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Unified Diff: extensions/renderer/resources/web_view.js

Issue 654043002: Created "guest_view/" directory to contain all the guestview files (like web_view* and app_view*) i… (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 2 months ago
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Index: extensions/renderer/resources/web_view.js
diff --git a/extensions/renderer/resources/web_view.js b/extensions/renderer/resources/web_view.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3965e6106a67f1cc16eeac40817c1283af41aedf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/extensions/renderer/resources/web_view.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,936 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// This module implements WebView (<webview>) as a custom element that wraps a
-// BrowserPlugin object element. The object element is hidden within
-// the shadow DOM of the WebView element.
-var DocumentNatives = requireNative('document_natives');
-var GuestViewInternal =
- require('binding').Binding.create('guestViewInternal').generate();
-var IdGenerator = requireNative('id_generator');
-// TODO(lazyboy): Rename this to WebViewInternal and call WebViewInternal
-// something else.
-var WebView = require('webViewInternal').WebView;
-var WebViewEvents = require('webViewEvents').WebViewEvents;
-var guestViewInternalNatives = requireNative('guest_view_internal');
-// Attributes.
-// Error messages.
- 'The object has already navigated, so its partition cannot be changed.';
-var ERROR_MSG_CANNOT_INJECT_SCRIPT = '<webview>: ' +
- 'Script cannot be injected into content until the page has loaded.';
- 'contentWindow is not available at this time. It will become available ' +
- 'when the page has finished loading.';
-var ERROR_MSG_INVALID_PARTITION_ATTRIBUTE = 'Invalid partition attribute.';
-// Represents the state of the storage partition.
-function Partition() {
- this.validPartitionId = true;
- this.persistStorage = false;
- this.storagePartitionId = '';
-Partition.prototype.toAttribute = function() {
- if (!this.validPartitionId) {
- return '';
- }
- return (this.persistStorage ? 'persist:' : '') + this.storagePartitionId;
-Partition.prototype.fromAttribute = function(value, hasNavigated) {
- var result = {};
- if (hasNavigated) {
- return result;
- }
- if (!value) {
- value = '';
- }
- var LEN = 'persist:'.length;
- if (value.substr(0, LEN) == 'persist:') {
- value = value.substr(LEN);
- if (!value) {
- this.validPartitionId = false;
- return result;
- }
- this.persistStorage = true;
- } else {
- this.persistStorage = false;
- }
- this.storagePartitionId = value;
- return result;
-// Represents the internal state of the WebView node.
-function WebViewInternal(webviewNode) {
- privates(webviewNode).internal = this;
- this.webviewNode = webviewNode;
- this.attached = false;
- this.pendingGuestCreation = false;
- this.elementAttached = false;
- this.beforeFirstNavigation = true;
- this.contentWindow = null;
- this.validPartitionId = true;
- // Used to save some state upon deferred attachment.
- // If <object> bindings is not available, we defer attachment.
- // This state contains whether or not the attachment request was for
- // newwindow.
- this.deferredAttachState = null;
- // on* Event handlers.
- this.on = {};
- this.browserPluginNode = this.createBrowserPluginNode();
- var shadowRoot = this.webviewNode.createShadowRoot();
- this.partition = new Partition();
- this.setupWebViewSrcAttributeMutationObserver();
- this.setupFocusPropagation();
- this.setupWebviewNodeProperties();
- this.viewInstanceId = IdGenerator.GetNextId();
- new WebViewEvents(this, this.viewInstanceId);
- shadowRoot.appendChild(this.browserPluginNode);
-WebViewInternal.prototype.createBrowserPluginNode = function() {
- // We create BrowserPlugin as a custom element in order to observe changes
- // to attributes synchronously.
- var browserPluginNode = new WebViewInternal.BrowserPlugin();
- privates(browserPluginNode).internal = this;
- return browserPluginNode;
-WebViewInternal.prototype.getGuestInstanceId = function() {
- return this.guestInstanceId;
-// Resets some state upon reattaching <webview> element to the DOM.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.reset = function() {
- // If guestInstanceId is defined then the <webview> has navigated and has
- // already picked up a partition ID. Thus, we need to reset the initialization
- // state. However, it may be the case that beforeFirstNavigation is false BUT
- // guestInstanceId has yet to be initialized. This means that we have not
- // heard back from createGuest yet. We will not reset the flag in this case so
- // that we don't end up allocating a second guest.
- if (this.guestInstanceId) {
- GuestViewInternal.destroyGuest(this.guestInstanceId);
- this.guestInstanceId = undefined;
- this.beforeFirstNavigation = true;
- this.validPartitionId = true;
- this.partition.validPartitionId = true;
- this.contentWindow = null;
- }
- this.internalInstanceId = 0;
-// Sets the <webview>.request property.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.setRequestPropertyOnWebViewNode = function(request) {
- Object.defineProperty(
- this.webviewNode,
- 'request',
- {
- value: request,
- enumerable: true
- }
- );
-WebViewInternal.prototype.setupFocusPropagation = function() {
- if (!this.webviewNode.hasAttribute('tabIndex')) {
- // <webview> needs a tabIndex in order to be focusable.
- // TODO(fsamuel): It would be nice to avoid exposing a tabIndex attribute
- // to allow <webview> to be focusable.
- // See
- this.webviewNode.setAttribute('tabIndex', -1);
- }
- this.webviewNode.addEventListener('focus', function(e) {
- // Focus the BrowserPlugin when the <webview> takes focus.
- this.browserPluginNode.focus();
- }.bind(this));
- this.webviewNode.addEventListener('blur', function(e) {
- // Blur the BrowserPlugin when the <webview> loses focus.
- this.browserPluginNode.blur();
- }.bind(this));
-// Validation helper function for executeScript() and insertCSS().
-WebViewInternal.prototype.validateExecuteCodeCall = function() {
- if (!this.guestInstanceId) {
- }
-WebViewInternal.prototype.setupAutoSizeProperties = function() {
- $Array.forEach(AUTO_SIZE_ATTRIBUTES, function(attributeName) {
- this[attributeName] = this.webviewNode.getAttribute(attributeName);
- Object.defineProperty(this.webviewNode, attributeName, {
- get: function() {
- return this[attributeName];
- }.bind(this),
- set: function(value) {
- this.webviewNode.setAttribute(attributeName, value);
- }.bind(this),
- enumerable: true
- });
- }.bind(this), this);
-WebViewInternal.prototype.setupWebviewNodeProperties = function() {
- this.setupAutoSizeProperties();
- Object.defineProperty(this.webviewNode,
- get: function() {
- return this.allowtransparency;
- }.bind(this),
- set: function(value) {
- value);
- }.bind(this),
- enumerable: true
- });
- // We cannot use {writable: true} property descriptor because we want a
- // dynamic getter value.
- Object.defineProperty(this.webviewNode, 'contentWindow', {
- get: function() {
- if (this.contentWindow) {
- return this.contentWindow;
- }
- }.bind(this),
- // No setter.
- enumerable: true
- });
- Object.defineProperty(this.webviewNode, 'name', {
- get: function() {
- return;
- }.bind(this),
- set: function(value) {
- this.webviewNode.setAttribute('name', value);
- }.bind(this),
- enumerable: true
- });
- Object.defineProperty(this.webviewNode, 'partition', {
- get: function() {
- return this.partition.toAttribute();
- }.bind(this),
- set: function(value) {
- var result = this.partition.fromAttribute(value, this.hasNavigated());
- if (result.error) {
- throw result.error;
- }
- this.webviewNode.setAttribute('partition', value);
- }.bind(this),
- enumerable: true
- });
- this.src = this.webviewNode.getAttribute('src');
- Object.defineProperty(this.webviewNode, 'src', {
- get: function() {
- return this.src;
- }.bind(this),
- set: function(value) {
- this.webviewNode.setAttribute('src', value);
- }.bind(this),
- // No setter.
- enumerable: true
- });
-// The purpose of this mutation observer is to catch assignment to the src
-// attribute without any changes to its value. This is useful in the case
-// where the webview guest has crashed and navigating to the same address
-// spawns off a new process.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.setupWebViewSrcAttributeMutationObserver =
- function() {
- this.srcAndPartitionObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
- $Array.forEach(mutations, function(mutation) {
- var oldValue = mutation.oldValue;
- var newValue = this.webviewNode.getAttribute(mutation.attributeName);
- if (oldValue != newValue) {
- return;
- }
- this.handleWebviewAttributeMutation(
- mutation.attributeName, oldValue, newValue);
- }.bind(this));
- }.bind(this));
- var params = {
- attributes: true,
- attributeOldValue: true,
- attributeFilter: ['src', 'partition']
- };
- this.srcAndPartitionObserver.observe(this.webviewNode, params);
-// This observer monitors mutations to attributes of the <webview> and
-// updates the BrowserPlugin properties accordingly. In turn, updating
-// a BrowserPlugin property will update the corresponding BrowserPlugin
-// attribute, if necessary. See BrowserPlugin::UpdateDOMAttribute for more
-// details.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.handleWebviewAttributeMutation =
- function(name, oldValue, newValue) {
- if (AUTO_SIZE_ATTRIBUTES.indexOf(name) > -1) {
- this[name] = newValue;
- if (!this.guestInstanceId) {
- return;
- }
- // Convert autosize attribute to boolean.
- var autosize = this.webviewNode.hasAttribute(WEB_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE_AUTOSIZE);
- GuestViewInternal.setAutoSize(this.guestInstanceId, {
- 'enableAutoSize': autosize,
- 'min': {
- 'width': parseInt(this.minwidth || 0),
- 'height': parseInt(this.minheight || 0)
- },
- 'max': {
- 'width': parseInt(this.maxwidth || 0),
- 'height': parseInt(this.maxheight || 0)
- }
- });
- return;
- // We treat null attribute (attribute removed) and the empty string as
- // one case.
- oldValue = oldValue || '';
- newValue = newValue || '';
- if (oldValue === newValue) {
- return;
- }
- this.allowtransparency = newValue != '';
- if (!this.guestInstanceId) {
- return;
- }
- WebView.setAllowTransparency(this.guestInstanceId, this.allowtransparency);
- return;
- } else if (name == 'name') {
- // We treat null attribute (attribute removed) and the empty string as
- // one case.
- oldValue = oldValue || '';
- newValue = newValue || '';
- if (oldValue === newValue) {
- return;
- }
- = newValue;
- if (!this.guestInstanceId) {
- return;
- }
- WebView.setName(this.guestInstanceId, newValue);
- return;
- } else if (name == 'src') {
- // We treat null attribute (attribute removed) and the empty string as
- // one case.
- oldValue = oldValue || '';
- newValue = newValue || '';
- // Once we have navigated, we don't allow clearing the src attribute.
- // Once <webview> enters a navigated state, it cannot be return back to a
- // placeholder state.
- if (newValue == '' && oldValue != '') {
- // src attribute changes normally initiate a navigation. We suppress
- // the next src attribute handler call to avoid reloading the page
- // on every guest-initiated navigation.
- this.ignoreNextSrcAttributeChange = true;
- this.webviewNode.setAttribute('src', oldValue);
- return;
- }
- this.src = newValue;
- if (this.ignoreNextSrcAttributeChange) {
- // Don't allow the src mutation observer to see this change.
- this.srcAndPartitionObserver.takeRecords();
- this.ignoreNextSrcAttributeChange = false;
- return;
- }
- var result = {};
- this.parseSrcAttribute(result);
- if (result.error) {
- throw result.error;
- }
- } else if (name == 'partition') {
- // Note that throwing error here won't synchronously propagate.
- this.partition.fromAttribute(newValue, this.hasNavigated());
- }
-WebViewInternal.prototype.handleBrowserPluginAttributeMutation =
- function(name, oldValue, newValue) {
- if (name == 'internalinstanceid' && !oldValue && !!newValue) {
- this.browserPluginNode.removeAttribute('internalinstanceid');
- this.internalInstanceId = parseInt(newValue);
- if (!!this.guestInstanceId && this.guestInstanceId != 0) {
- var isNewWindow = this.deferredAttachState ?
- this.deferredAttachState.isNewWindow : false;
- var params = this.buildAttachParams(isNewWindow);
- guestViewInternalNatives.AttachGuest(
- this.internalInstanceId,
- this.guestInstanceId,
- params,
- function(w) {
- this.contentWindow = w;
- }.bind(this)
- );
- }
- return;
- }
-WebViewInternal.prototype.onSizeChanged = function(webViewEvent) {
- var newWidth = webViewEvent.newWidth;
- var newHeight = webViewEvent.newHeight;
- var node = this.webviewNode;
- var width = node.offsetWidth;
- var height = node.offsetHeight;
- // Check the current bounds to make sure we do not resize <webview>
- // outside of current constraints.
- var maxWidth;
- if (node.hasAttribute(WEB_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE_MAXWIDTH) &&
- } else {
- maxWidth = width;
- }
- var minWidth;
- if (node.hasAttribute(WEB_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE_MINWIDTH) &&
- } else {
- minWidth = width;
- }
- if (minWidth > maxWidth) {
- minWidth = maxWidth;
- }
- var maxHeight;
- if (node.hasAttribute(WEB_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE_MAXHEIGHT) &&
- } else {
- maxHeight = height;
- }
- var minHeight;
- if (node.hasAttribute(WEB_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE_MINHEIGHT) &&
- } else {
- minHeight = height;
- }
- if (minHeight > maxHeight) {
- minHeight = maxHeight;
- }
- if (!this.webviewNode.hasAttribute(WEB_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE_AUTOSIZE) ||
- (newWidth >= minWidth &&
- newWidth <= maxWidth &&
- newHeight >= minHeight &&
- newHeight <= maxHeight)) {
- = newWidth + 'px';
- = newHeight + 'px';
- // Only fire the DOM event if the size of the <webview> has actually
- // changed.
- this.dispatchEvent(webViewEvent);
- }
-// Returns if <object> is in the render tree.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.isPluginInRenderTree = function() {
- return !!this.internalInstanceId && this.internalInstanceId != 0;
-WebViewInternal.prototype.hasNavigated = function() {
- return !this.beforeFirstNavigation;
-WebViewInternal.prototype.parseSrcAttribute = function(result) {
- if (!this.partition.validPartitionId) {
- return;
- }
- this.src = this.webviewNode.getAttribute('src');
- if (!this.src) {
- return;
- }
- if (this.guestInstanceId == undefined) {
- if (this.beforeFirstNavigation) {
- this.beforeFirstNavigation = false;
- this.createGuest();
- }
- return;
- }
- // Navigate to |this.src|.
- WebView.navigate(this.guestInstanceId, this.src);
-WebViewInternal.prototype.parseAttributes = function() {
- if (!this.elementAttached) {
- return;
- }
- var hasNavigated = this.hasNavigated();
- var attributeValue = this.webviewNode.getAttribute('partition');
- var result = this.partition.fromAttribute(attributeValue, hasNavigated);
- this.parseSrcAttribute(result);
-WebViewInternal.prototype.createGuest = function() {
- if (this.pendingGuestCreation) {
- return;
- }
- var storagePartitionId =
- this.webviewNode.getAttribute(WEB_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE_PARTITION) ||
- var params = {
- 'storagePartitionId': storagePartitionId
- };
- GuestViewInternal.createGuest(
- 'webview',
- params,
- function(guestInstanceId) {
- this.pendingGuestCreation = false;
- if (!this.elementAttached) {
- GuestViewInternal.destroyGuest(guestInstanceId);
- return;
- }
- this.attachWindow(guestInstanceId, false);
- }.bind(this)
- );
- this.pendingGuestCreation = true;
-WebViewInternal.prototype.onFrameNameChanged = function(name) {
- = name || '';
- if ( === '') {
- this.webviewNode.removeAttribute('name');
- } else {
- this.webviewNode.setAttribute('name',;
- }
-WebViewInternal.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(webViewEvent) {
- return this.webviewNode.dispatchEvent(webViewEvent);
-// Adds an 'on<event>' property on the webview, which can be used to set/unset
-// an event handler.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.setupEventProperty = function(eventName) {
- var propertyName = 'on' + eventName.toLowerCase();
- Object.defineProperty(this.webviewNode, propertyName, {
- get: function() {
- return this.on[propertyName];
- }.bind(this),
- set: function(value) {
- if (this.on[propertyName])
- this.webviewNode.removeEventListener(eventName, this.on[propertyName]);
- this.on[propertyName] = value;
- if (value)
- this.webviewNode.addEventListener(eventName, value);
- }.bind(this),
- enumerable: true
- });
-// Updates state upon loadcommit.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.onLoadCommit = function(
- baseUrlForDataUrl, currentEntryIndex, entryCount,
- processId, url, isTopLevel) {
- this.baseUrlForDataUrl = baseUrlForDataUrl;
- this.currentEntryIndex = currentEntryIndex;
- this.entryCount = entryCount;
- this.processId = processId;
- var oldValue = this.webviewNode.getAttribute('src');
- var newValue = url;
- if (isTopLevel && (oldValue != newValue)) {
- // Touching the src attribute triggers a navigation. To avoid
- // triggering a page reload on every guest-initiated navigation,
- // we use the flag ignoreNextSrcAttributeChange here.
- this.ignoreNextSrcAttributeChange = true;
- this.webviewNode.setAttribute('src', newValue);
- }
-WebViewInternal.prototype.onAttach = function(storagePartitionId) {
- this.webviewNode.setAttribute('partition', storagePartitionId);
- this.partition.fromAttribute(storagePartitionId, this.hasNavigated());
-WebViewInternal.prototype.buildAttachParams = function(isNewWindow) {
- var params = {
- 'allowtransparency': this.allowtransparency || false,
- 'autosize': this.webviewNode.hasAttribute(WEB_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE_AUTOSIZE),
- 'instanceId': this.viewInstanceId,
- 'maxheight': parseInt(this.maxheight || 0),
- 'maxwidth': parseInt(this.maxwidth || 0),
- 'minheight': parseInt(this.minheight || 0),
- 'minwidth': parseInt(this.minwidth || 0),
- 'name':,
- // We don't need to navigate new window from here.
- 'src': isNewWindow ? undefined : this.src,
- // If we have a partition from the opener, that will also be already
- // set via this.onAttach().
- 'storagePartitionId': this.partition.toAttribute(),
- 'userAgentOverride': this.userAgentOverride
- };
- return params;
-WebViewInternal.prototype.attachWindow = function(guestInstanceId,
- isNewWindow) {
- this.guestInstanceId = guestInstanceId;
- var params = this.buildAttachParams(isNewWindow);
- if (!this.isPluginInRenderTree()) {
- this.deferredAttachState = {isNewWindow: isNewWindow};
- return true;
- }
- this.deferredAttachState = null;
- return guestViewInternalNatives.AttachGuest(
- this.internalInstanceId,
- this.guestInstanceId,
- params, function(w) {
- this.contentWindow = w;
- }.bind(this)
- );
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Public-facing API methods.
-// Navigates to the previous history entry.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.back = function(callback) {
- return this.go(-1, callback);
-// Returns whether there is a previous history entry to navigate to.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.canGoBack = function() {
- return this.entryCount > 1 && this.currentEntryIndex > 0;
-// Returns whether there is a subsequent history entry to navigate to.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.canGoForward = function() {
- return this.currentEntryIndex >= 0 &&
- this.currentEntryIndex < (this.entryCount - 1);
-// Clears browsing data for the WebView partition.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.clearData = function() {
- if (!this.guestInstanceId) {
- return;
- }
- var args = $Array.concat([this.guestInstanceId], $Array.slice(arguments));
- $Function.apply(WebView.clearData, null, args);
-// Injects JavaScript code into the guest page.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.executeScript = function(var_args) {
- this.validateExecuteCodeCall();
- var webviewSrc = this.src;
- if (this.baseUrlForDataUrl != '') {
- webviewSrc = this.baseUrlForDataUrl;
- }
- var args = $Array.concat([this.guestInstanceId, webviewSrc],
- $Array.slice(arguments));
- $Function.apply(WebView.executeScript, null, args);
-// Initiates a find-in-page request.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.find = function(search_text, options, callback) {
- if (!this.guestInstanceId) {
- return;
- }
- WebView.find(this.guestInstanceId, search_text, options, callback);
-// Navigates to the subsequent history entry.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.forward = function(callback) {
- return this.go(1, callback);
-// Returns Chrome's internal process ID for the guest web page's current
-// process.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.getProcessId = function() {
- return this.processId;
-// Returns the user agent string used by the webview for guest page requests.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.getUserAgent = function() {
- return this.userAgentOverride || navigator.userAgent;
-// Gets the current zoom factor.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.getZoom = function(callback) {
- if (!this.guestInstanceId) {
- return;
- }
- WebView.getZoom(this.guestInstanceId, callback);
-// Navigates to a history entry using a history index relative to the current
-// navigation.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.go = function(relativeIndex, callback) {
- if (!this.guestInstanceId) {
- return;
- }
- WebView.go(this.guestInstanceId, relativeIndex, callback);
-// Injects CSS into the guest page.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.insertCSS = function(var_args) {
- this.validateExecuteCodeCall();
- var webviewSrc = this.src;
- if (this.baseUrlForDataUrl != '') {
- webviewSrc = this.baseUrlForDataUrl;
- }
- var args = $Array.concat([this.guestInstanceId, webviewSrc],
- $Array.slice(arguments));
- $Function.apply(WebView.insertCSS, null, args);
-// Indicates whether or not the webview's user agent string has been overridden.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.isUserAgentOverridden = function() {
- return !!this.userAgentOverride &&
- this.userAgentOverride != navigator.userAgent;
-// Prints the contents of the webview.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.print = function() {
- this.executeScript({code: 'window.print();'});
-// Reloads the current top-level page.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.reload = function() {
- if (!this.guestInstanceId) {
- return;
- }
- WebView.reload(this.guestInstanceId);
-// Override the user agent string used by the webview for guest page requests.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.setUserAgentOverride = function(userAgentOverride) {
- this.userAgentOverride = userAgentOverride;
- if (!this.guestInstanceId) {
- // If we are not attached yet, then we will pick up the user agent on
- // attachment.
- return;
- }
- WebView.overrideUserAgent(this.guestInstanceId, userAgentOverride);
-// Changes the zoom factor of the page.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.setZoom = function(zoomFactor, callback) {
- if (!this.guestInstanceId) {
- return;
- }
- WebView.setZoom(this.guestInstanceId, zoomFactor, callback);
-// Stops loading the current navigation if one is in progress.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.stop = function() {
- if (!this.guestInstanceId) {
- return;
- }
- WebView.stop(this.guestInstanceId);
-// Ends the current find session.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.stopFinding = function(action) {
- if (!this.guestInstanceId) {
- return;
- }
- WebView.stopFinding(this.guestInstanceId, action);
-// Forcibly kills the guest web page's renderer process.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.terminate = function() {
- if (!this.guestInstanceId) {
- return;
- }
- WebView.terminate(this.guestInstanceId);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Registers browser plugin <object> custom element.
-function registerBrowserPluginElement() {
- var proto = Object.create(HTMLObjectElement.prototype);
- proto.createdCallback = function() {
- this.setAttribute('type', 'application/browser-plugin');
- this.setAttribute('id', 'browser-plugin-' + IdGenerator.GetNextId());
- // The <object> node fills in the <webview> container.
- = '100%';
- = '100%';
- };
- proto.attributeChangedCallback = function(name, oldValue, newValue) {
- var internal = privates(this).internal;
- if (!internal) {
- return;
- }
- internal.handleBrowserPluginAttributeMutation(name, oldValue, newValue);
- };
- proto.attachedCallback = function() {
- // Load the plugin immediately.
- var unused = this.nonExistentAttribute;
- };
- WebViewInternal.BrowserPlugin =
- DocumentNatives.RegisterElement('browserplugin', {extends: 'object',
- prototype: proto});
- delete proto.createdCallback;
- delete proto.attachedCallback;
- delete proto.detachedCallback;
- delete proto.attributeChangedCallback;
-// Registers <webview> custom element.
-function registerWebViewElement() {
- var proto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);
- proto.createdCallback = function() {
- new WebViewInternal(this);
- };
- proto.attributeChangedCallback = function(name, oldValue, newValue) {
- var internal = privates(this).internal;
- if (!internal) {
- return;
- }
- internal.handleWebviewAttributeMutation(name, oldValue, newValue);
- };
- proto.detachedCallback = function() {
- var internal = privates(this).internal;
- if (!internal) {
- return;
- }
- internal.elementAttached = false;
- internal.reset();
- };
- proto.attachedCallback = function() {
- var internal = privates(this).internal;
- if (!internal) {
- return;
- }
- if (!internal.elementAttached) {
- internal.elementAttached = true;
- internal.parseAttributes();
- }
- };
- // Public-facing API methods.
- var methods = [
- 'back',
- 'canGoBack',
- 'canGoForward',
- 'clearData',
- 'executeScript',
- 'find',
- 'forward',
- 'getProcessId',
- 'getUserAgent',
- 'getZoom',
- 'go',
- 'insertCSS',
- 'isUserAgentOverridden',
- 'print',
- 'reload',
- 'setUserAgentOverride',
- 'setZoom',
- 'stop',
- 'stopFinding',
- 'terminate'
- ];
- // Add the experimental API methods, if available.
- var experimentalMethods =
- WebViewInternal.maybeGetExperimentalAPIs();
- methods = $Array.concat(methods, experimentalMethods);
- // Forward* method calls to*.
- var createHandler = function(m) {
- return function(var_args) {
- var internal = privates(this).internal;
- return $Function.apply(internal[m], internal, arguments);
- };
- };
- for (var i = 0; methods[i]; ++i) {
- proto[methods[i]] = createHandler(methods[i]);
- }
- window.WebView =
- DocumentNatives.RegisterElement('webview', {prototype: proto});
- // Delete the callbacks so developers cannot call them and produce unexpected
- // behavior.
- delete proto.createdCallback;
- delete proto.attachedCallback;
- delete proto.detachedCallback;
- delete proto.attributeChangedCallback;
-var useCapture = true;
-window.addEventListener('readystatechange', function listener(event) {
- if (document.readyState == 'loading')
- return;
- registerBrowserPluginElement();
- registerWebViewElement();
- window.removeEventListener(event.type, listener, useCapture);
-}, useCapture);
-// Implemented when the ChromeWebView API is available.
-WebViewInternal.prototype.maybeGetChromeWebViewEvents = function() {};
-// Implemented when the experimental WebView API is available.
-WebViewInternal.maybeGetExperimentalAPIs = function() {};
-WebViewInternal.prototype.maybeGetExperimentalEvents = function() {};
-WebViewInternal.prototype.setupExperimentalContextMenus = function() {};
-// Exports.
-exports.WebView = WebView;
-exports.WebViewInternal = WebViewInternal;

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