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Unified Diff: chrome/renderer/printing/

Issue 516823002: Removed (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Thu Aug 28 14:04:52 PDT 2014 Created 6 years, 4 months ago
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Index: chrome/renderer/printing/
diff --git a/chrome/renderer/printing/ b/chrome/renderer/printing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e80461979614df6a42ef9ed0de7ea8952641021..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/chrome/renderer/printing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/renderer/printing/print_web_view_helper.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
-#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_gdi_object.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_hdc.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_select_object.h"
-#include "chrome/common/print_messages.h"
-#include "printing/metafile.h"
-#include "printing/metafile_impl.h"
-#include "printing/metafile_skia_wrapper.h"
-#include "printing/page_size_margins.h"
-#include "printing/units.h"
-#include "skia/ext/platform_device.h"
-#include "skia/ext/refptr.h"
-#include "skia/ext/vector_canvas.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebLocalFrame.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/gdi_util.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/point.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
-namespace printing {
-using blink::WebFrame;
-void PrintWebViewHelper::PrintPageInternal(
- const PrintMsg_PrintPage_Params& params,
- const gfx::Size& canvas_size,
- WebFrame* frame) {
- // Generate a memory-based metafile. It will use the current screen's DPI.
- // Each metafile contains a single page.
- scoped_ptr<NativeMetafile> metafile(new NativeMetafile);
- metafile->Init();
- DCHECK(metafile->context());
- skia::InitializeDC(metafile->context());
- int page_number = params.page_number;
- // Calculate the dpi adjustment.
- // Browser will render context using desired_dpi, so we need to calculate
- // adjustment factor to play content on the printer DC later during the
- // actual printing.
- double actual_shrink = static_cast<float>(params.params.desired_dpi /
- params.params.dpi);
- gfx::Size page_size_in_dpi;
- gfx::Rect content_area_in_dpi;
- // Render page for printing.
- RenderPage(params.params, page_number, frame, false, metafile.get(),
- &actual_shrink, &page_size_in_dpi, &content_area_in_dpi);
- // Close the device context to retrieve the compiled metafile.
- if (!metafile->FinishDocument())
- if (!params.params.supports_alpha_blend && metafile->IsAlphaBlendUsed()) {
- scoped_ptr<NativeMetafile> raster_metafile(
- metafile->RasterizeAlphaBlend());
- if (raster_metafile.get())
- metafile.swap(raster_metafile);
- }
- // Get the size of the compiled metafile.
- uint32 buf_size = metafile->GetDataSize();
- DCHECK_GT(buf_size, 128u);
- PrintHostMsg_DidPrintPage_Params page_params;
- page_params.data_size = buf_size;
- page_params.metafile_data_handle = NULL;
- page_params.page_number = page_number;
- page_params.document_cookie = params.params.document_cookie;
- page_params.actual_shrink = actual_shrink;
- page_params.page_size = page_size_in_dpi;
- page_params.content_area = content_area_in_dpi;
- if (!CopyMetafileDataToSharedMem(metafile.get(),
- &(page_params.metafile_data_handle))) {
- page_params.data_size = 0;
- }
- Send(new PrintHostMsg_DidPrintPage(routing_id(), page_params));
-bool PrintWebViewHelper::RenderPreviewPage(
- int page_number,
- const PrintMsg_Print_Params& print_params) {
- // Calculate the dpi adjustment.
- double actual_shrink = static_cast<float>(print_params.desired_dpi /
- print_params.dpi);
- scoped_ptr<Metafile> draft_metafile;
- Metafile* initial_render_metafile = print_preview_context_.metafile();
- if (print_preview_context_.IsModifiable() && is_print_ready_metafile_sent_) {
- draft_metafile.reset(new PreviewMetafile);
- initial_render_metafile = draft_metafile.get();
- }
- base::TimeTicks begin_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
- RenderPage(print_params, page_number, print_preview_context_.prepared_frame(),
- true, initial_render_metafile, &actual_shrink, NULL, NULL);
- print_preview_context_.RenderedPreviewPage(
- base::TimeTicks::Now() - begin_time);
- if (draft_metafile.get()) {
- draft_metafile->FinishDocument();
- } else if (print_preview_context_.IsModifiable() &&
- print_preview_context_.generate_draft_pages()) {
- DCHECK(!draft_metafile.get());
- draft_metafile.reset(
- print_preview_context_.metafile()->GetMetafileForCurrentPage());
- }
- return PreviewPageRendered(page_number, draft_metafile.get());
-void PrintWebViewHelper::RenderPage(
- const PrintMsg_Print_Params& params, int page_number, WebFrame* frame,
- bool is_preview, Metafile* metafile, double* actual_shrink,
- gfx::Size* page_size_in_dpi, gfx::Rect* content_area_in_dpi) {
- PageSizeMargins page_layout_in_points;
- double css_scale_factor = 1.0f;
- ComputePageLayoutInPointsForCss(frame, page_number, params,
- ignore_css_margins_, &css_scale_factor,
- &page_layout_in_points);
- gfx::Size page_size;
- gfx::Rect content_area;
- GetPageSizeAndContentAreaFromPageLayout(page_layout_in_points, &page_size,
- &content_area);
- int dpi = static_cast<int>(params.dpi);
- // Calculate the actual page size and content area in dpi.
- if (page_size_in_dpi) {
- *page_size_in_dpi = gfx::Size(
- static_cast<int>(ConvertUnitDouble(page_size.width(), kPointsPerInch,
- dpi)),
- static_cast<int>(ConvertUnitDouble(page_size.height(), kPointsPerInch,
- dpi)));
- }
- if (content_area_in_dpi) {
- *content_area_in_dpi = gfx::Rect(
- static_cast<int>(ConvertUnitDouble(content_area.x(), kPointsPerInch,
- dpi)),
- static_cast<int>(ConvertUnitDouble(content_area.y(), kPointsPerInch,
- dpi)),
- static_cast<int>(ConvertUnitDouble(content_area.width(), kPointsPerInch,
- dpi)),
- static_cast<int>(ConvertUnitDouble(content_area.height(),
- kPointsPerInch, dpi)));
- }
- if (!is_preview) {
- // Since WebKit extends the page width depending on the magical scale factor
- // we make sure the canvas covers the worst case scenario (x2.0 currently).
- // PrintContext will then set the correct clipping region.
- page_size = gfx::Size(
- static_cast<int>(page_layout_in_points.content_width *
- params.max_shrink),
- static_cast<int>(page_layout_in_points.content_height *
- params.max_shrink));
- }
- float webkit_page_shrink_factor = frame->getPrintPageShrink(page_number);
- float scale_factor = css_scale_factor * webkit_page_shrink_factor;
- gfx::Rect canvas_area =
- params.display_header_footer ? gfx::Rect(page_size) : content_area;
- SkBaseDevice* device = metafile->StartPageForVectorCanvas(
- page_size, canvas_area, scale_factor);
- DCHECK(device);
- // The printPage method may take a reference to the canvas we pass down, so it
- // can't be a stack object.
- skia::RefPtr<skia::VectorCanvas> canvas =
- skia::AdoptRef(new skia::VectorCanvas(device));
- if (is_preview) {
- MetafileSkiaWrapper::SetMetafileOnCanvas(*canvas, metafile);
- skia::SetIsDraftMode(*canvas, is_print_ready_metafile_sent_);
- skia::SetIsPreviewMetafile(*canvas, is_preview);
- }
- if (params.display_header_footer) {
- // |page_number| is 0-based, so 1 is added.
- PrintHeaderAndFooter(canvas.get(), page_number + 1,
- print_preview_context_.total_page_count(), scale_factor,
- page_layout_in_points, *header_footer_info_, params);
- }
- float webkit_scale_factor = RenderPageContent(frame, page_number, canvas_area,
- content_area, scale_factor,
- canvas.get());
- if (*actual_shrink <= 0 || webkit_scale_factor <= 0) {
- NOTREACHED() << "Printing page " << page_number << " failed.";
- } else {
- // While rendering certain plugins (PDF) to metafile, we might need to
- // set custom scale factor. Update |actual_shrink| with custom scale
- // if it is set on canvas.
- // TODO(gene): We should revisit this solution for the next versions.
- // Consider creating metafile of the right size (or resizable)
- //
- if (!MetafileSkiaWrapper::GetCustomScaleOnCanvas(
- *canvas, actual_shrink)) {
- // Update the dpi adjustment with the "page |actual_shrink|" calculated in
- // webkit.
- *actual_shrink /= (webkit_scale_factor * css_scale_factor);
- }
- }
- bool result = metafile->FinishPage();
- DCHECK(result);
-bool PrintWebViewHelper::CopyMetafileDataToSharedMem(
- Metafile* metafile, base::SharedMemoryHandle* shared_mem_handle) {
- uint32 buf_size = metafile->GetDataSize();
- base::SharedMemory shared_buf;
- if (buf_size >= kMetafileMaxSize) {
- NOTREACHED() << "Buffer too large: " << buf_size;
- return false;
- }
- // Allocate a shared memory buffer to hold the generated metafile data.
- if (!shared_buf.CreateAndMapAnonymous(buf_size)) {
- NOTREACHED() << "Buffer allocation failed";
- return false;
- }
- // Copy the bits into shared memory.
- if (!metafile->GetData(shared_buf.memory(), buf_size)) {
- NOTREACHED() << "GetData() failed";
- shared_buf.Unmap();
- return false;
- }
- shared_buf.GiveToProcess(base::GetCurrentProcessHandle(), shared_mem_handle);
- shared_buf.Unmap();
- Send(new PrintHostMsg_DuplicateSection(routing_id(), *shared_mem_handle,
- shared_mem_handle));
- return true;
-} // namespace printing
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