1 Tests DOM exception messages | 1 Tests DOM exception messages |
2 | 2 |
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". | 3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". |
4 | 4 |
5 PASS context.createBuffer(99, 1, context.sampleRate) threw exception NotSupporte
dError: Failed to construct 'AudioBuffer': requested number of channels (99) exc
eeds maximum (32). | 5 PASS context.createBuffer(99, 1, context.sampleRate) threw exception NotSupporte
dError: Failed to construct 'AudioBuffer': requested number of channels (99) exc
eeds maximum (32). |
6 PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 1) threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed to
construct 'AudioBuffer': requested sample rate (1) does not lie in the allowed r
ange of 22050-96000 Hz. | 6 PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 1) threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed to
construct 'AudioBuffer': requested sample rate (1) does not lie in the allowed r
ange of 22050-96000 Hz. |
7 PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 1e6) threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed t
o construct 'AudioBuffer': requested sample rate (1.00000e+6) does not lie in th
e allowed range of 22050-96000 Hz. | 7 PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 1e6) threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed t
o construct 'AudioBuffer': requested sample rate (1.00000e+6) does not lie in th
e allowed range of 22050-96000 Hz. |
8 PASS context.createBuffer(1, 0, context.sampleRate) threw exception NotSupported
Error: Failed to construct 'AudioBuffer': number of frames must be greater than
0.. | 8 PASS context.createBuffer(1, 0, context.sampleRate) threw exception NotSupported
Error: Failed to construct 'AudioBuffer': number of frames must be greater than
0.. |
9 PASS context.createBuffer(new ArrayBuffer(100), true) threw exception SyntaxErro
r: Failed to construct 'AudioBuffer': invalid audio data in ArrayBuffer.. | 9 PASS context.createBuffer(new ArrayBuffer(100), true) threw exception SyntaxErro
r: Failed to construct 'AudioBuffer': invalid audio data in ArrayBuffer.. |
10 PASS context.decodeAudioData(null, function() {}, function () {}) threw exceptio
n SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'decodeAudioData' on 'AudioContext': invalid Ar
rayBuffer for audioData.. | 10 PASS context.decodeAudioData(null, function() {}, function () {}) threw exceptio
n SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'decodeAudioData' on 'AudioContext': invalid Ar
rayBuffer for audioData.. |
(...skipping 28 matching lines...) Expand all Loading... |
39 PASS node.connect(otherContext.destination) threw exception SyntaxError: Failed
to execute 'connect' on 'AudioNode': cannot connect to a destination belonging t
o a different audio context.. | 39 PASS node.connect(otherContext.destination) threw exception SyntaxError: Failed
to execute 'connect' on 'AudioNode': cannot connect to a destination belonging t
o a different audio context.. |
40 PASS node.channelCount = 99 threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed to set the
'channelCount' property on 'AudioNode': channel count (99) must be between 1 an
d 32.. | 40 PASS node.channelCount = 99 threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed to set the
'channelCount' property on 'AudioNode': channel count (99) must be between 1 an
d 32.. |
41 PASS node.channelCountMode = mode threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to s
et the 'channelCountMode' property on 'AudioNode': invalid mode 'fancy'; must be
'max', 'clamped-max', or 'explicit'.. | 41 PASS node.channelCountMode = mode threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to s
et the 'channelCountMode' property on 'AudioNode': invalid mode 'fancy'; must be
'max', 'clamped-max', or 'explicit'.. |
42 PASS node.channelInterpretation = mode threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed
to set the 'channelInterpretation' property on 'AudioNode': invalid interpretat
ion 'fancy'; must be 'speakers' or 'discrete'.. | 42 PASS node.channelInterpretation = mode threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed
to set the 'channelInterpretation' property on 'AudioNode': invalid interpretat
ion 'fancy'; must be 'speakers' or 'discrete'.. |
43 PASS context.destination.channelCount = 99 threw exception IndexSizeError: Faile
d to set the 'channelCount' property on 'AudioDestinationNode': channel count (9
9) must be between 1 and 2.. | 43 PASS context.destination.channelCount = 99 threw exception IndexSizeError: Faile
d to set the 'channelCount' property on 'AudioDestinationNode': channel count (9
9) must be between 1 and 2.. |
44 PASS new webkitOfflineAudioContext(99, 100, context.sampleRate) threw exception
SyntaxError: Failed to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': number of channels (99)
exceeds maximum (10).. | 44 PASS new webkitOfflineAudioContext(99, 100, context.sampleRate) threw exception
SyntaxError: Failed to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': number of channels (99)
exceeds maximum (10).. |
45 PASS new webkitOfflineAudioContext(1, 100, 1) threw exception SyntaxError: Faile
d to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': sample rate (1) must be in the range 44100
-96000 Hz.. | 45 PASS new webkitOfflineAudioContext(1, 100, 1) threw exception SyntaxError: Faile
d to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': sample rate (1) must be in the range 44100
-96000 Hz.. |
46 PASS new webkitOfflineAudioContext(1, 100, 1e6) threw exception SyntaxError: Fai
led to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': sample rate (1.00000e+6) must be in the
range 44100-96000 Hz.. | 46 PASS new webkitOfflineAudioContext(1, 100, 1e6) threw exception SyntaxError: Fai
led to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': sample rate (1.00000e+6) must be in the
range 44100-96000 Hz.. |
47 PASS node.oversample = '9x' threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to set the
'oversample' property on 'WaveShaperNode': invalid oversample '9x': must be 'no
ne', '2x', or '4x'.. | 47 PASS node.oversample = '9x' threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to set the
'oversample' property on 'WaveShaperNode': invalid oversample '9x': must be 'no
ne', '2x', or '4x'.. |
48 PASS source = context.createBufferSource() did not throw exception. | 48 PASS source = context.createBufferSource() did not throw exception. |
| 49 PASS source.buffer = buffer did not throw exception. |
| 50 PASS source.start() did not throw exception. |
| 51 PASS source.stop() did not throw exception. |
| 52 PASS source = context.createBufferSource() did not throw exception. |
49 PASS source.start() did not throw exception. | 53 PASS source.start() did not throw exception. |
50 PASS source.stop() did not throw exception. | 54 PASS source.stop() did not throw exception. |
51 PASS source = context.createOscillator() did not throw exception. | 55 PASS source = context.createOscillator() did not throw exception. |
52 PASS source.start() did not throw exception. | 56 PASS source.start() did not throw exception. |
53 PASS source.stop() did not throw exception. | 57 PASS source.stop() did not throw exception. |
54 PASS successfullyParsed is true | 58 PASS successfullyParsed is true |
55 | 59 |
57 | 61 |