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Side by Side Diff: LayoutTests/webaudio/dom-exceptions-expected.txt

Issue 50363005: Check that buffer exists before trying to get its duration. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 1 month ago
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1 Tests DOM exception messages 1 Tests DOM exception messages
2 2
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE ". 3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE ".
4 4
5 PASS context.createBuffer(99, 1, context.sampleRate) threw exception NotSupporte dError: Failed to construct 'AudioBuffer': requested number of channels (99) exc eeds maximum (32). 5 PASS context.createBuffer(99, 1, context.sampleRate) threw exception NotSupporte dError: Failed to construct 'AudioBuffer': requested number of channels (99) exc eeds maximum (32).
6 PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 1) threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed to construct 'AudioBuffer': requested sample rate (1) does not lie in the allowed r ange of 22050-96000 Hz. 6 PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 1) threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed to construct 'AudioBuffer': requested sample rate (1) does not lie in the allowed r ange of 22050-96000 Hz.
7 PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 1e6) threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed t o construct 'AudioBuffer': requested sample rate (1.00000e+6) does not lie in th e allowed range of 22050-96000 Hz. 7 PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 1e6) threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed t o construct 'AudioBuffer': requested sample rate (1.00000e+6) does not lie in th e allowed range of 22050-96000 Hz.
8 PASS context.createBuffer(1, 0, context.sampleRate) threw exception NotSupported Error: Failed to construct 'AudioBuffer': number of frames must be greater than 0.. 8 PASS context.createBuffer(1, 0, context.sampleRate) threw exception NotSupported Error: Failed to construct 'AudioBuffer': number of frames must be greater than 0..
9 PASS context.createBuffer(new ArrayBuffer(100), true) threw exception SyntaxErro r: Failed to construct 'AudioBuffer': invalid audio data in ArrayBuffer.. 9 PASS context.createBuffer(new ArrayBuffer(100), true) threw exception SyntaxErro r: Failed to construct 'AudioBuffer': invalid audio data in ArrayBuffer..
10 PASS context.decodeAudioData(null, function() {}, function () {}) threw exceptio n SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'decodeAudioData' on 'AudioContext': invalid Ar rayBuffer for audioData.. 10 PASS context.decodeAudioData(null, function() {}, function () {}) threw exceptio n SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'decodeAudioData' on 'AudioContext': invalid Ar rayBuffer for audioData..
(...skipping 28 matching lines...) Expand all
39 PASS node.connect(otherContext.destination) threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'connect' on 'AudioNode': cannot connect to a destination belonging t o a different audio context.. 39 PASS node.connect(otherContext.destination) threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'connect' on 'AudioNode': cannot connect to a destination belonging t o a different audio context..
40 PASS node.channelCount = 99 threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed to set the 'channelCount' property on 'AudioNode': channel count (99) must be between 1 an d 32.. 40 PASS node.channelCount = 99 threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed to set the 'channelCount' property on 'AudioNode': channel count (99) must be between 1 an d 32..
41 PASS node.channelCountMode = mode threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to s et the 'channelCountMode' property on 'AudioNode': invalid mode 'fancy'; must be 'max', 'clamped-max', or 'explicit'.. 41 PASS node.channelCountMode = mode threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to s et the 'channelCountMode' property on 'AudioNode': invalid mode 'fancy'; must be 'max', 'clamped-max', or 'explicit'..
42 PASS node.channelInterpretation = mode threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to set the 'channelInterpretation' property on 'AudioNode': invalid interpretat ion 'fancy'; must be 'speakers' or 'discrete'.. 42 PASS node.channelInterpretation = mode threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to set the 'channelInterpretation' property on 'AudioNode': invalid interpretat ion 'fancy'; must be 'speakers' or 'discrete'..
43 PASS context.destination.channelCount = 99 threw exception IndexSizeError: Faile d to set the 'channelCount' property on 'AudioDestinationNode': channel count (9 9) must be between 1 and 2.. 43 PASS context.destination.channelCount = 99 threw exception IndexSizeError: Faile d to set the 'channelCount' property on 'AudioDestinationNode': channel count (9 9) must be between 1 and 2..
44 PASS new webkitOfflineAudioContext(99, 100, context.sampleRate) threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': number of channels (99) exceeds maximum (10).. 44 PASS new webkitOfflineAudioContext(99, 100, context.sampleRate) threw exception SyntaxError: Failed to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': number of channels (99) exceeds maximum (10)..
45 PASS new webkitOfflineAudioContext(1, 100, 1) threw exception SyntaxError: Faile d to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': sample rate (1) must be in the range 44100 -96000 Hz.. 45 PASS new webkitOfflineAudioContext(1, 100, 1) threw exception SyntaxError: Faile d to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': sample rate (1) must be in the range 44100 -96000 Hz..
46 PASS new webkitOfflineAudioContext(1, 100, 1e6) threw exception SyntaxError: Fai led to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': sample rate (1.00000e+6) must be in the range 44100-96000 Hz.. 46 PASS new webkitOfflineAudioContext(1, 100, 1e6) threw exception SyntaxError: Fai led to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': sample rate (1.00000e+6) must be in the range 44100-96000 Hz..
47 PASS node.oversample = '9x' threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to set the 'oversample' property on 'WaveShaperNode': invalid oversample '9x': must be 'no ne', '2x', or '4x'.. 47 PASS node.oversample = '9x' threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to set the 'oversample' property on 'WaveShaperNode': invalid oversample '9x': must be 'no ne', '2x', or '4x'..
48 PASS source = context.createBufferSource() did not throw exception. 48 PASS source = context.createBufferSource() did not throw exception.
49 PASS source.buffer = buffer did not throw exception.
50 PASS source.start() did not throw exception.
51 PASS source.stop() did not throw exception.
52 PASS source = context.createBufferSource() did not throw exception.
49 PASS source.start() did not throw exception. 53 PASS source.start() did not throw exception.
50 PASS source.stop() did not throw exception. 54 PASS source.stop() did not throw exception.
51 PASS source = context.createOscillator() did not throw exception. 55 PASS source = context.createOscillator() did not throw exception.
52 PASS source.start() did not throw exception. 56 PASS source.start() did not throw exception.
53 PASS source.stop() did not throw exception. 57 PASS source.stop() did not throw exception.
54 PASS successfullyParsed is true 58 PASS successfullyParsed is true
55 59
57 61
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