1 { | 1 { |
2 "version": 3, | 2 "version": 3, |
3 "file": "polymer.concat.js", | 3 "file": "polymer.concat.js", |
4 "sources": [ | 4 "sources": [ |
5 "../polymer-gestures/src/scope.js", | 5 "../polymer-gestures/src/scope.js", |
6 "../polymer-gestures/src/targetfind.js", | 6 "../polymer-gestures/src/targetfind.js", |
7 "../polymer-gestures/src/touch-action.js", | 7 "../polymer-gestures/src/touch-action.js", |
8 "../polymer-gestures/src/eventFactory.js", | 8 "../polymer-gestures/src/eventFactory.js", |
9 "../polymer-gestures/src/pointermap.js", | 9 "../polymer-gestures/src/pointermap.js", |
10 "../polymer-gestures/src/dispatcher.js", | 10 "../polymer-gestures/src/dispatcher.js", |
11 "../polymer-gestures/src/installer.js", | |
12 "../polymer-gestures/src/mouse.js", | 11 "../polymer-gestures/src/mouse.js", |
13 "../polymer-gestures/src/touch.js", | 12 "../polymer-gestures/src/touch.js", |
14 "../polymer-gestures/src/ms.js", | 13 "../polymer-gestures/src/ms.js", |
15 "../polymer-gestures/src/pointer.js", | 14 "../polymer-gestures/src/pointer.js", |
16 "../polymer-gestures/src/platform-events.js", | 15 "../polymer-gestures/src/platform-events.js", |
17 "../polymer-gestures/src/track.js", | 16 "../polymer-gestures/src/track.js", |
18 "../polymer-gestures/src/hold.js", | 17 "../polymer-gestures/src/hold.js", |
19 "../polymer-gestures/src/tap.js", | 18 "../polymer-gestures/src/tap.js", |
20 "../polymer-expressions/third_party/esprima/esprima.js", | 19 "../polymer-expressions/third_party/esprima/esprima.js", |
21 "../polymer-expressions/src/polymer-expressions.js", | 20 "../polymer-expressions/src/polymer-expressions.js", |
| 21 "build/polymer-versioned.js", |
22 "src/boot.js", | 22 "src/boot.js", |
23 "src/lib/lang.js", | 23 "src/lib/lang.js", |
24 "src/lib/job.js", | 24 "src/lib/job.js", |
25 "src/lib/dom.js", | 25 "src/lib/dom.js", |
26 "src/lib/super.js", | 26 "src/lib/super.js", |
27 "src/lib/deserialize.js", | 27 "src/lib/deserialize.js", |
28 "src/api.js", | 28 "src/api.js", |
29 "src/instance/utils.js", | 29 "src/instance/utils.js", |
30 "src/instance/events.js", | 30 "src/instance/events.js", |
31 "src/instance/attributes.js", | 31 "src/instance/attributes.js", |
32 "src/instance/properties.js", | 32 "src/instance/properties.js", |
33 "src/instance/mdv.js", | 33 "src/instance/mdv.js", |
34 "src/instance/base.js", | 34 "src/instance/base.js", |
35 "src/instance/styles.js", | 35 "src/instance/styles.js", |
36 "src/declaration/polymer.js", | 36 "src/declaration/polymer.js", |
37 "src/declaration/path.js", | 37 "src/declaration/path.js", |
38 "src/declaration/styles.js", | 38 "src/declaration/styles.js", |
39 "src/declaration/events.js", | 39 "src/declaration/events.js", |
40 "src/declaration/properties.js", | 40 "src/declaration/properties.js", |
41 "src/declaration/attributes.js", | 41 "src/declaration/attributes.js", |
42 "src/declaration/mdv.js", | 42 "src/declaration/mdv.js", |
43 "src/declaration/prototype.js", | 43 "src/declaration/prototype.js", |
44 "src/declaration/queue.js", | 44 "src/declaration/queue.js", |
45 "src/declaration/import.js", | 45 "src/declaration/import.js", |
46 "src/declaration/polymer-element.js", | 46 "src/declaration/polymer-element.js", |
47 "src/lib/auto-binding.js" | 47 "src/lib/auto-binding.js" |
48 ], | 48 ], |
49 "names": [], | 49 "names": [], |
51 "sourcesContent": [ | 51 "sourcesContent": [ |
52 "/**\n * @license\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All ri
ghts reserved.\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found
at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be f
ound at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributor
s may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed
by Google as part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional I
P rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\nwindow.Polyme
rGestures = {\n hasSDPolyfill: Boolean(window.ShadowDOMPolyfill)\n};\nPolymerGe
stures.wrap = PolymerGestures.hasSDPolyfill ? ShadowDOMPolyfill.wrapIfNeeded : f
unction(a){ return a; };\n", | 52 "/**\n * @license\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All ri
ghts reserved.\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found
at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be f
ound at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributor
s may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed
by Google as part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional I
P rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\nwindow.Polyme
rGestures = {};\n", |
53 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n var
HAS_FULL_PATH = false;\n\n // test for full event path support\n var pathTest
= document.createElement('meta');\n if (!scope.hasSDPolyfill && pathTest.creat
eShadowRoot) {\n var sr = pathTest.createShadowRoot();\n var s = document.
createElement('span');\n sr.appendChild(s);\n pathTest.addEventListener('t
estpath', function(ev) {\n if (ev.path) {\n // if the span is in the
event path, then path[0] is the real source for all events\n HAS_FULL_PA
TH = ev.path[0] === s;\n }\n ev.stopPropagation();\n });\n var e
v = new CustomEvent('testpath', {bubbles: true});\n // must add node to DOM t
o trigger event listener\n document.head.appendChild(pathTest);\n s.dispat
chEvent(ev);\n pathTest.parentNode.removeChild(pathTest);\n sr = s = null;
\n }\n pathTest = null;\n\n var target = {\n shadow: function(inEl) {\n
if (inEl) {\n return inEl.shadowRoot || inEl.webkitShadowRoot;\n
}\n },\n canTarget: function(shadow) {\n return shadow && Boolean(sha
dow.elementFromPoint);\n },\n targetingShadow: function(inEl) {\n var
s = this.shadow(inEl);\n if (this.canTarget(s)) {\n return s;\n
}\n },\n olderShadow: function(shadow) {\n var os = shadow.olderSha
dowRoot;\n if (!os) {\n var se = shadow.querySelector('shadow');\n
if (se) {\n os = se.olderShadowRoot;\n }\n }\n r
eturn os;\n },\n allShadows: function(element) {\n var shadows = [],
s = this.shadow(element);\n while(s) {\n shadows.push(s);\n s
= this.olderShadow(s);\n }\n return shadows;\n },\n searchRoot:
function(inRoot, x, y) {\n var t, st, sr, os;\n if (inRoot) {\n
t = inRoot.elementFromPoint(x, y);\n if (t) {\n // found eleme
nt, check if it has a ShadowRoot\n sr = this.targetingShadow(t);\n
} else if (inRoot !== document) {\n // check for sibling roots\n
sr = this.olderShadow(inRoot);\n }\n // search other roots,
fall back to light dom element\n return this.searchRoot(sr, x, y) || t;\n
}\n },\n owner: function(element) {\n if (!element) {\n
return document;\n }\n var s = element;\n // walk up until you hi
t the shadow root or document\n while (s.parentNode) {\n s = s.paren
tNode;\n }\n // the owner element is expected to be a Document or Shad
owRoot\n if (s.nodeType != Node.DOCUMENT_NODE && s.nodeType != Node.DOCUMEN
T_FRAGMENT_NODE) {\n s = document;\n }\n return s;\n },\n
findTarget: function(inEvent) {\n if (HAS_FULL_PATH && inEvent.path) {\n
return inEvent.path[0];\n }\n var x = inEvent.clientX, y = inEve
nt.clientY;\n // if the listener is in the shadow root, it is much faster t
o start there\n var s = this.owner(inEvent.target);\n // if x, y is no
t in this root, fall back to document search\n if (!s.elementFromPoint(x, y
)) {\n s = document;\n }\n return this.searchRoot(s, x, y);\n
},\n findScrollAxis: function(inEvent) {\n var n;\n if (HAS_FULL_
PATH && inEvent.path) {\n var path = inEvent.path;\n for (var i =
0; i < path.length; i++) {\n n = path[i];\n if (n._scrollType)
{\n return n._scrollType;\n }\n }\n } else {\n
n = scope.wrap(inEvent.currentTarget);\n while(n) {\n if
(n._scrollType) {\n return n._scrollType;\n }\n n =
n.parentNode || n.host;\n }\n }\n },\n LCA: function(a, b) {\
n if (a === b) {\n return a;\n }\n if (a && !b) {\n
return a;\n }\n if (b && !a) {\n return b;\n }\n if
(!b && !a) {\n return document;\n }\n // fast case, a is a dire
ct descendant of b or vice versa\n if (a.contains && a.contains(b)) {\n
return a;\n }\n if (b.contains && b.contains(a)) {\n return
b;\n }\n var adepth = this.depth(a);\n var bdepth = this.depth(b
);\n var d = adepth - bdepth;\n if (d >= 0) {\n a = this.walk(a
, d);\n } else {\n b = this.walk(b, -d);\n }\n while (a &&
b && a !== b) {\n a = a.parentNode || a.host;\n b = b.parentNode
|| b.host;\n }\n return a;\n },\n walk: function(n, u) {\n
for (var i = 0; n && (i < u); i++) {\n n = n.parentNode || n.host;\n
}\n return n;\n },\n depth: function(n) {\n var d = 0;\n w
hile(n) {\n d++;\n n = n.parentNode || n.host;\n }\n ret
urn d;\n },\n deepContains: function(a, b) {\n var common = this.LCA(
a, b);\n // if a is the common ancestor, it must \"deeply\" contain b\n
return common === a;\n },\n insideNode: function(node, x, y) {\n va
r rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();\n return (rect.left <= x) && (x <= r
ect.right) && (rect.top <= y) && (y <= rect.bottom);\n }\n };\n scope.targe
tFinding = target;\n /**\n * Given an event, finds the \"deepest\" node that
could have been the original target before ShadowDOM retargetting\n *\n * @p
aram {Event} Event An event object with clientX and clientY properties\n * @re
turn {Element} The probable event origninator\n */\n scope.findTarget = targe
t.findTarget.bind(target);\n /**\n * Determines if the \"container\" node dee
ply contains the \"containee\" node, including situations where the \"containee\
" is contained by one or more ShadowDOM\n * roots.\n *\n * @param {Node} c
ontainer\n * @param {Node} containee\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n scope.d
eepContains = target.deepContains.bind(target);\n\n /**\n * Determines if the
x/y position is inside the given node.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * fun
ction upHandler(event) {\n * var innode = PolymerGestures.insideNode(eve
nt.target, event.clientX, event.clientY);\n * if (innode) {\n *
// wait for tap?\n * } else {\n * // tap will never happen\n
* }\n * }\n *\n * @param {Node} node\n * @param {Number} x
Screen X position\n * @param {Number} y screen Y position\n * @return {Boole
an}\n */\n scope.insideNode = target.insideNode;\n\n})(window.PolymerGestures
);\n", | 53 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n var
HAS_FULL_PATH = false;\n\n // test for full event path support\n var pathTest
= document.createElement('meta');\n if (pathTest.createShadowRoot) {\n var
sr = pathTest.createShadowRoot();\n var s = document.createElement('span');\n
sr.appendChild(s);\n pathTest.addEventListener('testpath', function(ev) {
\n if (ev.path) {\n // if the span is in the event path, then path[0
] is the real source for all events\n HAS_FULL_PATH = ev.path[0] === s;\n
}\n ev.stopPropagation();\n });\n var ev = new CustomEvent('tes
tpath', {bubbles: true});\n // must add node to DOM to trigger event listener
\n document.head.appendChild(pathTest);\n s.dispatchEvent(ev);\n pathTe
st.parentNode.removeChild(pathTest);\n sr = s = null;\n }\n pathTest = null
;\n\n var target = {\n shadow: function(inEl) {\n if (inEl) {\n
return inEl.shadowRoot || inEl.webkitShadowRoot;\n }\n },\n canTarget
: function(shadow) {\n return shadow && Boolean(shadow.elementFromPoint);\n
},\n targetingShadow: function(inEl) {\n var s = this.shadow(inEl);\
n if (this.canTarget(s)) {\n return s;\n }\n },\n olderSh
adow: function(shadow) {\n var os = shadow.olderShadowRoot;\n if (!os)
{\n var se = shadow.querySelector('shadow');\n if (se) {\n
os = se.olderShadowRoot;\n }\n }\n return os;\n },\n a
llShadows: function(element) {\n var shadows = [], s = this.shadow(element)
;\n while(s) {\n shadows.push(s);\n s = this.olderShadow(s);\
n }\n return shadows;\n },\n searchRoot: function(inRoot, x, y)
{\n var t, st, sr, os;\n if (inRoot) {\n t = inRoot.elementFrom
Point(x, y);\n if (t) {\n // found element, check if it has a Sh
adowRoot\n sr = this.targetingShadow(t);\n } else if (inRoot !==
document) {\n // check for sibling roots\n sr = this.olderSha
dow(inRoot);\n }\n // search other roots, fall back to light dom e
lement\n return this.searchRoot(sr, x, y) || t;\n }\n },\n own
er: function(element) {\n if (!element) {\n return document;\n
}\n var s = element;\n // walk up until you hit the shadow root or doc
ument\n while (s.parentNode) {\n s = s.parentNode;\n }\n /
/ the owner element is expected to be a Document or ShadowRoot\n if (s.node
Type != Node.DOCUMENT_NODE && s.nodeType != Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {\n
s = document;\n }\n return s;\n },\n findTarget: function(in
Event) {\n if (HAS_FULL_PATH && inEvent.path) {\n return inEvent.pat
h[0];\n }\n var x = inEvent.clientX, y = inEvent.clientY;\n // if
the listener is in the shadow root, it is much faster to start there\n var
s = this.owner(inEvent.target);\n // if x, y is not in this root, fall bac
k to document search\n if (!s.elementFromPoint(x, y)) {\n s = docume
nt;\n }\n return this.searchRoot(s, x, y);\n },\n findTouchActio
n: function(inEvent) {\n var n;\n if (HAS_FULL_PATH && inEvent.path) {
\n var path = inEvent.path;\n for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++
) {\n n = path[i];\n if (n.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && n
.hasAttribute('touch-action')) {\n return n.getAttribute('touch-actio
n');\n }\n }\n } else {\n n = inEvent.target;\n
while(n) {\n if (n.hasAttribute('touch-action')) {\n retu
rn n.getAttribute('touch-action');\n }\n n = n.parentNode || n
.host;\n }\n }\n // auto is default\n return \"auto\";\n
},\n LCA: function(a, b) {\n if (a === b) {\n return a;\n
}\n if (a && !b) {\n return a;\n }\n if (b && !a) {\n
return b;\n }\n if (!b && !a) {\n return document;\n }\
n // fast case, a is a direct descendant of b or vice versa\n if (a.co
ntains && a.contains(b)) {\n return a;\n }\n if (b.contains &&
b.contains(a)) {\n return b;\n }\n var adepth = this.depth(a);\
n var bdepth = this.depth(b);\n var d = adepth - bdepth;\n if (d
>= 0) {\n a = this.walk(a, d);\n } else {\n b = this.walk(b,
-d);\n }\n while (a && b && a !== b) {\n a = a.parentNode || a.
host;\n b = b.parentNode || b.host;\n }\n return a;\n },\n
walk: function(n, u) {\n for (var i = 0; n && (i < u); i++) {\n n
= n.parentNode || n.host;\n }\n return n;\n },\n depth: function
(n) {\n var d = 0;\n while(n) {\n d++;\n n = n.parentNod
e || n.host;\n }\n return d;\n },\n deepContains: function(a, b)
{\n var common = this.LCA(a, b);\n // if a is the common ancestor, it
must \"deeply\" contain b\n return common === a;\n },\n insideNode:
function(node, x, y) {\n var rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();\n re
turn (rect.left <= x) && (x <= rect.right) && (rect.top <= y) && (y <= rect.bott
om);\n }\n };\n scope.targetFinding = target;\n /**\n * Given an event,
finds the \"deepest\" node that could have been the original target before Shado
wDOM retargetting\n *\n * @param {Event} Event An event object with clientX
and clientY properties\n * @return {Element} The probable event origninator\n
*/\n scope.findTarget = target.findTarget.bind(target);\n /**\n * Determin
es if the \"container\" node deeply contains the \"containee\" node, including s
ituations where the \"containee\" is contained by one or more ShadowDOM\n * ro
ots.\n *\n * @param {Node} container\n * @param {Node} containee\n * @re
turn {Boolean}\n */\n scope.deepContains = target.deepContains.bind(target);\
n\n /**\n * Determines if the x/y position is inside the given node.\n *\n
* Example:\n *\n * function upHandler(event) {\n * var innode
= PolymerGestures.insideNode(event.target, event.clientX, event.clientY);\n *
if (innode) {\n * // wait for tap?\n * } else {\n *
// tap will never happen\n * }\n * }\n *\n * @param {Nod
e} node\n * @param {Number} x Screen X position\n * @param {Number} y screen
Y position\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\n scope.insideNode = target.insideNo
de;\n\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", |
54 "/*\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reser
ved.\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://
polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at ht
tp://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be f
ound at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google
as part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights g
rant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function() {\n func
tion shadowSelector(v) {\n return 'body /deep/ ' + selector(v);\n }\n funct
ion selector(v) {\n return '[touch-action=\"' + v + '\"]';\n }\n function r
ule(v) {\n return '{ -ms-touch-action: ' + v + '; touch-action: ' + v + ';}';
\n }\n var attrib2css = [\n 'none',\n 'auto',\n 'pan-x',\n 'pan-y'
,\n {\n rule: 'pan-x pan-y',\n selectors: [\n 'pan-x pan-y',
\n 'pan-y pan-x'\n ]\n },\n 'manipulation'\n ];\n var styles
= '';\n // only install stylesheet if the browser has touch action support\n
var head = document.head;\n var hasTouchAction = typeof document.head.style.tou
chAction === 'string';\n // only add shadow selectors if shadowdom is supported
\n var hasShadowRoot = !window.ShadowDOMPolyfill && document.head.createShadowR
oot;\n\n if (hasTouchAction) {\n attrib2css.forEach(function(r) {\n if
(String(r) === r) {\n styles += selector(r) + rule(r) + '\\n';\n i
f (hasShadowRoot) {\n styles += shadowSelector(r) + rule(r) + '\\n';\n
}\n } else {\n styles += r.selectors.map(selector) + rule(r.r
ule) + '\\n';\n if (hasShadowRoot) {\n styles += r.selectors.map
(shadowSelector) + rule(r.rule) + '\\n';\n }\n }\n });\n\n var
el = document.createElement('style');\n el.textContent = styles;\n docume
nt.head.appendChild(el);\n }\n})();\n", | 54 "/*\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reser
ved.\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://
polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at ht
tp://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be f
ound at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google
as part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights g
rant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function() {\n func
tion shadowSelector(v) {\n return 'html /deep/ ' + selector(v);\n }\n funct
ion selector(v) {\n return '[touch-action=\"' + v + '\"]';\n }\n function r
ule(v) {\n return '{ -ms-touch-action: ' + v + '; touch-action: ' + v + ';}';
\n }\n var attrib2css = [\n 'none',\n 'auto',\n 'pan-x',\n 'pan-y'
,\n {\n rule: 'pan-x pan-y',\n selectors: [\n 'pan-x pan-y',
\n 'pan-y pan-x'\n ]\n },\n 'manipulation'\n ];\n var styles
= '';\n // only install stylesheet if the browser has touch action support\n
var hasTouchAction = typeof document.head.style.touchAction === 'string';\n //
only add shadow selectors if shadowdom is supported\n var hasShadowRoot = !wind
ow.ShadowDOMPolyfill && document.head.createShadowRoot;\n\n if (hasTouchAction)
{\n attrib2css.forEach(function(r) {\n if (String(r) === r) {\n
styles += selector(r) + rule(r) + '\\n';\n if (hasShadowRoot) {\n
styles += shadowSelector(r) + rule(r) + '\\n';\n }\n } else {\n
styles += r.selectors.map(selector) + rule(r.rule) + '\\n';\n if (ha
sShadowRoot) {\n styles += r.selectors.map(shadowSelector) + rule(r.rul
e) + '\\n';\n }\n }\n });\n\n var el = document.createElement(
'style');\n el.textContent = styles;\n document.head.appendChild(el);\n }
\n})();\n", |
55 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * This is the const
ructor for new PointerEvents.\n *\n * New Pointer Events must be given a type, a
nd an optional dictionary of\n * initialization properties.\n *\n * Due to certa
in platform requirements, events returned from the constructor\n * identify as M
ouseEvents.\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param {String} inType The type of the even
t to create.\n * @param {Object} [inDict] An optional dictionary of initial even
t properties.\n * @return {Event} A new PointerEvent of type `inType` and initia
lized with properties from `inDict`.\n */\n(function(scope) {\n\n var MOUSE_PRO
PS = [\n 'bubbles',\n 'cancelable',\n 'view',\n 'detail',\n 'scre
enX',\n 'screenY',\n 'clientX',\n 'clientY',\n 'ctrlKey',\n 'altK
ey',\n 'shiftKey',\n 'metaKey',\n 'button',\n 'relatedTarget',\n
'pageX',\n 'pageY'\n ];\n\n var MOUSE_DEFAULTS = [\n false,\n false,\
n null,\n null,\n 0,\n 0,\n 0,\n 0,\n false,\n false,\n
false,\n false,\n 0,\n null,\n 0,\n 0\n ];\n\n var NOP_FACTO
RY = function(){ return function(){}; };\n\n var eventFactory = {\n // TODO(
dfreedm): this is overridden by tap recognizer, needs review\n preventTap: NO
P_FACTORY,\n makeBaseEvent: function(inType, inDict) {\n var e = documen
t.createEvent('Event');\n e.initEvent(inType, inDict.bubbles || false, inDi
ct.cancelable || false);\n e.preventTap = eventFactory.preventTap(e);\n
return e;\n },\n makeGestureEvent: function(inType, inDict) {\n inD
ict = inDict || Object.create(null);\n\n var e = this.makeBaseEvent(inType,
inDict);\n for (var i = 0, keys = Object.keys(inDict), k; i < keys.length;
i++) {\n k = keys[i];\n e[k] = inDict[k];\n }\n return
e;\n },\n makePointerEvent: function(inType, inDict) {\n inDict = inD
ict || Object.create(null);\n\n var e = this.makeBaseEvent(inType, inDict);
\n // define inherited MouseEvent properties\n for(var i = 0, p; i < M
OUSE_PROPS.length; i++) {\n p = MOUSE_PROPS[i];\n e[p] = inDict[p]
|| MOUSE_DEFAULTS[i];\n }\n e.buttons = inDict.buttons || 0;\n\n
// Spec requires that pointers without pressure specified use 0.5 for down\n
// state and 0 for up state.\n var pressure = 0;\n if (inDict.press
ure) {\n pressure = inDict.pressure;\n } else {\n pressure =
e.buttons ? 0.5 : 0;\n }\n\n // add x/y properties aliased to clientX/
Y\n e.x = e.clientX;\n e.y = e.clientY;\n\n // define the propert
ies of the PointerEvent interface\n e.pointerId = inDict.pointerId || 0;\n
e.width = inDict.width || 0;\n e.height = inDict.height || 0;\n e
.pressure = pressure;\n e.tiltX = inDict.tiltX || 0;\n e.tiltY = inDic
t.tiltY || 0;\n e.pointerType = inDict.pointerType || '';\n e.hwTimest
amp = inDict.hwTimestamp || 0;\n e.isPrimary = inDict.isPrimary || false;\n
e._source = inDict._source || '';\n return e;\n }\n };\n\n scope
.eventFactory = eventFactory;\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", | 55 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * This is the const
ructor for new PointerEvents.\n *\n * New Pointer Events must be given a type, a
nd an optional dictionary of\n * initialization properties.\n *\n * Due to certa
in platform requirements, events returned from the constructor\n * identify as M
ouseEvents.\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param {String} inType The type of the even
t to create.\n * @param {Object} [inDict] An optional dictionary of initial even
t properties.\n * @return {Event} A new PointerEvent of type `inType` and initia
lized with properties from `inDict`.\n */\n(function(scope) {\n\n var MOUSE_PRO
PS = [\n 'bubbles',\n 'cancelable',\n 'view',\n 'detail',\n 'scre
enX',\n 'screenY',\n 'clientX',\n 'clientY',\n 'ctrlKey',\n 'altK
ey',\n 'shiftKey',\n 'metaKey',\n 'button',\n 'relatedTarget',\n
'pageX',\n 'pageY'\n ];\n\n var MOUSE_DEFAULTS = [\n false,\n false,\
n null,\n null,\n 0,\n 0,\n 0,\n 0,\n false,\n false,\n
false,\n false,\n 0,\n null,\n 0,\n 0\n ];\n\n var NOP_FACTO
RY = function(){ return function(){}; };\n\n var eventFactory = {\n // TODO(
dfreedm): this is overridden by tap recognizer, needs review\n preventTap: NO
P_FACTORY,\n makeBaseEvent: function(inType, inDict) {\n var e = documen
t.createEvent('Event');\n e.initEvent(inType, inDict.bubbles || false, inDi
ct.cancelable || false);\n e.preventTap = eventFactory.preventTap(e);\n
return e;\n },\n makeGestureEvent: function(inType, inDict) {\n inD
ict = inDict || Object.create(null);\n\n var e = this.makeBaseEvent(inType,
inDict);\n for (var i = 0, keys = Object.keys(inDict), k; i < keys.length;
i++) {\n k = keys[i];\n e[k] = inDict[k];\n }\n return
e;\n },\n makePointerEvent: function(inType, inDict) {\n inDict = inD
ict || Object.create(null);\n\n var e = this.makeBaseEvent(inType, inDict);
\n // define inherited MouseEvent properties\n for(var i = 0, p; i < M
OUSE_PROPS.length; i++) {\n p = MOUSE_PROPS[i];\n e[p] = inDict[p]
|| MOUSE_DEFAULTS[i];\n }\n e.buttons = inDict.buttons || 0;\n\n
// Spec requires that pointers without pressure specified use 0.5 for down\n
// state and 0 for up state.\n var pressure = 0;\n if (inDict.press
ure) {\n pressure = inDict.pressure;\n } else {\n pressure =
e.buttons ? 0.5 : 0;\n }\n\n // add x/y properties aliased to clientX/
Y\n e.x = e.clientX;\n e.y = e.clientY;\n\n // define the propert
ies of the PointerEvent interface\n e.pointerId = inDict.pointerId || 0;\n
e.width = inDict.width || 0;\n e.height = inDict.height || 0;\n e
.pressure = pressure;\n e.tiltX = inDict.tiltX || 0;\n e.tiltY = inDic
t.tiltY || 0;\n e.pointerType = inDict.pointerType || '';\n e.hwTimest
amp = inDict.hwTimestamp || 0;\n e.isPrimary = inDict.isPrimary || false;\n
e._source = inDict._source || '';\n return e;\n }\n };\n\n scope
.eventFactory = eventFactory;\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", |
56 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * This module imple
ments an map of pointer states\n */\n(function(scope) {\n var USE_MAP = window.
Map && window.Map.prototype.forEach;\n var POINTERS_FN = function(){ return thi
s.size; };\n function PointerMap() {\n if (USE_MAP) {\n var m = new Map
();\n m.pointers = POINTERS_FN;\n return m;\n } else {\n this.
keys = [];\n this.values = [];\n }\n }\n\n PointerMap.prototype = {\n
set: function(inId, inEvent) {\n var i = this.keys.indexOf(inId);\n
if (i > -1) {\n this.values[i] = inEvent;\n } else {\n this.
keys.push(inId);\n this.values.push(inEvent);\n }\n },\n has:
function(inId) {\n return this.keys.indexOf(inId) > -1;\n },\n 'delet
e': function(inId) {\n var i = this.keys.indexOf(inId);\n if (i > -1)
{\n this.keys.splice(i, 1);\n this.values.splice(i, 1);\n }\n
},\n get: function(inId) {\n var i = this.keys.indexOf(inId);\n
return this.values[i];\n },\n clear: function() {\n this.keys.length
= 0;\n this.values.length = 0;\n },\n // return value, key, map\n
forEach: function(callback, thisArg) {\n this.values.forEach(function(v, i
) {\n callback.call(thisArg, v, this.keys[i], this);\n }, this);\n
},\n pointers: function() {\n return this.keys.length;\n }\n };\n\
n scope.PointerMap = PointerMap;\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", | 56 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * This module imple
ments an map of pointer states\n */\n(function(scope) {\n var USE_MAP = window.
Map && window.Map.prototype.forEach;\n var POINTERS_FN = function(){ return thi
s.size; };\n function PointerMap() {\n if (USE_MAP) {\n var m = new Map
();\n m.pointers = POINTERS_FN;\n return m;\n } else {\n this.
keys = [];\n this.values = [];\n }\n }\n\n PointerMap.prototype = {\n
set: function(inId, inEvent) {\n var i = this.keys.indexOf(inId);\n
if (i > -1) {\n this.values[i] = inEvent;\n } else {\n this.
keys.push(inId);\n this.values.push(inEvent);\n }\n },\n has:
function(inId) {\n return this.keys.indexOf(inId) > -1;\n },\n 'delet
e': function(inId) {\n var i = this.keys.indexOf(inId);\n if (i > -1)
{\n this.keys.splice(i, 1);\n this.values.splice(i, 1);\n }\n
},\n get: function(inId) {\n var i = this.keys.indexOf(inId);\n
return this.values[i];\n },\n clear: function() {\n this.keys.length
= 0;\n this.values.length = 0;\n },\n // return value, key, map\n
forEach: function(callback, thisArg) {\n this.values.forEach(function(v, i
) {\n callback.call(thisArg, v, this.keys[i], this);\n }, this);\n
},\n pointers: function() {\n return this.keys.length;\n }\n };\n\
n scope.PointerMap = PointerMap;\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", |
57 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n var
CLONE_PROPS = [\n // MouseEvent\n 'bubbles',\n 'cancelable',\n 'vie
w',\n 'detail',\n 'screenX',\n 'screenY',\n 'clientX',\n 'clientY
',\n 'ctrlKey',\n 'altKey',\n 'shiftKey',\n 'metaKey',\n 'button'
,\n 'relatedTarget',\n // DOM Level 3\n 'buttons',\n // PointerEvent
\n 'pointerId',\n 'width',\n 'height',\n 'pressure',\n 'tiltX',\n
'tiltY',\n 'pointerType',\n 'hwTimestamp',\n 'isPrimary',\n // e
vent instance\n 'type',\n 'target',\n 'currentTarget',\n 'which',\n
'pageX',\n 'pageY',\n 'timeStamp',\n // gesture addons\n 'prevent
Tap',\n 'tapPrevented',\n '_source'\n ];\n\n var CLONE_DEFAULTS = [\n
// MouseEvent\n false,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n 0,\n 0,\n
0,\n 0,\n false,\n false,\n false,\n false,\n 0,\n null,\
n // DOM Level 3\n 0,\n // PointerEvent\n 0,\n 0,\n 0,\n 0,
\n 0,\n 0,\n '',\n 0,\n false,\n // event instance\n '',\n
null,\n null,\n 0,\n 0,\n 0,\n 0,\n function(){},\n fals
e\n ];\n\n var HAS_SVG_INSTANCE = (typeof SVGElementInstance !== 'undefined');
\n\n var eventFactory = scope.eventFactory;\n\n var hasSDPolyfill = scope.hasS
DPolyfill;\n var wrap = scope.wrap;\n\n /**\n * This module is for normalizi
ng events. Mouse and Touch events will be\n * collected here, and fire Pointer
Events that have the same semantics, no\n * matter the source.\n * Events fi
red:\n * - pointerdown: a pointing is added\n * - pointerup: a pointer i
s removed\n * - pointermove: a pointer is moved\n * - pointerover: a poi
nter crosses into an element\n * - pointerout: a pointer leaves an element\n
* - pointercancel: a pointer will no longer generate events\n */\n var d
ispatcher = {\n pointermap: new scope.PointerMap(),\n eventMap: Object.cre
ate(null),\n // Scope objects for native events.\n // This exists for ease
of testing.\n eventSources: Object.create(null),\n eventSourceList: [],\n
gestures: [],\n gestureQueue: [],\n /**\n * Add a new event source
that will generate pointer events.\n *\n * `inSource` must contain an a
rray of event names named `events`, and\n * functions with the names specifi
ed in the `events` array.\n * @param {string} name A name for the event sour
ce\n * @param {Object} source A new source of platform events.\n */\n
registerSource: function(name, source) {\n var s = source;\n var newE
vents = s.events;\n if (newEvents) {\n newEvents.forEach(function(e)
{\n if (s[e]) {\n this.eventMap[e] = s[e].bind(s);\n
}\n }, this);\n this.eventSources[name] = s;\n this.even
tSourceList.push(s);\n }\n },\n registerGesture: function(name, sourc
e) {\n this.gestures.push(source);\n },\n register: function(element)
{\n var l = this.eventSourceList.length;\n for (var i = 0, es; (i < l
) && (es = this.eventSourceList[i]); i++) {\n // call eventsource registe
r\n es.register.call(es, element);\n }\n },\n unregister: func
tion(element) {\n var l = this.eventSourceList.length;\n for (var i =
0, es; (i < l) && (es = this.eventSourceList[i]); i++) {\n // call events
ource register\n es.unregister.call(es, element);\n }\n },\n /
/ EVENTS\n down: function(inEvent) {\n this.fireEvent('down', inEvent);\
n },\n move: function(inEvent) {\n // pipe move events into gesture q
ueue directly\n inEvent.type = 'move';\n this.fillGestureQueue(inEvent
);\n },\n up: function(inEvent) {\n this.fireEvent('up', inEvent);\n
},\n cancel: function(inEvent) {\n inEvent.tapPrevented = true;\n
this.fireEvent('up', inEvent);\n },\n // LISTENER LOGIC\n eventHandle
r: function(inEvent) {\n // This is used to prevent multiple dispatch of ev
ents from\n // platform events. This can happen when two elements in differ
ent scopes\n // are set up to create pointer events, which is relevant to S
hadow DOM.\n if (inEvent._handledByPG) {\n return;\n }\n v
ar type = inEvent.type;\n var fn = this.eventMap && this.eventMap[type];\n
if (fn) {\n fn(inEvent);\n }\n inEvent._handledByPG = true
;\n },\n // set up event listeners\n listen: function(target, events) {
\n for (var i = 0, l = events.length, e; (i < l) && (e = events[i]); i++) {
\n this.addEvent(target, e);\n }\n },\n // remove event listen
ers\n unlisten: function(target, events) {\n for (var i = 0, l = events.
length, e; (i < l) && (e = events[i]); i++) {\n this.removeEvent(target,
e);\n }\n },\n addEvent: function(target, eventName) {\n // NOTE
: Work around for #4, use native event listener in SD Polyfill\n if (hasSDP
olyfill) {\n target.addEventListener_(eventName, this.boundHandler);\n
} else {\n target.addEventListener(eventName, this.boundHandler);\n
}\n },\n removeEvent: function(target, eventName) {\n // NOTE: Wor
k around for #4, use native event listener in SD Polyfill\n if (hasSDPolyfi
ll) {\n target.removeEventListener_(eventName, this.boundHandler);\n
} else {\n target.removeEventListener(eventName, this.boundHandler);\n
}\n },\n // EVENT CREATION AND TRACKING\n /**\n * Creates a new
Event of type `inType`, based on the information in\n * `inEvent`.\n *\
n * @param {string} inType A string representing the type of event to create
\n * @param {Event} inEvent A platform event with a target\n * @return {
Event} A PointerEvent of type `inType`\n */\n makeEvent: function(inType,
inEvent) {\n var e = eventFactory.makePointerEvent(inType, inEvent);\n
e.preventDefault = inEvent.preventDefault;\n e.tapPrevented = inEvent.tap
Prevented;\n e._target = e._target || inEvent.target;\n return e;\n
},\n // make and dispatch an event in one call\n fireEvent: function(inTy
pe, inEvent) {\n var e = this.makeEvent(inType, inEvent);\n return thi
s.dispatchEvent(e);\n },\n /**\n * Returns a snapshot of inEvent, with
writable properties.\n *\n * @param {Event} inEvent An event that conta
ins properties to copy.\n * @return {Object} An object containing shallow co
pies of `inEvent`'s\n * properties.\n */\n cloneEvent: function(in
Event) {\n var eventCopy = Object.create(null), p;\n for (var i = 0; i
< CLONE_PROPS.length; i++) {\n p = CLONE_PROPS[i];\n eventCopy[p]
= inEvent[p] || CLONE_DEFAULTS[i];\n // Work around SVGInstanceElement s
hadow tree\n // Return the <use> element that is represented by the insta
nce for Safari, Chrome, IE.\n // This is the behavior implemented by Fire
fox.\n if (p === 'target' || p === 'relatedTarget') {\n if (HAS_
SVG_INSTANCE && eventCopy[p] instanceof SVGElementInstance) {\n event
Copy[p] = eventCopy[p].correspondingUseElement;\n }\n eventCop
y[p] = wrap(eventCopy[p]);\n }\n }\n // keep the semantics of p
reventDefault\n eventCopy.preventDefault = inEvent.preventDefault;\n r
eturn eventCopy;\n },\n /**\n * Dispatches the event to its target.\n
*\n * @param {Event} inEvent The event to be dispatched.\n * @return
{Boolean} True if an event handler returns true, false otherwise.\n */\n
dispatchEvent: function(inEvent) {\n var t = inEvent._target;\n if (t
) {\n t.dispatchEvent(inEvent);\n // clone the event for the gestu
re system to process\n // clone after dispatch to pick up gesture prevent
ion code\n var clone = this.cloneEvent(inEvent);\n clone.target =
t;\n this.fillGestureQueue(clone);\n }\n },\n gestureTrigger:
function() {\n // process the gesture queue\n for (var i = 0, e; i < t
his.gestureQueue.length; i++) {\n e = this.gestureQueue[i];\n for
(var j = 0, g, fn; j < this.gestures.length; j++) {\n g = this.gestures
[j];\n fn = g[e.type];\n if (fn) {\n fn.call(g, e);
\n }\n }\n }\n this.gestureQueue.length = 0;\n },\n
fillGestureQueue: function(ev) {\n // only trigger the gesture queue on
ce\n if (!this.gestureQueue.length) {\n requestAnimationFrame(this.b
oundGestureTrigger);\n }\n this.gestureQueue.push(ev);\n }\n };\n
dispatcher.boundHandler = dispatcher.eventHandler.bind(dispatcher);\n dispatch
er.boundGestureTrigger = dispatcher.gestureTrigger.bind(dispatcher);\n scope.di
spatcher = dispatcher;\n scope.register = function(root) {\n dispatcher.regi
ster(root);\n };\n scope.unregister = dispatcher.unregister.bind(dispatcher);\
n scope.wrap = wrap;\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", | 57 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n var
CLONE_PROPS = [\n // MouseEvent\n 'bubbles',\n 'cancelable',\n 'vie
w',\n 'detail',\n 'screenX',\n 'screenY',\n 'clientX',\n 'clientY
',\n 'ctrlKey',\n 'altKey',\n 'shiftKey',\n 'metaKey',\n 'button'
,\n 'relatedTarget',\n // DOM Level 3\n 'buttons',\n // PointerEvent
\n 'pointerId',\n 'width',\n 'height',\n 'pressure',\n 'tiltX',\n
'tiltY',\n 'pointerType',\n 'hwTimestamp',\n 'isPrimary',\n // e
vent instance\n 'type',\n 'target',\n 'currentTarget',\n 'which',\n
'pageX',\n 'pageY',\n 'timeStamp',\n // gesture addons\n 'prevent
Tap',\n 'tapPrevented',\n '_source'\n ];\n\n var CLONE_DEFAULTS = [\n
// MouseEvent\n false,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n 0,\n 0,\n
0,\n 0,\n false,\n false,\n false,\n false,\n 0,\n null,\
n // DOM Level 3\n 0,\n // PointerEvent\n 0,\n 0,\n 0,\n 0,
\n 0,\n 0,\n '',\n 0,\n false,\n // event instance\n '',\n
null,\n null,\n 0,\n 0,\n 0,\n 0,\n function(){},\n fals
e\n ];\n\n var HAS_SVG_INSTANCE = (typeof SVGElementInstance !== 'undefined');
\n\n var eventFactory = scope.eventFactory;\n\n /**\n * This module is for n
ormalizing events. Mouse and Touch events will be\n * collected here, and fire
PointerEvents that have the same semantics, no\n * matter the source.\n * E
vents fired:\n * - pointerdown: a pointing is added\n * - pointerup: a p
ointer is removed\n * - pointermove: a pointer is moved\n * - pointerove
r: a pointer crosses into an element\n * - pointerout: a pointer leaves an e
lement\n * - pointercancel: a pointer will no longer generate events\n */\
n var dispatcher = {\n pointermap: new scope.PointerMap(),\n eventMap: Ob
ject.create(null),\n // Scope objects for native events.\n // This exists
for ease of testing.\n eventSources: Object.create(null),\n eventSourceLis
t: [],\n gestures: [],\n // map gesture event -> {listeners: int, index: g
estures[int]}\n dependencyMap: {\n // make sure down and up are in the m
ap to trigger \"register\"\n down: {listeners: 0, index: -1},\n up: {l
isteners: 0, index: -1}\n },\n gestureQueue: [],\n /**\n * Add a ne
w event source that will generate pointer events.\n *\n * `inSource` mus
t contain an array of event names named `events`, and\n * functions with the
names specified in the `events` array.\n * @param {string} name A name for
the event source\n * @param {Object} source A new source of platform events.
\n */\n registerSource: function(name, source) {\n var s = source;\n
var newEvents = s.events;\n if (newEvents) {\n newEvents.forEa
ch(function(e) {\n if (s[e]) {\n this.eventMap[e] = s[e].bin
d(s);\n }\n }, this);\n this.eventSources[name] = s;\n
this.eventSourceList.push(s);\n }\n },\n registerGesture: functi
on(name, source) {\n var obj = Object.create(null);\n obj.listeners =
0;\n obj.index = this.gestures.length;\n for (var i = 0, g; i < source
.exposes.length; i++) {\n g = source.exposes[i].toLowerCase();\n t
his.dependencyMap[g] = obj;\n }\n this.gestures.push(source);\n },\
n register: function(element, initial) {\n var l = this.eventSourceList.
length;\n for (var i = 0, es; (i < l) && (es = this.eventSourceList[i]); i+
+) {\n // call eventsource register\n es.register.call(es, element
, initial);\n }\n },\n unregister: function(element) {\n var l =
this.eventSourceList.length;\n for (var i = 0, es; (i < l) && (es = this.e
ventSourceList[i]); i++) {\n // call eventsource register\n es.unr
egister.call(es, element);\n }\n },\n // EVENTS\n down: function(i
nEvent) {\n this.fireEvent('down', inEvent);\n },\n move: function(in
Event) {\n // pipe move events into gesture queue directly\n inEvent.t
ype = 'move';\n this.fillGestureQueue(inEvent);\n },\n up: function(i
nEvent) {\n this.fireEvent('up', inEvent);\n },\n cancel: function(in
Event) {\n inEvent.tapPrevented = true;\n this.fireEvent('up', inEvent
);\n },\n // LISTENER LOGIC\n eventHandler: function(inEvent) {\n
// This is used to prevent multiple dispatch of events from\n // platform e
vents. This can happen when two elements in different scopes\n // are set u
p to create pointer events, which is relevant to Shadow DOM.\n\n // TODO(df
reedm): make this check more granular, allow for minimal event generation\n
// e.g inEvent._handledByPG['tap'] and inEvent._handledByPG['track'], etc\n
if (inEvent._handledByPG) {\n return;\n }\n var type = inEven
t.type;\n var fn = this.eventMap && this.eventMap[type];\n if (fn) {\n
fn(inEvent);\n }\n inEvent._handledByPG = true;\n },\n /
/ set up event listeners\n listen: function(target, events) {\n for (var
i = 0, l = events.length, e; (i < l) && (e = events[i]); i++) {\n this.a
ddEvent(target, e);\n }\n },\n // remove event listeners\n unliste
n: function(target, events) {\n for (var i = 0, l = events.length, e; (i <
l) && (e = events[i]); i++) {\n this.removeEvent(target, e);\n }\n
},\n addEvent: function(target, eventName) {\n target.addEventListener
(eventName, this.boundHandler);\n },\n removeEvent: function(target, event
Name) {\n target.removeEventListener(eventName, this.boundHandler);\n },
\n // EVENT CREATION AND TRACKING\n /**\n * Creates a new Event of typ
e `inType`, based on the information in\n * `inEvent`.\n *\n * @para
m {string} inType A string representing the type of event to create\n * @par
am {Event} inEvent A platform event with a target\n * @return {Event} A Poin
terEvent of type `inType`\n */\n makeEvent: function(inType, inEvent) {\n
var e = eventFactory.makePointerEvent(inType, inEvent);\n e.preventDe
fault = inEvent.preventDefault;\n e.tapPrevented = inEvent.tapPrevented;\n
e._target = e._target || inEvent.target;\n return e;\n },\n // m
ake and dispatch an event in one call\n fireEvent: function(inType, inEvent)
{\n var e = this.makeEvent(inType, inEvent);\n return this.dispatchEve
nt(e);\n },\n /**\n * Returns a snapshot of inEvent, with writable pro
perties.\n *\n * @param {Event} inEvent An event that contains propertie
s to copy.\n * @return {Object} An object containing shallow copies of `inEv
ent`'s\n * properties.\n */\n cloneEvent: function(inEvent) {\n
var eventCopy = Object.create(null), p;\n for (var i = 0; i < CLONE_PROP
S.length; i++) {\n p = CLONE_PROPS[i];\n eventCopy[p] = inEvent[p]
|| CLONE_DEFAULTS[i];\n // Work around SVGInstanceElement shadow tree\n
// Return the <use> element that is represented by the instance for Safar
i, Chrome, IE.\n // This is the behavior implemented by Firefox.\n
if (p === 'target' || p === 'relatedTarget') {\n if (HAS_SVG_INSTANCE
&& eventCopy[p] instanceof SVGElementInstance) {\n eventCopy[p] = eve
ntCopy[p].correspondingUseElement;\n }\n }\n }\n // ke
ep the semantics of preventDefault\n eventCopy.preventDefault = function()
{\n inEvent.preventDefault();\n };\n return eventCopy;\n },\
n /**\n * Dispatches the event to its target.\n *\n * @param {Eve
nt} inEvent The event to be dispatched.\n * @return {Boolean} True if an eve
nt handler returns true, false otherwise.\n */\n dispatchEvent: function(
inEvent) {\n var t = inEvent._target;\n if (t) {\n t.dispatchEv
ent(inEvent);\n // clone the event for the gesture system to process\n
// clone after dispatch to pick up gesture prevention code\n var clo
ne = this.cloneEvent(inEvent);\n clone.target = t;\n this.fillGest
ureQueue(clone);\n }\n },\n gestureTrigger: function() {\n // pr
ocess the gesture queue\n for (var i = 0, e; i < this.gestureQueue.length;
i++) {\n e = this.gestureQueue[i];\n for (var j = 0, g, fn; j < th
is.gestures.length; j++) {\n g = this.gestures[j];\n fn = g[e.
type];\n if (g.enabled && fn) {\n fn.call(g, e);\n
}\n }\n }\n this.gestureQueue.length = 0;\n },\n fillGest
ureQueue: function(ev) {\n // only trigger the gesture queue once\n if
(!this.gestureQueue.length) {\n requestAnimationFrame(this.boundGestureT
rigger);\n }\n this.gestureQueue.push(ev);\n }\n };\n dispatcher.
boundHandler = dispatcher.eventHandler.bind(dispatcher);\n dispatcher.boundGest
ureTrigger = dispatcher.gestureTrigger.bind(dispatcher);\n scope.dispatcher = d
ispatcher;\n\n /**\n * Listen for `gesture` on `node` with the `handler` func
tion\n *\n * If `handler` is the first listener for `gesture`, the underlyin
g gesture recognizer is then enabled.\n *\n * @param {Element} node\n * @p
aram {string} gesture\n * @return Boolean `gesture` is a valid gesture\n */\
n scope.activateGesture = function(node, gesture) {\n var g = gesture.toLowe
rCase();\n var dep = dispatcher.dependencyMap[g];\n if (dep) {\n var
recognizer = dispatcher.gestures[dep.index];\n if (dep.listeners === 0) {\n
if (recognizer) {\n recognizer.enabled = true;\n }\n
}\n dep.listeners++;\n if (!node._pgListeners) {\n dispatcher
.register(node);\n node._pgListeners = 0;\n }\n // TODO(dfreedm
): re-evaluate bookkeeping to avoid using attributes\n if (recognizer) {\n
var touchAction = recognizer.defaultActions && recognizer.defaultActions[
g];\n var actionNode;\n switch(node.nodeType) {\n case No
de.ELEMENT_NODE:\n actionNode = node;\n break;\n ca
se Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:\n actionNode = node.host;\n
break;\n default:\n actionNode = null;\n break;\n
}\n if (touchAction && actionNode && !actionNode.hasAttribute('touc
h-action')) {\n actionNode.setAttribute('touch-action', touchAction);\n
}\n }\n node._pgListeners++;\n }\n return Boolean(dep);\
n };\n\n /**\n *\n * Listen for `gesture` from `node` with `handler` funct
ion.\n *\n * @param {Element} node\n * @param {string} gesture\n * @para
m {Function} handler\n * @param {Boolean} capture\n */\n scope.addEventList
ener = function(node, gesture, handler, capture) {\n if (handler) {\n sc
ope.activateGesture(node, gesture);\n node.addEventListener(gesture, handle
r, capture);\n }\n };\n\n /**\n * Tears down the gesture configuration fo
r `node`\n *\n * If `handler` is the last listener for `gesture`, the underl
ying gesture recognizer is disabled.\n *\n * @param {Element} node\n * @pa
ram {string} gesture\n * @return Boolean `gesture` is a valid gesture\n */\n
scope.deactivateGesture = function(node, gesture) {\n var g = gesture.toLow
erCase();\n var dep = dispatcher.dependencyMap[g];\n if (dep) {\n if
(dep.listeners > 0) {\n dep.listeners--;\n }\n if (dep.listener
s === 0) {\n var recognizer = dispatcher.gestures[dep.index];\n if
(recognizer) {\n recognizer.enabled = false;\n }\n }\n
if (node._pgListeners > 0) {\n node._pgListeners--;\n }\n if
(node._pgListeners === 0) {\n dispatcher.unregister(node);\n }\n
}\n return Boolean(dep);\n };\n\n /**\n * Stop listening for `gesture` fr
om `node` with `handler` function.\n *\n * @param {Element} node\n * @para
m {string} gesture\n * @param {Function} handler\n * @param {Boolean} captur
e\n */\n scope.removeEventListener = function(node, gesture, handler, capture
) {\n if (handler) {\n scope.deactivateGesture(node, gesture);\n no
de.removeEventListener(gesture, handler, capture);\n }\n };\n})(window.Polym
erGestures);\n", |
58 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * This module uses
Mutation Observers to dynamically adjust which nodes will\n * generate Pointer E
vents.\n *\n * All nodes that wish to generate Pointer Events must have the attr
ibute\n * `touch-action` set to `none`.\n */\n(function(scope) {\n var forEach
= Array.prototype.forEach.call.bind(Array.prototype.forEach);\n var map = Array
.prototype.map.call.bind(Array.prototype.map);\n var toArray = Array.prototype.
slice.call.bind(Array.prototype.slice);\n var filter = Array.prototype.filter.c
all.bind(Array.prototype.filter);\n var MO = window.MutationObserver || window.
WebKitMutationObserver;\n var SELECTOR = '[touch-action]';\n var OBSERVER_INIT
= {\n subtree: true,\n childList: true,\n attributes: true,\n attri
buteOldValue: true,\n attributeFilter: ['touch-action']\n };\n\n function I
nstaller(add, remove, changed, binder) {\n this.addCallback = add.bind(binder
);\n this.removeCallback = remove.bind(binder);\n this.changedCallback = c
hanged.bind(binder);\n if (MO) {\n this.observer = new MO(this.mutationW
atcher.bind(this));\n }\n }\n\n Installer.prototype = {\n watchSubtree:
function(target) {\n // Only watch scopes that can target find, as these ar
e top-level.\n // Otherwise we can see duplicate additions and removals tha
t add noise.\n //\n // TODO(dfreedman): For some instances with Shadow
DOMPolyfill, we can see\n // a removal without an insertion when a node is
redistributed among\n // shadows. Since it all ends up correct in the docum
ent, watching only\n // the document will yield the correct mutations to wa
tch.\n if (scope.targetFinding.canTarget(target)) {\n this.observer.
observe(target, OBSERVER_INIT);\n }\n },\n enableOnSubtree: function(
target) {\n this.watchSubtree(target);\n if (target === document && do
cument.readyState !== 'complete') {\n this.installOnLoad();\n } else
{\n this.installNewSubtree(target);\n }\n },\n installNewSubt
ree: function(target) {\n forEach(this.findElements(target), this.addElemen
t, this);\n },\n findElements: function(target) {\n if (target.queryS
electorAll) {\n return target.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR);\n }\n
return [];\n },\n removeElement: function(el) {\n this.removeCallbac
k(el);\n },\n addElement: function(el) {\n this.addCallback(el);\n
},\n elementChanged: function(el, oldValue) {\n this.changedCallback(el
, oldValue);\n },\n concatLists: function(accum, list) {\n return acc
um.concat(toArray(list));\n },\n // register all touch-action = none nodes
on document load\n installOnLoad: function() {\n document.addEventListe
ner('readystatechange', function() {\n if (document.readyState === 'compl
ete') {\n this.installNewSubtree(document);\n }\n }.bind(th
is));\n },\n isElement: function(n) {\n return n.nodeType === Node.EL
EMENT_NODE;\n },\n flattenMutationTree: function(inNodes) {\n // find
children with touch-action\n var tree = map(inNodes, this.findElements, th
is);\n // make sure the added nodes are accounted for\n tree.push(filt
er(inNodes, this.isElement));\n // flatten the list\n return tree.redu
ce(this.concatLists, []);\n },\n mutationWatcher: function(mutations) {\n
mutations.forEach(this.mutationHandler, this);\n },\n mutationHandler
: function(m) {\n if (m.type === 'childList') {\n var added = this.f
lattenMutationTree(m.addedNodes);\n added.forEach(this.addElement, this);
\n var removed = this.flattenMutationTree(m.removedNodes);\n remov
ed.forEach(this.removeElement, this);\n } else if (m.type === 'attributes')
{\n this.elementChanged(m.target, m.oldValue);\n }\n }\n };\n\n
if (!MO) {\n Installer.prototype.watchSubtree = function(){\n console.
warn('PolymerGestures: MutationObservers not found, touch-action will not be dyn
amically detected');\n };\n }\n\n scope.Installer = Installer;\n})(window.P
olymerGestures);\n", | 58 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function (scope) {\n va
r dispatcher = scope.dispatcher;\n var pointermap = dispatcher.pointermap;\n /
/ radius around touchend that swallows mouse events\n var DEDUP_DIST = 25;\n\n
var WHICH_TO_BUTTONS = [0, 1, 4, 2];\n\n var HAS_BUTTONS = false;\n try {\n
HAS_BUTTONS = new MouseEvent('test', {buttons: 1}).buttons === 1;\n } catch (
e) {}\n\n // handler block for native mouse events\n var mouseEvents = {\n
POINTER_ID: 1,\n POINTER_TYPE: 'mouse',\n events: [\n 'mousedown',\n
'mousemove',\n 'mouseup'\n ],\n exposes: [\n 'down',\n
'up',\n 'move'\n ],\n register: function(target) {\n dispatcher
.listen(target, this.events);\n },\n unregister: function(target) {\n
dispatcher.unlisten(target, this.events);\n },\n lastTouches: [],\n //
collide with the global mouse listener\n isEventSimulatedFromTouch: function
(inEvent) {\n var lts = this.lastTouches;\n var x = inEvent.clientX, y
= inEvent.clientY;\n for (var i = 0, l = lts.length, t; i < l && (t = lts[
i]); i++) {\n // simulated mouse events will be swallowed near a primary
touchend\n var dx = Math.abs(x - t.x), dy = Math.abs(y - t.y);\n i
f (dx <= DEDUP_DIST && dy <= DEDUP_DIST) {\n return true;\n }\n
}\n },\n prepareEvent: function(inEvent) {\n var e = dispatcher.
cloneEvent(inEvent);\n e.pointerId = this.POINTER_ID;\n e.isPrimary =
true;\n e.pointerType = this.POINTER_TYPE;\n e._source = 'mouse';\n
if (!HAS_BUTTONS) {\n e.buttons = WHICH_TO_BUTTONS[e.which] || 0;\n
}\n return e;\n },\n mousedown: function(inEvent) {\n if (!th
is.isEventSimulatedFromTouch(inEvent)) {\n var p = pointermap.has(this.PO
INTER_ID);\n // TODO(dfreedman) workaround for some elements not sending
mouseup\n // http://crbug/149091\n if (p) {\n this.mouseu
p(inEvent);\n }\n var e = this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.t
arget = scope.findTarget(inEvent);\n pointermap.set(this.POINTER_ID, e.ta
rget);\n dispatcher.down(e);\n }\n },\n mousemove: function(in
Event) {\n if (!this.isEventSimulatedFromTouch(inEvent)) {\n var tar
get = pointermap.get(this.POINTER_ID);\n if (target) {\n var e =
this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.target = target;\n // handle
case where we missed a mouseup\n if (e.buttons === 0) {\n di
spatcher.cancel(e);\n this.cleanupMouse();\n } else {\n
dispatcher.move(e);\n }\n }\n }\n },\n mouseup
: function(inEvent) {\n if (!this.isEventSimulatedFromTouch(inEvent)) {\n
var e = this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.relatedTarget = scope.findT
arget(inEvent);\n e.target = pointermap.get(this.POINTER_ID);\n di
spatcher.up(e);\n this.cleanupMouse();\n }\n },\n cleanupMouse
: function() {\n pointermap['delete'](this.POINTER_ID);\n }\n };\n\n s
cope.mouseEvents = mouseEvents;\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", |
59 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function (scope) {\n va
r dispatcher = scope.dispatcher;\n var pointermap = dispatcher.pointermap;\n /
/ radius around touchend that swallows mouse events\n var DEDUP_DIST = 25;\n\n
var WHICH_TO_BUTTONS = [0, 1, 4, 2];\n\n var HAS_BUTTONS = false;\n try {\n
HAS_BUTTONS = new MouseEvent('test', {buttons: 1}).buttons === 1;\n } catch (
e) {}\n\n // handler block for native mouse events\n var mouseEvents = {\n
POINTER_ID: 1,\n POINTER_TYPE: 'mouse',\n events: [\n 'mousedown',\n
'mousemove',\n 'mouseup'\n ],\n register: function(target) {\n
if (target !== document) {\n return;\n }\n dispatcher.liste
n(target, this.events);\n },\n unregister: function(target) {\n dispa
tcher.unlisten(target, this.events);\n },\n lastTouches: [],\n // colli
de with the global mouse listener\n isEventSimulatedFromTouch: function(inEve
nt) {\n var lts = this.lastTouches;\n var x = inEvent.clientX, y = inE
vent.clientY;\n for (var i = 0, l = lts.length, t; i < l && (t = lts[i]); i
++) {\n // simulated mouse events will be swallowed near a primary touche
nd\n var dx = Math.abs(x - t.x), dy = Math.abs(y - t.y);\n if (dx
<= DEDUP_DIST && dy <= DEDUP_DIST) {\n return true;\n }\n }
\n },\n prepareEvent: function(inEvent) {\n var e = dispatcher.cloneE
vent(inEvent);\n e.pointerId = this.POINTER_ID;\n e.isPrimary = true;\
n e.pointerType = this.POINTER_TYPE;\n e._source = 'mouse';\n if
(!HAS_BUTTONS) {\n e.buttons = WHICH_TO_BUTTONS[e.which] || 0;\n }\n
return e;\n },\n mousedown: function(inEvent) {\n if (!this.isE
ventSimulatedFromTouch(inEvent)) {\n var p = pointermap.has(this.POINTER_
ID);\n // TODO(dfreedman) workaround for some elements not sending mouseu
p\n // http://crbug/149091\n if (p) {\n this.mouseup(inEv
ent);\n }\n var e = this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.target
= scope.wrap(scope.findTarget(inEvent));\n pointermap.set(this.POINTER_ID
, e.target);\n dispatcher.down(e);\n }\n },\n mousemove: funct
ion(inEvent) {\n if (!this.isEventSimulatedFromTouch(inEvent)) {\n v
ar e = this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.target = pointermap.get(this.POINT
ER_ID);\n dispatcher.move(e);\n }\n },\n mouseup: function(inE
vent) {\n if (!this.isEventSimulatedFromTouch(inEvent)) {\n var e =
this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.relatedTarget = scope.wrap(scope.findTarg
et(inEvent));\n e.target = pointermap.get(this.POINTER_ID);\n disp
atcher.up(e);\n this.cleanupMouse();\n }\n },\n cleanupMouse:
function() {\n pointermap['delete'](this.POINTER_ID);\n }\n };\n\n sco
pe.mouseEvents = mouseEvents;\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", | 59 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n var
dispatcher = scope.dispatcher;\n var allShadows = scope.targetFinding.allShado
ws.bind(scope.targetFinding);\n var pointermap = dispatcher.pointermap;\n var
touchMap = Array.prototype.map.call.bind(Array.prototype.map);\n // This should
be long enough to ignore compat mouse events made by touch\n var DEDUP_TIMEOUT
= 2500;\n var CLICK_COUNT_TIMEOUT = 200;\n var HYSTERESIS = 20;\n var ATTRIB
= 'touch-action';\n // TODO(dfreedm): disable until http://crbug.com/399765 is
resolved\n // var HAS_TOUCH_ACTION = ATTRIB in document.head.style;\n var HAS
_TOUCH_ACTION = false;\n\n // handler block for native touch events\n var touc
hEvents = {\n events: [\n 'touchstart',\n 'touchmove',\n 'touc
hend',\n 'touchcancel'\n ],\n exposes: [\n 'down',\n 'up',\
n 'move'\n ],\n register: function(target, initial) {\n if (init
ial) {\n return;\n }\n dispatcher.listen(target, this.events);\
n },\n unregister: function(target) {\n dispatcher.unlisten(target, t
his.events);\n },\n scrollTypes: {\n EMITTER: 'none',\n XSCROLLE
R: 'pan-x',\n YSCROLLER: 'pan-y',\n },\n touchActionToScrollType: fun
ction(touchAction) {\n var t = touchAction;\n var st = this.scrollType
s;\n if (t === st.EMITTER) {\n return 'none';\n } else if (t ==
= st.XSCROLLER) {\n return 'X';\n } else if (t === st.YSCROLLER) {\n
return 'Y';\n } else {\n return 'XY';\n }\n },\n
POINTER_TYPE: 'touch',\n firstTouch: null,\n isPrimaryTouch: function(inTo
uch) {\n return this.firstTouch === inTouch.identifier;\n },\n setPri
maryTouch: function(inTouch) {\n // set primary touch if there no pointers,
or the only pointer is the mouse\n if (pointermap.pointers() === 0 || (poi
ntermap.pointers() === 1 && pointermap.has(1))) {\n this.firstTouch = inT
ouch.identifier;\n this.firstXY = {X: inTouch.clientX, Y: inTouch.clientY
};\n this.scrolling = null;\n this.cancelResetClickCount();\n
}\n },\n removePrimaryPointer: function(inPointer) {\n if (inPointer
.isPrimary) {\n this.firstTouch = null;\n this.firstXY = null;\n
this.resetClickCount();\n }\n },\n clickCount: 0,\n resetId:
null,\n resetClickCount: function() {\n var fn = function() {\n
this.clickCount = 0;\n this.resetId = null;\n }.bind(this);\n t
his.resetId = setTimeout(fn, CLICK_COUNT_TIMEOUT);\n },\n cancelResetClick
Count: function() {\n if (this.resetId) {\n clearTimeout(this.resetI
d);\n }\n },\n typeToButtons: function(type) {\n var ret = 0;\n
if (type === 'touchstart' || type === 'touchmove') {\n ret = 1;\n
}\n return ret;\n },\n findTarget: function(touch, id) {\n if
(this.currentTouchEvent.type === 'touchstart') {\n if (this.isPrimaryTou
ch(touch)) {\n var fastPath = {\n clientX: touch.clientX,\n
clientY: touch.clientY,\n path: this.currentTouchEvent.pat
h,\n target: this.currentTouchEvent.target\n };\n r
eturn scope.findTarget(fastPath);\n } else {\n return scope.find
Target(touch);\n }\n }\n // reuse target we found in touchstart
\n return pointermap.get(id);\n },\n touchToPointer: function(inTouch
) {\n var cte = this.currentTouchEvent;\n var e = dispatcher.cloneEven
t(inTouch);\n // Spec specifies that pointerId 1 is reserved for Mouse.\n
// Touch identifiers can start at 0.\n // Add 2 to the touch identifier
for compatibility.\n var id = e.pointerId = inTouch.identifier + 2;\n
e.target = this.findTarget(inTouch, id);\n e.bubbles = true;\n e.canc
elable = true;\n e.detail = this.clickCount;\n e.buttons = this.typeTo
Buttons(cte.type);\n e.width = inTouch.webkitRadiusX || inTouch.radiusX ||
0;\n e.height = inTouch.webkitRadiusY || inTouch.radiusY || 0;\n e.pre
ssure = inTouch.webkitForce || inTouch.force || 0.5;\n e.isPrimary = this.i
sPrimaryTouch(inTouch);\n e.pointerType = this.POINTER_TYPE;\n e._sour
ce = 'touch';\n // forward touch preventDefaults\n var self = this;\n
e.preventDefault = function() {\n self.scrolling = false;\n s
elf.firstXY = null;\n cte.preventDefault();\n };\n return e;\n
},\n processTouches: function(inEvent, inFunction) {\n var tl = inEve
nt.changedTouches;\n this.currentTouchEvent = inEvent;\n for (var i =
0, t, p; i < tl.length; i++) {\n t = tl[i];\n p = this.touchToPoin
ter(t);\n if (inEvent.type === 'touchstart') {\n pointermap.set(
p.pointerId, p.target);\n }\n if (pointermap.has(p.pointerId)) {\n
inFunction.call(this, p);\n }\n if (inEvent.type === 'to
uchend' || inEvent._cancel) {\n this.cleanUpPointer(p);\n }\n
}\n },\n // For single axis scrollers, determines whether the element s
hould emit\n // pointer events or behave as a scroller\n shouldScroll: fun
ction(inEvent) {\n if (this.firstXY) {\n var ret;\n var touch
Action = scope.targetFinding.findTouchAction(inEvent);\n var scrollAxis =
this.touchActionToScrollType(touchAction);\n if (scrollAxis === 'none')
{\n // this element is a touch-action: none, should never scroll\n
ret = false;\n } else if (scrollAxis === 'XY') {\n // this
element should always scroll\n ret = true;\n } else {\n
var t = inEvent.changedTouches[0];\n // check the intended scroll axis
, and other axis\n var a = scrollAxis;\n var oa = scrollAxis =
== 'Y' ? 'X' : 'Y';\n var da = Math.abs(t['client' + a] - this.firstXY[
a]);\n var doa = Math.abs(t['client' + oa] - this.firstXY[oa]);\n
// if delta in the scroll axis > delta other axis, scroll instead of\n
// making events\n ret = da >= doa;\n }\n return ret;
\n }\n },\n findTouch: function(inTL, inId) {\n for (var i = 0,
l = inTL.length, t; i < l && (t = inTL[i]); i++) {\n if (t.identifier ===
inId) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n },\n // In some ins
tances, a touchstart can happen without a touchend. This\n // leaves the poin
termap in a broken state.\n // Therefore, on every touchstart, we remove the
touches that did not fire a\n // touchend event.\n // To keep state global
ly consistent, we fire a\n // pointercancel for this \"abandoned\" touch\n
vacuumTouches: function(inEvent) {\n var tl = inEvent.touches;\n // p
ointermap.pointers() should be < tl.length here, as the touchstart has not\n
// been processed yet.\n if (pointermap.pointers() >= tl.length) {\n
var d = [];\n pointermap.forEach(function(value, key) {\n //
Never remove pointerId == 1, which is mouse.\n // Touch identifiers are
2 smaller than their pointerId, which is the\n // index in pointermap.
\n if (key !== 1 && !this.findTouch(tl, key - 2)) {\n var p
= value;\n d.push(p);\n }\n }, this);\n d.forE
ach(function(p) {\n this.cancel(p);\n pointermap.delete(p.poin
terId);\n });\n }\n },\n touchstart: function(inEvent) {\n
this.vacuumTouches(inEvent);\n this.setPrimaryTouch(inEvent.changedTouche
s[0]);\n this.dedupSynthMouse(inEvent);\n if (!this.scrolling) {\n
this.clickCount++;\n this.processTouches(inEvent, this.down);\n
}\n },\n down: function(inPointer) {\n dispatcher.down(inPointer);\n
},\n touchmove: function(inEvent) {\n if (HAS_TOUCH_ACTION) {\n
// touchevent.cancelable == false is sent when the page is scrolling under nat
ive Touch Action in Chrome 36\n // https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.o
rg/d/msg/input-dev/wHnyukcYBcA/b9kmtwM1jJQJ\n if (inEvent.cancelable) {\n
this.processTouches(inEvent, this.move);\n }\n } else {\n
if (!this.scrolling) {\n if (this.scrolling === null && this.sho
uldScroll(inEvent)) {\n this.scrolling = true;\n } else {\n
this.scrolling = false;\n inEvent.preventDefault();\n
this.processTouches(inEvent, this.move);\n }\n } else if
(this.firstXY) {\n var t = inEvent.changedTouches[0];\n var dx
= t.clientX - this.firstXY.X;\n var dy = t.clientY - this.firstXY.Y;\n
var dd = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);\n if (dd >= HYSTERESIS
) {\n this.touchcancel(inEvent);\n this.scrolling = true;\
n this.firstXY = null;\n }\n }\n }\n },\n
move: function(inPointer) {\n dispatcher.move(inPointer);\n },\n touc
hend: function(inEvent) {\n this.dedupSynthMouse(inEvent);\n this.proc
essTouches(inEvent, this.up);\n },\n up: function(inPointer) {\n inPo
inter.relatedTarget = scope.findTarget(inPointer);\n dispatcher.up(inPointe
r);\n },\n cancel: function(inPointer) {\n dispatcher.cancel(inPointe
r);\n },\n touchcancel: function(inEvent) {\n inEvent._cancel = true;
\n this.processTouches(inEvent, this.cancel);\n },\n cleanUpPointer:
function(inPointer) {\n pointermap['delete'](inPointer.pointerId);\n t
his.removePrimaryPointer(inPointer);\n },\n // prevent synth mouse events
from creating pointer events\n dedupSynthMouse: function(inEvent) {\n va
r lts = scope.mouseEvents.lastTouches;\n var t = inEvent.changedTouches[0];
\n // only the primary finger will synth mouse events\n if (this.isPri
maryTouch(t)) {\n // remember x/y of last touch\n var lt = {x: t.c
lientX, y: t.clientY};\n lts.push(lt);\n var fn = (function(lts, l
t){\n var i = lts.indexOf(lt);\n if (i > -1) {\n lt
s.splice(i, 1);\n }\n }).bind(null, lts, lt);\n setTimeou
t(fn, DEDUP_TIMEOUT);\n }\n }\n };\n\n scope.touchEvents = touchEvents
;\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", |
60 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n var
dispatcher = scope.dispatcher;\n var allShadows = scope.targetFinding.allShado
ws.bind(scope.targetFinding);\n var pointermap = dispatcher.pointermap;\n var
touchMap = Array.prototype.map.call.bind(Array.prototype.map);\n // This should
be long enough to ignore compat mouse events made by touch\n var DEDUP_TIMEOUT
= 2500;\n var CLICK_COUNT_TIMEOUT = 200;\n var HYSTERESIS = 20;\n var ATTRIB
= 'touch-action';\n var INSTALLER;\n // maybe one day...\n // var CAN_USE_GL
OBAL = ATTRIB in document.head.style;\n var CAN_USE_GLOBAL = false;\n\n // han
dler block for native touch events\n var touchEvents = {\n events: [\n
'touchstart',\n 'touchmove',\n 'touchend',\n 'touchcancel'\n ]
,\n register: function(target) {\n if (CAN_USE_GLOBAL) {\n dispat
cher.listen(target, this.events);\n } else {\n INSTALLER.enableOnSub
tree(target);\n }\n },\n unregister: function(target) {\n if (CA
N_USE_GLOBAL) {\n dispatcher.unlisten(target, this.events);\n } else
{\n // TODO(dfreedman): is it worth it to disconnect the MO?\n }\n
},\n elementAdded: function(el) {\n var a = el.getAttribute(ATTRIB);\
n var st = this.touchActionToScrollType(a);\n if (st) {\n el._s
crollType = st;\n dispatcher.listen(el, this.events);\n // set tou
ch-action on shadows as well\n allShadows(el).forEach(function(s) {\n
s._scrollType = st;\n dispatcher.listen(s, this.events);\n
}, this);\n }\n },\n elementRemoved: function(el) {\n el._scrol
lType = undefined;\n dispatcher.unlisten(el, this.events);\n // remove
touch-action from shadow\n allShadows(el).forEach(function(s) {\n s
._scrollType = undefined;\n dispatcher.unlisten(s, this.events);\n }
, this);\n },\n elementChanged: function(el, oldValue) {\n var a = el
.getAttribute(ATTRIB);\n var st = this.touchActionToScrollType(a);\n v
ar oldSt = this.touchActionToScrollType(oldValue);\n // simply update scrol
lType if listeners are already established\n if (st && oldSt) {\n el
._scrollType = st;\n allShadows(el).forEach(function(s) {\n s._s
crollType = st;\n }, this);\n } else if (oldSt) {\n this.elem
entRemoved(el);\n } else if (st) {\n this.elementAdded(el);\n }
\n },\n scrollTypes: {\n EMITTER: 'none',\n XSCROLLER: 'pan-x',\
n YSCROLLER: 'pan-y',\n SCROLLER: /^(?:pan-x pan-y)|(?:pan-y pan-x)|au
to|manipulation$/\n },\n touchActionToScrollType: function(touchAction) {\
n var t = touchAction;\n var st = this.scrollTypes;\n if (t === '
none') {\n return 'none';\n } else if (t === st.XSCROLLER) {\n
return 'X';\n } else if (t === st.YSCROLLER) {\n return 'Y';\n
} else if (st.SCROLLER.exec(t)) {\n return 'XY';\n }\n },\n
POINTER_TYPE: 'touch',\n firstTouch: null,\n isPrimaryTouch: function(inTo
uch) {\n return this.firstTouch === inTouch.identifier;\n },\n setPri
maryTouch: function(inTouch) {\n // set primary touch if there no pointers,
or the only pointer is the mouse\n if (pointermap.pointers() === 0 || (poi
ntermap.pointers() === 1 && pointermap.has(1))) {\n this.firstTouch = inT
ouch.identifier;\n this.firstXY = {X: inTouch.clientX, Y: inTouch.clientY
};\n this.scrolling = null;\n this.cancelResetClickCount();\n
}\n },\n removePrimaryPointer: function(inPointer) {\n if (inPointer
.isPrimary) {\n this.firstTouch = null;\n this.firstXY = null;\n
this.resetClickCount();\n }\n },\n clickCount: 0,\n resetId:
null,\n resetClickCount: function() {\n var fn = function() {\n
this.clickCount = 0;\n this.resetId = null;\n }.bind(this);\n t
his.resetId = setTimeout(fn, CLICK_COUNT_TIMEOUT);\n },\n cancelResetClick
Count: function() {\n if (this.resetId) {\n clearTimeout(this.resetI
d);\n }\n },\n typeToButtons: function(type) {\n var ret = 0;\n
if (type === 'touchstart' || type === 'touchmove') {\n ret = 1;\n
}\n return ret;\n },\n findTarget: function(touch, id) {\n if
(this.currentTouchEvent.type === 'touchstart') {\n if (this.isPrimaryTou
ch(touch)) {\n var fastPath = {\n clientX: touch.clientX,\n
clientY: touch.clientY,\n path: this.currentTouchEvent.pat
h,\n target: scope.wrap(this.currentTouchEvent.target)\n };\
n return scope.findTarget(fastPath);\n } else {\n retur
n scope.findTarget(touch);\n }\n }\n // reuse target we found i
n touchstart\n return pointermap.get(id);\n },\n touchToPointer: func
tion(inTouch) {\n var cte = this.currentTouchEvent;\n var e = dispatch
er.cloneEvent(inTouch);\n // Spec specifies that pointerId 1 is reserved fo
r Mouse.\n // Touch identifiers can start at 0.\n // Add 2 to the touc
h identifier for compatibility.\n var id = e.pointerId = inTouch.identifier
+ 2;\n e.target = scope.wrap(this.findTarget(inTouch, id));\n e.bubbl
es = true;\n e.cancelable = true;\n e.detail = this.clickCount;\n
e.buttons = this.typeToButtons(cte.type);\n e.width = inTouch.webkitRadius
X || inTouch.radiusX || 0;\n e.height = inTouch.webkitRadiusY || inTouch.ra
diusY || 0;\n e.pressure = inTouch.webkitForce || inTouch.force || 0.5;\n
e.isPrimary = this.isPrimaryTouch(inTouch);\n e.pointerType = this.POIN
TER_TYPE;\n e._source = 'touch';\n // forward touch preventDefaults\n
var self = this;\n e.preventDefault = function() {\n self.scrol
ling = false;\n self.firstXY = null;\n cte.preventDefault();\n
};\n return e;\n },\n processTouches: function(inEvent, inFunction)
{\n var tl = inEvent.changedTouches;\n this.currentTouchEvent = inEve
nt;\n for (var i = 0, t, p; i < tl.length; i++) {\n t = tl[i];\n
p = this.touchToPointer(t);\n if (inEvent.type === 'touchstart') {\n
pointermap.set(p.pointerId, p.target);\n }\n if (pointerm
ap.has(p.pointerId)) {\n inFunction.call(this, p);\n }\n
if (inEvent.type === 'touchend' || inEvent._cancel) {\n this.cleanUpPoi
nter(p);\n }\n }\n },\n // For single axis scrollers, determin
es whether the element should emit\n // pointer events or behave as a scrolle
r\n shouldScroll: function(inEvent) {\n if (this.firstXY) {\n var
ret;\n var scrollAxis = scope.targetFinding.findScrollAxis(inEvent);\n
if (scrollAxis === 'none') {\n // this element is a touch-action:
none, should never scroll\n ret = false;\n } else if (scrollAxi
s === 'XY') {\n // this element should always scroll\n ret = t
rue;\n } else {\n var t = inEvent.changedTouches[0];\n
// check the intended scroll axis, and other axis\n var a = scrollAxis;
\n var oa = scrollAxis === 'Y' ? 'X' : 'Y';\n var da = Math.ab
s(t['client' + a] - this.firstXY[a]);\n var doa = Math.abs(t['client' +
oa] - this.firstXY[oa]);\n // if delta in the scroll axis > delta othe
r axis, scroll instead of\n // making events\n ret = da >= doa
;\n }\n return ret;\n }\n },\n findTouch: function(inTL
, inId) {\n for (var i = 0, l = inTL.length, t; i < l && (t = inTL[i]); i++
) {\n if (t.identifier === inId) {\n return true;\n }\n
}\n },\n // In some instances, a touchstart can happen without a touch
end. This\n // leaves the pointermap in a broken state.\n // Therefore, on
every touchstart, we remove the touches that did not fire a\n // touchend ev
ent.\n // To keep state globally consistent, we fire a\n // pointercancel
for this \"abandoned\" touch\n vacuumTouches: function(inEvent) {\n var
tl = inEvent.touches;\n // pointermap.pointers() should be < tl.length here
, as the touchstart has not\n // been processed yet.\n if (pointermap.
pointers() >= tl.length) {\n var d = [];\n pointermap.forEach(func
tion(value, key) {\n // Never remove pointerId == 1, which is mouse.\n
// Touch identifiers are 2 smaller than their pointerId, which is the\n
// index in pointermap.\n if (key !== 1 && !this.findTouch(tl
, key - 2)) {\n var p = value;\n d.push(p);\n }\n
}, this);\n d.forEach(function(p) {\n this.cancel(p);\n
pointermap.delete(p.pointerId);\n });\n }\n },\n touc
hstart: function(inEvent) {\n this.vacuumTouches(inEvent);\n this.setP
rimaryTouch(inEvent.changedTouches[0]);\n this.dedupSynthMouse(inEvent);\n
if (!this.scrolling) {\n this.clickCount++;\n this.processTou
ches(inEvent, this.down);\n }\n },\n down: function(inPointer) {\n
dispatcher.down(inPointer);\n },\n touchmove: function(inEvent) {\n
if (CAN_USE_GLOBAL) {\n this.processTouches(inEvent, this.move);\n
} else {\n if (!this.scrolling) {\n if (this.scrolling === null
&& this.shouldScroll(inEvent)) {\n this.scrolling = true;\n
} else {\n this.scrolling = false;\n inEvent.preventDefau
lt();\n this.processTouches(inEvent, this.move);\n }\n
} else if (this.firstXY) {\n var t = inEvent.changedTouches[0];\n
var dx = t.clientX - this.firstXY.X;\n var dy = t.clientY - this.
firstXY.Y;\n var dd = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);\n if (dd >
= HYSTERESIS) {\n this.touchcancel(inEvent);\n this.scroll
ing = true;\n this.firstXY = null;\n }\n }\n }\n
},\n move: function(inPointer) {\n dispatcher.move(inPointer);\n
},\n touchend: function(inEvent) {\n this.dedupSynthMouse(inEvent);\n
this.processTouches(inEvent, this.up);\n },\n up: function(inPointer) {
\n inPointer.relatedTarget = scope.wrap(scope.findTarget(inPointer));\n
dispatcher.up(inPointer);\n },\n cancel: function(inPointer) {\n di
spatcher.cancel(inPointer);\n },\n touchcancel: function(inEvent) {\n
inEvent._cancel = true;\n this.processTouches(inEvent, this.cancel);\n
},\n cleanUpPointer: function(inPointer) {\n pointermap['delete'](inPoin
ter.pointerId);\n this.removePrimaryPointer(inPointer);\n },\n // pre
vent synth mouse events from creating pointer events\n dedupSynthMouse: funct
ion(inEvent) {\n var lts = scope.mouseEvents.lastTouches;\n var t = in
Event.changedTouches[0];\n // only the primary finger will synth mouse even
ts\n if (this.isPrimaryTouch(t)) {\n // remember x/y of last touch\n
var lt = {x: t.clientX, y: t.clientY};\n lts.push(lt);\n v
ar fn = (function(lts, lt){\n var i = lts.indexOf(lt);\n if (i
> -1) {\n lts.splice(i, 1);\n }\n }).bind(null, lts,
lt);\n setTimeout(fn, DEDUP_TIMEOUT);\n }\n }\n };\n\n if (!CA
N_USE_GLOBAL) {\n INSTALLER = new scope.Installer(touchEvents.elementAdded, t
ouchEvents.elementRemoved, touchEvents.elementChanged, touchEvents);\n }\n\n s
cope.touchEvents = touchEvents;\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", | 60 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n var
dispatcher = scope.dispatcher;\n var pointermap = dispatcher.pointermap;\n va
r HAS_BITMAP_TYPE = window.MSPointerEvent && typeof window.MSPointerEvent.MSPOIN
TER_TYPE_MOUSE === 'number';\n var msEvents = {\n events: [\n 'MSPointe
rDown',\n 'MSPointerMove',\n 'MSPointerUp',\n 'MSPointerCancel',\
n ],\n register: function(target) {\n if (target !== document) {\n
return;\n }\n dispatcher.listen(target, this.events);\n },\n
unregister: function(target) {\n dispatcher.unlisten(target, this.events)
;\n },\n POINTER_TYPES: [\n '',\n 'unavailable',\n 'touch',
\n 'pen',\n 'mouse'\n ],\n prepareEvent: function(inEvent) {\n
var e = inEvent;\n e = dispatcher.cloneEvent(inEvent);\n if (HAS_B
ITMAP_TYPE) {\n e.pointerType = this.POINTER_TYPES[inEvent.pointerType];\
n }\n e._source = 'ms';\n return e;\n },\n cleanup: functio
n(id) {\n pointermap['delete'](id);\n },\n MSPointerDown: function(in
Event) {\n var e = this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.target = scope.find
Target(inEvent);\n pointermap.set(inEvent.pointerId, e.target);\n disp
atcher.down(e);\n },\n MSPointerMove: function(inEvent) {\n var e = t
his.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.target = pointermap.get(e.pointerId);\n
dispatcher.move(e);\n },\n MSPointerUp: function(inEvent) {\n var e
= this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.relatedTarget = scope.findTarget(inEvent)
;\n e.target = pointermap.get(e.pointerId);\n dispatcher.up(e);\n
this.cleanup(inEvent.pointerId);\n },\n MSPointerCancel: function(inEvent
) {\n var e = this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.relatedTarget = scope.fi
ndTarget(inEvent);\n e.target = pointermap.get(e.pointerId);\n dispatc
her.cancel(e);\n this.cleanup(inEvent.pointerId);\n }\n };\n\n scope.m
sEvents = msEvents;\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", |
61 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n var
dispatcher = scope.dispatcher;\n var pointermap = dispatcher.pointermap;\n va
r HAS_BITMAP_TYPE = window.MSPointerEvent && typeof window.MSPointerEvent.MSPOIN
TER_TYPE_MOUSE === 'number';\n var msEvents = {\n events: [\n 'MSPointe
rDown',\n 'MSPointerMove',\n 'MSPointerUp',\n 'MSPointerCancel',\
n ],\n register: function(target) {\n if (target !== document) {\n
return;\n }\n dispatcher.listen(target, this.events);\n },\n
unregister: function(target) {\n dispatcher.unlisten(target, this.events)
;\n },\n POINTER_TYPES: [\n '',\n 'unavailable',\n 'touch',
\n 'pen',\n 'mouse'\n ],\n prepareEvent: function(inEvent) {\n
var e = inEvent;\n e = dispatcher.cloneEvent(inEvent);\n if (HAS_B
ITMAP_TYPE) {\n e.pointerType = this.POINTER_TYPES[inEvent.pointerType];\
n }\n e._source = 'ms';\n return e;\n },\n cleanup: functio
n(id) {\n pointermap['delete'](id);\n },\n MSPointerDown: function(in
Event) {\n var e = this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.target = scope.wrap
(scope.findTarget(inEvent));\n pointermap.set(inEvent.pointerId, e.target);
\n dispatcher.down(e);\n },\n MSPointerMove: function(inEvent) {\n
var e = this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.target = pointermap.get(e.pointe
rId);\n dispatcher.move(e);\n },\n MSPointerUp: function(inEvent) {\n
var e = this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.relatedTarget = scope.wrap(sc
ope.findTarget(inEvent));\n e.target = pointermap.get(e.pointerId);\n
dispatcher.up(e);\n this.cleanup(inEvent.pointerId);\n },\n MSPointer
Cancel: function(inEvent) {\n var e = this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.
relatedTarget = scope.wrap(scope.findTarget(inEvent));\n e.target = pointer
map.get(e.pointerId);\n dispatcher.cancel(e);\n this.cleanup(inEvent.p
ointerId);\n }\n };\n\n scope.msEvents = msEvents;\n})(window.PolymerGestur
es);\n", | 61 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n var
dispatcher = scope.dispatcher;\n var pointermap = dispatcher.pointermap;\n va
r pointerEvents = {\n events: [\n 'pointerdown',\n 'pointermove',\n
'pointerup',\n 'pointercancel'\n ],\n prepareEvent: function(in
Event) {\n var e = dispatcher.cloneEvent(inEvent);\n e._source = 'poin
ter';\n return e;\n },\n register: function(target) {\n if (targ
et !== document) {\n return;\n }\n dispatcher.listen(target, th
is.events);\n },\n unregister: function(target) {\n dispatcher.unlist
en(target, this.events);\n },\n cleanup: function(id) {\n pointermap[
'delete'](id);\n },\n pointerdown: function(inEvent) {\n var e = this
.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.target = scope.findTarget(inEvent);\n poin
termap.set(e.pointerId, e.target);\n dispatcher.down(e);\n },\n point
ermove: function(inEvent) {\n var e = this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.
target = pointermap.get(e.pointerId);\n dispatcher.move(e);\n },\n po
interup: function(inEvent) {\n var e = this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e
.relatedTarget = scope.findTarget(inEvent);\n e.target = pointermap.get(e.p
ointerId);\n dispatcher.up(e);\n this.cleanup(inEvent.pointerId);\n
},\n pointercancel: function(inEvent) {\n var e = this.prepareEvent(inE
vent);\n e.relatedTarget = scope.findTarget(inEvent);\n e.target = poi
ntermap.get(e.pointerId);\n dispatcher.cancel(e);\n this.cleanup(inEve
nt.pointerId);\n }\n };\n\n scope.pointerEvents = pointerEvents;\n})(window
.PolymerGestures);\n", |
62 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n var
dispatcher = scope.dispatcher;\n var pointermap = dispatcher.pointermap;\n va
r pointerEvents = {\n events: [\n 'pointerdown',\n 'pointermove',\n
'pointerup',\n 'pointercancel'\n ],\n prepareEvent: function(in
Event) {\n var e = dispatcher.cloneEvent(inEvent);\n e._source = 'poin
ter';\n return e;\n },\n register: function(target) {\n if (targ
et !== document) {\n return;\n }\n dispatcher.listen(target, th
is.events);\n },\n unregister: function(target) {\n dispatcher.unlist
en(target, this.events);\n },\n cleanup: function(id) {\n pointermap[
'delete'](id);\n },\n pointerdown: function(inEvent) {\n var e = this
.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.target = scope.wrap(scope.findTarget(inEvent));
\n pointermap.set(e.pointerId, e.target);\n dispatcher.down(e);\n }
,\n pointermove: function(inEvent) {\n var e = this.prepareEvent(inEvent
);\n e.target = pointermap.get(e.pointerId);\n dispatcher.move(e);\n
},\n pointerup: function(inEvent) {\n var e = this.prepareEvent(inEven
t);\n e.relatedTarget = scope.wrap(scope.findTarget(inEvent));\n e.tar
get = pointermap.get(e.pointerId);\n dispatcher.up(e);\n this.cleanup(
inEvent.pointerId);\n },\n pointercancel: function(inEvent) {\n var e
= this.prepareEvent(inEvent);\n e.relatedTarget = scope.wrap(scope.findTar
get(inEvent));\n e.target = pointermap.get(e.pointerId);\n dispatcher.
cancel(e);\n this.cleanup(inEvent.pointerId);\n }\n };\n\n scope.point
erEvents = pointerEvents;\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", | 62 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * This module conta
ins the handlers for native platform events.\n * From here, the dispatcher is ca
lled to create unified pointer events.\n * Included are touch events (v1), mouse
events, and MSPointerEvents.\n */\n(function(scope) {\n var dispatcher = scope
.dispatcher;\n var nav = window.navigator;\n\n if (window.PointerEvent) {\n
dispatcher.registerSource('pointer', scope.pointerEvents);\n } else if (nav.ms
PointerEnabled) {\n dispatcher.registerSource('ms', scope.msEvents);\n } els
e {\n dispatcher.registerSource('mouse', scope.mouseEvents);\n if (window.
ontouchstart !== undefined) {\n dispatcher.registerSource('touch', scope.to
uchEvents);\n /*\n * NOTE: an empty touch listener on body will react
ivate nodes imported from templates with touch listeners\n * Removing it w
ill re-break the nodes\n *\n * Work around for https://bugs.webkit.o
rg/show_bug.cgi?id=135628\n */\n var isSafari = nav.userAgent.match('
Safari') && !nav.userAgent.match('Chrome');\n if (isSafari) {\n docu
ment.body.addEventListener('touchstart', function(){});\n }\n }\n }\n
dispatcher.register(document, true);\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", |
63 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * This module conta
ins the handlers for native platform events.\n * From here, the dispatcher is ca
lled to create unified pointer events.\n * Included are touch events (v1), mouse
events, and MSPointerEvents.\n */\n(function(scope) {\n var dispatcher = scope
.dispatcher;\n\n if (window.PointerEvent) {\n dispatcher.registerSource('poi
nter', scope.pointerEvents);\n } else if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) {\
n dispatcher.registerSource('ms', scope.msEvents);\n } else {\n dispatche
r.registerSource('mouse', scope.mouseEvents);\n if (window.ontouchstart !== u
ndefined) {\n dispatcher.registerSource('touch', scope.touchEvents);\n }
\n }\n\n dispatcher.register(document);\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", | 63 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * This event denote
s the beginning of a series of tracking events.\n *\n * @module PointerGestures\
n * @submodule Events\n * @class trackstart\n */\n/**\n * Pixels moved in the x
direction since trackstart.\n * @type Number\n * @property dx\n */\n/**\n * Pixe
s moved in the y direction since trackstart.\n * @type Number\n * @property dy\n
*/\n/**\n * Pixels moved in the x direction since the last track.\n * @type Num
ber\n * @property ddx\n */\n/**\n * Pixles moved in the y direction since the la
st track.\n * @type Number\n * @property ddy\n */\n/**\n * The clientX position
of the track gesture.\n * @type Number\n * @property clientX\n */\n/**\n * The c
lientY position of the track gesture.\n * @type Number\n * @property clientY\n *
/\n/**\n * The pageX position of the track gesture.\n * @type Number\n * @proper
ty pageX\n */\n/**\n * The pageY position of the track gesture.\n * @type Number
\n * @property pageY\n */\n/**\n * The screenX position of the track gesture.\n
* @type Number\n * @property screenX\n */\n/**\n * The screenY position of the t
rack gesture.\n * @type Number\n * @property screenY\n */\n/**\n * The last x ax
is direction of the pointer.\n * @type Number\n * @property xDirection\n */\n/**
\n * The last y axis direction of the pointer.\n * @type Number\n * @property yD
irection\n */\n/**\n * A shared object between all tracking events.\n * @type Ob
ject\n * @property trackInfo\n */\n/**\n * The element currently under the point
er.\n * @type Element\n * @property relatedTarget\n */\n/**\n * The type of poin
ter that make the track gesture.\n * @type String\n * @property pointerType\n */
\n/**\n *\n * This event fires for all pointer movement being tracked.\n *\n * @
class track\n * @extends trackstart\n */\n/**\n * This event fires when the poin
ter is no longer being tracked.\n *\n * @class trackend\n * @extends trackstart\
n */\n\n (function(scope) {\n var dispatcher = scope.dispatcher;\n var event
Factory = scope.eventFactory;\n var pointermap = new scope.PointerMap();\n v
ar track = {\n events: [\n 'down',\n 'move',\n 'up',\n
],\n exposes: [\n 'trackstart',\n 'track',\n 'trackx',\n
'tracky',\n 'trackend'\n ],\n defaultActions: {\n 'track':
'none',\n 'trackx': 'pan-y',\n 'tracky': 'pan-x'\n },\n WIGG
LE_THRESHOLD: 4,\n clampDir: function(inDelta) {\n return inDelta > 0
? 1 : -1;\n },\n calcPositionDelta: function(inA, inB) {\n var x =
0, y = 0;\n if (inA && inB) {\n x = inB.pageX - inA.pageX;\n
y = inB.pageY - inA.pageY;\n }\n return {x: x, y: y};\n },\n
fireTrack: function(inType, inEvent, inTrackingData) {\n var t = inTr
ackingData;\n var d = this.calcPositionDelta(t.downEvent, inEvent);\n
var dd = this.calcPositionDelta(t.lastMoveEvent, inEvent);\n if (dd.x) {
\n t.xDirection = this.clampDir(dd.x);\n } else if (inType === 'tr
ackx') {\n return;\n }\n if (dd.y) {\n t.yDirection
= this.clampDir(dd.y);\n } else if (inType === 'tracky') {\n retur
n;\n }\n var gestureProto = {\n bubbles: true,\n can
celable: true,\n trackInfo: t.trackInfo,\n relatedTarget: inEven
t.relatedTarget,\n pointerType: inEvent.pointerType,\n pointerId
: inEvent.pointerId,\n _source: 'track'\n };\n if (inType !=
= 'tracky') {\n gestureProto.x = inEvent.x;\n gestureProto.dx =
d.x;\n gestureProto.ddx = dd.x;\n gestureProto.clientX = inEvent
.clientX;\n gestureProto.pageX = inEvent.pageX;\n gestureProto.s
creenX = inEvent.screenX;\n gestureProto.xDirection = t.xDirection;\n
}\n if (inType !== 'trackx') {\n gestureProto.dy = d.y;\n
gestureProto.ddy = dd.y;\n gestureProto.y = inEvent.y;\n ges
tureProto.clientY = inEvent.clientY;\n gestureProto.pageY = inEvent.page
Y;\n gestureProto.screenY = inEvent.screenY;\n gestureProto.yDir
ection = t.yDirection;\n }\n var e = eventFactory.makeGestureEvent(i
nType, gestureProto);\n t.downTarget.dispatchEvent(e);\n },\n down
: function(inEvent) {\n if (inEvent.isPrimary && (inEvent.pointerType ===
'mouse' ? inEvent.buttons === 1 : true)) {\n var p = {\n downE
vent: inEvent,\n downTarget: inEvent.target,\n trackInfo: {}
,\n lastMoveEvent: null,\n xDirection: 0,\n yDirec
tion: 0,\n tracking: false\n };\n pointermap.set(inEve
nt.pointerId, p);\n }\n },\n move: function(inEvent) {\n var
p = pointermap.get(inEvent.pointerId);\n if (p) {\n if (!p.tracki
ng) {\n var d = this.calcPositionDelta(p.downEvent, inEvent);\n
var move = d.x * d.x + d.y * d.y;\n // start tracking only if fing
er moves more than WIGGLE_THRESHOLD\n if (move > this.WIGGLE_THRESHOLD
) {\n p.tracking = true;\n p.lastMoveEvent = p.downEvent
;\n this.fireTrack('trackstart', inEvent, p);\n }\n
}\n if (p.tracking) {\n this.fireTrack('track', inEvent, p);
\n this.fireTrack('trackx', inEvent, p);\n this.fireTrack('t
racky', inEvent, p);\n }\n p.lastMoveEvent = inEvent;\n }\
n },\n up: function(inEvent) {\n var p = pointermap.get(inEvent.po
interId);\n if (p) {\n if (p.tracking) {\n this.fireTrac
k('trackend', inEvent, p);\n }\n pointermap.delete(inEvent.point
erId);\n }\n }\n };\n dispatcher.registerGesture('track', track);\
n })(window.PolymerGestures);\n", |
64 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * This event denote
s the beginning of a series of tracking events.\n *\n * @module PointerGestures\
n * @submodule Events\n * @class trackstart\n */\n/**\n * Pixels moved in the x
direction since trackstart.\n * @type Number\n * @property dx\n */\n/**\n * Pixe
s moved in the y direction since trackstart.\n * @type Number\n * @property dy\n
*/\n/**\n * Pixels moved in the x direction since the last track.\n * @type Num
ber\n * @property ddx\n */\n/**\n * Pixles moved in the y direction since the la
st track.\n * @type Number\n * @property ddy\n */\n/**\n * The clientX position
of the track gesture.\n * @type Number\n * @property clientX\n */\n/**\n * The c
lientY position of the track gesture.\n * @type Number\n * @property clientY\n *
/\n/**\n * The pageX position of the track gesture.\n * @type Number\n * @proper
ty pageX\n */\n/**\n * The pageY position of the track gesture.\n * @type Number
\n * @property pageY\n */\n/**\n * The screenX position of the track gesture.\n
* @type Number\n * @property screenX\n */\n/**\n * The screenY position of the t
rack gesture.\n * @type Number\n * @property screenY\n */\n/**\n * The last x ax
is direction of the pointer.\n * @type Number\n * @property xDirection\n */\n/**
\n * The last y axis direction of the pointer.\n * @type Number\n * @property yD
irection\n */\n/**\n * A shared object between all tracking events.\n * @type Ob
ject\n * @property trackInfo\n */\n/**\n * The element currently under the point
er.\n * @type Element\n * @property relatedTarget\n */\n/**\n * The type of poin
ter that make the track gesture.\n * @type String\n * @property pointerType\n */
\n/**\n *\n * This event fires for all pointer movement being tracked.\n *\n * @
class track\n * @extends trackstart\n */\n/**\n * This event fires when the poin
ter is no longer being tracked.\n *\n * @class trackend\n * @extends trackstart\
n */\n\n (function(scope) {\n var dispatcher = scope.dispatcher;\n var event
Factory = scope.eventFactory;\n var pointermap = new scope.PointerMap();\n v
ar track = {\n events: [\n 'down',\n 'move',\n 'up',\n
],\n WIGGLE_THRESHOLD: 4,\n clampDir: function(inDelta) {\n retur
n inDelta > 0 ? 1 : -1;\n },\n calcPositionDelta: function(inA, inB) {\n
var x = 0, y = 0;\n if (inA && inB) {\n x = inB.pageX - inA
.pageX;\n y = inB.pageY - inA.pageY;\n }\n return {x: x, y:
y};\n },\n fireTrack: function(inType, inEvent, inTrackingData) {\n
var t = inTrackingData;\n var d = this.calcPositionDelta(t.downEvent, in
Event);\n var dd = this.calcPositionDelta(t.lastMoveEvent, inEvent);\n
if (dd.x) {\n t.xDirection = this.clampDir(dd.x);\n }\n i
f (dd.y) {\n t.yDirection = this.clampDir(dd.y);\n }\n var e
= eventFactory.makeGestureEvent(inType, {\n bubbles: true,\n ca
ncelable: true,\n dx: d.x,\n dy: d.y,\n ddx: dd.x,\n
ddy: dd.y,\n x: inEvent.x,\n y: inEvent.y,\n client
X: inEvent.clientX,\n clientY: inEvent.clientY,\n pageX: inEvent
.pageX,\n pageY: inEvent.pageY,\n screenX: inEvent.screenX,\n
screenY: inEvent.screenY,\n xDirection: t.xDirection,\n yD
irection: t.yDirection,\n trackInfo: t.trackInfo,\n relatedTarge
t: inEvent.relatedTarget,\n pointerType: inEvent.pointerType,\n
pointerId: inEvent.pointerId,\n _source: 'track'\n });\n t.d
ownTarget.dispatchEvent(e);\n },\n down: function(inEvent) {\n if
(inEvent.isPrimary && (inEvent.pointerType === 'mouse' ? inEvent.buttons === 1 :
true)) {\n var p = {\n downEvent: inEvent,\n downTa
rget: inEvent.target,\n trackInfo: {},\n lastMoveEvent: null
,\n xDirection: 0,\n yDirection: 0,\n tracking: fa
lse\n };\n pointermap.set(inEvent.pointerId, p);\n }\n
},\n move: function(inEvent) {\n var p = pointermap.get(inEvent.point
erId);\n if (p) {\n if (!p.tracking) {\n var d = this.ca
lcPositionDelta(p.downEvent, inEvent);\n var move = d.x * d.x + d.y *
d.y;\n // start tracking only if finger moves more than WIGGLE_THRESHO
LD\n if (move > this.WIGGLE_THRESHOLD) {\n p.tracking = tr
ue;\n this.fireTrack('trackstart', p.downEvent, p);\n th
is.fireTrack('track', inEvent, p);\n }\n } else {\n
this.fireTrack('track', inEvent, p);\n }\n p.lastMoveEvent = inE
vent;\n }\n },\n up: function(inEvent) {\n var p = pointerma
p.get(inEvent.pointerId);\n if (p) {\n if (p.tracking) {\n
this.fireTrack('trackend', inEvent, p);\n }\n pointermap.dele
te(inEvent.pointerId);\n }\n }\n };\n dispatcher.registerGesture('
track', track);\n })(window.PolymerGestures);\n", | 64 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * This event is fir
ed when a pointer is held down for 200ms.\n *\n * @module PointerGestures\n * @s
ubmodule Events\n * @class hold\n */\n/**\n * Type of pointer that made the hold
ing event.\n * @type String\n * @property pointerType\n */\n/**\n * Screen X axi
s position of the held pointer\n * @type Number\n * @property clientX\n */\n/**\
n * Screen Y axis position of the held pointer\n * @type Number\n * @property cl
ientY\n */\n/**\n * Type of pointer that made the holding event.\n * @type Strin
g\n * @property pointerType\n */\n/**\n * This event is fired every 200ms while
a pointer is held down.\n *\n * @class holdpulse\n * @extends hold\n */\n/**\n *
Milliseconds pointer has been held down.\n * @type Number\n * @property holdTim
e\n */\n/**\n * This event is fired when a held pointer is released or moved.\n
*\n * @class release\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n var dispatcher = scope.dispat
cher;\n var eventFactory = scope.eventFactory;\n var hold = {\n // wait at
least HOLD_DELAY ms between hold and pulse events\n HOLD_DELAY: 200,\n //
pointer can move WIGGLE_THRESHOLD pixels before not counting as a hold\n WIGG
LE_THRESHOLD: 16,\n events: [\n 'down',\n 'move',\n 'up',\n
],\n exposes: [\n 'hold',\n 'holdpulse',\n 'release'\n ],\
n heldPointer: null,\n holdJob: null,\n pulse: function() {\n var
hold = Date.now() - this.heldPointer.timeStamp;\n var type = this.held ? 'h
oldpulse' : 'hold';\n this.fireHold(type, hold);\n this.held = true;\n
},\n cancel: function() {\n clearInterval(this.holdJob);\n if (
this.held) {\n this.fireHold('release');\n }\n this.held = fals
e;\n this.heldPointer = null;\n this.target = null;\n this.holdJo
b = null;\n },\n down: function(inEvent) {\n if (inEvent.isPrimary &&
!this.heldPointer) {\n this.heldPointer = inEvent;\n this.target
= inEvent.target;\n this.holdJob = setInterval(this.pulse.bind(this), thi
s.HOLD_DELAY);\n }\n },\n up: function(inEvent) {\n if (this.hel
dPointer && this.heldPointer.pointerId === inEvent.pointerId) {\n this.ca
ncel();\n }\n },\n move: function(inEvent) {\n if (this.heldPoin
ter && this.heldPointer.pointerId === inEvent.pointerId) {\n var x = inEv
ent.clientX - this.heldPointer.clientX;\n var y = inEvent.clientY - this.
heldPointer.clientY;\n if ((x * x + y * y) > this.WIGGLE_THRESHOLD) {\n
this.cancel();\n }\n }\n },\n fireHold: function(inTyp
e, inHoldTime) {\n var p = {\n bubbles: true,\n cancelable: t
rue,\n pointerType: this.heldPointer.pointerType,\n pointerId: thi
s.heldPointer.pointerId,\n x: this.heldPointer.clientX,\n y: this.
heldPointer.clientY,\n _source: 'hold'\n };\n if (inHoldTime) {
\n p.holdTime = inHoldTime;\n }\n var e = eventFactory.makeGest
ureEvent(inType, p);\n this.target.dispatchEvent(e);\n }\n };\n dispat
cher.registerGesture('hold', hold);\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", |
65 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * This event is fir
ed when a pointer is held down for 200ms.\n *\n * @module PointerGestures\n * @s
ubmodule Events\n * @class hold\n */\n/**\n * Type of pointer that made the hold
ing event.\n * @type String\n * @property pointerType\n */\n/**\n * Screen X axi
s position of the held pointer\n * @type Number\n * @property clientX\n */\n/**\
n * Screen Y axis position of the held pointer\n * @type Number\n * @property cl
ientY\n */\n/**\n * Type of pointer that made the holding event.\n * @type Strin
g\n * @property pointerType\n */\n/**\n * This event is fired every 200ms while
a pointer is held down.\n *\n * @class holdpulse\n * @extends hold\n */\n/**\n *
Milliseconds pointer has been held down.\n * @type Number\n * @property holdTim
e\n */\n/**\n * This event is fired when a held pointer is released or moved.\n
*\n * @class release\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n var dispatcher = scope.dispat
cher;\n var eventFactory = scope.eventFactory;\n var hold = {\n // wait at
least HOLD_DELAY ms between hold and pulse events\n HOLD_DELAY: 200,\n //
pointer can move WIGGLE_THRESHOLD pixels before not counting as a hold\n WIGG
LE_THRESHOLD: 16,\n events: [\n 'down',\n 'move',\n 'up',\n
],\n heldPointer: null,\n holdJob: null,\n pulse: function() {\n
var hold = Date.now() - this.heldPointer.timeStamp;\n var type = this.held
? 'holdpulse' : 'hold';\n this.fireHold(type, hold);\n this.held = tru
e;\n },\n cancel: function() {\n clearInterval(this.holdJob);\n
if (this.held) {\n this.fireHold('release');\n }\n this.held =
false;\n this.heldPointer = null;\n this.target = null;\n this.ho
ldJob = null;\n },\n down: function(inEvent) {\n if (inEvent.isPrimar
y && !this.heldPointer) {\n this.heldPointer = inEvent;\n this.tar
get = inEvent.target;\n this.holdJob = setInterval(this.pulse.bind(this),
this.HOLD_DELAY);\n }\n },\n up: function(inEvent) {\n if (this
.heldPointer && this.heldPointer.pointerId === inEvent.pointerId) {\n thi
s.cancel();\n }\n },\n move: function(inEvent) {\n if (this.held
Pointer && this.heldPointer.pointerId === inEvent.pointerId) {\n var x =
inEvent.clientX - this.heldPointer.clientX;\n var y = inEvent.clientY - t
his.heldPointer.clientY;\n if ((x * x + y * y) > this.WIGGLE_THRESHOLD) {
\n this.cancel();\n }\n }\n },\n fireHold: function(i
nType, inHoldTime) {\n var p = {\n bubbles: true,\n cancelabl
e: true,\n pointerType: this.heldPointer.pointerType,\n pointerId:
this.heldPointer.pointerId,\n x: this.heldPointer.clientX,\n y: t
his.heldPointer.clientY,\n _source: 'hold'\n };\n if (inHoldTim
e) {\n p.holdTime = inHoldTime;\n }\n var e = eventFactory.make
GestureEvent(inType, p);\n this.target.dispatchEvent(e);\n }\n };\n di
spatcher.registerGesture('hold', hold);\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", | 65 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * This event is fir
ed when a pointer quickly goes down and up, and is used to\n * denote activation
.\n *\n * Any gesture event can prevent the tap event from being created by call
ing\n * `event.preventTap`.\n *\n * Any pointer event can prevent the tap by set
ting the `tapPrevented` property\n * on itself.\n *\n * @module PointerGestures\
n * @submodule Events\n * @class tap\n */\n/**\n * X axis position of the tap.\n
* @property x\n * @type Number\n */\n/**\n * Y axis position of the tap.\n * @p
roperty y\n * @type Number\n */\n/**\n * Type of the pointer that made the tap.\
n * @property pointerType\n * @type String\n */\n(function(scope) {\n var dispa
tcher = scope.dispatcher;\n var eventFactory = scope.eventFactory;\n var point
ermap = new scope.PointerMap();\n var tap = {\n events: [\n 'down',\n
'up'\n ],\n exposes: [\n 'tap'\n ],\n down: function(inEven
t) {\n if (inEvent.isPrimary && !inEvent.tapPrevented) {\n pointerma
p.set(inEvent.pointerId, {\n target: inEvent.target,\n buttons
: inEvent.buttons,\n x: inEvent.clientX,\n y: inEvent.clientY\
n });\n }\n },\n shouldTap: function(e, downState) {\n if
(e.pointerType === 'mouse') {\n // only allow left click to tap for mous
e\n return downState.buttons === 1;\n }\n return !e.tapPrevente
d;\n },\n up: function(inEvent) {\n var start = pointermap.get(inEven
t.pointerId);\n if (start && this.shouldTap(inEvent, start)) {\n //
up.relatedTarget is target currently under finger\n var t = scope.targetF
inding.LCA(start.target, inEvent.relatedTarget);\n if (t) {\n va
r e = eventFactory.makeGestureEvent('tap', {\n bubbles: true,\n
cancelable: true,\n x: inEvent.clientX,\n y: inEvent
.clientY,\n detail: inEvent.detail,\n pointerType: inEvent
.pointerType,\n pointerId: inEvent.pointerId,\n altKey: in
Event.altKey,\n ctrlKey: inEvent.ctrlKey,\n metaKey: inEve
nt.metaKey,\n shiftKey: inEvent.shiftKey,\n _source: 'tap'
\n });\n t.dispatchEvent(e);\n }\n }\n pointe
rmap.delete(inEvent.pointerId);\n }\n };\n // patch eventFactory to remove
id from tap's pointermap for preventTap calls\n eventFactory.preventTap = funct
ion(e) {\n return function() {\n e.tapPrevented = true;\n pointerma
p.delete(e.pointerId);\n };\n };\n dispatcher.registerGesture('tap', tap);\
n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", |
66 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * This event is fir
ed when a pointer quickly goes down and up, and is used to\n * denote activation
.\n *\n * Any gesture event can prevent the tap event from being created by call
ing\n * `event.preventTap`.\n *\n * Any pointer event can prevent the tap by set
ting the `tapPrevented` property\n * on itself.\n *\n * @module PointerGestures\
n * @submodule Events\n * @class tap\n */\n/**\n * X axis position of the tap.\n
* @property x\n * @type Number\n */\n/**\n * Y axis position of the tap.\n * @p
roperty y\n * @type Number\n */\n/**\n * Type of the pointer that made the tap.\
n * @property pointerType\n * @type String\n */\n(function(scope) {\n var dispa
tcher = scope.dispatcher;\n var eventFactory = scope.eventFactory;\n var point
ermap = new scope.PointerMap();\n var tap = {\n events: [\n 'down',\n
'up'\n ],\n down: function(inEvent) {\n if (inEvent.isPrimary &&
!inEvent.tapPrevented) {\n pointermap.set(inEvent.pointerId, {\n
target: inEvent.target,\n buttons: inEvent.buttons,\n x: inEv
ent.clientX,\n y: inEvent.clientY\n });\n }\n },\n sh
ouldTap: function(e, downState) {\n if (e.pointerType === 'mouse') {\n
// only allow left click to tap for mouse\n return downState.buttons =
== 1;\n }\n return !e.tapPrevented;\n },\n up: function(inEvent)
{\n var start = pointermap.get(inEvent.pointerId);\n if (start && thi
s.shouldTap(inEvent, start)) {\n // up.relatedTarget is target currently
under finger\n var t = scope.targetFinding.LCA(start.target, inEvent.rela
tedTarget);\n if (t) {\n var e = eventFactory.makeGestureEvent('
tap', {\n bubbles: true,\n cancelable: true,\n
x: inEvent.clientX,\n y: inEvent.clientY,\n detail: inEven
t.detail,\n pointerType: inEvent.pointerType,\n pointerId:
inEvent.pointerId,\n altKey: inEvent.altKey,\n ctrlKey: i
nEvent.ctrlKey,\n metaKey: inEvent.metaKey,\n shiftKey: in
Event.shiftKey,\n _source: 'tap'\n });\n t.dispatch
Event(e);\n }\n }\n pointermap.delete(inEvent.pointerId);\n
}\n };\n // patch eventFactory to remove id from tap's pointermap for preventT
ap calls\n eventFactory.preventTap = function(e) {\n return function() {\n
e.tapPrevented = true;\n pointermap.delete(e.pointerId);\n };\n };\
n dispatcher.registerGesture('tap', tap);\n})(window.PolymerGestures);\n", | |
67 "/*\n Copyright (C) 2013 Ariya Hidayat <ariya.hidayat@gmail.com>\n Copyrig
ht (C) 2013 Thaddee Tyl <thaddee.tyl@gmail.com>\n Copyright (C) 2012 Ariya Hida
yat <ariya.hidayat@gmail.com>\n Copyright (C) 2012 Mathias Bynens <mathias@qiwi
.be>\n Copyright (C) 2012 Joost-Wim Boekesteijn <joost-wim@boekesteijn.nl>\n C
opyright (C) 2012 Kris Kowal <kris.kowal@cixar.com>\n Copyright (C) 2012 Yusuke
Suzuki <utatane.tea@gmail.com>\n Copyright (C) 2012 Arpad Borsos <arpad.borsos
@googlemail.com>\n Copyright (C) 2011 Ariya Hidayat <ariya.hidayat@gmail.com>\n
\n Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n modifi
cation, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n * R
edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n notice, thi
s list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n * Redistributions in bin
ary form must reproduce the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditio
ns and the following disclaimer in the\n documentation and/or other materia
ls provided with the distribution.\n\n THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIG
AMAGE.\n*/\n\n(function (global) {\n 'use strict';\n\n var Token,\n
TokenName,\n Syntax,\n Messages,\n source,\n index,
\n length,\n delegate,\n lookahead,\n state;\n\n
Token = {\n BooleanLiteral: 1,\n EOF: 2,\n Identifier: 3,\n
Keyword: 4,\n NullLiteral: 5,\n NumericLiteral: 6,\n
Punctuator: 7,\n StringLiteral: 8\n };\n\n TokenName = {};\n T
okenName[Token.BooleanLiteral] = 'Boolean';\n TokenName[Token.EOF] = '<end>';
\n TokenName[Token.Identifier] = 'Identifier';\n TokenName[Token.Keyword]
= 'Keyword';\n TokenName[Token.NullLiteral] = 'Null';\n TokenName[Token.Nu
mericLiteral] = 'Numeric';\n TokenName[Token.Punctuator] = 'Punctuator';\n
TokenName[Token.StringLiteral] = 'String';\n\n Syntax = {\n ArrayExpr
ession: 'ArrayExpression',\n BinaryExpression: 'BinaryExpression',\n
CallExpression: 'CallExpression',\n ConditionalExpression: 'Conditiona
lExpression',\n EmptyStatement: 'EmptyStatement',\n ExpressionStat
ement: 'ExpressionStatement',\n Identifier: 'Identifier',\n Litera
l: 'Literal',\n LabeledStatement: 'LabeledStatement',\n LogicalExp
ression: 'LogicalExpression',\n MemberExpression: 'MemberExpression',\n
ObjectExpression: 'ObjectExpression',\n Program: 'Program',\n
Property: 'Property',\n ThisExpression: 'ThisExpression',\n Unar
yExpression: 'UnaryExpression'\n };\n\n // Error messages should be identi
cal to V8.\n Messages = {\n UnexpectedToken: 'Unexpected token %0',\n
UnknownLabel: 'Undefined label \\'%0\\'',\n Redeclaration: '%0 \\
'%1\\' has already been declared'\n };\n\n // Ensure the condition is true
, otherwise throw an error.\n // This is only to have a better contract seman
tic, i.e. another safety net\n // to catch a logic error. The condition shall
be fulfilled in normal case.\n // Do NOT use this to enforce a certain condi
tion on any user input.\n\n function assert(condition, message) {\n if
(!condition) {\n throw new Error('ASSERT: ' + message);\n }\n
}\n\n function isDecimalDigit(ch) {\n return (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57
); // 0..9\n }\n\n\n // 7.2 White Space\n\n function isWhiteSpace(ch)
{\n return (ch === 32) || // space\n (ch === 9) || // t
ab\n (ch === 0xB) ||\n (ch === 0xC) ||\n (ch ==
= 0xA0) ||\n (ch >= 0x1680 && '\\u1680\\u180E\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u
F'.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(ch)) > 0);\n }\n\n // 7.3 Line Terminators\
n\n function isLineTerminator(ch) {\n return (ch === 10) || (ch === 13
) || (ch === 0x2028) || (ch === 0x2029);\n }\n\n // 7.6 Identifier Names a
nd Identifiers\n\n function isIdentifierStart(ch) {\n return (ch === 3
6) || (ch === 95) || // $ (dollar) and _ (underscore)\n (ch >= 65 &&
ch <= 90) || // A..Z\n (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122); //
a..z\n }\n\n function isIdentifierPart(ch) {\n return (ch === 36) |
| (ch === 95) || // $ (dollar) and _ (underscore)\n (ch >= 65 && ch
<= 90) || // A..Z\n (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122) || // a..z
\n (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57); // 0..9\n }\n\n //
Keywords\n\n function isKeyword(id) {\n return (id === 'this')\n }
\n\n // 7.4 Comments\n\n function skipWhitespace() {\n while (index
< length && isWhiteSpace(source.charCodeAt(index))) {\n ++index;\n
}\n }\n\n function getIdentifier() {\n var start, ch;\n\n
start = index++;\n while (index < length) {\n ch = source.c
harCodeAt(index);\n if (isIdentifierPart(ch)) {\n ++in
dex;\n } else {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n
return source.slice(start, index);\n }\n\n function scanIdentifier
() {\n var start, id, type;\n\n start = index;\n\n id = get
Identifier();\n\n // There is no keyword or literal with only one charact
er.\n // Thus, it must be an identifier.\n if (id.length === 1) {\
n type = Token.Identifier;\n } else if (isKeyword(id)) {\n
type = Token.Keyword;\n } else if (id === 'null') {\n
type = Token.NullLiteral;\n } else if (id === 'true' || id === 'false') {
\n type = Token.BooleanLiteral;\n } else {\n type =
Token.Identifier;\n }\n\n return {\n type: type,\n
value: id,\n range: [start, index]\n };\n }\n\n\n
// 7.7 Punctuators\n\n function scanPunctuator() {\n var start = ind
ex,\n code = source.charCodeAt(index),\n code2,\n
ch1 = source[index],\n ch2;\n\n switch (code) {\n\n
// Check for most common single-character punctuators.\n case 46: // .
dot\n case 40: // ( open bracket\n case 41: // ) close bracket
\n case 59: // ; semicolon\n case 44: // , comma\n case
123: // { open curly brace\n case 125: // } close curly brace\n
case 91: // [\n case 93: // ]\n case 58: // :\n case
63: // ?\n ++index;\n return {\n type: T
oken.Punctuator,\n value: String.fromCharCode(code),\n
range: [start, index]\n };\n\n default:\n code
2 = source.charCodeAt(index + 1);\n\n // '=' (char #61) marks an assi
gnment or comparison operator.\n if (code2 === 61) {\n
switch (code) {\n case 37: // %\n case 38: // &
\n case 42: // *:\n case 43: // +\n
case 45: // -\n case 47: // /\n case 60: //
<\n case 62: // >\n case 124: // |\n
index += 2;\n return {\n type:
Token.Punctuator,\n value: String.fromCharCode(code) + St
ring.fromCharCode(code2),\n range: [start, index]\n
};\n\n case 33: // !\n case 61: // =
\n index += 2;\n\n // !== and ===\n
if (source.charCodeAt(index) === 61) {\n ++i
ndex;\n }\n return {\n
type: Token.Punctuator,\n value: source.slice(start,
index),\n range: [start, index]\n };\n
default:\n break;\n }\n
}\n break;\n }\n\n // Peek more characters.\n\n
ch2 = source[index + 1];\n\n // Other 2-character punctuators: && ||
\n\n if (ch1 === ch2 && ('&|'.indexOf(ch1) >= 0)) {\n index +=
2;\n return {\n type: Token.Punctuator,\n
value: ch1 + ch2,\n range: [start, index]\n };\n
}\n\n if ('<>=!+-*%&|^/'.indexOf(ch1) >= 0) {\n ++index;
\n return {\n type: Token.Punctuator,\n
value: ch1,\n range: [start, index]\n };\n }\n
\n throwError({}, Messages.UnexpectedToken, 'ILLEGAL');\n }\n\n //
7.8.3 Numeric Literals\n function scanNumericLiteral() {\n var number,
start, ch;\n\n ch = source[index];\n assert(isDecimalDigit(ch.cha
rCodeAt(0)) || (ch === '.'),\n 'Numeric literal must start with a dec
imal digit or a decimal point');\n\n start = index;\n number = '';
\n if (ch !== '.') {\n number = source[index++];\n
ch = source[index];\n\n // Hex number starts with '0x'.\n
// Octal number starts with '0'.\n if (number === '0') {\n
// decimal number starts with '0' such as '09' is illegal.\n
if (ch && isDecimalDigit(ch.charCodeAt(0))) {\n throwError({
}, Messages.UnexpectedToken, 'ILLEGAL');\n }\n }\n\n
while (isDecimalDigit(source.charCodeAt(index))) {\n nu
mber += source[index++];\n }\n ch = source[index];\n
}\n\n if (ch === '.') {\n number += source[index++];\n
while (isDecimalDigit(source.charCodeAt(index))) {\n number
+= source[index++];\n }\n ch = source[index];\n }\
n\n if (ch === 'e' || ch === 'E') {\n number += source[index++
];\n\n ch = source[index];\n if (ch === '+' || ch === '-')
{\n number += source[index++];\n }\n if (i
sDecimalDigit(source.charCodeAt(index))) {\n while (isDecimalDigi
t(source.charCodeAt(index))) {\n number += source[index++];\n
}\n } else {\n throwError({}, Messages
.UnexpectedToken, 'ILLEGAL');\n }\n }\n\n if (isIdentif
ierStart(source.charCodeAt(index))) {\n throwError({}, Messages.Unexp
ectedToken, 'ILLEGAL');\n }\n\n return {\n type: Token.
NumericLiteral,\n value: parseFloat(number),\n range: [sta
rt, index]\n };\n }\n\n // 7.8.4 String Literals\n\n function sc
anStringLiteral() {\n var str = '', quote, start, ch, octal = false;\n\n
quote = source[index];\n assert((quote === '\\'' || quote === '\"'
),\n 'String literal must starts with a quote');\n\n start = i
ndex;\n ++index;\n\n while (index < length) {\n ch = so
urce[index++];\n\n if (ch === quote) {\n quote = '';\n
break;\n } else if (ch === '\\\\') {\n
ch = source[index++];\n if (!ch || !isLineTerminator(ch.charCode
At(0))) {\n switch (ch) {\n case 'n':\n
str += '\\n';\n break;\n
case 'r':\n str += '\\r';\n
break;\n case 't':\n str += '\\t';\n
break;\n case 'b':\n
str += '\\b';\n break;\n case '
f':\n str += '\\f';\n break;\n
case 'v':\n str += '\\x0B';\n
break;\n\n default:\n str
+= ch;\n break;\n }\n }
else {\n if (ch === '\\r' && source[index] === '\\n') {\n
++index;\n }\n }\n
} else if (isLineTerminator(ch.charCodeAt(0))) {\n break;\n
} else {\n str += ch;\n }\n }\n\n
if (quote !== '') {\n throwError({}, Messages.UnexpectedToken,
'ILLEGAL');\n }\n\n return {\n type: Token.StringLitera
l,\n value: str,\n octal: octal,\n range: [star
t, index]\n };\n }\n\n function isIdentifierName(token) {\n
return token.type === Token.Identifier ||\n token.type === Token.Keyw
ord ||\n token.type === Token.BooleanLiteral ||\n token.ty
pe === Token.NullLiteral;\n }\n\n function advance() {\n var ch;\n\
n skipWhitespace();\n\n if (index >= length) {\n return
{\n type: Token.EOF,\n range: [index, index]\n
};\n }\n\n ch = source.charCodeAt(index);\n\n // V
ery common: ( and ) and ;\n if (ch === 40 || ch === 41 || ch === 58) {\n
return scanPunctuator();\n }\n\n // String literal star
ts with single quote (#39) or double quote (#34).\n if (ch === 39 || ch =
== 34) {\n return scanStringLiteral();\n }\n\n if (isId
entifierStart(ch)) {\n return scanIdentifier();\n }\n\n
// Dot (.) char #46 can also start a floating-point number, hence the need\n
// to check the next character.\n if (ch === 46) {\n if (
isDecimalDigit(source.charCodeAt(index + 1))) {\n return scanNume
ricLiteral();\n }\n return scanPunctuator();\n }\n\
n if (isDecimalDigit(ch)) {\n return scanNumericLiteral();\n
}\n\n return scanPunctuator();\n }\n\n function lex() {\n
var token;\n\n token = lookahead;\n index = token.range[1];\n\
n lookahead = advance();\n\n index = token.range[1];\n\n re
turn token;\n }\n\n function peek() {\n var pos;\n\n pos = i
ndex;\n lookahead = advance();\n index = pos;\n }\n\n // Thr
ow an exception\n\n function throwError(token, messageFormat) {\n var
error,\n args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2),\n
msg = messageFormat.replace(\n /%(\\d)/g,\n func
tion (whole, index) {\n assert(index < args.length, 'Message
reference must be in range');\n return args[index];\n
}\n );\n\n error = new Error(msg);\n error.inde
x = index;\n error.description = msg;\n throw error;\n }\n\n
// Throw an exception because of the token.\n\n function throwUnexpected(tok
en) {\n throwError(token, Messages.UnexpectedToken, token.value);\n }\
n\n // Expect the next token to match the specified punctuator.\n // If no
t, an exception will be thrown.\n\n function expect(value) {\n var tok
en = lex();\n if (token.type !== Token.Punctuator || token.value !== valu
e) {\n throwUnexpected(token);\n }\n }\n\n // Return tru
e if the next token matches the specified punctuator.\n\n function match(valu
e) {\n return lookahead.type === Token.Punctuator && lookahead.value ===
value;\n }\n\n // Return true if the next token matches the specified keyw
ord\n\n function matchKeyword(keyword) {\n return lookahead.type === T
oken.Keyword && lookahead.value === keyword;\n }\n\n function consumeSemic
olon() {\n // Catch the very common case first: immediately a semicolon (
char #59).\n if (source.charCodeAt(index) === 59) {\n lex();\n
return;\n }\n\n skipWhitespace();\n\n if (match
(';')) {\n lex();\n return;\n }\n\n if (look
ahead.type !== Token.EOF && !match('}')) {\n throwUnexpected(lookahea
d);\n }\n }\n\n // 11.1.4 Array Initialiser\n\n function parseAr
rayInitialiser() {\n var elements = [];\n\n expect('[');\n\n
while (!match(']')) {\n if (match(',')) {\n lex();\n
elements.push(null);\n } else {\n elem
ents.push(parseExpression());\n\n if (!match(']')) {\n
expect(',');\n }\n }\n }\n\n ex
pect(']');\n\n return delegate.createArrayExpression(elements);\n }\n\
n // 11.1.5 Object Initialiser\n\n function parseObjectPropertyKey() {\n
var token;\n\n skipWhitespace();\n token = lex();\n\n
// Note: This function is called only from parseObjectProperty(), where\n
// EOF and Punctuator tokens are already filtered out.\n if (token.type
=== Token.StringLiteral || token.type === Token.NumericLiteral) {\n
return delegate.createLiteral(token);\n }\n\n return delegate.crea
teIdentifier(token.value);\n }\n\n function parseObjectProperty() {\n
var token, key;\n\n token = lookahead;\n skipWhitespace();\n\n
if (token.type === Token.EOF || token.type === Token.Punctuator) {\n
throwUnexpected(token);\n }\n\n key = parseObjectPropertyKe
y();\n expect(':');\n return delegate.createProperty('init', key,
parseExpression());\n }\n\n function parseObjectInitialiser() {\n v
ar properties = [];\n\n expect('{');\n\n while (!match('}')) {\n
properties.push(parseObjectProperty());\n\n if (!match('}')
) {\n expect(',');\n }\n }\n\n expect('}
');\n\n return delegate.createObjectExpression(properties);\n }\n\n
// 11.1.6 The Grouping Operator\n\n function parseGroupExpression() {\n
var expr;\n\n expect('(');\n\n expr = parseExpression();\n\n
expect(')');\n\n return expr;\n }\n\n\n // 11.1 Primary Expres
sions\n\n function parsePrimaryExpression() {\n var type, token, expr;
\n\n if (match('(')) {\n return parseGroupExpression();\n
}\n\n type = lookahead.type;\n\n if (type === Token.Identifier)
{\n expr = delegate.createIdentifier(lex().value);\n } else i
f (type === Token.StringLiteral || type === Token.NumericLiteral) {\n
expr = delegate.createLiteral(lex());\n } else if (type === Token.Keywor
d) {\n if (matchKeyword('this')) {\n lex();\n
expr = delegate.createThisExpression();\n }\n } else if
(type === Token.BooleanLiteral) {\n token = lex();\n toke
n.value = (token.value === 'true');\n expr = delegate.createLiteral(t
oken);\n } else if (type === Token.NullLiteral) {\n token = le
x();\n token.value = null;\n expr = delegate.createLiteral
(token);\n } else if (match('[')) {\n expr = parseArrayInitial
iser();\n } else if (match('{')) {\n expr = parseObjectInitial
iser();\n }\n\n if (expr) {\n return expr;\n }\n
\n throwUnexpected(lex());\n }\n\n // 11.2 Left-Hand-Side Expressio
ns\n\n function parseArguments() {\n var args = [];\n\n expect(
'(');\n\n if (!match(')')) {\n while (index < length) {\n
args.push(parseExpression());\n if (match(')')) {\n
break;\n }\n expect(',');\n
}\n }\n\n expect(')');\n\n return args;\n }\n\n
function parseNonComputedProperty() {\n var token;\n\n token = le
x();\n\n if (!isIdentifierName(token)) {\n throwUnexpected(tok
en);\n }\n\n return delegate.createIdentifier(token.value);\n }
\n\n function parseNonComputedMember() {\n expect('.');\n\n ret
urn parseNonComputedProperty();\n }\n\n function parseComputedMember() {\n
var expr;\n\n expect('[');\n\n expr = parseExpression();\n
\n expect(']');\n\n return expr;\n }\n\n function parseLeftH
andSideExpression() {\n var expr, args, property;\n\n expr = parse
PrimaryExpression();\n\n while (true) {\n if (match('[')) {\n
property = parseComputedMember();\n expr = delegat
e.createMemberExpression('[', expr, property);\n } else if (match('.'
)) {\n property = parseNonComputedMember();\n expr
= delegate.createMemberExpression('.', expr, property);\n } else if
(match('(')) {\n args = parseArguments();\n expr =
delegate.createCallExpression(expr, args);\n } else {\n
break;\n }\n }\n\n return expr;\n }\n\n // 11.
3 Postfix Expressions\n\n var parsePostfixExpression = parseLeftHandSideExpre
ssion;\n\n // 11.4 Unary Operators\n\n function parseUnaryExpression() {\n
var token, expr;\n\n if (lookahead.type !== Token.Punctuator && l
ookahead.type !== Token.Keyword) {\n expr = parsePostfixExpression();
\n } else if (match('+') || match('-') || match('!')) {\n toke
n = lex();\n expr = parseUnaryExpression();\n expr = deleg
ate.createUnaryExpression(token.value, expr);\n } else if (matchKeyword('
delete') || matchKeyword('void') || matchKeyword('typeof')) {\n throw
Error({}, Messages.UnexpectedToken);\n } else {\n expr = parse
PostfixExpression();\n }\n\n return expr;\n }\n\n function b
inaryPrecedence(token) {\n var prec = 0;\n\n if (token.type !== To
ken.Punctuator && token.type !== Token.Keyword) {\n return 0;\n
}\n\n switch (token.value) {\n case '||':\n prec = 1;
\n break;\n\n case '&&':\n prec = 2;\n b
reak;\n\n case '==':\n case '!=':\n case '===':\n ca
se '!==':\n prec = 6;\n break;\n\n case '<':\n
case '>':\n case '<=':\n case '>=':\n case 'instanceof':
\n prec = 7;\n break;\n\n case 'in':\n p
rec = 7;\n break;\n\n case '+':\n case '-':\n
prec = 9;\n break;\n\n case '*':\n case '/':\n
case '%':\n prec = 11;\n break;\n\n default:\n
break;\n }\n\n return prec;\n }\n\n // 11.5 Multipli
cative Operators\n // 11.6 Additive Operators\n // 11.7 Bitwise Shift Oper
ators\n // 11.8 Relational Operators\n // 11.9 Equality Operators\n //
11.10 Binary Bitwise Operators\n // 11.11 Binary Logical Operators\n\n fun
ction parseBinaryExpression() {\n var expr, token, prec, stack, right, op
erator, left, i;\n\n left = parseUnaryExpression();\n\n token = lo
okahead;\n prec = binaryPrecedence(token);\n if (prec === 0) {\n
return left;\n }\n token.prec = prec;\n lex();\n\
n right = parseUnaryExpression();\n\n stack = [left, token, right]
;\n\n while ((prec = binaryPrecedence(lookahead)) > 0) {\n\n /
/ Reduce: make a binary expression from the three topmost entries.\n
while ((stack.length > 2) && (prec <= stack[stack.length - 2].prec)) {\n
right = stack.pop();\n operator = stack.pop().value;\n
left = stack.pop();\n expr = delegate.createBinaryEx
pression(operator, left, right);\n stack.push(expr);\n
}\n\n // Shift.\n token = lex();\n token.prec
= prec;\n stack.push(token);\n expr = parseUnaryExpression
();\n stack.push(expr);\n }\n\n // Final reduce to clea
n-up the stack.\n i = stack.length - 1;\n expr = stack[i];\n
while (i > 1) {\n expr = delegate.createBinaryExpression(stack[i -
1].value, stack[i - 2], expr);\n i -= 2;\n }\n\n return
expr;\n }\n\n\n // 11.12 Conditional Operator\n\n function parseCondit
ionalExpression() {\n var expr, consequent, alternate;\n\n expr =
parseBinaryExpression();\n\n if (match('?')) {\n lex();\n
consequent = parseConditionalExpression();\n expect(':');\n
alternate = parseConditionalExpression();\n\n expr = delegat
e.createConditionalExpression(expr, consequent, alternate);\n }\n\n
return expr;\n }\n\n // Simplification since we do not support Assignmen
tExpression.\n var parseExpression = parseConditionalExpression;\n\n // Po
lymer Syntax extensions\n\n // Filter ::\n // Identifier\n // Ident
ifier \"(\" \")\"\n // Identifier \"(\" FilterArguments \")\"\n\n functi
on parseFilter() {\n var identifier, args;\n\n identifier = lex();
\n\n if (identifier.type !== Token.Identifier) {\n throwUnexpe
cted(identifier);\n }\n\n args = match('(') ? parseArguments() : [
];\n\n return delegate.createFilter(identifier.value, args);\n }\n\n
// Filters ::\n // \"|\" Filter\n // Filters \"|\" Filter\n\n fun
ction parseFilters() {\n while (match('|')) {\n lex();\n
parseFilter();\n }\n }\n\n // TopLevel ::\n // LabelledE
xpressions\n // AsExpression\n // InExpression\n // FilterExpress
ion\n\n // AsExpression ::\n // FilterExpression as Identifier\n\n //
InExpression ::\n // Identifier, Identifier in FilterExpression\n //
Identifier in FilterExpression\n\n // FilterExpression ::\n // Expressio
n\n // Expression Filters\n\n function parseTopLevel() {\n skipWh
itespace();\n peek();\n\n var expr = parseExpression();\n i
f (expr) {\n if (lookahead.value === ',' || lookahead.value == 'in' &
&\n expr.type === Syntax.Identifier) {\n pa
rseInExpression(expr);\n } else {\n parseFilters();\n
if (lookahead.value === 'as') {\n parseAsExpre
ssion(expr);\n } else {\n delegate.createTopLe
vel(expr);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (lookahead
.type !== Token.EOF) {\n throwUnexpected(lookahead);\n }\n
}\n\n function parseAsExpression(expr) {\n lex(); // as\n var
identifier = lex().value;\n delegate.createAsExpression(expr, identifier)
;\n }\n\n function parseInExpression(identifier) {\n var indexName;
\n if (lookahead.value === ',') {\n lex();\n if (lo
okahead.type !== Token.Identifier)\n throwUnexpected(lookahead);\
n indexName = lex().value;\n }\n\n lex(); // in\n
var expr = parseExpression();\n parseFilters();\n delegate.crea
teInExpression(identifier.name, indexName, expr);\n }\n\n function parse(c
ode, inDelegate) {\n delegate = inDelegate;\n source = code;\n
index = 0;\n length = source.length;\n lookahead = null;\n
state = {\n labelSet: {}\n };\n\n return parseTopLe
vel();\n }\n\n global.esprima = {\n parse: parse\n };\n})(this);
\n", | 66 "/*\n Copyright (C) 2013 Ariya Hidayat <ariya.hidayat@gmail.com>\n Copyrig
ht (C) 2013 Thaddee Tyl <thaddee.tyl@gmail.com>\n Copyright (C) 2012 Ariya Hida
yat <ariya.hidayat@gmail.com>\n Copyright (C) 2012 Mathias Bynens <mathias@qiwi
.be>\n Copyright (C) 2012 Joost-Wim Boekesteijn <joost-wim@boekesteijn.nl>\n C
opyright (C) 2012 Kris Kowal <kris.kowal@cixar.com>\n Copyright (C) 2012 Yusuke
Suzuki <utatane.tea@gmail.com>\n Copyright (C) 2012 Arpad Borsos <arpad.borsos
@googlemail.com>\n Copyright (C) 2011 Ariya Hidayat <ariya.hidayat@gmail.com>\n
\n Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n modifi
cation, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n * R
edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n notice, thi
s list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n * Redistributions in bin
ary form must reproduce the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditio
ns and the following disclaimer in the\n documentation and/or other materia
ls provided with the distribution.\n\n THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIG
AMAGE.\n*/\n\n(function (global) {\n 'use strict';\n\n var Token,\n
TokenName,\n Syntax,\n Messages,\n source,\n index,
\n length,\n delegate,\n lookahead,\n state;\n\n
Token = {\n BooleanLiteral: 1,\n EOF: 2,\n Identifier: 3,\n
Keyword: 4,\n NullLiteral: 5,\n NumericLiteral: 6,\n
Punctuator: 7,\n StringLiteral: 8\n };\n\n TokenName = {};\n T
okenName[Token.BooleanLiteral] = 'Boolean';\n TokenName[Token.EOF] = '<end>';
\n TokenName[Token.Identifier] = 'Identifier';\n TokenName[Token.Keyword]
= 'Keyword';\n TokenName[Token.NullLiteral] = 'Null';\n TokenName[Token.Nu
mericLiteral] = 'Numeric';\n TokenName[Token.Punctuator] = 'Punctuator';\n
TokenName[Token.StringLiteral] = 'String';\n\n Syntax = {\n ArrayExpr
ession: 'ArrayExpression',\n BinaryExpression: 'BinaryExpression',\n
CallExpression: 'CallExpression',\n ConditionalExpression: 'Conditiona
lExpression',\n EmptyStatement: 'EmptyStatement',\n ExpressionStat
ement: 'ExpressionStatement',\n Identifier: 'Identifier',\n Litera
l: 'Literal',\n LabeledStatement: 'LabeledStatement',\n LogicalExp
ression: 'LogicalExpression',\n MemberExpression: 'MemberExpression',\n
ObjectExpression: 'ObjectExpression',\n Program: 'Program',\n
Property: 'Property',\n ThisExpression: 'ThisExpression',\n Unar
yExpression: 'UnaryExpression'\n };\n\n // Error messages should be identi
cal to V8.\n Messages = {\n UnexpectedToken: 'Unexpected token %0',\n
UnknownLabel: 'Undefined label \\'%0\\'',\n Redeclaration: '%0 \\
'%1\\' has already been declared'\n };\n\n // Ensure the condition is true
, otherwise throw an error.\n // This is only to have a better contract seman
tic, i.e. another safety net\n // to catch a logic error. The condition shall
be fulfilled in normal case.\n // Do NOT use this to enforce a certain condi
tion on any user input.\n\n function assert(condition, message) {\n if
(!condition) {\n throw new Error('ASSERT: ' + message);\n }\n
}\n\n function isDecimalDigit(ch) {\n return (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57
); // 0..9\n }\n\n\n // 7.2 White Space\n\n function isWhiteSpace(ch)
{\n return (ch === 32) || // space\n (ch === 9) || // t
ab\n (ch === 0xB) ||\n (ch === 0xC) ||\n (ch ==
= 0xA0) ||\n (ch >= 0x1680 && '\\u1680\\u180E\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u
F'.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(ch)) > 0);\n }\n\n // 7.3 Line Terminators\
n\n function isLineTerminator(ch) {\n return (ch === 10) || (ch === 13
) || (ch === 0x2028) || (ch === 0x2029);\n }\n\n // 7.6 Identifier Names a
nd Identifiers\n\n function isIdentifierStart(ch) {\n return (ch === 3
6) || (ch === 95) || // $ (dollar) and _ (underscore)\n (ch >= 65 &&
ch <= 90) || // A..Z\n (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122); //
a..z\n }\n\n function isIdentifierPart(ch) {\n return (ch === 36) |
| (ch === 95) || // $ (dollar) and _ (underscore)\n (ch >= 65 && ch
<= 90) || // A..Z\n (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122) || // a..z
\n (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57); // 0..9\n }\n\n //
Keywords\n\n function isKeyword(id) {\n return (id === 'this')\n }
\n\n // 7.4 Comments\n\n function skipWhitespace() {\n while (index
< length && isWhiteSpace(source.charCodeAt(index))) {\n ++index;\n
}\n }\n\n function getIdentifier() {\n var start, ch;\n\n
start = index++;\n while (index < length) {\n ch = source.c
harCodeAt(index);\n if (isIdentifierPart(ch)) {\n ++in
dex;\n } else {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n
return source.slice(start, index);\n }\n\n function scanIdentifier
() {\n var start, id, type;\n\n start = index;\n\n id = get
Identifier();\n\n // There is no keyword or literal with only one charact
er.\n // Thus, it must be an identifier.\n if (id.length === 1) {\
n type = Token.Identifier;\n } else if (isKeyword(id)) {\n
type = Token.Keyword;\n } else if (id === 'null') {\n
type = Token.NullLiteral;\n } else if (id === 'true' || id === 'false') {
\n type = Token.BooleanLiteral;\n } else {\n type =
Token.Identifier;\n }\n\n return {\n type: type,\n
value: id,\n range: [start, index]\n };\n }\n\n\n
// 7.7 Punctuators\n\n function scanPunctuator() {\n var start = ind
ex,\n code = source.charCodeAt(index),\n code2,\n
ch1 = source[index],\n ch2;\n\n switch (code) {\n\n
// Check for most common single-character punctuators.\n case 46: // .
dot\n case 40: // ( open bracket\n case 41: // ) close bracket
\n case 59: // ; semicolon\n case 44: // , comma\n case
123: // { open curly brace\n case 125: // } close curly brace\n
case 91: // [\n case 93: // ]\n case 58: // :\n case
63: // ?\n ++index;\n return {\n type: T
oken.Punctuator,\n value: String.fromCharCode(code),\n
range: [start, index]\n };\n\n default:\n code
2 = source.charCodeAt(index + 1);\n\n // '=' (char #61) marks an assi
gnment or comparison operator.\n if (code2 === 61) {\n
switch (code) {\n case 37: // %\n case 38: // &
\n case 42: // *:\n case 43: // +\n
case 45: // -\n case 47: // /\n case 60: //
<\n case 62: // >\n case 124: // |\n
index += 2;\n return {\n type:
Token.Punctuator,\n value: String.fromCharCode(code) + St
ring.fromCharCode(code2),\n range: [start, index]\n
};\n\n case 33: // !\n case 61: // =
\n index += 2;\n\n // !== and ===\n
if (source.charCodeAt(index) === 61) {\n ++i
ndex;\n }\n return {\n
type: Token.Punctuator,\n value: source.slice(start,
index),\n range: [start, index]\n };\n
default:\n break;\n }\n
}\n break;\n }\n\n // Peek more characters.\n\n
ch2 = source[index + 1];\n\n // Other 2-character punctuators: && ||
\n\n if (ch1 === ch2 && ('&|'.indexOf(ch1) >= 0)) {\n index +=
2;\n return {\n type: Token.Punctuator,\n
value: ch1 + ch2,\n range: [start, index]\n };\n
}\n\n if ('<>=!+-*%&|^/'.indexOf(ch1) >= 0) {\n ++index;
\n return {\n type: Token.Punctuator,\n
value: ch1,\n range: [start, index]\n };\n }\n
\n throwError({}, Messages.UnexpectedToken, 'ILLEGAL');\n }\n\n //
7.8.3 Numeric Literals\n function scanNumericLiteral() {\n var number,
start, ch;\n\n ch = source[index];\n assert(isDecimalDigit(ch.cha
rCodeAt(0)) || (ch === '.'),\n 'Numeric literal must start with a dec
imal digit or a decimal point');\n\n start = index;\n number = '';
\n if (ch !== '.') {\n number = source[index++];\n
ch = source[index];\n\n // Hex number starts with '0x'.\n
// Octal number starts with '0'.\n if (number === '0') {\n
// decimal number starts with '0' such as '09' is illegal.\n
if (ch && isDecimalDigit(ch.charCodeAt(0))) {\n throwError({
}, Messages.UnexpectedToken, 'ILLEGAL');\n }\n }\n\n
while (isDecimalDigit(source.charCodeAt(index))) {\n nu
mber += source[index++];\n }\n ch = source[index];\n
}\n\n if (ch === '.') {\n number += source[index++];\n
while (isDecimalDigit(source.charCodeAt(index))) {\n number
+= source[index++];\n }\n ch = source[index];\n }\
n\n if (ch === 'e' || ch === 'E') {\n number += source[index++
];\n\n ch = source[index];\n if (ch === '+' || ch === '-')
{\n number += source[index++];\n }\n if (i
sDecimalDigit(source.charCodeAt(index))) {\n while (isDecimalDigi
t(source.charCodeAt(index))) {\n number += source[index++];\n
}\n } else {\n throwError({}, Messages
.UnexpectedToken, 'ILLEGAL');\n }\n }\n\n if (isIdentif
ierStart(source.charCodeAt(index))) {\n throwError({}, Messages.Unexp
ectedToken, 'ILLEGAL');\n }\n\n return {\n type: Token.
NumericLiteral,\n value: parseFloat(number),\n range: [sta
rt, index]\n };\n }\n\n // 7.8.4 String Literals\n\n function sc
anStringLiteral() {\n var str = '', quote, start, ch, octal = false;\n\n
quote = source[index];\n assert((quote === '\\'' || quote === '\"'
),\n 'String literal must starts with a quote');\n\n start = i
ndex;\n ++index;\n\n while (index < length) {\n ch = so
urce[index++];\n\n if (ch === quote) {\n quote = '';\n
break;\n } else if (ch === '\\\\') {\n
ch = source[index++];\n if (!ch || !isLineTerminator(ch.charCode
At(0))) {\n switch (ch) {\n case 'n':\n
str += '\\n';\n break;\n
case 'r':\n str += '\\r';\n
break;\n case 't':\n str += '\\t';\n
break;\n case 'b':\n
str += '\\b';\n break;\n case '
f':\n str += '\\f';\n break;\n
case 'v':\n str += '\\x0B';\n
break;\n\n default:\n str
+= ch;\n break;\n }\n }
else {\n if (ch === '\\r' && source[index] === '\\n') {\n
++index;\n }\n }\n
} else if (isLineTerminator(ch.charCodeAt(0))) {\n break;\n
} else {\n str += ch;\n }\n }\n\n
if (quote !== '') {\n throwError({}, Messages.UnexpectedToken,
'ILLEGAL');\n }\n\n return {\n type: Token.StringLitera
l,\n value: str,\n octal: octal,\n range: [star
t, index]\n };\n }\n\n function isIdentifierName(token) {\n
return token.type === Token.Identifier ||\n token.type === Token.Keyw
ord ||\n token.type === Token.BooleanLiteral ||\n token.ty
pe === Token.NullLiteral;\n }\n\n function advance() {\n var ch;\n\
n skipWhitespace();\n\n if (index >= length) {\n return
{\n type: Token.EOF,\n range: [index, index]\n
};\n }\n\n ch = source.charCodeAt(index);\n\n // V
ery common: ( and ) and ;\n if (ch === 40 || ch === 41 || ch === 58) {\n
return scanPunctuator();\n }\n\n // String literal star
ts with single quote (#39) or double quote (#34).\n if (ch === 39 || ch =
== 34) {\n return scanStringLiteral();\n }\n\n if (isId
entifierStart(ch)) {\n return scanIdentifier();\n }\n\n
// Dot (.) char #46 can also start a floating-point number, hence the need\n
// to check the next character.\n if (ch === 46) {\n if (
isDecimalDigit(source.charCodeAt(index + 1))) {\n return scanNume
ricLiteral();\n }\n return scanPunctuator();\n }\n\
n if (isDecimalDigit(ch)) {\n return scanNumericLiteral();\n
}\n\n return scanPunctuator();\n }\n\n function lex() {\n
var token;\n\n token = lookahead;\n index = token.range[1];\n\
n lookahead = advance();\n\n index = token.range[1];\n\n re
turn token;\n }\n\n function peek() {\n var pos;\n\n pos = i
ndex;\n lookahead = advance();\n index = pos;\n }\n\n // Thr
ow an exception\n\n function throwError(token, messageFormat) {\n var
error,\n args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2),\n
msg = messageFormat.replace(\n /%(\\d)/g,\n func
tion (whole, index) {\n assert(index < args.length, 'Message
reference must be in range');\n return args[index];\n
}\n );\n\n error = new Error(msg);\n error.inde
x = index;\n error.description = msg;\n throw error;\n }\n\n
// Throw an exception because of the token.\n\n function throwUnexpected(tok
en) {\n throwError(token, Messages.UnexpectedToken, token.value);\n }\
n\n // Expect the next token to match the specified punctuator.\n // If no
t, an exception will be thrown.\n\n function expect(value) {\n var tok
en = lex();\n if (token.type !== Token.Punctuator || token.value !== valu
e) {\n throwUnexpected(token);\n }\n }\n\n // Return tru
e if the next token matches the specified punctuator.\n\n function match(valu
e) {\n return lookahead.type === Token.Punctuator && lookahead.value ===
value;\n }\n\n // Return true if the next token matches the specified keyw
ord\n\n function matchKeyword(keyword) {\n return lookahead.type === T
oken.Keyword && lookahead.value === keyword;\n }\n\n function consumeSemic
olon() {\n // Catch the very common case first: immediately a semicolon (
char #59).\n if (source.charCodeAt(index) === 59) {\n lex();\n
return;\n }\n\n skipWhitespace();\n\n if (match
(';')) {\n lex();\n return;\n }\n\n if (look
ahead.type !== Token.EOF && !match('}')) {\n throwUnexpected(lookahea
d);\n }\n }\n\n // 11.1.4 Array Initialiser\n\n function parseAr
rayInitialiser() {\n var elements = [];\n\n expect('[');\n\n
while (!match(']')) {\n if (match(',')) {\n lex();\n
elements.push(null);\n } else {\n elem
ents.push(parseExpression());\n\n if (!match(']')) {\n
expect(',');\n }\n }\n }\n\n ex
pect(']');\n\n return delegate.createArrayExpression(elements);\n }\n\
n // 11.1.5 Object Initialiser\n\n function parseObjectPropertyKey() {\n
var token;\n\n skipWhitespace();\n token = lex();\n\n
// Note: This function is called only from parseObjectProperty(), where\n
// EOF and Punctuator tokens are already filtered out.\n if (token.type
=== Token.StringLiteral || token.type === Token.NumericLiteral) {\n
return delegate.createLiteral(token);\n }\n\n return delegate.crea
teIdentifier(token.value);\n }\n\n function parseObjectProperty() {\n
var token, key;\n\n token = lookahead;\n skipWhitespace();\n\n
if (token.type === Token.EOF || token.type === Token.Punctuator) {\n
throwUnexpected(token);\n }\n\n key = parseObjectPropertyKe
y();\n expect(':');\n return delegate.createProperty('init', key,
parseExpression());\n }\n\n function parseObjectInitialiser() {\n v
ar properties = [];\n\n expect('{');\n\n while (!match('}')) {\n
properties.push(parseObjectProperty());\n\n if (!match('}')
) {\n expect(',');\n }\n }\n\n expect('}
');\n\n return delegate.createObjectExpression(properties);\n }\n\n
// 11.1.6 The Grouping Operator\n\n function parseGroupExpression() {\n
var expr;\n\n expect('(');\n\n expr = parseExpression();\n\n
expect(')');\n\n return expr;\n }\n\n\n // 11.1 Primary Expres
sions\n\n function parsePrimaryExpression() {\n var type, token, expr;
\n\n if (match('(')) {\n return parseGroupExpression();\n
}\n\n type = lookahead.type;\n\n if (type === Token.Identifier)
{\n expr = delegate.createIdentifier(lex().value);\n } else i
f (type === Token.StringLiteral || type === Token.NumericLiteral) {\n
expr = delegate.createLiteral(lex());\n } else if (type === Token.Keywor
d) {\n if (matchKeyword('this')) {\n lex();\n
expr = delegate.createThisExpression();\n }\n } else if
(type === Token.BooleanLiteral) {\n token = lex();\n toke
n.value = (token.value === 'true');\n expr = delegate.createLiteral(t
oken);\n } else if (type === Token.NullLiteral) {\n token = le
x();\n token.value = null;\n expr = delegate.createLiteral
(token);\n } else if (match('[')) {\n expr = parseArrayInitial
iser();\n } else if (match('{')) {\n expr = parseObjectInitial
iser();\n }\n\n if (expr) {\n return expr;\n }\n
\n throwUnexpected(lex());\n }\n\n // 11.2 Left-Hand-Side Expressio
ns\n\n function parseArguments() {\n var args = [];\n\n expect(
'(');\n\n if (!match(')')) {\n while (index < length) {\n
args.push(parseExpression());\n if (match(')')) {\n
break;\n }\n expect(',');\n
}\n }\n\n expect(')');\n\n return args;\n }\n\n
function parseNonComputedProperty() {\n var token;\n\n token = le
x();\n\n if (!isIdentifierName(token)) {\n throwUnexpected(tok
en);\n }\n\n return delegate.createIdentifier(token.value);\n }
\n\n function parseNonComputedMember() {\n expect('.');\n\n ret
urn parseNonComputedProperty();\n }\n\n function parseComputedMember() {\n
var expr;\n\n expect('[');\n\n expr = parseExpression();\n
\n expect(']');\n\n return expr;\n }\n\n function parseLeftH
andSideExpression() {\n var expr, args, property;\n\n expr = parse
PrimaryExpression();\n\n while (true) {\n if (match('[')) {\n
property = parseComputedMember();\n expr = delegat
e.createMemberExpression('[', expr, property);\n } else if (match('.'
)) {\n property = parseNonComputedMember();\n expr
= delegate.createMemberExpression('.', expr, property);\n } else if
(match('(')) {\n args = parseArguments();\n expr =
delegate.createCallExpression(expr, args);\n } else {\n
break;\n }\n }\n\n return expr;\n }\n\n // 11.
3 Postfix Expressions\n\n var parsePostfixExpression = parseLeftHandSideExpre
ssion;\n\n // 11.4 Unary Operators\n\n function parseUnaryExpression() {\n
var token, expr;\n\n if (lookahead.type !== Token.Punctuator && l
ookahead.type !== Token.Keyword) {\n expr = parsePostfixExpression();
\n } else if (match('+') || match('-') || match('!')) {\n toke
n = lex();\n expr = parseUnaryExpression();\n expr = deleg
ate.createUnaryExpression(token.value, expr);\n } else if (matchKeyword('
delete') || matchKeyword('void') || matchKeyword('typeof')) {\n throw
Error({}, Messages.UnexpectedToken);\n } else {\n expr = parse
PostfixExpression();\n }\n\n return expr;\n }\n\n function b
inaryPrecedence(token) {\n var prec = 0;\n\n if (token.type !== To
ken.Punctuator && token.type !== Token.Keyword) {\n return 0;\n
}\n\n switch (token.value) {\n case '||':\n prec = 1;
\n break;\n\n case '&&':\n prec = 2;\n b
reak;\n\n case '==':\n case '!=':\n case '===':\n ca
se '!==':\n prec = 6;\n break;\n\n case '<':\n
case '>':\n case '<=':\n case '>=':\n case 'instanceof':
\n prec = 7;\n break;\n\n case 'in':\n p
rec = 7;\n break;\n\n case '+':\n case '-':\n
prec = 9;\n break;\n\n case '*':\n case '/':\n
case '%':\n prec = 11;\n break;\n\n default:\n
break;\n }\n\n return prec;\n }\n\n // 11.5 Multipli
cative Operators\n // 11.6 Additive Operators\n // 11.7 Bitwise Shift Oper
ators\n // 11.8 Relational Operators\n // 11.9 Equality Operators\n //
11.10 Binary Bitwise Operators\n // 11.11 Binary Logical Operators\n\n fun
ction parseBinaryExpression() {\n var expr, token, prec, stack, right, op
erator, left, i;\n\n left = parseUnaryExpression();\n\n token = lo
okahead;\n prec = binaryPrecedence(token);\n if (prec === 0) {\n
return left;\n }\n token.prec = prec;\n lex();\n\
n right = parseUnaryExpression();\n\n stack = [left, token, right]
;\n\n while ((prec = binaryPrecedence(lookahead)) > 0) {\n\n /
/ Reduce: make a binary expression from the three topmost entries.\n
while ((stack.length > 2) && (prec <= stack[stack.length - 2].prec)) {\n
right = stack.pop();\n operator = stack.pop().value;\n
left = stack.pop();\n expr = delegate.createBinaryEx
pression(operator, left, right);\n stack.push(expr);\n
}\n\n // Shift.\n token = lex();\n token.prec
= prec;\n stack.push(token);\n expr = parseUnaryExpression
();\n stack.push(expr);\n }\n\n // Final reduce to clea
n-up the stack.\n i = stack.length - 1;\n expr = stack[i];\n
while (i > 1) {\n expr = delegate.createBinaryExpression(stack[i -
1].value, stack[i - 2], expr);\n i -= 2;\n }\n\n return
expr;\n }\n\n\n // 11.12 Conditional Operator\n\n function parseCondit
ionalExpression() {\n var expr, consequent, alternate;\n\n expr =
parseBinaryExpression();\n\n if (match('?')) {\n lex();\n
consequent = parseConditionalExpression();\n expect(':');\n
alternate = parseConditionalExpression();\n\n expr = delegat
e.createConditionalExpression(expr, consequent, alternate);\n }\n\n
return expr;\n }\n\n // Simplification since we do not support Assignmen
tExpression.\n var parseExpression = parseConditionalExpression;\n\n // Po
lymer Syntax extensions\n\n // Filter ::\n // Identifier\n // Ident
ifier \"(\" \")\"\n // Identifier \"(\" FilterArguments \")\"\n\n functi
on parseFilter() {\n var identifier, args;\n\n identifier = lex();
\n\n if (identifier.type !== Token.Identifier) {\n throwUnexpe
cted(identifier);\n }\n\n args = match('(') ? parseArguments() : [
];\n\n return delegate.createFilter(identifier.value, args);\n }\n\n
// Filters ::\n // \"|\" Filter\n // Filters \"|\" Filter\n\n fun
ction parseFilters() {\n while (match('|')) {\n lex();\n
parseFilter();\n }\n }\n\n // TopLevel ::\n // LabelledE
xpressions\n // AsExpression\n // InExpression\n // FilterExpress
ion\n\n // AsExpression ::\n // FilterExpression as Identifier\n\n //
InExpression ::\n // Identifier, Identifier in FilterExpression\n //
Identifier in FilterExpression\n\n // FilterExpression ::\n // Expressio
n\n // Expression Filters\n\n function parseTopLevel() {\n skipWh
itespace();\n peek();\n\n var expr = parseExpression();\n i
f (expr) {\n if (lookahead.value === ',' || lookahead.value == 'in' &
&\n expr.type === Syntax.Identifier) {\n pa
rseInExpression(expr);\n } else {\n parseFilters();\n
if (lookahead.value === 'as') {\n parseAsExpre
ssion(expr);\n } else {\n delegate.createTopLe
vel(expr);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (lookahead
.type !== Token.EOF) {\n throwUnexpected(lookahead);\n }\n
}\n\n function parseAsExpression(expr) {\n lex(); // as\n var
identifier = lex().value;\n delegate.createAsExpression(expr, identifier)
;\n }\n\n function parseInExpression(identifier) {\n var indexName;
\n if (lookahead.value === ',') {\n lex();\n if (lo
okahead.type !== Token.Identifier)\n throwUnexpected(lookahead);\
n indexName = lex().value;\n }\n\n lex(); // in\n
var expr = parseExpression();\n parseFilters();\n delegate.crea
teInExpression(identifier.name, indexName, expr);\n }\n\n function parse(c
ode, inDelegate) {\n delegate = inDelegate;\n source = code;\n
index = 0;\n length = source.length;\n lookahead = null;\n
state = {\n labelSet: {}\n };\n\n return parseTopLe
vel();\n }\n\n global.esprima = {\n parse: parse\n };\n})(this);
\n", |
68 "// Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.\n//
This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.
github.io/LICENSE.txt\n// The complete set of authors may be found at http://pol
ymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n// The complete set of contributors may be found at
http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n// Code distributed by Google as part
of the polymer project is also\n// subject to an additional IP rights grant fou
nd at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n\n(function (global) {\n 'use stric
t';\n\n function prepareBinding(expressionText, name, node, filterRegistry) {\n
var expression;\n try {\n expression = getExpression(expressionText)
;\n if (expression.scopeIdent &&\n (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT
_NODE ||\n node.tagName !== 'TEMPLATE' ||\n (name !== 'bind'
&& name !== 'repeat'))) {\n throw Error('as and in can only be used with
in <template bind/repeat>');\n }\n } catch (ex) {\n console.error('
Invalid expression syntax: ' + expressionText, ex);\n return;\n }\n\n
return function(model, node, oneTime) {\n var binding = expression.getBind
ing(model, filterRegistry, oneTime);\n if (expression.scopeIdent && binding
) {\n node.polymerExpressionScopeIdent_ = expression.scopeIdent;\n
if (expression.indexIdent)\n node.polymerExpressionIndexIdent_ = expre
ssion.indexIdent;\n }\n\n return binding;\n }\n }\n\n // TODO(raf
aelw): Implement simple LRU.\n var expressionParseCache = Object.create(null);\
n\n function getExpression(expressionText) {\n var expression = expressionPa
rseCache[expressionText];\n if (!expression) {\n var delegate = new ASTD
elegate();\n esprima.parse(expressionText, delegate);\n expression = n
ew Expression(delegate);\n expressionParseCache[expressionText] = expressio
n;\n }\n return expression;\n }\n\n function Literal(value) {\n this.
value = value;\n this.valueFn_ = undefined;\n }\n\n Literal.prototype = {\n
valueFn: function() {\n if (!this.valueFn_) {\n var value = this
.value;\n this.valueFn_ = function() {\n return value;\n
}\n }\n\n return this.valueFn_;\n }\n }\n\n function IdentPath(na
me) {\n this.name = name;\n this.path = Path.get(name);\n }\n\n IdentPat
h.prototype = {\n valueFn: function() {\n if (!this.valueFn_) {\n
var name = this.name;\n var path = this.path;\n this.valueFn_ = f
unction(model, observer) {\n if (observer)\n observer.addPat
h(model, path);\n\n return path.getValueFrom(model);\n }\n
}\n\n return this.valueFn_;\n },\n\n setValue: function(model, newVal
ue) {\n if (this.path.length == 1);\n model = findScope(model, this.
path[0]);\n\n return this.path.setValueFrom(model, newValue);\n }\n };\
n\n function MemberExpression(object, property, accessor) {\n this.computed
= accessor == '[';\n\n this.dynamicDeps = typeof object == 'function' ||\n
object.dynamicDeps ||\n (this.computed
&& !(property instanceof Literal));\n\n this.simplePath =\n !this.dyn
amicDeps &&\n (property instanceof IdentPath || property instanceof Liter
al) &&\n (object instanceof MemberExpression || object instanceof IdentPa
th);\n\n this.object = this.simplePath ? object : getFn(object);\n this.pr
operty = !this.computed || this.simplePath ?\n property : getFn(property)
;\n }\n\n MemberExpression.prototype = {\n get fullPath() {\n if (!thi
s.fullPath_) {\n\n var parts = this.object instanceof MemberExpression ?\
n this.object.fullPath.slice() : [this.object.name];\n parts.p
ush(this.property instanceof IdentPath ?\n this.property.name : this.
property.value);\n this.fullPath_ = Path.get(parts);\n }\n\n re
turn this.fullPath_;\n },\n\n valueFn: function() {\n if (!this.value
Fn_) {\n var object = this.object;\n\n if (this.simplePath) {\n
var path = this.fullPath;\n\n this.valueFn_ = function(model, ob
server) {\n if (observer)\n observer.addPath(model, path
);\n\n return path.getValueFrom(model);\n };\n } else
if (!this.computed) {\n var path = Path.get(this.property.name);\n\n
this.valueFn_ = function(model, observer, filterRegistry) {\n
var context = object(model, observer, filterRegistry);\n\n if (obser
ver)\n observer.addPath(context, path);\n\n return path.
getValueFrom(context);\n }\n } else {\n // Computed pro
perty.\n var property = this.property;\n\n this.valueFn_ = fun
ction(model, observer, filterRegistry) {\n var context = object(model
, observer, filterRegistry);\n var propName = property(model, observe
r, filterRegistry);\n if (observer)\n observer.addPath(c
ontext, [propName]);\n\n return context ? context[propName] : undefin
ed;\n };\n }\n }\n return this.valueFn_;\n },\n\n
setValue: function(model, newValue) {\n if (this.simplePath) {\n t
his.fullPath.setValueFrom(model, newValue);\n return newValue;\n }\n
\n var object = this.object(model);\n var propName = this.property ins
tanceof IdentPath ? this.property.name :\n this.property(model);\n
return object[propName] = newValue;\n }\n };\n\n function Filter(name, arg
s) {\n this.name = name;\n this.args = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < args.l
ength; i++) {\n this.args[i] = getFn(args[i]);\n }\n }\n\n Filter.prot
otype = {\n transform: function(model, observer, filterRegistry, toModelDirec
tion,\n initialArgs) {\n var fn = filterRegistry[thi
s.name];\n var context = model;\n if (fn) {\n context = undefin
ed;\n } else {\n fn = context[this.name];\n if (!fn) {\n
console.error('Cannot find function or filter: ' + this.name);\n r
eturn;\n }\n }\n\n // If toModelDirection is falsey, then the \
"normal\" (dom-bound) direction\n // is used. Otherwise, it looks for a 'to
Model' property function on the\n // object.\n if (toModelDirection) {
\n fn = fn.toModel;\n } else if (typeof fn.toDOM == 'function') {\n
fn = fn.toDOM;\n }\n\n if (typeof fn != 'function') {\n
console.error('Cannot find function or filter: ' + this.name);\n return;\
n }\n\n var args = initialArgs || [];\n for (var i = 0; i < this.
args.length; i++) {\n args.push(getFn(this.args[i])(model, observer, filt
erRegistry));\n }\n\n return fn.apply(context, args);\n }\n };\n\n
function notImplemented() { throw Error('Not Implemented'); }\n\n var unaryOp
erators = {\n '+': function(v) { return +v; },\n '-': function(v) { return
-v; },\n '!': function(v) { return !v; }\n };\n\n var binaryOperators = {\
n '+': function(l, r) { return l+r; },\n '-': function(l, r) { return l-r;
},\n '*': function(l, r) { return l*r; },\n '/': function(l, r) { return
l/r; },\n '%': function(l, r) { return l%r; },\n '<': function(l, r) { ret
urn l<r; },\n '>': function(l, r) { return l>r; },\n '<=': function(l, r)
{ return l<=r; },\n '>=': function(l, r) { return l>=r; },\n '==': functio
n(l, r) { return l==r; },\n '!=': function(l, r) { return l!=r; },\n '==='
: function(l, r) { return l===r; },\n '!==': function(l, r) { return l!==r; }
,\n '&&': function(l, r) { return l&&r; },\n '||': function(l, r) { return
l||r; },\n };\n\n function getFn(arg) {\n return typeof arg == 'function'
? arg : arg.valueFn();\n }\n\n function ASTDelegate() {\n this.expression =
null;\n this.filters = [];\n this.deps = {};\n this.currentPath = unde
fined;\n this.scopeIdent = undefined;\n this.indexIdent = undefined;\n
this.dynamicDeps = false;\n }\n\n ASTDelegate.prototype = {\n createUnaryEx
pression: function(op, argument) {\n if (!unaryOperators[op])\n thro
w Error('Disallowed operator: ' + op);\n\n argument = getFn(argument);\n\n
return function(model, observer, filterRegistry) {\n return unaryOpe
rators[op](argument(model, observer, filterRegistry));\n };\n },\n\n
createBinaryExpression: function(op, left, right) {\n if (!binaryOperators[
op])\n throw Error('Disallowed operator: ' + op);\n\n left = getFn(l
eft);\n right = getFn(right);\n\n return function(model, observer, fil
terRegistry) {\n return binaryOperators[op](left(model, observer, filterR
egistry),\n right(model, observer, filterRegis
try));\n };\n },\n\n createConditionalExpression: function(test, cons
equent, alternate) {\n test = getFn(test);\n consequent = getFn(conseq
uent);\n alternate = getFn(alternate);\n\n return function(model, obse
rver, filterRegistry) {\n return test(model, observer, filterRegistry) ?\
n consequent(model, observer, filterRegistry) :\n alternat
e(model, observer, filterRegistry);\n }\n },\n\n createIdentifier: fu
nction(name) {\n var ident = new IdentPath(name);\n ident.type = 'Iden
tifier';\n return ident;\n },\n\n createMemberExpression: function(ac
cessor, object, property) {\n var ex = new MemberExpression(object, propert
y, accessor);\n if (ex.dynamicDeps)\n this.dynamicDeps = true;\n
return ex;\n },\n\n createCallExpression: function(expression, args) {\n
if (!(expression instanceof IdentPath))\n throw Error('Only identif
ier function invocations are allowed');\n\n var filter = new Filter(express
ion.name, args);\n\n return function(model, observer, filterRegistry) {\n
return filter.transform(model, observer, filterRegistry, false);\n };
\n },\n\n createLiteral: function(token) {\n return new Literal(token
.value);\n },\n\n createArrayExpression: function(elements) {\n for (
var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)\n elements[i] = getFn(elements[i]);\
n\n return function(model, observer, filterRegistry) {\n var arr = [
]\n for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)\n arr.push(element
s[i](model, observer, filterRegistry));\n return arr;\n }\n },\n\
n createProperty: function(kind, key, value) {\n return {\n key:
key instanceof IdentPath ? key.name : key.value,\n value: value\n };
\n },\n\n createObjectExpression: function(properties) {\n for (var i
= 0; i < properties.length; i++)\n properties[i].value = getFn(propertie
s[i].value);\n\n return function(model, observer, filterRegistry) {\n
var obj = {};\n for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)\n
obj[properties[i].key] =\n properties[i].value(model, observer, fil
terRegistry);\n return obj;\n }\n },\n\n createFilter: functio
n(name, args) {\n this.filters.push(new Filter(name, args));\n },\n\n
createAsExpression: function(expression, scopeIdent) {\n this.expression =
expression;\n this.scopeIdent = scopeIdent;\n },\n\n createInExpress
ion: function(scopeIdent, indexIdent, expression) {\n this.expression = exp
ression;\n this.scopeIdent = scopeIdent;\n this.indexIdent = indexIden
t;\n },\n\n createTopLevel: function(expression) {\n this.expression
= expression;\n },\n\n createThisExpression: notImplemented\n }\n\n func
tion ConstantObservable(value) {\n this.value_ = value;\n }\n\n ConstantObs
ervable.prototype = {\n open: function() { return this.value_; },\n discar
dChanges: function() { return this.value_; },\n deliver: function() {},\n
close: function() {},\n }\n\n function Expression(delegate) {\n this.scopeI
dent = delegate.scopeIdent;\n this.indexIdent = delegate.indexIdent;\n\n i
f (!delegate.expression)\n throw Error('No expression found.');\n\n this
.expression = delegate.expression;\n getFn(this.expression); // forces enumer
ation of path dependencies\n\n this.filters = delegate.filters;\n this.dyn
amicDeps = delegate.dynamicDeps;\n }\n\n Expression.prototype = {\n getBind
ing: function(model, filterRegistry, oneTime) {\n if (oneTime)\n ret
urn this.getValue(model, undefined, filterRegistry);\n\n var observer = new
CompoundObserver();\n // captures deps.\n var firstValue = this.getVa
lue(model, observer, filterRegistry);\n var firstTime = true;\n var se
lf = this;\n\n function valueFn() {\n // deps cannot have changed on
first value retrieval.\n if (firstTime) {\n firstTime = false;\
n return firstValue;\n }\n\n if (self.dynamicDeps)\n
observer.startReset();\n\n var value = self.getValue(model,\n
self.dynamicDeps ? observer : undefined,\n
filterRegistry);\n if (self.dynamicDeps)\n
observer.finishReset();\n\n return value;\n }\n\n function se
tValueFn(newValue) {\n self.setValue(model, newValue, filterRegistry);\n
return newValue;\n }\n\n return new ObserverTransform(observer,
valueFn, setValueFn, true);\n },\n\n getValue: function(model, observer,
filterRegistry) {\n var value = getFn(this.expression)(model, observer, fil
terRegistry);\n for (var i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++) {\n va
lue = this.filters[i].transform(model, observer, filterRegistry,\n fa
lse, [value]);\n }\n\n return value;\n },\n\n setValue: function
(model, newValue, filterRegistry) {\n var count = this.filters ? this.filte
rs.length : 0;\n while (count-- > 0) {\n newValue = this.filters[cou
nt].transform(model, undefined,\n filterRegistry, true, [newValue]);\
n }\n\n if (this.expression.setValue)\n return this.expression.
setValue(model, newValue);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts a style property
name to a css property name. For example:\n * \"WebkitUserSelect\" to \"-webki
t-user-select\"\n */\n function convertStylePropertyName(name) {\n return
String(name).replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(c) {\n return '-' + c.toLowerCase()
;\n });\n }\n\n var parentScopeName = '@' + Math.random().toString(36).slic
e(2);\n\n // Single ident paths must bind directly to the appropriate scope obj
ect.\n // I.e. Pushed values in two-bindings need to be assigned to the actual
model\n // object.\n function findScope(model, prop) {\n while (model[paren
tScopeName] &&\n !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(model, prop)) {
\n model = model[parentScopeName];\n }\n\n return model;\n }\n\n fu
nction isLiteralExpression(pathString) {\n switch (pathString) {\n case
'':\n return false;\n\n case 'false':\n case 'null':\n cas
e 'true':\n return true;\n }\n\n if (!isNaN(Number(pathString)))\n
return true;\n\n return false;\n };\n\n function PolymerExpressions()
{}\n\n PolymerExpressions.prototype = {\n // \"built-in\" filters\n style
Object: function(value) {\n var parts = [];\n for (var key in value) {
\n parts.push(convertStylePropertyName(key) + ': ' + value[key]);\n
}\n return parts.join('; ');\n },\n\n tokenList: function(value) {\n
var tokens = [];\n for (var key in value) {\n if (value[key])\n
tokens.push(key);\n }\n return tokens.join(' ');\n },\n\n
// binding delegate API\n prepareInstancePositionChanged: function(templa
te) {\n var indexIdent = template.polymerExpressionIndexIdent_;\n if (
!indexIdent)\n return;\n\n return function(templateInstance, index)
{\n templateInstance.model[indexIdent] = index;\n };\n },\n\n
prepareBinding: function(pathString, name, node) {\n var path = Path.get(pa
thString);\n\n if (!isLiteralExpression(pathString) && path.valid) {\n
if (path.length == 1) {\n return function(model, node, oneTime) {\n
if (oneTime)\n return path.getValueFrom(model);\n\n
var scope = findScope(model, path[0]);\n return new PathObserv
er(scope, path);\n };\n }\n return; // bail out early if
pathString is simple path.\n }\n\n return prepareBinding(pathString, n
ame, node, this);\n },\n\n prepareInstanceModel: function(template) {\n
var scopeName = template.polymerExpressionScopeIdent_;\n if (!scopeName)
\n return;\n\n var parentScope = template.templateInstance ?\n
template.templateInstance.model :\n template.model;\n\n var in
dexName = template.polymerExpressionIndexIdent_;\n\n return function(model)
{\n return createScopeObject(parentScope, model, scopeName, indexName);\
n };\n }\n };\n\n var createScopeObject = ('__proto__' in {}) ?\n f
unction(parentScope, model, scopeName, indexName) {\n var scope = {};\n
scope[scopeName] = model;\n scope[indexName] = undefined;\n scope[pa
rentScopeName] = parentScope;\n scope.__proto__ = parentScope;\n retur
n scope;\n } :\n function(parentScope, model, scopeName, indexName) {\n
var scope = Object.create(parentScope);\n Object.defineProperty(scope, s
copeName,\n { value: model, configurable: true, writable: true });\n
Object.defineProperty(scope, indexName,\n { value: undefined, config
urable: true, writable: true });\n Object.defineProperty(scope, parentScope
Name,\n { value: parentScope, configurable: true, writable: true });\n
return scope;\n };\n\n global.PolymerExpressions = PolymerExpressions;\
n PolymerExpressions.getExpression = getExpression;\n})(this);\n", | 67 "// Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.\n//
This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.
github.io/LICENSE.txt\n// The complete set of authors may be found at http://pol
ymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n// The complete set of contributors may be found at
http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n// Code distributed by Google as part
of the polymer project is also\n// subject to an additional IP rights grant fou
nd at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n\n(function (global) {\n 'use stric
t';\n\n function prepareBinding(expressionText, name, node, filterRegistry) {\n
var expression;\n try {\n expression = getExpression(expressionText)
;\n if (expression.scopeIdent &&\n (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT
_NODE ||\n node.tagName !== 'TEMPLATE' ||\n (name !== 'bind'
&& name !== 'repeat'))) {\n throw Error('as and in can only be used with
in <template bind/repeat>');\n }\n } catch (ex) {\n console.error('
Invalid expression syntax: ' + expressionText, ex);\n return;\n }\n\n
return function(model, node, oneTime) {\n var binding = expression.getBind
ing(model, filterRegistry, oneTime);\n if (expression.scopeIdent && binding
) {\n node.polymerExpressionScopeIdent_ = expression.scopeIdent;\n
if (expression.indexIdent)\n node.polymerExpressionIndexIdent_ = expre
ssion.indexIdent;\n }\n\n return binding;\n }\n }\n\n // TODO(raf
aelw): Implement simple LRU.\n var expressionParseCache = Object.create(null);\
n\n function getExpression(expressionText) {\n var expression = expressionPa
rseCache[expressionText];\n if (!expression) {\n var delegate = new ASTD
elegate();\n esprima.parse(expressionText, delegate);\n expression = n
ew Expression(delegate);\n expressionParseCache[expressionText] = expressio
n;\n }\n return expression;\n }\n\n function Literal(value) {\n this.
value = value;\n this.valueFn_ = undefined;\n }\n\n Literal.prototype = {\n
valueFn: function() {\n if (!this.valueFn_) {\n var value = this
.value;\n this.valueFn_ = function() {\n return value;\n
}\n }\n\n return this.valueFn_;\n }\n }\n\n function IdentPath(na
me) {\n this.name = name;\n this.path = Path.get(name);\n }\n\n IdentPat
h.prototype = {\n valueFn: function() {\n if (!this.valueFn_) {\n
var name = this.name;\n var path = this.path;\n this.valueFn_ = f
unction(model, observer) {\n if (observer)\n observer.addPat
h(model, path);\n\n return path.getValueFrom(model);\n }\n
}\n\n return this.valueFn_;\n },\n\n setValue: function(model, newVal
ue) {\n if (this.path.length == 1);\n model = findScope(model, this.
path[0]);\n\n return this.path.setValueFrom(model, newValue);\n }\n };\
n\n function MemberExpression(object, property, accessor) {\n this.computed
= accessor == '[';\n\n this.dynamicDeps = typeof object == 'function' ||\n
object.dynamicDeps ||\n (this.computed
&& !(property instanceof Literal));\n\n this.simplePath =\n !this.dyn
amicDeps &&\n (property instanceof IdentPath || property instanceof Liter
al) &&\n (object instanceof MemberExpression || object instanceof IdentPa
th);\n\n this.object = this.simplePath ? object : getFn(object);\n this.pr
operty = !this.computed || this.simplePath ?\n property : getFn(property)
;\n }\n\n MemberExpression.prototype = {\n get fullPath() {\n if (!thi
s.fullPath_) {\n\n var parts = this.object instanceof MemberExpression ?\
n this.object.fullPath.slice() : [this.object.name];\n parts.p
ush(this.property instanceof IdentPath ?\n this.property.name : this.
property.value);\n this.fullPath_ = Path.get(parts);\n }\n\n re
turn this.fullPath_;\n },\n\n valueFn: function() {\n if (!this.value
Fn_) {\n var object = this.object;\n\n if (this.simplePath) {\n
var path = this.fullPath;\n\n this.valueFn_ = function(model, ob
server) {\n if (observer)\n observer.addPath(model, path
);\n\n return path.getValueFrom(model);\n };\n } else
if (!this.computed) {\n var path = Path.get(this.property.name);\n\n
this.valueFn_ = function(model, observer, filterRegistry) {\n
var context = object(model, observer, filterRegistry);\n\n if (obser
ver)\n observer.addPath(context, path);\n\n return path.
getValueFrom(context);\n }\n } else {\n // Computed pro
perty.\n var property = this.property;\n\n this.valueFn_ = fun
ction(model, observer, filterRegistry) {\n var context = object(model
, observer, filterRegistry);\n var propName = property(model, observe
r, filterRegistry);\n if (observer)\n observer.addPath(c
ontext, [propName]);\n\n return context ? context[propName] : undefin
ed;\n };\n }\n }\n return this.valueFn_;\n },\n\n
setValue: function(model, newValue) {\n if (this.simplePath) {\n t
his.fullPath.setValueFrom(model, newValue);\n return newValue;\n }\n
\n var object = this.object(model);\n var propName = this.property ins
tanceof IdentPath ? this.property.name :\n this.property(model);\n
return object[propName] = newValue;\n }\n };\n\n function Filter(name, arg
s) {\n this.name = name;\n this.args = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < args.l
ength; i++) {\n this.args[i] = getFn(args[i]);\n }\n }\n\n Filter.prot
otype = {\n transform: function(model, observer, filterRegistry, toModelDirec
tion,\n initialArgs) {\n var fn = filterRegistry[thi
s.name];\n var context = model;\n if (fn) {\n context = undefin
ed;\n } else {\n fn = context[this.name];\n if (!fn) {\n
console.error('Cannot find function or filter: ' + this.name);\n r
eturn;\n }\n }\n\n // If toModelDirection is falsey, then the \
"normal\" (dom-bound) direction\n // is used. Otherwise, it looks for a 'to
Model' property function on the\n // object.\n if (toModelDirection) {
\n fn = fn.toModel;\n } else if (typeof fn.toDOM == 'function') {\n
fn = fn.toDOM;\n }\n\n if (typeof fn != 'function') {\n
console.error('Cannot find function or filter: ' + this.name);\n return;\
n }\n\n var args = initialArgs || [];\n for (var i = 0; i < this.
args.length; i++) {\n args.push(getFn(this.args[i])(model, observer, filt
erRegistry));\n }\n\n return fn.apply(context, args);\n }\n };\n\n
function notImplemented() { throw Error('Not Implemented'); }\n\n var unaryOp
erators = {\n '+': function(v) { return +v; },\n '-': function(v) { return
-v; },\n '!': function(v) { return !v; }\n };\n\n var binaryOperators = {\
n '+': function(l, r) { return l+r; },\n '-': function(l, r) { return l-r;
},\n '*': function(l, r) { return l*r; },\n '/': function(l, r) { return
l/r; },\n '%': function(l, r) { return l%r; },\n '<': function(l, r) { ret
urn l<r; },\n '>': function(l, r) { return l>r; },\n '<=': function(l, r)
{ return l<=r; },\n '>=': function(l, r) { return l>=r; },\n '==': functio
n(l, r) { return l==r; },\n '!=': function(l, r) { return l!=r; },\n '==='
: function(l, r) { return l===r; },\n '!==': function(l, r) { return l!==r; }
,\n '&&': function(l, r) { return l&&r; },\n '||': function(l, r) { return
l||r; },\n };\n\n function getFn(arg) {\n return typeof arg == 'function'
? arg : arg.valueFn();\n }\n\n function ASTDelegate() {\n this.expression =
null;\n this.filters = [];\n this.deps = {};\n this.currentPath = unde
fined;\n this.scopeIdent = undefined;\n this.indexIdent = undefined;\n
this.dynamicDeps = false;\n }\n\n ASTDelegate.prototype = {\n createUnaryEx
pression: function(op, argument) {\n if (!unaryOperators[op])\n thro
w Error('Disallowed operator: ' + op);\n\n argument = getFn(argument);\n\n
return function(model, observer, filterRegistry) {\n return unaryOpe
rators[op](argument(model, observer, filterRegistry));\n };\n },\n\n
createBinaryExpression: function(op, left, right) {\n if (!binaryOperators[
op])\n throw Error('Disallowed operator: ' + op);\n\n left = getFn(l
eft);\n right = getFn(right);\n\n switch (op) {\n case '||':\n
this.dynamicDeps = true;\n return function(model, observer, fi
lterRegistry) {\n return left(model, observer, filterRegistry) ||\n
right(model, observer, filterRegistry);\n };\n cas
e '&&':\n this.dynamicDeps = true;\n return function(model, ob
server, filterRegistry) {\n return left(model, observer, filterRegist
ry) &&\n right(model, observer, filterRegistry);\n };\n
}\n\n return function(model, observer, filterRegistry) {\n retu
rn binaryOperators[op](left(model, observer, filterRegistry),\n
right(model, observer, filterRegistry));\n };\n },\n\n
createConditionalExpression: function(test, consequent, alternate) {\n
test = getFn(test);\n consequent = getFn(consequent);\n alternate = ge
tFn(alternate);\n\n this.dynamicDeps = true;\n\n return function(model
, observer, filterRegistry) {\n return test(model, observer, filterRegist
ry) ?\n consequent(model, observer, filterRegistry) :\n al
ternate(model, observer, filterRegistry);\n }\n },\n\n createIdentifi
er: function(name) {\n var ident = new IdentPath(name);\n ident.type =
'Identifier';\n return ident;\n },\n\n createMemberExpression: funct
ion(accessor, object, property) {\n var ex = new MemberExpression(object, p
roperty, accessor);\n if (ex.dynamicDeps)\n this.dynamicDeps = true;
\n return ex;\n },\n\n createCallExpression: function(expression, arg
s) {\n if (!(expression instanceof IdentPath))\n throw Error('Only i
dentifier function invocations are allowed');\n\n var filter = new Filter(e
xpression.name, args);\n\n return function(model, observer, filterRegistry)
{\n return filter.transform(model, observer, filterRegistry, false);\n
};\n },\n\n createLiteral: function(token) {\n return new Literal
(token.value);\n },\n\n createArrayExpression: function(elements) {\n
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)\n elements[i] = getFn(elements
[i]);\n\n return function(model, observer, filterRegistry) {\n var a
rr = []\n for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)\n arr.push(e
lements[i](model, observer, filterRegistry));\n return arr;\n }\n
},\n\n createProperty: function(kind, key, value) {\n return {\n
key: key instanceof IdentPath ? key.name : key.value,\n value: value\n
};\n },\n\n createObjectExpression: function(properties) {\n for
(var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)\n properties[i].value = getFn(pro
perties[i].value);\n\n return function(model, observer, filterRegistry) {\n
var obj = {};\n for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)\n
obj[properties[i].key] =\n properties[i].value(model, observe
r, filterRegistry);\n return obj;\n }\n },\n\n createFilter: f
unction(name, args) {\n this.filters.push(new Filter(name, args));\n },\
n\n createAsExpression: function(expression, scopeIdent) {\n this.expres
sion = expression;\n this.scopeIdent = scopeIdent;\n },\n\n createInE
xpression: function(scopeIdent, indexIdent, expression) {\n this.expression
= expression;\n this.scopeIdent = scopeIdent;\n this.indexIdent = ind
exIdent;\n },\n\n createTopLevel: function(expression) {\n this.expre
ssion = expression;\n },\n\n createThisExpression: notImplemented\n }\n\n
function ConstantObservable(value) {\n this.value_ = value;\n }\n\n Const
antObservable.prototype = {\n open: function() { return this.value_; },\n
discardChanges: function() { return this.value_; },\n deliver: function() {},
\n close: function() {},\n }\n\n function Expression(delegate) {\n this.
scopeIdent = delegate.scopeIdent;\n this.indexIdent = delegate.indexIdent;\n\
n if (!delegate.expression)\n throw Error('No expression found.');\n\n
this.expression = delegate.expression;\n getFn(this.expression); // forces
enumeration of path dependencies\n\n this.filters = delegate.filters;\n th
is.dynamicDeps = delegate.dynamicDeps;\n }\n\n Expression.prototype = {\n g
etBinding: function(model, filterRegistry, oneTime) {\n if (oneTime)\n
return this.getValue(model, undefined, filterRegistry);\n\n var observer
= new CompoundObserver();\n // captures deps.\n var firstValue = this
.getValue(model, observer, filterRegistry);\n var firstTime = true;\n
var self = this;\n\n function valueFn() {\n // deps cannot have chan
ged on first value retrieval.\n if (firstTime) {\n firstTime = f
alse;\n return firstValue;\n }\n\n if (self.dynamicDeps)\
n observer.startReset();\n\n var value = self.getValue(model,\n
self.dynamicDeps ? observer : undefined,\n
filterRegistry);\n if (self.dynamicDeps)\n
observer.finishReset();\n\n return value;\n }\n\n funct
ion setValueFn(newValue) {\n self.setValue(model, newValue, filterRegistr
y);\n return newValue;\n }\n\n return new ObserverTransform(obs
erver, valueFn, setValueFn, true);\n },\n\n getValue: function(model, obse
rver, filterRegistry) {\n var value = getFn(this.expression)(model, observe
r, filterRegistry);\n for (var i = 0; i < this.filters.length; i++) {\n
value = this.filters[i].transform(model, observer, filterRegistry,\n
false, [value]);\n }\n\n return value;\n },\n\n setValue: fu
nction(model, newValue, filterRegistry) {\n var count = this.filters ? this
.filters.length : 0;\n while (count-- > 0) {\n newValue = this.filte
rs[count].transform(model, undefined,\n filterRegistry, true, [newVal
ue]);\n }\n\n if (this.expression.setValue)\n return this.expre
ssion.setValue(model, newValue);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts a style pro
perty name to a css property name. For example:\n * \"WebkitUserSelect\" to \"
-webkit-user-select\"\n */\n function convertStylePropertyName(name) {\n r
eturn String(name).replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(c) {\n return '-' + c.toLower
Case();\n });\n }\n\n var parentScopeName = '@' + Math.random().toString(36
).slice(2);\n\n // Single ident paths must bind directly to the appropriate sco
pe object.\n // I.e. Pushed values in two-bindings need to be assigned to the a
ctual model\n // object.\n function findScope(model, prop) {\n while (model
[parentScopeName] &&\n !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(model, pr
op)) {\n model = model[parentScopeName];\n }\n\n return model;\n }\n
\n function isLiteralExpression(pathString) {\n switch (pathString) {\n
case '':\n return false;\n\n case 'false':\n case 'null':\n
case 'true':\n return true;\n }\n\n if (!isNaN(Number(pathString
)))\n return true;\n\n return false;\n };\n\n function PolymerExpressi
ons() {}\n\n PolymerExpressions.prototype = {\n // \"built-in\" filters\n
styleObject: function(value) {\n var parts = [];\n for (var key in va
lue) {\n parts.push(convertStylePropertyName(key) + ': ' + value[key]);\n
}\n return parts.join('; ');\n },\n\n tokenList: function(value
) {\n var tokens = [];\n for (var key in value) {\n if (value[k
ey])\n tokens.push(key);\n }\n return tokens.join(' ');\n
},\n\n // binding delegate API\n prepareInstancePositionChanged: function(
template) {\n var indexIdent = template.polymerExpressionIndexIdent_;\n
if (!indexIdent)\n return;\n\n return function(templateInstance, i
ndex) {\n templateInstance.model[indexIdent] = index;\n };\n },\n
\n prepareBinding: function(pathString, name, node) {\n var path = Path.
get(pathString);\n\n if (!isLiteralExpression(pathString) && path.valid) {\
n if (path.length == 1) {\n return function(model, node, oneTime
) {\n if (oneTime)\n return path.getValueFrom(model);\n\
n var scope = findScope(model, path[0]);\n return new Path
Observer(scope, path);\n };\n }\n return; // bail out ear
ly if pathString is simple path.\n }\n\n return prepareBinding(pathStr
ing, name, node, this);\n },\n\n prepareInstanceModel: function(template)
{\n var scopeName = template.polymerExpressionScopeIdent_;\n if (!scop
eName)\n return;\n\n var parentScope = template.templateInstance ?\n
template.templateInstance.model :\n template.model;\n\n
var indexName = template.polymerExpressionIndexIdent_;\n\n return function(
model) {\n return createScopeObject(parentScope, model, scopeName, indexN
ame);\n };\n }\n };\n\n var createScopeObject = ('__proto__' in {}) ?\
n function(parentScope, model, scopeName, indexName) {\n var scope = {};
\n scope[scopeName] = model;\n scope[indexName] = undefined;\n sc
ope[parentScopeName] = parentScope;\n scope.__proto__ = parentScope;\n
return scope;\n } :\n function(parentScope, model, scopeName, indexName)
{\n var scope = Object.create(parentScope);\n Object.defineProperty(sc
ope, scopeName,\n { value: model, configurable: true, writable: true })
;\n Object.defineProperty(scope, indexName,\n { value: undefined,
configurable: true, writable: true });\n Object.defineProperty(scope, paren
tScopeName,\n { value: parentScope, configurable: true, writable: true
});\n return scope;\n };\n\n global.PolymerExpressions = PolymerExpress
ions;\n PolymerExpressions.getExpression = getExpression;\n})(this);\n", |
| 68 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\nPolymer = {\n version: '0.
3.5-5d00e4b'\n};\n", |
69 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n// TODO(sorvell): this en
sures Polymer is an object and not a function\n// Platform is currently defining
it as a function to allow for async loading\n// of polymer; once we refine the
loading process this likely goes away.\nif (typeof window.Polymer === 'function'
) {\n Polymer = {};\n}\n\n", | 69 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n// TODO(sorvell): this en
sures Polymer is an object and not a function\n// Platform is currently defining
it as a function to allow for async loading\n// of polymer; once we refine the
loading process this likely goes away.\nif (typeof window.Polymer === 'function'
) {\n Polymer = {};\n}\n\n", |
70 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ copy own properties from 'api' to 'prototype, with name hinting for 'super'\n
function extend(prototype, api) {\n if (prototype && api) {\n // use on
ly own properties of 'api'\n Object.getOwnPropertyNames(api).forEach(functi
on(n) {\n // acquire property descriptor\n var pd = Object.getOwnP
ropertyDescriptor(api, n);\n if (pd) {\n // clone property via d
escriptor\n Object.defineProperty(prototype, n, pd);\n // cach
e name-of-method for 'super' engine\n if (typeof pd.value == 'function'
) {\n // hint the 'super' engine\n pd.value.nom = n;\n
}\n }\n });\n }\n return prototype;\n }\n \n // expor
ts\n\n scope.extend = extend;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", | 70 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ copy own properties from 'api' to 'prototype, with name hinting for 'super'\n
function extend(prototype, api) {\n if (prototype && api) {\n // use on
ly own properties of 'api'\n Object.getOwnPropertyNames(api).forEach(functi
on(n) {\n // acquire property descriptor\n var pd = Object.getOwnP
ropertyDescriptor(api, n);\n if (pd) {\n // clone property via d
escriptor\n Object.defineProperty(prototype, n, pd);\n // cach
e name-of-method for 'super' engine\n if (typeof pd.value == 'function'
) {\n // hint the 'super' engine\n pd.value.nom = n;\n
}\n }\n });\n }\n return prototype;\n }\n \n // expor
ts\n\n scope.extend = extend;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", |
71 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n \n
// usage\n \n // invoke cb.call(this) in 100ms, unless the job is re-register
ed,\n // which resets the timer\n // \n // this.myJob = this.job(this.myJob,
cb, 100)\n //\n // returns a job handle which can be used to re-register a job
\n\n var Job = function(inContext) {\n this.context = inContext;\n this.b
oundComplete = this.complete.bind(this)\n };\n Job.prototype = {\n go: func
tion(callback, wait) {\n this.callback = callback;\n var h;\n if
(!wait) {\n h = requestAnimationFrame(this.boundComplete);\n this.
handle = function() {\n cancelAnimationFrame(h);\n }\n } el
se {\n h = setTimeout(this.boundComplete, wait);\n this.handle = f
unction() {\n clearTimeout(h);\n }\n }\n },\n stop: f
unction() {\n if (this.handle) {\n this.handle();\n this.hand
le = null;\n }\n },\n complete: function() {\n if (this.handle)
{\n this.stop();\n this.callback.call(this.context);\n }\n
}\n };\n \n function job(job, callback, wait) {\n if (job) {\n job.s
top();\n } else {\n job = new Job(this);\n }\n job.go(callback, wa
it);\n return job;\n }\n \n // exports \n\n scope.job = job;\n \n})(Poly
mer);\n", | 71 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n \n
// usage\n \n // invoke cb.call(this) in 100ms, unless the job is re-register
ed,\n // which resets the timer\n // \n // this.myJob = this.job(this.myJob,
cb, 100)\n //\n // returns a job handle which can be used to re-register a job
\n\n var Job = function(inContext) {\n this.context = inContext;\n this.b
oundComplete = this.complete.bind(this)\n };\n Job.prototype = {\n go: func
tion(callback, wait) {\n this.callback = callback;\n var h;\n if
(!wait) {\n h = requestAnimationFrame(this.boundComplete);\n this.
handle = function() {\n cancelAnimationFrame(h);\n }\n } el
se {\n h = setTimeout(this.boundComplete, wait);\n this.handle = f
unction() {\n clearTimeout(h);\n }\n }\n },\n stop: f
unction() {\n if (this.handle) {\n this.handle();\n this.hand
le = null;\n }\n },\n complete: function() {\n if (this.handle)
{\n this.stop();\n this.callback.call(this.context);\n }\n
}\n };\n \n function job(job, callback, wait) {\n if (job) {\n job.s
top();\n } else {\n job = new Job(this);\n }\n job.go(callback, wa
it);\n return job;\n }\n \n // exports \n\n scope.job = job;\n \n})(Poly
mer);\n", |
72 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n v
ar registry = {};\n\n HTMLElement.register = function(tag, prototype) {\n re
gistry[tag] = prototype;\n }\n\n // get prototype mapped to node <tag>\n HTML
Element.getPrototypeForTag = function(tag) {\n var prototype = !tag ? HTMLEle
ment.prototype : registry[tag];\n // TODO(sjmiles): creating <tag> is likely
to have wasteful side-effects\n return prototype || Object.getPrototypeOf(doc
ument.createElement(tag));\n };\n\n // we have to flag propagation stoppage fo
r the event dispatcher\n var originalStopPropagation = Event.prototype.stopProp
agation;\n Event.prototype.stopPropagation = function() {\n this.cancelBubbl
e = true;\n originalStopPropagation.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n \n // T
ODO(sorvell): remove when we're sure imports does not need\n // to load stylesh
eets\n /*\n HTMLImports.importer.preloadSelectors += \n ', polymer-elemen
t link[rel=stylesheet]';\n */\n})(Polymer);\n", | 72 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n v
ar registry = {};\n\n HTMLElement.register = function(tag, prototype) {\n re
gistry[tag] = prototype;\n }\n\n // get prototype mapped to node <tag>\n HTML
Element.getPrototypeForTag = function(tag) {\n var prototype = !tag ? HTMLEle
ment.prototype : registry[tag];\n // TODO(sjmiles): creating <tag> is likely
to have wasteful side-effects\n return prototype || Object.getPrototypeOf(doc
ument.createElement(tag));\n };\n\n // we have to flag propagation stoppage fo
r the event dispatcher\n var originalStopPropagation = Event.prototype.stopProp
agation;\n Event.prototype.stopPropagation = function() {\n this.cancelBubbl
e = true;\n originalStopPropagation.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n \n // T
ODO(sorvell): remove when we're sure imports does not need\n // to load stylesh
eets\n /*\n HTMLImports.importer.preloadSelectors += \n ', polymer-elemen
t link[rel=stylesheet]';\n */\n})(Polymer);\n", |
73 "/*\r\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserve
d.\r\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://
polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\r\n * The complete set of authors may be found at
http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\r\n * The complete set of contributors may
be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\r\n * Code distributed by
Google as part of the polymer project is also\r\n * subject to an additional IP
rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\r\n */\r\n\r\n (funct
ion(scope) {\r\n // super\r\n\r\n // `arrayOfArgs` is an optional array of
args like one might pass\r\n // to `Function.apply`\r\n\r\n // TODO(sjmil
es):\r\n // $super must be installed on an instance or prototype chain\r\n
// as `super`, and invoked via `this`, e.g.\r\n // `this.super();
`\r\n\r\n // will not work if function objects are not unique, for example
,\r\n // when using mixins.\r\n // The memoization strategy assumes
each function exists on only one \r\n // prototype chain i.e. we use the f
unction object for memoizing)\r\n // perhaps we can bookkeep on the protot
ype itself instead\r\n function $super(arrayOfArgs) {\r\n // since we ar
e thunking a method call, performance is important here: \r\n // memoize al
l lookups, once memoized the fast path calls no other \r\n // functions\r\n
//\r\n // find the caller (cannot be `strict` because of 'caller')\r\
n var caller = $super.caller;\r\n // memoized 'name of method' \r\n
var nom = caller.nom;\r\n // memoized next implementation prototype\r\n
var _super = caller._super;\r\n if (!_super) {\r\n if (!nom) {\
r\n nom = caller.nom = nameInThis.call(this, caller);\r\n }\r\n
if (!nom) {\r\n console.warn('called super() on a method not ins
talled declaratively (has no .nom property)');\r\n }\r\n // super
prototype is either cached or we have to find it\r\n // by searching __pr
oto__ (at the 'top')\r\n // invariant: because we cache _super on fn belo
w, we never reach \r\n // here from inside a series of calls to super(),
so it's ok to \r\n // start searching from the prototype of 'this' (at th
e 'top')\r\n // we must never memoize a null super for this reason\r\n
_super = memoizeSuper(caller, nom, getPrototypeOf(this));\r\n }\r\n
// our super function\r\n var fn = _super[nom];\r\n if (fn) {\r\n
// memoize information so 'fn' can call 'super'\r\n if (!fn._super)
{\r\n // must not memoize null, or we lose our invariant above\r\n
memoizeSuper(fn, nom, _super);\r\n }\r\n // invoke the inher
ited method\r\n // if 'fn' is not function valued, this will throw\r\n
return fn.apply(this, arrayOfArgs || []);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n fu
nction nameInThis(value) {\r\n var p = this.__proto__;\r\n while (p &&
p !== HTMLElement.prototype) {\r\n // TODO(sjmiles): getOwnPropertyNames
is absurdly expensive\r\n var n$ = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(p);\r\n
for (var i=0, l=n$.length, n; i<l && (n=n$[i]); i++) {\r\n var d =
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, n);\r\n if (typeof d.value === 'fun
ction' && d.value === value) {\r\n return n;\r\n }\r\n
}\r\n p = p.__proto__;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n function memoizeS
uper(method, name, proto) {\r\n // find and cache next prototype containing
`name`\r\n // we need the prototype so we can do another lookup\r\n /
/ from here\r\n var s = nextSuper(proto, name, method);\r\n if (s[name
]) {\r\n // `s` is a prototype, the actual method is `s[name]`\r\n
// tag super method with it's name for quicker lookups\r\n s[name].nom =
name;\r\n }\r\n return method._super = s;\r\n }\r\n\r\n functio
n nextSuper(proto, name, caller) {\r\n // look for an inherited prototype t
hat implements name\r\n while (proto) {\r\n if ((proto[name] !== cal
ler) && proto[name]) {\r\n return proto;\r\n }\r\n proto
= getPrototypeOf(proto);\r\n }\r\n // must not return null, or we lose
our invariant above\r\n // in this case, a super() call was invoked where
no superclass\r\n // method exists\r\n // TODO(sjmiles): thow an excep
tion?\r\n return Object;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // NOTE: In some platforms (IE
10) the prototype chain is faked via \r\n // __proto__. Therefore, always get
prototype via __proto__ instead of\r\n // the more standard Object.getProtot
ypeOf.\r\n function getPrototypeOf(prototype) {\r\n return prototype.__p
roto__;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // utility function to precompute name tags for func
tions\r\n // in a (unchained) prototype\r\n function hintSuper(prototype)
{\r\n // tag functions with their prototype name to optimize\r\n // su
per call invocations\r\n for (var n in prototype) {\r\n var pd = Obj
ect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, n);\r\n if (pd && typeof pd.value
=== 'function') {\r\n pd.value.nom = n;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n
}\r\n\r\n // exports\r\n\r\n scope.super = $super;\r\n\r\n})(Polymer);\r\
n", | 73 "/*\r\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserve
d.\r\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://
polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\r\n * The complete set of authors may be found at
http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\r\n * The complete set of contributors may
be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\r\n * Code distributed by
Google as part of the polymer project is also\r\n * subject to an additional IP
rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\r\n */\r\n\r\n (funct
ion(scope) {\r\n // super\r\n\r\n // `arrayOfArgs` is an optional array of
args like one might pass\r\n // to `Function.apply`\r\n\r\n // TODO(sjmil
es):\r\n // $super must be installed on an instance or prototype chain\r\n
// as `super`, and invoked via `this`, e.g.\r\n // `this.super();
`\r\n\r\n // will not work if function objects are not unique, for example
,\r\n // when using mixins.\r\n // The memoization strategy assumes
each function exists on only one \r\n // prototype chain i.e. we use the f
unction object for memoizing)\r\n // perhaps we can bookkeep on the protot
ype itself instead\r\n function $super(arrayOfArgs) {\r\n // since we ar
e thunking a method call, performance is important here: \r\n // memoize al
l lookups, once memoized the fast path calls no other \r\n // functions\r\n
//\r\n // find the caller (cannot be `strict` because of 'caller')\r\
n var caller = $super.caller;\r\n // memoized 'name of method' \r\n
var nom = caller.nom;\r\n // memoized next implementation prototype\r\n
var _super = caller._super;\r\n if (!_super) {\r\n if (!nom) {\
r\n nom = caller.nom = nameInThis.call(this, caller);\r\n }\r\n
if (!nom) {\r\n console.warn('called super() on a method not ins
talled declaratively (has no .nom property)');\r\n }\r\n // super
prototype is either cached or we have to find it\r\n // by searching __pr
oto__ (at the 'top')\r\n // invariant: because we cache _super on fn belo
w, we never reach \r\n // here from inside a series of calls to super(),
so it's ok to \r\n // start searching from the prototype of 'this' (at th
e 'top')\r\n // we must never memoize a null super for this reason\r\n
_super = memoizeSuper(caller, nom, getPrototypeOf(this));\r\n }\r\n
// our super function\r\n var fn = _super[nom];\r\n if (fn) {\r\n
// memoize information so 'fn' can call 'super'\r\n if (!fn._super)
{\r\n // must not memoize null, or we lose our invariant above\r\n
memoizeSuper(fn, nom, _super);\r\n }\r\n // invoke the inher
ited method\r\n // if 'fn' is not function valued, this will throw\r\n
return fn.apply(this, arrayOfArgs || []);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n fu
nction nameInThis(value) {\r\n var p = this.__proto__;\r\n while (p &&
p !== HTMLElement.prototype) {\r\n // TODO(sjmiles): getOwnPropertyNames
is absurdly expensive\r\n var n$ = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(p);\r\n
for (var i=0, l=n$.length, n; i<l && (n=n$[i]); i++) {\r\n var d =
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, n);\r\n if (typeof d.value === 'fun
ction' && d.value === value) {\r\n return n;\r\n }\r\n
}\r\n p = p.__proto__;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n function memoizeS
uper(method, name, proto) {\r\n // find and cache next prototype containing
`name`\r\n // we need the prototype so we can do another lookup\r\n /
/ from here\r\n var s = nextSuper(proto, name, method);\r\n if (s[name
]) {\r\n // `s` is a prototype, the actual method is `s[name]`\r\n
// tag super method with it's name for quicker lookups\r\n s[name].nom =
name;\r\n }\r\n return method._super = s;\r\n }\r\n\r\n functio
n nextSuper(proto, name, caller) {\r\n // look for an inherited prototype t
hat implements name\r\n while (proto) {\r\n if ((proto[name] !== cal
ler) && proto[name]) {\r\n return proto;\r\n }\r\n proto
= getPrototypeOf(proto);\r\n }\r\n // must not return null, or we lose
our invariant above\r\n // in this case, a super() call was invoked where
no superclass\r\n // method exists\r\n // TODO(sjmiles): thow an excep
tion?\r\n return Object;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // NOTE: In some platforms (IE
10) the prototype chain is faked via \r\n // __proto__. Therefore, always get
prototype via __proto__ instead of\r\n // the more standard Object.getProtot
ypeOf.\r\n function getPrototypeOf(prototype) {\r\n return prototype.__p
roto__;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // utility function to precompute name tags for func
tions\r\n // in a (unchained) prototype\r\n function hintSuper(prototype)
{\r\n // tag functions with their prototype name to optimize\r\n // su
per call invocations\r\n for (var n in prototype) {\r\n var pd = Obj
ect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, n);\r\n if (pd && typeof pd.value
=== 'function') {\r\n pd.value.nom = n;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n
}\r\n\r\n // exports\r\n\r\n scope.super = $super;\r\n\r\n})(Polymer);\r\
n", |
74 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n v
ar typeHandlers = {\n string: function(value) {\n return value;\n },\
n date: function(value) {\n return new Date(Date.parse(value) || Date.no
w());\n },\n boolean: function(value) {\n if (value === '') {\n
return true;\n }\n return value === 'false' ? false : !!value;\n
},\n number: function(value) {\n var n = parseFloat(value);\n // he
x values like \"0xFFFF\" parseFloat as 0\n if (n === 0) {\n n = pars
eInt(value);\n }\n return isNaN(n) ? value : n;\n // this code di
sabled because encoded values (like \"0xFFFF\")\n // do not round trip to t
heir original format\n //return (String(floatVal) === value) ? floatVal : v
alue;\n },\n object: function(value, currentValue) {\n if (currentVal
ue === null) {\n return value;\n }\n try {\n // If the s
tring is an object, we can parse is with the JSON library.\n // include c
onvenience replace for single-quotes. If the author omits\n // quotes alt
ogether, parse will fail.\n return JSON.parse(value.replace(/'/g, '\"'));
\n } catch(e) {\n // The object isn't valid JSON, return the raw val
ue\n return value;\n }\n },\n // avoid deserialization of func
tions\n 'function': function(value, currentValue) {\n return currentValu
e;\n }\n };\n\n function deserializeValue(value, currentValue) {\n // at
tempt to infer type from default value\n var inferredType = typeof currentVal
ue;\n // invent 'date' type value for Date\n if (currentValue instanceof D
ate) {\n inferredType = 'date';\n }\n // delegate deserialization via
type string\n return typeHandlers[inferredType](value, currentValue);\n }\n
\n // exports\n\n scope.deserializeValue = deserializeValue;\n\n})(Polymer);\n
", | 74 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n f
unction noopHandler(value) {\n return value;\n }\n\n var typeHandlers = {\n
string: noopHandler,\n 'undefined': noopHandler,\n date: function(valu
e) {\n return new Date(Date.parse(value) || Date.now());\n },\n boole
an: function(value) {\n if (value === '') {\n return true;\n }\
n return value === 'false' ? false : !!value;\n },\n number: function
(value) {\n var n = parseFloat(value);\n // hex values like \"0xFFFF\"
parseFloat as 0\n if (n === 0) {\n n = parseInt(value);\n }\n
return isNaN(n) ? value : n;\n // this code disabled because encoded v
alues (like \"0xFFFF\")\n // do not round trip to their original format\n
//return (String(floatVal) === value) ? floatVal : value;\n },\n objec
t: function(value, currentValue) {\n if (currentValue === null) {\n
return value;\n }\n try {\n // If the string is an object, we c
an parse is with the JSON library.\n // include convenience replace for s
ingle-quotes. If the author omits\n // quotes altogether, parse will fail
.\n return JSON.parse(value.replace(/'/g, '\"'));\n } catch(e) {\n
// The object isn't valid JSON, return the raw value\n return value
;\n }\n },\n // avoid deserialization of functions\n 'function': f
unction(value, currentValue) {\n return currentValue;\n }\n };\n\n fun
ction deserializeValue(value, currentValue) {\n // attempt to infer type from
default value\n var inferredType = typeof currentValue;\n // invent 'date
' type value for Date\n if (currentValue instanceof Date) {\n inferredTy
pe = 'date';\n }\n // delegate deserialization via type string\n return
typeHandlers[inferredType](value, currentValue);\n }\n\n // exports\n\n scop
e.deserializeValue = deserializeValue;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", |
75 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n(function(scope) {\n\n //
imports\n\n var extend = scope.extend;\n\n // module\n\n var api = {};\n\n a
pi.declaration = {};\n api.instance = {};\n\n api.publish = function(apis, pro
totype) {\n for (var n in apis) {\n extend(prototype, apis[n]);\n }\n
};\n\n // exports\n\n scope.api = api;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", | 75 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n(function(scope) {\n\n //
imports\n\n var extend = scope.extend;\n\n // module\n\n var api = {};\n\n a
pi.declaration = {};\n api.instance = {};\n\n api.publish = function(apis, pro
totype) {\n for (var n in apis) {\n extend(prototype, apis[n]);\n }\n
};\n\n // exports\n\n scope.api = api;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", |
76 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n v
ar utils = {\n /**\n * Invokes a function asynchronously. The context of
the callback\n * function is bound to 'this' automatically.\n * @meth
od async\n * @param {Function|String} method\n * @param {any|Array} ar
gs\n * @param {number} timeout\n */\n async: function(method, args,
timeout) {\n // when polyfilling Object.observe, ensure changes \n //
propagate before executing the async method\n Platform.flush();\n //
second argument to `apply` must be an array\n args = (args && args.length)
? args : [args];\n // function to invoke\n var fn = function() {\n
(this[method] || method).apply(this, args);\n }.bind(this);\n // e
xecute `fn` sooner or later\n var handle = timeout ? setTimeout(fn, timeout
) :\n requestAnimationFrame(fn);\n // NOTE: switch on inverting ha
ndle to determine which time is used.\n return timeout ? handle : ~handle;\
n },\n cancelAsync: function(handle) {\n if (handle < 0) {\n c
ancelAnimationFrame(~handle);\n } else {\n clearTimeout(handle);\n
}\n },\n /**\n * Fire an event.\n * @method fire\n * @r
eturns {Object} event\n * @param {string} type An event name.\n * @par
am {any} detail\n * @param {Node} onNode Target node.\n */\n fire:
function(type, detail, onNode, bubbles, cancelable) {\n var node = onNode |
| this;\n var detail = detail || {};\n var event = new CustomEvent(typ
e, {\n bubbles: (bubbles !== undefined ? bubbles : true), \n cance
lable: (cancelable !== undefined ? cancelable : true), \n detail: detail\
n });\n node.dispatchEvent(event);\n return event;\n },\n /
**\n * Fire an event asynchronously.\n * @method asyncFire\n * @p
aram {string} type An event name.\n * @param detail\n * @param {Node}
toNode Target node.\n */\n asyncFire: function(/*inType, inDetail*/) {\n
this.async(\"fire\", arguments);\n },\n /**\n * Remove class fr
om old, add class to anew, if they exist.\n * @param classFollows\n *
@param anew A node.\n * @param old A node\n * @param className\n
*/\n classFollows: function(anew, old, className) {\n if (old) {\n
old.classList.remove(className);\n }\n if (anew) {\n anew.cla
ssList.add(className);\n }\n },\n /**\n * Inject HTML which cont
ains markup bound to this element into\n * a target element (replacing targ
et element content).\n * @param String html to inject\n * @param Eleme
nt target element\n */\n injectBoundHTML: function(html, element) {\n
var template = document.createElement('template');\n template.innerHTML
= html;\n var fragment = this.instanceTemplate(template);\n if (elemen
t) {\n element.textContent = '';\n element.appendChild(fragment);\
n }\n return fragment;\n }\n };\n\n // no-operation function for
handy stubs\n var nop = function() {};\n\n // null-object for handy stubs\n v
ar nob = {};\n\n // deprecated\n\n utils.asyncMethod = utils.async;\n\n // ex
ports\n\n scope.api.instance.utils = utils;\n scope.nop = nop;\n scope.nob =
nob;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", | 76 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n v
ar utils = {\n /**\n * Invokes a function asynchronously. The context of
the callback\n * function is bound to 'this' automatically.\n * @meth
od async\n * @param {Function|String} method\n * @param {any|Array} ar
gs\n * @param {number} timeout\n */\n async: function(method, args,
timeout) {\n // when polyfilling Object.observe, ensure changes \n //
propagate before executing the async method\n Platform.flush();\n //
second argument to `apply` must be an array\n args = (args && args.length)
? args : [args];\n // function to invoke\n var fn = function() {\n
(this[method] || method).apply(this, args);\n }.bind(this);\n // e
xecute `fn` sooner or later\n var handle = timeout ? setTimeout(fn, timeout
) :\n requestAnimationFrame(fn);\n // NOTE: switch on inverting ha
ndle to determine which time is used.\n return timeout ? handle : ~handle;\
n },\n cancelAsync: function(handle) {\n if (handle < 0) {\n c
ancelAnimationFrame(~handle);\n } else {\n clearTimeout(handle);\n
}\n },\n /**\n * Fire an event.\n * @method fire\n * @r
eturns {Object} event\n * @param {string} type An event name.\n * @par
am {any} detail\n * @param {Node} onNode Target node.\n * @param {Bool
ean} bubbles Set false to prevent bubbling, defaults to true\n * @param {Bo
olean} cancelable Set false to prevent cancellation, defaults to true\n */\
n fire: function(type, detail, onNode, bubbles, cancelable) {\n var node
= onNode || this;\n var detail = detail === null || detail === undefined ?
{} : detail;\n var event = new CustomEvent(type, {\n bubbles: bubbl
es !== undefined ? bubbles : true,\n cancelable: cancelable !== undefined
? cancelable : true,\n detail: detail\n });\n node.dispatchEve
nt(event);\n return event;\n },\n /**\n * Fire an event asynchro
nously.\n * @method asyncFire\n * @param {string} type An event name.\
n * @param detail\n * @param {Node} toNode Target node.\n */\n
asyncFire: function(/*inType, inDetail*/) {\n this.async(\"fire\", argumen
ts);\n },\n /**\n * Remove class from old, add class to anew, if they
exist.\n * @param classFollows\n * @param anew A node.\n * @para
m old A node\n * @param className\n */\n classFollows: function(ane
w, old, className) {\n if (old) {\n old.classList.remove(className);
\n }\n if (anew) {\n anew.classList.add(className);\n }\n
},\n /**\n * Inject HTML which contains markup bound to this element
into\n * a target element (replacing target element content).\n * @par
am String html to inject\n * @param Element target element\n */\n i
njectBoundHTML: function(html, element) {\n var template = document.createE
lement('template');\n template.innerHTML = html;\n var fragment = this
.instanceTemplate(template);\n if (element) {\n element.textContent
= '';\n element.appendChild(fragment);\n }\n return fragment;\n
}\n };\n\n // no-operation function for handy stubs\n var nop = function(
) {};\n\n // null-object for handy stubs\n var nob = {};\n\n // deprecated\n\
n utils.asyncMethod = utils.async;\n\n // exports\n\n scope.api.instance.util
s = utils;\n scope.nop = nop;\n scope.nob = nob;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", |
77 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var log = window.logFlags || {};\n var EVENT_PREFIX = 'on-';\n\n
// instance events api\n var events = {\n // read-only\n EVENT_PREFIX:
EVENT_PREFIX,\n // event listeners on host\n addHostListeners: function()
{\n var events = this.eventDelegates;\n log.events && (Object.keys(eve
nts).length > 0) && console.log('[%s] addHostListeners:', this.localName, events
);\n // NOTE: host events look like bindings but really are not;\n //
(1) we don't want the attribute to be set and (2) we want to support\n // m
ultiple event listeners ('host' and 'instance') and Node.bind\n // by defau
lt supports 1 thing being bound.\n for (var type in events) {\n var
methodName = events[type];\n this.addEventListener(type, this.element.get
EventHandler(this, this,\n
methodName));\n }\n },\n // call 'method' or function meth
od on 'obj' with 'args', if the method exists\n dispatchMethod: function(obj,
method, args) {\n if (obj) {\n log.events && console.group('[%s] di
spatch [%s]', obj.localName, method);\n var fn = typeof method === 'funct
ion' ? method : obj[method];\n if (fn) {\n fn[args ? 'apply' : '
call'](obj, args);\n }\n log.events && console.groupEnd();\n
Platform.flush();\n }\n }\n };\n\n // exports\n\n scope.api.instanc
e.events = events;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", | 77 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var log = window.logFlags || {};\n var EVENT_PREFIX = 'on-';\n\n
// instance events api\n var events = {\n // read-only\n EVENT_PREFIX:
EVENT_PREFIX,\n // event listeners on host\n addHostListeners: function()
{\n var events = this.eventDelegates;\n log.events && (Object.keys(eve
nts).length > 0) && console.log('[%s] addHostListeners:', this.localName, events
);\n // NOTE: host events look like bindings but really are not;\n //
(1) we don't want the attribute to be set and (2) we want to support\n // m
ultiple event listeners ('host' and 'instance') and Node.bind\n // by defau
lt supports 1 thing being bound.\n for (var type in events) {\n var
methodName = events[type];\n PolymerGestures.addEventListener(this, type,
this.element.getEventHandler(this, this, methodName));\n }\n },\n //
call 'method' or function method on 'obj' with 'args', if the method exists\n
dispatchMethod: function(obj, method, args) {\n if (obj) {\n log.e
vents && console.group('[%s] dispatch [%s]', obj.localName, method);\n va
r fn = typeof method === 'function' ? method : obj[method];\n if (fn) {\n
fn[args ? 'apply' : 'call'](obj, args);\n }\n log.events
&& console.groupEnd();\n Platform.flush();\n }\n }\n };\n\n //
exports\n\n scope.api.instance.events = events;\n\n // alias PolymerGestures
event listener logic\n scope.addEventListener = PolymerGestures.addEventListene
r;\n scope.removeEventListener = PolymerGestures.removeEventListener;\n\n})(Pol
ymer);\n", |
78 "/*\r\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserve
d.\r\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://
polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\r\n * The complete set of authors may be found at
http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\r\n * The complete set of contributors may
be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\r\n * Code distributed by
Google as part of the polymer project is also\r\n * subject to an additional IP
rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\r\n */\r\n\r\n(functi
on(scope) {\r\n\r\n // instance api for attributes\r\n\r\n var attributes = {\
r\n copyInstanceAttributes: function () {\r\n var a$ = this._instanceAtt
ributes;\r\n for (var k in a$) {\r\n if (!this.hasAttribute(k)) {\r\
n this.setAttribute(k, a$[k]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n
// for each attribute on this, deserialize value to property as needed\r\n t
akeAttributes: function() {\r\n // if we have no publish lookup table, we h
ave no attributes to take\r\n // TODO(sjmiles): ad hoc\r\n if (this._p
ublishLC) {\r\n for (var i=0, a$=this.attributes, l=a$.length, a; (a=a$[i
]) && i<l; i++) {\r\n this.attributeToProperty(a.name, a.value);\r\n
}\r\n }\r\n },\r\n // if attribute 'name' is mapped to a propert
y, deserialize\r\n // 'value' into that property\r\n attributeToProperty:
function(name, value) {\r\n // try to match this attribute to a property (a
ttributes are\r\n // all lower-case, so this is case-insensitive search)\r\
n var name = this.propertyForAttribute(name);\r\n if (name) {\r\n
// filter out 'mustached' values, these are to be\r\n // replaced with
bound-data and are not yet values\r\n // themselves\r\n if (value
&& value.search(scope.bindPattern) >= 0) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\
n // get original value\r\n var currentValue = this[name];\r\n
// deserialize Boolean or Number values from attribute\r\n var value
= this.deserializeValue(value, currentValue);\r\n // only act if the valu
e has changed\r\n if (value !== currentValue) {\r\n // install n
ew value (has side-effects)\r\n this[name] = value;\r\n }\r\n
}\r\n },\r\n // return the published property matching name, or undefin
ed\r\n propertyForAttribute: function(name) {\r\n var match = this._publ
ishLC && this._publishLC[name];\r\n //console.log('propertyForAttribute:',
name, 'matches', match);\r\n return match;\r\n },\r\n // convert repr
esentation of 'stringValue' based on type of 'currentValue'\r\n deserializeVa
lue: function(stringValue, currentValue) {\r\n return scope.deserializeValu
e(stringValue, currentValue);\r\n },\r\n serializeValue: function(value, i
nferredType) {\r\n if (inferredType === 'boolean') {\r\n return valu
e ? '' : undefined;\r\n } else if (inferredType !== 'object' && inferredTyp
e !== 'function'\r\n && value !== undefined) {\r\n return value;
\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reflectPropertyToAttribute: function(name) {\r\n
var inferredType = typeof this[name];\r\n // try to intelligently serial
ize property value\r\n var serializedValue = this.serializeValue(this[name]
, inferredType);\r\n // boolean properties must reflect as boolean attribut
es\r\n if (serializedValue !== undefined) {\r\n this.setAttribute(na
me, serializedValue);\r\n // TODO(sorvell): we should remove attr for all
properties\r\n // that have undefined serialization; however, we will ne
ed to\r\n // refine the attr reflection system to achieve this; pica, for
example,\r\n // relies on having inferredType object properties not remo
ved as\r\n // attrs.\r\n } else if (inferredType === 'boolean') {\r\
n this.removeAttribute(name);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n // exp
orts\r\n\r\n scope.api.instance.attributes = attributes;\r\n\r\n})(Polymer);\r\
n", | 78 "/*\r\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserve
d.\r\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://
polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\r\n * The complete set of authors may be found at
http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\r\n * The complete set of contributors may
be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\r\n * Code distributed by
Google as part of the polymer project is also\r\n * subject to an additional IP
rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\r\n */\r\n\r\n(functi
on(scope) {\r\n\r\n // instance api for attributes\r\n\r\n var attributes = {\
r\n copyInstanceAttributes: function () {\r\n var a$ = this._instanceAtt
ributes;\r\n for (var k in a$) {\r\n if (!this.hasAttribute(k)) {\r\
n this.setAttribute(k, a$[k]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n
// for each attribute on this, deserialize value to property as needed\r\n t
akeAttributes: function() {\r\n // if we have no publish lookup table, we h
ave no attributes to take\r\n // TODO(sjmiles): ad hoc\r\n if (this._p
ublishLC) {\r\n for (var i=0, a$=this.attributes, l=a$.length, a; (a=a$[i
]) && i<l; i++) {\r\n this.attributeToProperty(a.name, a.value);\r\n
}\r\n }\r\n },\r\n // if attribute 'name' is mapped to a propert
y, deserialize\r\n // 'value' into that property\r\n attributeToProperty:
function(name, value) {\r\n // try to match this attribute to a property (a
ttributes are\r\n // all lower-case, so this is case-insensitive search)\r\
n var name = this.propertyForAttribute(name);\r\n if (name) {\r\n
// filter out 'mustached' values, these are to be\r\n // replaced with
bound-data and are not yet values\r\n // themselves\r\n if (value
&& value.search(scope.bindPattern) >= 0) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\
n // get original value\r\n var currentValue = this[name];\r\n
// deserialize Boolean or Number values from attribute\r\n var value
= this.deserializeValue(value, currentValue);\r\n // only act if the valu
e has changed\r\n if (value !== currentValue) {\r\n // install n
ew value (has side-effects)\r\n this[name] = value;\r\n }\r\n
}\r\n },\r\n // return the published property matching name, or undefin
ed\r\n propertyForAttribute: function(name) {\r\n var match = this._publ
ishLC && this._publishLC[name];\r\n //console.log('propertyForAttribute:',
name, 'matches', match);\r\n return match;\r\n },\r\n // convert repr
esentation of 'stringValue' based on type of 'currentValue'\r\n deserializeVa
lue: function(stringValue, currentValue) {\r\n return scope.deserializeValu
e(stringValue, currentValue);\r\n },\r\n serializeValue: function(value, i
nferredType) {\r\n if (inferredType === 'boolean') {\r\n return valu
e ? '' : undefined;\r\n } else if (inferredType !== 'object' && inferredTyp
e !== 'function'\r\n && value !== undefined) {\r\n return value;
\r\n }\r\n },\r\n reflectPropertyToAttribute: function(name) {\r\n
var inferredType = typeof this[name];\r\n // try to intelligently serial
ize property value\r\n var serializedValue = this.serializeValue(this[name]
, inferredType);\r\n // boolean properties must reflect as boolean attribut
es\r\n if (serializedValue !== undefined) {\r\n this.setAttribute(na
me, serializedValue);\r\n // TODO(sorvell): we should remove attr for all
properties\r\n // that have undefined serialization; however, we will ne
ed to\r\n // refine the attr reflection system to achieve this; pica, for
example,\r\n // relies on having inferredType object properties not remo
ved as\r\n // attrs.\r\n } else if (inferredType === 'boolean') {\r\
n this.removeAttribute(name);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n // exp
orts\r\n\r\n scope.api.instance.attributes = attributes;\r\n\r\n})(Polymer);\r\
n", |
79 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var log = window.logFlags || {};\n\n // magic words\n\n var OBS
ERVE_SUFFIX = 'Changed';\n\n // element api\n\n var empty = [];\n\n var updat
eRecord = {\n object: undefined,\n type: 'update',\n name: undefined,\n
oldValue: undefined\n };\n\n var numberIsNaN = Number.isNaN || function(va
lue) {\n return typeof value === 'number' && isNaN(value);\n }\n\n function
areSameValue(left, right) {\n if (left === right)\n return left !== 0 |
| 1 / left === 1 / right;\n if (numberIsNaN(left) && numberIsNaN(right))\n
return true;\n\n return left !== left && right !== right;\n }\n\n // cap
ture A's value if B's value is null or undefined,\n // otherwise use B's value\
n function resolveBindingValue(oldValue, value) {\n if (value === undefined
&& oldValue === null) {\n return value;\n }\n return (value === null
|| value === undefined) ? oldValue : value;\n }\n\n var properties = {\n cr
eatePropertyObserver: function() {\n var n$ = this._observeNames;\n if
(n$ && n$.length) {\n var o = this._propertyObserver = new CompoundObser
ver(true);\n this.registerObserver(o);\n // TODO(sorvell): may not
be kosher to access the value here (this[n]);\n // previously we looked
at the descriptor on the prototype\n // this doesn't work for inheritance
and not for accessors without\n // a value property\n for (var i=
0, l=n$.length, n; (i<l) && (n=n$[i]); i++) {\n o.addPath(this, n);\n
this.observeArrayValue(n, this[n], null);\n }\n }\n },\n
openPropertyObserver: function() {\n if (this._propertyObserver) {\n
this._propertyObserver.open(this.notifyPropertyChanges, this);\n }\n
},\n notifyPropertyChanges: function(newValues, oldValues, paths) {\n v
ar name, method, called = {};\n for (var i in oldValues) {\n // note
: paths is of form [object, path, object, path]\n name = paths[2 * i + 1]
;\n method = this.observe[name];\n if (method) {\n var ov
= oldValues[i], nv = newValues[i];\n // observes the value if it is an
array\n this.observeArrayValue(name, nv, ov);\n if (!called[m
ethod]) {\n // only invoke change method if one of ov or nv is not (u
ndefined | null)\n if ((ov !== undefined && ov !== null) || (nv !== u
ndefined && nv !== null)) {\n called[method] = true;\n
// TODO(sorvell): call method with the set of values it's expecting;\n
// e.g. 'foo bar': 'invalidate' expects the new and old values for\n
// foo and bar. Currently we give only one of these and then\n
// deliver all the arguments.\n this.invokeMethod(method, [ov, n
v, arguments]);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n },\n del
iverChanges: function() {\n if (this._propertyObserver) {\n this._pr
opertyObserver.deliver();\n }\n },\n propertyChanged_: function(name,
value, oldValue) {\n if (this.reflect[name]) {\n this.reflectProper
tyToAttribute(name);\n }\n },\n observeArrayValue: function(name, val
ue, old) {\n // we only care if there are registered side-effects\n va
r callbackName = this.observe[name];\n if (callbackName) {\n // if w
e are observing the previous value, stop\n if (Array.isArray(old)) {\n
log.observe && console.log('[%s] observeArrayValue: unregister observer [
%s]', this.localName, name);\n this.closeNamedObserver(name + '__array'
);\n }\n // if the new value is an array, being observing it\n
if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n log.observe && console.log('[%s] obse
rveArrayValue: register observer [%s]', this.localName, name, value);\n
var observer = new ArrayObserver(value);\n observer.open(function(valu
e, old) {\n this.invokeMethod(callbackName, [old]);\n }, thi
s);\n this.registerNamedObserver(name + '__array', observer);\n
}\n }\n },\n emitPropertyChangeRecord: function(name, value, oldValue
) {\n var object = this;\n if (areSameValue(value, oldValue))\n
return;\n\n this.propertyChanged_(name, value, oldValue);\n\n if (!Ob
server.hasObjectObserve)\n return;\n\n var notifier = this.notifier_
;\n if (!notifier)\n notifier = this.notifier_ = Object.getNotifier(
this);\n\n updateRecord.object = this;\n updateRecord.name = name;\n
updateRecord.oldValue = oldValue;\n\n notifier.notify(updateRecord);\n
},\n bindToAccessor: function(name, observable, resolveFn) {\n var pr
ivateName = name + '_';\n var privateObservable = name + 'Observable_';\n\
n this[privateObservable] = observable;\n var oldValue = this[privateN
ame];\n\n var self = this;\n var value = observable.open(function(valu
e, oldValue) {\n self[privateName] = value;\n self.emitPropertyCha
ngeRecord(name, value, oldValue);\n });\n\n if (resolveFn && !areSameV
alue(oldValue, value)) {\n var resolvedValue = resolveFn(oldValue, value)
;\n if (!areSameValue(value, resolvedValue)) {\n value = resolve
dValue;\n if (observable.setValue)\n observable.setValue(val
ue);\n }\n }\n\n this[privateName] = value;\n this.emitPro
pertyChangeRecord(name, value, oldValue);\n\n var observer = {\n clo
se: function() {\n observable.close();\n self[privateObservabl
e] = undefined;\n }\n };\n this.registerObserver(observer);\n
return observer;\n },\n createComputedProperties: function() {\n
if (!this._computedNames) {\n return;\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i
< this._computedNames.length; i++) {\n var name = this._computedNames[i]
;\n var expressionText = this.computed[name];\n try {\n v
ar expression = PolymerExpressions.getExpression(expressionText);\n var
observable = expression.getBinding(this, this.element.syntax);\n this.
bindToAccessor(name, observable);\n } catch (ex) {\n console.err
or('Failed to create computed property', ex);\n }\n }\n },\n b
indProperty: function(property, observable, oneTime) {\n if (oneTime) {\n
this[property] = observable;\n return;\n }\n return this.
bindToAccessor(property, observable, resolveBindingValue);\n },\n invokeMe
thod: function(method, args) {\n var fn = this[method] || method;\n if
(typeof fn === 'function') {\n fn.apply(this, args);\n }\n },\n
registerObserver: function(observer) {\n if (!this._observers) {\n
this._observers = [observer];\n return;\n }\n\n this._observe
rs.push(observer);\n },\n // observer array items are arrays of observers.
\n closeObservers: function() {\n if (!this._observers) {\n retur
n;\n }\n\n var observers = this._observers;\n for (var i = 0; i <
observers.length; i++) {\n var observer = observers[i];\n if (obs
erver && typeof observer.close == 'function') {\n observer.close();\n
}\n }\n\n this._observers = [];\n },\n // bookkeeping obse
rvers for memory management\n registerNamedObserver: function(name, observer)
{\n var o$ = this._namedObservers || (this._namedObservers = {});\n o
$[name] = observer;\n },\n closeNamedObserver: function(name) {\n var
o$ = this._namedObservers;\n if (o$ && o$[name]) {\n o$[name].close
();\n o$[name] = null;\n return true;\n }\n },\n closeN
amedObservers: function() {\n if (this._namedObservers) {\n for (var
i in this._namedObservers) {\n this.closeNamedObserver(i);\n }\
n this._namedObservers = {};\n }\n }\n };\n\n // logging\n var
LOG_OBSERVE = '[%s] watching [%s]';\n var LOG_OBSERVED = '[%s#%s] watch: [%s]
now [%s] was [%s]';\n var LOG_CHANGED = '[%s#%s] propertyChanged: [%s] now [%s]
was [%s]';\n\n // exports\n\n scope.api.instance.properties = properties;\n\n
})(Polymer);\n", | 79 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var log = window.logFlags || {};\n\n // magic words\n\n var OBS
ERVE_SUFFIX = 'Changed';\n\n // element api\n\n var empty = [];\n\n var updat
eRecord = {\n object: undefined,\n type: 'update',\n name: undefined,\n
oldValue: undefined\n };\n\n var numberIsNaN = Number.isNaN || function(va
lue) {\n return typeof value === 'number' && isNaN(value);\n }\n\n function
areSameValue(left, right) {\n if (left === right)\n return left !== 0 |
| 1 / left === 1 / right;\n if (numberIsNaN(left) && numberIsNaN(right))\n
return true;\n\n return left !== left && right !== right;\n }\n\n // cap
ture A's value if B's value is null or undefined,\n // otherwise use B's value\
n function resolveBindingValue(oldValue, value) {\n if (value === undefined
&& oldValue === null) {\n return value;\n }\n return (value === null
|| value === undefined) ? oldValue : value;\n }\n\n var properties = {\n cr
eatePropertyObserver: function() {\n var n$ = this._observeNames;\n if
(n$ && n$.length) {\n var o = this._propertyObserver = new CompoundObser
ver(true);\n this.registerObserver(o);\n // TODO(sorvell): may not
be kosher to access the value here (this[n]);\n // previously we looked
at the descriptor on the prototype\n // this doesn't work for inheritance
and not for accessors without\n // a value property\n for (var i=
0, l=n$.length, n; (i<l) && (n=n$[i]); i++) {\n o.addPath(this, n);\n
this.observeArrayValue(n, this[n], null);\n }\n }\n },\n
openPropertyObserver: function() {\n if (this._propertyObserver) {\n
this._propertyObserver.open(this.notifyPropertyChanges, this);\n }\n
},\n notifyPropertyChanges: function(newValues, oldValues, paths) {\n v
ar name, method, called = {};\n for (var i in oldValues) {\n // note
: paths is of form [object, path, object, path]\n name = paths[2 * i + 1]
;\n method = this.observe[name];\n if (method) {\n var ov
= oldValues[i], nv = newValues[i];\n // observes the value if it is an
array\n this.observeArrayValue(name, nv, ov);\n if (!called[m
ethod]) {\n // only invoke change method if one of ov or nv is not (u
ndefined | null)\n if ((ov !== undefined && ov !== null) || (nv !== u
ndefined && nv !== null)) {\n called[method] = true;\n
// TODO(sorvell): call method with the set of values it's expecting;\n
// e.g. 'foo bar': 'invalidate' expects the new and old values for\n
// foo and bar. Currently we give only one of these and then\n
// deliver all the arguments.\n this.invokeMethod(method, [ov, n
v, arguments]);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n },\n del
iverChanges: function() {\n if (this._propertyObserver) {\n this._pr
opertyObserver.deliver();\n }\n },\n propertyChanged_: function(name,
value, oldValue) {\n if (this.reflect[name]) {\n this.reflectProper
tyToAttribute(name);\n }\n },\n observeArrayValue: function(name, val
ue, old) {\n // we only care if there are registered side-effects\n va
r callbackName = this.observe[name];\n if (callbackName) {\n // if w
e are observing the previous value, stop\n if (Array.isArray(old)) {\n
log.observe && console.log('[%s] observeArrayValue: unregister observer [
%s]', this.localName, name);\n this.closeNamedObserver(name + '__array'
);\n }\n // if the new value is an array, being observing it\n
if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n log.observe && console.log('[%s] obse
rveArrayValue: register observer [%s]', this.localName, name, value);\n
var observer = new ArrayObserver(value);\n observer.open(function(valu
e, old) {\n this.invokeMethod(callbackName, [old]);\n }, thi
s);\n this.registerNamedObserver(name + '__array', observer);\n
}\n }\n },\n emitPropertyChangeRecord: function(name, value, oldValue
) {\n var object = this;\n if (areSameValue(value, oldValue))\n
return;\n\n this.propertyChanged_(name, value, oldValue);\n\n if (!Ob
server.hasObjectObserve)\n return;\n\n var notifier = this.notifier_
;\n if (!notifier)\n notifier = this.notifier_ = Object.getNotifier(
this);\n\n updateRecord.object = this;\n updateRecord.name = name;\n
updateRecord.oldValue = oldValue;\n\n notifier.notify(updateRecord);\n
},\n bindToAccessor: function(name, observable, resolveFn) {\n var pr
ivateName = name + '_';\n var privateObservable = name + 'Observable_';\n\
n this[privateObservable] = observable;\n var oldValue = this[privateN
ame];\n\n var self = this;\n var value = observable.open(function(valu
e, oldValue) {\n self[privateName] = value;\n self.emitPropertyCha
ngeRecord(name, value, oldValue);\n });\n\n if (resolveFn && !areSameV
alue(oldValue, value)) {\n var resolvedValue = resolveFn(oldValue, value)
;\n if (!areSameValue(value, resolvedValue)) {\n value = resolve
dValue;\n if (observable.setValue)\n observable.setValue(val
ue);\n }\n }\n\n this[privateName] = value;\n this.emitPro
pertyChangeRecord(name, value, oldValue);\n\n var observer = {\n clo
se: function() {\n observable.close();\n self[privateObservabl
e] = undefined;\n }\n };\n this.registerObserver(observer);\n
return observer;\n },\n createComputedProperties: function() {\n
if (!this._computedNames) {\n return;\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i
< this._computedNames.length; i++) {\n var name = this._computedNames[i]
;\n var expressionText = this.computed[name];\n try {\n v
ar expression = PolymerExpressions.getExpression(expressionText);\n var
observable = expression.getBinding(this, this.element.syntax);\n this.
bindToAccessor(name, observable);\n } catch (ex) {\n console.err
or('Failed to create computed property', ex);\n }\n }\n },\n b
indProperty: function(property, observable, oneTime) {\n if (oneTime) {\n
this[property] = observable;\n return;\n }\n return this.
bindToAccessor(property, observable, resolveBindingValue);\n },\n invokeMe
thod: function(method, args) {\n var fn = this[method] || method;\n if
(typeof fn === 'function') {\n fn.apply(this, args);\n }\n },\n
registerObserver: function(observer) {\n if (!this._observers) {\n
this._observers = [observer];\n return;\n }\n\n this._observe
rs.push(observer);\n },\n // observer array items are arrays of observers.
\n closeObservers: function() {\n if (!this._observers) {\n retur
n;\n }\n\n var observers = this._observers;\n for (var i = 0; i <
observers.length; i++) {\n var observer = observers[i];\n if (obs
erver && typeof observer.close == 'function') {\n observer.close();\n
}\n }\n\n this._observers = [];\n },\n // bookkeeping obse
rvers for memory management\n registerNamedObserver: function(name, observer)
{\n var o$ = this._namedObservers || (this._namedObservers = {});\n o
$[name] = observer;\n },\n closeNamedObserver: function(name) {\n var
o$ = this._namedObservers;\n if (o$ && o$[name]) {\n o$[name].close
();\n o$[name] = null;\n return true;\n }\n },\n closeN
amedObservers: function() {\n if (this._namedObservers) {\n for (var
i in this._namedObservers) {\n this.closeNamedObserver(i);\n }\
n this._namedObservers = {};\n }\n }\n };\n\n // logging\n var
LOG_OBSERVE = '[%s] watching [%s]';\n var LOG_OBSERVED = '[%s#%s] watch: [%s]
now [%s] was [%s]';\n var LOG_CHANGED = '[%s#%s] propertyChanged: [%s] now [%s]
was [%s]';\n\n // exports\n\n scope.api.instance.properties = properties;\n\n
})(Polymer);\n", |
80 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var log = window.logFlags || 0;\n\n // element api supporting md
v\n var mdv = {\n instanceTemplate: function(template) {\n // ensure a
default bindingDelegate\n var syntax = this.syntax || (!template.bindingDel
egate &&\n this.element.syntax);\n var dom = template.createInstan
ce(this, syntax);\n var observers = dom.bindings_;\n for (var i = 0; i
< observers.length; i++) {\n this.registerObserver(observers[i]);\n
}\n return dom;\n },\n bind: function(name, observable, oneTime) {\n
var property = this.propertyForAttribute(name);\n if (!property) {\n
// TODO(sjmiles): this mixin method must use the special form\n //
of `super` installed by `mixinMethod` in declaration/prototype.js\n retu
rn this.mixinSuper(arguments);\n } else {\n // use n-way Polymer bin
ding\n var observer = this.bindProperty(property, observable, oneTime);\n
// NOTE: reflecting binding information is typically required only for\n
// tooling. It has a performance cost so it's opt-in in Node.bind.\n
if (Platform.enableBindingsReflection && observer) {\n observer.pat
h = observable.path_;\n this._recordBinding(property, observer);\n
}\n if (this.reflect[property]) {\n this.reflectPropertyToAtt
ribute(property);\n }\n return observer;\n }\n },\n bin
dFinished: function() {\n this.makeElementReady();\n },\n _recordBind
ing: function(name, observer) {\n this.bindings_ = this.bindings_ || {};\n
this.bindings_[name] = observer;\n },\n // TODO(sorvell): unbind/unbi
ndAll has been removed, as public api, from\n // TemplateBinding. We still ne
ed to close/dispose of observers but perhaps\n // we should choose a more exp
licit name.\n asyncUnbindAll: function() {\n if (!this._unbound) {\n
log.unbind && console.log('[%s] asyncUnbindAll', this.localName);\n t
his._unbindAllJob = this.job(this._unbindAllJob, this.unbindAll, 0);\n }\n
},\n unbindAll: function() {\n if (!this._unbound) {\n this.cl
oseObservers();\n this.closeNamedObservers();\n this._unbound = tr
ue;\n }\n },\n cancelUnbindAll: function() {\n if (this._unbound
) {\n log.unbind && console.warn('[%s] already unbound, cannot cancel unb
indAll', this.localName);\n return;\n }\n log.unbind && console
.log('[%s] cancelUnbindAll', this.localName);\n if (this._unbindAllJob) {\n
this._unbindAllJob = this._unbindAllJob.stop();\n }\n }\n };\n\
n function unbindNodeTree(node) {\n forNodeTree(node, _nodeUnbindAll);\n }\
n\n function _nodeUnbindAll(node) {\n node.unbindAll();\n }\n\n function f
orNodeTree(node, callback) {\n if (node) {\n callback(node);\n for
(var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) {\n forNo
deTree(child, callback);\n }\n }\n }\n\n var mustachePattern = /\\{\\{
([^{}]*)}}/;\n\n // exports\n\n scope.bindPattern = mustachePattern;\n scope.
api.instance.mdv = mdv;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", | 80 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var log = window.logFlags || 0;\n\n // element api supporting md
v\n var mdv = {\n instanceTemplate: function(template) {\n // ensure a
default bindingDelegate\n var syntax = this.syntax || (!template.bindingDel
egate &&\n this.element.syntax);\n var dom = template.createInstan
ce(this, syntax);\n var observers = dom.bindings_;\n for (var i = 0; i
< observers.length; i++) {\n this.registerObserver(observers[i]);\n
}\n return dom;\n },\n bind: function(name, observable, oneTime) {\n
var property = this.propertyForAttribute(name);\n if (!property) {\n
// TODO(sjmiles): this mixin method must use the special form\n //
of `super` installed by `mixinMethod` in declaration/prototype.js\n retu
rn this.mixinSuper(arguments);\n } else {\n // use n-way Polymer bin
ding\n var observer = this.bindProperty(property, observable, oneTime);\n
// NOTE: reflecting binding information is typically required only for\n
// tooling. It has a performance cost so it's opt-in in Node.bind.\n
if (Platform.enableBindingsReflection && observer) {\n observer.pat
h = observable.path_;\n this._recordBinding(property, observer);\n
}\n if (this.reflect[property]) {\n this.reflectPropertyToAtt
ribute(property);\n }\n return observer;\n }\n },\n bin
dFinished: function() {\n this.makeElementReady();\n },\n _recordBind
ing: function(name, observer) {\n this.bindings_ = this.bindings_ || {};\n
this.bindings_[name] = observer;\n },\n // TODO(sorvell): unbind/unbi
ndAll has been removed, as public api, from\n // TemplateBinding. We still ne
ed to close/dispose of observers but perhaps\n // we should choose a more exp
licit name.\n asyncUnbindAll: function() {\n if (!this._unbound) {\n
log.unbind && console.log('[%s] asyncUnbindAll', this.localName);\n t
his._unbindAllJob = this.job(this._unbindAllJob, this.unbindAll, 0);\n }\n
},\n unbindAll: function() {\n if (!this._unbound) {\n this.cl
oseObservers();\n this.closeNamedObservers();\n this._unbound = tr
ue;\n }\n },\n cancelUnbindAll: function() {\n if (this._unbound
) {\n log.unbind && console.warn('[%s] already unbound, cannot cancel unb
indAll', this.localName);\n return;\n }\n log.unbind && console
.log('[%s] cancelUnbindAll', this.localName);\n if (this._unbindAllJob) {\n
this._unbindAllJob = this._unbindAllJob.stop();\n }\n }\n };\n\
n function unbindNodeTree(node) {\n forNodeTree(node, _nodeUnbindAll);\n }\
n\n function _nodeUnbindAll(node) {\n node.unbindAll();\n }\n\n function f
orNodeTree(node, callback) {\n if (node) {\n callback(node);\n for
(var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) {\n forNo
deTree(child, callback);\n }\n }\n }\n\n var mustachePattern = /\\{\\{
([^{}]*)}}/;\n\n // exports\n\n scope.bindPattern = mustachePattern;\n scope.
api.instance.mdv = mdv;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", |
81 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n v
ar base = {\n PolymerBase: true,\n job: function(job, callback, wait) {\n
if (typeof job === 'string') {\n var n = '___' + job;\n this[
n] = Polymer.job.call(this, this[n], callback, wait);\n } else {\n r
eturn Polymer.job.call(this, job, callback, wait);\n }\n },\n super:
Polymer.super,\n // user entry point for element has had its createdCallback
called\n created: function() {\n },\n // user entry point for element h
as shadowRoot and is ready for\n // api interaction\n ready: function() {\
n },\n createdCallback: function() {\n if (this.templateInstance && t
his.templateInstance.model) {\n console.warn('Attributes on ' + this.loca
lName + ' were data bound ' +\n 'prior to Polymer upgrading the eleme
nt. This may result in ' +\n 'incorrect binding types.');\n }\n
this.created();\n this.prepareElement();\n // TODO(sorvell): repl
ace when ShadowDOMPolyfill issue is corrected\n // https://github.com/Polym
er/ShadowDOM/issues/420\n if (!this.ownerDocument.isStagingDocument || wind
ow.ShadowDOMPolyfill) {\n this.makeElementReady();\n }\n },\n
// system entry point, do not override\n prepareElement: function() {\n
if (this._elementPrepared) {\n console.warn('Element already prepared', t
his.localName);\n return;\n }\n this._elementPrepared = true;\n
// storage for shadowRoots info\n this.shadowRoots = {};\n // in
stall property observers\n this.createPropertyObserver();\n // TODO (s
orvell): temporarily open observer when created\n this.openPropertyObserver
();\n // install boilerplate attributes\n this.copyInstanceAttributes(
);\n // process input attributes\n this.takeAttributes();\n // ad
d event listeners\n this.addHostListeners();\n },\n makeElementReady:
function() {\n if (this._readied) {\n return;\n }\n this.
_readied = true;\n this.createComputedProperties();\n // TODO(sorvell)
: We could create an entry point here\n // for the user to compute property
values.\n // process declarative resources\n this.parseDeclarations(t
his.__proto__);\n // TODO(sorvell): CE polyfill uses unresolved attribute t
o simulate\n // :unresolved; remove this attribute to be compatible with na
tive\n // CE.\n this.removeAttribute('unresolved');\n // user ent
ry point\n this.ready();\n // TODO (sorvell): temporarily open observe
r when created\n // turn on property observation and take any initial chang
es\n //this.openPropertyObserver();\n },\n attachedCallback: function
() {\n this.cancelUnbindAll();\n // invoke user action\n if (this
.attached) {\n this.attached();\n }\n // TODO(sorvell): bc\n
if (this.enteredView) {\n this.enteredView();\n }\n // NOTE:
domReady can be used to access elements in dom (descendants,\n // ancestor
s, siblings) such that the developer is enured to upgrade\n // ordering. If
the element definitions have loaded, domReady\n // can be used to access u
pgraded elements.\n if (!this.hasBeenAttached) {\n this.hasBeenAttac
hed = true;\n if (this.domReady) {\n this.async('domReady');\n
}\n }\n },\n detachedCallback: function() {\n if (!this.pr
eventDispose) {\n this.asyncUnbindAll();\n }\n // invoke user a
ction\n if (this.detached) {\n this.detached();\n }\n // T
ODO(sorvell): bc\n if (this.leftView) {\n this.leftView();\n }\
n },\n // TODO(sorvell): bc\n enteredViewCallback: function() {\n
this.attachedCallback();\n },\n // TODO(sorvell): bc\n leftViewCallback
: function() {\n this.detachedCallback();\n },\n // TODO(sorvell): bc
\n enteredDocumentCallback: function() {\n this.attachedCallback();\n
},\n // TODO(sorvell): bc\n leftDocumentCallback: function() {\n thi
s.detachedCallback();\n },\n // recursive ancestral <element> initializati
on, oldest first\n parseDeclarations: function(p) {\n if (p && p.element
) {\n this.parseDeclarations(p.__proto__);\n p.parseDeclaration.ca
ll(this, p.element);\n }\n },\n // parse input <element> as needed, o
verride for custom behavior\n parseDeclaration: function(elementElement) {\n
var template = this.fetchTemplate(elementElement);\n if (template) {\n
var root = this.shadowFromTemplate(template);\n this.shadowRoots[
elementElement.name] = root;\n }\n },\n // return a shadow-root templ
ate (if desired), override for custom behavior\n fetchTemplate: function(elem
entElement) {\n return elementElement.querySelector('template');\n },\n
// utility function that creates a shadow root from a <template>\n shadowF
romTemplate: function(template) {\n if (template) {\n // make a shad
ow root\n var root = this.createShadowRoot();\n // stamp template\
n // which includes parsing and applying MDV bindings before being\n
// inserted (to avoid {{}} in attribute values)\n // e.g. to prevent <
img src=\"images/{{icon}}\"> from generating a 404.\n var dom = this.inst
anceTemplate(template);\n // append to shadow dom\n root.appendChi
ld(dom);\n // perform post-construction initialization tasks on shadow ro
ot\n this.shadowRootReady(root, template);\n // return the created
shadow root\n return root;\n }\n },\n // utility function tha
t stamps a <template> into light-dom\n lightFromTemplate: function(template,
refNode) {\n if (template) {\n // TODO(sorvell): mark this element a
s an eventController so that\n // event listeners on bound nodes inside i
t will be called on it.\n // Note, the expectation here is that events on
all descendants\n // should be handled by this element.\n this.ev
entController = this;\n // stamp template\n // which includes pars
ing and applying MDV bindings before being\n // inserted (to avoid {{}} i
n attribute values)\n // e.g. to prevent <img src=\"images/{{icon}}\"> fr
om generating a 404.\n var dom = this.instanceTemplate(template);\n
// append to shadow dom\n if (refNode) {\n this.insertBefore(d
om, refNode);\n } else {\n this.appendChild(dom);\n }\n
// perform post-construction initialization tasks on ahem, light root\n
this.shadowRootReady(this);\n // return the created shadow root\n
return dom;\n }\n },\n shadowRootReady: function(root) {\n
// locate nodes with id and store references to them in this.$ hash\n this.
marshalNodeReferences(root);\n // set up polymer gestures\n PolymerGes
tures.register(root);\n },\n // locate nodes with id and store references
to them in this.$ hash\n marshalNodeReferences: function(root) {\n // es
tablish $ instance variable\n var $ = this.$ = this.$ || {};\n // popu
late $ from nodes with ID from the LOCAL tree\n if (root) {\n var n$
= root.querySelectorAll(\"[id]\");\n for (var i=0, l=n$.length, n; (i<l)
&& (n=n$[i]); i++) {\n $[n.id] = n;\n };\n }\n },\n
attributeChangedCallback: function(name, oldValue) {\n // TODO(sjmiles): ad
hoc filter\n if (name !== 'class' && name !== 'style') {\n this.attr
ibuteToProperty(name, this.getAttribute(name));\n }\n if (this.attribu
teChanged) {\n this.attributeChanged.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n
},\n onMutation: function(node, listener) {\n var observer = new Mutat
ionObserver(function(mutations) {\n listener.call(this, observer, mutatio
ns);\n observer.disconnect();\n }.bind(this));\n observer.obser
ve(node, {childList: true, subtree: true});\n }\n };\n\n // true if object
has own PolymerBase api\n function isBase(object) {\n return object.hasOwnPr
operty('PolymerBase')\n }\n\n // name a base constructor for dev tools\n\n fu
nction PolymerBase() {};\n PolymerBase.prototype = base;\n base.constructor =
PolymerBase;\n\n // exports\n\n scope.Base = PolymerBase;\n scope.isBase = is
Base;\n scope.api.instance.base = base;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", | 81 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n v
ar base = {\n PolymerBase: true,\n job: function(job, callback, wait) {\n
if (typeof job === 'string') {\n var n = '___' + job;\n this[
n] = Polymer.job.call(this, this[n], callback, wait);\n } else {\n r
eturn Polymer.job.call(this, job, callback, wait);\n }\n },\n super:
Polymer.super,\n // user entry point for element has had its createdCallback
called\n created: function() {\n },\n // user entry point for element h
as shadowRoot and is ready for\n // api interaction\n ready: function() {\
n },\n createdCallback: function() {\n if (this.templateInstance && t
his.templateInstance.model) {\n console.warn('Attributes on ' + this.loca
lName + ' were data bound ' +\n 'prior to Polymer upgrading the eleme
nt. This may result in ' +\n 'incorrect binding types.');\n }\n
this.created();\n this.prepareElement();\n if (!this.ownerDocumen
t.isStagingDocument) {\n this.makeElementReady();\n }\n },\n /
/ system entry point, do not override\n prepareElement: function() {\n i
f (this._elementPrepared) {\n console.warn('Element already prepared', th
is.localName);\n return;\n }\n this._elementPrepared = true;\n
// storage for shadowRoots info\n this.shadowRoots = {};\n // ins
tall property observers\n this.createPropertyObserver();\n this.openPr
opertyObserver();\n // install boilerplate attributes\n this.copyInsta
nceAttributes();\n // process input attributes\n this.takeAttributes()
;\n // add event listeners\n this.addHostListeners();\n },\n mak
eElementReady: function() {\n if (this._readied) {\n return;\n
}\n this._readied = true;\n this.createComputedProperties();\n //
TODO(sorvell): We could create an entry point here\n // for the user to co
mpute property values.\n // process declarative resources\n this.parse
Declarations(this.__proto__);\n // TODO(sorvell): CE polyfill uses unresolv
ed attribute to simulate\n // :unresolved; remove this attribute to be comp
atible with native\n // CE.\n this.removeAttribute('unresolved');\n
// user entry point\n this.ready();\n },\n attachedCallback: funct
ion() {\n this.cancelUnbindAll();\n // invoke user action\n if (t
his.attached) {\n this.attached();\n }\n // TODO(sorvell): bc\n
if (this.enteredView) {\n this.enteredView();\n }\n // NO
TE: domReady can be used to access elements in dom (descendants,\n // ances
tors, siblings) such that the developer is enured to upgrade\n // ordering.
If the element definitions have loaded, domReady\n // can be used to acces
s upgraded elements.\n if (!this.hasBeenAttached) {\n this.hasBeenAt
tached = true;\n if (this.domReady) {\n this.async('domReady');\
n }\n }\n },\n detachedCallback: function() {\n if (!this
.preventDispose) {\n this.asyncUnbindAll();\n }\n // invoke use
r action\n if (this.detached) {\n this.detached();\n }\n /
/ TODO(sorvell): bc\n if (this.leftView) {\n this.leftView();\n
}\n },\n // TODO(sorvell): bc\n enteredViewCallback: function() {\n
this.attachedCallback();\n },\n // TODO(sorvell): bc\n leftViewCallb
ack: function() {\n this.detachedCallback();\n },\n // TODO(sorvell):
bc\n enteredDocumentCallback: function() {\n this.attachedCallback();\n
},\n // TODO(sorvell): bc\n leftDocumentCallback: function() {\n
this.detachedCallback();\n },\n // recursive ancestral <element> initializ
ation, oldest first\n parseDeclarations: function(p) {\n if (p && p.elem
ent) {\n this.parseDeclarations(p.__proto__);\n p.parseDeclaration
.call(this, p.element);\n }\n },\n // parse input <element> as needed
, override for custom behavior\n parseDeclaration: function(elementElement) {
\n var template = this.fetchTemplate(elementElement);\n if (template)
{\n var root = this.shadowFromTemplate(template);\n this.shadowRoo
ts[elementElement.name] = root;\n }\n },\n // return a shadow-root te
mplate (if desired), override for custom behavior\n fetchTemplate: function(e
lementElement) {\n return elementElement.querySelector('template');\n },
\n // utility function that creates a shadow root from a <template>\n shad
owFromTemplate: function(template) {\n if (template) {\n // make a s
hadow root\n var root = this.createShadowRoot();\n // stamp templa
te\n // which includes parsing and applying MDV bindings before being\n
// inserted (to avoid {{}} in attribute values)\n // e.g. to preven
t <img src=\"images/{{icon}}\"> from generating a 404.\n var dom = this.i
nstanceTemplate(template);\n // append to shadow dom\n root.append
Child(dom);\n // perform post-construction initialization tasks on shadow
root\n this.shadowRootReady(root, template);\n // return the crea
ted shadow root\n return root;\n }\n },\n // utility function
that stamps a <template> into light-dom\n lightFromTemplate: function(templat
e, refNode) {\n if (template) {\n // TODO(sorvell): mark this elemen
t as an eventController so that\n // event listeners on bound nodes insid
e it will be called on it.\n // Note, the expectation here is that events
on all descendants\n // should be handled by this element.\n this
.eventController = this;\n // stamp template\n // which includes p
arsing and applying MDV bindings before being\n // inserted (to avoid {{}
} in attribute values)\n // e.g. to prevent <img src=\"images/{{icon}}\">
from generating a 404.\n var dom = this.instanceTemplate(template);\n
// append to shadow dom\n if (refNode) {\n this.insertBefor
e(dom, refNode);\n } else {\n this.appendChild(dom);\n }\
n // perform post-construction initialization tasks on ahem, light root\n
this.shadowRootReady(this);\n // return the created shadow root\n
return dom;\n }\n },\n shadowRootReady: function(root) {\n
// locate nodes with id and store references to them in this.$ hash\n th
is.marshalNodeReferences(root);\n },\n // locate nodes with id and store r
eferences to them in this.$ hash\n marshalNodeReferences: function(root) {\n
// establish $ instance variable\n var $ = this.$ = this.$ || {};\n
// populate $ from nodes with ID from the LOCAL tree\n if (root) {\n
var n$ = root.querySelectorAll(\"[id]\");\n for (var i=0, l=n$.length
, n; (i<l) && (n=n$[i]); i++) {\n $[n.id] = n;\n };\n }\n
},\n attributeChangedCallback: function(name, oldValue) {\n // TODO(sj
miles): adhoc filter\n if (name !== 'class' && name !== 'style') {\n
this.attributeToProperty(name, this.getAttribute(name));\n }\n if (th
is.attributeChanged) {\n this.attributeChanged.apply(this, arguments);\n
}\n },\n onMutation: function(node, listener) {\n var observer =
new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {\n listener.call(this, observe
r, mutations);\n observer.disconnect();\n }.bind(this));\n obse
rver.observe(node, {childList: true, subtree: true});\n }\n };\n\n // true
if object has own PolymerBase api\n function isBase(object) {\n return objec
t.hasOwnProperty('PolymerBase')\n }\n\n // name a base constructor for dev too
ls\n\n function PolymerBase() {};\n PolymerBase.prototype = base;\n base.cons
tructor = PolymerBase;\n\n // exports\n\n scope.Base = PolymerBase;\n scope.i
sBase = isBase;\n scope.api.instance.base = base;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", |
82 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var log = window.logFlags || {};\n \n // magic words\n \n var
STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE = 'element';\n var STYLE_CONTROLLER_SCOPE = 'controller'
/**\n * Installs external stylesheets and <style> elements with the attribut
e \n * polymer-scope='controller' into the scope of element. This is intende
d\n * to be a called during custom element construction.\n */\n instal
lControllerStyles: function() {\n // apply controller styles, but only if t
hey are not yet applied\n var scope = this.findStyleScope();\n if (sco
pe && !this.scopeHasNamedStyle(scope, this.localName)) {\n // allow inher
ited controller styles\n var proto = getPrototypeOf(this), cssText = '';\
n while (proto && proto.element) {\n cssText += proto.element.cs
sTextForScope(STYLE_CONTROLLER_SCOPE);\n proto = getPrototypeOf(proto);
\n }\n if (cssText) {\n this.installScopeCssText(cssText,
scope);\n }\n }\n },\n installScopeStyle: function(style, nam
e, scope) {\n var scope = scope || this.findStyleScope(), name = name || ''
;\n if (scope && !this.scopeHasNamedStyle(scope, this.localName + name)) {\
n var cssText = '';\n if (style instanceof Array) {\n for
(var i=0, l=style.length, s; (i<l) && (s=style[i]); i++) {\n cssText
+= s.textContent + '\\n\\n';\n }\n } else {\n cssText
= style.textContent;\n }\n this.installScopeCssText(cssText, scope
, name);\n }\n },\n installScopeCssText: function(cssText, scope, nam
e) {\n scope = scope || this.findStyleScope();\n name = name || '';\n
if (!scope) {\n return;\n }\n if (window.ShadowDOMPolyfill
) {\n cssText = shimCssText(cssText, scope.host);\n }\n var sty
le = this.element.cssTextToScopeStyle(cssText,\n STYLE_CONTROLLER_SCOPE
);\n Polymer.applyStyleToScope(style, scope);\n // cache that this sty
le has been applied\n this.styleCacheForScope(scope)[this.localName + name]
= true;\n },\n findStyleScope: function(node) {\n // find the shadow
root that contains this element\n var n = node || this;\n while (n.pa
rentNode) {\n n = n.parentNode;\n }\n return n;\n },\n sc
opeHasNamedStyle: function(scope, name) {\n var cache = this.styleCacheForS
cope(scope);\n return cache[name];\n },\n styleCacheForScope: functio
n(scope) {\n if (window.ShadowDOMPolyfill) {\n var scopeName = scope
.host ? scope.host.localName : scope.localName;\n return polyfillScopeSty
leCache[scopeName] || (polyfillScopeStyleCache[scopeName] = {});\n } else {
\n return scope._scopeStyles = (scope._scopeStyles || {});\n }\n
}\n };\n\n var polyfillScopeStyleCache = {};\n \n // NOTE: use raw prototype
traversal so that we ensure correct traversal\n // on platforms where the prot
oype chain is simulated via __proto__ (IE10)\n function getPrototypeOf(prototyp
e) {\n return prototype.__proto__;\n }\n\n function shimCssText(cssText, ho
st) {\n var name = '', is = false;\n if (host) {\n name = host.localN
ame;\n is = host.hasAttribute('is');\n }\n var selector = Platform.Sh
adowCSS.makeScopeSelector(name, is);\n return Platform.ShadowCSS.shimCssText(
cssText, selector);\n }\n\n // exports\n\n scope.api.instance.styles = styles
;\n \n})(Polymer);\n", | 82 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var log = window.logFlags || {};\n var hasShadowDOMPolyfill = wi
ndow.ShadowDOMPolyfill;\n\n // magic words\n \n var STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE = '
element';\n var STYLE_CONTROLLER_SCOPE = 'controller';\n \n var styles = {\n
nal stylesheets and <style> elements with the attribute \n * polymer-scope='
controller' into the scope of element. This is intended\n * to be a called d
uring custom element construction.\n */\n installControllerStyles: functio
n() {\n // apply controller styles, but only if they are not yet applied\n
var scope = this.findStyleScope();\n if (scope && !this.scopeHasNamedS
tyle(scope, this.localName)) {\n // allow inherited controller styles\n
var proto = getPrototypeOf(this), cssText = '';\n while (proto && p
roto.element) {\n cssText += proto.element.cssTextForScope(STYLE_CONTRO
LLER_SCOPE);\n proto = getPrototypeOf(proto);\n }\n if (c
ssText) {\n this.installScopeCssText(cssText, scope);\n }\n
}\n },\n installScopeStyle: function(style, name, scope) {\n var sco
pe = scope || this.findStyleScope(), name = name || '';\n if (scope && !thi
s.scopeHasNamedStyle(scope, this.localName + name)) {\n var cssText = '';
\n if (style instanceof Array) {\n for (var i=0, l=style.length,
s; (i<l) && (s=style[i]); i++) {\n cssText += s.textContent + '\\n\\
n';\n }\n } else {\n cssText = style.textContent;\n
}\n this.installScopeCssText(cssText, scope, name);\n }\n },\
n installScopeCssText: function(cssText, scope, name) {\n scope = scope
|| this.findStyleScope();\n name = name || '';\n if (!scope) {\n
return;\n }\n if (hasShadowDOMPolyfill) {\n cssText = shimCss
Text(cssText, scope.host);\n }\n var style = this.element.cssTextToSco
peStyle(cssText,\n STYLE_CONTROLLER_SCOPE);\n Polymer.applyStyleTo
Scope(style, scope);\n // cache that this style has been applied\n thi
s.styleCacheForScope(scope)[this.localName + name] = true;\n },\n findStyl
eScope: function(node) {\n // find the shadow root that contains this eleme
nt\n var n = node || this;\n while (n.parentNode) {\n n = n.par
entNode;\n }\n return n;\n },\n scopeHasNamedStyle: function(sco
pe, name) {\n var cache = this.styleCacheForScope(scope);\n return cac
he[name];\n },\n styleCacheForScope: function(scope) {\n if (hasShado
wDOMPolyfill) {\n var scopeName = scope.host ? scope.host.localName : sco
pe.localName;\n return polyfillScopeStyleCache[scopeName] || (polyfillSco
peStyleCache[scopeName] = {});\n } else {\n return scope._scopeStyle
s = (scope._scopeStyles || {});\n }\n }\n };\n\n var polyfillScopeStyl
eCache = {};\n \n // NOTE: use raw prototype traversal so that we ensure corre
ct traversal\n // on platforms where the protoype chain is simulated via __prot
o__ (IE10)\n function getPrototypeOf(prototype) {\n return prototype.__proto
__;\n }\n\n function shimCssText(cssText, host) {\n var name = '', is = fal
se;\n if (host) {\n name = host.localName;\n is = host.hasAttribute
('is');\n }\n var selector = Platform.ShadowCSS.makeScopeSelector(name, is
);\n return Platform.ShadowCSS.shimCssText(cssText, selector);\n }\n\n // e
xports\n\n scope.api.instance.styles = styles;\n \n})(Polymer);\n", |
83 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var extend = scope.extend;\n var api = scope.api;\n\n // impera
tive implementation: Polymer()\n\n // specify an 'own' prototype for tag `name`
\n function element(name, prototype) {\n if (arguments.length === 1 && typeo
f arguments[0] !== 'string') {\n prototype = name;\n var script = docu
ment._currentScript;\n name = script && script.parentNode && script.parentN
ode.getAttribute ?\n script.parentNode.getAttribute('name') : '';\n
if (!name) {\n throw 'Element name could not be inferred.';\n }\n
}\n if (getRegisteredPrototype[name]) {\n throw 'Already registered (
Polymer) prototype for element ' + name;\n }\n // cache the prototype\n
registerPrototype(name, prototype);\n // notify the registrar waiting for 'n
ame', if any\n notifyPrototype(name);\n }\n\n // async prototype source\n\n
function waitingForPrototype(name, client) {\n waitPrototype[name] = client
;\n }\n\n var waitPrototype = {};\n\n function notifyPrototype(name) {\n i
f (waitPrototype[name]) {\n waitPrototype[name].registerWhenReady();\n
delete waitPrototype[name];\n }\n }\n\n // utility and bookkeeping\n\n //
maps tag names to prototypes, as registered with\n // Polymer. Prototypes asso
ciated with a tag name\n // using document.registerElement are available from\n
// HTMLElement.getPrototypeForTag().\n // If an element was fully registered
by Polymer, then\n // Polymer.getRegisteredPrototype(name) === \n // HTMLEle
ment.getPrototypeForTag(name)\n\n var prototypesByName = {};\n\n function regi
sterPrototype(name, prototype) {\n return prototypesByName[name] = prototype
|| {};\n }\n\n function getRegisteredPrototype(name) {\n return prototypesB
yName[name];\n }\n\n // exports\n\n scope.getRegisteredPrototype = getRegiste
redPrototype;\n scope.waitingForPrototype = waitingForPrototype;\n\n // namesp
ace shenanigans so we can expose our scope on the registration \n // function\n
\n // make window.Polymer reference `element()`\n\n window.Polymer = element;\
n\n // TODO(sjmiles): find a way to do this that is less terrible\n // copy wi
ndow.Polymer properties onto `element()`\n\n extend(Polymer, scope);\n\n // Un
der the HTMLImports polyfill, scripts in the main document\n // do not block on
imports; we want to allow calls to Polymer in the main\n // document. Platform
collects those calls until we can process them, which\n // we do here.\n\n va
r declarations = Platform.deliverDeclarations();\n if (declarations) {\n for
(var i=0, l=declarations.length, d; (i<l) && (d=declarations[i]); i++) {\n
element.apply(null, d);\n }\n }\n\n})(Polymer);\n", | 83 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var extend = scope.extend;\n var api = scope.api;\n\n // impera
tive implementation: Polymer()\n\n // specify an 'own' prototype for tag `name`
\n function element(name, prototype) {\n if (arguments.length === 1 && typeo
f arguments[0] !== 'string') {\n prototype = name;\n var script = docu
ment._currentScript;\n name = script && script.parentNode && script.parentN
ode.getAttribute ?\n script.parentNode.getAttribute('name') : '';\n
if (!name) {\n throw 'Element name could not be inferred.';\n }\n
}\n if (getRegisteredPrototype[name]) {\n throw 'Already registered (
Polymer) prototype for element ' + name;\n }\n // cache the prototype\n
registerPrototype(name, prototype);\n // notify the registrar waiting for 'n
ame', if any\n notifyPrototype(name);\n }\n\n // async prototype source\n\n
function waitingForPrototype(name, client) {\n waitPrototype[name] = client
;\n }\n\n var waitPrototype = {};\n\n function notifyPrototype(name) {\n i
f (waitPrototype[name]) {\n waitPrototype[name].registerWhenReady();\n
delete waitPrototype[name];\n }\n }\n\n // utility and bookkeeping\n\n //
maps tag names to prototypes, as registered with\n // Polymer. Prototypes asso
ciated with a tag name\n // using document.registerElement are available from\n
// HTMLElement.getPrototypeForTag().\n // If an element was fully registered
by Polymer, then\n // Polymer.getRegisteredPrototype(name) === \n // HTMLEle
ment.getPrototypeForTag(name)\n\n var prototypesByName = {};\n\n function regi
sterPrototype(name, prototype) {\n return prototypesByName[name] = prototype
|| {};\n }\n\n function getRegisteredPrototype(name) {\n return prototypesB
yName[name];\n }\n\n // exports\n\n scope.getRegisteredPrototype = getRegiste
redPrototype;\n scope.waitingForPrototype = waitingForPrototype;\n\n // namesp
ace shenanigans so we can expose our scope on the registration \n // function\n
\n // make window.Polymer reference `element()`\n\n window.Polymer = element;\
n\n // TODO(sjmiles): find a way to do this that is less terrible\n // copy wi
ndow.Polymer properties onto `element()`\n\n extend(Polymer, scope);\n\n // Un
der the HTMLImports polyfill, scripts in the main document\n // do not block on
imports; we want to allow calls to Polymer in the main\n // document. Platform
collects those calls until we can process them, which\n // we do here.\n\n va
r declarations = Platform.deliverDeclarations();\n if (declarations) {\n for
(var i=0, l=declarations.length, d; (i<l) && (d=declarations[i]); i++) {\n
element.apply(null, d);\n }\n }\n\n})(Polymer);\n", |
84 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\nvar
path = {\n resolveElementPaths: function(node) {\n Platform.urlResolver.res
olveDom(node);\n },\n addResolvePathApi: function() {\n // let assetpath at
tribute modify the resolve path\n var assetPath = this.getAttribute('assetpat
h') || '';\n var root = new URL(assetPath, this.ownerDocument.baseURI);\n
this.prototype.resolvePath = function(urlPath, base) {\n var u = new URL(ur
lPath, base || root);\n return u.href;\n };\n }\n};\n\n// exports\nscop
e.api.declaration.path = path;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", | 84 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\nvar
path = {\n resolveElementPaths: function(node) {\n Platform.urlResolver.res
olveDom(node);\n },\n addResolvePathApi: function() {\n // let assetpath at
tribute modify the resolve path\n var assetPath = this.getAttribute('assetpat
h') || '';\n var root = new URL(assetPath, this.ownerDocument.baseURI);\n
this.prototype.resolvePath = function(urlPath, base) {\n var u = new URL(ur
lPath, base || root);\n return u.href;\n };\n }\n};\n\n// exports\nscop
e.api.declaration.path = path;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", |
85 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var log = window.logFlags || {};\n var api = scope.api.instance.
styles;\n var STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE = api.STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE;\n\n // magic
words\n\n var STYLE_SELECTOR = 'style';\n var STYLE_LOADABLE_MATCH = '@import'
;\n var SHEET_SELECTOR = 'link[rel=stylesheet]';\n var STYLE_GLOBAL_SCOPE = 'g
lobal';\n var SCOPE_ATTR = 'polymer-scope';\n\n var styles = {\n // returns
true if resources are loading\n loadStyles: function(callback) {\n var
template = this.fetchTemplate();\n var content = template && this.templateC
ontent();\n if (content) {\n this.convertSheetsToStyles(content);\n
var styles = this.findLoadableStyles(content);\n if (styles.length
) {\n var templateUrl = template.ownerDocument.baseURI;\n retu
rn Platform.styleResolver.loadStyles(styles, templateUrl, callback);\n }\
n }\n if (callback) {\n callback();\n }\n },\n conve
rtSheetsToStyles: function(root) {\n var s$ = root.querySelectorAll(SHEET_S
ELECTOR);\n for (var i=0, l=s$.length, s, c; (i<l) && (s=s$[i]); i++) {\n
c = createStyleElement(importRuleForSheet(s, this.ownerDocument.baseURI),\
n this.ownerDocument);\n this.copySheetAttributes(c, s);\n
s.parentNode.replaceChild(c, s);\n }\n },\n copySheetAttributes:
function(style, link) {\n for (var i=0, a$=link.attributes, l=a$.length, a;
(a=a$[i]) && i<l; i++) {\n if (a.name !== 'rel' && a.name !== 'href') {\
n style.setAttribute(a.name, a.value);\n }\n }\n },\n
findLoadableStyles: function(root) {\n var loadables = [];\n if (root
) {\n var s$ = root.querySelectorAll(STYLE_SELECTOR);\n for (var i
=0, l=s$.length, s; (i<l) && (s=s$[i]); i++) {\n if (s.textContent.matc
h(STYLE_LOADABLE_MATCH)) {\n loadables.push(s);\n }\n
}\n }\n return loadables;\n },\n /**\n * Install external s
tylesheets loaded in <polymer-element> elements into the \n * element's temp
late.\n * @param elementElement The <element> element to style.\n */\n
installSheets: function() {\n this.cacheSheets();\n this.cacheStyles
();\n this.installLocalSheets();\n this.installGlobalStyles();\n },
\n /**\n * Remove all sheets from element and store for later use.\n
*/\n cacheSheets: function() {\n this.sheets = this.findNodes(SHEET_SELE
CTOR);\n this.sheets.forEach(function(s) {\n if (s.parentNode) {\n
s.parentNode.removeChild(s);\n }\n });\n },\n cacheSty
les: function() {\n this.styles = this.findNodes(STYLE_SELECTOR + '[' + SCO
PE_ATTR + ']');\n this.styles.forEach(function(s) {\n if (s.parentNo
de) {\n s.parentNode.removeChild(s);\n }\n });\n },\n
/**\n * Takes external stylesheets loaded in an <element> element and moves
\n * their content into a <style> element inside the <element>'s template.\n
* The sheet is then removed from the <element>. This is done only so \n
* that if the element is loaded in the main document, the sheet does\n * no
t become active.\n * Note, ignores sheets with the attribute 'polymer-scope'
.\n * @param elementElement The <element> element to style.\n */\n in
stallLocalSheets: function () {\n var sheets = this.sheets.filter(function(
s) {\n return !s.hasAttribute(SCOPE_ATTR);\n });\n var content
= this.templateContent();\n if (content) {\n var cssText = '';\n
sheets.forEach(function(sheet) {\n cssText += cssTextFromSheet(shee
t) + '\\n';\n });\n if (cssText) {\n var style = createSt
yleElement(cssText, this.ownerDocument);\n content.insertBefore(style,
content.firstChild);\n }\n }\n },\n findNodes: function(select
or, matcher) {\n var nodes = this.querySelectorAll(selector).array();\n
var content = this.templateContent();\n if (content) {\n var templ
ateNodes = content.querySelectorAll(selector).array();\n nodes = nodes.co
ncat(templateNodes);\n }\n return matcher ? nodes.filter(matcher) : no
des;\n },\n /**\n * Promotes external stylesheets and <style> elements
with the attribute \n * polymer-scope='global' into global scope.\n * T
his is particularly useful for defining @keyframe rules which \n * currently
do not function in scoped or shadow style elements.\n * (See wkb.ug/72462)\
n * @param elementElement The <element> element to style.\n */\n // TO
DO(sorvell): remove when wkb.ug/72462 is addressed.\n installGlobalStyles: fu
nction() {\n var style = this.styleForScope(STYLE_GLOBAL_SCOPE);\n app
lyStyleToScope(style, document.head);\n },\n cssTextForScope: function(sco
peDescriptor) {\n var cssText = '';\n // handle stylesheets\n var
selector = '[' + SCOPE_ATTR + '=' + scopeDescriptor + ']';\n var matcher =
function(s) {\n return matchesSelector(s, selector);\n };\n va
r sheets = this.sheets.filter(matcher);\n sheets.forEach(function(sheet) {\
n cssText += cssTextFromSheet(sheet) + '\\n\\n';\n });\n // han
dle cached style elements\n var styles = this.styles.filter(matcher);\n
styles.forEach(function(style) {\n cssText += style.textContent + '\\n\
\n';\n });\n return cssText;\n },\n styleForScope: function(scop
eDescriptor) {\n var cssText = this.cssTextForScope(scopeDescriptor);\n
return this.cssTextToScopeStyle(cssText, scopeDescriptor);\n },\n cssTex
tToScopeStyle: function(cssText, scopeDescriptor) {\n if (cssText) {\n
var style = createStyleElement(cssText);\n style.setAttribute(STYLE_SC
OPE_ATTRIBUTE, this.getAttribute('name') +\n '-' + scopeDescriptor);\
n return style;\n }\n }\n };\n\n function importRuleForSheet(sh
eet, baseUrl) {\n var href = new URL(sheet.getAttribute('href'), baseUrl).hre
f;\n return '@import \\'' + href + '\\';';\n }\n\n function applyStyleToSco
pe(style, scope) {\n if (style) {\n if (scope === document) {\n s
cope = document.head;\n }\n if (window.ShadowDOMPolyfill) {\n s
cope = document.head;\n }\n // TODO(sorvell): necessary for IE\n
// see https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/790212/\n // cloni
ng-a-style-element-and-adding-to-document-produces\n // -unexpected-result#
details\n // var clone = style.cloneNode(true);\n var clone = createSt
yleElement(style.textContent);\n var attr = style.getAttribute(STYLE_SCOPE_
ATTRIBUTE);\n if (attr) {\n clone.setAttribute(STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE
, attr);\n }\n // TODO(sorvell): probably too brittle; try to figure o
ut \n // where to put the element.\n var refNode = scope.firstElementC
hild;\n if (scope === document.head) {\n var selector = 'style[' + S
TYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE + ']';\n var s$ = document.head.querySelectorAll(sel
ector);\n if (s$.length) {\n refNode = s$[s$.length-1].nextEleme
ntSibling;\n }\n }\n scope.insertBefore(clone, refNode);\n }
\n }\n\n function createStyleElement(cssText, scope) {\n scope = scope || d
ocument;\n scope = scope.createElement ? scope : scope.ownerDocument;\n va
r style = scope.createElement('style');\n style.textContent = cssText;\n r
eturn style;\n }\n\n function cssTextFromSheet(sheet) {\n return (sheet &&
sheet.__resource) || '';\n }\n\n function matchesSelector(node, inSelector) {\
n if (matches) {\n return matches.call(node, inSelector);\n }\n }\n
var p = HTMLElement.prototype;\n var matches = p.matches || p.matchesSelector
|| p.webkitMatchesSelector \n || p.mozMatchesSelector;\n \n // exports\n\
n scope.api.declaration.styles = styles;\n scope.applyStyleToScope = applyStyl
eToScope;\n \n})(Polymer);\n", | 85 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var log = window.logFlags || {};\n var api = scope.api.instance.
styles;\n var STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE = api.STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE;\n\n var hasSh
adowDOMPolyfill = window.ShadowDOMPolyfill;\n\n // magic words\n\n var STYLE_S
ELECTOR = 'style';\n var STYLE_LOADABLE_MATCH = '@import';\n var SHEET_SELECTO
R = 'link[rel=stylesheet]';\n var STYLE_GLOBAL_SCOPE = 'global';\n var SCOPE_A
TTR = 'polymer-scope';\n\n var styles = {\n // returns true if resources are
loading\n loadStyles: function(callback) {\n var template = this.fetchT
emplate();\n var content = template && this.templateContent();\n if (c
ontent) {\n this.convertSheetsToStyles(content);\n var styles = th
is.findLoadableStyles(content);\n if (styles.length) {\n var tem
plateUrl = template.ownerDocument.baseURI;\n return Platform.styleResol
ver.loadStyles(styles, templateUrl, callback);\n }\n }\n if (ca
llback) {\n callback();\n }\n },\n convertSheetsToStyles: func
tion(root) {\n var s$ = root.querySelectorAll(SHEET_SELECTOR);\n for (
var i=0, l=s$.length, s, c; (i<l) && (s=s$[i]); i++) {\n c = createStyleE
lement(importRuleForSheet(s, this.ownerDocument.baseURI),\n this.owne
rDocument);\n this.copySheetAttributes(c, s);\n s.parentNode.repla
ceChild(c, s);\n }\n },\n copySheetAttributes: function(style, link)
{\n for (var i=0, a$=link.attributes, l=a$.length, a; (a=a$[i]) && i<l; i++
) {\n if (a.name !== 'rel' && a.name !== 'href') {\n style.setAt
tribute(a.name, a.value);\n }\n }\n },\n findLoadableStyles: f
unction(root) {\n var loadables = [];\n if (root) {\n var s$ =
root.querySelectorAll(STYLE_SELECTOR);\n for (var i=0, l=s$.length, s; (i
<l) && (s=s$[i]); i++) {\n if (s.textContent.match(STYLE_LOADABLE_MATCH
)) {\n loadables.push(s);\n }\n }\n }\n ret
urn loadables;\n },\n /**\n * Install external stylesheets loaded in <
polymer-element> elements into the \n * element's template.\n * @param e
lementElement The <element> element to style.\n */\n installSheets: funct
ion() {\n this.cacheSheets();\n this.cacheStyles();\n this.instal
lLocalSheets();\n this.installGlobalStyles();\n },\n /**\n * Remo
ve all sheets from element and store for later use.\n */\n cacheSheets: f
unction() {\n this.sheets = this.findNodes(SHEET_SELECTOR);\n this.she
ets.forEach(function(s) {\n if (s.parentNode) {\n s.parentNode.r
emoveChild(s);\n }\n });\n },\n cacheStyles: function() {\n
this.styles = this.findNodes(STYLE_SELECTOR + '[' + SCOPE_ATTR + ']');\n
this.styles.forEach(function(s) {\n if (s.parentNode) {\n s.par
entNode.removeChild(s);\n }\n });\n },\n /**\n * Takes ext
ernal stylesheets loaded in an <element> element and moves\n * their content
into a <style> element inside the <element>'s template.\n * The sheet is th
en removed from the <element>. This is done only so \n * that if the element
is loaded in the main document, the sheet does\n * not become active.\n
* Note, ignores sheets with the attribute 'polymer-scope'.\n * @param eleme
ntElement The <element> element to style.\n */\n installLocalSheets: func
tion () {\n var sheets = this.sheets.filter(function(s) {\n return !
s.hasAttribute(SCOPE_ATTR);\n });\n var content = this.templateContent
();\n if (content) {\n var cssText = '';\n sheets.forEach(fun
ction(sheet) {\n cssText += cssTextFromSheet(sheet) + '\\n';\n }
);\n if (cssText) {\n var style = createStyleElement(cssText, th
is.ownerDocument);\n content.insertBefore(style, content.firstChild);\n
}\n }\n },\n findNodes: function(selector, matcher) {\n
var nodes = this.querySelectorAll(selector).array();\n var content = this.t
emplateContent();\n if (content) {\n var templateNodes = content.que
rySelectorAll(selector).array();\n nodes = nodes.concat(templateNodes);\n
}\n return matcher ? nodes.filter(matcher) : nodes;\n },\n /**\
n * Promotes external stylesheets and <style> elements with the attribute \n
* polymer-scope='global' into global scope.\n * This is particularly us
eful for defining @keyframe rules which \n * currently do not function in sc
oped or shadow style elements.\n * (See wkb.ug/72462)\n * @param element
Element The <element> element to style.\n */\n // TODO(sorvell): remove wh
en wkb.ug/72462 is addressed.\n installGlobalStyles: function() {\n var
style = this.styleForScope(STYLE_GLOBAL_SCOPE);\n applyStyleToScope(style,
document.head);\n },\n cssTextForScope: function(scopeDescriptor) {\n
var cssText = '';\n // handle stylesheets\n var selector = '[' + SCOP
E_ATTR + '=' + scopeDescriptor + ']';\n var matcher = function(s) {\n
return matchesSelector(s, selector);\n };\n var sheets = this.sheets
.filter(matcher);\n sheets.forEach(function(sheet) {\n cssText += cs
sTextFromSheet(sheet) + '\\n\\n';\n });\n // handle cached style eleme
nts\n var styles = this.styles.filter(matcher);\n styles.forEach(funct
ion(style) {\n cssText += style.textContent + '\\n\\n';\n });\n
return cssText;\n },\n styleForScope: function(scopeDescriptor) {\n
var cssText = this.cssTextForScope(scopeDescriptor);\n return this.cssTextT
oScopeStyle(cssText, scopeDescriptor);\n },\n cssTextToScopeStyle: functio
n(cssText, scopeDescriptor) {\n if (cssText) {\n var style = createS
tyleElement(cssText);\n style.setAttribute(STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE, this.ge
tAttribute('name') +\n '-' + scopeDescriptor);\n return style;
\n }\n }\n };\n\n function importRuleForSheet(sheet, baseUrl) {\n v
ar href = new URL(sheet.getAttribute('href'), baseUrl).href;\n return '@impor
t \\'' + href + '\\';';\n }\n\n function applyStyleToScope(style, scope) {\n
if (style) {\n if (scope === document) {\n scope = document.head;\
n }\n if (hasShadowDOMPolyfill) {\n scope = document.head;\n
}\n // TODO(sorvell): necessary for IE\n // see https://connect.mic
rosoft.com/IE/feedback/details/790212/\n // cloning-a-style-element-and-add
ing-to-document-produces\n // -unexpected-result#details\n // var clon
e = style.cloneNode(true);\n var clone = createStyleElement(style.textConte
nt);\n var attr = style.getAttribute(STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE);\n if (att
r) {\n clone.setAttribute(STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE, attr);\n }\n /
/ TODO(sorvell): probably too brittle; try to figure out \n // where to put
the element.\n var refNode = scope.firstElementChild;\n if (scope ===
document.head) {\n var selector = 'style[' + STYLE_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE + ']'
;\n var s$ = document.head.querySelectorAll(selector);\n if (s$.le
ngth) {\n refNode = s$[s$.length-1].nextElementSibling;\n }\n
}\n scope.insertBefore(clone, refNode);\n }\n }\n\n function create
StyleElement(cssText, scope) {\n scope = scope || document;\n scope = scop
e.createElement ? scope : scope.ownerDocument;\n var style = scope.createElem
ent('style');\n style.textContent = cssText;\n return style;\n }\n\n fun
ction cssTextFromSheet(sheet) {\n return (sheet && sheet.__resource) || '';\n
}\n\n function matchesSelector(node, inSelector) {\n if (matches) {\n
return matches.call(node, inSelector);\n }\n }\n var p = HTMLElement.proto
type;\n var matches = p.matches || p.matchesSelector || p.webkitMatchesSelector
\n || p.mozMatchesSelector;\n \n // exports\n\n scope.api.declaration.s
tyles = styles;\n scope.applyStyleToScope = applyStyleToScope;\n \n})(Polymer)
;\n", |
86 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var log = window.logFlags || {};\n var api = scope.api.instance.
events;\n var EVENT_PREFIX = api.EVENT_PREFIX;\n // polymer-element declarativ
e api: events feature\n\n var mixedCaseEventTypes = {};\n [\n 'webkitAnimat
ionStart',\n 'webkitAnimationEnd',\n 'webkitTransitionEnd',\n 'DOMFocus
Out',\n 'DOMFocusIn',\n 'DOMMouseScroll'\n ].forEach(function(e) {\n m
ixedCaseEventTypes[e.toLowerCase()] = e;\n });\n\n var events = {\n parseHo
stEvents: function() {\n // our delegates map\n var delegates = this.p
rototype.eventDelegates;\n // extract data from attributes into delegates\n
this.addAttributeDelegates(delegates);\n },\n addAttributeDelegates:
function(delegates) {\n // for each attribute\n for (var i=0, a; a=th
is.attributes[i]; i++) {\n // does it have magic marker identifying it as
an event delegate?\n if (this.hasEventPrefix(a.name)) {\n // if
so, add the info to delegates\n delegates[this.removeEventPrefix(a.nam
e)] = a.value.replace('{{', '')\n .replace('}}', '').trim();\n
}\n }\n },\n // starts with 'on-'\n hasEventPrefix: function (n
) {\n return n && (n[0] === 'o') && (n[1] === 'n') && (n[2] === '-');\n
},\n removeEventPrefix: function(n) {\n return n.slice(prefixLength);\n
},\n findController: function(node) {\n while (node.parentNode) {\n
if (node.eventController) {\n return node.eventController;\n
}\n node = node.parentNode;\n }\n return node.host;\n },\
n getEventHandler: function(controller, target, method) {\n var events =
this;\n return function(e) {\n if (!controller || !controller.Polym
erBase) {\n controller = events.findController(target);\n }\n\n
var args = [e, e.detail, e.currentTarget];\n controller.dispatchMe
thod(controller, method, args);\n };\n },\n prepareEventBinding: func
tion(pathString, name, node) {\n if (!this.hasEventPrefix(name))\n r
eturn;\n\n var eventType = this.removeEventPrefix(name);\n eventType =
mixedCaseEventTypes[eventType] || eventType;\n\n var events = this;\n\n
return function(model, node, oneTime) {\n var handler = events.getEven
tHandler(undefined, node, pathString);\n node.addEventListener(eventType,
handler);\n\n if (oneTime)\n return;\n\n // TODO(rafaelw
): This is really pointless work. Aside from the cost\n // of these alloc
ations, NodeBind is going to setAttribute back to its\n // current value.
Fixing this would mean changing the TemplateBinding\n // binding delegat
e API.\n function bindingValue() {\n return '{{ ' + pathString +
' }}';\n }\n\n return {\n open: bindingValue,\n
discardChanges: bindingValue,\n close: function() {\n node.
removeEventListener(eventType, handler);\n }\n };\n };\n
}\n };\n\n var prefixLength = EVENT_PREFIX.length;\n\n // exports\n scope.a
pi.declaration.events = events;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", | 86 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var log = window.logFlags || {};\n var api = scope.api.instance.
events;\n var EVENT_PREFIX = api.EVENT_PREFIX;\n // polymer-element declarativ
e api: events feature\n\n var mixedCaseEventTypes = {};\n [\n 'webkitAnimat
ionStart',\n 'webkitAnimationEnd',\n 'webkitTransitionEnd',\n 'DOMFocus
Out',\n 'DOMFocusIn',\n 'DOMMouseScroll'\n ].forEach(function(e) {\n m
ixedCaseEventTypes[e.toLowerCase()] = e;\n });\n\n var events = {\n parseHo
stEvents: function() {\n // our delegates map\n var delegates = this.p
rototype.eventDelegates;\n // extract data from attributes into delegates\n
this.addAttributeDelegates(delegates);\n },\n addAttributeDelegates:
function(delegates) {\n // for each attribute\n for (var i=0, a; a=th
is.attributes[i]; i++) {\n // does it have magic marker identifying it as
an event delegate?\n if (this.hasEventPrefix(a.name)) {\n // if
so, add the info to delegates\n delegates[this.removeEventPrefix(a.nam
e)] = a.value.replace('{{', '')\n .replace('}}', '').trim();\n
}\n }\n },\n // starts with 'on-'\n hasEventPrefix: function (n
) {\n return n && (n[0] === 'o') && (n[1] === 'n') && (n[2] === '-');\n
},\n removeEventPrefix: function(n) {\n return n.slice(prefixLength);\n
},\n findController: function(node) {\n while (node.parentNode) {\n
if (node.eventController) {\n return node.eventController;\n
}\n node = node.parentNode;\n }\n return node.host;\n },\
n getEventHandler: function(controller, target, method) {\n var events =
this;\n return function(e) {\n if (!controller || !controller.Polym
erBase) {\n controller = events.findController(target);\n }\n\n
var args = [e, e.detail, e.currentTarget];\n controller.dispatchMe
thod(controller, method, args);\n };\n },\n prepareEventBinding: func
tion(pathString, name, node) {\n if (!this.hasEventPrefix(name))\n r
eturn;\n\n var eventType = this.removeEventPrefix(name);\n eventType =
mixedCaseEventTypes[eventType] || eventType;\n\n var events = this;\n\n
return function(model, node, oneTime) {\n var handler = events.getEven
tHandler(undefined, node, pathString);\n PolymerGestures.addEventListener
(node, eventType, handler);\n\n if (oneTime)\n return;\n\n
// TODO(rafaelw): This is really pointless work. Aside from the cost\n
// of these allocations, NodeBind is going to setAttribute back to its\n
// current value. Fixing this would mean changing the TemplateBinding\n /
/ binding delegate API.\n function bindingValue() {\n return '{{
' + pathString + ' }}';\n }\n\n return {\n open: binding
Value,\n discardChanges: bindingValue,\n close: function() {\n
PolymerGestures.removeEventListener(node, eventType, handler);\n
}\n };\n };\n }\n };\n\n var prefixLength = EVENT_PREFIX.
length;\n\n // exports\n scope.api.declaration.events = events;\n\n})(Polymer)
;\n", |
87 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ element api\n\n var properties = {\n inferObservers: function(prototype) {
\n // called before prototype.observe is chained to inherited object\n
var observe = prototype.observe, property;\n for (var n in prototype) {\n
if (n.slice(-7) === 'Changed') {\n if (!observe) {\n
observe = (prototype.observe = {});\n }\n property = n.slice(
0, -7)\n observe[property] = observe[property] || n;\n }\n
}\n },\n explodeObservers: function(prototype) {\n // called before p
rototype.observe is chained to inherited object\n var o = prototype.observe
;\n if (o) {\n var exploded = {};\n for (var n in o) {\n
var names = n.split(' ');\n for (var i=0, ni; ni=names[i]; i++) {\
n exploded[ni] = o[n];\n }\n }\n prototype.obs
erve = exploded;\n }\n },\n optimizePropertyMaps: function(prototype)
{\n if (prototype.observe) {\n // construct name list\n var
a = prototype._observeNames = [];\n for (var n in prototype.observe) {\n
var names = n.split(' ');\n for (var i=0, ni; ni=names[i]; i++
) {\n a.push(ni);\n }\n }\n }\n if (prototy
pe.publish) {\n // construct name list\n var a = prototype._publis
hNames = [];\n for (var n in prototype.publish) {\n a.push(n);\n
}\n }\n if (prototype.computed) {\n // construct name l
ist\n var a = prototype._computedNames = [];\n for (var n in proto
type.computed) {\n a.push(n);\n }\n }\n },\n publishP
roperties: function(prototype, base) {\n // if we have any properties to pu
blish\n var publish = prototype.publish;\n if (publish) {\n //
transcribe `publish` entries onto own prototype\n this.requireProperties(
publish, prototype, base);\n // construct map of lower-cased property nam
es\n prototype._publishLC = this.lowerCaseMap(publish);\n }\n },\
n // sync prototype to property descriptors;\n // desriptor format contain
s default value and optionally a\n // hint for reflecting the property to an
attribute.\n // e.g. {foo: 5, bar: {value: true, reflect: true}}\n // refl
ect: {foo: true} is also supported\n //\n requireProperties: function(prop
ertyDescriptors, prototype, base) {\n // reflected properties\n protot
ype.reflect = prototype.reflect || {};\n // ensure a prototype value for ea
ch property\n // and update the property's reflect to attribute status\n
for (var n in propertyDescriptors) {\n var propertyDescriptor = proper
tyDescriptors[n];\n var reflects = this.reflectHintForDescriptor(property
Descriptor);\n if (prototype.reflect[n] === undefined && reflects !== und
efined) {\n prototype.reflect[n] = reflects;\n }\n if (pr
ototype[n] === undefined) {\n prototype[n] = this.valueForDescriptor(pr
opertyDescriptor);\n }\n }\n },\n valueForDescriptor: function
(propertyDescriptor) {\n var value = typeof propertyDescriptor === 'object'
&&\n propertyDescriptor ? propertyDescriptor.value : propertyDescripto
r;\n return value !== undefined ? value : null;\n },\n // returns the
value of the descriptor's 'reflect' property or undefined\n reflectHintForDe
scriptor: function(propertyDescriptor) {\n if (typeof propertyDescriptor ==
= 'object' &&\n propertyDescriptor && propertyDescriptor.reflect !== un
defined) {\n return propertyDescriptor.reflect;\n }\n },\n low
erCaseMap: function(properties) {\n var map = {};\n for (var n in prop
erties) {\n map[n.toLowerCase()] = n;\n }\n return map;\n },
\n createPropertyAccessor: function(name) {\n var proto = this.prototype
;\n\n var privateName = name + '_';\n var privateObservable = name +
'Observable_';\n proto[privateName] = proto[name];\n\n Object.definePr
operty(proto, name, {\n get: function() {\n var observable = thi
s[privateObservable];\n if (observable)\n observable.deliver
();\n\n return this[privateName];\n },\n set: function(va
lue) {\n var observable = this[privateObservable];\n if (obser
vable) {\n observable.setValue(value);\n return;\n
}\n\n var oldValue = this[privateName];\n this[privateName]
= value;\n this.emitPropertyChangeRecord(name, value, oldValue);\n\n
return value;\n },\n configurable: true\n });\n },\
n createPropertyAccessors: function(prototype) {\n var n$ = prototype._p
ublishNames;\n if (n$ && n$.length) {\n for (var i=0, l=n$.length, n
, fn; (i<l) && (n=n$[i]); i++) {\n this.createPropertyAccessor(n);\n
}\n }\n\n var n$ = prototype._computedNames;\n if (n$ && n$.
length) {\n for (var i=0, l=n$.length, n, fn; (i<l) && (n=n$[i]); i++) {\
n this.createPropertyAccessor(n);\n }\n }\n\n }\n };\n\
n // exports\n\n scope.api.declaration.properties = properties;\n\n})(Polymer)
;\n", | 87 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ element api\n\n var properties = {\n inferObservers: function(prototype) {
\n // called before prototype.observe is chained to inherited object\n
var observe = prototype.observe, property;\n for (var n in prototype) {\n
if (n.slice(-7) === 'Changed') {\n if (!observe) {\n
observe = (prototype.observe = {});\n }\n property = n.slice(
0, -7)\n observe[property] = observe[property] || n;\n }\n
}\n },\n explodeObservers: function(prototype) {\n // called before p
rototype.observe is chained to inherited object\n var o = prototype.observe
;\n if (o) {\n var exploded = {};\n for (var n in o) {\n
var names = n.split(' ');\n for (var i=0, ni; ni=names[i]; i++) {\
n exploded[ni] = o[n];\n }\n }\n prototype.obs
erve = exploded;\n }\n },\n optimizePropertyMaps: function(prototype)
{\n if (prototype.observe) {\n // construct name list\n var
a = prototype._observeNames = [];\n for (var n in prototype.observe) {\n
var names = n.split(' ');\n for (var i=0, ni; ni=names[i]; i++
) {\n a.push(ni);\n }\n }\n }\n if (prototy
pe.publish) {\n // construct name list\n var a = prototype._publis
hNames = [];\n for (var n in prototype.publish) {\n a.push(n);\n
}\n }\n if (prototype.computed) {\n // construct name l
ist\n var a = prototype._computedNames = [];\n for (var n in proto
type.computed) {\n a.push(n);\n }\n }\n },\n publishP
roperties: function(prototype, base) {\n // if we have any properties to pu
blish\n var publish = prototype.publish;\n if (publish) {\n //
transcribe `publish` entries onto own prototype\n this.requireProperties(
publish, prototype, base);\n // construct map of lower-cased property nam
es\n prototype._publishLC = this.lowerCaseMap(publish);\n }\n },\
n //\n // `name: value` entries in the `publish` object may need to genera
te \n // matching properties on the prototype.\n //\n // Values that ar
e objects may have a `reflect` property, which\n // signals that the value de
scribes property control metadata.\n // In metadata objects, the prototype de
fault value (if any)\n // is encoded in the `value` property.\n //\n //
publish: {\n // foo: 5, \n // bar: {value: true, reflect: true},\n
// zot: {}\n // }\n //\n // `reflect` metadata property controls whe
ther changes to the property\n // are reflected back to the attribute (defaul
t false). \n //\n // A value is stored on the prototype unless it's === `u
ndefined`,\n // in which case the base chain is checked for a value.\n //
If the basal value is also undefined, `null` is stored on the prototype.\n //
\n // The reflection data is stored on another prototype object, `reflect`\n
// which also can be specified directly.\n //\n // reflect: {\n //
foo: true\n // }\n //\n requireProperties: function(propertyInfos, pro
totype, base) {\n // per-prototype storage for reflected properties\n
prototype.reflect = prototype.reflect || {};\n // ensure a prototype value
for each property\n // and update the property's reflect to attribute statu
s\n for (var n in propertyInfos) {\n var value = propertyInfos[n];\n
// value has metadata if it has a `reflect` property\n if (value
&& value.reflect !== undefined) {\n prototype.reflect[n] = Boolean(valu
e.reflect);\n value = value.value;\n }\n // only set a va
lue if one is specified\n if (value !== undefined) {\n prototype
[n] = value;\n }\n }\n },\n lowerCaseMap: function(properties)
{\n var map = {};\n for (var n in properties) {\n map[n.toLowe
rCase()] = n;\n }\n return map;\n },\n createPropertyAccessor: f
unction(name) {\n var proto = this.prototype;\n\n var privateName = na
me + '_';\n var privateObservable = name + 'Observable_';\n proto[pri
vateName] = proto[name];\n\n Object.defineProperty(proto, name, {\n
get: function() {\n var observable = this[privateObservable];\n
if (observable)\n observable.deliver();\n\n return this[pr
ivateName];\n },\n set: function(value) {\n var observabl
e = this[privateObservable];\n if (observable) {\n observabl
e.setValue(value);\n return;\n }\n\n var oldValue =
this[privateName];\n this[privateName] = value;\n this.emitPr
opertyChangeRecord(name, value, oldValue);\n\n return value;\n }
,\n configurable: true\n });\n },\n createPropertyAccessors: f
unction(prototype) {\n var n$ = prototype._publishNames;\n if (n$ && n
$.length) {\n for (var i=0, l=n$.length, n, fn; (i<l) && (n=n$[i]); i++)
{\n this.createPropertyAccessor(n);\n }\n }\n var n$ =
prototype._computedNames;\n if (n$ && n$.length) {\n for (var i=0,
l=n$.length, n, fn; (i<l) && (n=n$[i]); i++) {\n this.createPropertyAcc
essor(n);\n }\n }\n }\n };\n\n // exports\n\n scope.api.declar
ation.properties = properties;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", |
88 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n(function(scope) {\n\n //
magic words\n\n var ATTRIBUTES_ATTRIBUTE = 'attributes';\n var ATTRIBUTES_REGE
X = /\\s|,/;\n\n // attributes api\n\n var attributes = {\n \n inheritAt
tributesObjects: function(prototype) {\n // chain our lower-cased publish m
ap to the inherited version\n this.inheritObject(prototype, 'publishLC');\n
// chain our instance attributes map to the inherited version\n this.
inheritObject(prototype, '_instanceAttributes');\n },\n\n publishAttribute
s: function(prototype, base) {\n // merge names from 'attributes' attribute
\n var attributes = this.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTES_ATTRIBUTE);\n if (att
ributes) {\n // get properties to publish\n var publish = prototyp
e.publish || (prototype.publish = {});\n // names='a b c' or names='a,b,c
'\n var names = attributes.split(ATTRIBUTES_REGEX);\n // record ea
ch name for publishing\n for (var i=0, l=names.length, n; i<l; i++) {\n
// remove excess ws\n n = names[i].trim();\n // if the
user hasn't specified a value, we want to use the\n // default, unless
a superclass has already chosen one\n if (n && publish[n] === undefine
d) {\n // TODO(sjmiles): querying native properties on IE11 (and poss
ibly\n // on other browsers) throws an exception because there is no
actual\n // instance.\n // In fact, trying to publish nati
ve properties is known bad for this\n // and other reasons, and we ne
ed to solve this problem writ large.\n try {\n var hasVa
lue = (base[n] !== undefined);\n } catch(x) {\n hasValue
= false;\n }\n // supply an empty 'descriptor' object and
let the publishProperties\n // code determine a default\n
if (!hasValue) {\n publish[n] = Polymer.nob;\n }\n
}\n }\n }\n },\n\n // record clonable attributes from <el
ement>\n accumulateInstanceAttributes: function() {\n // inherit instanc
e attributes\n var clonable = this.prototype._instanceAttributes;\n //
merge attributes from element\n var a$ = this.attributes;\n for (var
i=0, l=a$.length, a; (i<l) && (a=a$[i]); i++) { \n if (this.isInstanceAt
tribute(a.name)) {\n clonable[a.name] = a.value;\n }\n }\n
},\n\n isInstanceAttribute: function(name) {\n return !this.blackList
[name] && name.slice(0,3) !== 'on-';\n },\n\n // do not clone these attrib
utes onto instances\n blackList: {\n name: 1,\n 'extends': 1,\n
constructor: 1,\n noscript: 1,\n assetpath: 1,\n 'cache-csstext
': 1\n }\n \n };\n\n // add ATTRIBUTES_ATTRIBUTE to the blacklist\n att
ributes.blackList[ATTRIBUTES_ATTRIBUTE] = 1;\n\n // exports\n\n scope.api.decl
aration.attributes = attributes;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", | 88 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n(function(scope) {\n\n //
magic words\n\n var ATTRIBUTES_ATTRIBUTE = 'attributes';\n var ATTRIBUTES_REGE
X = /\\s|,/;\n\n // attributes api\n\n var attributes = {\n \n inheritAt
tributesObjects: function(prototype) {\n // chain our lower-cased publish m
ap to the inherited version\n this.inheritObject(prototype, 'publishLC');\n
// chain our instance attributes map to the inherited version\n this.
inheritObject(prototype, '_instanceAttributes');\n },\n\n publishAttribute
s: function(prototype, base) {\n // merge names from 'attributes' attribute
into the 'publish' object\n var attributes = this.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTES_
ATTRIBUTE);\n if (attributes) {\n // create a `publish` object if ne
eded.\n // the `publish` object is only relevant to this prototype, the \
n // publishing logic in `declaration/properties.js` is responsible for\n
// managing property values on the prototype chain.\n // TODO(sjm
iles): the `publish` object is later chained to it's \n //
ancestor object, presumably this is only for \n // reflec
tion or other non-library uses. \n var publish = prototype.publish || (pr
ototype.publish = {}); \n // names='a b c' or names='a,b,c'\n var
names = attributes.split(ATTRIBUTES_REGEX);\n // record each name for pub
lishing\n for (var i=0, l=names.length, n; i<l; i++) {\n // remo
ve excess ws\n n = names[i].trim();\n // looks weird, but caus
es n to exist on `publish` if it does not;\n // a more careful test wou
ld need expensive `in` operator\n if (n && publish[n] === undefined) {\
n publish[n] = undefined;\n }\n }\n }\n },\n\
n // record clonable attributes from <element>\n accumulateInstanceAttribu
tes: function() {\n // inherit instance attributes\n var clonable = th
is.prototype._instanceAttributes;\n // merge attributes from element\n
var a$ = this.attributes;\n for (var i=0, l=a$.length, a; (i<l) && (a=a$[i
]); i++) { \n if (this.isInstanceAttribute(a.name)) {\n clonabl
e[a.name] = a.value;\n }\n }\n },\n\n isInstanceAttribute: fun
ction(name) {\n return !this.blackList[name] && name.slice(0,3) !== 'on-';\
n },\n\n // do not clone these attributes onto instances\n blackList: {
\n name: 1,\n 'extends': 1,\n constructor: 1,\n noscript: 1,
\n assetpath: 1,\n 'cache-csstext': 1\n }\n \n };\n\n // add A
TTRIBUTES_ATTRIBUTE to the blacklist\n attributes.blackList[ATTRIBUTES_ATTRIBUT
E] = 1;\n\n // exports\n\n scope.api.declaration.attributes = attributes;\n\n}
)(Polymer);\n", |
89 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n var events = scope.api.declaration.events;\n\n var syntax = new Po
lymerExpressions();\n var prepareBinding = syntax.prepareBinding;\n\n // Polym
er takes a first crack at the binding to see if it's a declarative\n // event h
andler.\n syntax.prepareBinding = function(pathString, name, node) {\n retur
n events.prepareEventBinding(pathString, name, node) ||\n prepareBindi
ng.call(syntax, pathString, name, node);\n };\n\n // declaration api supportin
g mdv\n var mdv = {\n syntax: syntax,\n fetchTemplate: function() {\n
return this.querySelector('template');\n },\n templateContent: function(
) {\n var template = this.fetchTemplate();\n return template && Platfo
rm.templateContent(template);\n },\n installBindingDelegate: function(temp
late) {\n if (template) {\n template.bindingDelegate = this.syntax;\
n }\n }\n };\n\n // exports\n scope.api.declaration.mdv = mdv;\n\n})(
Polymer);\n", | 89 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n var events = scope.api.declaration.events;\n\n var syntax = new Po
lymerExpressions();\n var prepareBinding = syntax.prepareBinding;\n\n // Polym
er takes a first crack at the binding to see if it's a declarative\n // event h
andler.\n syntax.prepareBinding = function(pathString, name, node) {\n retur
n events.prepareEventBinding(pathString, name, node) ||\n prepareBindi
ng.call(syntax, pathString, name, node);\n };\n\n // declaration api supportin
g mdv\n var mdv = {\n syntax: syntax,\n fetchTemplate: function() {\n
return this.querySelector('template');\n },\n templateContent: function(
) {\n var template = this.fetchTemplate();\n return template && Platfo
rm.templateContent(template);\n },\n installBindingDelegate: function(temp
late) {\n if (template) {\n template.bindingDelegate = this.syntax;\
n }\n }\n };\n\n // exports\n scope.api.declaration.mdv = mdv;\n\n})(
Polymer);\n", |
90 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n \n var api = scope.api;\n var isBase = scope.isBase;\n var exten
d = scope.extend;\n\n // prototype api\n\n var prototype = {\n\n register:
function(name, extendeeName) {\n // build prototype combining extendee, Pol
ymer base, and named api\n this.buildPrototype(name, extendeeName);\n
// register our custom element with the platform\n this.registerPrototype(n
ame, extendeeName);\n // reference constructor in a global named by 'constr
uctor' attribute\n this.publishConstructor();\n },\n\n buildPrototype
: function(name, extendeeName) {\n // get our custom prototype (before chai
ning)\n var extension = scope.getRegisteredPrototype(name);\n // get b
asal prototype\n var base = this.generateBasePrototype(extendeeName);\n
// implement declarative features\n this.desugarBeforeChaining(extension,
base);\n // join prototypes\n this.prototype = this.chainPrototypes(e
xtension, base);\n // more declarative features\n this.desugarAfterCha
ining(name, extendeeName);\n },\n\n desugarBeforeChaining: function(protot
ype, base) {\n // back reference declaration element\n // TODO(sjmiles
): replace `element` with `elementElement` or `declaration`\n prototype.ele
ment = this;\n // transcribe `attributes` declarations onto own prototype's
`publish`\n this.publishAttributes(prototype, base);\n // `publish` p
roperties to the prototype and to attribute watch\n this.publishProperties(
prototype, base);\n // infer observers for `observe` list based on method n
ames\n this.inferObservers(prototype);\n // desugar compound observer
syntax, e.g. 'a b c' \n this.explodeObservers(prototype);\n },\n\n ch
ainPrototypes: function(prototype, base) {\n // chain various meta-data obj
ects to inherited versions\n this.inheritMetaData(prototype, base);\n
// chain custom api to inherited\n var chained = this.chainObject(prototype
, base);\n // x-platform fixup\n ensurePrototypeTraversal(chained);\n
return chained;\n },\n\n inheritMetaData: function(prototype, base) {
\n // chain observe object to inherited\n this.inheritObject('observe'
, prototype, base);\n // chain publish object to inherited\n this.inhe
ritObject('publish', prototype, base);\n // chain reflect object to inherit
ed\n this.inheritObject('reflect', prototype, base);\n // chain our lo
wer-cased publish map to the inherited version\n this.inheritObject('_publi
shLC', prototype, base);\n // chain our instance attributes map to the inhe
rited version\n this.inheritObject('_instanceAttributes', prototype, base);
\n // chain our event delegates map to the inherited version\n this.in
heritObject('eventDelegates', prototype, base);\n },\n\n // implement vari
ous declarative features\n desugarAfterChaining: function(name, extendee) {\n
// build side-chained lists to optimize iterations\n this.optimizePro
pertyMaps(this.prototype);\n this.createPropertyAccessors(this.prototype);\
n // install mdv delegate on template\n this.installBindingDelegate(th
is.fetchTemplate());\n // install external stylesheets as if they are inlin
e\n this.installSheets();\n // adjust any paths in dom from imports\n
this.resolveElementPaths(this);\n // compile list of attributes to cop
y to instances\n this.accumulateInstanceAttributes();\n // parse on-*
delegates declared on `this` element\n this.parseHostEvents();\n //\n
// install a helper method this.resolvePath to aid in \n // setting re
source urls. e.g.\n // this.$.image.src = this.resolvePath('images/foo.png'
)\n this.addResolvePathApi();\n // under ShadowDOMPolyfill, transforms
to approximate missing CSS features\n if (window.ShadowDOMPolyfill) {\n
Platform.ShadowCSS.shimStyling(this.templateContent(), name, extendee);\n
}\n // allow custom element access to the declarative context\n if
(this.prototype.registerCallback) {\n this.prototype.registerCallback(th
is);\n }\n },\n\n // if a named constructor is requested in element,
map a reference\n // to the constructor to the given symbol\n publishConst
ructor: function() {\n var symbol = this.getAttribute('constructor');\n
if (symbol) {\n window[symbol] = this.ctor;\n }\n },\n\n //
build prototype combining extendee, Polymer base, and named api\n generateBas
ePrototype: function(extnds) {\n var prototype = this.findBasePrototype(ext
nds);\n if (!prototype) {\n // create a prototype based on tag-name
extension\n var prototype = HTMLElement.getPrototypeForTag(extnds);\n
// insert base api in inheritance chain (if needed)\n prototype = thi
s.ensureBaseApi(prototype);\n // memoize this base\n memoizedBases
[extnds] = prototype;\n }\n return prototype;\n },\n\n findBaseP
rototype: function(name) {\n return memoizedBases[name];\n },\n\n //
install Polymer instance api into prototype chain, as needed \n ensureBaseApi
: function(prototype) {\n if (prototype.PolymerBase) {\n return prot
otype;\n }\n var extended = Object.create(prototype);\n // we nee
d a unique copy of base api for each base prototype\n // therefore we 'exte
nd' here instead of simply chaining\n api.publish(api.instance, extended);\
n // TODO(sjmiles): sharing methods across prototype chains is\n // no
t supported by 'super' implementation which optimizes\n // by memoizing pro
totype relationships.\n // Probably we should have a version of 'extend' th
at is \n // share-aware: it could study the text of each function,\n /
/ look for usage of 'super', and wrap those functions in\n // closures.\n
// As of now, there is only one problematic method, so \n // we just pa
tch it manually.\n // To avoid re-entrancy problems, the special super meth
od\n // installed is called `mixinSuper` and the mixin method\n // mus
t use this method instead of the default `super`.\n this.mixinMethod(extend
ed, prototype, api.instance.mdv, 'bind');\n // return buffed-up prototype\n
return extended;\n },\n\n mixinMethod: function(extended, prototype,
api, name) {\n var $super = function(args) {\n return prototype[nam
e].apply(this, args);\n };\n extended[name] = function() {\n th
is.mixinSuper = $super;\n return api[name].apply(this, arguments);\n
}\n },\n\n // ensure prototype[name] inherits from a prototype.prototype[
name]\n inheritObject: function(name, prototype, base) {\n // require an
object\n var source = prototype[name] || {};\n // chain inherited pro
perties onto a new object\n prototype[name] = this.chainObject(source, base
[name]);\n },\n\n // register 'prototype' to custom element 'name', store
constructor \n registerPrototype: function(name, extendee) { \n var info
= {\n prototype: this.prototype\n }\n // native element must b
e specified in extends\n var typeExtension = this.findTypeExtension(extende
e);\n if (typeExtension) {\n info.extends = typeExtension;\n }\
n // register the prototype with HTMLElement for name lookup\n HTMLEle
ment.register(name, this.prototype);\n // register the custom type\n t
his.ctor = document.registerElement(name, info);\n },\n\n findTypeExtensio
n: function(name) {\n if (name && name.indexOf('-') < 0) {\n return
name;\n } else {\n var p = this.findBasePrototype(name);\n if
(p.element) {\n return this.findTypeExtension(p.element.extends);\n
}\n }\n }\n\n };\n\n // memoize base prototypes\n var memoizedBa
ses = {};\n\n // implementation of 'chainObject' depends on support for __proto
__\n if (Object.__proto__) {\n prototype.chainObject = function(object, inhe
rited) {\n if (object && inherited && object !== inherited) {\n obje
ct.__proto__ = inherited;\n }\n return object;\n }\n } else {\n
prototype.chainObject = function(object, inherited) {\n if (object && inhe
rited && object !== inherited) {\n var chained = Object.create(inherited)
;\n object = extend(chained, object);\n }\n return object;\n
}\n }\n\n // On platforms that do not support __proto__ (versions of IE), the
prototype\n // chain of a custom element is simulated via installation of __pr
oto__.\n // Although custom elements manages this, we install it here so it's\n
// available during desugaring.\n function ensurePrototypeTraversal(prototype
) {\n if (!Object.__proto__) {\n var ancestor = Object.getPrototypeOf(pr
ototype);\n prototype.__proto__ = ancestor;\n if (isBase(ancestor)) {\
n ancestor.__proto__ = Object.getPrototypeOf(ancestor);\n }\n }\n
}\n\n // exports\n\n api.declaration.prototype = prototype;\n\n})(Polymer);\
n", | 90 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n \n var api = scope.api;\n var isBase = scope.isBase;\n var exten
d = scope.extend;\n\n var hasShadowDOMPolyfill = window.ShadowDOMPolyfill;\n\n
// prototype api\n\n var prototype = {\n\n register: function(name, extende
eName) {\n // build prototype combining extendee, Polymer base, and named a
pi\n this.buildPrototype(name, extendeeName);\n // register our custom
element with the platform\n this.registerPrototype(name, extendeeName);\n
// reference constructor in a global named by 'constructor' attribute\n
this.publishConstructor();\n },\n\n buildPrototype: function(name, exten
deeName) {\n // get our custom prototype (before chaining)\n var exten
sion = scope.getRegisteredPrototype(name);\n // get basal prototype\n
var base = this.generateBasePrototype(extendeeName);\n // implement declara
tive features\n this.desugarBeforeChaining(extension, base);\n // join
prototypes\n this.prototype = this.chainPrototypes(extension, base);\n
// more declarative features\n this.desugarAfterChaining(name, extendeeNa
me);\n },\n\n desugarBeforeChaining: function(prototype, base) {\n //
back reference declaration element\n // TODO(sjmiles): replace `element` w
ith `elementElement` or `declaration`\n prototype.element = this;\n //
transcribe `attributes` declarations onto own prototype's `publish`\n this
.publishAttributes(prototype, base);\n // `publish` properties to the proto
type and to attribute watch\n this.publishProperties(prototype, base);\n
// infer observers for `observe` list based on method names\n this.infer
Observers(prototype);\n // desugar compound observer syntax, e.g. 'a b c' \
n this.explodeObservers(prototype);\n },\n\n chainPrototypes: functio
n(prototype, base) {\n // chain various meta-data objects to inherited vers
ions\n this.inheritMetaData(prototype, base);\n // chain custom api to
inherited\n var chained = this.chainObject(prototype, base);\n // x-p
latform fixup\n ensurePrototypeTraversal(chained);\n return chained;\n
},\n\n inheritMetaData: function(prototype, base) {\n // chain obser
ve object to inherited\n this.inheritObject('observe', prototype, base);\n
// chain publish object to inherited\n this.inheritObject('publish', p
rototype, base);\n // chain reflect object to inherited\n this.inherit
Object('reflect', prototype, base);\n // chain our lower-cased publish map
to the inherited version\n this.inheritObject('_publishLC', prototype, base
);\n // chain our instance attributes map to the inherited version\n t
his.inheritObject('_instanceAttributes', prototype, base);\n // chain our e
vent delegates map to the inherited version\n this.inheritObject('eventDele
gates', prototype, base);\n },\n\n // implement various declarative featur
es\n desugarAfterChaining: function(name, extendee) {\n // build side-ch
ained lists to optimize iterations\n this.optimizePropertyMaps(this.prototy
pe);\n this.createPropertyAccessors(this.prototype);\n // install mdv
delegate on template\n this.installBindingDelegate(this.fetchTemplate());\n
// install external stylesheets as if they are inline\n this.installS
heets();\n // adjust any paths in dom from imports\n this.resolveEleme
ntPaths(this);\n // compile list of attributes to copy to instances\n
this.accumulateInstanceAttributes();\n // parse on-* delegates declared on
`this` element\n this.parseHostEvents();\n //\n // install a help
er method this.resolvePath to aid in \n // setting resource urls. e.g.\n
// this.$.image.src = this.resolvePath('images/foo.png')\n this.addResol
vePathApi();\n // under ShadowDOMPolyfill, transforms to approximate missin
g CSS features\n if (hasShadowDOMPolyfill) {\n Platform.ShadowCSS.sh
imStyling(this.templateContent(), name, extendee);\n }\n // allow cust
om element access to the declarative context\n if (this.prototype.registerC
allback) {\n this.prototype.registerCallback(this);\n }\n },\n\n
// if a named constructor is requested in element, map a reference\n // to
the constructor to the given symbol\n publishConstructor: function() {\n
var symbol = this.getAttribute('constructor');\n if (symbol) {\n w
indow[symbol] = this.ctor;\n }\n },\n\n // build prototype combining
extendee, Polymer base, and named api\n generateBasePrototype: function(extnd
s) {\n var prototype = this.findBasePrototype(extnds);\n if (!prototyp
e) {\n // create a prototype based on tag-name extension\n var pro
totype = HTMLElement.getPrototypeForTag(extnds);\n // insert base api in
inheritance chain (if needed)\n prototype = this.ensureBaseApi(prototype)
;\n // memoize this base\n memoizedBases[extnds] = prototype;\n
}\n return prototype;\n },\n\n findBasePrototype: function(name) {
\n return memoizedBases[name];\n },\n\n // install Polymer instance a
pi into prototype chain, as needed \n ensureBaseApi: function(prototype) {\n
if (prototype.PolymerBase) {\n return prototype;\n }\n var
extended = Object.create(prototype);\n // we need a unique copy of base ap
i for each base prototype\n // therefore we 'extend' here instead of simply
chaining\n api.publish(api.instance, extended);\n // TODO(sjmiles): s
haring methods across prototype chains is\n // not supported by 'super' imp
lementation which optimizes\n // by memoizing prototype relationships.\n
// Probably we should have a version of 'extend' that is \n // share-awa
re: it could study the text of each function,\n // look for usage of 'super
', and wrap those functions in\n // closures.\n // As of now, there is
only one problematic method, so \n // we just patch it manually.\n //
To avoid re-entrancy problems, the special super method\n // installed is
called `mixinSuper` and the mixin method\n // must use this method instead
of the default `super`.\n this.mixinMethod(extended, prototype, api.instanc
e.mdv, 'bind');\n // return buffed-up prototype\n return extended;\n
},\n\n mixinMethod: function(extended, prototype, api, name) {\n var $
super = function(args) {\n return prototype[name].apply(this, args);\n
};\n extended[name] = function() {\n this.mixinSuper = $super;\n
return api[name].apply(this, arguments);\n }\n },\n\n // ensur
e prototype[name] inherits from a prototype.prototype[name]\n inheritObject:
function(name, prototype, base) {\n // require an object\n var source
= prototype[name] || {};\n // chain inherited properties onto a new object\
n prototype[name] = this.chainObject(source, base[name]);\n },\n\n //
register 'prototype' to custom element 'name', store constructor \n register
Prototype: function(name, extendee) { \n var info = {\n prototype: t
his.prototype\n }\n // native element must be specified in extends\n
var typeExtension = this.findTypeExtension(extendee);\n if (typeExtensi
on) {\n info.extends = typeExtension;\n }\n // register the pro
totype with HTMLElement for name lookup\n HTMLElement.register(name, this.p
rototype);\n // register the custom type\n this.ctor = document.regist
erElement(name, info);\n },\n\n findTypeExtension: function(name) {\n
if (name && name.indexOf('-') < 0) {\n return name;\n } else {\n
var p = this.findBasePrototype(name);\n if (p.element) {\n
return this.findTypeExtension(p.element.extends);\n }\n }\n }\n\n
};\n\n // memoize base prototypes\n var memoizedBases = {};\n\n // implemen
tation of 'chainObject' depends on support for __proto__\n if (Object.__proto__
) {\n prototype.chainObject = function(object, inherited) {\n if (object
&& inherited && object !== inherited) {\n object.__proto__ = inherited;\
n }\n return object;\n }\n } else {\n prototype.chainObject = f
unction(object, inherited) {\n if (object && inherited && object !== inheri
ted) {\n var chained = Object.create(inherited);\n object = extend
(chained, object);\n }\n return object;\n }\n }\n\n // On platfor
ms that do not support __proto__ (versions of IE), the prototype\n // chain of
a custom element is simulated via installation of __proto__.\n // Although cust
om elements manages this, we install it here so it's\n // available during desu
garing.\n function ensurePrototypeTraversal(prototype) {\n if (!Object.__pro
to__) {\n var ancestor = Object.getPrototypeOf(prototype);\n prototype
.__proto__ = ancestor;\n if (isBase(ancestor)) {\n ancestor.__proto_
_ = Object.getPrototypeOf(ancestor);\n }\n }\n }\n\n // exports\n\n a
pi.declaration.prototype = prototype;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", |
91 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
*\n\n Elements are added to a registration queue so that they register in \n
the proper order at the appropriate time. We do this for a few reasons:\n\n
* to enable elements to load resources (like stylesheets) \n asynchronously
. We need to do this until the platform provides an efficient\n alternative.
One issue is that remote @import stylesheets are \n re-fetched whenever stamp
ed into a shadowRoot.\n\n * to ensure elements loaded 'at the same time' (e.g
. via some set of\n imports) are registered as a batch. This allows elements
to be enured from\n upgrade ordering as long as they query the dom tree 1 tas
k after\n upgrade (aka domReady). This is a performance tradeoff. On the one
hand,\n elements that could register while imports are loading are prevented
from \n doing so. On the other, grouping upgrades into a single task means le
ss\n incremental work (for example style recalcs), Also, we can ensure the \
n document is in a known state at the single quantum of time when \n eleme
nts upgrade.\n\n */\n var queue = {\n\n // tell the queue to wait for an el
ement to be ready\n wait: function(element) {\n if (!element.__queue) {\
n element.__queue = {};\n elements.push(element);\n }\n },
\n\n // enqueue an element to the next spot in the queue.\n enqueue: funct
ion(element, check, go) {\n var shouldAdd = element.__queue && !element.__q
ueue.check;\n if (shouldAdd) {\n queueForElement(element).push(eleme
nt);\n element.__queue.check = check;\n element.__queue.go = go;\n
}\n return (this.indexOf(element) !== 0);\n },\n\n indexOf: fun
ction(element) {\n var i = queueForElement(element).indexOf(element);\n
if (i >= 0 && document.contains(element)) {\n i += (HTMLImports.useNati
ve || HTMLImports.ready) ? \n importQueue.length : 1e9;\n }\n
return i; \n },\n\n // tell the queue an element is ready to be register
ed\n go: function(element) {\n var readied = this.remove(element);\n
if (readied) {\n element.__queue.flushable = true;\n this.addToF
lushQueue(readied);\n this.check();\n }\n },\n\n remove: funct
ion(element) {\n var i = this.indexOf(element);\n if (i !== 0) {\n
//console.warn('queue order wrong', i);\n return;\n }\n ret
urn queueForElement(element).shift();\n },\n\n check: function() {\n
// next\n var element = this.nextElement();\n if (element) {\n
element.__queue.check.call(element);\n }\n if (this.canReady()) {\n
this.ready();\n return true;\n }\n },\n\n nextElement: fu
nction() {\n return nextQueued();\n },\n\n canReady: function() {\n
return !this.waitToReady && this.isEmpty();\n },\n\n isEmpty: function
() {\n for (var i=0, l=elements.length, e; (i<l) && \n (e=elements
[i]); i++) {\n if (e.__queue && !e.__queue.flushable) {\n return
;\n }\n }\n return true;\n },\n\n addToFlushQueue: functi
on(element) {\n flushQueue.push(element); \n },\n\n flush: function(
) {\n // prevent re-entrance\n if (this.flushing) {\n return;\n
}\n if (flushQueue.length) {\n console.warn('flushing %s eleme
nts', flushQueue.length);\n }\n this.flushing = true;\n var eleme
nt;\n while (flushQueue.length) {\n element = flushQueue.shift();\n
element.__queue.go.call(element);\n element.__queue = null;\n
}\n this.flushing = false;\n },\n\n ready: function() {\n this.
flush();\n // TODO(sorvell): As an optimization, turn off CE polyfill upgra
ding\n // while registering. This way we avoid having to upgrade each docum
ent\n // piecemeal per registration and can instead register all elements\n
// and upgrade once in a batch. Without this optimization, upgrade time\n
// degrades significantly when SD polyfill is used. This is mainly because\
n // querying the document tree for elements is slow under the SD polyfill.
\n if (CustomElements.ready === false) {\n CustomElements.upgradeDoc
umentTree(document);\n CustomElements.ready = true;\n }\n Platf
orm.flush();\n requestAnimationFrame(this.flushReadyCallbacks);\n },\n\n
addReadyCallback: function(callback) {\n if (callback) {\n ready
Callbacks.push(callback);\n }\n },\n\n flushReadyCallbacks: function(
) {\n if (readyCallbacks) {\n var fn;\n while (readyCallbacks
.length) {\n fn = readyCallbacks.shift();\n fn();\n }\n
}\n },\n\n waitToReady: true\n\n };\n\n var elements = [];\n var
flushQueue = [];\n var importQueue = [];\n var mainQueue = [];\n var readyCal
lbacks = [];\n\n function queueForElement(element) {\n return document.conta
ins(element) ? mainQueue : importQueue;\n }\n\n function nextQueued() {\n r
eturn importQueue.length ? importQueue[0] : mainQueue[0];\n }\n\n var polymerR
eadied = false; \n\n document.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', function()
{\n CustomElements.ready = false;\n });\n \n function whenPolymerReady(ca
llback) {\n queue.waitToReady = true;\n CustomElements.ready = false;\n
HTMLImports.whenImportsReady(function() {\n queue.addReadyCallback(callbac
k);\n queue.waitToReady = false;\n queue.check();\n });\n }\n\n /
/ exports\n scope.elements = elements;\n scope.queue = queue;\n scope.whenRea
dy = scope.whenPolymerReady = whenPolymerReady;\n})(Polymer);\n", | 91 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
*\n\n Elements are added to a registration queue so that they register in \n
the proper order at the appropriate time. We do this for a few reasons:\n\n
* to enable elements to load resources (like stylesheets) \n asynchronously
. We need to do this until the platform provides an efficient\n alternative.
One issue is that remote @import stylesheets are \n re-fetched whenever stamp
ed into a shadowRoot.\n\n * to ensure elements loaded 'at the same time' (e.g
. via some set of\n imports) are registered as a batch. This allows elements
to be enured from\n upgrade ordering as long as they query the dom tree 1 tas
k after\n upgrade (aka domReady). This is a performance tradeoff. On the one
hand,\n elements that could register while imports are loading are prevented
from \n doing so. On the other, grouping upgrades into a single task means le
ss\n incremental work (for example style recalcs), Also, we can ensure the \
n document is in a known state at the single quantum of time when \n eleme
nts upgrade.\n\n */\n var queue = {\n\n // tell the queue to wait for an el
ement to be ready\n wait: function(element) {\n if (!element.__queue) {\
n element.__queue = {};\n elements.push(element);\n }\n },
\n\n // enqueue an element to the next spot in the queue.\n enqueue: funct
ion(element, check, go) {\n var shouldAdd = element.__queue && !element.__q
ueue.check;\n if (shouldAdd) {\n queueForElement(element).push(eleme
nt);\n element.__queue.check = check;\n element.__queue.go = go;\n
}\n return (this.indexOf(element) !== 0);\n },\n\n indexOf: fun
ction(element) {\n var i = queueForElement(element).indexOf(element);\n
if (i >= 0 && document.contains(element)) {\n i += (HTMLImports.useNati
ve || HTMLImports.ready) ? \n importQueue.length : 1e9;\n }\n
return i; \n },\n\n // tell the queue an element is ready to be register
ed\n go: function(element) {\n var readied = this.remove(element);\n
if (readied) {\n element.__queue.flushable = true;\n this.addToF
lushQueue(readied);\n this.check();\n }\n },\n\n remove: funct
ion(element) {\n var i = this.indexOf(element);\n if (i !== 0) {\n
//console.warn('queue order wrong', i);\n return;\n }\n ret
urn queueForElement(element).shift();\n },\n\n check: function() {\n
// next\n var element = this.nextElement();\n if (element) {\n
element.__queue.check.call(element);\n }\n if (this.canReady()) {\n
this.ready();\n return true;\n }\n },\n\n nextElement: fu
nction() {\n return nextQueued();\n },\n\n canReady: function() {\n
return !this.waitToReady && this.isEmpty();\n },\n\n isEmpty: function
() {\n for (var i=0, l=elements.length, e; (i<l) && \n (e=elements
[i]); i++) {\n if (e.__queue && !e.__queue.flushable) {\n return
;\n }\n }\n return true;\n },\n\n addToFlushQueue: functi
on(element) {\n flushQueue.push(element); \n },\n\n flush: function(
) {\n // prevent re-entrance\n if (this.flushing) {\n return;\n
}\n this.flushing = true;\n var element;\n while (flushQueu
e.length) {\n element = flushQueue.shift();\n element.__queue.go.c
all(element);\n element.__queue = null;\n }\n this.flushing = f
alse;\n },\n\n ready: function() {\n this.flush();\n // TODO(sor
vell): As an optimization, turn off CE polyfill upgrading\n // while regist
ering. This way we avoid having to upgrade each document\n // piecemeal per
registration and can instead register all elements\n // and upgrade once i
n a batch. Without this optimization, upgrade time\n // degrades significan
tly when SD polyfill is used. This is mainly because\n // querying the docu
ment tree for elements is slow under the SD polyfill.\n if (CustomElements.
ready === false) {\n CustomElements.upgradeDocumentTree(document);\n
CustomElements.ready = true;\n }\n Platform.flush();\n request
AnimationFrame(this.flushReadyCallbacks);\n },\n\n addReadyCallback: funct
ion(callback) {\n if (callback) {\n readyCallbacks.push(callback);\n
}\n },\n\n flushReadyCallbacks: function() {\n if (readyCallbac
ks) {\n var fn;\n while (readyCallbacks.length) {\n fn =
readyCallbacks.shift();\n fn();\n }\n }\n },\n\n wait
ToReady: true\n\n };\n\n var elements = [];\n var flushQueue = [];\n var imp
ortQueue = [];\n var mainQueue = [];\n var readyCallbacks = [];\n\n function
queueForElement(element) {\n return document.contains(element) ? mainQueue :
importQueue;\n }\n\n function nextQueued() {\n return importQueue.length ?
importQueue[0] : mainQueue[0];\n }\n\n var polymerReadied = false; \n\n docum
ent.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', function() {\n CustomElements.read
y = false;\n });\n \n function whenPolymerReady(callback) {\n queue.waitTo
Ready = true;\n CustomElements.ready = false;\n HTMLImports.whenImportsRea
dy(function() {\n queue.addReadyCallback(callback);\n queue.waitToRead
y = false;\n queue.check();\n });\n }\n\n // exports\n scope.elements
= elements;\n scope.queue = queue;\n scope.whenReady = scope.whenPolymerReady
= whenPolymerReady;\n})(Polymer);\n", |
92 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n v
ar whenPolymerReady = scope.whenPolymerReady;\n\n function importElements(eleme
ntOrFragment, callback) {\n if (elementOrFragment) {\n document.head.app
endChild(elementOrFragment);\n whenPolymerReady(callback);\n } else if (
callback) {\n callback();\n }\n }\n\n function importUrls(urls, callba
ck) {\n if (urls && urls.length) {\n var frag = document.createDocumen
tFragment();\n for (var i=0, l=urls.length, url, link; (i<l) && (url=urls
[i]); i++) {\n link = document.createElement('link');\n link.r
el = 'import';\n link.href = url;\n frag.appendChild(link);\n
}\n importElements(frag, callback);\n } else if (callback) {\n
callback();\n }\n }\n\n // exports\n scope.import = importUrls;\n sc
ope.importElements = importElements;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", | 92 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n v
ar whenPolymerReady = scope.whenPolymerReady;\n\n function importElements(eleme
ntOrFragment, callback) {\n if (elementOrFragment) {\n document.head.app
endChild(elementOrFragment);\n whenPolymerReady(callback);\n } else if (
callback) {\n callback();\n }\n }\n\n function importUrls(urls, callba
ck) {\n if (urls && urls.length) {\n var frag = document.createDocumen
tFragment();\n for (var i=0, l=urls.length, url, link; (i<l) && (url=urls
[i]); i++) {\n link = document.createElement('link');\n link.r
el = 'import';\n link.href = url;\n frag.appendChild(link);\n
}\n importElements(frag, callback);\n } else if (callback) {\n
callback();\n }\n }\n\n // exports\n scope.import = importUrls;\n sc
ope.importElements = importElements;\n\n})(Polymer);\n", |
93 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var extend = scope.extend;\n var api = scope.api;\n var queue =
scope.queue;\n var whenPolymerReady = scope.whenPolymerReady;\n var getRegist
eredPrototype = scope.getRegisteredPrototype;\n var waitingForPrototype = scope
.waitingForPrototype;\n\n // declarative implementation: <polymer-element>\n\n
var prototype = extend(Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype), {\n\n createdCa
llback: function() {\n if (this.getAttribute('name')) {\n this.init(
);\n }\n },\n\n init: function() {\n // fetch declared values\n
this.name = this.getAttribute('name');\n this.extends = this.getAttrib
ute('extends');\n queue.wait(this);\n // initiate any async resource f
etches\n this.loadResources();\n // register when all constraints are
met\n this.registerWhenReady();\n },\n\n // TODO(sorvell): we current
ly queue in the order the prototypes are \n // registered, but we should queu
e in the order that polymer-elements\n // are registered. We are currently bl
ocked from doing this based on \n // crbug.com/395686.\n registerWhenReady
: function() {\n if (this.registered\n || this.waitingForPrototype(thi
s.name)\n || this.waitingForQueue()\n || this.waitingForResources())
{\n return;\n }\n queue.go(this);\n },\n\n _register:
function() {\n //console.log('registering', this.name);\n // warn if e
xtending from a custom element not registered via Polymer\n if (isCustomTag
(this.extends) && !isRegistered(this.extends)) {\n console.warn('%s is at
tempting to extend %s, an unregistered element ' +\n 'or one that was
not registered with Polymer.', this.name,\n this.extends);\n }\
n this.register(this.name, this.extends);\n this.registered = true;\n
},\n\n waitingForPrototype: function(name) {\n if (!getRegisteredProt
otype(name)) {\n // then wait for a prototype\n waitingForPrototyp
e(name, this);\n // emulate script if user is not supplying one\n
this.handleNoScript(name);\n // prototype not ready yet\n return t
rue;\n }\n },\n\n handleNoScript: function(name) {\n // if expli
citly marked as 'noscript'\n if (this.hasAttribute('noscript') && !this.nos
cript) {\n this.noscript = true;\n // imperative element registrat
ion\n Polymer(name);\n }\n },\n\n waitingForResources: functio
n() {\n return this._needsResources;\n },\n\n // NOTE: Elements must
be queued in proper order for inheritance/composition\n // dependency resolut
ion. Previously this was enforced for inheritance,\n // and by rule for compo
sition. It's now entirely by rule.\n waitingForQueue: function() {\n ret
urn queue.enqueue(this, this.registerWhenReady, this._register);\n },\n\n
loadResources: function() {\n this._needsResources = true;\n this.load
Styles(function() {\n this._needsResources = false;\n this.registe
rWhenReady();\n }.bind(this));\n }\n\n });\n\n // semi-pluggable APIs
\n\n // TODO(sjmiles): should be fully pluggable (aka decoupled, currently\n /
/ the various plugins are allowed to depend on each other directly)\n api.publi
sh(api.declaration, prototype);\n\n // utility and bookkeeping\n\n function is
Registered(name) {\n return Boolean(HTMLElement.getPrototypeForTag(name));\n
}\n\n function isCustomTag(name) {\n return (name && name.indexOf('-') >= 0
);\n }\n\n // boot tasks\n\n whenPolymerReady(function() {\n document.body
.removeAttribute('unresolved');\n document.dispatchEvent(\n new CustomEv
ent('polymer-ready', {bubbles: true})\n );\n });\n\n // register polymer-el
ement with document\n\n document.registerElement('polymer-element', {prototype:
prototype});\n\n})(Polymer);\n", | 93 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n(function(scope) {\n\n /
/ imports\n\n var extend = scope.extend;\n var api = scope.api;\n var queue =
scope.queue;\n var whenPolymerReady = scope.whenPolymerReady;\n var getRegist
eredPrototype = scope.getRegisteredPrototype;\n var waitingForPrototype = scope
.waitingForPrototype;\n\n // declarative implementation: <polymer-element>\n\n
var prototype = extend(Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype), {\n\n createdCa
llback: function() {\n if (this.getAttribute('name')) {\n this.init(
);\n }\n },\n\n init: function() {\n // fetch declared values\n
this.name = this.getAttribute('name');\n this.extends = this.getAttrib
ute('extends');\n queue.wait(this);\n // initiate any async resource f
etches\n this.loadResources();\n // register when all constraints are
met\n this.registerWhenReady();\n },\n\n // TODO(sorvell): we current
ly queue in the order the prototypes are \n // registered, but we should queu
e in the order that polymer-elements\n // are registered. We are currently bl
ocked from doing this based on \n // crbug.com/395686.\n registerWhenReady
: function() {\n if (this.registered\n || this.waitingForPrototype(thi
s.name)\n || this.waitingForQueue()\n || this.waitingForResources())
{\n return;\n }\n queue.go(this);\n },\n\n _register:
function() {\n //console.log('registering', this.name);\n // warn if e
xtending from a custom element not registered via Polymer\n if (isCustomTag
(this.extends) && !isRegistered(this.extends)) {\n console.warn('%s is at
tempting to extend %s, an unregistered element ' +\n 'or one that was
not registered with Polymer.', this.name,\n this.extends);\n }\
n this.register(this.name, this.extends);\n this.registered = true;\n
},\n\n waitingForPrototype: function(name) {\n if (!getRegisteredProt
otype(name)) {\n // then wait for a prototype\n waitingForPrototyp
e(name, this);\n // emulate script if user is not supplying one\n
this.handleNoScript(name);\n // prototype not ready yet\n return t
rue;\n }\n },\n\n handleNoScript: function(name) {\n // if expli
citly marked as 'noscript'\n if (this.hasAttribute('noscript') && !this.nos
cript) {\n this.noscript = true;\n // imperative element registrat
ion\n Polymer(name);\n }\n },\n\n waitingForResources: functio
n() {\n return this._needsResources;\n },\n\n // NOTE: Elements must
be queued in proper order for inheritance/composition\n // dependency resolut
ion. Previously this was enforced for inheritance,\n // and by rule for compo
sition. It's now entirely by rule.\n waitingForQueue: function() {\n ret
urn queue.enqueue(this, this.registerWhenReady, this._register);\n },\n\n
loadResources: function() {\n this._needsResources = true;\n this.load
Styles(function() {\n this._needsResources = false;\n this.registe
rWhenReady();\n }.bind(this));\n }\n\n });\n\n // semi-pluggable APIs
\n\n // TODO(sjmiles): should be fully pluggable (aka decoupled, currently\n /
/ the various plugins are allowed to depend on each other directly)\n api.publi
sh(api.declaration, prototype);\n\n // utility and bookkeeping\n\n function is
Registered(name) {\n return Boolean(HTMLElement.getPrototypeForTag(name));\n
}\n\n function isCustomTag(name) {\n return (name && name.indexOf('-') >= 0
);\n }\n\n // boot tasks\n\n whenPolymerReady(function() {\n document.body
.removeAttribute('unresolved');\n document.dispatchEvent(\n new CustomEv
ent('polymer-ready', {bubbles: true})\n );\n });\n\n // register polymer-el
ement with document\n\n document.registerElement('polymer-element', {prototype:
prototype});\n\n})(Polymer);\n", |
94 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * The `auto-binding
` element extends the template element. It provides a quick \n * and easy way to
do data binding without the need to setup a model. \n * The `auto-binding` elem
ent itself serves as the model and controller for the \n * elements it contains.
Both data and event handlers can be bound. \n *\n * The `auto-binding` element
acts just like a template that is bound to \n * a model. It stamps its content i
n the dom adjacent to itself. When the \n * content is stamped, the `template-bo
und` event is fired.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * <template is=\"auto-binding\">
\n * <div>Say something: <input value=\"{{value}}\"></div>\n * <div>
You said: {{value}}</div>\n * <button on-tap=\"{{buttonTap}}\">Tap me!</bu
tton>\n * </template>\n * <script>\n * var template = document.que
rySelector('template');\n * template.value = 'something';\n * templa
te.buttonTap = function() {\n * console.log('tap!');\n * };\n *
</script>\n *\n * @module Polymer\n * @status stable\n*/\n\n(function() {\n\n
var element = document.createElement('polymer-element');\n element.setAttribut
e('name', 'auto-binding');\n element.setAttribute('extends', 'template');\n el
ement.init();\n\n Polymer('auto-binding', {\n\n createdCallback: function()
{\n this.syntax = this.bindingDelegate = this.makeSyntax();\n // delay
stamping until polymer-ready so that auto-binding is not\n // required to
load last.\n Polymer.whenPolymerReady(function() {\n this.model = th
is;\n this.setAttribute('bind', '');\n // we don't bother with an
explicit signal here, we could ust a MO\n // if necessary\n this.a
sync(function() {\n // note: this will marshall *all* the elements in t
he parentNode\n // rather than just stamped ones. We'd need to use crea
teInstance\n // to fix this or something else fancier.\n this.
marshalNodeReferences(this.parentNode);\n // template stamping is async
hronous so stamping isn't complete\n // by polymer-ready; fire an event
so users can use stamped elements\n this.fire('template-bound');\n
});\n }.bind(this));\n },\n\n makeSyntax: function() {\n var
events = Object.create(Polymer.api.declaration.events);\n var self = this;
\n events.findController = function() { return self.model; };\n\n var
syntax = new PolymerExpressions();\n var prepareBinding = syntax.prepareBin
ding; \n syntax.prepareBinding = function(pathString, name, node) {\n
return events.prepareEventBinding(pathString, name, node) ||\n
prepareBinding.call(syntax, pathString, name, node);\n };\n return syn
tax;\n }\n\n });\n\n})();\n" | 94 "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
\n * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://poly
mer.github.io/LICENSE.txt\n * The complete set of authors may be found at http:/
/polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt\n * The complete set of contributors may be found
at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt\n * Code distributed by Google as
part of the polymer project is also\n * subject to an additional IP rights grant
found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt\n */\n\n/**\n * The `auto-binding
` element extends the template element. It provides a quick \n * and easy way to
do data binding without the need to setup a model. \n * The `auto-binding` elem
ent itself serves as the model and controller for the \n * elements it contains.
Both data and event handlers can be bound. \n *\n * The `auto-binding` element
acts just like a template that is bound to \n * a model. It stamps its content i
n the dom adjacent to itself. When the \n * content is stamped, the `template-bo
und` event is fired.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * <template is=\"auto-binding\">
\n * <div>Say something: <input value=\"{{value}}\"></div>\n * <div>
You said: {{value}}</div>\n * <button on-tap=\"{{buttonTap}}\">Tap me!</bu
tton>\n * </template>\n * <script>\n * var template = document.que
rySelector('template');\n * template.value = 'something';\n * templa
te.buttonTap = function() {\n * console.log('tap!');\n * };\n *
</script>\n *\n * @module Polymer\n * @status stable\n*/\n\n(function() {\n\n
var element = document.createElement('polymer-element');\n element.setAttribut
e('name', 'auto-binding');\n element.setAttribute('extends', 'template');\n el
ement.init();\n\n Polymer('auto-binding', {\n\n createdCallback: function()
{\n this.syntax = this.bindingDelegate = this.makeSyntax();\n // delay
stamping until polymer-ready so that auto-binding is not\n // required to
load last.\n Polymer.whenPolymerReady(function() {\n this.model = th
is;\n this.setAttribute('bind', '');\n // we don't bother with an
explicit signal here, we could ust a MO\n // if necessary\n this.a
sync(function() {\n // note: this will marshall *all* the elements in t
he parentNode\n // rather than just stamped ones. We'd need to use crea
teInstance\n // to fix this or something else fancier.\n this.
marshalNodeReferences(this.parentNode);\n // template stamping is async
hronous so stamping isn't complete\n // by polymer-ready; fire an event
so users can use stamped elements\n this.fire('template-bound');\n
});\n }.bind(this));\n },\n\n makeSyntax: function() {\n var
events = Object.create(Polymer.api.declaration.events);\n var self = this;
\n events.findController = function() { return self.model; };\n\n var
syntax = new PolymerExpressions();\n var prepareBinding = syntax.prepareBin
ding; \n syntax.prepareBinding = function(pathString, name, node) {\n
return events.prepareEventBinding(pathString, name, node) ||\n
prepareBinding.call(syntax, pathString, name, node);\n };\n return syn
tax;\n }\n\n });\n\n})();\n" |
95 ] | 95 ] |
96 } | 96 } |