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Unified Diff: Source/WebCore/bindings/generic/BindingSecurityBase.cpp

Issue 7540005: Merge 91957 (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 9 years, 5 months ago
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Index: Source/WebCore/bindings/generic/BindingSecurityBase.cpp
--- Source/WebCore/bindings/generic/BindingSecurityBase.cpp (revision 92025)
+++ Source/WebCore/bindings/generic/BindingSecurityBase.cpp (working copy)
@@ -48,47 +48,17 @@
return node->document()->frame();
-// Same origin policy implementation:
-// Same origin policy prevents JS code from domain A from accessing JS & DOM
-// objects in a different domain B. There are exceptions and several objects
-// are accessible by cross-domain code. For example, the window.frames object
-// is accessible by code from a different domain, but window.document is not.
-// The JS binding code sets security check callbacks on a function template,
-// and accessing instances of the template calls the callback function.
-// The callback function enforces the same origin policy.
-// Callback functions are expensive. Binding code should use a security token
-// string to do fast access checks for the common case where source and target
-// are in the same domain. A security token is a string object that represents
-// the protocol/url/port of a domain.
-// There are special cases where security token matching is not enough.
-// For example, JS can set its domain to a super domain by calling
-// document.setDomain(...). In these cases, the binding code can reset
-// a context's security token to its global object so that the fast access
-// check will always fail.
-// Helper to check if the current execution context can access a target frame.
-// First it checks same domain policy using the lexical context.
-// This is equivalent to KJS::Window::allowsAccessFrom(ExecState*).
-bool BindingSecurityBase::canAccess(DOMWindow* activeWindow,
- DOMWindow* targetWindow)
+bool BindingSecurityBase::canAccess(DOMWindow* activeWindow, DOMWindow* targetWindow)
- String message;
if (activeWindow == targetWindow)
return true;
if (!activeWindow)
return false;
- const SecurityOrigin* activeSecurityOrigin = activeWindow->securityOrigin();
- const SecurityOrigin* targetSecurityOrigin = targetWindow->securityOrigin();
+ SecurityOrigin* activeSecurityOrigin = activeWindow->securityOrigin();
+ SecurityOrigin* targetSecurityOrigin = targetWindow->securityOrigin();
// We have seen crashes were the security origin of the target has not been
// initialized. Defend against that.
@@ -98,12 +68,7 @@
if (activeSecurityOrigin->canAccess(targetSecurityOrigin))
return true;
- // Allow access to a "about:blank" page if the dynamic context is a
- // detached context of the same frame as the blank page.
- if (targetSecurityOrigin->isEmpty() && activeWindow->frame() == targetWindow->frame())
- return true;
return false;
-} // namespace WebCore

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