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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/extensions/

Issue 7720002: Chrome Extensions chrome.experimental.offscreenTabs.* API implementation, docs, and test. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: '' Created 9 years, 3 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/extensions/
--- chrome/browser/extensions/ (revision 0)
+++ chrome/browser/extensions/ (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,1195 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_offscreen_tabs_module.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/base64.h"
+#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
+#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "base/string_number_conversions.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "base/values.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_event_router.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_function_dispatcher.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_host.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_message_service.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_offscreen_tabs_module_constants.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_tabs_module.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/net/url_fixer_upper.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_navigator.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_contents/tab_contents_wrapper.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/ui/window_sizer.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h"
+#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h"
+#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_error_utils.h"
+#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_messages.h"
+#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
+#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
+#include "content/browser/renderer_host/backing_store.h"
+#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host.h"
+#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_delegate.h"
+#include "content/browser/tab_contents/navigation_entry.h"
+#include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h"
+#include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents_view.h"
+#include "content/common/content_client.h"
+#include "content/common/notification_service.h"
+#include "skia/ext/image_operations.h"
+#include "skia/ext/platform_canvas.h"
+#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/codec/jpeg_codec.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h"
+using WebKit::WebInputEvent;
+namespace keys = extension_offscreen_tabs_module_constants;
+namespace {
+class Tab;
+// Offscreen Tab ---------------------------------------------------------------
+// This class is responsible for the creation and destruction of offscreen tabs,
+// as well as dispatching an onUpdated event.
+class OffscreenTab : public NotificationObserver {
+ public:
+ OffscreenTab();
+ virtual ~OffscreenTab();
+ void Init(const GURL& url,
+ const int width,
+ const int height,
+ Profile* profile);
+ TabContents* contents();
+ Tab* parent_tab() { return parent_tab_; }
+ DictionaryValue* CreateValue(); // The caller owns the returned value.
+ void SetURL(const GURL& url);
+ void SetSize(int width, int height);
+ void SetParentTab(Tab* tab);
+ private:
+ virtual void Observe(int type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
+ NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
+ scoped_ptr<TabContentsWrapper> tab_; // TabContentsWrapper associated with
+ // this offscreen tab.
+ Tab* parent_tab_;
+typedef std::vector<OffscreenTab*> TabVector;
+typedef TabVector::iterator TabIterator;
+// Tab -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Holds info about a tab that has spawned at least one offscreen tab.
+// Each Tab keeps track of its child offscreen tabs. The Tab is also responsible
+// for killing its children when it navigates away or gets closed.
+class Tab : public NotificationObserver {
+ public:
+ Tab();
+ virtual ~Tab();
+ void Init(TabContents* tab_contents, const std::string& extension_id);
+ TabContents* contents();
+ const TabVector& offscreen_tabs() { return offscreen_tabs_; }
+ const std::string& extension_id() const { return extension_id_; }
+ // Tab takes ownership of OffscreenTab.
+ void AddOffscreenTab(OffscreenTab *tab);
+ // Caller assumes ownership of OffscreenTab.
+ void RemoveOffscreenTab(OffscreenTab *tab);
+ private:
+ virtual void Observe(int type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
+ NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
+ TabContentsWrapper* tab_; // TabContentsWrapper associated with this tab.
+ TabVector offscreen_tabs_; // Offscreen tabs spawned by this tab.
+ std::string extension_id_; // Id of the extension running in this tab.
+// Map -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This map keeps track of all tabs that are happy parents of offscreen tabs.
+class Map {
+ public:
+ Map();
+ ~Map();
+ // Gets an offscreen tab by ID.
+ bool GetOffscreenTab(const int tab_id,
+ ExtensionFunctionDispatcher* dispatcher,
+ Profile* profile,
+ OffscreenTab** offscreen_tab,
+ std::string* error_message);
+ // Gets a parent tab by ID.
+ bool GetTab(const int tab_id,
+ Tab** tab,
+ std::string* error_message);
+ // Creates a mapping between a parent tab and an offscreen tab.
+ bool AddOffscreenTab(OffscreenTab* offscreen_tab,
+ ExtensionFunctionDispatcher* dispatcher,
+ Profile* profile,
+ const std::string& ext_id,
+ std::string* error_message);
+ // Removes the mapping between a parent tab and an offscreen tab.
+ bool RemoveOffscreenTab(const int tab_id,
+ ExtensionFunctionDispatcher* dispatcher,
+ Profile* profile,
+ std::string* error_message);
+ // Removes a parent tab from the map along with its child offscreen tabs.
+ bool RemoveTab(const int tab_id, std::string* error_message);
+ private:
+ typedef base::hash_map<int, Tab*> TabMap;
+ TabMap map;
+// Variables -------------------------------------------------------------------
+Map* map = NULL;
+// We are assuming that offscreen tabs will not be created by background pages
+// with the exception of the API test background page. We keep track of the
+// offscreen tabs associated with the test API background page via this variable
+// These tab contents are created just for convenience and do not do anything.
+// TODO(alexbost): Think about handling multiple background pages each spawning
+// offscreen tabs. Would background pages want to spawn offscreen tabs?
+TabContents* background_page_tab_contents = NULL;
+// Util ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Gets the map of parent tabs to offscreen tabs.
+Map* GetMap() {
+ if (map == NULL)
+ map = new Map();
+ return map;
+// Gets the TabContents associated with the test API background page.
+TabContents* GetBackgroundPageTabContents(Profile* profile) {
+ if (profile && background_page_tab_contents == NULL) {
+ background_page_tab_contents =
+ new TabContents(profile, NULL, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, NULL, NULL);
+ new TabContentsWrapper(background_page_tab_contents);
+ }
+ return background_page_tab_contents;
+// Gets the contents of the tab that instantiated the extension API call.
+// In the case of background pages we use tab contents created by us.
+bool GetCurrentTab(ExtensionFunctionDispatcher* dispatcher,
+ Profile* profile,
+ TabContents** tab_contents,
+ std::string* error_message) {
+ *tab_contents = dispatcher->delegate()->GetAssociatedTabContents();
+ // Background page (no associated tab contents).
+ if (!*tab_contents)
+ *tab_contents = GetBackgroundPageTabContents(profile);
+ if (*tab_contents)
+ return true;
+ *error_message = keys::kCurrentTabNotFound;
+ return false;
+// TODO(alexbost): Needs refactoring. Similar method in extension_tabs_module.
+// Takes |url_string| and returns a GURL which is either valid and absolute
+// or invalid. If |url_string| is not directly interpretable as a valid (it is
+// likely a relative URL) an attempt is made to resolve it. |extension| is
+// provided so it can be resolved relative to its extension base
+// (chrome-extension://<id>/). Using the source frame url would be more correct,
+// but because the api shipped with urls resolved relative to their extension
+// base, we decided it wasn't worth breaking existing extensions to fix.
+GURL ResolvePossiblyRelativeURL(const std::string& url_string,
+ const Extension* extension) {
+ GURL url = GURL(url_string);
+ if (!url.is_valid())
+ url = extension->GetResourceURL(url_string);
+ return url;
+// TODO(alexbost): Needs refactoring. Similar method in extension_tabs_module.
+bool IsCrashURL(const GURL& url) {
+ // Check a fixed-up URL, to normalize the scheme and parse hosts correctly.
+ GURL fixed_url =
+ URLFixerUpper::FixupURL(url.possibly_invalid_spec(), std::string());
+ return (fixed_url.SchemeIs(chrome::kChromeUIScheme) &&
+ ( == chrome::kChromeUIBrowserCrashHost ||
+ == chrome::kChromeUICrashHost));
+// Offscreen Tab ---------------------------------------------------------------
+OffscreenTab::OffscreenTab() {}
+OffscreenTab::~OffscreenTab() {}
+void OffscreenTab::Init(const GURL& url,
+ const int width,
+ const int height,
+ Profile* profile) {
+ // Create the offscreen tab.
+ TabContents* tab_contents = new TabContents(
+ tab_.reset(new TabContentsWrapper(tab_contents));
+ SetSize(width, height); // Setting the size starts the renderer.
+ SetURL(url);
+ // Register for tab notifications.
+ registrar_.Add(this,
+ Source<NavigationController>(&contents()->controller()));
+TabContents* OffscreenTab::contents() {
+ return tab_.get()->tab_contents();
+DictionaryValue* OffscreenTab::CreateValue() {
+ DictionaryValue* result = new DictionaryValue();
+ result->SetInteger(keys::kIdKey, ExtensionTabUtil::GetTabId(contents()));
+ result->SetString(keys::kUrlKey, contents()->GetURL().spec());
+ result->SetInteger(keys::kWidthKey,
+ TabContentsWrapper::GetCurrentWrapperForContents(contents())->
+ view()->GetContainerSize().width());
+ result->SetInteger(keys::kHeightKey,
+ TabContentsWrapper::GetCurrentWrapperForContents(contents())->
+ view()->GetContainerSize().height());
+ return result;
+void OffscreenTab::SetURL(const GURL& url) {
+ contents()->controller().LoadURL(
+ url, GURL(), PageTransition::LINK, std::string());
+void OffscreenTab::SetSize(int width, int height) {
+ contents()->view()->SizeContents(gfx::Size(width, height));
+void OffscreenTab::SetParentTab(Tab* tab) {
+ parent_tab_ = tab;
+void OffscreenTab::Observe(int type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details) {
+ DictionaryValue* changed_properties = new DictionaryValue();
+ changed_properties->SetString(keys::kUrlKey, contents()->GetURL().spec());
+ ListValue args;
+ args.Append(
+ Value::CreateIntegerValue(ExtensionTabUtil::GetTabId(contents())));
+ args.Append(changed_properties);
+ args.Append(CreateValue());
+ std::string json_args;
+ base::JSONWriter::Write(&args, false, &json_args);
+ ListValue event_args;
+ event_args.Set(0, Value::CreateStringValue(keys::kEventOnUpdated));
+ event_args.Set(1, Value::CreateStringValue(json_args));
+ // Dispatch an onUpdated event.
+ // The primary use case for broadcasting the event is
+ // when the offscreen tab is generated by a test API background page.
+ if (parent_tab_->contents() == GetBackgroundPageTabContents(NULL)) {
+ Profile* profile = TabContentsWrapper::GetCurrentWrapperForContents(
+ parent_tab_->contents())->profile();
+ profile->GetExtensionEventRouter()->DispatchEventToRenderers(
+ keys::kEventOnUpdated, json_args, profile, GURL());
+ } else {
+ // Send a routed event directly to the parent tab.
+ parent_tab_->contents()->render_view_host()->process()->Send(
+ new ExtensionMsg_MessageInvoke(
+ parent_tab_->contents()->render_view_host()->routing_id(),
+ parent_tab_->extension_id(),
+ keys::kDispatchEvent,
+ event_args,
+ GURL()));
+ }
+// Tab -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Tab::Tab() {
+ tab_ = NULL;
+Tab::~Tab() {
+ // Kill child offscreen tabs.
+ STLDeleteElements(&offscreen_tabs_);
+ bool removed = GetMap()->RemoveTab(
+ ExtensionTabUtil::GetTabId(contents()), new std::string());
+ CHECK(removed);
+void Tab::Init(TabContents* tab_contents, const std::string& extension_id) {
+ tab_ = TabContentsWrapper::GetCurrentWrapperForContents(tab_contents);
+ extension_id_ = extension_id;
+ // Register for tab notifications.
+ registrar_.Add(this,
+ Source<NavigationController>(&contents()->controller()));
+ registrar_.Add(this,
+ Source<TabContents>(contents()));
+TabContents* Tab::contents() {
+ return tab_->tab_contents();
+void Tab::AddOffscreenTab(OffscreenTab *tab) {
+ offscreen_tabs_.push_back(tab);
+void Tab::RemoveOffscreenTab(OffscreenTab *tab) {
+ TabIterator it_tab = std::find(
+ offscreen_tabs_.begin(), offscreen_tabs_.end(), tab);
+ offscreen_tabs_.erase(it_tab);
+void Tab::Observe(int type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details) {
+ delete this;
+// Map -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Map::Map() {}
+Map::~Map() {}
+bool Map::GetOffscreenTab(const int tab_id,
+ ExtensionFunctionDispatcher* dispatcher,
+ Profile* profile,
+ OffscreenTab** offscreen_tab,
+ std::string* error_message) {
+ // Ensure that the current tab is the parent of the offscreen tab.
+ TabContents* tab_contents = NULL;
+ if (!GetCurrentTab(dispatcher, profile, &tab_contents, error_message))
+ return false;
+ Tab* tab = NULL;
+ if (!GetTab(ExtensionTabUtil::GetTabId(tab_contents), &tab, error_message))
+ return false;
+ TabVector offscreen_tabs = tab->offscreen_tabs();
+ for (TabIterator it = offscreen_tabs.begin();
+ it != offscreen_tabs.end(); ++it) {
+ if (ExtensionTabUtil::GetTabId((*it)->contents()) == tab_id) {
+ *offscreen_tab = *it;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ *error_message = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(
+ keys::kOffscreenTabNotFoundError, base::IntToString(tab_id));
+ return false;
+bool Map::GetTab(const int tab_id, Tab** tab, std::string* error_message) {
+ TabMap::iterator it = map.find(tab_id);
+ if (it == map.end()) {
+ *error_message = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(
+ keys::kTabNotFoundError, base::IntToString(tab_id));
+ return false;
+ }
+ *tab = it->second;
+ return true;
+bool Map::AddOffscreenTab(OffscreenTab* offscreen_tab,
+ ExtensionFunctionDispatcher* dispatcher,
+ Profile* profile,
+ const std::string& ext_id,
+ std::string* error_message) {
+ // Get parent tab.
+ TabContents* tab_contents = NULL;
+ if (!GetCurrentTab(dispatcher, profile, &tab_contents, error_message))
+ return false;
+ int tab_id = ExtensionTabUtil::GetTabId(tab_contents);
+ Tab* tab = NULL;
+ if (!GetTab(tab_id, &tab, error_message)) {
+ tab = map[tab_id] = new Tab();
+ tab->Init(tab_contents, ext_id);
+ }
+ // Add child to parent.
+ tab->AddOffscreenTab(offscreen_tab);
+ // Add parent to child.
+ offscreen_tab->SetParentTab(tab);
+ return true;
+bool Map::RemoveOffscreenTab(const int tab_id,
+ ExtensionFunctionDispatcher* dispatcher,
+ Profile* profile,
+ std::string* error_message) {
+ OffscreenTab* offscreen_tab = NULL;
+ if (!GetOffscreenTab(tab_id, dispatcher, profile,
+ &offscreen_tab, error_message))
+ return false;
+ Tab* tab = offscreen_tab->parent_tab();
+ tab->RemoveOffscreenTab(offscreen_tab);
+ // If this was the last offscreen tab for the parent tab, remove the parent.
+ if (tab->offscreen_tabs().empty())
+ map.erase(ExtensionTabUtil::GetTabId(tab->contents()));
+ return true;
+bool Map::RemoveTab(const int tab_id, std::string* error_message) {
+ if (map.find(tab_id) == map.end()) {
+ *error_message = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(
+ keys::kTabNotFoundError, base::IntToString(tab_id));
+ return false;
+ }
+ map.erase(tab_id);
+ return true;
+} // namespace
+// API functions ---------------------------------------------------------------
+// create ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+CreateOffscreenTabFunction::CreateOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+CreateOffscreenTabFunction::~CreateOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+bool CreateOffscreenTabFunction::RunImpl() {
+ DictionaryValue* create_props;
+ EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetDictionary(0, &create_props));
+ std::string url_string;
+ GURL url;
+ create_props->GetString(keys::kUrlKey, &url_string));
+ url = ResolvePossiblyRelativeURL(url_string, GetExtension());
+ if (!url.is_valid()) {
+ error_ = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(
+ keys::kInvalidUrlError, url_string);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (IsCrashURL(url)) {
+ error_ = keys::kNoCrashBrowserError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ gfx::Rect window_bounds;
+ bool maximized;
+ if (!create_props->HasKey(keys::kWidthKey) ||
+ !create_props->HasKey(keys::kHeightKey)) {
+ Browser* browser = GetCurrentBrowser();
+ if (!browser) {
+ error_ = keys::kNoCurrentWindowError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ WindowSizer::GetBrowserWindowBounds(std::string(), gfx::Rect(),
+ browser, &window_bounds,
+ &maximized);
+ }
+ int width = window_bounds.width();
+ if (create_props->HasKey(keys::kWidthKey))
+ create_props->GetInteger(keys::kWidthKey, &width));
+ int height = window_bounds.height();
+ if (create_props->HasKey(keys::kHeightKey))
+ create_props->GetInteger(keys::kHeightKey, &height));
+ OffscreenTab* tab = new OffscreenTab();
+ tab->Init(url, width, height, profile_);
+ // Add the offscreen tab to the map so we don't lose track of it.
+ if (!GetMap()->AddOffscreenTab(tab, dispatcher(), profile_,
+ extension_id(), &error_)) {
+ delete tab; // Prevent leaking of offscreen tab.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (has_callback()) {
+ result_.reset(tab->CreateValue());
+ SendResponse(true);
+ }
+ return true;
+// get -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GetOffscreenTabFunction::GetOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+GetOffscreenTabFunction::~GetOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+bool GetOffscreenTabFunction::RunImpl() {
+ int tab_id;
+ EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetInteger(0, &tab_id));
+ OffscreenTab* tab = NULL;
+ if (!GetMap()->
+ GetOffscreenTab(tab_id, dispatcher(), profile_, &tab, &error_)) {
+ error_ = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(
+ keys::kOffscreenTabNotFoundError, base::IntToString(tab_id));
+ return false;
+ }
+ result_.reset(tab->CreateValue());
+ SendResponse(true);
+ return true;
+// getAll ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+GetAllOffscreenTabFunction::GetAllOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+GetAllOffscreenTabFunction::~GetAllOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+bool GetAllOffscreenTabFunction::RunImpl() {
+ TabContents* tab_contents = NULL;
+ if (!GetCurrentTab(dispatcher(), profile_, &tab_contents, &error_))
+ return false;
+ Tab* tab = NULL;
+ if (!GetMap()->
+ GetTab(ExtensionTabUtil::GetTabId(tab_contents), &tab, &error_))
+ return false;
+ TabVector offscreen_tabs = tab->offscreen_tabs();
+ ListValue* tab_list = new ListValue();
+ for (TabIterator it_tab = offscreen_tabs.begin();
+ it_tab != offscreen_tabs.end(); ++it_tab)
+ tab_list->Append((*it_tab)->CreateValue());
+ result_.reset(tab_list);
+ SendResponse(true);
+ return true;
+// remove ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+RemoveOffscreenTabFunction::RemoveOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+RemoveOffscreenTabFunction::~RemoveOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+bool RemoveOffscreenTabFunction::RunImpl() {
+ int tab_id;
+ EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetInteger(0, &tab_id));
+ OffscreenTab* tab = NULL;
+ if (!GetMap()->GetOffscreenTab(tab_id, dispatcher(), profile_, &tab, &error_))
+ return false;
+ if (!GetMap()->RemoveOffscreenTab(tab_id, dispatcher(), profile_, &error_))
+ return false;
+ delete tab;
+ return true;
+// sendKeyboardEvent -----------------------------------------------------------
+ SendKeyboardEventOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+ ~SendKeyboardEventOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+bool SendKeyboardEventOffscreenTabFunction::RunImpl() {
+ int tab_id;
+ EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetInteger(0, &tab_id));
+ OffscreenTab* tab = NULL;
+ if (!GetMap()->GetOffscreenTab(tab_id, dispatcher(), profile_, &tab, &error_))
+ return false;
+ // JavaScript KeyboardEvent.
+ DictionaryValue* js_keyboard_event = NULL;
+ EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetDictionary(1, &js_keyboard_event));
+ NativeWebKeyboardEvent keyboard_event;
+ std::string type;
+ if (js_keyboard_event->HasKey(keys::kKeyboardEventTypeKey)) {
+ js_keyboard_event->GetString(keys::kKeyboardEventTypeKey, &type));
+ } else {
+ error_ = keys::kInvalidKeyboardEventObjectError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( == 0) {
+ keyboard_event.type = WebInputEvent::Char;
+ } else if ( == 0) {
+ keyboard_event.type = WebInputEvent::KeyDown;
+ } else if ( == 0) {
+ keyboard_event.type = WebInputEvent::KeyUp;
+ } else {
+ error_ = keys::kInvalidKeyboardEventObjectError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ int key_code;
+ if (js_keyboard_event->HasKey(keys::kKeyboardEventKeyCodeKey)) {
+ GetInteger(keys::kKeyboardEventKeyCodeKey, &key_code));
+ } else {
+ error_ = keys::kInvalidKeyboardEventObjectError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ keyboard_event.nativeKeyCode = key_code;
+ keyboard_event.windowsKeyCode = key_code;
+ keyboard_event.setKeyIdentifierFromWindowsKeyCode();
+ // Keypress = type character
+ if ( == 0) {
+ int char_code;
+ if (js_keyboard_event->HasKey(keys::kKeyboardEventCharCodeKey)) {
+ GetInteger(keys::kKeyboardEventCharCodeKey, &char_code));
+ keyboard_event.text[0] = char_code;
+ keyboard_event.unmodifiedText[0] = char_code;
+ } else {
+ error_ = keys::kInvalidKeyboardEventObjectError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ bool alt_key;
+ if (js_keyboard_event->HasKey(keys::kKeyboardEventAltKeyKey))
+ GetBoolean(keys::kKeyboardEventAltKeyKey, &alt_key));
+ if (alt_key)
+ keyboard_event.modifiers |= WebInputEvent::AltKey;
+ bool ctrl_key;
+ if (js_keyboard_event->HasKey(keys::kKeyboardEventCtrlKeyKey))
+ GetBoolean(keys::kKeyboardEventCtrlKeyKey, &ctrl_key));
+ if (ctrl_key)
+ keyboard_event.modifiers |= WebInputEvent::ControlKey;
+ bool meta_key = false;
+ if (js_keyboard_event->HasKey(keys::kMouseEventMetaKeyKey))
+ GetBoolean(keys::kMouseEventMetaKeyKey, &meta_key));
+ if (meta_key)
+ keyboard_event.modifiers |= WebInputEvent::MetaKey;
+ bool shift_key;
+ if (js_keyboard_event->HasKey(keys::kKeyboardEventShiftKeyKey))
+ GetBoolean(keys::kKeyboardEventShiftKeyKey, &shift_key));
+ if (shift_key)
+ keyboard_event.modifiers |= WebInputEvent::ShiftKey;
+ // Forward the event.
+ tab->contents()->render_view_host()->
+ ForwardKeyboardEvent(keyboard_event);
+ if (has_callback()) {
+ result_.reset(tab->CreateValue());
+ SendResponse(true);
+ }
+ return true;
+// sendMouseEvent --------------------------------------------------------------
+SendMouseEventOffscreenTabFunction::SendMouseEventOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+SendMouseEventOffscreenTabFunction::~SendMouseEventOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+bool SendMouseEventOffscreenTabFunction::RunImpl() {
+ int tab_id;
+ EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetInteger(0, &tab_id));
+ OffscreenTab* tab = NULL;
+ if (!GetMap()->GetOffscreenTab(tab_id, dispatcher(), profile_, &tab, &error_))
+ return false;
+ // JavaScript MouseEvent.
+ DictionaryValue* js_mouse_event = NULL;
+ EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetDictionary(1, &js_mouse_event));
+ std::string type;
+ if (js_mouse_event->HasKey(keys::kMouseEventTypeKey)) {
+ js_mouse_event->GetString(keys::kMouseEventTypeKey, &type));
+ } else {
+ error_ = keys::kInvalidMouseEventObjectError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( == 0) {
+ WebKit::WebMouseWheelEvent wheel_event;
+ wheel_event.type = WebInputEvent::MouseWheel;
+ if (js_mouse_event->HasKey(keys::kMouseEventWheelDeltaXKey) &&
+ js_mouse_event->HasKey(keys::kMouseEventWheelDeltaYKey)) {
+ int delta_x, delta_y;
+ GetInteger(keys::kMouseEventWheelDeltaXKey, &delta_x));
+ GetInteger(keys::kMouseEventWheelDeltaYKey, &delta_y));
+ wheel_event.deltaX = delta_x;
+ wheel_event.deltaY = delta_y;
+ } else {
+ error_ = keys::kInvalidMouseEventObjectError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Forward the event.
+ tab->contents()->render_view_host()->ForwardWheelEvent(wheel_event);
+ } else {
+ WebKit::WebMouseEvent mouse_event;
+ if ( == 0 ||
+ == 0) {
+ mouse_event.type = WebKit::WebInputEvent::MouseDown;
+ } else if ( == 0) {
+ mouse_event.type = WebKit::WebInputEvent::MouseUp;
+ } else if ( == 0) {
+ mouse_event.type = WebKit::WebInputEvent::MouseMove;
+ } else {
+ error_ = keys::kInvalidMouseEventObjectError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ int button;
+ if (js_mouse_event->HasKey(keys::kMouseEventButtonKey)) {
+ js_mouse_event->GetInteger(keys::kMouseEventButtonKey, &button));
+ } else {
+ error_ = keys::kInvalidMouseEventObjectError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (button == keys::kMouseEventButtonValueLeft) {
+ mouse_event.button = WebKit::WebMouseEvent::ButtonLeft;
+ } else if (button == keys::kMouseEventButtonValueMiddle) {
+ mouse_event.button = WebKit::WebMouseEvent::ButtonMiddle;
+ } else if (button == keys::kMouseEventButtonValueRight) {
+ mouse_event.button = WebKit::WebMouseEvent::ButtonRight;
+ } else {
+ error_ = keys::kInvalidMouseEventObjectError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (HasOptionalArgument(2) && HasOptionalArgument(3)) {
+ EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetInteger(2, &mouse_event.x));
+ EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetInteger(3, &mouse_event.y));
+ } else {
+ error_ = keys::kNoMouseCoordinatesError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool alt_key = false;
+ if (js_mouse_event->HasKey(keys::kMouseEventAltKeyKey))
+ GetBoolean(keys::kMouseEventAltKeyKey, &alt_key));
+ if (alt_key)
+ mouse_event.modifiers |= WebInputEvent::AltKey;
+ bool ctrl_key = false;
+ if (js_mouse_event->HasKey(keys::kMouseEventCtrlKeyKey))
+ GetBoolean(keys::kMouseEventCtrlKeyKey, &ctrl_key));
+ if (ctrl_key)
+ mouse_event.modifiers |= WebInputEvent::ControlKey;
+ bool meta_key = false;
+ if (js_mouse_event->HasKey(keys::kMouseEventMetaKeyKey))
+ GetBoolean(keys::kMouseEventMetaKeyKey, &meta_key));
+ if (meta_key)
+ mouse_event.modifiers |= WebInputEvent::MetaKey;
+ bool shift_key = false;
+ if (js_mouse_event->HasKey(keys::kMouseEventShiftKeyKey))
+ GetBoolean(keys::kMouseEventShiftKeyKey, &shift_key));
+ if (shift_key)
+ mouse_event.modifiers |= WebInputEvent::ShiftKey;
+ mouse_event.clickCount = 1;
+ // Forward the event.
+ tab->contents()->render_view_host()->ForwardMouseEvent(mouse_event);
+ // If the event is a click,
+ // fire a mouseup event in addition to the mousedown.
+ if ( == 0) {
+ mouse_event.type = WebKit::WebInputEvent::MouseUp;
+ tab->contents()->render_view_host()->ForwardMouseEvent(mouse_event);
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_callback()) {
+ result_.reset(tab->CreateValue());
+ SendResponse(true);
+ }
+ return true;
+// toDataUrl -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ToDataUrlOffscreenTabFunction::ToDataUrlOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+ToDataUrlOffscreenTabFunction::~ToDataUrlOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+// TODO(alexbost): Needs refactoring. Similar method in extension_tabs_module.
+// TODO(alexbost): We want to optimize this function in order to get more image
+// updates on the browser side. One improvement would be to implement another
+// hash map in order to get offscreen tabs in O(1).
+bool ToDataUrlOffscreenTabFunction::RunImpl() {
+ int tab_id;
+ EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetInteger(0, &tab_id));
+ OffscreenTab* tab = NULL;
+ if (!GetMap()->GetOffscreenTab(tab_id, dispatcher(), profile_, &tab, &error_))
+ return false;
+ image_format_ = FORMAT_JPEG; // Default format is JPEG.
+ image_quality_ = kDefaultQuality; // Default quality setting.
+ if (HasOptionalArgument(1)) {
+ DictionaryValue* options;
+ EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetDictionary(1, &options));
+ if (options->HasKey(keys::kFormatKey)) {
+ std::string format;
+ options->GetString(keys::kFormatKey, &format));
+ if (format == keys::kFormatValueJpeg) {
+ image_format_ = FORMAT_JPEG;
+ } else if (format == keys::kFormatValuePng) {
+ image_format_ = FORMAT_PNG;
+ } else {
+ // Schema validation should make this unreachable.
+ }
+ }
+ if (options->HasKey(keys::kQualityKey)) {
+ options->GetInteger(keys::kQualityKey, &image_quality_));
+ }
+ }
+ // captureVisibleTab() can return an image containing sensitive information
+ // that the browser would otherwise protect. Ensure the extension has
+ // permission to do this.
+ if (!GetExtension()->
+ CanCaptureVisiblePage(tab->contents()->GetURL(), &error_))
+ return false;
+// The backing store approach works on Linux but not on Mac.
+// TODO(alexbost): Test on Windows
+#if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
+ RenderViewHost* render_view_host = tab->contents()->render_view_host();
+ // If a backing store is cached for the tab we want to capture,
+ // and it can be copied into a bitmap, then use it to generate the image.
+ BackingStore* backing_store = render_view_host->GetBackingStore(false);
+ if (backing_store && CaptureSnapshotFromBackingStore(backing_store))
+ return true;
+ // Ask the renderer for a snapshot of the tab.
+ TabContentsWrapper* tab_wrapper =
+ TabContentsWrapper::GetCurrentWrapperForContents(tab->contents());
+ tab_wrapper->CaptureSnapshot();
+ registrar_.Add(this,
+ Source<TabContentsWrapper>(tab_wrapper));
+ AddRef(); // Balanced in ToDataUrlOffscreenTabFunction::Observe().
+ return true;
+// TODO(alexbost): Needs refactoring. Similar method in extension_tabs_module.
+// Build the image of a tab's contents out of a backing store.
+// This may fail if we can not copy a backing store into a bitmap.
+// For example, some uncommon X11 visual modes are not supported by
+// CopyFromBackingStore().
+bool ToDataUrlOffscreenTabFunction::CaptureSnapshotFromBackingStore(
+ BackingStore* backing_store) {
+ skia::PlatformCanvas temp_canvas;
+ if (!backing_store->CopyFromBackingStore(gfx::Rect(backing_store->size()),
+ &temp_canvas)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ VLOG(1) << "captureVisibleTab() got image from backing store.";
+ SendResultFromBitmap(
+ skia::GetTopDevice(temp_canvas)->accessBitmap(false));
+ return true;
+// TODO(alexbost): Needs refactoring. Similar method in extension_tabs_module.
+void ToDataUrlOffscreenTabFunction::Observe(int type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details) {
+ const SkBitmap *screen_capture = Details<const SkBitmap>(details).ptr();
+ const bool error = screen_capture->empty();
+ if (error) {
+ error_ = keys::kInternalVisibleTabCaptureError;
+ SendResponse(false);
+ } else {
+ VLOG(1) << "Got image from renderer.";
+ SendResultFromBitmap(*screen_capture);
+ }
+ Release(); // Balanced in ToDataUrlOffscreenTabFunction::RunImpl().
+// TODO(alexbost): Needs refactoring. Similar method in extension_tabs_module.
+// Turn a bitmap of the screen into an image, set that image as the result,
+// and call SendResponse().
+void ToDataUrlOffscreenTabFunction::SendResultFromBitmap(
+ const SkBitmap& screen_capture) {
+ std::vector<unsigned char> data;
+ SkAutoLockPixels screen_capture_lock(screen_capture);
+ bool encoded = false;
+ std::string mime_type;
+ switch (image_format_) {
+ encoded = gfx::JPEGCodec::Encode(
+ reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(screen_capture.getAddr32(0, 0)),
+ gfx::JPEGCodec::FORMAT_SkBitmap,
+ screen_capture.width(),
+ screen_capture.height(),
+ static_cast<int>(screen_capture.rowBytes()),
+ image_quality_,
+ &data);
+ mime_type = keys::kMimeTypeJpeg;
+ break;
+ case FORMAT_PNG:
+ encoded = gfx::PNGCodec::EncodeBGRASkBitmap(
+ screen_capture,
+ true, // Discard transparency.
+ &data);
+ mime_type = keys::kMimeTypePng;
+ break;
+ default:
+ NOTREACHED() << "Invalid image format.";
+ }
+ if (!encoded) {
+ error_ = keys::kInternalVisibleTabCaptureError;
+ SendResponse(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string base64_result;
+ base::StringPiece stream_as_string(
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(vector_as_array(&data)), data.size());
+ base::Base64Encode(stream_as_string, &base64_result);
+ base64_result.insert(0, base::StringPrintf("data:%s;base64,",
+ mime_type.c_str()));
+ result_.reset(new StringValue(base64_result));
+ SendResponse(true);
+// update ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+UpdateOffscreenTabFunction::UpdateOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+UpdateOffscreenTabFunction::~UpdateOffscreenTabFunction() {}
+// TODO(alexbost): Needs refactoring. Similar method in extension_tabs_module.
+bool UpdateOffscreenTabFunction::RunImpl() {
+ int tab_id;
+ EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetInteger(0, &tab_id));
+ OffscreenTab* tab = NULL;
+ if (!GetMap()->GetOffscreenTab(tab_id, dispatcher(), profile_, &tab, &error_))
+ return false;
+ DictionaryValue* update_props;
+ EXTENSION_FUNCTION_VALIDATE(args_->GetDictionary(1, &update_props));
+ // Url
+ if (update_props->HasKey(keys::kUrlKey)) {
+ std::string url_string;
+ GURL url;
+ update_props->GetString(keys::kUrlKey, &url_string));
+ url = ResolvePossiblyRelativeURL(url_string, GetExtension());
+ if (!url.is_valid()) {
+ error_ = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(
+ keys::kInvalidUrlError, url_string);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (IsCrashURL(url)) {
+ error_ = keys::kNoCrashBrowserError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // JavaScript URLs can do the same kinds of things as cross-origin XHR, so
+ // we need to check host permissions before allowing them.
+ if (url.SchemeIs(chrome::kJavaScriptScheme)) {
+ if (!GetExtension()->CanExecuteScriptOnPage(
+ tab->contents()->GetURL(), NULL, &error_)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ExtensionMsg_ExecuteCode_Params params;
+ params.request_id = request_id();
+ params.extension_id = extension_id();
+ params.is_javascript = true;
+ params.code = url.path();
+ params.all_frames = false;
+ params.in_main_world = true;
+ RenderViewHost* render_view_host =
+ tab->contents()->render_view_host();
+ render_view_host->Send(
+ new ExtensionMsg_ExecuteCode(render_view_host->routing_id(),
+ params));
+ Observe(tab->contents());
+ AddRef(); // balanced in Observe()
+ return true;
+ }
+ tab->SetURL(url);
+ // The URL of a tab contents never actually changes to a JavaScript URL, so
+ // this check only makes sense in other cases.
+ if (!url.SchemeIs(chrome::kJavaScriptScheme))
+ CHECK_EQ(url.spec(), tab->contents()->GetURL().spec());
+ }
+ // Width and height
+ if (update_props->HasKey(keys::kWidthKey) ||
+ update_props->HasKey(keys::kHeightKey)) {
+ int width;
+ if (update_props->HasKey(keys::kWidthKey))
+ update_props->GetInteger(keys::kWidthKey, &width));
+ else
+ TabContentsWrapper::GetCurrentWrapperForContents(
+ tab->contents())->view()->GetContainerSize().width();
+ int height;
+ if (update_props->HasKey(keys::kHeightKey))
+ update_props->GetInteger(keys::kHeightKey, &height));
+ else
+ TabContentsWrapper::GetCurrentWrapperForContents(
+ tab->contents())->view()->GetContainerSize().height();
+ tab->SetSize(width, height);
+ }
+ // Callback
+ if (has_callback()) {
+ result_.reset(tab->CreateValue());
+ SendResponse(true);
+ }
+ return true;
+// TODO(alexbost): Needs refactoring. Similar method in extension_tabs_module.
+bool UpdateOffscreenTabFunction::OnMessageReceived(
+ const IPC::Message& message) {
+ if (message.type() != ExtensionHostMsg_ExecuteCodeFinished::ID)
+ return false;
+ int message_request_id;
+ void* iter = NULL;
+ if (!message.ReadInt(&iter, &message_request_id)) {
+ NOTREACHED() << "malformed extension message";
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (message_request_id != request_id())
+ return false;
+ IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(UpdateOffscreenTabFunction, message)
+ IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionHostMsg_ExecuteCodeFinished,
+ OnExecuteCodeFinished)
+ return true;
+// TODO(alexbost): Needs refactoring. Similar method in extension_tabs_module.
+void UpdateOffscreenTabFunction::
+ OnExecuteCodeFinished(int request_id,
+ bool success,
+ const std::string& error) {
+ if (!error.empty()) {
+ CHECK(!success);
+ error_ = error;
+ }
+ SendResponse(success);
+ Observe(NULL);
+ Release(); // balanced in Execute()
Property changes on: chrome/browser/extensions/
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+ LF

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