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Unified Diff: Source/core/paint/BoxPainter.cpp

Issue 559733005: Move painting code from RenderBoxModelObject into BoxPainter. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 3 months ago
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Index: Source/core/paint/BoxPainter.cpp
diff --git a/Source/core/paint/BoxPainter.cpp b/Source/core/paint/BoxPainter.cpp
index 684e70fba3c259d815c22e3b588e37f092ba9a78..e393f24ce02dc610f1303fbfc00604d642ce6ad8 100644
--- a/Source/core/paint/BoxPainter.cpp
+++ b/Source/core/paint/BoxPainter.cpp
@@ -5,13 +5,22 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "core/paint/BoxPainter.h"
+#include "core/HTMLNames.h"
+#include "core/frame/Settings.h"
+#include "core/html/HTMLFrameOwnerElement.h"
+#include "core/paint/BackgroundImageGeometry.h"
#include "core/paint/BoxDecorationData.h"
+#include "core/rendering/ImageQualityController.h"
#include "core/rendering/PaintInfo.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderBox.h"
+#include "core/rendering/RenderBoxModelObject.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLayer.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderTable.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderTheme.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderView.h"
+#include "core/rendering/compositing/CompositedLayerMapping.h"
+#include "core/rendering/style/ShadowList.h"
+#include "platform/LengthFunctions.h"
#include "platform/geometry/LayoutPoint.h"
#include "platform/graphics/GraphicsContextStateSaver.h"
@@ -157,8 +166,8 @@ void BoxPainter::paintFillLayers(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const Color& c, con
// Paint the document's base background color outside the transparency layer,
// so that the background images don't blend with this color:
- if (isBaseColorVisible && m_renderBox.isDocumentElementWithOpaqueBackground()) {
- m_renderBox.paintRootBackgroundColor(paintInfo, rect, Color());
+ if (isBaseColorVisible && isDocumentElementWithOpaqueBackground()) {
+ paintRootBackgroundColor(paintInfo, rect, Color());
skipBaseColor = true;
@@ -175,7 +184,307 @@ void BoxPainter::paintFillLayers(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const Color& c, con
void BoxPainter::paintFillLayer(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const Color& c, const FillLayer& fillLayer, const LayoutRect& rect,
BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance, CompositeOperator op, RenderObject* backgroundObject, bool skipBaseColor)
- m_renderBox.paintFillLayerExtended(paintInfo, c, fillLayer, rect, bleedAvoidance, 0, LayoutSize(), op, backgroundObject, skipBaseColor);
+ paintFillLayerExtended(paintInfo, c, fillLayer, rect, bleedAvoidance, 0, LayoutSize(), op, backgroundObject, skipBaseColor);
+void BoxPainter::applyBoxShadowForBackground(GraphicsContext* context)
+ const ShadowList* shadowList =>boxShadow();
+ ASSERT(shadowList);
+ for (size_t i = shadowList->shadows().size(); i--; ) {
+ const ShadowData& boxShadow = shadowList->shadows()[i];
+ if ( != Normal)
+ continue;
+ FloatSize shadowOffset(boxShadow.x(), boxShadow.y());
+ context->setShadow(shadowOffset, boxShadow.blur(), boxShadow.color(),
+ DrawLooperBuilder::ShadowRespectsTransforms, DrawLooperBuilder::ShadowIgnoresAlpha);
+ return;
+ }
+// FIXME: See The use of getCTM in this context is incorrect because the matrix returned does not
+// include scales applied at raster time, such as the device zoom.
+static LayoutRect shrinkRectByOnePixel(GraphicsContext* context, const LayoutRect& rect)
+ LayoutRect shrunkRect = rect;
+ AffineTransform transform = context->getCTM();
+ shrunkRect.inflateX(-static_cast<LayoutUnit>(ceil(1 / transform.xScale())));
+ shrunkRect.inflateY(-static_cast<LayoutUnit>(ceil(1 / transform.yScale())));
+ return shrunkRect;
+RoundedRect BoxPainter::getBackgroundRoundedRect(const LayoutRect& borderRect, InlineFlowBox* box, LayoutUnit inlineBoxWidth, LayoutUnit inlineBoxHeight,
+ bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge) const
+ RoundedRect border =>getRoundedBorderFor(borderRect, includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
+ if (box && (box->nextLineBox() || box->prevLineBox())) {
+ RoundedRect segmentBorder =>getRoundedBorderFor(LayoutRect(0, 0, inlineBoxWidth, inlineBoxHeight), includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
+ border.setRadii(segmentBorder.radii());
+ }
+ return border;
+RoundedRect BoxPainter::backgroundRoundedRectAdjustedForBleedAvoidance(GraphicsContext* context, const LayoutRect& borderRect, BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance, InlineFlowBox* box, const LayoutSize& boxSize, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge) const
+ if (bleedAvoidance == BackgroundBleedShrinkBackground) {
+ // We shrink the rectangle by one pixel on each side because the bleed is one pixel maximum.
+ return getBackgroundRoundedRect(shrinkRectByOnePixel(context, borderRect), box, boxSize.width(), boxSize.height(), includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
+ }
+ if (bleedAvoidance == BackgroundBleedBackgroundOverBorder)
+ return>getRoundedInnerBorderFor(borderRect, includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
+ return getBackgroundRoundedRect(borderRect, box, boxSize.width(), boxSize.height(), includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
+void BoxPainter::clipRoundedInnerRect(GraphicsContext * context, const LayoutRect& rect, const RoundedRect& clipRect)
+ if (clipRect.isRenderable()) {
+ context->clipRoundedRect(clipRect);
+ } else {
+ // We create a rounded rect for each of the corners and clip it, while making sure we clip opposing corners together.
+ if (!clipRect.radii().topLeft().isEmpty() || !clipRect.radii().bottomRight().isEmpty()) {
+ IntRect topCorner(clipRect.rect().x(), clipRect.rect().y(), rect.maxX() - clipRect.rect().x(), rect.maxY() - clipRect.rect().y());
+ RoundedRect::Radii topCornerRadii;
+ topCornerRadii.setTopLeft(clipRect.radii().topLeft());
+ context->clipRoundedRect(RoundedRect(topCorner, topCornerRadii));
+ IntRect bottomCorner(rect.x(), rect.y(), clipRect.rect().maxX() - rect.x(), clipRect.rect().maxY() - rect.y());
+ RoundedRect::Radii bottomCornerRadii;
+ bottomCornerRadii.setBottomRight(clipRect.radii().bottomRight());
+ context->clipRoundedRect(RoundedRect(bottomCorner, bottomCornerRadii));
+ }
+ if (!clipRect.radii().topRight().isEmpty() || !clipRect.radii().bottomLeft().isEmpty()) {
+ IntRect topCorner(rect.x(), clipRect.rect().y(), clipRect.rect().maxX() - rect.x(), rect.maxY() - clipRect.rect().y());
+ RoundedRect::Radii topCornerRadii;
+ topCornerRadii.setTopRight(clipRect.radii().topRight());
+ context->clipRoundedRect(RoundedRect(topCorner, topCornerRadii));
+ IntRect bottomCorner(clipRect.rect().x(), rect.y(), rect.maxX() - clipRect.rect().x(), clipRect.rect().maxY() - rect.y());
+ RoundedRect::Radii bottomCornerRadii;
+ bottomCornerRadii.setBottomLeft(clipRect.radii().bottomLeft());
+ context->clipRoundedRect(RoundedRect(bottomCorner, bottomCornerRadii));
+ }
+ }
+void BoxPainter::paintFillLayerExtended(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const Color& color, const FillLayer& bgLayer, const LayoutRect& rect,
+ BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance, InlineFlowBox* box, const LayoutSize& boxSize, CompositeOperator op, RenderObject* backgroundObject, bool skipBaseColor)
+ GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;
+ if (rect.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ bool includeLeftEdge = box ? box->includeLogicalLeftEdge() : true;
+ bool includeRightEdge = box ? box->includeLogicalRightEdge() : true;
+ bool hasRoundedBorder =>hasBorderRadius() && (includeLeftEdge || includeRightEdge);
+ bool clippedWithLocalScrolling = m_renderBox.hasOverflowClip() && bgLayer.attachment() == LocalBackgroundAttachment;
+ bool isBorderFill = bgLayer.clip() == BorderFillBox;
+ bool isDocumentElementRenderer = m_renderBox.isDocumentElement();
+ bool isBottomLayer = !;
+ Color bgColor = color;
+ StyleImage* bgImage = bgLayer.image();
+ bool shouldPaintBackgroundImage = bgImage && bgImage->canRender(m_renderBox,>effectiveZoom());
+ bool forceBackgroundToWhite = false;
+ if (m_renderBox.document().printing()) {
+ if (>printColorAdjust() == PrintColorAdjustEconomy)
+ forceBackgroundToWhite = true;
+ if (m_renderBox.document().settings() && m_renderBox.document().settings()->shouldPrintBackgrounds())
+ forceBackgroundToWhite = false;
+ }
+ // When printing backgrounds is disabled or using economy mode,
+ // change existing background colors and images to a solid white background.
+ // If there's no bg color or image, leave it untouched to avoid affecting transparency.
+ // We don't try to avoid loading the background images, because this style flag is only set
+ // when printing, and at that point we've already loaded the background images anyway. (To avoid
+ // loading the background images we'd have to do this check when applying styles rather than
+ // while rendering.)
+ if (forceBackgroundToWhite) {
+ // Note that we can't reuse this variable below because the bgColor might be changed
+ bool shouldPaintBackgroundColor = isBottomLayer && bgColor.alpha();
+ if (shouldPaintBackgroundImage || shouldPaintBackgroundColor) {
+ bgColor = Color::white;
+ shouldPaintBackgroundImage = false;
+ }
+ }
+ bool colorVisible = bgColor.alpha();
+ // Fast path for drawing simple color backgrounds.
+ if (!isDocumentElementRenderer && !clippedWithLocalScrolling && !shouldPaintBackgroundImage && isBorderFill && isBottomLayer) {
+ if (!colorVisible)
+ return;
+ bool boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground = m_renderBox.boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground(bleedAvoidance, box);
+ GraphicsContextStateSaver shadowStateSaver(*context, boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground);
+ if (boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground)
+ applyBoxShadowForBackground(context);
+ if (hasRoundedBorder && bleedAvoidance != BackgroundBleedClipBackground) {
+ RoundedRect border = backgroundRoundedRectAdjustedForBleedAvoidance(context, rect, bleedAvoidance, box, boxSize, includeLeftEdge, includeRightEdge);
+ if (border.isRenderable()) {
+ context->fillRoundedRect(border, bgColor);
+ } else {
+ context->save();
+ clipRoundedInnerRect(context, rect, border);
+ context->fillRect(border.rect(), bgColor);
+ context->restore();
+ }
+ } else {
+ context->fillRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(rect), bgColor);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // BorderFillBox radius clipping is taken care of by BackgroundBleedClipBackground
+ bool clipToBorderRadius = hasRoundedBorder && !(isBorderFill && bleedAvoidance == BackgroundBleedClipBackground);
+ GraphicsContextStateSaver clipToBorderStateSaver(*context, clipToBorderRadius);
+ if (clipToBorderRadius) {
+ RoundedRect border = isBorderFill ? backgroundRoundedRectAdjustedForBleedAvoidance(context, rect, bleedAvoidance, box, boxSize, includeLeftEdge, includeRightEdge) : getBackgroundRoundedRect(rect, box, boxSize.width(), boxSize.height(), includeLeftEdge, includeRightEdge);
+ // Clip to the padding or content boxes as necessary.
+ if (bgLayer.clip() == ContentFillBox) {
+ border =>getRoundedInnerBorderFor(border.rect(),
+ m_renderBox.paddingTop() + m_renderBox.borderTop(), m_renderBox.paddingBottom() + m_renderBox.borderBottom(),
+ m_renderBox.paddingLeft() + m_renderBox.borderLeft(), m_renderBox.paddingRight() + m_renderBox.borderRight(), includeLeftEdge, includeRightEdge);
+ } else if (bgLayer.clip() == PaddingFillBox) {
+ border =>getRoundedInnerBorderFor(border.rect(), includeLeftEdge, includeRightEdge);
+ }
+ clipRoundedInnerRect(context, rect, border);
+ }
+ int bLeft = includeLeftEdge ? m_renderBox.borderLeft() : 0;
+ int bRight = includeRightEdge ? m_renderBox.borderRight() : 0;
+ LayoutUnit pLeft = includeLeftEdge ? m_renderBox.paddingLeft() : LayoutUnit();
+ LayoutUnit pRight = includeRightEdge ? m_renderBox.paddingRight() : LayoutUnit();
+ GraphicsContextStateSaver clipWithScrollingStateSaver(*context, clippedWithLocalScrolling);
+ LayoutRect scrolledPaintRect = rect;
+ if (clippedWithLocalScrolling) {
+ // Clip to the overflow area.
+ context->clip(m_renderBox.overflowClipRect(rect.location()));
+ // Adjust the paint rect to reflect a scrolled content box with borders at the ends.
+ IntSize offset = m_renderBox.scrolledContentOffset();
+ scrolledPaintRect.move(-offset);
+ scrolledPaintRect.setWidth(bLeft + m_renderBox.scrollWidth() + bRight);
+ scrolledPaintRect.setHeight(m_renderBox.borderTop() + m_renderBox.scrollHeight() + m_renderBox.borderBottom());
+ }
+ GraphicsContextStateSaver backgroundClipStateSaver(*context, false);
+ IntRect maskRect;
+ switch (bgLayer.clip()) {
+ case PaddingFillBox:
+ case ContentFillBox: {
+ if (clipToBorderRadius)
+ break;
+ // Clip to the padding or content boxes as necessary.
+ bool includePadding = bgLayer.clip() == ContentFillBox;
+ LayoutRect clipRect = LayoutRect(scrolledPaintRect.x() + bLeft + (includePadding ? pLeft : LayoutUnit()),
+ scrolledPaintRect.y() + m_renderBox.borderTop() + (includePadding ? m_renderBox.paddingTop() : LayoutUnit()),
+ scrolledPaintRect.width() - bLeft - bRight - (includePadding ? pLeft + pRight : LayoutUnit()),
+ scrolledPaintRect.height() - m_renderBox.borderTop() - m_renderBox.borderBottom() - (includePadding ? m_renderBox.paddingTop() + m_renderBox.paddingBottom() : LayoutUnit()));
+ context->clip(clipRect);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TextFillBox: {
+ // First figure out how big the mask has to be. It should be no bigger than what we need
+ // to actually render, so we should intersect the dirty rect with the border box of the background.
+ maskRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(rect);
+ maskRect.intersect(paintInfo.rect);
+ // We draw the background into a separate layer, to be later masked with yet another layer
+ // holding the text content.
+ context->clip(maskRect);
+ context->beginTransparencyLayer(1);
+ break;
+ }
+ case BorderFillBox:
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // Paint the color first underneath all images, culled if background image occludes it.
+ // FIXME: In the bgLayer->hasFiniteBounds() case, we could improve the culling test
+ // by verifying whether the background image covers the entire layout rect.
+ if (isBottomLayer) {
+ IntRect backgroundRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(scrolledPaintRect));
+ bool boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground = m_renderBox.boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground(bleedAvoidance, box);
+ bool isOpaqueRoot = (isDocumentElementRenderer && !bgColor.hasAlpha()) || isDocumentElementWithOpaqueBackground();
+ if (boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground || !shouldPaintBackgroundImage || !bgLayer.hasOpaqueImage(&m_renderBox) || !bgLayer.hasRepeatXY() || (isOpaqueRoot && m_renderBox.height())) {
+ if (!boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground)
+ backgroundRect.intersect(paintInfo.rect);
+ GraphicsContextStateSaver shadowStateSaver(*context, boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground);
+ if (boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground)
+ applyBoxShadowForBackground(context);
+ if (isOpaqueRoot && !skipBaseColor) {
+ paintRootBackgroundColor(paintInfo, rect, bgColor);
+ } else if (bgColor.alpha()) {
+ context->fillRect(backgroundRect, bgColor, context->compositeOperation());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // no progressive loading of the background image
+ if (shouldPaintBackgroundImage) {
+ BackgroundImageGeometry geometry;
+ calculateBackgroundImageGeometry(paintInfo.paintContainer(), bgLayer, scrolledPaintRect, geometry, backgroundObject);
+ geometry.clip(paintInfo.rect);
+ if (!geometry.destRect().isEmpty()) {
+ CompositeOperator compositeOp = op == CompositeSourceOver ? bgLayer.composite() : op;
+ RenderObject* clientForBackgroundImage = backgroundObject ? backgroundObject : &m_renderBox;
+ RefPtr<Image> image = bgImage->image(clientForBackgroundImage, geometry.tileSize());
+ InterpolationQuality interpolationQuality = chooseInterpolationQuality(context, image.get(), &bgLayer, geometry.tileSize());
+ if (bgLayer.maskSourceType() == MaskLuminance)
+ context->setColorFilter(ColorFilterLuminanceToAlpha);
+ InterpolationQuality previousInterpolationQuality = context->imageInterpolationQuality();
+ context->setImageInterpolationQuality(interpolationQuality);
+ context->drawTiledImage(image.get(), geometry.destRect(), geometry.relativePhase(), geometry.tileSize(),
+ compositeOp, bgLayer.blendMode(), geometry.spaceSize());
+ context->setImageInterpolationQuality(previousInterpolationQuality);
+ }
+ }
+ if (bgLayer.clip() == TextFillBox) {
+ // Create the text mask layer.
+ context->setCompositeOperation(CompositeDestinationIn);
+ context->beginTransparencyLayer(1);
+ // FIXME: Workaround for
+ context->clearRect(maskRect);
+ // Now draw the text into the mask. We do this by painting using a special paint phase that signals to
+ // InlineTextBoxes that they should just add their contents to the clip.
+ PaintInfo info(context, maskRect, PaintPhaseTextClip, PaintBehaviorForceBlackText, 0);
+ context->setCompositeOperation(CompositeSourceOver);
+ if (box) {
+ RootInlineBox& root = box->root();
+ box->paint(info, LayoutPoint(scrolledPaintRect.x() - box->x(), scrolledPaintRect.y() - box->y()), root.lineTop(), root.lineBottom());
+ } else {
+ LayoutSize localOffset = m_renderBox.locationOffset();
+ paint(info, scrolledPaintRect.location() - localOffset);
+ }
+ context->endLayer();
+ context->endLayer();
+ }
void BoxPainter::paintMask(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
@@ -238,4 +547,321 @@ void BoxPainter::paintClippingMask(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& pain
paintInfo.context->fillRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(paintRect), Color::black);
+void BoxPainter::paintRootBackgroundColor(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutRect& rect, const Color& bgColor)
+ GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;
+ if (rect.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ ASSERT(isDocumentElement());
+ IntRect backgroundRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(rect));
+ backgroundRect.intersect(paintInfo.rect);
+ Color baseColor = m_renderBox.view()->frameView()->baseBackgroundColor();
+ bool shouldClearDocumentBackground = m_renderBox.document().settings() && m_renderBox.document().settings()->shouldClearDocumentBackground();
+ CompositeOperator operation = shouldClearDocumentBackground ? CompositeCopy : context->compositeOperation();
+ // If we have an alpha go ahead and blend with the base background color.
+ if (baseColor.alpha()) {
+ if (bgColor.alpha())
+ baseColor = baseColor.blend(bgColor);
+ context->fillRect(backgroundRect, baseColor, operation);
+ } else if (bgColor.alpha()) {
+ context->fillRect(backgroundRect, bgColor, operation);
+ } else if (shouldClearDocumentBackground) {
+ context->clearRect(backgroundRect);
+ }
+bool BoxPainter::isDocumentElementWithOpaqueBackground() const
+ if (!m_renderBox.isDocumentElement())
+ return false;
+ // The background is opaque only if we're the root document, since iframes with
+ // no background in the child document should show the parent's background.
+ bool isOpaque = true;
+ Element* ownerElement = m_renderBox.document().ownerElement();
+ if (ownerElement) {
+ if (!isHTMLFrameElement(*ownerElement)) {
+ // Locate the <body> element using the DOM. This is easier than trying
+ // to crawl around a render tree with potential :before/:after content and
+ // anonymous blocks created by inline <body> tags etc. We can locate the <body>
+ // render object very easily via the DOM.
+ HTMLElement* body = m_renderBox.document().body();
+ if (body) {
+ // Can't scroll a frameset document anyway.
+ isOpaque = body->hasTagName(HTMLNames::framesetTag);
+ } else {
+ // FIXME: SVG specific behavior should be in the SVG code.
+ // SVG documents and XML documents with SVG root nodes are transparent.
+ isOpaque = !m_renderBox.document().hasSVGRootNode();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (m_renderBox.view()->frameView()) {
+ isOpaque = !m_renderBox.view()->frameView()->isTransparent();
+ }
+ return isOpaque;
+static inline int getSpace(int areaSize, int tileSize)
+ int numberOfTiles = areaSize / tileSize;
+ int space = -1;
+ if (numberOfTiles > 1)
+ space = lroundf((float)(areaSize - numberOfTiles * tileSize) / (numberOfTiles - 1));
+ return space;
+void BoxPainter::calculateBackgroundImageGeometry(const RenderLayerModelObject* paintContainer, const FillLayer& fillLayer, const LayoutRect& paintRect,
+ BackgroundImageGeometry& geometry, RenderObject* backgroundObject) const
+ LayoutUnit left = 0;
+ LayoutUnit top = 0;
+ IntSize positioningAreaSize;
+ IntRect snappedPaintRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(paintRect);
+ // Determine the background positioning area and set destRect to the background painting area.
+ // destRect will be adjusted later if the background is non-repeating.
+ // FIXME: transforms spec says that fixed backgrounds behave like scroll inside transforms.
+ bool fixedAttachment = fillLayer.attachment() == FixedBackgroundAttachment;
+ if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::fastMobileScrollingEnabled()) {
+ // As a side effect of an optimization to blit on scroll, we do not honor the CSS
+ // property "background-attachment: fixed" because it may result in rendering
+ // artifacts. Note, these artifacts only appear if we are blitting on scroll of
+ // a page that has fixed background images.
+ fixedAttachment = false;
+ }
+ if (!fixedAttachment) {
+ geometry.setDestRect(snappedPaintRect);
+ LayoutUnit right = 0;
+ LayoutUnit bottom = 0;
+ // Scroll and Local.
+ if (fillLayer.origin() != BorderFillBox) {
+ left = m_renderBox.borderLeft();
+ right = m_renderBox.borderRight();
+ top = m_renderBox.borderTop();
+ bottom = m_renderBox.borderBottom();
+ if (fillLayer.origin() == ContentFillBox) {
+ left += m_renderBox.paddingLeft();
+ right += m_renderBox.paddingRight();
+ top += m_renderBox.paddingTop();
+ bottom += m_renderBox.paddingBottom();
+ }
+ }
+ // The background of the box generated by the root element covers the entire canvas including
+ // its margins. Since those were added in already, we have to factor them out when computing
+ // the background positioning area.
+ if (m_renderBox.isDocumentElement()) {
+ positioningAreaSize = pixelSnappedIntSize(m_renderBox.size() - LayoutSize(left + right, top + bottom), m_renderBox.location());
+ left += m_renderBox.marginLeft();
+ top += m_renderBox.marginTop();
+ } else {
+ positioningAreaSize = pixelSnappedIntSize(paintRect.size() - LayoutSize(left + right, top + bottom), paintRect.location());
+ }
+ } else {
+ geometry.setHasNonLocalGeometry();
+ IntRect viewportRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(m_renderBox.viewRect());
+ if (fixedBackgroundPaintsInLocalCoordinates())
+ viewportRect.setLocation(IntPoint());
+ else if (FrameView* frameView = m_renderBox.view()->frameView())
+ viewportRect.setLocation(IntPoint(frameView->scrollOffsetForFixedPosition()));
+ if (paintContainer) {
+ IntPoint absoluteContainerOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintContainer->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint()));
+ viewportRect.moveBy(-absoluteContainerOffset);
+ }
+ geometry.setDestRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(viewportRect));
+ positioningAreaSize = geometry.destRect().size();
+ }
+ const RenderObject* clientForBackgroundImage = backgroundObject ? backgroundObject : &m_renderBox;
+ IntSize fillTileSize = calculateFillTileSize(fillLayer, positioningAreaSize);
+ fillLayer.image()->setContainerSizeForRenderer(clientForBackgroundImage, fillTileSize,>effectiveZoom());
+ geometry.setTileSize(fillTileSize);
+ EFillRepeat backgroundRepeatX = fillLayer.repeatX();
+ EFillRepeat backgroundRepeatY = fillLayer.repeatY();
+ int availableWidth = positioningAreaSize.width() - geometry.tileSize().width();
+ int availableHeight = positioningAreaSize.height() - geometry.tileSize().height();
+ LayoutUnit computedXPosition = roundedMinimumValueForLength(fillLayer.xPosition(), availableWidth);
+ if (backgroundRepeatX == RoundFill && positioningAreaSize.width() > 0 && fillTileSize.width() > 0) {
+ long nrTiles = std::max(1l, lroundf((float)positioningAreaSize.width() / fillTileSize.width()));
+ if (fillLayer.size().size.height().isAuto() && backgroundRepeatY != RoundFill) {
+ fillTileSize.setHeight(fillTileSize.height() * positioningAreaSize.width() / (nrTiles * fillTileSize.width()));
+ }
+ fillTileSize.setWidth(positioningAreaSize.width() / nrTiles);
+ geometry.setTileSize(fillTileSize);
+ geometry.setPhaseX(geometry.tileSize().width() ? geometry.tileSize().width() - roundToInt(computedXPosition + left) % geometry.tileSize().width() : 0);
+ geometry.setSpaceSize(IntSize());
+ }
+ LayoutUnit computedYPosition = roundedMinimumValueForLength(fillLayer.yPosition(), availableHeight);
+ if (backgroundRepeatY == RoundFill && positioningAreaSize.height() > 0 && fillTileSize.height() > 0) {
+ long nrTiles = std::max(1l, lroundf((float)positioningAreaSize.height() / fillTileSize.height()));
+ if (fillLayer.size().size.width().isAuto() && backgroundRepeatX != RoundFill) {
+ fillTileSize.setWidth(fillTileSize.width() * positioningAreaSize.height() / (nrTiles * fillTileSize.height()));
+ }
+ fillTileSize.setHeight(positioningAreaSize.height() / nrTiles);
+ geometry.setTileSize(fillTileSize);
+ geometry.setPhaseY(geometry.tileSize().height() ? geometry.tileSize().height() - roundToInt(computedYPosition + top) % geometry.tileSize().height() : 0);
+ geometry.setSpaceSize(IntSize());
+ }
+ if (backgroundRepeatX == RepeatFill) {
+ geometry.setPhaseX(geometry.tileSize().width() ? geometry.tileSize().width() - roundToInt(computedXPosition + left) % geometry.tileSize().width() : 0);
+ geometry.setSpaceSize(IntSize());
+ } else if (backgroundRepeatX == SpaceFill && fillTileSize.width() > 0) {
+ int space = getSpace(positioningAreaSize.width(), geometry.tileSize().width());
+ int actualWidth = geometry.tileSize().width() + space;
+ if (space >= 0) {
+ computedXPosition = roundedMinimumValueForLength(Length(), availableWidth);
+ geometry.setSpaceSize(IntSize(space, 0));
+ geometry.setPhaseX(actualWidth ? actualWidth - roundToInt(computedXPosition + left) % actualWidth : 0);
+ } else {
+ backgroundRepeatX = NoRepeatFill;
+ }
+ }
+ if (backgroundRepeatX == NoRepeatFill) {
+ int xOffset = fillLayer.backgroundXOrigin() == RightEdge ? availableWidth - computedXPosition : computedXPosition;
+ geometry.setNoRepeatX(left + xOffset);
+ geometry.setSpaceSize(IntSize(0, geometry.spaceSize().height()));
+ }
+ if (backgroundRepeatY == RepeatFill) {
+ geometry.setPhaseY(geometry.tileSize().height() ? geometry.tileSize().height() - roundToInt(computedYPosition + top) % geometry.tileSize().height() : 0);
+ geometry.setSpaceSize(IntSize(geometry.spaceSize().width(), 0));
+ } else if (backgroundRepeatY == SpaceFill && fillTileSize.height() > 0) {
+ int space = getSpace(positioningAreaSize.height(), geometry.tileSize().height());
+ int actualHeight = geometry.tileSize().height() + space;
+ if (space >= 0) {
+ computedYPosition = roundedMinimumValueForLength(Length(), availableHeight);
+ geometry.setSpaceSize(IntSize(geometry.spaceSize().width(), space));
+ geometry.setPhaseY(actualHeight ? actualHeight - roundToInt(computedYPosition + top) % actualHeight : 0);
+ } else {
+ backgroundRepeatY = NoRepeatFill;
+ }
+ }
+ if (backgroundRepeatY == NoRepeatFill) {
+ int yOffset = fillLayer.backgroundYOrigin() == BottomEdge ? availableHeight - computedYPosition : computedYPosition;
+ geometry.setNoRepeatY(top + yOffset);
+ geometry.setSpaceSize(IntSize(geometry.spaceSize().width(), 0));
+ }
+ if (fixedAttachment)
+ geometry.useFixedAttachment(snappedPaintRect.location());
+ geometry.clip(snappedPaintRect);
+ geometry.setDestOrigin(geometry.destRect().location());
+InterpolationQuality BoxPainter::chooseInterpolationQuality(GraphicsContext* context, Image* image, const void* layer, const LayoutSize& size)
+ return ImageQualityController::imageQualityController()->chooseInterpolationQuality(context, &m_renderBox, image, layer, size);
+bool BoxPainter::fixedBackgroundPaintsInLocalCoordinates() const
+ if (!m_renderBox.isDocumentElement())
+ return false;
+ if (m_renderBox.view()->frameView() && m_renderBox.view()->frameView()->paintBehavior() & PaintBehaviorFlattenCompositingLayers)
+ return false;
+ RenderLayer* rootLayer = m_renderBox.view()->layer();
+ if (!rootLayer || rootLayer->compositingState() == NotComposited)
+ return false;
+ return rootLayer->compositedLayerMapping()->backgroundLayerPaintsFixedRootBackground();
+static inline void applySubPixelHeuristicForTileSize(LayoutSize& tileSize, const IntSize& positioningAreaSize)
+ tileSize.setWidth(positioningAreaSize.width() - tileSize.width() <= 1 ? tileSize.width().ceil() : tileSize.width().floor());
+ tileSize.setHeight(positioningAreaSize.height() - tileSize.height() <= 1 ? tileSize.height().ceil() : tileSize.height().floor());
+IntSize BoxPainter::calculateFillTileSize(const FillLayer& fillLayer, const IntSize& positioningAreaSize) const
+ StyleImage* image = fillLayer.image();
+ EFillSizeType type = fillLayer.size().type;
+ IntSize imageIntrinsicSize = m_renderBox.calculateImageIntrinsicDimensions(image, positioningAreaSize, RenderBoxModelObject::ScaleByEffectiveZoom);
+ imageIntrinsicSize.scale(1 / image->imageScaleFactor(), 1 / image->imageScaleFactor());
+ switch (type) {
+ case SizeLength: {
+ LayoutSize tileSize = positioningAreaSize;
+ Length layerWidth = fillLayer.size().size.width();
+ Length layerHeight = fillLayer.size().size.height();
+ if (layerWidth.isFixed())
+ tileSize.setWidth(layerWidth.value());
+ else if (layerWidth.isPercent())
+ tileSize.setWidth(valueForLength(layerWidth, positioningAreaSize.width()));
+ if (layerHeight.isFixed())
+ tileSize.setHeight(layerHeight.value());
+ else if (layerHeight.isPercent())
+ tileSize.setHeight(valueForLength(layerHeight, positioningAreaSize.height()));
+ applySubPixelHeuristicForTileSize(tileSize, positioningAreaSize);
+ // If one of the values is auto we have to use the appropriate
+ // scale to maintain our aspect ratio.
+ if (layerWidth.isAuto() && !layerHeight.isAuto()) {
+ if (imageIntrinsicSize.height())
+ tileSize.setWidth(imageIntrinsicSize.width() * tileSize.height() / imageIntrinsicSize.height());
+ } else if (!layerWidth.isAuto() && layerHeight.isAuto()) {
+ if (imageIntrinsicSize.width())
+ tileSize.setHeight(imageIntrinsicSize.height() * tileSize.width() / imageIntrinsicSize.width());
+ } else if (layerWidth.isAuto() && layerHeight.isAuto()) {
+ // If both width and height are auto, use the image's intrinsic size.
+ tileSize = imageIntrinsicSize;
+ }
+ tileSize.clampNegativeToZero();
+ return flooredIntSize(tileSize);
+ }
+ case SizeNone: {
+ // If both values are ‘auto’ then the intrinsic width and/or height of the image should be used, if any.
+ if (!imageIntrinsicSize.isEmpty())
+ return imageIntrinsicSize;
+ // If the image has neither an intrinsic width nor an intrinsic height, its size is determined as for ‘contain’.
+ type = Contain;
+ }
+ case Contain:
+ case Cover: {
+ float horizontalScaleFactor = imageIntrinsicSize.width()
+ ? static_cast<float>(positioningAreaSize.width()) / imageIntrinsicSize.width() : 1;
+ float verticalScaleFactor = imageIntrinsicSize.height()
+ ? static_cast<float>(positioningAreaSize.height()) / imageIntrinsicSize.height() : 1;
+ float scaleFactor = type == Contain ? std::min(horizontalScaleFactor, verticalScaleFactor) : std::max(horizontalScaleFactor, verticalScaleFactor);
+ return IntSize(std::max(1l, lround(imageIntrinsicSize.width() * scaleFactor)), std::max(1l, lround(imageIntrinsicSize.height() * scaleFactor)));
+ }
+ }
+ return IntSize();
} // namespace blink

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