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Unified Diff: src/compiler/

Issue 615393002: Move unit tests to test/unittests. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: REBASE Created 6 years, 3 months ago
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Index: src/compiler/
diff --git a/src/compiler/ b/src/compiler/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b0fab21f4e069c6996d8571bc72b417a2e343b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/compiler/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "src/compiler/change-lowering.h"
-#include "src/compiler/compiler-test-utils.h"
-#include "src/compiler/graph-unittest.h"
-#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
-#include "src/compiler/node-properties-inl.h"
-#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
-#include "src/compiler/typer.h"
-#include "testing/gmock-support.h"
-using testing::_;
-using testing::AllOf;
-using testing::Capture;
-using testing::CaptureEq;
-namespace v8 {
-namespace internal {
-namespace compiler {
-class ChangeLoweringTest : public GraphTest {
- public:
- ChangeLoweringTest() : simplified_(zone()) {}
- virtual ~ChangeLoweringTest() {}
- virtual MachineType WordRepresentation() const = 0;
- protected:
- int HeapNumberValueOffset() const {
- STATIC_ASSERT(HeapNumber::kValueOffset % kApiPointerSize == 0);
- return (HeapNumber::kValueOffset / kApiPointerSize) * PointerSize() -
- kHeapObjectTag;
- }
- bool Is32() const { return WordRepresentation() == kRepWord32; }
- int PointerSize() const {
- switch (WordRepresentation()) {
- case kRepWord32:
- return 4;
- case kRepWord64:
- return 8;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int SmiMaxValue() const { return -(SmiMinValue() + 1); }
- int SmiMinValue() const {
- return static_cast<int>(0xffffffffu << (SmiValueSize() - 1));
- }
- int SmiShiftAmount() const { return kSmiTagSize + SmiShiftSize(); }
- int SmiShiftSize() const {
- return Is32() ? SmiTagging<4>::SmiShiftSize()
- : SmiTagging<8>::SmiShiftSize();
- }
- int SmiValueSize() const {
- return Is32() ? SmiTagging<4>::SmiValueSize()
- : SmiTagging<8>::SmiValueSize();
- }
- Node* Parameter(int32_t index = 0) {
- return graph()->NewNode(common()->Parameter(index), graph()->start());
- }
- Reduction Reduce(Node* node) {
- Typer typer(zone());
- MachineOperatorBuilder machine(WordRepresentation());
- JSOperatorBuilder javascript(zone());
- JSGraph jsgraph(graph(), common(), &javascript, &typer, &machine);
- CompilationInfo info(isolate(), zone());
- Linkage linkage(&info);
- ChangeLowering reducer(&jsgraph, &linkage);
- return reducer.Reduce(node);
- }
- SimplifiedOperatorBuilder* simplified() { return &simplified_; }
- Matcher<Node*> IsAllocateHeapNumber(const Matcher<Node*>& effect_matcher,
- const Matcher<Node*>& control_matcher) {
- return IsCall(
- _, IsHeapConstant(Unique<HeapObject>::CreateImmovable(
- CEntryStub(isolate(), 1).GetCode())),
- IsExternalConstant(ExternalReference(
- Runtime::FunctionForId(Runtime::kAllocateHeapNumber), isolate())),
- IsInt32Constant(0), IsNumberConstant(0.0), effect_matcher,
- control_matcher);
- }
- Matcher<Node*> IsWordEqual(const Matcher<Node*>& lhs_matcher,
- const Matcher<Node*>& rhs_matcher) {
- return Is32() ? IsWord32Equal(lhs_matcher, rhs_matcher)
- : IsWord64Equal(lhs_matcher, rhs_matcher);
- }
- private:
- SimplifiedOperatorBuilder simplified_;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Common.
-class ChangeLoweringCommonTest
- : public ChangeLoweringTest,
- public ::testing::WithParamInterface<MachineType> {
- public:
- virtual ~ChangeLoweringCommonTest() {}
- virtual MachineType WordRepresentation() const FINAL OVERRIDE {
- return GetParam();
- }
-TARGET_TEST_P(ChangeLoweringCommonTest, ChangeBitToBool) {
- Node* val = Parameter(0);
- Node* node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ChangeBitToBool(), val);
- Reduction reduction = Reduce(node);
- ASSERT_TRUE(reduction.Changed());
- Node* phi = reduction.replacement();
- Capture<Node*> branch;
- IsPhi(static_cast<MachineType>(kTypeBool | kRepTagged),
- IsTrueConstant(), IsFalseConstant(),
- IsMerge(IsIfTrue(AllOf(CaptureEq(&branch),
- IsBranch(val, graph()->start()))),
- IsIfFalse(CaptureEq(&branch)))));
-TARGET_TEST_P(ChangeLoweringCommonTest, ChangeBoolToBit) {
- Node* val = Parameter(0);
- Node* node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ChangeBoolToBit(), val);
- Reduction reduction = Reduce(node);
- ASSERT_TRUE(reduction.Changed());
- EXPECT_THAT(reduction.replacement(), IsWordEqual(val, IsTrueConstant()));
-TARGET_TEST_P(ChangeLoweringCommonTest, ChangeFloat64ToTagged) {
- Node* val = Parameter(0);
- Node* node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ChangeFloat64ToTagged(), val);
- Reduction reduction = Reduce(node);
- ASSERT_TRUE(reduction.Changed());
- Node* finish = reduction.replacement();
- Capture<Node*> heap_number;
- finish,
- IsFinish(
- AllOf(CaptureEq(&heap_number),
- IsAllocateHeapNumber(IsValueEffect(val), graph()->start())),
- IsStore(kMachFloat64, kNoWriteBarrier, CaptureEq(&heap_number),
- IsInt32Constant(HeapNumberValueOffset()), val,
- CaptureEq(&heap_number), graph()->start())));
-TARGET_TEST_P(ChangeLoweringCommonTest, StringAdd) {
- Node* node =
- graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringAdd(), Parameter(0), Parameter(1));
- Reduction reduction = Reduce(node);
- EXPECT_FALSE(reduction.Changed());
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ChangeLoweringTest, ChangeLoweringCommonTest,
- ::testing::Values(kRepWord32, kRepWord64));
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// 32-bit
-class ChangeLowering32Test : public ChangeLoweringTest {
- public:
- virtual ~ChangeLowering32Test() {}
- virtual MachineType WordRepresentation() const FINAL OVERRIDE {
- return kRepWord32;
- }
-TARGET_TEST_F(ChangeLowering32Test, ChangeInt32ToTagged) {
- Node* val = Parameter(0);
- Node* node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ChangeInt32ToTagged(), val);
- Reduction reduction = Reduce(node);
- ASSERT_TRUE(reduction.Changed());
- Node* phi = reduction.replacement();
- Capture<Node*> add, branch, heap_number, if_true;
- phi,
- IsPhi(kMachAnyTagged,
- IsFinish(
- AllOf(CaptureEq(&heap_number),
- IsAllocateHeapNumber(_, CaptureEq(&if_true))),
- IsStore(kMachFloat64, kNoWriteBarrier, CaptureEq(&heap_number),
- IsInt32Constant(HeapNumberValueOffset()),
- IsChangeInt32ToFloat64(val), CaptureEq(&heap_number),
- CaptureEq(&if_true))),
- IsProjection(
- 0, AllOf(CaptureEq(&add), IsInt32AddWithOverflow(val, val))),
- IsMerge(AllOf(CaptureEq(&if_true), IsIfTrue(CaptureEq(&branch))),
- IsIfFalse(AllOf(CaptureEq(&branch),
- IsBranch(IsProjection(1, CaptureEq(&add)),
- graph()->start()))))));
-TARGET_TEST_F(ChangeLowering32Test, ChangeTaggedToFloat64) {
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
- Node* val = Parameter(0);
- Node* node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ChangeTaggedToFloat64(), val);
- Reduction reduction = Reduce(node);
- ASSERT_TRUE(reduction.Changed());
- Node* phi = reduction.replacement();
- Capture<Node*> branch, if_true;
- phi,
- IsPhi(
- kMachFloat64,
- IsLoad(kMachFloat64, val, IsInt32Constant(HeapNumberValueOffset()),
- IsControlEffect(CaptureEq(&if_true))),
- IsChangeInt32ToFloat64(
- IsWord32Sar(val, IsInt32Constant(SmiShiftAmount()))),
- IsMerge(
- AllOf(CaptureEq(&if_true),
- IsIfTrue(AllOf(
- CaptureEq(&branch),
- IsBranch(IsWord32And(val, IsInt32Constant(kSmiTagMask)),
- graph()->start())))),
- IsIfFalse(CaptureEq(&branch)))));
-TARGET_TEST_F(ChangeLowering32Test, ChangeTaggedToInt32) {
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
- Node* val = Parameter(0);
- Node* node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ChangeTaggedToInt32(), val);
- Reduction reduction = Reduce(node);
- ASSERT_TRUE(reduction.Changed());
- Node* phi = reduction.replacement();
- Capture<Node*> branch, if_true;
- phi,
- IsPhi(kMachInt32,
- IsChangeFloat64ToInt32(IsLoad(
- kMachFloat64, val, IsInt32Constant(HeapNumberValueOffset()),
- IsControlEffect(CaptureEq(&if_true)))),
- IsWord32Sar(val, IsInt32Constant(SmiShiftAmount())),
- IsMerge(AllOf(CaptureEq(&if_true), IsIfTrue(CaptureEq(&branch))),
- IsIfFalse(AllOf(
- CaptureEq(&branch),
- IsBranch(IsWord32And(val, IsInt32Constant(kSmiTagMask)),
- graph()->start()))))));
-TARGET_TEST_F(ChangeLowering32Test, ChangeTaggedToUint32) {
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
- Node* val = Parameter(0);
- Node* node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ChangeTaggedToUint32(), val);
- Reduction reduction = Reduce(node);
- ASSERT_TRUE(reduction.Changed());
- Node* phi = reduction.replacement();
- Capture<Node*> branch, if_true;
- phi,
- IsPhi(kMachUint32,
- IsChangeFloat64ToUint32(IsLoad(
- kMachFloat64, val, IsInt32Constant(HeapNumberValueOffset()),
- IsControlEffect(CaptureEq(&if_true)))),
- IsWord32Sar(val, IsInt32Constant(SmiShiftAmount())),
- IsMerge(AllOf(CaptureEq(&if_true), IsIfTrue(CaptureEq(&branch))),
- IsIfFalse(AllOf(
- CaptureEq(&branch),
- IsBranch(IsWord32And(val, IsInt32Constant(kSmiTagMask)),
- graph()->start()))))));
-TARGET_TEST_F(ChangeLowering32Test, ChangeUint32ToTagged) {
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
- Node* val = Parameter(0);
- Node* node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ChangeUint32ToTagged(), val);
- Reduction reduction = Reduce(node);
- ASSERT_TRUE(reduction.Changed());
- Node* phi = reduction.replacement();
- Capture<Node*> branch, heap_number, if_false;
- phi,
- IsPhi(
- kMachAnyTagged, IsWord32Shl(val, IsInt32Constant(SmiShiftAmount())),
- IsFinish(
- AllOf(CaptureEq(&heap_number),
- IsAllocateHeapNumber(_, CaptureEq(&if_false))),
- IsStore(kMachFloat64, kNoWriteBarrier, CaptureEq(&heap_number),
- IsInt32Constant(HeapNumberValueOffset()),
- IsChangeUint32ToFloat64(val), CaptureEq(&heap_number),
- CaptureEq(&if_false))),
- IsMerge(
- IsIfTrue(AllOf(CaptureEq(&branch),
- IsBranch(IsUint32LessThanOrEqual(
- val, IsInt32Constant(SmiMaxValue())),
- graph()->start()))),
- AllOf(CaptureEq(&if_false), IsIfFalse(CaptureEq(&branch))))));
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// 64-bit
-class ChangeLowering64Test : public ChangeLoweringTest {
- public:
- virtual ~ChangeLowering64Test() {}
- virtual MachineType WordRepresentation() const FINAL OVERRIDE {
- return kRepWord64;
- }
-TARGET_TEST_F(ChangeLowering64Test, ChangeInt32ToTagged) {
- Node* val = Parameter(0);
- Node* node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ChangeInt32ToTagged(), val);
- Reduction reduction = Reduce(node);
- ASSERT_TRUE(reduction.Changed());
- EXPECT_THAT(reduction.replacement(),
- IsWord64Shl(IsChangeInt32ToInt64(val),
- IsInt32Constant(SmiShiftAmount())));
-TARGET_TEST_F(ChangeLowering64Test, ChangeTaggedToFloat64) {
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
- Node* val = Parameter(0);
- Node* node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ChangeTaggedToFloat64(), val);
- Reduction reduction = Reduce(node);
- ASSERT_TRUE(reduction.Changed());
- Node* phi = reduction.replacement();
- Capture<Node*> branch, if_true;
- phi,
- IsPhi(
- kMachFloat64,
- IsLoad(kMachFloat64, val, IsInt32Constant(HeapNumberValueOffset()),
- IsControlEffect(CaptureEq(&if_true))),
- IsChangeInt32ToFloat64(IsTruncateInt64ToInt32(
- IsWord64Sar(val, IsInt32Constant(SmiShiftAmount())))),
- IsMerge(
- AllOf(CaptureEq(&if_true),
- IsIfTrue(AllOf(
- CaptureEq(&branch),
- IsBranch(IsWord64And(val, IsInt32Constant(kSmiTagMask)),
- graph()->start())))),
- IsIfFalse(CaptureEq(&branch)))));
-TARGET_TEST_F(ChangeLowering64Test, ChangeTaggedToInt32) {
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
- Node* val = Parameter(0);
- Node* node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ChangeTaggedToInt32(), val);
- Reduction reduction = Reduce(node);
- ASSERT_TRUE(reduction.Changed());
- Node* phi = reduction.replacement();
- Capture<Node*> branch, if_true;
- phi,
- IsPhi(kMachInt32,
- IsChangeFloat64ToInt32(IsLoad(
- kMachFloat64, val, IsInt32Constant(HeapNumberValueOffset()),
- IsControlEffect(CaptureEq(&if_true)))),
- IsTruncateInt64ToInt32(
- IsWord64Sar(val, IsInt32Constant(SmiShiftAmount()))),
- IsMerge(AllOf(CaptureEq(&if_true), IsIfTrue(CaptureEq(&branch))),
- IsIfFalse(AllOf(
- CaptureEq(&branch),
- IsBranch(IsWord64And(val, IsInt32Constant(kSmiTagMask)),
- graph()->start()))))));
-TARGET_TEST_F(ChangeLowering64Test, ChangeTaggedToUint32) {
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
- Node* val = Parameter(0);
- Node* node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ChangeTaggedToUint32(), val);
- Reduction reduction = Reduce(node);
- ASSERT_TRUE(reduction.Changed());
- Node* phi = reduction.replacement();
- Capture<Node*> branch, if_true;
- phi,
- IsPhi(kMachUint32,
- IsChangeFloat64ToUint32(IsLoad(
- kMachFloat64, val, IsInt32Constant(HeapNumberValueOffset()),
- IsControlEffect(CaptureEq(&if_true)))),
- IsTruncateInt64ToInt32(
- IsWord64Sar(val, IsInt32Constant(SmiShiftAmount()))),
- IsMerge(AllOf(CaptureEq(&if_true), IsIfTrue(CaptureEq(&branch))),
- IsIfFalse(AllOf(
- CaptureEq(&branch),
- IsBranch(IsWord64And(val, IsInt32Constant(kSmiTagMask)),
- graph()->start()))))));
-TARGET_TEST_F(ChangeLowering64Test, ChangeUint32ToTagged) {
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
- Node* val = Parameter(0);
- Node* node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ChangeUint32ToTagged(), val);
- Reduction reduction = Reduce(node);
- ASSERT_TRUE(reduction.Changed());
- Node* phi = reduction.replacement();
- Capture<Node*> branch, heap_number, if_false;
- phi,
- IsPhi(
- kMachAnyTagged, IsWord64Shl(IsChangeUint32ToUint64(val),
- IsInt32Constant(SmiShiftAmount())),
- IsFinish(
- AllOf(CaptureEq(&heap_number),
- IsAllocateHeapNumber(_, CaptureEq(&if_false))),
- IsStore(kMachFloat64, kNoWriteBarrier, CaptureEq(&heap_number),
- IsInt32Constant(HeapNumberValueOffset()),
- IsChangeUint32ToFloat64(val), CaptureEq(&heap_number),
- CaptureEq(&if_false))),
- IsMerge(
- IsIfTrue(AllOf(CaptureEq(&branch),
- IsBranch(IsUint32LessThanOrEqual(
- val, IsInt32Constant(SmiMaxValue())),
- graph()->start()))),
- AllOf(CaptureEq(&if_false), IsIfFalse(CaptureEq(&branch))))));
-} // namespace compiler
-} // namespace internal
-} // namespace v8
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