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Unified Diff: Source/core/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp

Issue 645023002: [New Multicolumn] Make layer bounding boxes visual and relative to "root". (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Skip two failing tests in the old multicol implementation. Created 6 years, 2 months ago
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Index: Source/core/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp
diff --git a/Source/core/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp b/Source/core/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp
index 719dcefebe6bcf23d038fe433ca6d52844b70ae0..dcd9b8664619f4b58c6df121567189600c2a72f9 100644
--- a/Source/core/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp
+++ b/Source/core/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp
@@ -415,6 +415,39 @@ static bool checkContainingBlockChainForPagination(RenderLayerModelObject* rende
return true;
+// Convert a bounding box from flow thread coordinates, relative to |layer|, to visual coordinates, relative to |ancestorLayer|.
+static void convertFromFlowThreadToVisualBoundingBoxInAncestor(const RenderLayer* layer, const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, LayoutRect& rect)
+ RenderLayer* paginationLayer = layer->enclosingPaginationLayer();
+ ASSERT(paginationLayer);
+ RenderFlowThread* flowThread = toRenderFlowThread(paginationLayer->renderer());
+ // First make the flow thread rectangle relative to the flow thread, not to |layer|.
+ LayoutPoint offsetWithinPaginationLayer;
+ layer->convertToLayerCoords(paginationLayer, offsetWithinPaginationLayer);
+ rect.moveBy(offsetWithinPaginationLayer);
+ // Then make the rectangle visual, relative to the fragmentation context. Split our box up into
+ // the actual fragment boxes that render in the columns/pages and unite those together to get
+ // our true bounding box.
+ rect = flowThread->fragmentsBoundingBox(rect);
+ // Finally, make the visual rectangle relative to |ancestorLayer|.
+ // FIXME: Handle nested fragmentation contexts ( For now just give up if there
+ // are different pagination layers involved.
+ if (!ancestorLayer->enclosingPaginationLayer() || ancestorLayer->enclosingPaginationLayer() != paginationLayer) {
+ // The easy case. The ancestor layer is not within the pagination layer.
+ paginationLayer->convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, rect);
+ return;
+ }
+ // The ancestor layer is also inside the pagination layer, so we need to subtract the visual
+ // distance from the ancestor layer to the pagination layer.
+ LayoutPoint offsetFromPaginationLayerToAncestor;
+ ancestorLayer->convertToLayerCoords(paginationLayer, offsetFromPaginationLayerToAncestor);
+ offsetFromPaginationLayerToAncestor = flowThread->flowThreadPointToVisualPoint(offsetFromPaginationLayerToAncestor);
+ rect.moveBy(-offsetFromPaginationLayerToAncestor);
bool RenderLayer::useRegionBasedColumns() const
return renderer()->document().regionBasedColumnsEnabled();
@@ -2242,16 +2275,7 @@ LayoutRect RenderLayer::fragmentsBoundingBox(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer) c
return physicalBoundingBox(ancestorLayer);
LayoutRect result = flippedLogicalBoundingBox();
- // Split our box up into the actual fragment boxes that render in the columns/pages and unite those together to
- // get our true bounding box.
- LayoutPoint offsetWithinPaginationLayer;
- convertToLayerCoords(enclosingPaginationLayer(), offsetWithinPaginationLayer);
- result.moveBy(offsetWithinPaginationLayer);
- RenderFlowThread* enclosingFlowThread = toRenderFlowThread(enclosingPaginationLayer()->renderer());
- result = enclosingFlowThread->fragmentsBoundingBox(result);
- enclosingPaginationLayer()->convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, result);
+ convertFromFlowThreadToVisualBoundingBoxInAncestor(this, ancestorLayer, result);
return result;
@@ -2314,42 +2338,36 @@ LayoutRect RenderLayer::boundingBoxForCompositing(const RenderLayer* ancestorLay
if (useRegionBasedColumns() && renderer()->isRenderFlowThread())
return LayoutRect();
- const bool shouldIncludeTransform = paintsWithTransform(PaintBehaviorNormal) || (options == ApplyBoundsChickenEggHacks && transform());
- LayoutRect localClipRect = clipper().localClipRect();
- if (localClipRect != PaintInfo::infiniteRect()) {
- if (shouldIncludeTransform)
- localClipRect = transform()->mapRect(localClipRect);
+ LayoutRect result = clipper().localClipRect();
+ if (result == PaintInfo::infiniteRect()) {
+ LayoutPoint origin;
+ result = physicalBoundingBox(ancestorLayer, &origin);
- LayoutPoint delta;
- convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, delta);
- localClipRect.moveBy(delta);
- return localClipRect;
- }
- LayoutPoint origin;
- LayoutRect result = physicalBoundingBox(ancestorLayer, &origin);
- const_cast<RenderLayer*>(this)->stackingNode()->updateLayerListsIfNeeded();
+ const_cast<RenderLayer*>(this)->stackingNode()->updateLayerListsIfNeeded();
- // Reflections are implemented with RenderLayers that hang off of the reflected layer. However,
- // the reflection layer subtree does not include the subtree of the parent RenderLayer, so
- // a recursive computation of stacking children yields no results. This breaks cases when there are stacking
- // children of the parent, that need to be included in reflected composited bounds.
- // Fix this by including composited bounds of stacking children of the reflected RenderLayer.
- if (hasCompositedLayerMapping() && parent() && parent()->reflectionInfo() && parent()->reflectionInfo()->reflectionLayer() == this)
- expandRectForReflectionAndStackingChildren(parent(), options, result);
- else
- expandRectForReflectionAndStackingChildren(this, options, result);
+ // Reflections are implemented with RenderLayers that hang off of the reflected layer. However,
+ // the reflection layer subtree does not include the subtree of the parent RenderLayer, so
+ // a recursive computation of stacking children yields no results. This breaks cases when there are stacking
+ // children of the parent, that need to be included in reflected composited bounds.
+ // Fix this by including composited bounds of stacking children of the reflected RenderLayer.
+ if (hasCompositedLayerMapping() && parent() && parent()->reflectionInfo() && parent()->reflectionInfo()->reflectionLayer() == this)
+ expandRectForReflectionAndStackingChildren(parent(), options, result);
+ else
+ expandRectForReflectionAndStackingChildren(this, options, result);
- // FIXME: We can optimize the size of the composited layers, by not enlarging
- // filtered areas with the outsets if we know that the filter is going to render in hardware.
- //
- m_renderer->style()->filterOutsets().expandRect(result);
+ // FIXME: We can optimize the size of the composited layers, by not enlarging
+ // filtered areas with the outsets if we know that the filter is going to render in hardware.
+ //
+ m_renderer->style()->filterOutsets().expandRect(result);
+ }
- if (shouldIncludeTransform)
+ if (paintsWithTransform(PaintBehaviorNormal) || (options == ApplyBoundsChickenEggHacks && transform()))
result = transform()->mapRect(result);
+ if (enclosingPaginationLayer()) {
+ convertFromFlowThreadToVisualBoundingBoxInAncestor(this, ancestorLayer, result);
+ return result;
+ }
LayoutPoint delta;
convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, delta);
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