)
+ if self._test_instance.apk:
+ self._delegate = _ApkDelegate(self._test_instance.apk)
+ elif self._test_instance.exe:
+ self._delegate = _ExeDelegate(self, self._test_instance.exe)
+ self._servers = {}
+ #override
+ def TestPackage(self):
+ return self._test_instance._suite
+ #override
+ def SetUp(self):
+ def individual_device_set_up(dev, host_device_tuples):
+ # Install test APK.
+ self._delegate.Install(dev)
+ # Push data dependencies.
+ external_storage = dev.GetExternalStoragePath()
+ host_device_tuples = [
+ (h, d if d is not None else external_storage)
+ for h, d in host_device_tuples]
+ dev.PushChangedFiles(host_device_tuples)
+ self._servers[str(dev)] = []
+ self._servers[str(dev)].append(
+ local_test_server_spawner.LocalTestServerSpawner(
+ ports.AllocateTestServerPort(), dev, self.GetTool(dev)))
+ for s in self._servers[str(dev)]:
+ s.SetUp()
+ self._env.parallel_devices.pMap(individual_device_set_up,
+ self._test_instance.GetDataDependencies())
+ #override
+ def _ShouldShard(self):
+ return True
+ #override
+ def _CreateShards(self, tests):
+ device_count = len(self._env.devices)
+ shards = []
+ for i in xrange(0, device_count):
+ unbounded_shard = tests[i::device_count]
+ shards += [unbounded_shard[j:j+_MAX_SHARD_SIZE]
+ for j in xrange(0, len(unbounded_shard), _MAX_SHARD_SIZE)]
+ return [':'.join(s) for s in shards]
+ #override
+ def _GetTests(self):
+ tests = self._delegate.RunWithFlags(
+ self._env.devices[0], '--gtest_list_tests')
+ tests = gtest_test_instance.ParseGTestListTests(tests)
+ tests = self._test_instance.FilterTests(tests)
+ return tests
+ #override
+ def _RunTest(self, device, test):
+ # Run the test.
+ output = self._delegate.RunWithFlags(device, '--gtest_filter=%s' % test,
+ timeout=900, retries=0)
+ for s in self._servers[str(device)]:
+ s.Reset()
+ self._delegate.Clear(device)
+ # Parse the output.
+ # TODO(jbudorick): Transition test scripts away from parsing stdout.
+ results = self._test_instance.ParseGTestOutput(output)
+ return results
+ #override
+ def TearDown(self):
+ def individual_device_tear_down(dev):
+ for s in self._servers[str(dev)]:
+ s.TearDown()
+ self._env.parallel_devices.pMap(individual_device_tear_down)
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