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Unified Diff: swig/Lib/swig.swg

Issue 553095: Checkin swig binaries for win, linux and Mac... (Closed) Base URL: svn://chrome-svn/chrome/trunk/deps/third_party/
Patch Set: '' Created 10 years, 11 months ago
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Index: swig/Lib/swig.swg
--- swig/Lib/swig.swg (revision 0)
+++ swig/Lib/swig.swg (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * swig.swg
+ *
+ * Common macro definitions for various SWIG directives. This file is always
+ * included at the top of each input file.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * User Directives
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Deprecated SWIG directives */
+#define %disabledoc %warn "104:%disabledoc is deprecated"
+#define %enabledoc %warn "105:%enabledoc is deprecated"
+#define %doconly %warn "106:%doconly is deprecated"
+#define %style %warn "107:%style is deprecated" /##/
+#define %localstyle %warn "108:%localstyle is deprecated" /##/
+#define %title %warn "109:%title is deprecated" /##/
+#define %section %warn "110:%section is deprecated" /##/
+#define %subsection %warn "111:%subsection is deprecated" /##/
+#define %subsubsection %warn "112:%subsubsection is deprecated" /##/
+#define %new %warn "117:%new is deprecated. Use %newobject"
+#define %text %insert("null")
+/* Code insertion directives such as %wrapper %{ ... %} */
+#define %begin %insert("begin")
+#define %runtime %insert("runtime")
+#define %header %insert("header")
+#define %wrapper %insert("wrapper")
+#define %init %insert("init")
+/* Class extension */
+#define %addmethods %warn "113:%addmethods is now %extend" %extend
+/* %ignore directive */
+#define %ignore %rename($ignore)
+#define %ignorewarn(x) %rename("$ignore:" x)
+/* Access control directives */
+#define %readonly %warn "114:%readonly is deprecated. Use %immutable; " %feature("immutable");
+#define %readwrite %warn "115:%readwrite is deprecated. Use %mutable; " %feature("immutable","");
+#define %immutable %feature("immutable")
+#define %noimmutable %feature("immutable","0")
+#define %clearimmutable %feature("immutable","")
+#define %mutable %clearimmutable
+/* Generation of default constructors/destructors (old form, don't use) */
+#define %nodefault %feature("nodefault","1")
+#define %default %feature("nodefault","0")
+#define %clearnodefault %feature("nodefault","")
+#define %makedefault %clearnodefault
+/* Disable the generation of implicit default constructor */
+#define %nodefaultctor %feature("nodefaultctor","1")
+#define %defaultctor %feature("nodefaultctor","0")
+#define %clearnodefaultctor %feature("nodefaultctor","")
+/* Disable the generation of implicit default destructor (dangerous) */
+#define %nodefaultdtor %feature("nodefaultdtor","1")
+#define %defaultdtor %feature("nodefaultdtor","0")
+#define %clearnodefaultdtor %feature("nodefaultdtor","")
+/* Enable the generation of copy constructor */
+#define %copyctor %feature("copyctor","1")
+#define %nocopyctor %feature("copyctor","0")
+#define %clearcopyctor %feature("copyctor","")
+/* Force the old nodefault behavior, ie disable both constructor and destructor */
+#define %oldnodefault %feature("oldnodefault","1")
+#define %nooldnodefault %feature("oldnodefault","0")
+#define %clearoldnodefault %feature("oldnodefault","")
+/* the %exception directive */
+#define %exception %feature("except", canthrow=1)
+#define %exception %feature("except")
+#define %noexception %feature("except","0")
+#define %clearexception %feature("except","")
+/* the %allowexception directive allows the %exception feature to
+ be applied to set/get variable methods */
+#define %allowexception %feature("allowexcept")
+#define %noallowexception %feature("allowexcept","0")
+#define %clearallowexception %feature("allowexcept","")
+/* the %exceptionvar directive, as %exception but it is only applied
+ to set/get variable methods. You don't need to use the
+ %allowexception directive when using %exceptionvar.
+#define %exceptionvar %feature("exceptvar", canthrow=1)
+#define %exceptionvar %feature("exceptvar")
+#define %noexceptionvar %feature("exceptvar","0")
+#define %clearexceptionvar %feature("exceptvar","")
+/* the %catches directive */
+#define %catches(tlist...) %feature("catches","("`tlist`")")
+#define %clearcatches %feature("catches","")
+/* the %exceptionclass directive */
+#define %exceptionclass %feature("exceptionclass")
+#define %noexceptionclass %feature("exceptionclass","0")
+#define %clearexceptionclass %feature("exceptionclass","")
+/* the %newobject directive */
+#define %newobject %feature("new")
+#define %nonewobject %feature("new","0")
+#define %clearnewobject %feature("new","")
+/* the %delobject directive */
+#define %delobject %feature("del")
+#define %nodelobject %feature("del","0")
+#define %cleardelobject %feature("del","")
+/* the %refobject/%unrefobject directives */
+#define %refobject %feature("ref")
+#define %norefobject %feature("ref","0")
+#define %clearrefobject %feature("ref","")
+#define %unrefobject %feature("unref")
+#define %nounrefobject %feature("unref","0")
+#define %clearunrefobject %feature("unref","")
+/* Directives for callback functions (experimental) */
+#define %callback(x) %feature("callback",`x`)
+#define %nocallback %feature("callback","0")
+#define %clearcallback %feature("callback","")
+/* the %fastdispatch directive */
+#define %fastdispatch %feature("fastdispatch")
+#define %nofastdispatch %feature("fastdispatch","0")
+#define %clearfastdispatch %feature("fastdispatch","")
+/* directors directives */
+#define %director %feature("director")
+#define %nodirector %feature("director","0")
+#define %cleardirector %feature("director","")
+/* naturalvar directives */
+#define %naturalvar %feature("naturalvar")
+#define %nonaturalvar %feature("naturalvar","0")
+#define %clearnaturalvar %feature("naturalvar","")
+/* valuewrapper directives */
+#define %valuewrapper %feature("valuewrapper")
+#define %clearvaluewrapper %feature("valuewrapper","")
+#define %novaluewrapper %feature("novaluewrapper")
+#define %clearnovaluewrapper %feature("novaluewrapper","")
+/* Contract support - Experimental and undocumented */
+#define %contract %feature("contract")
+#define %nocontract %feature("contract","0")
+#define %clearcontract %feature("contract","")
+/* Macro for setting a dynamic cast function */
+%define DYNAMIC_CAST(mangle,func)
+%init %{
+ mangle->dcast = (swig_dycast_func) func;
+/* aggregation support */
+ This macro performs constant aggregation. Basically the idea of
+ constant aggregation is that you can group a collection of constants
+ together. For example, suppose you have some code like this:
+ #define UP 1
+ #define DOWN 2
+ #define LEFT 3
+ #define RIGHT 4
+ Now, suppose you had a function like this:
+ int move(int direction)
+ In this case, you might want to restrict the direction argument to
+ one of the supplied constant names. To do this, you could write some
+ typemap code by hand. Alternatively, you can use the
+ %aggregate_check macro defined here to create a simple check
+ function for you. Here is an example:
+ %aggregate_check(int, check_direction, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT);
+ Now, using a typemap
+ %typemap(check) int direction {
+ if (!check_direction($1)) SWIG_exception(SWIG_ValueError,"Bad direction.");
+ }
+ or a contract (better)
+ %contract move(int x) {
+ require:
+ check_direction(x);
+ }
+%define %aggregate_check(TYPE, NAME, FIRST, ...)
+%wrapper %{
+static int NAME(TYPE x) {
+ static TYPE values[] = { FIRST, ##__VA_ARGS__ };
+ static int size = sizeof(values);
+ int i,j;
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < size; i+=sizeof(TYPE),j++) {
+ if (x == values[j]) return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * %rename predicates
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Predicates to be used with %rename, for example:
+ - to rename all the functions:
+ %rename("%(utitle)s", %$isfunction) "";
+ - to rename only the member methods:
+ %rename("m_%(utitle)s", %$isfunction, %$ismember) "";
+ - to rename only the global functions:
+ %rename("m_%(utitle)s", %$isfunction, %$not %$ismember) "";
+ or
+ %rename("g_%(utitle)s", %$isfunction, %$isglobal) "";
+ - to ignore the enumitems in a given class:
+ %rename("$ignore", %$isenumitem, %$classname="MyClass") "";
+ we use the prefix '%$' to avoid clashings with other swig
+ macros/directives.
+%define %$not "not" %enddef
+%define %$isenum "match"="enum" %enddef
+%define %$isenumitem "match"="enumitem" %enddef
+%define %$isaccess "match"="access" %enddef
+%define %$isclass "match"="class","notmatch$template$templatetype"="class" %enddef
+%define %$isextend "match"="extend" %enddef
+%define %$isextend "match"="extend" %enddef
+%define %$isconstructor "match"="constructor" %enddef
+%define %$isdestructor "match"="destructor" %enddef
+%define %$isnamespace "match"="namespace" %enddef
+%define %$istemplate "match"="template" %enddef
+%define %$isconstant "match"="constant" %enddef /* %constant definition */
+%define %$isunion "match$kind"="union" %enddef
+%define %$isfunction "match$kind"="function" %enddef
+%define %$isvariable "match$kind"="variable" %enddef
+%define %$isimmutable "match$feature:immutable"="1" %enddef
+%define %$hasconsttype "match$hasconsttype"="1" %enddef
+%define %$hasvalue "match$hasvalue"="1" %enddef
+%define %$isextension "match$isextension"="1" %enddef
+%define %$isstatic "match$storage"="static" %enddef
+%define %$isfriend "match$storage"="friend" %enddef
+%define %$istypedef "match$storage"="typedef" %enddef
+%define %$isvirtual "match$storage"="virtual" %enddef
+%define %$isexplicit "match$storage"="explicit" %enddef
+%define %$isextern "match$storage"="extern" %enddef
+%define %$ismember "match$ismember"="1" %enddef
+%define %$isglobal %not %ismember %enddef
+%define %$innamespace "match$parentNode$nodeType"="namespace" %enddef
+%define %$ispublic "match$access"="public" %enddef
+%define %$isprotected "match$access"="protected" %enddef
+%define %$isprivate "match$access"="private" %enddef
+%define %$ismemberget "match$memberget"="1" %enddef
+%define %$ismemberset "match$memberset"="1" %enddef
+%define %$classname %ismember,match$parentNode$name %enddef
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Include all the warnings labels and macros
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+%include <swigwarnings.swg>
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Default handling of certain overloaded operators
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+%ignoreoperator(NEW) operator new;
+%ignoreoperator(DELETE) operator delete;
+%ignoreoperator(NEWARR) operator new[];
+%ignoreoperator(DELARR) operator delete[];
+/* add C++ operator aliases */
+%rename("operator &&") operator and; // `and' `&&'
+%rename("operator ||") operator or; // `or' `||'
+%rename("operator !") operator not; // `not' `!'
+%rename("operator &=") operator and_eq; // `and_eq' `&='
+%rename("operator &") operator bitand; // `bitand' `&'
+%rename("operator |") operator bitor; // `bitor' `|'
+%rename("operator ~") operator compl; // `compl' `~'
+%rename("operator !=") operator not_eq; // `not_eq' `!='
+%rename("operator |=") operator or_eq; // `or_eq' `|='
+%rename("operator ^") operator xor; // `xor' `^'
+%rename("operator ^=") operator xor_eq; // `xor_eq' `^='
+/* Smart pointer handling */
+%rename(__deref__) *::operator->;
+%rename(__ref__) *::operator*();
+%rename(__ref__) *::operator*() const;
+/* Define std namespace */
+namespace std {
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Default char * and C array typemaps
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Set up the typemap for handling new return strings */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+%typemap(newfree) char * "delete [] $1;";
+%typemap(newfree) char * "free($1);";
+/* Default typemap for handling char * members */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+%typemap(memberin) char * {
+ if ($1) delete [] $1;
+ if ($input) {
+ $1 = ($1_type) (new char[strlen((const char *)$input)+1]);
+ strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
+ } else {
+ $1 = 0;
+ }
+%typemap(memberin,warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_CHARLEAK_MSG) const char * {
+ if ($input) {
+ $1 = ($1_type) (new char[strlen((const char *)$input)+1]);
+ strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
+ } else {
+ $1 = 0;
+ }
+%typemap(globalin) char * {
+ if ($1) delete [] $1;
+ if ($input) {
+ $1 = ($1_type) (new char[strlen((const char *)$input)+1]);
+ strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
+ } else {
+ $1 = 0;
+ }
+%typemap(globalin,warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_CHARLEAK_MSG) const char * {
+ if ($input) {
+ $1 = ($1_type) (new char[strlen((const char *)$input)+1]);
+ strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
+ } else {
+ $1 = 0;
+ }
+%typemap(memberin) char * {
+ if ($1) free((char *)$1);
+ if ($input) {
+ $1 = ($1_type) malloc(strlen((const char *)$input)+1);
+ strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
+ } else {
+ $1 = 0;
+ }
+%typemap(memberin,warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_CHARLEAK_MSG) const char * {
+ if ($input) {
+ $1 = ($1_type) malloc(strlen((const char *)$input)+1);
+ strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
+ } else {
+ $1 = 0;
+ }
+%typemap(globalin) char * {
+ if ($1) free((char *)$1);
+ if ($input) {
+ $1 = ($1_type) malloc(strlen((const char *)$input)+1);
+ strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
+ } else {
+ $1 = 0;
+ }
+%typemap(globalin,warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_CHARLEAK_MSG) const char * {
+ if ($input) {
+ $1 = ($1_type) malloc(strlen((const char *)$input)+1);
+ strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
+ } else {
+ $1 = 0;
+ }
+/* Character array handling */
+%typemap(memberin) char [ANY] {
+ if($input) {
+ strncpy((char*)$1, (const char *)$input, $1_dim0-1);
+ $1[$1_dim0-1] = 0;
+ } else {
+ $1[0] = 0;
+ }
+%typemap(globalin) char [ANY] {
+ if($input) {
+ strncpy((char*)$1, (const char *)$input, $1_dim0-1);
+ $1[$1_dim0-1] = 0;
+ } else {
+ $1[0] = 0;
+ }
+%typemap(memberin) char [] {
+ if ($input) strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
+ else $1[0] = 0;
+%typemap(globalin) char [] {
+ if ($input) strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
+ else $1[0] = 0;
+/* memberin/globalin typemap for arrays. */
+%typemap(memberin) SWIGTYPE [ANY] {
+ size_t ii;
+ $1_basetype *b = ($1_basetype *) $1;
+ for (ii = 0; ii < (size_t)$1_size; ii++) b[ii] = *(($1_basetype *) $input + ii);
+%typemap(globalin) SWIGTYPE [ANY] {
+ size_t ii;
+ $1_basetype *b = ($1_basetype *) $1;
+ for (ii = 0; ii < (size_t)$1_size; ii++) b[ii] = *(($1_basetype *) $input + ii);
+/* memberin/globalin typemap for double arrays. */
+%typemap(memberin) SWIGTYPE [ANY][ANY] {
+ $basetype (*inp)[$1_dim1] = ($basetype (*)[$1_dim1])($input);
+ $basetype (*dest)[$1_dim1] = ($basetype (*)[$1_dim1])($1);
+ size_t ii = 0;
+ for (; ii < $1_dim0; ++ii) {
+ $basetype *ip = inp[ii];
+ $basetype *dp = dest[ii];
+ size_t jj = 0;
+ for (; jj < $1_dim1; ++jj) dp[jj] = ip[jj];
+ }
+%typemap(globalin) SWIGTYPE [ANY][ANY] {
+ $basetype (*inp)[$1_dim1] = ($basetype (*)[$1_dim1])($input);
+ $basetype (*dest)[$1_dim1] = ($basetype (*)[$1_dim1])($1);
+ size_t ii = 0;
+ for (; ii < $1_dim0; ++ii) {
+ $basetype *ip = inp[ii];
+ $basetype *dp = dest[ii];
+ size_t jj = 0;
+ for (; jj < $1_dim1; ++jj) dp[jj] = ip[jj];
+ }
+/* Typemap for variable length arguments sentinel value. Used
+ by the %varargs directive. */
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Overloading support
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Function/method overloading support. This is done through typemaps,
+ * but also involve a precedence level.
+ */
+/* Macro for overload resolution */
+%define %typecheck(_x...) %typemap(typecheck, precedence=_x) %enddef
+/* Macros for precedence levels */
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_POINTER 0 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_ITERATOR 5 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_VOIDPTR 10 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_BOOL 15 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT8 20 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT8 25 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT16 30 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT16 35 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT32 40 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT32 45 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_SIZE 47 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_PTRDIFF 48 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT64 50 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT64 55 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT128 60 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT128 65 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INTEGER 70 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_FLOAT 80 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_DOUBLE 90 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_CPLXFLT 95 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_CPLXDBL 100 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_COMPLEX 105 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UNICHAR 110 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UNISTRING 120 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR 130 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_STDSTRING 135 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_STRING 140 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_PAIR 150 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_VECTOR 160 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_DEQUE 170 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_LIST 180 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_SET 190 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_MULTISET 200 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_MAP 210 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_MULTIMAP 220 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_STACK 230 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_QUEUE 240 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_BOOL_ARRAY 1015 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT8_ARRAY 1025 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT16_ARRAY 1035 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT32_ARRAY 1045 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT64_ARRAY 1055 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT128_ARRAY 1065 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_FLOAT_ARRAY 1080 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_DOUBLE_ARRAY 1090 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR_ARRAY 1130 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_STRING_ARRAY 1140 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_OBJECT_ARRAY 1150 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_BOOL_PTR 2015 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT8_PTR 2020 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT8_PTR 2025 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT16_PTR 2030 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT16_PTR 2035 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT32_PTR 2040 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT32_PTR 2045 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT64_PTR 2050 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT64_PTR 2055 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_FLOAT_PTR 2080 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_DOUBLE_PTR 2090 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR_PTR 2130 %enddef
+%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_SWIGOBJECT 5000 %enddef
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Runtime code
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* The SwigValueWrapper class */
+ * This template wrapper is used to handle C++ objects that are passed or
+ * returned by value. This is necessary to handle objects that define
+ * no default-constructor (making it difficult for SWIG to properly declare
+ * local variables).
+ *
+ * The wrapper is used as follows. First consider a function like this:
+ *
+ * Vector cross_product(Vector a, Vector b)
+ *
+ * Now, if Vector is defined as a C++ class with no default constructor,
+ * code is generated as follows:
+ *
+ * Vector *wrap_cross_product(Vector *inarg1, Vector *inarg2) {
+ * SwigValueWrapper<Vector> arg1;
+ * SwigValueWrapper<Vector> arg2;
+ * SwigValueWrapper<Vector> result;
+ *
+ * arg1 = *inarg1;
+ * arg2 = *inarg2;
+ * ...
+ * result = cross_product(arg1,arg2);
+ * ...
+ * return new Vector(result);
+ * }
+ *
+ * In the wrappers, the template SwigValueWrapper simply provides a thin
+ * layer around a Vector *. However, it does this in a way that allows
+ * the object to be bound after the variable declaration (which is not possible
+ * with the bare object when it lacks a default constructor).
+ *
+ * An observant reader will notice that the code after the variable declarations
+ * is *identical* to the code used for classes that do define default constructors.
+ * Thus, this neat trick allows us to fix this special case without having to
+ * make massive changes to typemaps and other parts of the SWIG code generator.
+ *
+ * Note: this code is not included when SWIG runs in C-mode, when classes
+ * define default constructors, or when pointers and references are used.
+ * SWIG tries to avoid doing this except in very special circumstances.
+ *
+ * Note: This solution suffers from making a large number of copies
+ * of the underlying object. However, this is needed in the interest of
+ * safety and in order to cover all of the possible ways in which a value
+ * might be assigned. For example:
+ *
+ * arg1 = *inarg1; // Assignment from a pointer
+ * arg1 = Vector(1,2,3); // Assignment from a value
+ *
+ * The class offers a strong guarantee of exception safety.
+ * With regards to the implementation, the private SwigMovePointer nested class is
+ * a simple smart pointer with move semantics, much like std::auto_ptr.
+ *
+ * This wrapping technique was suggested by William Fulton and is henceforth
+ * known as the "Fulton Transform" :-).
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+%insert("runtime") %{
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/* SwigValueWrapper is described in swig.swg */
+template<typename T> class SwigValueWrapper {
+ struct SwigMovePointer {
+ T *ptr;
+ SwigMovePointer(T *p) : ptr(p) { }
+ ~SwigMovePointer() { delete ptr; }
+ SwigMovePointer& operator=(SwigMovePointer& rhs) { T* oldptr = ptr; ptr = 0; delete oldptr; ptr = rhs.ptr; rhs.ptr = 0; return *this; }
+ } pointer;
+ SwigValueWrapper& operator=(const SwigValueWrapper<T>& rhs);
+ SwigValueWrapper(const SwigValueWrapper<T>& rhs);
+ SwigValueWrapper() : pointer(0) { }
+ SwigValueWrapper& operator=(const T& t) { SwigMovePointer tmp(new T(t)); pointer = tmp; return *this; }
+ operator T&() const { return *pointer.ptr; }
+ T *operator&() { return pointer.ptr; }
+ * SwigValueInit() is a generic initialisation solution as the following approach:
+ *
+ * T c_result = T();
+ *
+ * doesn't compile for all types for example:
+ *
+ * unsigned int c_result = unsigned int();
+ */
+%insert("runtime") %{
+template <typename T> T SwigValueInit() {
+ return T();
+/* The swiglabels */
+%insert("runtime") "swiglabels.swg"
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