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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/extensions/

Issue 60353008: Mac global keybindings (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 1 month ago
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Index: chrome/browser/extensions/
--- chrome/browser/extensions/ (revision 0)
+++ chrome/browser/extensions/ (working copy)
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/global_shortcut_listener_mac.h"
+#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
+#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
+#include "ui/events/event.h"
+#include "ui/base/accelerators/accelerator.h"
+#import "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_code_conversion_mac.h"
+#define SystemDefinedEventMediaKeys 8
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 Use type-safe C++ constants. Do not use #define fo
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+#define EVENT_KEY @"event"
+#define HANDLED_KEY @"handled"
+typedef extensions::GlobalShortcutListenerMac GSL;
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 This is not an appropriate typedef. Use |using ext
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+@interface GlobalShortcutListenerTap : NSObject {
+ @public
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 nit: one space before @public. But, I'm not sure y
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Removed @public member.
+ CFMachPortRef eventTap_;
+ @private
+ CFRunLoopSourceRef eventTapSource_;
+ CFRunLoopRef tapThreadRunLoop_;
+ GSL* gsl_;
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 Similarly, this is not an appropriate variable nam
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+- (id)initWithGSL:(GSL*)gsl;
+- (void)startWatchingMediaKeys;
+- (void)stopWatchingMediaKeys;
+- (void)handleMediaKeyEvent:(NSEvent*)event;
+- (BOOL)performEventHandlerOnMainThread:(SEL)selector withEvent:(NSEvent*)event;
+// Processed events should propagate if they aren't handled by any listeners.
+// Returning event causes the event to propagate to other applications.
+// Returning NULL prevents the event from propagating.
+static CGEventRef tapEventCallback(
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 naming: TapEventCallback You mix and match anonym
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+ CGEventTapProxy proxy, CGEventType type, CGEventRef event, void* refcon) {
+ NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
+ CGEventRef ret = event;
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 Naming: |ret|?
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+ GlobalShortcutListenerTap* self = (GlobalShortcutListenerTap*) refcon;
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 C-style casts are banned.
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Changed to static_cast.
+ // Handle the timeout case by re-enabling the tap.
+ if (type == kCGEventTapDisabledByTimeout) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Event tap was disabled by a timeout.";
+ CGEventTapEnable(self->eventTap_, TRUE);
+ // Release the event as soon as possible.
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // TODO(smus): do some error handling since eventWithCGEvent can fail.
+ NSEvent* nsEvent = [NSEvent eventWithCGEvent:event];
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 Why do you need to convert this to a NSEvent? Can'
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 Naming: in C/C++, use under_scores for variables.
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 I looked for a way of doing this from the CGEvent,
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
Robert Sesek 2013/11/19 18:34:58 int64_t subtype = CGEventGetIntegerValueField(even
smus 2013/11/20 04:28:51 Not sure I follow. Are you suggesting that CGEvent
Robert Sesek 2013/11/20 16:23:57 What about kCGEventSourceUserData?
smus 2013/11/20 17:50:53 No, unfortunately that field is always zero. in
+ // Handle media keys (PlayPause, NextTrack, PreviousTrack).
+ if (type != NX_SYSDEFINED ||
+ [nsEvent subtype] != SystemDefinedEventMediaKeys) {
+ int keyCode = (([nsEvent data1] & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16);
+ if (keyCode != NX_KEYTYPE_PLAY && keyCode != NX_KEYTYPE_NEXT &&
+ keyCode != NX_KEYTYPE_PREVIOUS && keyCode != NX_KEYTYPE_FAST &&
+ keyCode != NX_KEYTYPE_REWIND) {
+ // Release the event as soon as possible.
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we got here, we are dealing with a real media key event.
+ BOOL wasHandled = [self
+ performEventHandlerOnMainThread:@selector(handleMediaKeyEvent:)
+ withEvent:nsEvent];
Finnur 2013/11/18 11:55:57 As I recall, from my brief exposure to Mac, the co
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Couldn't confirm that from http://google-styleguid
+ // Prevent the event from proagating to other mac applications if it was
+ // handled by Chrome.
+ if (wasHandled) {
+ ret = NULL;
+ }
Finnur 2013/11/18 11:55:57 Yup, you guessed it (single-line if, no braces) :)
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+ [pool drain];
+ // By default, pass the event through.
+ return ret;
+@implementation GlobalShortcutListenerTap
+- (id)initWithGSL:(GSL*)gsl {
+ gsl_ = gsl;
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 if ((self = [super init])) { shortcutListener_ =
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+ return self;
+- (void)eventTapThread {
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 Yikes – an entire thread just to listen for global
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 I think this is the best practice. Doing this on t
Robert Sesek 2013/11/19 18:34:58 What are you worried about blocking? You already h
smus 2013/11/20 04:28:51 Good point. Initially the thread was not synchroni
Robert Sesek 2013/11/20 16:23:57 Rebroadcasting the event would post it out-of-orde
smus 2013/11/20 17:50:53 Okay, I've gone this route. I had a (big!) bug bef
+ tapThreadRunLoop_ = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
+ CFRunLoopAddSource(tapThreadRunLoop_, eventTapSource_,
+ kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
+ CFRunLoopRun();
+- (BOOL)performEventHandlerOnMainThread:(SEL)selector
+ withEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
+ NSMutableDictionary* dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
+ [dict setObject:event forKey:EVENT_KEY];
+ [self performSelectorOnMainThread:selector
+ withObject:dict waitUntilDone:YES];
+ // Keep track of the result from the main thread to know if the event has
+ // been handled.
+ BOOL wasHandled = [[dict objectForKey:HANDLED_KEY] boolValue];
+ [dict release];
+ return wasHandled;
+- (ui::KeyboardCode)mediaKeyCodeToKeyboardCode:(int)keyCode {
+ switch (keyCode) {
Finnur 2013/11/18 11:55:57 Is there no 'Stop' event? For example, see Chaobi
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Mac keyboards don't have this button.
+ }
+ return ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN;
+- (void)startWatchingMediaKeys {
+ // Make sure there's no existing event tap.
+ assert(eventTap_ == NULL);
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 No assert(). Use Chromium's logging facilities for
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+ // Add an event tap to intercept the system defined media key events.
+ eventTap_ = CGEventTapCreate(kCGSessionEventTap,
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 Per
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 18:36:20 Sorry, this isn't accurate. This code isn't tappin
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Self-addressed.
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+ kCGHeadInsertEventTap,
+ kCGEventTapOptionDefault,
+ tapEventCallback,
+ self);
+ assert(eventTap_ != NULL);
+ eventTapSource_ = CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault,
+ eventTap_, 0);
+ assert(eventTapSource_ != NULL);
+ // Run the event tap in separate thread to prevent blocking UI.
+ [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(eventTapThread)
+ toTarget:self withObject:nil];
+- (void)stopWatchingMediaKeys {
+ if (tapThreadRunLoop_) {
+ CFRunLoopStop(tapThreadRunLoop_);
+ tapThreadRunLoop_ = nil;
+ }
+ if (eventTap_) {
+ CFMachPortInvalidate(eventTap_);
+ CFRelease(eventTap_);
+ eventTap_ = nil;
+ }
+ if (eventTapSource_) {
+ CFRelease(eventTapSource_);
+ eventTapSource_ = nil;
+ }
+// Event will have been retained in the other thread.
+- (void)handleMediaKeyEvent:(NSMutableDictionary*)dict {
+ NSEvent* event = [dict objectForKey:EVENT_KEY];
+ int keyCode = (([event data1] & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16);
+ int keyFlags = ([event data1] & 0x0000FFFF);
+ BOOL keyIsPressed = (((keyFlags & 0xFF00) >> 8)) == 0xA;
+ bool result = false;
+ if (keyIsPressed)
+ result = gsl_->OnMediaKeyEvent([self mediaKeyCodeToKeyboardCode:keyCode]);
+ [dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:result] forKey:HANDLED_KEY];
+using content::BrowserThread;
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 This belongs after the #includes, not here.
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+namespace {
+static base::LazyInstance<extensions::GlobalShortcutListenerMac> instance =
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 Naming: g_instance
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+} // namespace
+namespace extensions {
+// static
+GlobalShortcutListener* GlobalShortcutListener::GetInstance() {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "GlobalShortcutListener GetInstance";
+ CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
+ return instance.Pointer();
+ : is_listening_(false) {
+ CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
+ // TODO(implementor): Remove this.
+ LOG(ERROR) << "GlobalShortcutListenerMac object created";
Finnur 2013/11/18 11:55:57 You can remove this and other LOG(ERROR) statement
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+ tap_.reset([[GlobalShortcutListenerTap alloc] initWithGSL:this]);
+GlobalShortcutListenerMac::~GlobalShortcutListenerMac() {
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 What about all the registered hotkeys? Won't those
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Following other implementations (X11 and Win). I t
Finnur 2013/11/19 13:10:05 Yes, we'll get calls to Unregister before the obje
+ if (is_listening_)
+ StopListening();
+void GlobalShortcutListenerMac::StartListening() {
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 The Start/StopListeneing pair of methods only affe
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Added clarifying comment.
Finnur 2013/11/19 13:10:05 So, this Start/StopListening pair is meant as a co
smus 2013/11/20 04:28:51 Ok, made this change.
+ DCHECK(!is_listening_); // Don't start twice.
+ DCHECK(!hotkey_ids_.empty()); // Don't start if no hotkey registered.
+ DCHECK(!id_hotkeys_.empty());
+ DCHECK(!id_hotkey_refs_.empty());
+ LOG(ERROR) << "GlobalShortcutListenerMac StartListening";
+ is_listening_ = true;
+ [tap_ startWatchingMediaKeys];
+void GlobalShortcutListenerMac::StopListening() {
+ DCHECK(is_listening_); // No point if we are not already listening.
+ DCHECK(hotkey_ids_.empty()); // Make sure the set is clean.
+ DCHECK(id_hotkeys_.empty());
+ DCHECK(id_hotkey_refs_.empty());
+ LOG(ERROR) << "GlobalShortcutListenerMac StopListening";
+ is_listening_ = false;
+ [tap_ stopWatchingMediaKeys];
+void GlobalShortcutListenerMac::RegisterAccelerator(
+ const ui::Accelerator& accelerator,
+ GlobalShortcutListener::Observer* observer) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "GlobalShortcutListenerMac RegisterAccelerator";
+ VLOG(0) << "Registered keyCode: " << accelerator.key_code()
+ << ", modifiers: " << accelerator.modifiers();
+ // To implement:
+ // 1) Convert modifiers to platform specific modifiers.
+ bool isMediaKey = (accelerator.modifiers() == 0);
+ VLOG(0) << "isMediaKey: " << isMediaKey;
+ if (!isMediaKey) {
+ RegisterHotKey(accelerator);
+ }
Finnur 2013/11/18 11:55:57 nit: Single line. :)
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+ // 2) Register for the hotkey.
+ // 3) If not successful, log why.
+ // 4) Else, call base class RegisterAccelerator.
Finnur 2013/11/18 11:55:57 You can remove these comments, they were only mean
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+ id_hotkeys_[hotkey_id] = accelerator;
+ hotkey_ids_[accelerator] = hotkey_id;
+ hotkey_id += 1;
+ GlobalShortcutListener::RegisterAccelerator(accelerator, observer);
+void GlobalShortcutListenerMac::UnregisterAccelerator(
+ const ui::Accelerator& accelerator,
+ GlobalShortcutListener::Observer* observer) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "GlobalShortcutListenerMac UnregisterAccelerator";
+ // To implement:
+ // 1) Unregister for the hotkey.
+ // 2) Call base class UnregisterAccelerator.
Finnur 2013/11/18 11:55:57 Same here.
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+ bool isMediaKey = (accelerator.modifiers() == 0);
Finnur 2013/11/18 11:55:57 Chaobin is adding a static IsMediaKey function to
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Oh excellent, I added my own for now.
+ VLOG(0) << "isMediaKey: " << isMediaKey;
+ if (!isMediaKey) {
+ UnregisterHotKey(accelerator);
+ }
Finnur 2013/11/18 11:55:57 nit: Single line, your favorite. :)
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+ int id = hotkey_ids_[accelerator];
+ id_hotkeys_.erase(id);
+ hotkey_ids_.erase(accelerator);
+ GlobalShortcutListener::UnregisterAccelerator(accelerator, observer);
+bool GlobalShortcutListenerMac::OnKeyEvent(EventHotKeyID hotKeyID) {
+ // Look up the accelerator based on this hot key ID.
+ VLOG(0) << "OnKeyEvent! hotKeyID: " <<;
+ ui::Accelerator accelerator = id_hotkeys_[];
+ VLOG(0) << "Key code: " << accelerator.key_code() <<
+ " modifiers: " << accelerator.modifiers();
+ instance.Get().NotifyKeyPressed(accelerator);
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 Why are you not using the |this| pointer? This met
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Fair point (I think). If so, same should apply to
Finnur 2013/11/19 13:10:05 Yeah, looks like. On 2013/11/18 23:13:41, smus wr
+ return true;
+// Returns true iff event was handled.
+bool GlobalShortcutListenerMac::OnMediaKeyEvent(ui::KeyboardCode keyCode) {
+ VLOG(0) << "OnMediaKeyEvent! keyCode: " << keyCode;
+ // Create an accelerator corresponding to the keyCode.
+ ui::Accelerator accelerator(keyCode, 0);
+ // Look for a match with a bound hotkey.
+ if (hotkey_ids_.find(accelerator) != hotkey_ids_.end()) {
+ // If matched, callback to the event handling system.
+ instance.Get().NotifyKeyPressed(accelerator);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+OSStatus HotKeyHandler(EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent,
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 This doesn't belong here. This belongs with your o
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 naming: You use HotKey here but Hotkey elsewhere.
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+ void *userData) {
+ VLOG(0) << "HotKeyHandler fired with event: " << theEvent;
+ // Extract the hotkey from the event.
+ EventHotKeyID hotKeyID;
+ int result = GetEventParameter(theEvent, kEventParamDirectObject,
+ typeEventHotKeyID, NULL, sizeof(hotKeyID), NULL, &hotKeyID);
+ assert(result == noErr);
+ // Callback to the parent class.
+ GlobalShortcutListenerMac* gsl = (GlobalShortcutListenerMac*) userData;
+ gsl->OnKeyEvent(hotKeyID);
+ return noErr;
+void GlobalShortcutListenerMac::RegisterHotKey(ui::Accelerator accelerator) {
+ VLOG(0) << "Registering hotkey. Windows keycode: " << accelerator.key_code();
+ EventHotKeyRef hotKeyRef;
+ EventHotKeyID hotKeyID;
+ EventHandlerUPP hotKeyFunction = NewEventHandlerUPP(HotKeyHandler);
+ EventTypeSpec eventType;
+ eventType.eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard;
+ eventType.eventKind = kEventHotKeyPressed;
+ InstallApplicationEventHandler(hotKeyFunction, 1, &eventType, this, NULL);
+ // TODO: Understand what signature means.
Robert Sesek 2013/11/18 15:25:03 I think this is important to understand before com
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Agreed. Added a comment explaining what it is.
+ hotKeyID.signature = 31337;
+ = hotkey_id;
+ // Translate ui::Accelerator modifiers to cmdKey, altKey, etc.
+ int modifiers = 0;
+ modifiers += (accelerator.IsShiftDown() ? shiftKey : 0);
+ modifiers += (accelerator.IsCtrlDown() ? controlKey : 0);
+ modifiers += (accelerator.IsAltDown() ? optionKey : 0);
+ modifiers += (accelerator.IsCmdDown() ? cmdKey : 0);
+ unichar character;
+ unichar characterIgnoringModifiers;
+ int keyCode = ui::MacKeyCodeForWindowsKeyCode(accelerator.key_code(), 0,
+ &character, &characterIgnoringModifiers);
+ VLOG(0) << "RegisterHotKey. Code: " << keyCode << " modifier: " << modifiers;
+ // TODO: Move away from hardcoded CMD + Enter event.
Finnur 2013/11/18 11:55:57 What does this mean?
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Stale comment. Removed.
+ RegisterEventHotKey(keyCode, modifiers, hotKeyID,
+ GetApplicationEventTarget(), 0, &hotKeyRef);
+ id_hotkey_refs_[hotkey_id] = hotKeyRef;
Finnur 2013/11/18 11:55:57 Don't you need to advance hotkey_id now?
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Added a comment explaining (it happens in the call
+void GlobalShortcutListenerMac::UnregisterHotKey(ui::Accelerator accelerator) {
+ // Get the ref corresponding to this accelerator.
+ int id = hotkey_ids_[accelerator];
+ EventHotKeyRef ref = id_hotkey_refs_[id];
+ // Unregister the event hot key.
+ UnregisterEventHotKey(ref);
+ // Remove the event from the mapping.
+ id_hotkey_refs_.erase(id);
Finnur 2013/11/18 11:55:57 nit: Extra line break.
smus 2013/11/18 23:13:41 Done.
+} // namespace extensions

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