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Unified Diff: content/browser/renderer_host/input/touch_selection_controller.h

Issue 759433002: Reland: Move TouchSelectionController from content to ui (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Excluded ui/touch_selection from Windows GN build Created 6 years ago
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Index: content/browser/renderer_host/input/touch_selection_controller.h
diff --git a/content/browser/renderer_host/input/touch_selection_controller.h b/content/browser/renderer_host/input/touch_selection_controller.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 13b06892618726299044044e6a2c863eeacbde44..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/content/browser/renderer_host/input/touch_selection_controller.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "cc/output/viewport_selection_bound.h"
-#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/selection_event_type.h"
-#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/touch_handle.h"
-#include "content/common/content_export.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
-namespace blink {
-class WebInputEvent;
-namespace ui {
-class MotionEvent;
-namespace content {
-// Interface through which |TouchSelectionController| issues selection-related
-// commands, notifications and requests.
-class CONTENT_EXPORT TouchSelectionControllerClient {
- public:
- virtual ~TouchSelectionControllerClient() {}
- virtual bool SupportsAnimation() const = 0;
- virtual void SetNeedsAnimate() = 0;
- virtual void MoveCaret(const gfx::PointF& position) = 0;
- virtual void MoveRangeSelectionExtent(const gfx::PointF& extent) = 0;
- virtual void SelectBetweenCoordinates(const gfx::PointF& base,
- const gfx::PointF& extent) = 0;
- virtual void OnSelectionEvent(SelectionEventType event,
- const gfx::PointF& position) = 0;
- virtual scoped_ptr<TouchHandleDrawable> CreateDrawable() = 0;
-// Controller for manipulating text selection via touch input.
-class CONTENT_EXPORT TouchSelectionController : public TouchHandleClient {
- public:
- TouchSelectionController(TouchSelectionControllerClient* client,
- base::TimeDelta tap_timeout,
- float tap_slop);
- ~TouchSelectionController() override;
- // To be called when the selection bounds have changed.
- // Note that such updates will trigger handle updates only if preceded
- // by an appropriate call to allow automatic showing.
- void OnSelectionBoundsChanged(const cc::ViewportSelectionBound& start,
- const cc::ViewportSelectionBound& end);
- // Allows touch-dragging of the handle.
- // Returns true iff the event was consumed, in which case the caller should
- // cease further handling of the event.
- bool WillHandleTouchEvent(const ui::MotionEvent& event);
- // To be called before forwarding a tap event. This allows automatically
- // showing the insertion handle from subsequent bounds changes.
- void OnTapEvent();
- // To be called before forwarding a longpress event. This allows automatically
- // showing the selection or insertion handles from subsequent bounds changes.
- void OnLongPressEvent();
- // Allow showing the selection handles from the most recent selection bounds
- // update (if valid), or a future valid bounds update.
- void AllowShowingFromCurrentSelection();
- // Hide the handles and suppress bounds updates until the next explicit
- // showing allowance.
- void HideAndDisallowShowingAutomatically();
- // Override the handle visibility according to |hidden|.
- void SetTemporarilyHidden(bool hidden);
- // To be called when the editability of the focused region changes.
- void OnSelectionEditable(bool editable);
- // To be called when the contents of the focused region changes.
- void OnSelectionEmpty(bool empty);
- // Ticks an active animation, as requested to the client by |SetNeedsAnimate|.
- // Returns true if an animation is active and requires further ticking.
- bool Animate(base::TimeTicks animate_time);
- private:
- // TouchHandleClient implementation.
- void OnHandleDragBegin(const TouchHandle& handle) override;
- void OnHandleDragUpdate(const TouchHandle& handle,
- const gfx::PointF& new_position) override;
- void OnHandleDragEnd(const TouchHandle& handle) override;
- void OnHandleTapped(const TouchHandle& handle) override;
- void SetNeedsAnimate() override;
- scoped_ptr<TouchHandleDrawable> CreateDrawable() override;
- base::TimeDelta GetTapTimeout() const override;
- float GetTapSlop() const override;
- void ShowInsertionHandleAutomatically();
- void ShowSelectionHandlesAutomatically();
- void OnInsertionChanged();
- void OnSelectionChanged();
- void ActivateInsertion();
- void DeactivateInsertion();
- void ActivateSelection();
- void DeactivateSelection();
- void ResetCachedValuesIfInactive();
- const gfx::PointF& GetStartPosition() const;
- const gfx::PointF& GetEndPosition() const;
- gfx::Vector2dF GetStartLineOffset() const;
- gfx::Vector2dF GetEndLineOffset() const;
- bool GetStartVisible() const;
- bool GetEndVisible() const;
- TouchHandle::AnimationStyle GetAnimationStyle(bool was_active) const;
- TouchSelectionControllerClient* const client_;
- const base::TimeDelta tap_timeout_;
- const float tap_slop_;
- InputEventType response_pending_input_event_;
- cc::ViewportSelectionBound start_;
- cc::ViewportSelectionBound end_;
- TouchHandleOrientation start_orientation_;
- TouchHandleOrientation end_orientation_;
- scoped_ptr<TouchHandle> insertion_handle_;
- bool is_insertion_active_;
- bool activate_insertion_automatically_;
- scoped_ptr<TouchHandle> start_selection_handle_;
- scoped_ptr<TouchHandle> end_selection_handle_;
- bool is_selection_active_;
- bool activate_selection_automatically_;
- bool selection_empty_;
- bool selection_editable_;
- bool temporarily_hidden_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TouchSelectionController);
-} // namespace content

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