| (Empty) |
1 This test makes sure setting scrollLeft or scrollTop to an invalid value throws
an exception. | |
2 | |
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 scrollLeft Tests | |
8 | |
9 Testing - setting scrollLeft to a valid value | |
10 PASS element.scrollLeft = 32 did not throw exception. | |
11 PASS element.scrollLeft = 32.1 did not throw exception. | |
12 PASS element.scrollLeft = "string" did not throw exception. | |
13 PASS element.scrollLeft = null did not throw exception. | |
14 PASS element.scrollLeft = undefined did not throw exception. | |
15 PASS element.scrollLeft = Infinity did not throw exception. | |
16 PASS element.scrollLeft = NaN did not throw exception. | |
17 PASS element.scrollLeft = { x: 42 } did not throw exception. | |
18 PASS element.scrollLeft = { x: 42, behavior: "auto" } did not throw exception. | |
19 PASS element.scrollLeft = { x: 42, behavior: "instant" } did not throw exception
. | |
20 PASS element.scrollLeft = { x: 42, behavior: "smooth" } did not throw exception. | |
21 Testing - setting scrollLeft to an invalid value | |
22 PASS element.scrollLeft = { } threw exception TypeError: Failed to set the 'scro
llLeft' property on 'Element': ScrollOptionsHorizontal must include an 'x' membe
r.. | |
23 PASS element.scrollLeft = { x: 42, behavior: "" } threw exception TypeError: Fai
led to set the 'scrollLeft' property on 'Element': The ScrollBehavior provided i
s invalid.. | |
24 PASS element.scrollLeft = { x: 42, behavior: "abcd" } threw exception TypeError:
Failed to set the 'scrollLeft' property on 'Element': The ScrollBehavior provid
ed is invalid.. | |
25 PASS element.scrollLeft = { behavior: "abcd" } threw exception TypeError: Failed
to set the 'scrollLeft' property on 'Element': The ScrollBehavior provided is i
nvalid.. | |
26 PASS element.scrollLeft = { behavior: "smooth" } threw exception TypeError: Fail
ed to set the 'scrollLeft' property on 'Element': ScrollOptionsHorizontal must i
nclude an 'x' member.. | |
27 PASS element.scrollLeft = { behavior: "instant" } threw exception TypeError: Fai
led to set the 'scrollLeft' property on 'Element': ScrollOptionsHorizontal must
include an 'x' member.. | |
28 PASS element.scrollLeft = { behavior: "smooth" } threw exception TypeError: Fail
ed to set the 'scrollLeft' property on 'Element': ScrollOptionsHorizontal must i
nclude an 'x' member.. | |
29 | |
30 scrollTop Tests | |
31 | |
32 Testing - setting scrollTop to a valid value | |
33 PASS element.scrollTop = 32 did not throw exception. | |
34 PASS element.scrollTop = 32.1 did not throw exception. | |
35 PASS element.scrollTop = "string" did not throw exception. | |
36 PASS element.scrollTop = null did not throw exception. | |
37 PASS element.scrollTop = undefined did not throw exception. | |
38 PASS element.scrollTop = Infinity did not throw exception. | |
39 PASS element.scrollTop = NaN did not throw exception. | |
40 PASS element.scrollTop = { y: 42 } did not throw exception. | |
41 PASS element.scrollTop = { y: 42, behavior: "auto" } did not throw exception. | |
42 PASS element.scrollTop = { y: 42, behavior: "instant" } did not throw exception. | |
43 PASS element.scrollTop = { y: 42, behavior: "smooth" } did not throw exception. | |
44 Testing - setting scrollTop to an invalid value | |
45 PASS element.scrollTop = { } threw exception TypeError: Failed to set the 'scrol
lTop' property on 'Element': ScrollOptionsVertical must include a 'y' member.. | |
46 PASS element.scrollTop = { y: 42, behavior: "" } threw exception TypeError: Fail
ed to set the 'scrollTop' property on 'Element': The ScrollBehavior provided is
invalid.. | |
47 PASS element.scrollTop = { y: 42, behavior: "abcd" } threw exception TypeError:
Failed to set the 'scrollTop' property on 'Element': The ScrollBehavior provided
is invalid.. | |
48 PASS element.scrollTop = { behavior: "abcd" } threw exception TypeError: Failed
to set the 'scrollTop' property on 'Element': The ScrollBehavior provided is inv
alid.. | |
49 PASS element.scrollTop = { behavior: "smooth" } threw exception TypeError: Faile
d to set the 'scrollTop' property on 'Element': ScrollOptionsVertical must inclu
de a 'y' member.. | |
50 PASS element.scrollTop = { behavior: "instant" } threw exception TypeError: Fail
ed to set the 'scrollTop' property on 'Element': ScrollOptionsVertical must incl
ude a 'y' member.. | |
51 PASS element.scrollTop = { behavior: "smooth" } threw exception TypeError: Faile
d to set the 'scrollTop' property on 'Element': ScrollOptionsVertical must inclu
de a 'y' member.. | |
52 PASS successfullyParsed is true | |
53 | |
55 This box should force the container div to have a scrollable area to test. | |