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Unified Diff: test/mjsunit/harmony/super.js

Issue 638623002: Keyed stores to super where key is a name. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: All platforms + CR feedback Created 6 years, 2 months ago
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Index: test/mjsunit/harmony/super.js
diff --git a/test/mjsunit/harmony/super.js b/test/mjsunit/harmony/super.js
index 6e56c60c14415659735e7ef6bb8867c12b1cc748..d1cba533d56f9c3dbee417572808f12b66f8021a 100644
--- a/test/mjsunit/harmony/super.js
+++ b/test/mjsunit/harmony/super.js
@@ -228,6 +228,93 @@
+(function TestSetterKeyed() {
+ var x = 'x';
+ function Base() {}
+ Base.prototype = {
+ constructor: Base,
+ get x() {
+ return this._x;
+ },
+ set x(v) {
+ this._x = v;
+ },
+ _x: 'base'
+ };
+ function Derived() {}
+ Derived.__proto__ = Base;
+ Derived.prototype = {
+ __proto__: Base.prototype,
+ constructor: Derived,
+ _x: 'derived'
+ };
+ Derived.prototype.testSetter = function() {
+ assertEquals('foobar', super[x] = 'foobar');
+ assertEquals('foobarabc', super[x] += 'abc');
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ var d = new Derived();
+ d.testSetter();
+ assertEquals('base', Base.prototype._x);
+ assertEquals('foobarabc', d._x);
+ d._x = '';
+ Derived.prototype.testSetterStrict = function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ assertEquals('foobar', super[x] = 'foobar');
+ assertEquals('foobarabc', super[x] += 'abc');
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ d.testSetterStrict();
+ assertEquals('base', Base.prototype._x);
+ assertEquals('foobarabc', d._x);
+ Derived.prototype.testSetterWithToString = function() {
+ var toStringCalled;
+ var o = { toString: function() {
+ toStringCalled++;
+ return 'x';
+ } };
+ toStringCalled = 0;
+ super[o] = 'set';
+ assertEquals(1, toStringCalled);
+ assertEquals('set', this._x);
+ var eToThrow = new Error();
+ var oThrowsInToString = { toString: function() {
+ throw eToThrow;
+ } };
+ var ex = null;
+ try {
+ super[oThrowsInToString] = 'xyz';
+ } catch(e) { ex = e }
+ assertEquals(eToThrow, ex);
+ assertEquals('set', this._x);
+ var oReturnsNumericString = { toString: function() {
+ return "1";
+ } };
+ ex = null;
+ try {
+ super[oReturnsNumericString] = 'abc';
+ } catch(e) { ex = e }
+ assertTrue(ex instanceof ReferenceError);
+ assertEquals('set', this._x);
+ ex = null;
+ try {
+ super[1] = 10; // Indexed properties unsupported yet.
+ } catch (e) { ex = e; }
+ assertTrue(ex instanceof ReferenceError);
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ d = new Derived();
+ d.testSetterWithToString();
(function TestSetterDataProperties() {
function Base() {}
Base.prototype = {
@@ -252,6 +339,31 @@
+(function TestKeyedSetterDataProperties() {
+ var x = 'x';
+ function Base() {}
+ Base.prototype = {
+ constructor: Base,
+ x: 'x from Base'
+ };
+ function Derived() {}
+ Derived.prototype = {
+ __proto__: Base.prototype,
+ constructor: Derived,
+ };
+ Derived.prototype.testSetter = function() {
+ assertEquals('x from Base', super[x]);
+ super[x] = 'data property';
+ assertEquals('x from Base', super[x]);
+ assertEquals('data property', this[x]);
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ new Derived().testSetter();
(function TestAccessorsOnPrimitives() {
var getCalled = 0;
var setCalled = 0;
@@ -342,6 +454,99 @@
+(function TestKeyedAccessorsOnPrimitives() {
+ var x = 'x';
+ var newProperty = 'newProperty';
+ var toString = 'toString';
+ var getCalled = 0;
+ var setCalled = 0;
+ function Base() {}
+ Base.prototype = {
+ constructor: Base,
+ get x() {
+ getCalled++;
+ return 1;
+ },
+ set x(v) {
+ setCalled++;
+ return v;
+ },
+ };
+ function Derived() {}
+ Derived.prototype = {
+ __proto__: Base.prototype,
+ constructor: Derived,
+ };
+ Derived.prototype.testSetter = function() {
+ setCalled = 0;
+ getCalled = 0;
+ assertEquals('object', typeof this);
+ assertTrue(this instanceof Number)
+ assertEquals(42, this.valueOf());
+ assertEquals(1, super[x]);
+ assertEquals(1, getCalled);
+ assertEquals(0, setCalled);
+ assertEquals(5, super[x] = 5);
+ assertEquals(1, getCalled);
+ assertEquals(1, setCalled);
+ assertEquals(6, super[x] += 5);
+ assertEquals(2, getCalled);
+ assertEquals(2, setCalled);
+ super[newProperty] = 15;
+ assertEquals(15, this[newProperty]);
+ assertEquals(undefined, super[newProperty]);
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ Derived.prototype.testSetterStrict = function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ getCalled = 0;
+ setCalled = 0;
+ assertTrue(42 === this);
+ assertEquals(1, super[x]);
+ assertEquals(1, getCalled);
+ assertEquals(0, setCalled);
+ assertEquals(5, super[x] = 5);
+ assertEquals(1, getCalled);
+ assertEquals(1, setCalled);
+ assertEquals(6, super[x] += 5);
+ assertEquals(2, getCalled);
+ assertEquals(2, setCalled);
+ var ex;
+ try {
+ super[newProperty] = 15;
+ } catch (e) { ex = e; }
+ assertTrue(ex instanceof TypeError);
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ function DerivedFromString() {}
+ DerivedFromString.prototype = Object.create(String.prototype);
+ function f() {
+ 'use strict';
+ assertTrue(42 === this);
+ assertEquals(String.prototype.toString, super[toString]);
+ var ex;
+ try {
+ super[toString]();
+ } catch(e) { ex = e; }
+ assertTrue(ex instanceof TypeError);
+ }
+ f.toMethod(DerivedFromString.prototype).call(42);
(function TestSetterUndefinedProperties() {
function Base() {}
function Derived() {}
@@ -371,6 +576,36 @@
+(function TestKeyedSetterUndefinedProperties() {
+ var x = 'x';
+ function Base() {}
+ function Derived() {}
+ Derived.prototype = { __proto__ : Base.prototype };
+ Derived.prototype.mSloppy = function () {
+ assertEquals(undefined, super[x]);
+ assertEquals(undefined, this[x]);
+ super[x] = 10;
+ assertEquals(10, this[x]);
+ assertEquals(undefined, super[x]);
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ Derived.prototype.mStrict = function () {
+ 'use strict';
+ assertEquals(undefined, super[x]);
+ assertEquals(undefined, this[x]);
+ super[x] = 10;
+ assertEquals(10, this[x]);
+ assertEquals(undefined, super[x]);
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ var d = new Derived();
+ d.mSloppy();
+ assertEquals(10, d.x);
+ var d1 = new Derived();
+ d1.mStrict();
+ assertEquals(10, d.x);
(function TestSetterCreatingOwnProperties() {
function Base() {}
function Derived() {}
@@ -425,6 +660,63 @@
+(function TestKeyedSetterCreatingOwnProperties() {
+ var ownReadOnly = 'ownReadOnly';
+ var ownReadonlyAccessor = 'ownReadonlyAccessor';
+ var ownSetter = 'ownSetter';
+ function Base() {}
+ function Derived() {}
+ Derived.prototype = { __proto__ : Base.prototype };
+ var setterCalled;
+ Derived.prototype.mSloppy = function() {
+ assertEquals(42, this[ownReadOnly]);
+ super[ownReadOnly] = 55;
+ assertEquals(42, this[ownReadOnly]);
+ assertEquals(15, this[ownReadonlyAccessor]);
+ super[ownReadonlyAccessor] = 55;
+ assertEquals(15, this[ownReadonlyAccessor]);
+ setterCalled = 0;
+ super[ownSetter] = 42;
+ assertEquals(1, setterCalled);
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ Derived.prototype.mStrict = function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ assertEquals(42, this[ownReadOnly]);
+ var ex;
+ try {
+ super[ownReadOnly] = 55;
+ } catch(e) { ex = e; }
+ assertTrue(ex instanceof TypeError);
+ assertEquals(42, this[ownReadOnly]);
+ assertEquals(15, this[ownReadonlyAccessor]);
+ ex = null;
+ try {
+ super[ownReadonlyAccessor] = 55;
+ } catch(e) { ex = e; }
+ assertTrue(ex instanceof TypeError);
+ assertEquals(15, this[ownReadonlyAccessor]);
+ setterCalled = 0;
+ super[ownSetter] = 42;
+ assertEquals(1, setterCalled);
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ var d = new Derived();
+ Object.defineProperty(d, 'ownReadOnly', { value : 42, writable : false });
+ Object.defineProperty(d, 'ownSetter',
+ { set : function() { setterCalled++; } });
+ Object.defineProperty(d, 'ownReadonlyAccessor',
+ { get : function() { return 15; }});
+ d.mSloppy();
+ d.mStrict();
(function TestSetterNoProtoWalk() {
function Base() {}
function Derived() {}
@@ -492,6 +784,74 @@
+(function TestKeyedSetterNoProtoWalk() {
+ var x = 'x';
+ function Base() {}
+ function Derived() {}
+ var getCalled;
+ var setCalled;
+ Derived.prototype = {
+ __proto__ : Base.prototype,
+ get x() { getCalled++; return 42; },
+ set x(v) { setCalled++; }
+ };
+ Derived.prototype.mSloppy = function() {
+ setCalled = 0;
+ getCalled = 0;
+ assertEquals(42, this[x]);
+ assertEquals(1, getCalled);
+ assertEquals(0, setCalled);
+ getCalled = 0;
+ setCalled = 0;
+ this[x] = 43;
+ assertEquals(0, getCalled);
+ assertEquals(1, setCalled);
+ getCalled = 0;
+ setCalled = 0;
+ super[x] = 15;
+ assertEquals(0, setCalled);
+ assertEquals(0, getCalled);
+ assertEquals(15, this[x]);
+ assertEquals(0, getCalled);
+ assertEquals(0, setCalled);
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ Derived.prototype.mStrict = function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ setCalled = 0;
+ getCalled = 0;
+ assertEquals(42, this[x]);
+ assertEquals(1, getCalled);
+ assertEquals(0, setCalled);
+ getCalled = 0;
+ setCalled = 0;
+ this[x] = 43;
+ assertEquals(0, getCalled);
+ assertEquals(1, setCalled);
+ getCalled = 0;
+ setCalled = 0;
+ super[x] = 15;
+ assertEquals(0, setCalled);
+ assertEquals(0, getCalled);
+ assertEquals(15, this[x]);
+ assertEquals(0, getCalled);
+ assertEquals(0, setCalled);
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ new Derived().mSloppy();
+ new Derived().mStrict();
(function TestSetterDoesNotReconfigure() {
function Base() {}
function Derived() {}
@@ -535,6 +895,51 @@
+(function TestKeyedSetterDoesNotReconfigure() {
+ var nonEnumConfig = 'nonEnumConfig';
+ var nonEnumNonConfig = 'nonEnumNonConfig';
+ function Base() {}
+ function Derived() {}
+ Derived.prototype.mStrict = function (){
+ 'use strict';
+ super[nonEnumConfig] = 5;
+ var d1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, 'nonEnumConfig');
+ assertEquals(5, d1.value);
+ assertTrue(d1.configurable);
+ assertFalse(d1.enumerable);
+ super[nonEnumNonConfig] = 5;
+ var d1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, 'nonEnumNonConfig');
+ assertEquals(5, d1.value);
+ assertFalse(d1.configurable);
+ assertFalse(d1.enumerable);
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ Derived.prototype.mSloppy = function (){
+ super[nonEnumConfig] = 42;
+ var d1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, 'nonEnumConfig');
+ assertEquals(42, d1.value);
+ assertTrue(d1.configurable);
+ assertFalse(d1.enumerable);
+ super[nonEnumNonConfig] = 42;
+ var d1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, 'nonEnumNonConfig');
+ assertEquals(42, d1.value);
+ assertFalse(d1.configurable);
+ assertFalse(d1.enumerable);
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ var d = new Derived();
+ Object.defineProperty(d, 'nonEnumConfig',
+ { value : 0, enumerable : false, configurable : true, writable : true });
+ Object.defineProperty(d, 'nonEnumNonConfig',
+ { value : 0, enumerable : false, configurable : false, writable : true });
+ d.mStrict();
+ d.mSloppy();
(function TestCountOperations() {
function Base() {}
Base.prototype = {
@@ -583,6 +988,55 @@
+(function TestKeyedCountOperations() {
+ var x = 'x';
+ function Base() {}
+ Base.prototype = {
+ constructor: Base,
+ get x() {
+ return this._x;
+ },
+ set x(v) {
+ this._x = v;
+ },
+ _x: 1
+ };
+ function Derived() {}
+ Derived.__proto__ = Base;
+ Derived.prototype = {
+ __proto__: Base.prototype,
+ constructor: Derived,
+ _x: 2
+ };
+ Derived.prototype.testCounts = function() {
+ assertEquals(2, this._x);
+ assertEquals(2, super[x]);
+ super[x]++;
+ assertEquals(3, super[x]);
+ ++super[x];
+ assertEquals(4, super[x]);
+ assertEquals(4, super[x]++);
+ assertEquals(5, super[x]);
+ assertEquals(6, ++super[x]);
+ assertEquals(6, super[x]);
+ assertEquals(6, this._x);
+ super[x]--;
+ assertEquals(5, super[x]);
+ --super[x];
+ assertEquals(4, super[x]);
+ assertEquals(4, super[x]--);
+ assertEquals(3, super[x]);
+ assertEquals(2, --super[x]);
+ assertEquals(2, super[x]);
+ assertEquals(2, this._x);
+ }.toMethod(Derived.prototype);
+ new Derived().testCounts();
(function TestSuperCall() {
function Subclass(base, constructor) {
var homeObject = { __proto__ : base.prototype };
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