1 Validates the SVG2 inheritance model. | 1 Validates the SVG2 inheritance model. |
2 | 2 |
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". | 3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 PASS SVGAElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement | 6 PASS SVGAElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement |
7 PASS SVGAltGlyphDefElement inherits SVGElement | 7 PASS SVGAltGlyphDefElement inherits SVGElement |
8 PASS SVGAltGlyphElement inherits SVGTextPositioningElement | 8 PASS SVGAltGlyphElement inherits SVGTextPositioningElement |
9 PASS SVGAltGlyphItemElement inherits SVGElement | 9 PASS SVGAltGlyphItemElement inherits SVGElement |
10 PASS SVGAngle inherits Object | 10 PASS SVGAngle inherits Object |
11 PASS SVGAnimateColorElement inherits SVGAnimationElement | 11 PASS SVGAnimateColorElement inherits SVGAnimationElement |
12 PASS SVGAnimateElement inherits SVGAnimationElement | 12 PASS SVGAnimateElement inherits SVGAnimationElement |
13 PASS SVGAnimateMotionElement inherits SVGAnimationElement | 13 PASS SVGAnimateMotionElement inherits SVGAnimationElement |
14 PASS SVGAnimateTransformElement inherits SVGAnimationElement | 14 PASS SVGAnimateTransformElement inherits SVGAnimationElement |
15 PASS SVGAnimatedAngle inherits Object | 15 PASS SVGAnimatedAngle inherits Object |
16 PASS SVGAnimatedBoolean inherits Object | 16 PASS SVGAnimatedBoolean inherits Object |
17 PASS SVGAnimatedEnumeration inherits Object | 17 PASS SVGAnimatedEnumeration inherits Object |
18 PASS SVGAnimatedInteger inherits Object | 18 PASS SVGAnimatedInteger inherits Object |
19 PASS SVGAnimatedLength inherits Object | 19 PASS SVGAnimatedLength inherits Object |
20 PASS SVGAnimatedLengthList inherits Object | 20 PASS SVGAnimatedLengthList inherits Object |
21 PASS SVGAnimatedNumber inherits Object | 21 PASS SVGAnimatedNumber inherits Object |
22 PASS SVGAnimatedNumberList inherits Object | 22 PASS SVGAnimatedNumberList inherits Object |
23 FAIL SVGAnimatedPathData is not defined | 23 FAIL SVGAnimatedPathData is not defined |
24 PASS SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio inherits Object | 24 PASS SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio inherits Object |
25 PASS SVGAnimatedRect inherits Object | 25 PASS SVGAnimatedRect inherits Object |
26 PASS SVGAnimatedString inherits Object | 26 PASS SVGAnimatedString inherits Object |
27 PASS SVGAnimatedTransformList inherits Object | 27 PASS SVGAnimatedTransformList inherits Object |
28 PASS SVGAnimationElement inherits SVGElement | 28 PASS SVGAnimationElement inherits SVGElement |
29 FAIL SVGCSSRule is not defined | 29 FAIL SVGCSSRule is not defined |
30 FAIL SVGCircleElement should inherit SVGGeometryElement but got SVGGraphicsEleme
nt instead | 30 PASS SVGCircleElement inherits SVGGeometryElement |
31 FAIL SVGClipPathElement should inherit SVGDefinitionElement but got SVGGraphicsE
lement instead | 31 FAIL SVGClipPathElement should inherit SVGDefinitionElement but got SVGGraphicsE
lement instead |
32 FAIL SVGColorProfileElement is not defined | 32 FAIL SVGColorProfileElement is not defined |
33 FAIL SVGColorProfileRule is not defined | 33 FAIL SVGColorProfileRule is not defined |
34 PASS SVGCursorElement inherits SVGElement | 34 PASS SVGCursorElement inherits SVGElement |
35 PASS SVGDefsElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement | 35 PASS SVGDefsElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement |
36 PASS SVGDescElement inherits SVGElement | 36 PASS SVGDescElement inherits SVGElement |
37 PASS SVGElement inherits Element | 37 PASS SVGElement inherits Element |
38 PASS SVGElementInstance inherits EventTarget | 38 PASS SVGElementInstance inherits EventTarget |
39 PASS SVGElementInstanceList inherits Object | 39 PASS SVGElementInstanceList inherits Object |
40 FAIL SVGEllipseElement should inherit SVGGeometryElement but got SVGGraphicsElem
ent instead | 40 PASS SVGEllipseElement inherits SVGGeometryElement |
41 PASS SVGFontElement inherits SVGElement | 41 PASS SVGFontElement inherits SVGElement |
42 PASS SVGFontFaceElement inherits SVGElement | 42 PASS SVGFontFaceElement inherits SVGElement |
43 PASS SVGFontFaceFormatElement inherits SVGElement | 43 PASS SVGFontFaceFormatElement inherits SVGElement |
44 PASS SVGFontFaceNameElement inherits SVGElement | 44 PASS SVGFontFaceNameElement inherits SVGElement |
45 PASS SVGFontFaceSrcElement inherits SVGElement | 45 PASS SVGFontFaceSrcElement inherits SVGElement |
46 PASS SVGFontFaceUriElement inherits SVGElement | 46 PASS SVGFontFaceUriElement inherits SVGElement |
47 PASS SVGForeignObjectElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement | 47 PASS SVGForeignObjectElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement |
48 PASS SVGGElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement | 48 PASS SVGGElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement |
49 FAIL SVGGeometryElement is not defined | 49 PASS SVGGeometryElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement |
50 PASS SVGGlyphElement inherits SVGElement | 50 PASS SVGGlyphElement inherits SVGElement |
51 PASS SVGGlyphRefElement inherits SVGElement | 51 PASS SVGGlyphRefElement inherits SVGElement |
52 PASS SVGGradientElement inherits SVGElement | 52 PASS SVGGradientElement inherits SVGElement |
53 PASS SVGGraphicsElement inherits SVGElement | 53 PASS SVGGraphicsElement inherits SVGElement |
54 PASS SVGHKernElement inherits SVGElement | 54 PASS SVGHKernElement inherits SVGElement |
55 PASS SVGImageElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement | 55 PASS SVGImageElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement |
56 PASS SVGLength inherits Object | 56 PASS SVGLength inherits Object |
57 PASS SVGLengthList inherits Object | 57 PASS SVGLengthList inherits Object |
58 FAIL SVGLineElement should inherit SVGGeometryElement but got SVGGraphicsElement
instead | 58 PASS SVGLineElement inherits SVGGeometryElement |
59 PASS SVGLinearGradientElement inherits SVGGradientElement | 59 PASS SVGLinearGradientElement inherits SVGGradientElement |
60 PASS SVGMPathElement inherits SVGElement | 60 PASS SVGMPathElement inherits SVGElement |
61 PASS SVGMarkerElement inherits SVGElement | 61 PASS SVGMarkerElement inherits SVGElement |
62 FAIL SVGMarkerInstance is not defined | 62 FAIL SVGMarkerInstance is not defined |
63 FAIL SVGMarkerList is not defined | 63 FAIL SVGMarkerList is not defined |
64 FAIL SVGMaskElement should inherit SVGDefinitionElement but got SVGElement inste
ad | 64 PASS SVGMaskElement inherits SVGElement |
65 PASS SVGMatrix inherits Object | 65 PASS SVGMatrix inherits Object |
66 FAIL SVGMeshGradientElement is not defined | 66 FAIL SVGMeshGradientElement is not defined |
67 FAIL SVGMeshPatchElement is not defined | 67 FAIL SVGMeshPatchElement is not defined |
68 FAIL SVGMeshRowElement is not defined | 68 FAIL SVGMeshRowElement is not defined |
69 PASS SVGMetadataElement inherits SVGElement | 69 PASS SVGMetadataElement inherits SVGElement |
70 PASS SVGMissingGlyphElement inherits SVGElement | 70 PASS SVGMissingGlyphElement inherits SVGElement |
71 PASS SVGNumber inherits Object | 71 PASS SVGNumber inherits Object |
72 PASS SVGNumberList inherits Object | 72 PASS SVGNumberList inherits Object |
73 FAIL SVGPathElement should inherit SVGGeometryElement but got SVGGraphicsElement
instead | 73 PASS SVGPathElement inherits SVGGeometryElement |
74 PASS SVGPathSeg inherits Object | 74 PASS SVGPathSeg inherits Object |
75 PASS SVGPathSegArcAbs inherits SVGPathSeg | 75 PASS SVGPathSegArcAbs inherits SVGPathSeg |
76 PASS SVGPathSegArcRel inherits SVGPathSeg | 76 PASS SVGPathSegArcRel inherits SVGPathSeg |
77 PASS SVGPathSegClosePath inherits SVGPathSeg | 77 PASS SVGPathSegClosePath inherits SVGPathSeg |
78 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs inherits SVGPathSeg | 78 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs inherits SVGPathSeg |
79 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel inherits SVGPathSeg | 79 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel inherits SVGPathSeg |
80 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs inherits SVGPathSeg | 80 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs inherits SVGPathSeg |
81 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel inherits SVGPathSeg | 81 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel inherits SVGPathSeg |
82 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs inherits SVGPathSeg | 82 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs inherits SVGPathSeg |
83 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel inherits SVGPathSeg | 83 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel inherits SVGPathSeg |
84 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs inherits SVGPathSeg | 84 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs inherits SVGPathSeg |
85 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel inherits SVGPathSeg | 85 PASS SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel inherits SVGPathSeg |
86 PASS SVGPathSegLinetoAbs inherits SVGPathSeg | 86 PASS SVGPathSegLinetoAbs inherits SVGPathSeg |
87 PASS SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs inherits SVGPathSeg | 87 PASS SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs inherits SVGPathSeg |
88 PASS SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel inherits SVGPathSeg | 88 PASS SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel inherits SVGPathSeg |
89 PASS SVGPathSegLinetoRel inherits SVGPathSeg | 89 PASS SVGPathSegLinetoRel inherits SVGPathSeg |
90 PASS SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs inherits SVGPathSeg | 90 PASS SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs inherits SVGPathSeg |
91 PASS SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel inherits SVGPathSeg | 91 PASS SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel inherits SVGPathSeg |
92 PASS SVGPathSegList inherits Object | 92 PASS SVGPathSegList inherits Object |
93 PASS SVGPathSegMovetoAbs inherits SVGPathSeg | 93 PASS SVGPathSegMovetoAbs inherits SVGPathSeg |
94 PASS SVGPathSegMovetoRel inherits SVGPathSeg | 94 PASS SVGPathSegMovetoRel inherits SVGPathSeg |
95 PASS SVGPatternElement inherits SVGElement | 95 PASS SVGPatternElement inherits SVGElement |
96 PASS SVGPoint inherits Object | 96 PASS SVGPoint inherits Object |
97 PASS SVGPointList inherits Object | 97 PASS SVGPointList inherits Object |
98 FAIL SVGPolygonElement should inherit SVGGeometryElement but got SVGGraphicsElem
ent instead | 98 PASS SVGPolygonElement inherits SVGGeometryElement |
99 FAIL SVGPolylineElement should inherit SVGGeometryElement but got SVGGraphicsEle
ment instead | 99 PASS SVGPolylineElement inherits SVGGeometryElement |
100 PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio inherits Object | 100 PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio inherits Object |
101 PASS SVGRadialGradientElement inherits SVGGradientElement | 101 PASS SVGRadialGradientElement inherits SVGGradientElement |
102 PASS SVGRect inherits Object | 102 PASS SVGRect inherits Object |
103 FAIL SVGRectElement should inherit SVGGeometryElement but got SVGGraphicsElement
instead | 103 PASS SVGRectElement inherits SVGGeometryElement |
104 PASS SVGSVGElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement | 104 PASS SVGSVGElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement |
105 PASS SVGScriptElement inherits SVGElement | 105 PASS SVGScriptElement inherits SVGElement |
106 PASS SVGSetElement inherits SVGAnimationElement | 106 PASS SVGSetElement inherits SVGAnimationElement |
107 PASS SVGStopElement inherits SVGElement | 107 PASS SVGStopElement inherits SVGElement |
108 PASS SVGStringList inherits Object | 108 PASS SVGStringList inherits Object |
109 PASS SVGStyleElement inherits SVGElement | 109 PASS SVGStyleElement inherits SVGElement |
110 PASS SVGSwitchElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement | 110 PASS SVGSwitchElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement |
111 PASS SVGSymbolElement inherits SVGElement | 111 PASS SVGSymbolElement inherits SVGElement |
112 PASS SVGTSpanElement inherits SVGTextPositioningElement | 112 PASS SVGTSpanElement inherits SVGTextPositioningElement |
113 PASS SVGTextContentElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement | 113 PASS SVGTextContentElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement |
114 PASS SVGTextElement inherits SVGTextPositioningElement | 114 PASS SVGTextElement inherits SVGTextPositioningElement |
115 PASS SVGTextPathElement inherits SVGTextContentElement | 115 PASS SVGTextPathElement inherits SVGTextContentElement |
116 PASS SVGTextPositioningElement inherits SVGTextContentElement | 116 PASS SVGTextPositioningElement inherits SVGTextContentElement |
117 PASS SVGTitleElement inherits SVGElement | 117 PASS SVGTitleElement inherits SVGElement |
118 PASS SVGTransform inherits Object | 118 PASS SVGTransform inherits Object |
119 PASS SVGTransformList inherits Object | 119 PASS SVGTransformList inherits Object |
120 PASS SVGUseElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement | 120 PASS SVGUseElement inherits SVGGraphicsElement |
121 PASS SVGVKernElement inherits SVGElement | 121 PASS SVGVKernElement inherits SVGElement |
122 PASS SVGViewElement inherits SVGElement | 122 PASS SVGViewElement inherits SVGElement |
123 PASS SVGViewSpec inherits Object | 123 PASS SVGViewSpec inherits Object |
124 PASS SVGZoomEvent inherits UIEvent | 124 PASS SVGZoomEvent inherits UIEvent |
125 FAIL TimeEvent is not defined | 125 FAIL TimeEvent is not defined |
126 PASS successfullyParsed is true | 126 PASS successfullyParsed is true |
127 | 127 |
129 | 129 |