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Unified Diff: mojo/public/dart/src/timer_impl.dart

Issue 782693004: Update mojo sdk to rev f6c8ec07c01deebc13178d516225fd12695c3dc2 (Closed) Base URL:
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Index: mojo/public/dart/src/timer_impl.dart
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/timer_impl.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/timer_impl.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61fee6da56d9c0113c067a1426cc6b37413a24ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mojo/public/dart/src/timer_impl.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This code is adapted from the Timer implementation in the standalone Dart VM
+// for use in the Mojo embedder.
+part of core;
+// Timer heap implemented as a array-based binary heap[0].
+// This allows for O(1) `first`, O(log(n)) `remove`/`removeFirst` and O(log(n))
+// `add`.
+// To ensure the timers are ordered by insertion time, the _Timer class has a
+// `_id` field set when added to the heap.
+// [0]
+class _TimerHeap {
+ List<_Timer> _list;
+ int _used = 0;
+ _TimerHeap([int initSize = 7])
+ : _list = new List<_Timer>(initSize);
+ bool get isEmpty => _used == 0;
+ bool get isNotEmpty => _used > 0;
+ _Timer get first => _list[0];
+ bool isFirst(_Timer timer) => timer._indexOrNext == 0;
+ void add(_Timer timer) {
+ if (_used == _list.length) {
+ _resize();
+ }
+ timer._indexOrNext = _used++;
+ _list[timer._indexOrNext] = timer;
+ _bubbleUp(timer);
+ }
+ _Timer removeFirst() {
+ var f = first;
+ remove(f);
+ return f;
+ }
+ void remove(_Timer timer) {
+ _used--;
+ timer._id = -1;
+ if (isEmpty) {
+ _list[0] = null;
+ timer._indexOrNext = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ var last = _list[_used];
+ if (!identical(last, timer)) {
+ last._indexOrNext = timer._indexOrNext;
+ _list[last._indexOrNext] = last;
+ if (last._compareTo(timer) < 0) {
+ _bubbleUp(last);
+ } else {
+ _bubbleDown(last);
+ }
+ }
+ _list[_used] = null;
+ timer._indexOrNext = null;
+ }
+ void _resize() {
+ var newList = new List(_list.length * 2 + 1);
+ newList.setRange(0, _used, _list);
+ _list = newList;
+ }
+ void _bubbleUp(_Timer timer) {
+ while (!isFirst(timer)) {
+ Timer parent = _parent(timer);
+ if (timer._compareTo(parent) < 0) {
+ _swap(timer, parent);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void _bubbleDown(_Timer timer) {
+ while (true) {
+ int leftIndex = _leftChildIndex(timer._indexOrNext);
+ int rightIndex = _rightChildIndex(timer._indexOrNext);
+ _Timer newest = timer;
+ if (leftIndex < _used && _list[leftIndex]._compareTo(newest) < 0) {
+ newest = _list[leftIndex];
+ }
+ if (rightIndex < _used && _list[rightIndex]._compareTo(newest) < 0) {
+ newest = _list[rightIndex];
+ }
+ if (identical(newest, timer)) {
+ // We are where we should be, break.
+ break;
+ }
+ _swap(newest, timer);
+ }
+ }
+ void _swap(_Timer first, _Timer second) {
+ int tmp = first._indexOrNext;
+ first._indexOrNext = second._indexOrNext;
+ second._indexOrNext = tmp;
+ _list[first._indexOrNext] = first;
+ _list[second._indexOrNext] = second;
+ }
+ Timer _parent(_Timer timer) => _list[_parentIndex(timer._indexOrNext)];
+ Timer _leftChild(_Timer timer) => _list[_leftChildIndex(timer._indexOrNext)];
+ Timer _rightChild(_Timer timer) =>
+ _list[_rightChildIndex(timer._indexOrNext)];
+ static int _parentIndex(int index) => (index - 1) ~/ 2;
+ static int _leftChildIndex(int index) => 2 * index + 1;
+ static int _rightChildIndex(int index) => 2 * index + 2;
+class _Timer implements Timer {
+ // Disables the timer.
+ static const int _NO_TIMER = -1;
+ // Timers are ordered by wakeup time.
+ static _TimerHeap _heap = new _TimerHeap();
+ static _Timer _firstZeroTimer;
+ static _Timer _lastZeroTimer;
+ static int _idCount = 0;
+ static RawReceivePort _receivePort;
+ static SendPort _sendPort;
+ static bool _handlingCallbacks = false;
+ Function _callback;
+ int _milliSeconds;
+ int _wakeupTime = 0;
+ var _indexOrNext;
+ int _id = -1;
+ static Timer _createTimer(void callback(Timer timer),
+ int milliSeconds,
+ bool repeating) {
+ _Timer timer = new _Timer._internal();
+ timer._callback = callback;
+ if (milliSeconds > 0) {
+ // Add one because is assumed to round down
+ // to nearest millisecond, not up, so that time + duration is before
+ // duration milliseconds from now. Using micosecond timers like
+ // Stopwatch allows detecting that the timer fires early.
+ timer._wakeupTime =
+ new + 1 + milliSeconds;
+ }
+ timer._milliSeconds = repeating ? milliSeconds : -1;
+ if (timer._addTimerToHeap()) {
+ // The new timer is the first in queue. Update event handler.
+ _notifyEventHandler();
+ }
+ return timer;
+ }
+ factory _Timer(int milliSeconds, void callback(Timer timer)) {
+ return _createTimer(callback, milliSeconds, false);
+ }
+ factory _Timer.periodic(int milliSeconds, void callback(Timer timer)) {
+ return _createTimer(callback, milliSeconds, true);
+ }
+ _Timer._internal() {}
+ bool get _isInHeap => _id >= 0;
+ void _clear() {
+ _callback = null;
+ }
+ int _compareTo(_Timer other) {
+ int c = _wakeupTime - other._wakeupTime;
+ if (c != 0) return c;
+ return _id - other._id;
+ }
+ bool get _repeating => _milliSeconds >= 0;
+ bool get isActive => _callback != null;
+ // Cancels a set timer. The timer is removed from the timer list and if
+ // the given timer is the earliest timer the native timer is reset.
+ void cancel() {
+ _clear();
+ if (!_isInHeap) return;
+ assert(_wakeupTime != 0);
+ bool update = (_firstZeroTimer == null) && _heap.isFirst(this);
+ _heap.remove(this);
+ if (update) {
+ _notifyEventHandler();
+ }
+ }
+ void _advanceWakeupTime() {
+ assert(_milliSeconds >= 0);
+ _wakeupTime += _milliSeconds;
+ }
+ // Adds a timer to the timer list. Timers with the same wakeup time are
+ // enqueued in order and notified in FIFO order.
+ bool _addTimerToHeap() {
+ if (_wakeupTime == 0) {
+ if (_firstZeroTimer == null) {
+ _lastZeroTimer = this;
+ _firstZeroTimer = this;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ _lastZeroTimer._indexOrNext = this;
+ _lastZeroTimer = this;
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _id = _idCount++;
+ _heap.add(this);
+ return _firstZeroTimer == null && _heap.isFirst(this);
+ }
+ }
+ static void _notifyEventHandler() {
+ if (_handlingCallbacks) {
+ // While we are already handling callbacks we will not notify the event
+ // handler. _handleTimeout will call _notifyEventHandler once all pending
+ // timers are processed.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_firstZeroTimer == null && _heap.isEmpty) {
+ // No pending timers: Close the receive port and let the event handler
+ // know.
+ if (_receivePort != null) {
+ MojoHandleWatcher.timer(_sendPort, _NO_TIMER);
+ _shutdownTimerHandler();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (_receivePort == null) {
+ // Create a receive port and register a message handler for the timer
+ // events.
+ _createTimerHandler();
+ }
+ if (_firstZeroTimer != null) {
+ _sendPort.send(null);
+ } else {
+ MojoHandleWatcher.timer(_sendPort, _heap.first._wakeupTime);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void _handleTimeout(_) {
+ int currentTime = new;
+ // Collect all pending timers.
+ var timer = _firstZeroTimer;
+ var nextTimer = _lastZeroTimer;
+ _firstZeroTimer = null;
+ _lastZeroTimer = null;
+ while (_heap.isNotEmpty && _heap.first._wakeupTime <= currentTime) {
+ var next = _heap.removeFirst();
+ if (timer == null) {
+ nextTimer = next;
+ timer = next;
+ } else {
+ nextTimer._indexOrNext = next;
+ nextTimer = next;
+ }
+ }
+ // Trigger all of the pending timers. New timers added as part of the
+ // callbacks will be enqueued now and notified in the next spin at the
+ // earliest.
+ _handlingCallbacks = true;
+ try {
+ while (timer != null) {
+ var next = timer._indexOrNext;
+ timer._indexOrNext = null;
+ // One of the timers in the pending_timers list can cancel
+ // one of the later timers which will set the callback to
+ // null.
+ if (timer._callback != null) {
+ var callback = timer._callback;
+ if (!timer._repeating) {
+ // Mark timer as inactive.
+ timer._callback = null;
+ }
+ callback(timer);
+ // Re-insert repeating timer if not canceled.
+ if (timer._repeating && timer._callback != null) {
+ timer._advanceWakeupTime();
+ timer._addTimerToHeap();
+ }
+ }
+ timer = next;
+ }
+ } finally {
+ _handlingCallbacks = false;
+ _notifyEventHandler();
+ }
+ }
+ // Creates a receive port and registers the timer handler on that
+ // receive port.
+ static void _createTimerHandler() {
+ if(_receivePort == null) {
+ _receivePort = new RawReceivePort(_handleTimeout);
+ _sendPort = _receivePort.sendPort;
+ }
+ }
+ static void _shutdownTimerHandler() {
+ _receivePort.close();
+ _receivePort = null;
+ _sendPort = null;
+ }
+// Provide a closure which will allocate a Timer object to be able to hook
+// up the Timer interface in dart:isolate with the implementation here.
+_getTimerFactoryClosure() {
+ return (int milliSeconds, void callback(Timer timer), bool repeating) {
+ if (repeating) {
+ return new _Timer.periodic(milliSeconds, callback);
+ }
+ return new _Timer(milliSeconds, callback);
+ };

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