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Unified Diff: test/mjsunit/harmony/array-includes.js

Issue 771863002: Add Array.prototype.includes (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase on master Created 6 years ago
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Index: test/mjsunit/harmony/array-includes.js
diff --git a/test/mjsunit/harmony/array-includes.js b/test/mjsunit/harmony/array-includes.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2cdd1123d711b03ad76a6a252d26f386b6a6d1fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mjsunit/harmony/array-includes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Flags: --harmony-array-includes
+// Largely ported from
+// using with further edits
+// Array.prototype.includes sees a new element added by a getter that is hit
+// during iteration
+(function() {
+ var arrayLike = {
+ length: 5,
+ 0: "a",
+ get 1() {
+ this[2] = "c";
+ return "b";
+ }
+ };
+ assertTrue(, "c"));
+// Array.prototype.includes works on array-like objects
+(function() {
+ var arrayLike1 = {
+ length: 5,
+ 0: "a",
+ 1: "b"
+ };
+ assertTrue(, "a"));
+ assertFalse(, "c"));
+ var arrayLike2 = {
+ length: 2,
+ 0: "a",
+ 1: "b",
+ 2: "c"
+ };
+ assertTrue(, "b"));
+ assertFalse(, "c"));
+// Array.prototype.includes should fail if used on a null or undefined this
+(function() {
+ assertThrows(function() {
+, "a");
+ }, TypeError);
+ assertThrows(function() {
+, "a");
+ }, TypeError);
+// Array.prototype.includes should terminate if getting an index throws an
+// exception
+(function() {
+ function Test262Error() {}
+ var trappedZero = {
+ length: 2,
+ get 0() {
+ throw new Test262Error();
+ },
+ get 1() {
+ assertUnreachable("Should not try to get the first element");
+ }
+ };
+ assertThrows(function() {
+, "a");
+ }, Test262Error);
+// Array.prototype.includes should terminate if ToNumber ends up being called on
+// a symbol fromIndex
+(function() {
+ var trappedZero = {
+ length: 1,
+ get 0() {
+ assertUnreachable("Should not try to get the zeroth element");
+ }
+ };
+ assertThrows(function() {
+, "a", Symbol());
+ }, TypeError);
+// Array.prototype.includes should terminate if an exception occurs converting
+// the fromIndex to a number
+(function() {
+ function Test262Error() {}
+ var fromIndex = {
+ valueOf: function() {
+ throw new Test262Error();
+ }
+ };
+ var trappedZero = {
+ length: 1,
+ get 0() {
+ assertUnreachable("Should not try to get the zeroth element");
+ }
+ };
+ assertThrows(function() {
+, "a", fromIndex);
+ }, Test262Error);
+// Array.prototype.includes should terminate if an exception occurs getting the
+// length
+(function() {
+ function Test262Error() {}
+ var fromIndexTrap = {
+ valueOf: function() {
+ assertUnreachable("Should not try to call ToInteger on valueOf");
+ }
+ };
+ var throwingLength = {
+ get length() {
+ throw new Test262Error();
+ },
+ get 0() {
+ assertUnreachable("Should not try to get the zeroth element");
+ }
+ };
+ assertThrows(function() {
+, "a", fromIndexTrap);
+ }, Test262Error);
+// Array.prototype.includes should terminate if ToLength ends up being called on
+// a symbol length
+(function() {
+ var fromIndexTrap = {
+ valueOf: function() {
+ assertUnreachable("Should not try to call ToInteger on valueOf");
+ }
+ };
+ var badLength = {
+ length: Symbol(),
+ get 0() {
+ assertUnreachable("Should not try to get the zeroth element");
+ }
+ };
+ assertThrows(function() {
+, "a", fromIndexTrap);
+ }, TypeError);
+// Array.prototype.includes should terminate if an exception occurs converting
+// the length to a number
+(function() {
+ function Test262Error() {}
+ var fromIndexTrap = {
+ valueOf: function() {
+ assertUnreachable("Should not try to call ToInteger on valueOf");
+ }
+ };
+ var badLength = {
+ length: {
+ valueOf: function() {
+ throw new Test262Error();
+ }
+ },
+ get 0() {
+ assertUnreachable("Should not try to get the zeroth element");
+ }
+ };
+ assertThrows(function() {
+, "a", fromIndexTrap);
+ }, Test262Error);
+// Array.prototype.includes should search the whole array, as the optional
+// second argument fromIndex defaults to 0
+(function() {
+ assertTrue([10, 11].includes(10));
+ assertTrue([10, 11].includes(11));
+ var arrayLike = {
+ length: 2,
+ get 0() {
+ return "1";
+ },
+ get 1() {
+ return "2";
+ }
+ };
+ assertTrue(, "1"));
+ assertTrue(, "2"));
+// Array.prototype.includes returns false if fromIndex is greater or equal to
+// the length of the array
+(function() {
+ assertFalse([1, 2].includes(2, 3));
+ assertFalse([1, 2].includes(2, 2));
+ var arrayLikeWithTrap = {
+ length: 2,
+ get 0() {
+ assertUnreachable("Getter for 0 was called");
+ },
+ get 1() {
+ assertUnreachable("Getter for 1 was called");
+ }
+ };
+ assertFalse(, "c", 2));
+ assertFalse(, "c", 3));
+// Array.prototype.includes searches the whole array if the computed index from
+// the given negative fromIndex argument is less than 0
+(function() {
+ assertTrue([1, 3].includes(1, -4));
+ assertTrue([1, 3].includes(3, -4));
+ var arrayLike = {
+ length: 2,
+ 0: "a",
+ get 1() {
+ return "b";
+ },
+ get "-1"() {
+ assertUnreachable("Should not try to get the element at index -1");
+ }
+ };
+ assertTrue(, "a", -4));
+ assertTrue(, "b", -4));
+// Array.prototype.includes should use a negative value as the offset from the
+// end of the array to compute fromIndex
+(function() {
+ assertTrue([12, 13].includes(13, -1));
+ assertFalse([12, 13].includes(12, -1));
+ assertTrue([12, 13].includes(12, -2));
+ var arrayLike = {
+ length: 2,
+ get 0() {
+ return "a";
+ },
+ get 1() {
+ return "b";
+ }
+ };
+ assertTrue(, "b", -1));
+ assertFalse(, "a", -1));
+ assertTrue(, "a", -2));
+// Array.prototype.includes converts its fromIndex parameter to an integer
+(function() {
+ assertFalse(["a", "b"].includes("a", 2.3));
+ var arrayLikeWithTraps = {
+ length: 2,
+ get 0() {
+ assertUnreachable("Getter for 0 was called");
+ },
+ get 1() {
+ assertUnreachable("Getter for 1 was called");
+ }
+ };
+ assertFalse(, "c", 2.1));
+ assertFalse(, "c", +Infinity));
+ assertTrue(["a", "b", "c"].includes("a", -Infinity));
+ assertTrue(["a", "b", "c"].includes("c", 2.9));
+ assertTrue(["a", "b", "c"].includes("c", NaN));
+ var arrayLikeWithTrapAfterZero = {
+ length: 2,
+ get 0() {
+ return "a";
+ },
+ get 1() {
+ assertUnreachable("Getter for 1 was called");
+ }
+ };
+ assertTrue(, "a", NaN));
+ var numberLike = {
+ valueOf: function() {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ };
+ assertFalse(["a", "b", "c"].includes("a", numberLike));
+ assertFalse(["a", "b", "c"].includes("a", "2"));
+ assertTrue(["a", "b", "c"].includes("c", numberLike));
+ assertTrue(["a", "b", "c"].includes("c", "2"));
+// Array.prototype.includes should have length 1
+(function() {
+ assertEquals(1, Array.prototype.includes.length);
+// Array.prototype.includes should have name property with value 'includes'
+(function() {
+ assertEquals("includes",;
+// !!! Test failed to convert:
+// Cannot convert tests with includes.
+// !!!
+// Array.prototype.includes does not skip holes; if the array has a prototype it
+// gets from that
+(function() {
+ var holesEverywhere = [,,,];
+ holesEverywhere.__proto__ = {
+ 1: "a"
+ };
+ holesEverywhere.__proto__.__proto__ = Array.prototype;
+ assertTrue(holesEverywhere.includes("a"));
+ var oneHole = ["a", "b",, "d"];
+ oneHole.__proto__ = {
+ get 2() {
+ return "c";
+ }
+ };
+ assertTrue(, "c"));
+// Array.prototype.includes does not skip holes; instead it treates them as
+// undefined
+(function() {
+ assertTrue([,,,].includes(undefined));
+ assertTrue(["a", "b",, "d"].includes(undefined));
+// Array.prototype.includes gets length property from the prototype if it's
+// available
+(function() {
+ var proto = {
+ length: 1
+ };
+ var arrayLike = Object.create(proto);
+ arrayLike[0] = "a";
+ Object.defineProperty(arrayLike, "1", {
+ get: function() {
+ assertUnreachable("Getter for 1 was called");
+ }
+ });
+ assertTrue(, "a"));
+// Array.prototype.includes treats a missing length property as zero
+(function() {
+ var arrayLikeWithTraps = {
+ get 0() {
+ assertUnreachable("Getter for 0 was called");
+ },
+ get 1() {
+ assertUnreachable("Getter for 1 was called");
+ }
+ };
+ assertFalse(, "a"));
+// Array.prototype.includes should always return false on negative-length
+// objects
+(function() {
+ assertFalse({
+ length: -1
+ }, 2));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: -2
+ }));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: -Infinity
+ }, undefined));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: -Math.pow(2, 53)
+ }, NaN));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: -1,
+ "-1": 2
+ }, 2));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: -3,
+ "-1": 2
+ }, 2));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: -Infinity,
+ "-1": 2
+ }, 2));
+ var arrayLikeWithTrap = {
+ length: -1,
+ get 0() {
+ assertUnreachable("Getter for 0 was called");
+ }
+ };
+ assertFalse(, 2));
+// Array.prototype.includes should clamp positive lengths to 2^53 - 1
+(function() {
+ var fromIndexForLargeIndexTests = 9007199254740990;
+ assertFalse({
+ length: 1
+ }, 2));
+ assertTrue({
+ length: 1,
+ 0: "a"
+ }, "a"));
+ assertTrue({
+ length: +Infinity,
+ 0: "a"
+ }, "a"));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: +Infinity
+ }, "a", fromIndexForLargeIndexTests));
+ var arrayLikeWithTrap = {
+ length: +Infinity,
+ get 9007199254740992() {
+ assertUnreachable("Getter for 9007199254740992 (i.e. 2^53) was called");
+ },
+ "9007199254740993": "a"
+ };
+ assertFalse(
+, "a", fromIndexForLargeIndexTests)
+ );
+ var arrayLikeWithTooBigLength = {
+ length: 9007199254740996,
+ "9007199254740992": "a"
+ };
+ assertFalse(
+, "a", fromIndexForLargeIndexTests)
+ );
+// Array.prototype.includes should always return false on zero-length objects
+(function() {
+ assertFalse([].includes(2));
+ assertFalse([].includes());
+ assertFalse([].includes(undefined));
+ assertFalse([].includes(NaN));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: 0
+ }, 2));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: 0
+ }));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: 0
+ }, undefined));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: 0
+ }, NaN));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: 0,
+ 0: 2
+ }, 2));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: 0,
+ 0: undefined
+ }));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: 0,
+ 0: undefined
+ }, undefined));
+ assertFalse({
+ length: 0,
+ 0: NaN
+ }, NaN));
+ var arrayLikeWithTrap = {
+ length: 0,
+ get 0() {
+ assertUnreachable("Getter for 0 was called");
+ }
+ };
+ var trappedFromIndex = {
+ valueOf: function() {
+ assertUnreachable("Should not try to convert fromIndex to a number on a zero-length array");
+ }
+ };
+ [].includes("a", trappedFromIndex);
+ length: 0
+ }, trappedFromIndex);
+// Array.prototype.includes works on objects
+(function() {
+ assertFalse(["a", "b", "c"].includes({}));
+ assertFalse([{}, {}].includes({}));
+ var obj = {};
+ assertTrue([obj].includes(obj));
+ assertFalse([obj].includes(obj, 1));
+ assertTrue([obj, obj].includes(obj, 1));
+ var stringyObject = {
+ toString: function() {
+ return "a";
+ }
+ };
+ assertFalse(["a", "b", obj].includes(stringyObject));
+// Array.prototype.includes does not see an element removed by a getter that is
+// hit during iteration
+(function() {
+ var arrayLike = {
+ length: 5,
+ 0: "a",
+ get 1() {
+ delete this[2];
+ return "b";
+ },
+ 2: "c"
+ };
+ assertFalse(, "c"));
+// Array.prototype.includes should use the SameValueZero algorithm to compare
+(function() {
+ assertTrue([1, 2, 3].includes(2));
+ assertFalse([1, 2, 3].includes(4));
+ assertTrue([1, 2, NaN].includes(NaN));
+ assertTrue([1, 2, -0].includes(+0));
+ assertTrue([1, 2, -0].includes(-0));
+ assertTrue([1, 2, +0].includes(-0));
+ assertTrue([1, 2, +0].includes(+0));
+ assertFalse([1, 2, -Infinity].includes(+Infinity));
+ assertTrue([1, 2, -Infinity].includes(-Infinity));
+ assertFalse([1, 2, +Infinity].includes(-Infinity));
+ assertTrue([1, 2, +Infinity].includes(+Infinity));
+// Array.prototype.includes stops once it hits the length of an array-like, even
+// if there are more after
+(function() {
+ var arrayLike = {
+ length: 2,
+ 0: "a",
+ 1: "b",
+ get 2() {
+ assertUnreachable("Should not try to get the second element");
+ }
+ };
+ assertFalse(, "c"));
+// Array.prototype.includes works on typed arrays
+(function() {
+ assertTrue( Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]), 2));
+ assertTrue(
+ Float32Array([2.5, 3.14, Math.PI]), 3.1415927410125732)
+ );
+ assertFalse( Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]), 4));
+ assertFalse( Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]), 2, 2));
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