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Unified Diff: test/cctest/compiler/

Issue 620553008: Lower NumberMultiply, NumberDivide, and NumberModulus to Int32Mul, Int32[U]Div, and Int32[U]Mod whe… (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: git cl try Created 6 years, 2 months ago
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Index: test/cctest/compiler/
diff --git a/test/cctest/compiler/ b/test/cctest/compiler/
index 291f749fb1683fb85fade9d147c60f72fe426ff5..b75ed58abbef291185407b27d1aad139da336b27 100644
--- a/test/cctest/compiler/
+++ b/test/cctest/compiler/
@@ -69,6 +69,15 @@ class SimplifiedLoweringTester : public GraphBuilderTester<ReturnType> {
+ void CheckNumberCall(double expected, double input) {
+ // TODO(titzer): make calls to NewNumber work in cctests.
+ if (expected <= Smi::kMinValue) return;
+ if (expected >= Smi::kMaxValue) return;
+ Handle<Object> num = factory()->NewNumber(input);
+ Object* result = this->Call(*num);
+ CHECK(factory()->NewNumber(expected)->SameValue(result));
+ }
Factory* factory() { return this->isolate()->factory(); }
Heap* heap() { return this->isolate()->heap(); }
@@ -1564,14 +1573,72 @@ TEST(RunNumberDivide_minus_1_TruncatingToInt32) {
- Handle<HeapNumber> num = t.factory()->NewHeapNumber(*i);
int32_t x = 0 - *i;
- // TODO(titzer): make calls to NewHeapNumber work in cctests.
- if (x <= Smi::kMinValue) continue;
- if (x >= Smi::kMaxValue) continue;
- Handle<HeapNumber> expected = t.factory()->NewHeapNumber(x);
- Object* result = t.Call(*num);
- CHECK(expected->SameValue(result));
+ t.CheckNumberCall(static_cast<double>(x), static_cast<double>(*i));
+ }
+ }
+TEST(NumberMultiply_TruncatingToInt32) {
+ int32_t constants[] = {-100, -10, -1, 0, 1, 100, 1000};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32());
+ Node* k = t.jsgraph.Constant(constants[i]);
+ Node* mul = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberMultiply(), t.p0, k);
+ Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToInt32(), mul);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ t.Lower();
+ CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kInt32Mul, mul->opcode());
+ }
+TEST(RunNumberMultiply_TruncatingToInt32) {
+ int32_t constants[] = {-100, -10, -1, 0, 1, 100, 1000, 3000999};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ double k = static_cast<double>(constants[i]);
+ SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t(kMachAnyTagged);
+ Node* num = t.NumberToInt32(t.Parameter(0));
+ Node* mul = t.NumberMultiply(num, t.jsgraph.Constant(k));
+ Node* trunc = t.NumberToInt32(mul);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+ t.LowerAllNodesAndLowerChanges();
+ t.GenerateCode();
+ int32_t x = DoubleToInt32(static_cast<double>(*i) * k);
+ t.CheckNumberCall(static_cast<double>(x), static_cast<double>(*i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TEST(RunNumberMultiply_TruncatingToUint32) {
+ uint32_t constants[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 100, 1000, 1024, 2048, 3000999};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ double k = static_cast<double>(constants[i]);
+ SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t(kMachAnyTagged);
+ Node* num = t.NumberToUint32(t.Parameter(0));
+ Node* mul = t.NumberMultiply(num, t.jsgraph.Constant(k));
+ Node* trunc = t.NumberToUint32(mul);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+ t.LowerAllNodesAndLowerChanges();
+ t.GenerateCode();
+ uint32_t x = DoubleToUint32(static_cast<double>(*i) * k);
+ t.CheckNumberCall(static_cast<double>(x), static_cast<double>(*i));
+ }
@@ -1586,24 +1653,281 @@ TEST(RunNumberDivide_2_TruncatingToUint32) {
if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
- {
- FILE* dot_file = fopen("/tmp/", "w+");
- OFStream dot_of(dot_file);
- dot_of << AsDOT(*t.jsgraph.graph());
- fclose(dot_file);
- }
- Handle<HeapNumber> num =
- t.factory()->NewHeapNumber(static_cast<double>(*i));
- uint32_t x = *i / 2;
- // TODO(titzer): make calls to NewHeapNumber work in cctests.
- if (x >= static_cast<uint32_t>(Smi::kMaxValue)) continue;
- Handle<HeapNumber> expected =
- t.factory()->NewHeapNumber(static_cast<double>(x));
- Object* result = t.Call(*num);
- CHECK(expected->SameValue(result));
+ uint32_t x = DoubleToUint32(static_cast<double>(*i / 2.0));
+ t.CheckNumberCall(static_cast<double>(x), static_cast<double>(*i));
+ }
+ }
+TEST(NumberMultiply_ConstantOutOfRange) {
+ TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32());
+ Node* k = t.jsgraph.Constant(1000000023);
+ Node* mul = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberMultiply(), t.p0, k);
+ Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToInt32(), mul);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ t.Lower();
+ CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kFloat64Mul, mul->opcode());
+TEST(NumberMultiply_NonTruncating) {
+ TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32());
+ Node* k = t.jsgraph.Constant(111);
+ Node* mul = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberMultiply(), t.p0, k);
+ t.Return(mul);
+ t.Lower();
+ CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kFloat64Mul, mul->opcode());
+TEST(NumberDivide_TruncatingToInt32) {
+ int32_t constants[] = {-100, -10, 1, 4, 100, 1000};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32());
+ Node* k = t.jsgraph.Constant(constants[i]);
+ Node* div = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberDivide(), t.p0, k);
+ Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToInt32(), div);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ t.Lower();
+ CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kInt32Div, div->opcode());
+ }
+TEST(RunNumberDivide_TruncatingToInt32) {
+ int32_t constants[] = {-100, -10, -1, 1, 2, 100, 1000, 1024, 2048};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ int32_t k = constants[i];
+ SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t(kMachAnyTagged);
+ Node* num = t.NumberToInt32(t.Parameter(0));
+ Node* div = t.NumberDivide(num, t.jsgraph.Constant(k));
+ Node* trunc = t.NumberToInt32(div);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+ t.LowerAllNodesAndLowerChanges();
+ t.GenerateCode();
+ if (*i == INT_MAX) continue; // exclude max int.
+ int32_t x = DoubleToInt32(static_cast<double>(*i) / k);
+ t.CheckNumberCall(static_cast<double>(x), static_cast<double>(*i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TEST(NumberDivide_TruncatingToUint32) {
+ double constants[] = {1, 3, 100, 1000, 100998348};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ TestingGraph t(Type::Unsigned32());
+ Node* k = t.jsgraph.Constant(constants[i]);
+ Node* div = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberDivide(), t.p0, k);
+ Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToUint32(), div);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ t.Lower();
+ CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kUint32Div, div->opcode());
+ }
+TEST(RunNumberDivide_TruncatingToUint32) {
+ uint32_t constants[] = {100, 10, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1000, 1024, 2048};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ uint32_t k = constants[i];
+ SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t(kMachAnyTagged);
+ Node* num = t.NumberToUint32(t.Parameter(0));
+ Node* div = t.NumberDivide(num, t.jsgraph.Constant(static_cast<double>(k)));
+ Node* trunc = t.NumberToUint32(div);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+ t.LowerAllNodesAndLowerChanges();
+ t.GenerateCode();
+ uint32_t x = *i / k;
+ t.CheckNumberCall(static_cast<double>(x), static_cast<double>(*i));
+ }
+TEST(NumberDivide_BadConstants) {
+ int32_t constants[] = {-1, 0};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32());
+ Node* k = t.jsgraph.Constant(constants[i]);
+ Node* div = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberDivide(), t.p0, k);
+ Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToInt32(), div);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ t.Lower();
+ CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kFloat64Div, div->opcode());
+ }
+ {
+ TestingGraph t(Type::Unsigned32());
+ Node* k = t.jsgraph.Constant(0);
+ Node* div = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberDivide(), t.p0, k);
+ Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToUint32(), div);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ t.Lower();
+ CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kFloat64Div, div->opcode());
+ }
+TEST(NumberModulus_TruncatingToInt32) {
+ int32_t constants[] = {-100, -10, 1, 4, 100, 1000};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32());
+ Node* k = t.jsgraph.Constant(constants[i]);
+ Node* mod = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberModulus(), t.p0, k);
+ Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToInt32(), mod);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ t.Lower();
+ CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kInt32Mod, mod->opcode());
+ }
+TEST(RunNumberModulus_TruncatingToInt32) {
+ int32_t constants[] = {-100, -10, -1, 1, 2, 100, 1000, 1024, 2048};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ int32_t k = constants[i];
+ SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t(kMachAnyTagged);
+ Node* num = t.NumberToInt32(t.Parameter(0));
+ Node* mod = t.NumberModulus(num, t.jsgraph.Constant(k));
+ Node* trunc = t.NumberToInt32(mod);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+ t.LowerAllNodesAndLowerChanges();
+ t.GenerateCode();
+ if (*i == INT_MAX) continue; // exclude max int.
+ int32_t x = DoubleToInt32(std::fmod(static_cast<double>(*i), k));
+ t.CheckNumberCall(static_cast<double>(x), static_cast<double>(*i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TEST(NumberModulus_TruncatingToUint32) {
+ double constants[] = {1, 3, 100, 1000, 100998348};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ TestingGraph t(Type::Unsigned32());
+ Node* k = t.jsgraph.Constant(constants[i]);
+ Node* mod = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberModulus(), t.p0, k);
+ Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToUint32(), mod);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ t.Lower();
+ CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kUint32Mod, mod->opcode());
+ }
+TEST(RunNumberModulus_TruncatingToUint32) {
+ uint32_t constants[] = {1, 2, 100, 1000, 1024, 2048};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ uint32_t k = constants[i];
+ SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t(kMachAnyTagged);
+ Node* num = t.NumberToUint32(t.Parameter(0));
+ Node* mod =
+ t.NumberModulus(num, t.jsgraph.Constant(static_cast<double>(k)));
+ Node* trunc = t.NumberToUint32(mod);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+ t.LowerAllNodesAndLowerChanges();
+ t.GenerateCode();
+ uint32_t x = *i % k;
+ t.CheckNumberCall(static_cast<double>(x), static_cast<double>(*i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TEST(NumberModulus_Int32) {
+ int32_t constants[] = {-100, -10, 1, 4, 100, 1000};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32());
+ Node* k = t.jsgraph.Constant(constants[i]);
+ Node* mod = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberModulus(), t.p0, k);
+ t.Return(mod);
+ t.Lower();
+ CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kFloat64Mod, mod->opcode()); // Pesky -0 behavior.
+ }
+TEST(NumberModulus_Uint32) {
+ double constants[] = {1, 3, 100, 1000, 100998348};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ TestingGraph t(Type::Unsigned32());
+ Node* k = t.jsgraph.Constant(constants[i]);
+ Node* mod = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberModulus(), t.p0, k);
+ t.Return(mod);
+ t.Lower();
+ CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kUint32Mod, mod->opcode());
+ }
+TEST(NumberModulus_BadConstants) {
+ int32_t constants[] = {-1, 0};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(constants); i++) {
+ TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32());
+ Node* k = t.jsgraph.Constant(constants[i]);
+ Node* mod = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberModulus(), t.p0, k);
+ Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToInt32(), mod);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ t.Lower();
+ CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kFloat64Mod, mod->opcode());
+ }
+ {
+ TestingGraph t(Type::Unsigned32());
+ Node* k = t.jsgraph.Constant(0);
+ Node* mod = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberModulus(), t.p0, k);
+ Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToUint32(), mod);
+ t.Return(trunc);
+ t.Lower();
+ CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kFloat64Mod, mod->opcode());
+ }
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