(Empty) | |
| 1 { |
| 2 "auth": { |
| 3 "oauth2": { |
| 4 "scopes": { |
| 5 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive": { |
| 6 "description": "View and manage the files and documents in y
our Google Drive" |
| 7 }, |
| 8 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata": { |
| 9 "description": "View and manage its own configuration data i
n your Google Drive" |
| 10 }, |
| 11 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly": { |
| 12 "description": "View your Google Drive apps" |
| 13 }, |
| 14 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file": { |
| 15 "description": "View and manage Google Drive files that you
have opened or created with this app" |
| 16 }, |
| 17 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly": { |
| 18 "description": "View metadata for files and documents in you
r Google Drive" |
| 19 }, |
| 20 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly": { |
| 21 "description": "View the files and documents in your Google
Drive" |
| 22 }, |
| 23 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.scripts": { |
| 24 "description": "Modify your Google Apps Script scripts' beha
vior" |
| 25 } |
| 26 } |
| 27 } |
| 28 }, |
| 29 "basePath": "/drive/v2/", |
| 30 "baseUrl": "https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v2/", |
| 31 "batchPath": "batch", |
| 32 "description": "The API to interact with Drive.", |
| 33 "discoveryVersion": "v1", |
| 34 "documentationLink": "https://developers.google.com/drive/", |
| 35 "etag": "\"uUWyYHXmEn-ab7WLvo8qNz2S8ws/9I9Zl6d27F88N6e-Q2Opsw4M-bY\"", |
| 36 "icons": { |
| 37 "x16": "https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/drive_icon_16.png", |
| 38 "x32": "https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/drive_icon_32.png" |
| 39 }, |
| 40 "id": "drive:v2", |
| 41 "kind": "discovery#restDescription", |
| 42 "name": "drive", |
| 43 "ownerDomain": "google.com", |
| 44 "ownerName": "Google", |
| 45 "parameters": { |
| 46 "alt": { |
| 47 "default": "json", |
| 48 "description": "Data format for the response.", |
| 49 "enum": [ |
| 50 "json" |
| 51 ], |
| 52 "enumDescriptions": [ |
| 53 "Responses with Content-Type of application/json" |
| 54 ], |
| 55 "location": "query", |
| 56 "type": "string" |
| 57 }, |
| 58 "fields": { |
| 59 "description": "Selector specifying which fields to include in a par
tial response.", |
| 60 "location": "query", |
| 61 "type": "string" |
| 62 }, |
| 63 "key": { |
| 64 "description": "API key. Your API key identifies your project and pr
ovides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an O
Auth 2.0 token.", |
| 65 "location": "query", |
| 66 "type": "string" |
| 67 }, |
| 68 "oauth_token": { |
| 69 "description": "OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.", |
| 70 "location": "query", |
| 71 "type": "string" |
| 72 }, |
| 73 "prettyPrint": { |
| 74 "default": "true", |
| 75 "description": "Returns response with indentations and line breaks."
, |
| 76 "location": "query", |
| 77 "type": "boolean" |
| 78 }, |
| 79 "quotaUser": { |
| 80 "description": "Available to use for quota purposes for server-side
applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exc
eed 40 characters. Overrides userIp if both are provided.", |
| 81 "location": "query", |
| 82 "type": "string" |
| 83 }, |
| 84 "userIp": { |
| 85 "description": "IP address of the site where the request originates.
Use this if you want to enforce per-user limits.", |
| 86 "location": "query", |
| 87 "type": "string" |
| 88 } |
| 89 }, |
| 90 "protocol": "rest", |
| 91 "resources": { |
| 92 "about": { |
| 93 "methods": { |
| 94 "get": { |
| 95 "description": "Gets the information about the current user
along with Drive API settings", |
| 96 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 97 "id": "drive.about.get", |
| 98 "parameters": { |
| 99 "includeSubscribed": { |
| 100 "default": "true", |
| 101 "description": "When calculating the number of remai
ning change IDs, whether to include public files the user has opened and shared
files. When set to false, this counts only change IDs for owned files and any sh
ared or public files that the user has explicitly added to a folder they own.", |
| 102 "location": "query", |
| 103 "type": "boolean" |
| 104 }, |
| 105 "maxChangeIdCount": { |
| 106 "default": "1", |
| 107 "description": "Maximum number of remaining change I
Ds to count", |
| 108 "format": "int64", |
| 109 "location": "query", |
| 110 "type": "string" |
| 111 }, |
| 112 "startChangeId": { |
| 113 "description": "Change ID to start counting from whe
n calculating number of remaining change IDs", |
| 114 "format": "int64", |
| 115 "location": "query", |
| 116 "type": "string" |
| 117 } |
| 118 }, |
| 119 "path": "about", |
| 120 "response": { |
| 121 "$ref": "About" |
| 122 }, |
| 123 "scopes": [ |
| 124 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 125 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 126 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 127 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 128 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 129 ] |
| 130 } |
| 131 } |
| 132 }, |
| 133 "apps": { |
| 134 "methods": { |
| 135 "get": { |
| 136 "description": "Gets a specific app.", |
| 137 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 138 "id": "drive.apps.get", |
| 139 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 140 "appId" |
| 141 ], |
| 142 "parameters": { |
| 143 "appId": { |
| 144 "description": "The ID of the app.", |
| 145 "location": "path", |
| 146 "required": true, |
| 147 "type": "string" |
| 148 } |
| 149 }, |
| 150 "path": "apps/{appId}", |
| 151 "response": { |
| 152 "$ref": "App" |
| 153 }, |
| 154 "scopes": [ |
| 155 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 156 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 157 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 158 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 159 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 160 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 161 ] |
| 162 }, |
| 163 "list": { |
| 164 "description": "Lists a user's installed apps.", |
| 165 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 166 "id": "drive.apps.list", |
| 167 "parameters": { |
| 168 "appFilterExtensions": { |
| 169 "default": "", |
| 170 "description": "A comma-separated list of file exten
sions for open with filtering. All apps within the given app query scope which c
an open any of the given file extensions will be included in the response. If ap
pFilterMimeTypes are provided as well, the result is a union of the two resultin
g app lists.", |
| 171 "location": "query", |
| 172 "type": "string" |
| 173 }, |
| 174 "appFilterMimeTypes": { |
| 175 "default": "", |
| 176 "description": "A comma-separated list of MIME types
for open with filtering. All apps within the given app query scope which can op
en any of the given MIME types will be included in the response. If appFilterExt
ensions are provided as well, the result is a union of the two resulting app lis
ts.", |
| 177 "location": "query", |
| 178 "type": "string" |
| 179 }, |
| 180 "languageCode": { |
| 181 "description": "A language or locale code, as define
d by BCP 47, with some extensions from Unicode's LDML format (http://www.unicode
.org/reports/tr35/).", |
| 182 "location": "query", |
| 183 "type": "string" |
| 184 } |
| 185 }, |
| 186 "path": "apps", |
| 187 "response": { |
| 188 "$ref": "AppList" |
| 189 }, |
| 190 "scopes": [ |
| 191 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly" |
| 192 ] |
| 193 } |
| 194 } |
| 195 }, |
| 196 "changes": { |
| 197 "methods": { |
| 198 "get": { |
| 199 "description": "Gets a specific change.", |
| 200 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 201 "id": "drive.changes.get", |
| 202 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 203 "changeId" |
| 204 ], |
| 205 "parameters": { |
| 206 "changeId": { |
| 207 "description": "The ID of the change.", |
| 208 "location": "path", |
| 209 "required": true, |
| 210 "type": "string" |
| 211 } |
| 212 }, |
| 213 "path": "changes/{changeId}", |
| 214 "response": { |
| 215 "$ref": "Change" |
| 216 }, |
| 217 "scopes": [ |
| 218 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 219 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 220 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 221 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 222 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 223 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 224 ] |
| 225 }, |
| 226 "list": { |
| 227 "description": "Lists the changes for a user.", |
| 228 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 229 "id": "drive.changes.list", |
| 230 "parameters": { |
| 231 "includeDeleted": { |
| 232 "default": "true", |
| 233 "description": "Whether to include deleted items.", |
| 234 "location": "query", |
| 235 "type": "boolean" |
| 236 }, |
| 237 "includeSubscribed": { |
| 238 "default": "true", |
| 239 "description": "Whether to include public files the
user has opened and shared files. When set to false, the list only includes owne
d files plus any shared or public files the user has explicitly added to a folde
r they own.", |
| 240 "location": "query", |
| 241 "type": "boolean" |
| 242 }, |
| 243 "maxResults": { |
| 244 "default": "100", |
| 245 "description": "Maximum number of changes to return.
", |
| 246 "format": "int32", |
| 247 "location": "query", |
| 248 "minimum": "1", |
| 249 "type": "integer" |
| 250 }, |
| 251 "pageToken": { |
| 252 "description": "Page token for changes.", |
| 253 "location": "query", |
| 254 "type": "string" |
| 255 }, |
| 256 "startChangeId": { |
| 257 "description": "Change ID to start listing changes f
rom.", |
| 258 "format": "int64", |
| 259 "location": "query", |
| 260 "type": "string" |
| 261 } |
| 262 }, |
| 263 "path": "changes", |
| 264 "response": { |
| 265 "$ref": "ChangeList" |
| 266 }, |
| 267 "scopes": [ |
| 268 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 269 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 270 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 271 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 272 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 273 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 274 ], |
| 275 "supportsSubscription": true |
| 276 }, |
| 277 "watch": { |
| 278 "description": "Subscribe to changes for a user.", |
| 279 "httpMethod": "POST", |
| 280 "id": "drive.changes.watch", |
| 281 "parameters": { |
| 282 "includeDeleted": { |
| 283 "default": "true", |
| 284 "description": "Whether to include deleted items.", |
| 285 "location": "query", |
| 286 "type": "boolean" |
| 287 }, |
| 288 "includeSubscribed": { |
| 289 "default": "true", |
| 290 "description": "Whether to include public files the
user has opened and shared files. When set to false, the list only includes owne
d files plus any shared or public files the user has explicitly added to a folde
r they own.", |
| 291 "location": "query", |
| 292 "type": "boolean" |
| 293 }, |
| 294 "maxResults": { |
| 295 "default": "100", |
| 296 "description": "Maximum number of changes to return.
", |
| 297 "format": "int32", |
| 298 "location": "query", |
| 299 "minimum": "1", |
| 300 "type": "integer" |
| 301 }, |
| 302 "pageToken": { |
| 303 "description": "Page token for changes.", |
| 304 "location": "query", |
| 305 "type": "string" |
| 306 }, |
| 307 "startChangeId": { |
| 308 "description": "Change ID to start listing changes f
rom.", |
| 309 "format": "int64", |
| 310 "location": "query", |
| 311 "type": "string" |
| 312 } |
| 313 }, |
| 314 "path": "changes/watch", |
| 315 "request": { |
| 316 "$ref": "Channel", |
| 317 "parameterName": "resource" |
| 318 }, |
| 319 "response": { |
| 320 "$ref": "Channel" |
| 321 }, |
| 322 "scopes": [ |
| 323 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 324 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 325 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 326 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 327 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 328 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 329 ], |
| 330 "supportsSubscription": true |
| 331 } |
| 332 } |
| 333 }, |
| 334 "channels": { |
| 335 "methods": { |
| 336 "stop": { |
| 337 "description": "Stop watching resources through this channel
", |
| 338 "httpMethod": "POST", |
| 339 "id": "drive.channels.stop", |
| 340 "path": "channels/stop", |
| 341 "request": { |
| 342 "$ref": "Channel", |
| 343 "parameterName": "resource" |
| 344 }, |
| 345 "scopes": [ |
| 346 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 347 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 348 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 349 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 350 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 351 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 352 ] |
| 353 } |
| 354 } |
| 355 }, |
| 356 "children": { |
| 357 "methods": { |
| 358 "delete": { |
| 359 "description": "Removes a child from a folder.", |
| 360 "httpMethod": "DELETE", |
| 361 "id": "drive.children.delete", |
| 362 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 363 "folderId", |
| 364 "childId" |
| 365 ], |
| 366 "parameters": { |
| 367 "childId": { |
| 368 "description": "The ID of the child.", |
| 369 "location": "path", |
| 370 "required": true, |
| 371 "type": "string" |
| 372 }, |
| 373 "folderId": { |
| 374 "description": "The ID of the folder.", |
| 375 "location": "path", |
| 376 "required": true, |
| 377 "type": "string" |
| 378 } |
| 379 }, |
| 380 "path": "files/{folderId}/children/{childId}", |
| 381 "scopes": [ |
| 382 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 383 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 384 ] |
| 385 }, |
| 386 "get": { |
| 387 "description": "Gets a specific child reference.", |
| 388 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 389 "id": "drive.children.get", |
| 390 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 391 "folderId", |
| 392 "childId" |
| 393 ], |
| 394 "parameters": { |
| 395 "childId": { |
| 396 "description": "The ID of the child.", |
| 397 "location": "path", |
| 398 "required": true, |
| 399 "type": "string" |
| 400 }, |
| 401 "folderId": { |
| 402 "description": "The ID of the folder.", |
| 403 "location": "path", |
| 404 "required": true, |
| 405 "type": "string" |
| 406 } |
| 407 }, |
| 408 "path": "files/{folderId}/children/{childId}", |
| 409 "response": { |
| 410 "$ref": "ChildReference" |
| 411 }, |
| 412 "scopes": [ |
| 413 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 414 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 415 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 416 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 417 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 418 ] |
| 419 }, |
| 420 "insert": { |
| 421 "description": "Inserts a file into a folder.", |
| 422 "httpMethod": "POST", |
| 423 "id": "drive.children.insert", |
| 424 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 425 "folderId" |
| 426 ], |
| 427 "parameters": { |
| 428 "folderId": { |
| 429 "description": "The ID of the folder.", |
| 430 "location": "path", |
| 431 "required": true, |
| 432 "type": "string" |
| 433 } |
| 434 }, |
| 435 "path": "files/{folderId}/children", |
| 436 "request": { |
| 437 "$ref": "ChildReference" |
| 438 }, |
| 439 "response": { |
| 440 "$ref": "ChildReference" |
| 441 }, |
| 442 "scopes": [ |
| 443 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 444 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 445 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 446 ] |
| 447 }, |
| 448 "list": { |
| 449 "description": "Lists a folder's children.", |
| 450 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 451 "id": "drive.children.list", |
| 452 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 453 "folderId" |
| 454 ], |
| 455 "parameters": { |
| 456 "folderId": { |
| 457 "description": "The ID of the folder.", |
| 458 "location": "path", |
| 459 "required": true, |
| 460 "type": "string" |
| 461 }, |
| 462 "maxResults": { |
| 463 "default": "100", |
| 464 "description": "Maximum number of children to return
.", |
| 465 "format": "int32", |
| 466 "location": "query", |
| 467 "minimum": "0", |
| 468 "type": "integer" |
| 469 }, |
| 470 "pageToken": { |
| 471 "description": "Page token for children.", |
| 472 "location": "query", |
| 473 "type": "string" |
| 474 }, |
| 475 "q": { |
| 476 "description": "Query string for searching children.
", |
| 477 "location": "query", |
| 478 "type": "string" |
| 479 } |
| 480 }, |
| 481 "path": "files/{folderId}/children", |
| 482 "response": { |
| 483 "$ref": "ChildList" |
| 484 }, |
| 485 "scopes": [ |
| 486 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 487 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 488 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 489 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 490 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 491 ] |
| 492 } |
| 493 } |
| 494 }, |
| 495 "comments": { |
| 496 "methods": { |
| 497 "delete": { |
| 498 "description": "Deletes a comment.", |
| 499 "httpMethod": "DELETE", |
| 500 "id": "drive.comments.delete", |
| 501 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 502 "fileId", |
| 503 "commentId" |
| 504 ], |
| 505 "parameters": { |
| 506 "commentId": { |
| 507 "description": "The ID of the comment.", |
| 508 "location": "path", |
| 509 "required": true, |
| 510 "type": "string" |
| 511 }, |
| 512 "fileId": { |
| 513 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 514 "location": "path", |
| 515 "required": true, |
| 516 "type": "string" |
| 517 } |
| 518 }, |
| 519 "path": "files/{fileId}/comments/{commentId}", |
| 520 "scopes": [ |
| 521 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 522 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 523 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 524 ] |
| 525 }, |
| 526 "get": { |
| 527 "description": "Gets a comment by ID.", |
| 528 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 529 "id": "drive.comments.get", |
| 530 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 531 "fileId", |
| 532 "commentId" |
| 533 ], |
| 534 "parameters": { |
| 535 "commentId": { |
| 536 "description": "The ID of the comment.", |
| 537 "location": "path", |
| 538 "required": true, |
| 539 "type": "string" |
| 540 }, |
| 541 "fileId": { |
| 542 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 543 "location": "path", |
| 544 "required": true, |
| 545 "type": "string" |
| 546 }, |
| 547 "includeDeleted": { |
| 548 "default": "false", |
| 549 "description": "If set, this will succeed when retri
eving a deleted comment, and will include any deleted replies.", |
| 550 "location": "query", |
| 551 "type": "boolean" |
| 552 } |
| 553 }, |
| 554 "path": "files/{fileId}/comments/{commentId}", |
| 555 "response": { |
| 556 "$ref": "Comment" |
| 557 }, |
| 558 "scopes": [ |
| 559 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 560 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 561 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 562 ] |
| 563 }, |
| 564 "insert": { |
| 565 "description": "Creates a new comment on the given file.", |
| 566 "httpMethod": "POST", |
| 567 "id": "drive.comments.insert", |
| 568 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 569 "fileId" |
| 570 ], |
| 571 "parameters": { |
| 572 "fileId": { |
| 573 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 574 "location": "path", |
| 575 "required": true, |
| 576 "type": "string" |
| 577 } |
| 578 }, |
| 579 "path": "files/{fileId}/comments", |
| 580 "request": { |
| 581 "$ref": "Comment" |
| 582 }, |
| 583 "response": { |
| 584 "$ref": "Comment" |
| 585 }, |
| 586 "scopes": [ |
| 587 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 588 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 589 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 590 ] |
| 591 }, |
| 592 "list": { |
| 593 "description": "Lists a file's comments.", |
| 594 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 595 "id": "drive.comments.list", |
| 596 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 597 "fileId" |
| 598 ], |
| 599 "parameters": { |
| 600 "fileId": { |
| 601 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 602 "location": "path", |
| 603 "required": true, |
| 604 "type": "string" |
| 605 }, |
| 606 "includeDeleted": { |
| 607 "default": "false", |
| 608 "description": "If set, all comments and replies, in
cluding deleted comments and replies (with content stripped) will be returned.", |
| 609 "location": "query", |
| 610 "type": "boolean" |
| 611 }, |
| 612 "maxResults": { |
| 613 "default": "20", |
| 614 "description": "The maximum number of discussions to
include in the response, used for paging.", |
| 615 "format": "int32", |
| 616 "location": "query", |
| 617 "maximum": "100", |
| 618 "minimum": "0", |
| 619 "type": "integer" |
| 620 }, |
| 621 "pageToken": { |
| 622 "description": "The continuation token, used to page
through large result sets. To get the next page of results, set this parameter
to the value of \"nextPageToken\" from the previous response.", |
| 623 "location": "query", |
| 624 "type": "string" |
| 625 }, |
| 626 "updatedMin": { |
| 627 "description": "Only discussions that were updated a
fter this timestamp will be returned. Formatted as an RFC 3339 timestamp.", |
| 628 "location": "query", |
| 629 "type": "string" |
| 630 } |
| 631 }, |
| 632 "path": "files/{fileId}/comments", |
| 633 "response": { |
| 634 "$ref": "CommentList" |
| 635 }, |
| 636 "scopes": [ |
| 637 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 638 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 639 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 640 ] |
| 641 }, |
| 642 "patch": { |
| 643 "description": "Updates an existing comment. This method sup
ports patch semantics.", |
| 644 "httpMethod": "PATCH", |
| 645 "id": "drive.comments.patch", |
| 646 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 647 "fileId", |
| 648 "commentId" |
| 649 ], |
| 650 "parameters": { |
| 651 "commentId": { |
| 652 "description": "The ID of the comment.", |
| 653 "location": "path", |
| 654 "required": true, |
| 655 "type": "string" |
| 656 }, |
| 657 "fileId": { |
| 658 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 659 "location": "path", |
| 660 "required": true, |
| 661 "type": "string" |
| 662 } |
| 663 }, |
| 664 "path": "files/{fileId}/comments/{commentId}", |
| 665 "request": { |
| 666 "$ref": "Comment" |
| 667 }, |
| 668 "response": { |
| 669 "$ref": "Comment" |
| 670 }, |
| 671 "scopes": [ |
| 672 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 673 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 674 ] |
| 675 }, |
| 676 "update": { |
| 677 "description": "Updates an existing comment.", |
| 678 "httpMethod": "PUT", |
| 679 "id": "drive.comments.update", |
| 680 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 681 "fileId", |
| 682 "commentId" |
| 683 ], |
| 684 "parameters": { |
| 685 "commentId": { |
| 686 "description": "The ID of the comment.", |
| 687 "location": "path", |
| 688 "required": true, |
| 689 "type": "string" |
| 690 }, |
| 691 "fileId": { |
| 692 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 693 "location": "path", |
| 694 "required": true, |
| 695 "type": "string" |
| 696 } |
| 697 }, |
| 698 "path": "files/{fileId}/comments/{commentId}", |
| 699 "request": { |
| 700 "$ref": "Comment" |
| 701 }, |
| 702 "response": { |
| 703 "$ref": "Comment" |
| 704 }, |
| 705 "scopes": [ |
| 706 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 707 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 708 ] |
| 709 } |
| 710 } |
| 711 }, |
| 712 "files": { |
| 713 "methods": { |
| 714 "copy": { |
| 715 "description": "Creates a copy of the specified file.", |
| 716 "httpMethod": "POST", |
| 717 "id": "drive.files.copy", |
| 718 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 719 "fileId" |
| 720 ], |
| 721 "parameters": { |
| 722 "convert": { |
| 723 "default": "false", |
| 724 "description": "Whether to convert this file to the
corresponding Google Docs format.", |
| 725 "location": "query", |
| 726 "type": "boolean" |
| 727 }, |
| 728 "fileId": { |
| 729 "description": "The ID of the file to copy.", |
| 730 "location": "path", |
| 731 "required": true, |
| 732 "type": "string" |
| 733 }, |
| 734 "ocr": { |
| 735 "default": "false", |
| 736 "description": "Whether to attempt OCR on .jpg, .png
, .gif, or .pdf uploads.", |
| 737 "location": "query", |
| 738 "type": "boolean" |
| 739 }, |
| 740 "ocrLanguage": { |
| 741 "description": "If ocr is true, hints at the languag
e to use. Valid values are ISO 639-1 codes.", |
| 742 "location": "query", |
| 743 "type": "string" |
| 744 }, |
| 745 "pinned": { |
| 746 "default": "false", |
| 747 "description": "Whether to pin the head revision of
the new copy. A file can have a maximum of 200 pinned revisions.", |
| 748 "location": "query", |
| 749 "type": "boolean" |
| 750 }, |
| 751 "timedTextLanguage": { |
| 752 "description": "The language of the timed text.", |
| 753 "location": "query", |
| 754 "type": "string" |
| 755 }, |
| 756 "timedTextTrackName": { |
| 757 "description": "The timed text track name.", |
| 758 "location": "query", |
| 759 "type": "string" |
| 760 }, |
| 761 "visibility": { |
| 762 "default": "DEFAULT", |
| 763 "description": "The visibility of the new file. This
parameter is only relevant when the source is not a native Google Doc and conve
rt=false.", |
| 764 "enum": [ |
| 765 "DEFAULT", |
| 766 "PRIVATE" |
| 767 ], |
| 768 "enumDescriptions": [ |
| 769 "The visibility of the new file is determined by
the user's default visibility/sharing policies.", |
| 770 "The new file will be visible to only the owner.
" |
| 771 ], |
| 772 "location": "query", |
| 773 "type": "string" |
| 774 } |
| 775 }, |
| 776 "path": "files/{fileId}/copy", |
| 777 "request": { |
| 778 "$ref": "File" |
| 779 }, |
| 780 "response": { |
| 781 "$ref": "File" |
| 782 }, |
| 783 "scopes": [ |
| 784 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 785 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 786 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 787 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 788 ] |
| 789 }, |
| 790 "delete": { |
| 791 "description": "Permanently deletes a file by ID. Skips the
trash.", |
| 792 "httpMethod": "DELETE", |
| 793 "id": "drive.files.delete", |
| 794 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 795 "fileId" |
| 796 ], |
| 797 "parameters": { |
| 798 "fileId": { |
| 799 "description": "The ID of the file to delete.", |
| 800 "location": "path", |
| 801 "required": true, |
| 802 "type": "string" |
| 803 } |
| 804 }, |
| 805 "path": "files/{fileId}", |
| 806 "scopes": [ |
| 807 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 808 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 809 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 810 ] |
| 811 }, |
| 812 "emptyTrash": { |
| 813 "description": "Permanently deletes all of the user's trashe
d files.", |
| 814 "httpMethod": "DELETE", |
| 815 "id": "drive.files.emptyTrash", |
| 816 "path": "files/trash", |
| 817 "scopes": [ |
| 818 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive" |
| 819 ] |
| 820 }, |
| 821 "get": { |
| 822 "description": "Gets a file's metadata by ID.", |
| 823 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 824 "id": "drive.files.get", |
| 825 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 826 "fileId" |
| 827 ], |
| 828 "parameters": { |
| 829 "fileId": { |
| 830 "description": "The ID for the file in question.", |
| 831 "location": "path", |
| 832 "required": true, |
| 833 "type": "string" |
| 834 }, |
| 835 "projection": { |
| 836 "description": "This parameter is deprecated and has
no function.", |
| 837 "enum": [ |
| 838 "BASIC", |
| 839 "FULL" |
| 840 ], |
| 841 "enumDescriptions": [ |
| 842 "Deprecated", |
| 843 "Deprecated" |
| 844 ], |
| 845 "location": "query", |
| 846 "type": "string" |
| 847 }, |
| 848 "updateViewedDate": { |
| 849 "default": "false", |
| 850 "description": "Whether to update the view date afte
r successfully retrieving the file.", |
| 851 "location": "query", |
| 852 "type": "boolean" |
| 853 } |
| 854 }, |
| 855 "path": "files/{fileId}", |
| 856 "response": { |
| 857 "$ref": "File" |
| 858 }, |
| 859 "scopes": [ |
| 860 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 861 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 862 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 863 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 864 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 865 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 866 ], |
| 867 "supportsSubscription": true |
| 868 }, |
| 869 "insert": { |
| 870 "description": "Insert a new file.", |
| 871 "httpMethod": "POST", |
| 872 "id": "drive.files.insert", |
| 873 "mediaUpload": { |
| 874 "accept": [ |
| 875 "*/*" |
| 876 ], |
| 877 "maxSize": "5120GB", |
| 878 "protocols": { |
| 879 "resumable": { |
| 880 "multipart": true, |
| 881 "path": "/resumable/upload/drive/v2/files" |
| 882 }, |
| 883 "simple": { |
| 884 "multipart": true, |
| 885 "path": "/upload/drive/v2/files" |
| 886 } |
| 887 } |
| 888 }, |
| 889 "parameters": { |
| 890 "convert": { |
| 891 "default": "false", |
| 892 "description": "Whether to convert this file to the
corresponding Google Docs format.", |
| 893 "location": "query", |
| 894 "type": "boolean" |
| 895 }, |
| 896 "ocr": { |
| 897 "default": "false", |
| 898 "description": "Whether to attempt OCR on .jpg, .png
, .gif, or .pdf uploads.", |
| 899 "location": "query", |
| 900 "type": "boolean" |
| 901 }, |
| 902 "ocrLanguage": { |
| 903 "description": "If ocr is true, hints at the languag
e to use. Valid values are ISO 639-1 codes.", |
| 904 "location": "query", |
| 905 "type": "string" |
| 906 }, |
| 907 "pinned": { |
| 908 "default": "false", |
| 909 "description": "Whether to pin the head revision of
the uploaded file. A file can have a maximum of 200 pinned revisions.", |
| 910 "location": "query", |
| 911 "type": "boolean" |
| 912 }, |
| 913 "timedTextLanguage": { |
| 914 "description": "The language of the timed text.", |
| 915 "location": "query", |
| 916 "type": "string" |
| 917 }, |
| 918 "timedTextTrackName": { |
| 919 "description": "The timed text track name.", |
| 920 "location": "query", |
| 921 "type": "string" |
| 922 }, |
| 923 "useContentAsIndexableText": { |
| 924 "default": "false", |
| 925 "description": "Whether to use the content as indexa
ble text.", |
| 926 "location": "query", |
| 927 "type": "boolean" |
| 928 }, |
| 929 "visibility": { |
| 930 "default": "DEFAULT", |
| 931 "description": "The visibility of the new file. This
parameter is only relevant when convert=false.", |
| 932 "enum": [ |
| 933 "DEFAULT", |
| 934 "PRIVATE" |
| 935 ], |
| 936 "enumDescriptions": [ |
| 937 "The visibility of the new file is determined by
the user's default visibility/sharing policies.", |
| 938 "The new file will be visible to only the owner.
" |
| 939 ], |
| 940 "location": "query", |
| 941 "type": "string" |
| 942 } |
| 943 }, |
| 944 "path": "files", |
| 945 "request": { |
| 946 "$ref": "File" |
| 947 }, |
| 948 "response": { |
| 949 "$ref": "File" |
| 950 }, |
| 951 "scopes": [ |
| 952 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 953 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 954 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 955 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 956 ], |
| 957 "supportsMediaUpload": true, |
| 958 "supportsSubscription": true |
| 959 }, |
| 960 "list": { |
| 961 "description": "Lists the user's files.", |
| 962 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 963 "id": "drive.files.list", |
| 964 "parameters": { |
| 965 "corpus": { |
| 966 "description": "The body of items (files/documents)
to which the query applies.", |
| 967 "enum": [ |
| 968 "DEFAULT", |
| 969 "DOMAIN" |
| 970 ], |
| 971 "enumDescriptions": [ |
| 972 "The items that the user has accessed.", |
| 973 "Items shared to the user's domain." |
| 974 ], |
| 975 "location": "query", |
| 976 "type": "string" |
| 977 }, |
| 978 "maxResults": { |
| 979 "default": "100", |
| 980 "description": "Maximum number of files to return.", |
| 981 "format": "int32", |
| 982 "location": "query", |
| 983 "minimum": "0", |
| 984 "type": "integer" |
| 985 }, |
| 986 "pageToken": { |
| 987 "description": "Page token for files.", |
| 988 "location": "query", |
| 989 "type": "string" |
| 990 }, |
| 991 "projection": { |
| 992 "description": "This parameter is deprecated and has
no function.", |
| 993 "enum": [ |
| 994 "BASIC", |
| 995 "FULL" |
| 996 ], |
| 997 "enumDescriptions": [ |
| 998 "Deprecated", |
| 999 "Deprecated" |
| 1000 ], |
| 1001 "location": "query", |
| 1002 "type": "string" |
| 1003 }, |
| 1004 "q": { |
| 1005 "description": "Query string for searching files.", |
| 1006 "location": "query", |
| 1007 "type": "string" |
| 1008 } |
| 1009 }, |
| 1010 "path": "files", |
| 1011 "response": { |
| 1012 "$ref": "FileList" |
| 1013 }, |
| 1014 "scopes": [ |
| 1015 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1016 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1017 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 1018 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 1019 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 1020 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 1021 ] |
| 1022 }, |
| 1023 "patch": { |
| 1024 "description": "Updates file metadata and/or content. This m
ethod supports patch semantics.", |
| 1025 "httpMethod": "PATCH", |
| 1026 "id": "drive.files.patch", |
| 1027 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1028 "fileId" |
| 1029 ], |
| 1030 "parameters": { |
| 1031 "addParents": { |
| 1032 "description": "Comma-separated list of parent IDs t
o add.", |
| 1033 "location": "query", |
| 1034 "type": "string" |
| 1035 }, |
| 1036 "convert": { |
| 1037 "default": "false", |
| 1038 "description": "Whether to convert this file to the
corresponding Google Docs format.", |
| 1039 "location": "query", |
| 1040 "type": "boolean" |
| 1041 }, |
| 1042 "fileId": { |
| 1043 "description": "The ID of the file to update.", |
| 1044 "location": "path", |
| 1045 "required": true, |
| 1046 "type": "string" |
| 1047 }, |
| 1048 "newRevision": { |
| 1049 "default": "true", |
| 1050 "description": "Whether a blob upload should create
a new revision. If false, the blob data in the current head revision is replaced
. If true or not set, a new blob is created as head revision, and previous revis
ions are preserved (causing increased use of the user's data storage quota).", |
| 1051 "location": "query", |
| 1052 "type": "boolean" |
| 1053 }, |
| 1054 "ocr": { |
| 1055 "default": "false", |
| 1056 "description": "Whether to attempt OCR on .jpg, .png
, .gif, or .pdf uploads.", |
| 1057 "location": "query", |
| 1058 "type": "boolean" |
| 1059 }, |
| 1060 "ocrLanguage": { |
| 1061 "description": "If ocr is true, hints at the languag
e to use. Valid values are ISO 639-1 codes.", |
| 1062 "location": "query", |
| 1063 "type": "string" |
| 1064 }, |
| 1065 "pinned": { |
| 1066 "default": "false", |
| 1067 "description": "Whether to pin the new revision. A f
ile can have a maximum of 200 pinned revisions.", |
| 1068 "location": "query", |
| 1069 "type": "boolean" |
| 1070 }, |
| 1071 "removeParents": { |
| 1072 "description": "Comma-separated list of parent IDs t
o remove.", |
| 1073 "location": "query", |
| 1074 "type": "string" |
| 1075 }, |
| 1076 "setModifiedDate": { |
| 1077 "default": "false", |
| 1078 "description": "Whether to set the modified date wit
h the supplied modified date.", |
| 1079 "location": "query", |
| 1080 "type": "boolean" |
| 1081 }, |
| 1082 "timedTextLanguage": { |
| 1083 "description": "The language of the timed text.", |
| 1084 "location": "query", |
| 1085 "type": "string" |
| 1086 }, |
| 1087 "timedTextTrackName": { |
| 1088 "description": "The timed text track name.", |
| 1089 "location": "query", |
| 1090 "type": "string" |
| 1091 }, |
| 1092 "updateViewedDate": { |
| 1093 "default": "true", |
| 1094 "description": "Whether to update the view date afte
r successfully updating the file.", |
| 1095 "location": "query", |
| 1096 "type": "boolean" |
| 1097 }, |
| 1098 "useContentAsIndexableText": { |
| 1099 "default": "false", |
| 1100 "description": "Whether to use the content as indexa
ble text.", |
| 1101 "location": "query", |
| 1102 "type": "boolean" |
| 1103 } |
| 1104 }, |
| 1105 "path": "files/{fileId}", |
| 1106 "request": { |
| 1107 "$ref": "File" |
| 1108 }, |
| 1109 "response": { |
| 1110 "$ref": "File" |
| 1111 }, |
| 1112 "scopes": [ |
| 1113 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1114 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1115 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 1116 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 1117 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.scripts" |
| 1118 ] |
| 1119 }, |
| 1120 "touch": { |
| 1121 "description": "Set the file's updated time to the current s
erver time.", |
| 1122 "httpMethod": "POST", |
| 1123 "id": "drive.files.touch", |
| 1124 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1125 "fileId" |
| 1126 ], |
| 1127 "parameters": { |
| 1128 "fileId": { |
| 1129 "description": "The ID of the file to update.", |
| 1130 "location": "path", |
| 1131 "required": true, |
| 1132 "type": "string" |
| 1133 } |
| 1134 }, |
| 1135 "path": "files/{fileId}/touch", |
| 1136 "response": { |
| 1137 "$ref": "File" |
| 1138 }, |
| 1139 "scopes": [ |
| 1140 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1141 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1142 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 1143 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 1144 ] |
| 1145 }, |
| 1146 "trash": { |
| 1147 "description": "Moves a file to the trash.", |
| 1148 "httpMethod": "POST", |
| 1149 "id": "drive.files.trash", |
| 1150 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1151 "fileId" |
| 1152 ], |
| 1153 "parameters": { |
| 1154 "fileId": { |
| 1155 "description": "The ID of the file to trash.", |
| 1156 "location": "path", |
| 1157 "required": true, |
| 1158 "type": "string" |
| 1159 } |
| 1160 }, |
| 1161 "path": "files/{fileId}/trash", |
| 1162 "response": { |
| 1163 "$ref": "File" |
| 1164 }, |
| 1165 "scopes": [ |
| 1166 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1167 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 1168 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 1169 ] |
| 1170 }, |
| 1171 "untrash": { |
| 1172 "description": "Restores a file from the trash.", |
| 1173 "httpMethod": "POST", |
| 1174 "id": "drive.files.untrash", |
| 1175 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1176 "fileId" |
| 1177 ], |
| 1178 "parameters": { |
| 1179 "fileId": { |
| 1180 "description": "The ID of the file to untrash.", |
| 1181 "location": "path", |
| 1182 "required": true, |
| 1183 "type": "string" |
| 1184 } |
| 1185 }, |
| 1186 "path": "files/{fileId}/untrash", |
| 1187 "response": { |
| 1188 "$ref": "File" |
| 1189 }, |
| 1190 "scopes": [ |
| 1191 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1192 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 1193 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 1194 ] |
| 1195 }, |
| 1196 "update": { |
| 1197 "description": "Updates file metadata and/or content.", |
| 1198 "httpMethod": "PUT", |
| 1199 "id": "drive.files.update", |
| 1200 "mediaUpload": { |
| 1201 "accept": [ |
| 1202 "*/*" |
| 1203 ], |
| 1204 "maxSize": "5120GB", |
| 1205 "protocols": { |
| 1206 "resumable": { |
| 1207 "multipart": true, |
| 1208 "path": "/resumable/upload/drive/v2/files/{fileI
d}" |
| 1209 }, |
| 1210 "simple": { |
| 1211 "multipart": true, |
| 1212 "path": "/upload/drive/v2/files/{fileId}" |
| 1213 } |
| 1214 } |
| 1215 }, |
| 1216 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1217 "fileId" |
| 1218 ], |
| 1219 "parameters": { |
| 1220 "addParents": { |
| 1221 "description": "Comma-separated list of parent IDs t
o add.", |
| 1222 "location": "query", |
| 1223 "type": "string" |
| 1224 }, |
| 1225 "convert": { |
| 1226 "default": "false", |
| 1227 "description": "Whether to convert this file to the
corresponding Google Docs format.", |
| 1228 "location": "query", |
| 1229 "type": "boolean" |
| 1230 }, |
| 1231 "fileId": { |
| 1232 "description": "The ID of the file to update.", |
| 1233 "location": "path", |
| 1234 "required": true, |
| 1235 "type": "string" |
| 1236 }, |
| 1237 "newRevision": { |
| 1238 "default": "true", |
| 1239 "description": "Whether a blob upload should create
a new revision. If false, the blob data in the current head revision is replaced
. If true or not set, a new blob is created as head revision, and previous revis
ions are preserved (causing increased use of the user's data storage quota).", |
| 1240 "location": "query", |
| 1241 "type": "boolean" |
| 1242 }, |
| 1243 "ocr": { |
| 1244 "default": "false", |
| 1245 "description": "Whether to attempt OCR on .jpg, .png
, .gif, or .pdf uploads.", |
| 1246 "location": "query", |
| 1247 "type": "boolean" |
| 1248 }, |
| 1249 "ocrLanguage": { |
| 1250 "description": "If ocr is true, hints at the languag
e to use. Valid values are ISO 639-1 codes.", |
| 1251 "location": "query", |
| 1252 "type": "string" |
| 1253 }, |
| 1254 "pinned": { |
| 1255 "default": "false", |
| 1256 "description": "Whether to pin the new revision. A f
ile can have a maximum of 200 pinned revisions.", |
| 1257 "location": "query", |
| 1258 "type": "boolean" |
| 1259 }, |
| 1260 "removeParents": { |
| 1261 "description": "Comma-separated list of parent IDs t
o remove.", |
| 1262 "location": "query", |
| 1263 "type": "string" |
| 1264 }, |
| 1265 "setModifiedDate": { |
| 1266 "default": "false", |
| 1267 "description": "Whether to set the modified date wit
h the supplied modified date.", |
| 1268 "location": "query", |
| 1269 "type": "boolean" |
| 1270 }, |
| 1271 "timedTextLanguage": { |
| 1272 "description": "The language of the timed text.", |
| 1273 "location": "query", |
| 1274 "type": "string" |
| 1275 }, |
| 1276 "timedTextTrackName": { |
| 1277 "description": "The timed text track name.", |
| 1278 "location": "query", |
| 1279 "type": "string" |
| 1280 }, |
| 1281 "updateViewedDate": { |
| 1282 "default": "true", |
| 1283 "description": "Whether to update the view date afte
r successfully updating the file.", |
| 1284 "location": "query", |
| 1285 "type": "boolean" |
| 1286 }, |
| 1287 "useContentAsIndexableText": { |
| 1288 "default": "false", |
| 1289 "description": "Whether to use the content as indexa
ble text.", |
| 1290 "location": "query", |
| 1291 "type": "boolean" |
| 1292 } |
| 1293 }, |
| 1294 "path": "files/{fileId}", |
| 1295 "request": { |
| 1296 "$ref": "File" |
| 1297 }, |
| 1298 "response": { |
| 1299 "$ref": "File" |
| 1300 }, |
| 1301 "scopes": [ |
| 1302 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1303 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1304 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 1305 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 1306 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.scripts" |
| 1307 ], |
| 1308 "supportsMediaUpload": true |
| 1309 }, |
| 1310 "watch": { |
| 1311 "description": "Subscribe to changes on a file", |
| 1312 "httpMethod": "POST", |
| 1313 "id": "drive.files.watch", |
| 1314 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1315 "fileId" |
| 1316 ], |
| 1317 "parameters": { |
| 1318 "fileId": { |
| 1319 "description": "The ID for the file in question.", |
| 1320 "location": "path", |
| 1321 "required": true, |
| 1322 "type": "string" |
| 1323 }, |
| 1324 "projection": { |
| 1325 "description": "This parameter is deprecated and has
no function.", |
| 1326 "enum": [ |
| 1327 "BASIC", |
| 1328 "FULL" |
| 1329 ], |
| 1330 "enumDescriptions": [ |
| 1331 "Deprecated", |
| 1332 "Deprecated" |
| 1333 ], |
| 1334 "location": "query", |
| 1335 "type": "string" |
| 1336 }, |
| 1337 "updateViewedDate": { |
| 1338 "default": "false", |
| 1339 "description": "Whether to update the view date afte
r successfully retrieving the file.", |
| 1340 "location": "query", |
| 1341 "type": "boolean" |
| 1342 } |
| 1343 }, |
| 1344 "path": "files/{fileId}/watch", |
| 1345 "request": { |
| 1346 "$ref": "Channel", |
| 1347 "parameterName": "resource" |
| 1348 }, |
| 1349 "response": { |
| 1350 "$ref": "Channel" |
| 1351 }, |
| 1352 "scopes": [ |
| 1353 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1354 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1355 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 1356 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 1357 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 1358 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 1359 ], |
| 1360 "supportsSubscription": true |
| 1361 } |
| 1362 } |
| 1363 }, |
| 1364 "parents": { |
| 1365 "methods": { |
| 1366 "delete": { |
| 1367 "description": "Removes a parent from a file.", |
| 1368 "httpMethod": "DELETE", |
| 1369 "id": "drive.parents.delete", |
| 1370 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1371 "fileId", |
| 1372 "parentId" |
| 1373 ], |
| 1374 "parameters": { |
| 1375 "fileId": { |
| 1376 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 1377 "location": "path", |
| 1378 "required": true, |
| 1379 "type": "string" |
| 1380 }, |
| 1381 "parentId": { |
| 1382 "description": "The ID of the parent.", |
| 1383 "location": "path", |
| 1384 "required": true, |
| 1385 "type": "string" |
| 1386 } |
| 1387 }, |
| 1388 "path": "files/{fileId}/parents/{parentId}", |
| 1389 "scopes": [ |
| 1390 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1391 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 1392 ] |
| 1393 }, |
| 1394 "get": { |
| 1395 "description": "Gets a specific parent reference.", |
| 1396 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 1397 "id": "drive.parents.get", |
| 1398 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1399 "fileId", |
| 1400 "parentId" |
| 1401 ], |
| 1402 "parameters": { |
| 1403 "fileId": { |
| 1404 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 1405 "location": "path", |
| 1406 "required": true, |
| 1407 "type": "string" |
| 1408 }, |
| 1409 "parentId": { |
| 1410 "description": "The ID of the parent.", |
| 1411 "location": "path", |
| 1412 "required": true, |
| 1413 "type": "string" |
| 1414 } |
| 1415 }, |
| 1416 "path": "files/{fileId}/parents/{parentId}", |
| 1417 "response": { |
| 1418 "$ref": "ParentReference" |
| 1419 }, |
| 1420 "scopes": [ |
| 1421 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1422 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1423 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 1424 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 1425 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 1426 ] |
| 1427 }, |
| 1428 "insert": { |
| 1429 "description": "Adds a parent folder for a file.", |
| 1430 "httpMethod": "POST", |
| 1431 "id": "drive.parents.insert", |
| 1432 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1433 "fileId" |
| 1434 ], |
| 1435 "parameters": { |
| 1436 "fileId": { |
| 1437 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 1438 "location": "path", |
| 1439 "required": true, |
| 1440 "type": "string" |
| 1441 } |
| 1442 }, |
| 1443 "path": "files/{fileId}/parents", |
| 1444 "request": { |
| 1445 "$ref": "ParentReference" |
| 1446 }, |
| 1447 "response": { |
| 1448 "$ref": "ParentReference" |
| 1449 }, |
| 1450 "scopes": [ |
| 1451 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1452 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1453 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 1454 ] |
| 1455 }, |
| 1456 "list": { |
| 1457 "description": "Lists a file's parents.", |
| 1458 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 1459 "id": "drive.parents.list", |
| 1460 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1461 "fileId" |
| 1462 ], |
| 1463 "parameters": { |
| 1464 "fileId": { |
| 1465 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 1466 "location": "path", |
| 1467 "required": true, |
| 1468 "type": "string" |
| 1469 } |
| 1470 }, |
| 1471 "path": "files/{fileId}/parents", |
| 1472 "response": { |
| 1473 "$ref": "ParentList" |
| 1474 }, |
| 1475 "scopes": [ |
| 1476 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1477 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1478 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 1479 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 1480 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 1481 ] |
| 1482 } |
| 1483 } |
| 1484 }, |
| 1485 "permissions": { |
| 1486 "methods": { |
| 1487 "delete": { |
| 1488 "description": "Deletes a permission from a file.", |
| 1489 "httpMethod": "DELETE", |
| 1490 "id": "drive.permissions.delete", |
| 1491 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1492 "fileId", |
| 1493 "permissionId" |
| 1494 ], |
| 1495 "parameters": { |
| 1496 "fileId": { |
| 1497 "description": "The ID for the file.", |
| 1498 "location": "path", |
| 1499 "required": true, |
| 1500 "type": "string" |
| 1501 }, |
| 1502 "permissionId": { |
| 1503 "description": "The ID for the permission.", |
| 1504 "location": "path", |
| 1505 "required": true, |
| 1506 "type": "string" |
| 1507 } |
| 1508 }, |
| 1509 "path": "files/{fileId}/permissions/{permissionId}", |
| 1510 "scopes": [ |
| 1511 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1512 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 1513 ] |
| 1514 }, |
| 1515 "get": { |
| 1516 "description": "Gets a permission by ID.", |
| 1517 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 1518 "id": "drive.permissions.get", |
| 1519 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1520 "fileId", |
| 1521 "permissionId" |
| 1522 ], |
| 1523 "parameters": { |
| 1524 "fileId": { |
| 1525 "description": "The ID for the file.", |
| 1526 "location": "path", |
| 1527 "required": true, |
| 1528 "type": "string" |
| 1529 }, |
| 1530 "permissionId": { |
| 1531 "description": "The ID for the permission.", |
| 1532 "location": "path", |
| 1533 "required": true, |
| 1534 "type": "string" |
| 1535 } |
| 1536 }, |
| 1537 "path": "files/{fileId}/permissions/{permissionId}", |
| 1538 "response": { |
| 1539 "$ref": "Permission" |
| 1540 }, |
| 1541 "scopes": [ |
| 1542 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1543 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 1544 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 1545 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 1546 ] |
| 1547 }, |
| 1548 "getIdForEmail": { |
| 1549 "description": "Returns the permission ID for an email addre
ss.", |
| 1550 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 1551 "id": "drive.permissions.getIdForEmail", |
| 1552 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1553 "email" |
| 1554 ], |
| 1555 "parameters": { |
| 1556 "email": { |
| 1557 "description": "The email address for which to retur
n a permission ID", |
| 1558 "location": "path", |
| 1559 "required": true, |
| 1560 "type": "string" |
| 1561 } |
| 1562 }, |
| 1563 "path": "permissionIds/{email}", |
| 1564 "response": { |
| 1565 "$ref": "PermissionId" |
| 1566 }, |
| 1567 "scopes": [ |
| 1568 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1569 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1570 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.apps.readonly", |
| 1571 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 1572 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 1573 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 1574 ] |
| 1575 }, |
| 1576 "insert": { |
| 1577 "description": "Inserts a permission for a file.", |
| 1578 "httpMethod": "POST", |
| 1579 "id": "drive.permissions.insert", |
| 1580 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1581 "fileId" |
| 1582 ], |
| 1583 "parameters": { |
| 1584 "emailMessage": { |
| 1585 "description": "A custom message to include in notif
ication emails.", |
| 1586 "location": "query", |
| 1587 "type": "string" |
| 1588 }, |
| 1589 "fileId": { |
| 1590 "description": "The ID for the file.", |
| 1591 "location": "path", |
| 1592 "required": true, |
| 1593 "type": "string" |
| 1594 }, |
| 1595 "sendNotificationEmails": { |
| 1596 "default": "true", |
| 1597 "description": "Whether to send notification emails
when sharing to users or groups. This parameter is ignored and an email is sent
if the role is owner.", |
| 1598 "location": "query", |
| 1599 "type": "boolean" |
| 1600 } |
| 1601 }, |
| 1602 "path": "files/{fileId}/permissions", |
| 1603 "request": { |
| 1604 "$ref": "Permission" |
| 1605 }, |
| 1606 "response": { |
| 1607 "$ref": "Permission" |
| 1608 }, |
| 1609 "scopes": [ |
| 1610 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1611 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 1612 ] |
| 1613 }, |
| 1614 "list": { |
| 1615 "description": "Lists a file's permissions.", |
| 1616 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 1617 "id": "drive.permissions.list", |
| 1618 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1619 "fileId" |
| 1620 ], |
| 1621 "parameters": { |
| 1622 "fileId": { |
| 1623 "description": "The ID for the file.", |
| 1624 "location": "path", |
| 1625 "required": true, |
| 1626 "type": "string" |
| 1627 } |
| 1628 }, |
| 1629 "path": "files/{fileId}/permissions", |
| 1630 "response": { |
| 1631 "$ref": "PermissionList" |
| 1632 }, |
| 1633 "scopes": [ |
| 1634 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1635 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 1636 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 1637 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 1638 ] |
| 1639 }, |
| 1640 "patch": { |
| 1641 "description": "Updates a permission. This method supports p
atch semantics.", |
| 1642 "httpMethod": "PATCH", |
| 1643 "id": "drive.permissions.patch", |
| 1644 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1645 "fileId", |
| 1646 "permissionId" |
| 1647 ], |
| 1648 "parameters": { |
| 1649 "fileId": { |
| 1650 "description": "The ID for the file.", |
| 1651 "location": "path", |
| 1652 "required": true, |
| 1653 "type": "string" |
| 1654 }, |
| 1655 "permissionId": { |
| 1656 "description": "The ID for the permission.", |
| 1657 "location": "path", |
| 1658 "required": true, |
| 1659 "type": "string" |
| 1660 }, |
| 1661 "transferOwnership": { |
| 1662 "default": "false", |
| 1663 "description": "Whether changing a role to 'owner' s
hould also downgrade the current owners to writers.", |
| 1664 "location": "query", |
| 1665 "type": "boolean" |
| 1666 } |
| 1667 }, |
| 1668 "path": "files/{fileId}/permissions/{permissionId}", |
| 1669 "request": { |
| 1670 "$ref": "Permission" |
| 1671 }, |
| 1672 "response": { |
| 1673 "$ref": "Permission" |
| 1674 }, |
| 1675 "scopes": [ |
| 1676 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1677 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 1678 ] |
| 1679 }, |
| 1680 "update": { |
| 1681 "description": "Updates a permission.", |
| 1682 "httpMethod": "PUT", |
| 1683 "id": "drive.permissions.update", |
| 1684 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1685 "fileId", |
| 1686 "permissionId" |
| 1687 ], |
| 1688 "parameters": { |
| 1689 "fileId": { |
| 1690 "description": "The ID for the file.", |
| 1691 "location": "path", |
| 1692 "required": true, |
| 1693 "type": "string" |
| 1694 }, |
| 1695 "permissionId": { |
| 1696 "description": "The ID for the permission.", |
| 1697 "location": "path", |
| 1698 "required": true, |
| 1699 "type": "string" |
| 1700 }, |
| 1701 "transferOwnership": { |
| 1702 "default": "false", |
| 1703 "description": "Whether changing a role to 'owner' s
hould also downgrade the current owners to writers.", |
| 1704 "location": "query", |
| 1705 "type": "boolean" |
| 1706 } |
| 1707 }, |
| 1708 "path": "files/{fileId}/permissions/{permissionId}", |
| 1709 "request": { |
| 1710 "$ref": "Permission" |
| 1711 }, |
| 1712 "response": { |
| 1713 "$ref": "Permission" |
| 1714 }, |
| 1715 "scopes": [ |
| 1716 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1717 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 1718 ] |
| 1719 } |
| 1720 } |
| 1721 }, |
| 1722 "properties": { |
| 1723 "methods": { |
| 1724 "delete": { |
| 1725 "description": "Deletes a property.", |
| 1726 "httpMethod": "DELETE", |
| 1727 "id": "drive.properties.delete", |
| 1728 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1729 "fileId", |
| 1730 "propertyKey" |
| 1731 ], |
| 1732 "parameters": { |
| 1733 "fileId": { |
| 1734 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 1735 "location": "path", |
| 1736 "required": true, |
| 1737 "type": "string" |
| 1738 }, |
| 1739 "propertyKey": { |
| 1740 "description": "The key of the property.", |
| 1741 "location": "path", |
| 1742 "required": true, |
| 1743 "type": "string" |
| 1744 }, |
| 1745 "visibility": { |
| 1746 "default": "private", |
| 1747 "description": "The visibility of the property.", |
| 1748 "location": "query", |
| 1749 "type": "string" |
| 1750 } |
| 1751 }, |
| 1752 "path": "files/{fileId}/properties/{propertyKey}", |
| 1753 "scopes": [ |
| 1754 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1755 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1756 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 1757 ] |
| 1758 }, |
| 1759 "get": { |
| 1760 "description": "Gets a property by its key.", |
| 1761 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 1762 "id": "drive.properties.get", |
| 1763 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1764 "fileId", |
| 1765 "propertyKey" |
| 1766 ], |
| 1767 "parameters": { |
| 1768 "fileId": { |
| 1769 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 1770 "location": "path", |
| 1771 "required": true, |
| 1772 "type": "string" |
| 1773 }, |
| 1774 "propertyKey": { |
| 1775 "description": "The key of the property.", |
| 1776 "location": "path", |
| 1777 "required": true, |
| 1778 "type": "string" |
| 1779 }, |
| 1780 "visibility": { |
| 1781 "default": "private", |
| 1782 "description": "The visibility of the property.", |
| 1783 "location": "query", |
| 1784 "type": "string" |
| 1785 } |
| 1786 }, |
| 1787 "path": "files/{fileId}/properties/{propertyKey}", |
| 1788 "response": { |
| 1789 "$ref": "Property" |
| 1790 }, |
| 1791 "scopes": [ |
| 1792 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1793 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1794 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 1795 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 1796 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 1797 ] |
| 1798 }, |
| 1799 "insert": { |
| 1800 "description": "Adds a property to a file.", |
| 1801 "httpMethod": "POST", |
| 1802 "id": "drive.properties.insert", |
| 1803 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1804 "fileId" |
| 1805 ], |
| 1806 "parameters": { |
| 1807 "fileId": { |
| 1808 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 1809 "location": "path", |
| 1810 "required": true, |
| 1811 "type": "string" |
| 1812 } |
| 1813 }, |
| 1814 "path": "files/{fileId}/properties", |
| 1815 "request": { |
| 1816 "$ref": "Property" |
| 1817 }, |
| 1818 "response": { |
| 1819 "$ref": "Property" |
| 1820 }, |
| 1821 "scopes": [ |
| 1822 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1823 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1824 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 1825 ] |
| 1826 }, |
| 1827 "list": { |
| 1828 "description": "Lists a file's properties.", |
| 1829 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 1830 "id": "drive.properties.list", |
| 1831 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1832 "fileId" |
| 1833 ], |
| 1834 "parameters": { |
| 1835 "fileId": { |
| 1836 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 1837 "location": "path", |
| 1838 "required": true, |
| 1839 "type": "string" |
| 1840 } |
| 1841 }, |
| 1842 "path": "files/{fileId}/properties", |
| 1843 "response": { |
| 1844 "$ref": "PropertyList" |
| 1845 }, |
| 1846 "scopes": [ |
| 1847 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1848 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1849 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 1850 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 1851 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 1852 ] |
| 1853 }, |
| 1854 "patch": { |
| 1855 "description": "Updates a property. This method supports pat
ch semantics.", |
| 1856 "httpMethod": "PATCH", |
| 1857 "id": "drive.properties.patch", |
| 1858 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1859 "fileId", |
| 1860 "propertyKey" |
| 1861 ], |
| 1862 "parameters": { |
| 1863 "fileId": { |
| 1864 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 1865 "location": "path", |
| 1866 "required": true, |
| 1867 "type": "string" |
| 1868 }, |
| 1869 "propertyKey": { |
| 1870 "description": "The key of the property.", |
| 1871 "location": "path", |
| 1872 "required": true, |
| 1873 "type": "string" |
| 1874 }, |
| 1875 "visibility": { |
| 1876 "default": "private", |
| 1877 "description": "The visibility of the property.", |
| 1878 "location": "query", |
| 1879 "type": "string" |
| 1880 } |
| 1881 }, |
| 1882 "path": "files/{fileId}/properties/{propertyKey}", |
| 1883 "request": { |
| 1884 "$ref": "Property" |
| 1885 }, |
| 1886 "response": { |
| 1887 "$ref": "Property" |
| 1888 }, |
| 1889 "scopes": [ |
| 1890 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1891 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1892 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 1893 ] |
| 1894 }, |
| 1895 "update": { |
| 1896 "description": "Updates a property.", |
| 1897 "httpMethod": "PUT", |
| 1898 "id": "drive.properties.update", |
| 1899 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1900 "fileId", |
| 1901 "propertyKey" |
| 1902 ], |
| 1903 "parameters": { |
| 1904 "fileId": { |
| 1905 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 1906 "location": "path", |
| 1907 "required": true, |
| 1908 "type": "string" |
| 1909 }, |
| 1910 "propertyKey": { |
| 1911 "description": "The key of the property.", |
| 1912 "location": "path", |
| 1913 "required": true, |
| 1914 "type": "string" |
| 1915 }, |
| 1916 "visibility": { |
| 1917 "default": "private", |
| 1918 "description": "The visibility of the property.", |
| 1919 "location": "query", |
| 1920 "type": "string" |
| 1921 } |
| 1922 }, |
| 1923 "path": "files/{fileId}/properties/{propertyKey}", |
| 1924 "request": { |
| 1925 "$ref": "Property" |
| 1926 }, |
| 1927 "response": { |
| 1928 "$ref": "Property" |
| 1929 }, |
| 1930 "scopes": [ |
| 1931 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1932 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 1933 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 1934 ] |
| 1935 } |
| 1936 } |
| 1937 }, |
| 1938 "realtime": { |
| 1939 "methods": { |
| 1940 "get": { |
| 1941 "description": "Exports the contents of the Realtime API dat
a model associated with this file as JSON.", |
| 1942 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 1943 "id": "drive.realtime.get", |
| 1944 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1945 "fileId" |
| 1946 ], |
| 1947 "parameters": { |
| 1948 "fileId": { |
| 1949 "description": "The ID of the file that the Realtime
API data model is associated with.", |
| 1950 "location": "path", |
| 1951 "required": true, |
| 1952 "type": "string" |
| 1953 }, |
| 1954 "revision": { |
| 1955 "description": "The revision of the Realtime API dat
a model to export. Revisions start at 1 (the initial empty data model) and are i
ncremented with each change. If this parameter is excluded, the most recent data
model will be returned.", |
| 1956 "format": "int32", |
| 1957 "location": "query", |
| 1958 "minimum": "1", |
| 1959 "type": "integer" |
| 1960 } |
| 1961 }, |
| 1962 "path": "files/{fileId}/realtime", |
| 1963 "scopes": [ |
| 1964 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 1965 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 1966 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 1967 ], |
| 1968 "supportsMediaDownload": true |
| 1969 }, |
| 1970 "update": { |
| 1971 "description": "Overwrites the Realtime API data model assoc
iated with this file with the provided JSON data model.", |
| 1972 "httpMethod": "PUT", |
| 1973 "id": "drive.realtime.update", |
| 1974 "mediaUpload": { |
| 1975 "accept": [ |
| 1976 "*/*" |
| 1977 ], |
| 1978 "maxSize": "10MB", |
| 1979 "protocols": { |
| 1980 "resumable": { |
| 1981 "multipart": true, |
| 1982 "path": "/resumable/upload/drive/v2/files/{fileI
d}/realtime" |
| 1983 }, |
| 1984 "simple": { |
| 1985 "multipart": true, |
| 1986 "path": "/upload/drive/v2/files/{fileId}/realtim
e" |
| 1987 } |
| 1988 } |
| 1989 }, |
| 1990 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 1991 "fileId" |
| 1992 ], |
| 1993 "parameters": { |
| 1994 "baseRevision": { |
| 1995 "description": "The revision of the model to diff th
e uploaded model against. If set, the uploaded model is diffed against the provi
ded revision and those differences are merged with any changes made to the model
after the provided revision. If not set, the uploaded model replaces the curren
t model on the server.", |
| 1996 "location": "query", |
| 1997 "type": "string" |
| 1998 }, |
| 1999 "fileId": { |
| 2000 "description": "The ID of the file that the Realtime
API data model is associated with.", |
| 2001 "location": "path", |
| 2002 "required": true, |
| 2003 "type": "string" |
| 2004 } |
| 2005 }, |
| 2006 "path": "files/{fileId}/realtime", |
| 2007 "scopes": [ |
| 2008 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 2009 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 2010 ], |
| 2011 "supportsMediaUpload": true |
| 2012 } |
| 2013 } |
| 2014 }, |
| 2015 "replies": { |
| 2016 "methods": { |
| 2017 "delete": { |
| 2018 "description": "Deletes a reply.", |
| 2019 "httpMethod": "DELETE", |
| 2020 "id": "drive.replies.delete", |
| 2021 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 2022 "fileId", |
| 2023 "commentId", |
| 2024 "replyId" |
| 2025 ], |
| 2026 "parameters": { |
| 2027 "commentId": { |
| 2028 "description": "The ID of the comment.", |
| 2029 "location": "path", |
| 2030 "required": true, |
| 2031 "type": "string" |
| 2032 }, |
| 2033 "fileId": { |
| 2034 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 2035 "location": "path", |
| 2036 "required": true, |
| 2037 "type": "string" |
| 2038 }, |
| 2039 "replyId": { |
| 2040 "description": "The ID of the reply.", |
| 2041 "location": "path", |
| 2042 "required": true, |
| 2043 "type": "string" |
| 2044 } |
| 2045 }, |
| 2046 "path": "files/{fileId}/comments/{commentId}/replies/{replyI
d}", |
| 2047 "scopes": [ |
| 2048 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 2049 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 2050 ] |
| 2051 }, |
| 2052 "get": { |
| 2053 "description": "Gets a reply.", |
| 2054 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 2055 "id": "drive.replies.get", |
| 2056 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 2057 "fileId", |
| 2058 "commentId", |
| 2059 "replyId" |
| 2060 ], |
| 2061 "parameters": { |
| 2062 "commentId": { |
| 2063 "description": "The ID of the comment.", |
| 2064 "location": "path", |
| 2065 "required": true, |
| 2066 "type": "string" |
| 2067 }, |
| 2068 "fileId": { |
| 2069 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 2070 "location": "path", |
| 2071 "required": true, |
| 2072 "type": "string" |
| 2073 }, |
| 2074 "includeDeleted": { |
| 2075 "default": "false", |
| 2076 "description": "If set, this will succeed when retri
eving a deleted reply.", |
| 2077 "location": "query", |
| 2078 "type": "boolean" |
| 2079 }, |
| 2080 "replyId": { |
| 2081 "description": "The ID of the reply.", |
| 2082 "location": "path", |
| 2083 "required": true, |
| 2084 "type": "string" |
| 2085 } |
| 2086 }, |
| 2087 "path": "files/{fileId}/comments/{commentId}/replies/{replyI
d}", |
| 2088 "response": { |
| 2089 "$ref": "CommentReply" |
| 2090 }, |
| 2091 "scopes": [ |
| 2092 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 2093 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 2094 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 2095 ] |
| 2096 }, |
| 2097 "insert": { |
| 2098 "description": "Creates a new reply to the given comment.", |
| 2099 "httpMethod": "POST", |
| 2100 "id": "drive.replies.insert", |
| 2101 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 2102 "fileId", |
| 2103 "commentId" |
| 2104 ], |
| 2105 "parameters": { |
| 2106 "commentId": { |
| 2107 "description": "The ID of the comment.", |
| 2108 "location": "path", |
| 2109 "required": true, |
| 2110 "type": "string" |
| 2111 }, |
| 2112 "fileId": { |
| 2113 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 2114 "location": "path", |
| 2115 "required": true, |
| 2116 "type": "string" |
| 2117 } |
| 2118 }, |
| 2119 "path": "files/{fileId}/comments/{commentId}/replies", |
| 2120 "request": { |
| 2121 "$ref": "CommentReply" |
| 2122 }, |
| 2123 "response": { |
| 2124 "$ref": "CommentReply" |
| 2125 }, |
| 2126 "scopes": [ |
| 2127 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 2128 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 2129 ] |
| 2130 }, |
| 2131 "list": { |
| 2132 "description": "Lists all of the replies to a comment.", |
| 2133 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 2134 "id": "drive.replies.list", |
| 2135 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 2136 "fileId", |
| 2137 "commentId" |
| 2138 ], |
| 2139 "parameters": { |
| 2140 "commentId": { |
| 2141 "description": "The ID of the comment.", |
| 2142 "location": "path", |
| 2143 "required": true, |
| 2144 "type": "string" |
| 2145 }, |
| 2146 "fileId": { |
| 2147 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 2148 "location": "path", |
| 2149 "required": true, |
| 2150 "type": "string" |
| 2151 }, |
| 2152 "includeDeleted": { |
| 2153 "default": "false", |
| 2154 "description": "If set, all replies, including delet
ed replies (with content stripped) will be returned.", |
| 2155 "location": "query", |
| 2156 "type": "boolean" |
| 2157 }, |
| 2158 "maxResults": { |
| 2159 "default": "20", |
| 2160 "description": "The maximum number of replies to inc
lude in the response, used for paging.", |
| 2161 "format": "int32", |
| 2162 "location": "query", |
| 2163 "maximum": "100", |
| 2164 "minimum": "0", |
| 2165 "type": "integer" |
| 2166 }, |
| 2167 "pageToken": { |
| 2168 "description": "The continuation token, used to page
through large result sets. To get the next page of results, set this parameter
to the value of \"nextPageToken\" from the previous response.", |
| 2169 "location": "query", |
| 2170 "type": "string" |
| 2171 } |
| 2172 }, |
| 2173 "path": "files/{fileId}/comments/{commentId}/replies", |
| 2174 "response": { |
| 2175 "$ref": "CommentReplyList" |
| 2176 }, |
| 2177 "scopes": [ |
| 2178 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 2179 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 2180 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 2181 ] |
| 2182 }, |
| 2183 "patch": { |
| 2184 "description": "Updates an existing reply. This method suppo
rts patch semantics.", |
| 2185 "httpMethod": "PATCH", |
| 2186 "id": "drive.replies.patch", |
| 2187 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 2188 "fileId", |
| 2189 "commentId", |
| 2190 "replyId" |
| 2191 ], |
| 2192 "parameters": { |
| 2193 "commentId": { |
| 2194 "description": "The ID of the comment.", |
| 2195 "location": "path", |
| 2196 "required": true, |
| 2197 "type": "string" |
| 2198 }, |
| 2199 "fileId": { |
| 2200 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 2201 "location": "path", |
| 2202 "required": true, |
| 2203 "type": "string" |
| 2204 }, |
| 2205 "replyId": { |
| 2206 "description": "The ID of the reply.", |
| 2207 "location": "path", |
| 2208 "required": true, |
| 2209 "type": "string" |
| 2210 } |
| 2211 }, |
| 2212 "path": "files/{fileId}/comments/{commentId}/replies/{replyI
d}", |
| 2213 "request": { |
| 2214 "$ref": "CommentReply" |
| 2215 }, |
| 2216 "response": { |
| 2217 "$ref": "CommentReply" |
| 2218 }, |
| 2219 "scopes": [ |
| 2220 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 2221 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 2222 ] |
| 2223 }, |
| 2224 "update": { |
| 2225 "description": "Updates an existing reply.", |
| 2226 "httpMethod": "PUT", |
| 2227 "id": "drive.replies.update", |
| 2228 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 2229 "fileId", |
| 2230 "commentId", |
| 2231 "replyId" |
| 2232 ], |
| 2233 "parameters": { |
| 2234 "commentId": { |
| 2235 "description": "The ID of the comment.", |
| 2236 "location": "path", |
| 2237 "required": true, |
| 2238 "type": "string" |
| 2239 }, |
| 2240 "fileId": { |
| 2241 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 2242 "location": "path", |
| 2243 "required": true, |
| 2244 "type": "string" |
| 2245 }, |
| 2246 "replyId": { |
| 2247 "description": "The ID of the reply.", |
| 2248 "location": "path", |
| 2249 "required": true, |
| 2250 "type": "string" |
| 2251 } |
| 2252 }, |
| 2253 "path": "files/{fileId}/comments/{commentId}/replies/{replyI
d}", |
| 2254 "request": { |
| 2255 "$ref": "CommentReply" |
| 2256 }, |
| 2257 "response": { |
| 2258 "$ref": "CommentReply" |
| 2259 }, |
| 2260 "scopes": [ |
| 2261 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 2262 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 2263 ] |
| 2264 } |
| 2265 } |
| 2266 }, |
| 2267 "revisions": { |
| 2268 "methods": { |
| 2269 "delete": { |
| 2270 "description": "Removes a revision.", |
| 2271 "httpMethod": "DELETE", |
| 2272 "id": "drive.revisions.delete", |
| 2273 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 2274 "fileId", |
| 2275 "revisionId" |
| 2276 ], |
| 2277 "parameters": { |
| 2278 "fileId": { |
| 2279 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 2280 "location": "path", |
| 2281 "required": true, |
| 2282 "type": "string" |
| 2283 }, |
| 2284 "revisionId": { |
| 2285 "description": "The ID of the revision.", |
| 2286 "location": "path", |
| 2287 "required": true, |
| 2288 "type": "string" |
| 2289 } |
| 2290 }, |
| 2291 "path": "files/{fileId}/revisions/{revisionId}", |
| 2292 "scopes": [ |
| 2293 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 2294 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 2295 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 2296 ] |
| 2297 }, |
| 2298 "get": { |
| 2299 "description": "Gets a specific revision.", |
| 2300 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 2301 "id": "drive.revisions.get", |
| 2302 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 2303 "fileId", |
| 2304 "revisionId" |
| 2305 ], |
| 2306 "parameters": { |
| 2307 "fileId": { |
| 2308 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 2309 "location": "path", |
| 2310 "required": true, |
| 2311 "type": "string" |
| 2312 }, |
| 2313 "revisionId": { |
| 2314 "description": "The ID of the revision.", |
| 2315 "location": "path", |
| 2316 "required": true, |
| 2317 "type": "string" |
| 2318 } |
| 2319 }, |
| 2320 "path": "files/{fileId}/revisions/{revisionId}", |
| 2321 "response": { |
| 2322 "$ref": "Revision" |
| 2323 }, |
| 2324 "scopes": [ |
| 2325 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 2326 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 2327 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 2328 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 2329 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 2330 ] |
| 2331 }, |
| 2332 "list": { |
| 2333 "description": "Lists a file's revisions.", |
| 2334 "httpMethod": "GET", |
| 2335 "id": "drive.revisions.list", |
| 2336 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 2337 "fileId" |
| 2338 ], |
| 2339 "parameters": { |
| 2340 "fileId": { |
| 2341 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 2342 "location": "path", |
| 2343 "required": true, |
| 2344 "type": "string" |
| 2345 } |
| 2346 }, |
| 2347 "path": "files/{fileId}/revisions", |
| 2348 "response": { |
| 2349 "$ref": "RevisionList" |
| 2350 }, |
| 2351 "scopes": [ |
| 2352 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 2353 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 2354 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file", |
| 2355 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly
", |
| 2356 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" |
| 2357 ] |
| 2358 }, |
| 2359 "patch": { |
| 2360 "description": "Updates a revision. This method supports pat
ch semantics.", |
| 2361 "httpMethod": "PATCH", |
| 2362 "id": "drive.revisions.patch", |
| 2363 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 2364 "fileId", |
| 2365 "revisionId" |
| 2366 ], |
| 2367 "parameters": { |
| 2368 "fileId": { |
| 2369 "description": "The ID for the file.", |
| 2370 "location": "path", |
| 2371 "required": true, |
| 2372 "type": "string" |
| 2373 }, |
| 2374 "revisionId": { |
| 2375 "description": "The ID for the revision.", |
| 2376 "location": "path", |
| 2377 "required": true, |
| 2378 "type": "string" |
| 2379 } |
| 2380 }, |
| 2381 "path": "files/{fileId}/revisions/{revisionId}", |
| 2382 "request": { |
| 2383 "$ref": "Revision" |
| 2384 }, |
| 2385 "response": { |
| 2386 "$ref": "Revision" |
| 2387 }, |
| 2388 "scopes": [ |
| 2389 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 2390 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 2391 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 2392 ] |
| 2393 }, |
| 2394 "update": { |
| 2395 "description": "Updates a revision.", |
| 2396 "httpMethod": "PUT", |
| 2397 "id": "drive.revisions.update", |
| 2398 "parameterOrder": [ |
| 2399 "fileId", |
| 2400 "revisionId" |
| 2401 ], |
| 2402 "parameters": { |
| 2403 "fileId": { |
| 2404 "description": "The ID for the file.", |
| 2405 "location": "path", |
| 2406 "required": true, |
| 2407 "type": "string" |
| 2408 }, |
| 2409 "revisionId": { |
| 2410 "description": "The ID for the revision.", |
| 2411 "location": "path", |
| 2412 "required": true, |
| 2413 "type": "string" |
| 2414 } |
| 2415 }, |
| 2416 "path": "files/{fileId}/revisions/{revisionId}", |
| 2417 "request": { |
| 2418 "$ref": "Revision" |
| 2419 }, |
| 2420 "response": { |
| 2421 "$ref": "Revision" |
| 2422 }, |
| 2423 "scopes": [ |
| 2424 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive", |
| 2425 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata", |
| 2426 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" |
| 2427 ] |
| 2428 } |
| 2429 } |
| 2430 } |
| 2431 }, |
| 2432 "revision": "20140902", |
| 2433 "rootUrl": "https://www.googleapis.com/", |
| 2434 "schemas": { |
| 2435 "About": { |
| 2436 "description": "An item with user information and settings.", |
| 2437 "id": "About", |
| 2438 "properties": { |
| 2439 "additionalRoleInfo": { |
| 2440 "description": "Information about supported additional roles
per file type. The most specific type takes precedence.", |
| 2441 "items": { |
| 2442 "properties": { |
| 2443 "roleSets": { |
| 2444 "description": "The supported additional roles p
er primary role.", |
| 2445 "items": { |
| 2446 "properties": { |
| 2447 "additionalRoles": { |
| 2448 "description": "The supported additi
onal roles with the primary role.", |
| 2449 "items": { |
| 2450 "type": "string" |
| 2451 }, |
| 2452 "type": "array" |
| 2453 }, |
| 2454 "primaryRole": { |
| 2455 "description": "A primary permission
role.", |
| 2456 "type": "string" |
| 2457 } |
| 2458 }, |
| 2459 "type": "object" |
| 2460 }, |
| 2461 "type": "array" |
| 2462 }, |
| 2463 "type": { |
| 2464 "description": "The content type that this addit
ional role info applies to.", |
| 2465 "type": "string" |
| 2466 } |
| 2467 }, |
| 2468 "type": "object" |
| 2469 }, |
| 2470 "type": "array" |
| 2471 }, |
| 2472 "domainSharingPolicy": { |
| 2473 "description": "The domain sharing policy for the current us
er.", |
| 2474 "type": "string" |
| 2475 }, |
| 2476 "etag": { |
| 2477 "description": "The ETag of the item.", |
| 2478 "type": "string" |
| 2479 }, |
| 2480 "exportFormats": { |
| 2481 "description": "The allowable export formats.", |
| 2482 "items": { |
| 2483 "properties": { |
| 2484 "source": { |
| 2485 "description": "The content type to convert from
.", |
| 2486 "type": "string" |
| 2487 }, |
| 2488 "targets": { |
| 2489 "description": "The possible content types to co
nvert to.", |
| 2490 "items": { |
| 2491 "type": "string" |
| 2492 }, |
| 2493 "type": "array" |
| 2494 } |
| 2495 }, |
| 2496 "type": "object" |
| 2497 }, |
| 2498 "type": "array" |
| 2499 }, |
| 2500 "features": { |
| 2501 "description": "List of additional features enabled on this
account.", |
| 2502 "items": { |
| 2503 "properties": { |
| 2504 "featureName": { |
| 2505 "description": "The name of the feature.", |
| 2506 "type": "string" |
| 2507 }, |
| 2508 "featureRate": { |
| 2509 "description": "The request limit rate for this
feature, in queries per second.", |
| 2510 "format": "double", |
| 2511 "type": "number" |
| 2512 } |
| 2513 }, |
| 2514 "type": "object" |
| 2515 }, |
| 2516 "type": "array" |
| 2517 }, |
| 2518 "importFormats": { |
| 2519 "description": "The allowable import formats.", |
| 2520 "items": { |
| 2521 "properties": { |
| 2522 "source": { |
| 2523 "description": "The imported file's content type
to convert from.", |
| 2524 "type": "string" |
| 2525 }, |
| 2526 "targets": { |
| 2527 "description": "The possible content types to co
nvert to.", |
| 2528 "items": { |
| 2529 "type": "string" |
| 2530 }, |
| 2531 "type": "array" |
| 2532 } |
| 2533 }, |
| 2534 "type": "object" |
| 2535 }, |
| 2536 "type": "array" |
| 2537 }, |
| 2538 "isCurrentAppInstalled": { |
| 2539 "description": "A boolean indicating whether the authenticat
ed app is installed by the authenticated user.", |
| 2540 "type": "boolean" |
| 2541 }, |
| 2542 "kind": { |
| 2543 "default": "drive#about", |
| 2544 "description": "This is always drive#about.", |
| 2545 "type": "string" |
| 2546 }, |
| 2547 "languageCode": { |
| 2548 "description": "The user's language or locale code, as defin
ed by BCP 47, with some extensions from Unicode's LDML format (http://www.unicod
e.org/reports/tr35/).", |
| 2549 "type": "string" |
| 2550 }, |
| 2551 "largestChangeId": { |
| 2552 "description": "The largest change id.", |
| 2553 "format": "int64", |
| 2554 "type": "string" |
| 2555 }, |
| 2556 "maxUploadSizes": { |
| 2557 "description": "List of max upload sizes for each file type.
The most specific type takes precedence.", |
| 2558 "items": { |
| 2559 "properties": { |
| 2560 "size": { |
| 2561 "description": "The max upload size for this typ
e.", |
| 2562 "format": "int64", |
| 2563 "type": "string" |
| 2564 }, |
| 2565 "type": { |
| 2566 "description": "The file type.", |
| 2567 "type": "string" |
| 2568 } |
| 2569 }, |
| 2570 "type": "object" |
| 2571 }, |
| 2572 "type": "array" |
| 2573 }, |
| 2574 "name": { |
| 2575 "description": "The name of the current user.", |
| 2576 "type": "string" |
| 2577 }, |
| 2578 "permissionId": { |
| 2579 "description": "The current user's ID as visible in the perm
issions collection.", |
| 2580 "type": "string" |
| 2581 }, |
| 2582 "quotaBytesByService": { |
| 2583 "description": "The amount of storage quota used by differen
t Google services.", |
| 2584 "items": { |
| 2585 "properties": { |
| 2586 "bytesUsed": { |
| 2587 "description": "The storage quota bytes used by
the service.", |
| 2588 "format": "int64", |
| 2589 "type": "string" |
| 2590 }, |
| 2591 "serviceName": { |
| 2592 "description": "The service's name, e.g. DRIVE,
| 2593 "type": "string" |
| 2594 } |
| 2595 }, |
| 2596 "type": "object" |
| 2597 }, |
| 2598 "type": "array" |
| 2599 }, |
| 2600 "quotaBytesTotal": { |
| 2601 "description": "The total number of quota bytes.", |
| 2602 "format": "int64", |
| 2603 "type": "string" |
| 2604 }, |
| 2605 "quotaBytesUsed": { |
| 2606 "description": "The number of quota bytes used by Google Dri
ve.", |
| 2607 "format": "int64", |
| 2608 "type": "string" |
| 2609 }, |
| 2610 "quotaBytesUsedAggregate": { |
| 2611 "description": "The number of quota bytes used by all Google
apps (Drive, Picasa, etc.).", |
| 2612 "format": "int64", |
| 2613 "type": "string" |
| 2614 }, |
| 2615 "quotaBytesUsedInTrash": { |
| 2616 "description": "The number of quota bytes used by trashed it
ems.", |
| 2617 "format": "int64", |
| 2618 "type": "string" |
| 2619 }, |
| 2620 "quotaType": { |
| 2621 "description": "The type of the user's storage quota. Possib
le values are: \n- LIMITED \n- UNLIMITED", |
| 2622 "type": "string" |
| 2623 }, |
| 2624 "remainingChangeIds": { |
| 2625 "description": "The number of remaining change ids.", |
| 2626 "format": "int64", |
| 2627 "type": "string" |
| 2628 }, |
| 2629 "rootFolderId": { |
| 2630 "description": "The id of the root folder.", |
| 2631 "type": "string" |
| 2632 }, |
| 2633 "selfLink": { |
| 2634 "description": "A link back to this item.", |
| 2635 "type": "string" |
| 2636 }, |
| 2637 "user": { |
| 2638 "$ref": "User", |
| 2639 "description": "The authenticated user." |
| 2640 } |
| 2641 }, |
| 2642 "type": "object" |
| 2643 }, |
| 2644 "App": { |
| 2645 "description": "The apps resource provides a list of the apps that a
user has installed, with information about each app's supported MIME types, fil
e extensions, and other details.", |
| 2646 "id": "App", |
| 2647 "properties": { |
| 2648 "authorized": { |
| 2649 "description": "Whether the app is authorized to access data
on the user's Drive.", |
| 2650 "type": "boolean" |
| 2651 }, |
| 2652 "createInFolderTemplate": { |
| 2653 "description": "The template url to create a new file with t
his app in a given folder. The template will contain {folderId} to be replaced b
y the folder to create the new file in.", |
| 2654 "type": "string" |
| 2655 }, |
| 2656 "createUrl": { |
| 2657 "description": "The url to create a new file with this app."
, |
| 2658 "type": "string" |
| 2659 }, |
| 2660 "hasDriveWideScope": { |
| 2661 "description": "Whether the app has drive-wide scope. An app
with drive-wide scope can access all files in the user's drive.", |
| 2662 "type": "boolean" |
| 2663 }, |
| 2664 "icons": { |
| 2665 "description": "The various icons for the app.", |
| 2666 "items": { |
| 2667 "properties": { |
| 2668 "category": { |
| 2669 "description": "Category of the icon. Allowed va
lues are: \n- application - icon for the application \n- document - icon for a
file associated with the app \n- documentShared - icon for a shared file associa
ted with the app", |
| 2670 "type": "string" |
| 2671 }, |
| 2672 "iconUrl": { |
| 2673 "description": "URL for the icon.", |
| 2674 "type": "string" |
| 2675 }, |
| 2676 "size": { |
| 2677 "description": "Size of the icon. Represented as
the maximum of the width and height.", |
| 2678 "format": "int32", |
| 2679 "type": "integer" |
| 2680 } |
| 2681 }, |
| 2682 "type": "object" |
| 2683 }, |
| 2684 "type": "array" |
| 2685 }, |
| 2686 "id": { |
| 2687 "description": "The ID of the app.", |
| 2688 "type": "string" |
| 2689 }, |
| 2690 "installed": { |
| 2691 "description": "Whether the app is installed.", |
| 2692 "type": "boolean" |
| 2693 }, |
| 2694 "kind": { |
| 2695 "default": "drive#app", |
| 2696 "description": "This is always drive#app.", |
| 2697 "type": "string" |
| 2698 }, |
| 2699 "longDescription": { |
| 2700 "description": "A long description of the app.", |
| 2701 "type": "string" |
| 2702 }, |
| 2703 "name": { |
| 2704 "description": "The name of the app.", |
| 2705 "type": "string" |
| 2706 }, |
| 2707 "objectType": { |
| 2708 "description": "The type of object this app creates (e.g. Ch
art). If empty, the app name should be used instead.", |
| 2709 "type": "string" |
| 2710 }, |
| 2711 "openUrlTemplate": { |
| 2712 "description": "The template url for opening files with this
app. The template will contain {ids} and/or {exportIds} to be replaced by the a
ctual file ids.", |
| 2713 "type": "string" |
| 2714 }, |
| 2715 "primaryFileExtensions": { |
| 2716 "description": "The list of primary file extensions.", |
| 2717 "items": { |
| 2718 "type": "string" |
| 2719 }, |
| 2720 "type": "array" |
| 2721 }, |
| 2722 "primaryMimeTypes": { |
| 2723 "description": "The list of primary mime types.", |
| 2724 "items": { |
| 2725 "type": "string" |
| 2726 }, |
| 2727 "type": "array" |
| 2728 }, |
| 2729 "productId": { |
| 2730 "description": "The ID of the product listing for this app."
, |
| 2731 "type": "string" |
| 2732 }, |
| 2733 "productUrl": { |
| 2734 "description": "A link to the product listing for this app."
, |
| 2735 "type": "string" |
| 2736 }, |
| 2737 "secondaryFileExtensions": { |
| 2738 "description": "The list of secondary file extensions.", |
| 2739 "items": { |
| 2740 "type": "string" |
| 2741 }, |
| 2742 "type": "array" |
| 2743 }, |
| 2744 "secondaryMimeTypes": { |
| 2745 "description": "The list of secondary mime types.", |
| 2746 "items": { |
| 2747 "type": "string" |
| 2748 }, |
| 2749 "type": "array" |
| 2750 }, |
| 2751 "shortDescription": { |
| 2752 "description": "A short description of the app.", |
| 2753 "type": "string" |
| 2754 }, |
| 2755 "supportsCreate": { |
| 2756 "description": "Whether this app supports creating new objec
ts.", |
| 2757 "type": "boolean" |
| 2758 }, |
| 2759 "supportsImport": { |
| 2760 "description": "Whether this app supports importing Google D
ocs.", |
| 2761 "type": "boolean" |
| 2762 }, |
| 2763 "supportsMultiOpen": { |
| 2764 "description": "Whether this app supports opening more than
one file.", |
| 2765 "type": "boolean" |
| 2766 }, |
| 2767 "supportsOfflineCreate": { |
| 2768 "description": "Whether this app supports creating new files
when offline.", |
| 2769 "type": "boolean" |
| 2770 }, |
| 2771 "useByDefault": { |
| 2772 "description": "Whether the app is selected as the default h
andler for the types it supports.", |
| 2773 "type": "boolean" |
| 2774 } |
| 2775 }, |
| 2776 "type": "object" |
| 2777 }, |
| 2778 "AppList": { |
| 2779 "description": "A list of third-party applications which the user ha
s installed or given access to Google Drive.", |
| 2780 "id": "AppList", |
| 2781 "properties": { |
| 2782 "defaultAppIds": { |
| 2783 "description": "List of app IDs that the user has specified
to use by default. The list is in reverse-priority order (lowest to highest).", |
| 2784 "items": { |
| 2785 "type": "string" |
| 2786 }, |
| 2787 "type": "array" |
| 2788 }, |
| 2789 "etag": { |
| 2790 "description": "The ETag of the list.", |
| 2791 "type": "string" |
| 2792 }, |
| 2793 "items": { |
| 2794 "description": "The actual list of apps.", |
| 2795 "items": { |
| 2796 "$ref": "App" |
| 2797 }, |
| 2798 "type": "array" |
| 2799 }, |
| 2800 "kind": { |
| 2801 "default": "drive#appList", |
| 2802 "description": "This is always drive#appList.", |
| 2803 "type": "string" |
| 2804 }, |
| 2805 "selfLink": { |
| 2806 "description": "A link back to this list.", |
| 2807 "type": "string" |
| 2808 } |
| 2809 }, |
| 2810 "type": "object" |
| 2811 }, |
| 2812 "Change": { |
| 2813 "description": "Representation of a change to a file.", |
| 2814 "id": "Change", |
| 2815 "properties": { |
| 2816 "deleted": { |
| 2817 "description": "Whether the file has been deleted.", |
| 2818 "type": "boolean" |
| 2819 }, |
| 2820 "file": { |
| 2821 "$ref": "File", |
| 2822 "description": "The updated state of the file. Present if th
e file has not been deleted." |
| 2823 }, |
| 2824 "fileId": { |
| 2825 "description": "The ID of the file associated with this chan
ge.", |
| 2826 "type": "string" |
| 2827 }, |
| 2828 "id": { |
| 2829 "description": "The ID of the change.", |
| 2830 "format": "int64", |
| 2831 "type": "string" |
| 2832 }, |
| 2833 "kind": { |
| 2834 "default": "drive#change", |
| 2835 "description": "This is always drive#change.", |
| 2836 "type": "string" |
| 2837 }, |
| 2838 "modificationDate": { |
| 2839 "description": "The time of this modification.", |
| 2840 "format": "date-time", |
| 2841 "type": "string" |
| 2842 }, |
| 2843 "selfLink": { |
| 2844 "description": "A link back to this change.", |
| 2845 "type": "string" |
| 2846 } |
| 2847 }, |
| 2848 "type": "object" |
| 2849 }, |
| 2850 "ChangeList": { |
| 2851 "description": "A list of changes for a user.", |
| 2852 "id": "ChangeList", |
| 2853 "properties": { |
| 2854 "etag": { |
| 2855 "description": "The ETag of the list.", |
| 2856 "type": "string" |
| 2857 }, |
| 2858 "items": { |
| 2859 "description": "The actual list of changes.", |
| 2860 "items": { |
| 2861 "$ref": "Change" |
| 2862 }, |
| 2863 "type": "array" |
| 2864 }, |
| 2865 "kind": { |
| 2866 "default": "drive#changeList", |
| 2867 "description": "This is always drive#changeList.", |
| 2868 "type": "string" |
| 2869 }, |
| 2870 "largestChangeId": { |
| 2871 "description": "The current largest change ID.", |
| 2872 "format": "int64", |
| 2873 "type": "string" |
| 2874 }, |
| 2875 "nextLink": { |
| 2876 "description": "A link to the next page of changes.", |
| 2877 "type": "string" |
| 2878 }, |
| 2879 "nextPageToken": { |
| 2880 "description": "The page token for the next page of changes.
", |
| 2881 "type": "string" |
| 2882 }, |
| 2883 "selfLink": { |
| 2884 "description": "A link back to this list.", |
| 2885 "type": "string" |
| 2886 } |
| 2887 }, |
| 2888 "type": "object" |
| 2889 }, |
| 2890 "Channel": { |
| 2891 "description": "An notification channel used to watch for resource c
hanges.", |
| 2892 "id": "Channel", |
| 2893 "properties": { |
| 2894 "address": { |
| 2895 "description": "The address where notifications are delivere
d for this channel.", |
| 2896 "type": "string" |
| 2897 }, |
| 2898 "expiration": { |
| 2899 "description": "Date and time of notification channel expira
tion, expressed as a Unix timestamp, in milliseconds. Optional.", |
| 2900 "format": "int64", |
| 2901 "type": "string" |
| 2902 }, |
| 2903 "id": { |
| 2904 "description": "A UUID or similar unique string that identif
ies this channel.", |
| 2905 "type": "string" |
| 2906 }, |
| 2907 "kind": { |
| 2908 "default": "api#channel", |
| 2909 "description": "Identifies this as a notification channel us
ed to watch for changes to a resource. Value: the fixed string \"api#channel\"."
, |
| 2910 "type": "string" |
| 2911 }, |
| 2912 "params": { |
| 2913 "additionalProperties": { |
| 2914 "description": "Declares a new parameter by name.", |
| 2915 "type": "string" |
| 2916 }, |
| 2917 "description": "Additional parameters controlling delivery c
hannel behavior. Optional.", |
| 2918 "type": "object" |
| 2919 }, |
| 2920 "payload": { |
| 2921 "description": "A Boolean value to indicate whether payload
is wanted. Optional.", |
| 2922 "type": "boolean" |
| 2923 }, |
| 2924 "resourceId": { |
| 2925 "description": "An opaque ID that identifies the resource be
ing watched on this channel. Stable across different API versions.", |
| 2926 "type": "string" |
| 2927 }, |
| 2928 "resourceUri": { |
| 2929 "description": "A version-specific identifier for the watche
d resource.", |
| 2930 "type": "string" |
| 2931 }, |
| 2932 "token": { |
| 2933 "description": "An arbitrary string delivered to the target
address with each notification delivered over this channel. Optional.", |
| 2934 "type": "string" |
| 2935 }, |
| 2936 "type": { |
| 2937 "description": "The type of delivery mechanism used for this
channel.", |
| 2938 "type": "string" |
| 2939 } |
| 2940 }, |
| 2941 "type": "object" |
| 2942 }, |
| 2943 "ChildList": { |
| 2944 "description": "A list of children of a file.", |
| 2945 "id": "ChildList", |
| 2946 "properties": { |
| 2947 "etag": { |
| 2948 "description": "The ETag of the list.", |
| 2949 "type": "string" |
| 2950 }, |
| 2951 "items": { |
| 2952 "description": "The actual list of children.", |
| 2953 "items": { |
| 2954 "$ref": "ChildReference" |
| 2955 }, |
| 2956 "type": "array" |
| 2957 }, |
| 2958 "kind": { |
| 2959 "default": "drive#childList", |
| 2960 "description": "This is always drive#childList.", |
| 2961 "type": "string" |
| 2962 }, |
| 2963 "nextLink": { |
| 2964 "description": "A link to the next page of children.", |
| 2965 "type": "string" |
| 2966 }, |
| 2967 "nextPageToken": { |
| 2968 "description": "The page token for the next page of children
.", |
| 2969 "type": "string" |
| 2970 }, |
| 2971 "selfLink": { |
| 2972 "description": "A link back to this list.", |
| 2973 "type": "string" |
| 2974 } |
| 2975 }, |
| 2976 "type": "object" |
| 2977 }, |
| 2978 "ChildReference": { |
| 2979 "description": "A reference to a folder's child.", |
| 2980 "id": "ChildReference", |
| 2981 "properties": { |
| 2982 "childLink": { |
| 2983 "description": "A link to the child.", |
| 2984 "type": "string" |
| 2985 }, |
| 2986 "id": { |
| 2987 "annotations": { |
| 2988 "required": [ |
| 2989 "drive.children.insert" |
| 2990 ] |
| 2991 }, |
| 2992 "description": "The ID of the child.", |
| 2993 "type": "string" |
| 2994 }, |
| 2995 "kind": { |
| 2996 "default": "drive#childReference", |
| 2997 "description": "This is always drive#childReference.", |
| 2998 "type": "string" |
| 2999 }, |
| 3000 "selfLink": { |
| 3001 "description": "A link back to this reference.", |
| 3002 "type": "string" |
| 3003 } |
| 3004 }, |
| 3005 "type": "object" |
| 3006 }, |
| 3007 "Comment": { |
| 3008 "description": "A JSON representation of a comment on a file in Goog
le Drive.", |
| 3009 "id": "Comment", |
| 3010 "properties": { |
| 3011 "anchor": { |
| 3012 "description": "A region of the document represented as a JS
ON string. See anchor documentation for details on how to define and interpret a
nchor properties.", |
| 3013 "type": "string" |
| 3014 }, |
| 3015 "author": { |
| 3016 "$ref": "User", |
| 3017 "description": "The user who wrote this comment." |
| 3018 }, |
| 3019 "commentId": { |
| 3020 "description": "The ID of the comment.", |
| 3021 "type": "string" |
| 3022 }, |
| 3023 "content": { |
| 3024 "annotations": { |
| 3025 "required": [ |
| 3026 "drive.comments.insert", |
| 3027 "drive.comments.update" |
| 3028 ] |
| 3029 }, |
| 3030 "description": "The plain text content used to create this c
omment. This is not HTML safe and should only be used as a starting point to mak
e edits to a comment's content.", |
| 3031 "type": "string" |
| 3032 }, |
| 3033 "context": { |
| 3034 "description": "The context of the file which is being comme
nted on.", |
| 3035 "properties": { |
| 3036 "type": { |
| 3037 "description": "The MIME type of the context snippet
.", |
| 3038 "type": "string" |
| 3039 }, |
| 3040 "value": { |
| 3041 "description": "Data representation of the segment o
f the file being commented on. In the case of a text file for example, this woul
d be the actual text that the comment is about.", |
| 3042 "type": "string" |
| 3043 } |
| 3044 }, |
| 3045 "type": "object" |
| 3046 }, |
| 3047 "createdDate": { |
| 3048 "description": "The date when this comment was first created
.", |
| 3049 "format": "date-time", |
| 3050 "type": "string" |
| 3051 }, |
| 3052 "deleted": { |
| 3053 "description": "Whether this comment has been deleted. If a
comment has been deleted the content will be cleared and this will only represen
t a comment that once existed.", |
| 3054 "type": "boolean" |
| 3055 }, |
| 3056 "fileId": { |
| 3057 "description": "The file which this comment is addressing.", |
| 3058 "type": "string" |
| 3059 }, |
| 3060 "fileTitle": { |
| 3061 "description": "The title of the file which this comment is
addressing.", |
| 3062 "type": "string" |
| 3063 }, |
| 3064 "htmlContent": { |
| 3065 "description": "HTML formatted content for this comment.", |
| 3066 "type": "string" |
| 3067 }, |
| 3068 "kind": { |
| 3069 "default": "drive#comment", |
| 3070 "description": "This is always drive#comment.", |
| 3071 "type": "string" |
| 3072 }, |
| 3073 "modifiedDate": { |
| 3074 "description": "The date when this comment or any of its rep
lies were last modified.", |
| 3075 "format": "date-time", |
| 3076 "type": "string" |
| 3077 }, |
| 3078 "replies": { |
| 3079 "description": "Replies to this post.", |
| 3080 "items": { |
| 3081 "$ref": "CommentReply" |
| 3082 }, |
| 3083 "type": "array" |
| 3084 }, |
| 3085 "selfLink": { |
| 3086 "description": "A link back to this comment.", |
| 3087 "type": "string" |
| 3088 }, |
| 3089 "status": { |
| 3090 "description": "The status of this comment. Status can be ch
anged by posting a reply to a comment with the desired status. \n- \"open\" - T
he comment is still open. \n- \"resolved\" - The comment has been resolved by on
e of its replies.", |
| 3091 "type": "string" |
| 3092 } |
| 3093 }, |
| 3094 "type": "object" |
| 3095 }, |
| 3096 "CommentList": { |
| 3097 "description": "A JSON representation of a list of comments on a fil
e in Google Drive.", |
| 3098 "id": "CommentList", |
| 3099 "properties": { |
| 3100 "items": { |
| 3101 "description": "List of comments.", |
| 3102 "items": { |
| 3103 "$ref": "Comment" |
| 3104 }, |
| 3105 "type": "array" |
| 3106 }, |
| 3107 "kind": { |
| 3108 "default": "drive#commentList", |
| 3109 "description": "This is always drive#commentList.", |
| 3110 "type": "string" |
| 3111 }, |
| 3112 "nextLink": { |
| 3113 "description": "A link to the next page of comments.", |
| 3114 "type": "string" |
| 3115 }, |
| 3116 "nextPageToken": { |
| 3117 "description": "The token to use to request the next page of
results.", |
| 3118 "type": "string" |
| 3119 }, |
| 3120 "selfLink": { |
| 3121 "description": "A link back to this list.", |
| 3122 "type": "string" |
| 3123 } |
| 3124 }, |
| 3125 "type": "object" |
| 3126 }, |
| 3127 "CommentReply": { |
| 3128 "description": "A JSON representation of a reply to a comment on a f
ile in Google Drive.", |
| 3129 "id": "CommentReply", |
| 3130 "properties": { |
| 3131 "author": { |
| 3132 "$ref": "User", |
| 3133 "description": "The user who wrote this reply." |
| 3134 }, |
| 3135 "content": { |
| 3136 "annotations": { |
| 3137 "required": [ |
| 3138 "drive.replies.update" |
| 3139 ] |
| 3140 }, |
| 3141 "description": "The plain text content used to create this r
eply. This is not HTML safe and should only be used as a starting point to make
edits to a reply's content. This field is required on inserts if no verb is spec
ified (resolve/reopen).", |
| 3142 "type": "string" |
| 3143 }, |
| 3144 "createdDate": { |
| 3145 "description": "The date when this reply was first created."
, |
| 3146 "format": "date-time", |
| 3147 "type": "string" |
| 3148 }, |
| 3149 "deleted": { |
| 3150 "description": "Whether this reply has been deleted. If a re
ply has been deleted the content will be cleared and this will only represent a
reply that once existed.", |
| 3151 "type": "boolean" |
| 3152 }, |
| 3153 "htmlContent": { |
| 3154 "description": "HTML formatted content for this reply.", |
| 3155 "type": "string" |
| 3156 }, |
| 3157 "kind": { |
| 3158 "default": "drive#commentReply", |
| 3159 "description": "This is always drive#commentReply.", |
| 3160 "type": "string" |
| 3161 }, |
| 3162 "modifiedDate": { |
| 3163 "description": "The date when this reply was last modified."
, |
| 3164 "format": "date-time", |
| 3165 "type": "string" |
| 3166 }, |
| 3167 "replyId": { |
| 3168 "description": "The ID of the reply.", |
| 3169 "type": "string" |
| 3170 }, |
| 3171 "verb": { |
| 3172 "description": "The action this reply performed to the paren
t comment. When creating a new reply this is the action to be perform to the par
ent comment. Possible values are: \n- \"resolve\" - To resolve a comment. \n- \
"reopen\" - To reopen (un-resolve) a comment.", |
| 3173 "type": "string" |
| 3174 } |
| 3175 }, |
| 3176 "type": "object" |
| 3177 }, |
| 3178 "CommentReplyList": { |
| 3179 "description": "A JSON representation of a list of replies to a comm
ent on a file in Google Drive.", |
| 3180 "id": "CommentReplyList", |
| 3181 "properties": { |
| 3182 "items": { |
| 3183 "description": "List of reply.", |
| 3184 "items": { |
| 3185 "$ref": "CommentReply" |
| 3186 }, |
| 3187 "type": "array" |
| 3188 }, |
| 3189 "kind": { |
| 3190 "default": "drive#commentReplyList", |
| 3191 "description": "This is always drive#commentReplyList.", |
| 3192 "type": "string" |
| 3193 }, |
| 3194 "nextLink": { |
| 3195 "description": "A link to the next page of replies.", |
| 3196 "type": "string" |
| 3197 }, |
| 3198 "nextPageToken": { |
| 3199 "description": "The token to use to request the next page of
results.", |
| 3200 "type": "string" |
| 3201 }, |
| 3202 "selfLink": { |
| 3203 "description": "A link back to this list.", |
| 3204 "type": "string" |
| 3205 } |
| 3206 }, |
| 3207 "type": "object" |
| 3208 }, |
| 3209 "File": { |
| 3210 "description": "The metadata for a file.", |
| 3211 "id": "File", |
| 3212 "properties": { |
| 3213 "alternateLink": { |
| 3214 "description": "A link for opening the file in a relevant Go
ogle editor or viewer.", |
| 3215 "type": "string" |
| 3216 }, |
| 3217 "appDataContents": { |
| 3218 "description": "Whether this file is in the Application Data
folder.", |
| 3219 "type": "boolean" |
| 3220 }, |
| 3221 "copyable": { |
| 3222 "description": "Whether the file can be copied by the curren
t user.", |
| 3223 "type": "boolean" |
| 3224 }, |
| 3225 "createdDate": { |
| 3226 "description": "Create time for this file (formatted RFC 333
9 timestamp).", |
| 3227 "format": "date-time", |
| 3228 "type": "string" |
| 3229 }, |
| 3230 "defaultOpenWithLink": { |
| 3231 "description": "A link to open this file with the user's def
ault app for this file. Only populated when the drive.apps.readonly scope is use
d.", |
| 3232 "type": "string" |
| 3233 }, |
| 3234 "description": { |
| 3235 "description": "A short description of the file.", |
| 3236 "type": "string" |
| 3237 }, |
| 3238 "downloadUrl": { |
| 3239 "description": "Short lived download URL for the file. This
is only populated for files with content stored in Drive.", |
| 3240 "type": "string" |
| 3241 }, |
| 3242 "editable": { |
| 3243 "description": "Whether the file can be edited by the curren
t user.", |
| 3244 "type": "boolean" |
| 3245 }, |
| 3246 "embedLink": { |
| 3247 "description": "A link for embedding the file.", |
| 3248 "type": "string" |
| 3249 }, |
| 3250 "etag": { |
| 3251 "description": "ETag of the file.", |
| 3252 "type": "string" |
| 3253 }, |
| 3254 "explicitlyTrashed": { |
| 3255 "description": "Whether this file has been explicitly trashe
d, as opposed to recursively trashed. This will only be populated if the file is
trashed.", |
| 3256 "type": "boolean" |
| 3257 }, |
| 3258 "exportLinks": { |
| 3259 "additionalProperties": { |
| 3260 "description": "A mapping from export format to URL", |
| 3261 "type": "string" |
| 3262 }, |
| 3263 "description": "Links for exporting Google Docs to specific
formats.", |
| 3264 "type": "object" |
| 3265 }, |
| 3266 "fileExtension": { |
| 3267 "description": "The file extension used when downloading thi
s file. This field is read only. To set the extension, include it in the title w
hen creating the file. This is only populated for files with content stored in D
rive.", |
| 3268 "type": "string" |
| 3269 }, |
| 3270 "fileSize": { |
| 3271 "description": "The size of the file in bytes. This is only
populated for files with content stored in Drive.", |
| 3272 "format": "int64", |
| 3273 "type": "string" |
| 3274 }, |
| 3275 "headRevisionId": { |
| 3276 "description": "The ID of the file's head revision. This wil
l only be populated for files with content stored in Drive.", |
| 3277 "type": "string" |
| 3278 }, |
| 3279 "iconLink": { |
| 3280 "description": "A link to the file's icon.", |
| 3281 "type": "string" |
| 3282 }, |
| 3283 "id": { |
| 3284 "description": "The ID of the file.", |
| 3285 "type": "string" |
| 3286 }, |
| 3287 "imageMediaMetadata": { |
| 3288 "description": "Metadata about image media. This will only b
e present for image types, and its contents will depend on what can be parsed fr
om the image content.", |
| 3289 "properties": { |
| 3290 "aperture": { |
| 3291 "description": "The aperture used to create the phot
o (f-number).", |
| 3292 "format": "float", |
| 3293 "type": "number" |
| 3294 }, |
| 3295 "cameraMake": { |
| 3296 "description": "The make of the camera used to creat
e the photo.", |
| 3297 "type": "string" |
| 3298 }, |
| 3299 "cameraModel": { |
| 3300 "description": "The model of the camera used to crea
te the photo.", |
| 3301 "type": "string" |
| 3302 }, |
| 3303 "colorSpace": { |
| 3304 "description": "The color space of the photo.", |
| 3305 "type": "string" |
| 3306 }, |
| 3307 "date": { |
| 3308 "description": "The date and time the photo was take
n (EXIF format timestamp).", |
| 3309 "type": "string" |
| 3310 }, |
| 3311 "exposureBias": { |
| 3312 "description": "The exposure bias of the photo (APEX
value).", |
| 3313 "format": "float", |
| 3314 "type": "number" |
| 3315 }, |
| 3316 "exposureMode": { |
| 3317 "description": "The exposure mode used to create the
photo.", |
| 3318 "type": "string" |
| 3319 }, |
| 3320 "exposureTime": { |
| 3321 "description": "The length of the exposure, in secon
ds.", |
| 3322 "format": "float", |
| 3323 "type": "number" |
| 3324 }, |
| 3325 "flashUsed": { |
| 3326 "description": "Whether a flash was used to create t
he photo.", |
| 3327 "type": "boolean" |
| 3328 }, |
| 3329 "focalLength": { |
| 3330 "description": "The focal length used to create the
photo, in millimeters.", |
| 3331 "format": "float", |
| 3332 "type": "number" |
| 3333 }, |
| 3334 "height": { |
| 3335 "description": "The height of the image in pixels.", |
| 3336 "format": "int32", |
| 3337 "type": "integer" |
| 3338 }, |
| 3339 "isoSpeed": { |
| 3340 "description": "The ISO speed used to create the pho
to.", |
| 3341 "format": "int32", |
| 3342 "type": "integer" |
| 3343 }, |
| 3344 "lens": { |
| 3345 "description": "The lens used to create the photo.", |
| 3346 "type": "string" |
| 3347 }, |
| 3348 "location": { |
| 3349 "description": "Geographic location information stor
ed in the image.", |
| 3350 "properties": { |
| 3351 "altitude": { |
| 3352 "description": "The altitude stored in the i
mage.", |
| 3353 "format": "double", |
| 3354 "type": "number" |
| 3355 }, |
| 3356 "latitude": { |
| 3357 "description": "The latitude stored in the i
mage.", |
| 3358 "format": "double", |
| 3359 "type": "number" |
| 3360 }, |
| 3361 "longitude": { |
| 3362 "description": "The longitude stored in the
image.", |
| 3363 "format": "double", |
| 3364 "type": "number" |
| 3365 } |
| 3366 }, |
| 3367 "type": "object" |
| 3368 }, |
| 3369 "maxApertureValue": { |
| 3370 "description": "The smallest f-number of the lens at
the focal length used to create the photo (APEX value).", |
| 3371 "format": "float", |
| 3372 "type": "number" |
| 3373 }, |
| 3374 "meteringMode": { |
| 3375 "description": "The metering mode used to create the
photo.", |
| 3376 "type": "string" |
| 3377 }, |
| 3378 "rotation": { |
| 3379 "description": "The rotation in clockwise degrees fr
om the image's original orientation.", |
| 3380 "format": "int32", |
| 3381 "type": "integer" |
| 3382 }, |
| 3383 "sensor": { |
| 3384 "description": "The type of sensor used to create th
e photo.", |
| 3385 "type": "string" |
| 3386 }, |
| 3387 "subjectDistance": { |
| 3388 "description": "The distance to the subject of the p
hoto, in meters.", |
| 3389 "format": "int32", |
| 3390 "type": "integer" |
| 3391 }, |
| 3392 "whiteBalance": { |
| 3393 "description": "The white balance mode used to creat
e the photo.", |
| 3394 "type": "string" |
| 3395 }, |
| 3396 "width": { |
| 3397 "description": "The width of the image in pixels.", |
| 3398 "format": "int32", |
| 3399 "type": "integer" |
| 3400 } |
| 3401 }, |
| 3402 "type": "object" |
| 3403 }, |
| 3404 "indexableText": { |
| 3405 "description": "Indexable text attributes for the file (can
only be written)", |
| 3406 "properties": { |
| 3407 "text": { |
| 3408 "description": "The text to be indexed for this file
.", |
| 3409 "type": "string" |
| 3410 } |
| 3411 }, |
| 3412 "type": "object" |
| 3413 }, |
| 3414 "kind": { |
| 3415 "default": "drive#file", |
| 3416 "description": "The type of file. This is always drive#file.
", |
| 3417 "type": "string" |
| 3418 }, |
| 3419 "labels": { |
| 3420 "description": "A group of labels for the file.", |
| 3421 "properties": { |
| 3422 "hidden": { |
| 3423 "description": "Deprecated.", |
| 3424 "type": "boolean" |
| 3425 }, |
| 3426 "restricted": { |
| 3427 "description": "Whether viewers are prevented from d
ownloading this file.", |
| 3428 "type": "boolean" |
| 3429 }, |
| 3430 "starred": { |
| 3431 "description": "Whether this file is starred by the
user.", |
| 3432 "type": "boolean" |
| 3433 }, |
| 3434 "trashed": { |
| 3435 "description": "Whether this file has been trashed."
, |
| 3436 "type": "boolean" |
| 3437 }, |
| 3438 "viewed": { |
| 3439 "description": "Whether this file has been viewed by
this user.", |
| 3440 "type": "boolean" |
| 3441 } |
| 3442 }, |
| 3443 "type": "object" |
| 3444 }, |
| 3445 "lastModifyingUser": { |
| 3446 "$ref": "User", |
| 3447 "description": "The last user to modify this file." |
| 3448 }, |
| 3449 "lastModifyingUserName": { |
| 3450 "description": "Name of the last user to modify this file.", |
| 3451 "type": "string" |
| 3452 }, |
| 3453 "lastViewedByMeDate": { |
| 3454 "description": "Last time this file was viewed by the user (
formatted RFC 3339 timestamp).", |
| 3455 "format": "date-time", |
| 3456 "type": "string" |
| 3457 }, |
| 3458 "markedViewedByMeDate": { |
| 3459 "description": "Time this file was explicitly marked viewed
by the user (formatted RFC 3339 timestamp).", |
| 3460 "format": "date-time", |
| 3461 "type": "string" |
| 3462 }, |
| 3463 "md5Checksum": { |
| 3464 "description": "An MD5 checksum for the content of this file
. This is populated only for files with content stored in Drive.", |
| 3465 "type": "string" |
| 3466 }, |
| 3467 "mimeType": { |
| 3468 "description": "The MIME type of the file. This is only muta
ble on update when uploading new content. This field can be left blank, and the
mimetype will be determined from the uploaded content's MIME type.", |
| 3469 "type": "string" |
| 3470 }, |
| 3471 "modifiedByMeDate": { |
| 3472 "description": "Last time this file was modified by the user
(formatted RFC 3339 timestamp). Note that setting modifiedDate will also update
the modifiedByMe date for the user which set the date.", |
| 3473 "format": "date-time", |
| 3474 "type": "string" |
| 3475 }, |
| 3476 "modifiedDate": { |
| 3477 "description": "Last time this file was modified by anyone (
formatted RFC 3339 timestamp). This is only mutable on update when the setModifi
edDate parameter is set.", |
| 3478 "format": "date-time", |
| 3479 "type": "string" |
| 3480 }, |
| 3481 "openWithLinks": { |
| 3482 "additionalProperties": { |
| 3483 "type": "string" |
| 3484 }, |
| 3485 "description": "A map of the id of each of the user's apps t
o a link to open this file with that app. Only populated when the drive.apps.rea
donly scope is used.", |
| 3486 "type": "object" |
| 3487 }, |
| 3488 "originalFilename": { |
| 3489 "description": "The original filename if the file was upload
ed manually, or the original title if the file was inserted through the API. Not
e that renames of the title will not change the original filename. This will onl
y be populated on files with content stored in Drive.", |
| 3490 "type": "string" |
| 3491 }, |
| 3492 "ownerNames": { |
| 3493 "description": "Name(s) of the owner(s) of this file.", |
| 3494 "items": { |
| 3495 "type": "string" |
| 3496 }, |
| 3497 "type": "array" |
| 3498 }, |
| 3499 "owners": { |
| 3500 "description": "The owner(s) of this file.", |
| 3501 "items": { |
| 3502 "$ref": "User" |
| 3503 }, |
| 3504 "type": "array" |
| 3505 }, |
| 3506 "parents": { |
| 3507 "description": "Collection of parent folders which contain t
his file.\nSetting this field will put the file in all of the provided folders.
On insert, if no folders are provided, the file will be placed in the default ro
ot folder.", |
| 3508 "items": { |
| 3509 "$ref": "ParentReference" |
| 3510 }, |
| 3511 "type": "array" |
| 3512 }, |
| 3513 "permissions": { |
| 3514 "description": "The list of permissions for users with acces
s to this file.", |
| 3515 "items": { |
| 3516 "$ref": "Permission" |
| 3517 }, |
| 3518 "type": "array" |
| 3519 }, |
| 3520 "properties": { |
| 3521 "description": "The list of properties.", |
| 3522 "items": { |
| 3523 "$ref": "Property" |
| 3524 }, |
| 3525 "type": "array" |
| 3526 }, |
| 3527 "quotaBytesUsed": { |
| 3528 "description": "The number of quota bytes used by this file.
", |
| 3529 "format": "int64", |
| 3530 "type": "string" |
| 3531 }, |
| 3532 "selfLink": { |
| 3533 "description": "A link back to this file.", |
| 3534 "type": "string" |
| 3535 }, |
| 3536 "shared": { |
| 3537 "description": "Whether the file has been shared.", |
| 3538 "type": "boolean" |
| 3539 }, |
| 3540 "sharedWithMeDate": { |
| 3541 "description": "Time at which this file was shared with the
user (formatted RFC 3339 timestamp).", |
| 3542 "format": "date-time", |
| 3543 "type": "string" |
| 3544 }, |
| 3545 "sharingUser": { |
| 3546 "$ref": "User", |
| 3547 "description": "User that shared the item with the current u
ser, if available." |
| 3548 }, |
| 3549 "thumbnail": { |
| 3550 "description": "Thumbnail for the file. Only accepted on upl
oad and for files that are not already thumbnailed by Google.", |
| 3551 "properties": { |
| 3552 "image": { |
| 3553 "description": "The URL-safe Base64 encoded bytes of
the thumbnail image.", |
| 3554 "format": "byte", |
| 3555 "type": "string" |
| 3556 }, |
| 3557 "mimeType": { |
| 3558 "description": "The MIME type of the thumbnail.", |
| 3559 "type": "string" |
| 3560 } |
| 3561 }, |
| 3562 "type": "object" |
| 3563 }, |
| 3564 "thumbnailLink": { |
| 3565 "description": "A link to the file's thumbnail.", |
| 3566 "type": "string" |
| 3567 }, |
| 3568 "title": { |
| 3569 "description": "The title of this file.", |
| 3570 "type": "string" |
| 3571 }, |
| 3572 "userPermission": { |
| 3573 "$ref": "Permission", |
| 3574 "description": "The permissions for the authenticated user o
n this file." |
| 3575 }, |
| 3576 "version": { |
| 3577 "description": "A monotonically increasing version number fo
r the file. This reflects every change made to the file on the server, even thos
e not visible to the requesting user.", |
| 3578 "format": "int64", |
| 3579 "type": "string" |
| 3580 }, |
| 3581 "webContentLink": { |
| 3582 "description": "A link for downloading the content of the fi
le in a browser using cookie based authentication. In cases where the content is
shared publicly, the content can be downloaded without any credentials.", |
| 3583 "type": "string" |
| 3584 }, |
| 3585 "webViewLink": { |
| 3586 "description": "A link only available on public folders for
viewing their static web assets (HTML, CSS, JS, etc) via Google Drive's Website
Hosting.", |
| 3587 "type": "string" |
| 3588 }, |
| 3589 "writersCanShare": { |
| 3590 "description": "Whether writers can share the document with
other users.", |
| 3591 "type": "boolean" |
| 3592 } |
| 3593 }, |
| 3594 "type": "object" |
| 3595 }, |
| 3596 "FileList": { |
| 3597 "description": "A list of files.", |
| 3598 "id": "FileList", |
| 3599 "properties": { |
| 3600 "etag": { |
| 3601 "description": "The ETag of the list.", |
| 3602 "type": "string" |
| 3603 }, |
| 3604 "items": { |
| 3605 "description": "The actual list of files.", |
| 3606 "items": { |
| 3607 "$ref": "File" |
| 3608 }, |
| 3609 "type": "array" |
| 3610 }, |
| 3611 "kind": { |
| 3612 "default": "drive#fileList", |
| 3613 "description": "This is always drive#fileList.", |
| 3614 "type": "string" |
| 3615 }, |
| 3616 "nextLink": { |
| 3617 "description": "A link to the next page of files.", |
| 3618 "type": "string" |
| 3619 }, |
| 3620 "nextPageToken": { |
| 3621 "description": "The page token for the next page of files.", |
| 3622 "type": "string" |
| 3623 }, |
| 3624 "selfLink": { |
| 3625 "description": "A link back to this list.", |
| 3626 "type": "string" |
| 3627 } |
| 3628 }, |
| 3629 "type": "object" |
| 3630 }, |
| 3631 "ParentList": { |
| 3632 "description": "A list of a file's parents.", |
| 3633 "id": "ParentList", |
| 3634 "properties": { |
| 3635 "etag": { |
| 3636 "description": "The ETag of the list.", |
| 3637 "type": "string" |
| 3638 }, |
| 3639 "items": { |
| 3640 "description": "The actual list of parents.", |
| 3641 "items": { |
| 3642 "$ref": "ParentReference" |
| 3643 }, |
| 3644 "type": "array" |
| 3645 }, |
| 3646 "kind": { |
| 3647 "default": "drive#parentList", |
| 3648 "description": "This is always drive#parentList.", |
| 3649 "type": "string" |
| 3650 }, |
| 3651 "selfLink": { |
| 3652 "description": "A link back to this list.", |
| 3653 "type": "string" |
| 3654 } |
| 3655 }, |
| 3656 "type": "object" |
| 3657 }, |
| 3658 "ParentReference": { |
| 3659 "description": "A reference to a file's parent.", |
| 3660 "id": "ParentReference", |
| 3661 "properties": { |
| 3662 "id": { |
| 3663 "annotations": { |
| 3664 "required": [ |
| 3665 "drive.parents.insert" |
| 3666 ] |
| 3667 }, |
| 3668 "description": "The ID of the parent.", |
| 3669 "type": "string" |
| 3670 }, |
| 3671 "isRoot": { |
| 3672 "description": "Whether or not the parent is the root folder
.", |
| 3673 "type": "boolean" |
| 3674 }, |
| 3675 "kind": { |
| 3676 "default": "drive#parentReference", |
| 3677 "description": "This is always drive#parentReference.", |
| 3678 "type": "string" |
| 3679 }, |
| 3680 "parentLink": { |
| 3681 "description": "A link to the parent.", |
| 3682 "type": "string" |
| 3683 }, |
| 3684 "selfLink": { |
| 3685 "description": "A link back to this reference.", |
| 3686 "type": "string" |
| 3687 } |
| 3688 }, |
| 3689 "type": "object" |
| 3690 }, |
| 3691 "Permission": { |
| 3692 "description": "A permission for a file.", |
| 3693 "id": "Permission", |
| 3694 "properties": { |
| 3695 "additionalRoles": { |
| 3696 "description": "Additional roles for this user. Only comment
er is currently allowed.", |
| 3697 "items": { |
| 3698 "type": "string" |
| 3699 }, |
| 3700 "type": "array" |
| 3701 }, |
| 3702 "authKey": { |
| 3703 "description": "The authkey parameter required for this perm
ission.", |
| 3704 "type": "string" |
| 3705 }, |
| 3706 "domain": { |
| 3707 "description": "The domain name of the entity this permissio
n refers to. This is an output-only field which is present when the permission t
ype is user, group or domain.", |
| 3708 "type": "string" |
| 3709 }, |
| 3710 "emailAddress": { |
| 3711 "description": "The email address of the user this permissio
n refers to. This is an output-only field which is present when the permission t
ype is user and the given user's Google+ profile privacy settings allow exposing
their email address.", |
| 3712 "type": "string" |
| 3713 }, |
| 3714 "etag": { |
| 3715 "description": "The ETag of the permission.", |
| 3716 "type": "string" |
| 3717 }, |
| 3718 "id": { |
| 3719 "description": "The ID of the user this permission refers to
, and identical to the permissionId in the About and Files resources. When makin
g a drive.permissions.insert request, exactly one of the id or value fields must
be specified.", |
| 3720 "type": "string" |
| 3721 }, |
| 3722 "kind": { |
| 3723 "default": "drive#permission", |
| 3724 "description": "This is always drive#permission.", |
| 3725 "type": "string" |
| 3726 }, |
| 3727 "name": { |
| 3728 "description": "The name for this permission.", |
| 3729 "type": "string" |
| 3730 }, |
| 3731 "photoLink": { |
| 3732 "description": "A link to the profile photo, if available.", |
| 3733 "type": "string" |
| 3734 }, |
| 3735 "role": { |
| 3736 "annotations": { |
| 3737 "required": [ |
| 3738 "drive.permissions.insert" |
| 3739 ] |
| 3740 }, |
| 3741 "description": "The primary role for this user. Allowed valu
es are: \n- owner \n- reader \n- writer", |
| 3742 "type": "string" |
| 3743 }, |
| 3744 "selfLink": { |
| 3745 "description": "A link back to this permission.", |
| 3746 "type": "string" |
| 3747 }, |
| 3748 "type": { |
| 3749 "annotations": { |
| 3750 "required": [ |
| 3751 "drive.permissions.insert" |
| 3752 ] |
| 3753 }, |
| 3754 "description": "The account type. Allowed values are: \n- u
ser \n- group \n- domain \n- anyone", |
| 3755 "type": "string" |
| 3756 }, |
| 3757 "value": { |
| 3758 "description": "The email address or domain name for the ent
ity. This is used during inserts and is not populated in responses. When making
a drive.permissions.insert request, exactly one of the id or value fields must b
e specified.", |
| 3759 "type": "string" |
| 3760 }, |
| 3761 "withLink": { |
| 3762 "description": "Whether the link is required for this permis
sion.", |
| 3763 "type": "boolean" |
| 3764 } |
| 3765 }, |
| 3766 "type": "object" |
| 3767 }, |
| 3768 "PermissionId": { |
| 3769 "description": "An ID for a user or group as seen in Permission item
s.", |
| 3770 "id": "PermissionId", |
| 3771 "properties": { |
| 3772 "id": { |
| 3773 "description": "The permission ID.", |
| 3774 "type": "string" |
| 3775 }, |
| 3776 "kind": { |
| 3777 "default": "drive#permissionId", |
| 3778 "description": "This is always drive#permissionId.", |
| 3779 "type": "string" |
| 3780 } |
| 3781 }, |
| 3782 "type": "object" |
| 3783 }, |
| 3784 "PermissionList": { |
| 3785 "description": "A list of permissions associated with a file.", |
| 3786 "id": "PermissionList", |
| 3787 "properties": { |
| 3788 "etag": { |
| 3789 "description": "The ETag of the list.", |
| 3790 "type": "string" |
| 3791 }, |
| 3792 "items": { |
| 3793 "description": "The actual list of permissions.", |
| 3794 "items": { |
| 3795 "$ref": "Permission" |
| 3796 }, |
| 3797 "type": "array" |
| 3798 }, |
| 3799 "kind": { |
| 3800 "default": "drive#permissionList", |
| 3801 "description": "This is always drive#permissionList.", |
| 3802 "type": "string" |
| 3803 }, |
| 3804 "selfLink": { |
| 3805 "description": "A link back to this list.", |
| 3806 "type": "string" |
| 3807 } |
| 3808 }, |
| 3809 "type": "object" |
| 3810 }, |
| 3811 "Property": { |
| 3812 "description": "A key-value pair that is either public or private to
an application.", |
| 3813 "id": "Property", |
| 3814 "properties": { |
| 3815 "etag": { |
| 3816 "description": "ETag of the property.", |
| 3817 "type": "string" |
| 3818 }, |
| 3819 "key": { |
| 3820 "description": "The key of this property.", |
| 3821 "type": "string" |
| 3822 }, |
| 3823 "kind": { |
| 3824 "default": "drive#property", |
| 3825 "description": "This is always drive#property.", |
| 3826 "type": "string" |
| 3827 }, |
| 3828 "selfLink": { |
| 3829 "description": "The link back to this property.", |
| 3830 "type": "string" |
| 3831 }, |
| 3832 "value": { |
| 3833 "description": "The value of this property.", |
| 3834 "type": "string" |
| 3835 }, |
| 3836 "visibility": { |
| 3837 "description": "The visibility of this property.", |
| 3838 "type": "string" |
| 3839 } |
| 3840 }, |
| 3841 "type": "object" |
| 3842 }, |
| 3843 "PropertyList": { |
| 3844 "description": "A collection of properties, key-value pairs that are
either public or private to an application.", |
| 3845 "id": "PropertyList", |
| 3846 "properties": { |
| 3847 "etag": { |
| 3848 "description": "The ETag of the list.", |
| 3849 "type": "string" |
| 3850 }, |
| 3851 "items": { |
| 3852 "description": "The list of properties.", |
| 3853 "items": { |
| 3854 "$ref": "Property" |
| 3855 }, |
| 3856 "type": "array" |
| 3857 }, |
| 3858 "kind": { |
| 3859 "default": "drive#propertyList", |
| 3860 "description": "This is always drive#propertyList.", |
| 3861 "type": "string" |
| 3862 }, |
| 3863 "selfLink": { |
| 3864 "description": "The link back to this list.", |
| 3865 "type": "string" |
| 3866 } |
| 3867 }, |
| 3868 "type": "object" |
| 3869 }, |
| 3870 "Revision": { |
| 3871 "description": "A revision of a file.", |
| 3872 "id": "Revision", |
| 3873 "properties": { |
| 3874 "downloadUrl": { |
| 3875 "description": "Short term download URL for the file. This w
ill only be populated on files with content stored in Drive.", |
| 3876 "type": "string" |
| 3877 }, |
| 3878 "etag": { |
| 3879 "description": "The ETag of the revision.", |
| 3880 "type": "string" |
| 3881 }, |
| 3882 "exportLinks": { |
| 3883 "additionalProperties": { |
| 3884 "description": "A mapping from export format to URL", |
| 3885 "type": "string" |
| 3886 }, |
| 3887 "description": "Links for exporting Google Docs to specific
formats.", |
| 3888 "type": "object" |
| 3889 }, |
| 3890 "fileSize": { |
| 3891 "description": "The size of the revision in bytes. This will
only be populated on files with content stored in Drive.", |
| 3892 "format": "int64", |
| 3893 "type": "string" |
| 3894 }, |
| 3895 "id": { |
| 3896 "description": "The ID of the revision.", |
| 3897 "type": "string" |
| 3898 }, |
| 3899 "kind": { |
| 3900 "default": "drive#revision", |
| 3901 "description": "This is always drive#revision.", |
| 3902 "type": "string" |
| 3903 }, |
| 3904 "lastModifyingUser": { |
| 3905 "$ref": "User", |
| 3906 "description": "The last user to modify this revision." |
| 3907 }, |
| 3908 "lastModifyingUserName": { |
| 3909 "description": "Name of the last user to modify this revisio
n.", |
| 3910 "type": "string" |
| 3911 }, |
| 3912 "md5Checksum": { |
| 3913 "description": "An MD5 checksum for the content of this revi
sion. This will only be populated on files with content stored in Drive.", |
| 3914 "type": "string" |
| 3915 }, |
| 3916 "mimeType": { |
| 3917 "description": "The MIME type of the revision.", |
| 3918 "type": "string" |
| 3919 }, |
| 3920 "modifiedDate": { |
| 3921 "description": "Last time this revision was modified (format
ted RFC 3339 timestamp).", |
| 3922 "format": "date-time", |
| 3923 "type": "string" |
| 3924 }, |
| 3925 "originalFilename": { |
| 3926 "description": "The original filename when this revision was
created. This will only be populated on files with content stored in Drive.", |
| 3927 "type": "string" |
| 3928 }, |
| 3929 "pinned": { |
| 3930 "description": "Whether this revision is pinned to prevent a
utomatic purging. This will only be populated and can only be modified on files
with content stored in Drive which are not Google Docs. Revisions can also be pi
nned when they are created through the drive.files.insert/update/copy by using t
he pinned query parameter.", |
| 3931 "type": "boolean" |
| 3932 }, |
| 3933 "publishAuto": { |
| 3934 "description": "Whether subsequent revisions will be automat
ically republished. This is only populated and can only be modified for Google D
ocs.", |
| 3935 "type": "boolean" |
| 3936 }, |
| 3937 "published": { |
| 3938 "description": "Whether this revision is published. This is
only populated and can only be modified for Google Docs.", |
| 3939 "type": "boolean" |
| 3940 }, |
| 3941 "publishedLink": { |
| 3942 "description": "A link to the published revision.", |
| 3943 "type": "string" |
| 3944 }, |
| 3945 "publishedOutsideDomain": { |
| 3946 "description": "Whether this revision is published outside t
he domain. This is only populated and can only be modified for Google Docs.", |
| 3947 "type": "boolean" |
| 3948 }, |
| 3949 "selfLink": { |
| 3950 "description": "A link back to this revision.", |
| 3951 "type": "string" |
| 3952 } |
| 3953 }, |
| 3954 "type": "object" |
| 3955 }, |
| 3956 "RevisionList": { |
| 3957 "description": "A list of revisions of a file.", |
| 3958 "id": "RevisionList", |
| 3959 "properties": { |
| 3960 "etag": { |
| 3961 "description": "The ETag of the list.", |
| 3962 "type": "string" |
| 3963 }, |
| 3964 "items": { |
| 3965 "description": "The actual list of revisions.", |
| 3966 "items": { |
| 3967 "$ref": "Revision" |
| 3968 }, |
| 3969 "type": "array" |
| 3970 }, |
| 3971 "kind": { |
| 3972 "default": "drive#revisionList", |
| 3973 "description": "This is always drive#revisionList.", |
| 3974 "type": "string" |
| 3975 }, |
| 3976 "selfLink": { |
| 3977 "description": "A link back to this list.", |
| 3978 "type": "string" |
| 3979 } |
| 3980 }, |
| 3981 "type": "object" |
| 3982 }, |
| 3983 "User": { |
| 3984 "description": "The JSON template for a user.", |
| 3985 "id": "User", |
| 3986 "properties": { |
| 3987 "displayName": { |
| 3988 "description": "A plain text displayable name for this user.
", |
| 3989 "type": "string" |
| 3990 }, |
| 3991 "emailAddress": { |
| 3992 "description": "The email address of the user.", |
| 3993 "type": "string" |
| 3994 }, |
| 3995 "isAuthenticatedUser": { |
| 3996 "description": "Whether this user is the same as the authent
icated user for whom the request was made.", |
| 3997 "type": "boolean" |
| 3998 }, |
| 3999 "kind": { |
| 4000 "default": "drive#user", |
| 4001 "description": "This is always drive#user.", |
| 4002 "type": "string" |
| 4003 }, |
| 4004 "permissionId": { |
| 4005 "description": "The user's ID as visible in the permissions
collection.", |
| 4006 "type": "string" |
| 4007 }, |
| 4008 "picture": { |
| 4009 "description": "The user's profile picture.", |
| 4010 "properties": { |
| 4011 "url": { |
| 4012 "description": "A URL that points to a profile pictu
re of this user.", |
| 4013 "type": "string" |
| 4014 } |
| 4015 }, |
| 4016 "type": "object" |
| 4017 } |
| 4018 }, |
| 4019 "type": "object" |
| 4020 } |
| 4021 }, |
| 4022 "servicePath": "drive/v2/", |
| 4023 "title": "Drive API", |
| 4024 "version": "v2" |
| 4025 } |