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Unified Diff: remoting/resources/

Issue 498773005: Add some remoting targets to GN build. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 4 months ago
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Index: remoting/resources/
diff --git a/remoting/resources/ b/remoting/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d17f337f6b47517e417f8e71d027b8c9953c780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remoting/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# See also remoting_locales_with_underscores below.
+remoting_locales = [
+ "ar",
+ "bg",
+ "ca",
+ "cs",
+ "da",
+ "de",
+ "el",
+ "en",
+ "en-GB",
+ "es",
+ "es-419",
+ "et",
+ "fi",
+ "fil",
+ "fr",
+ "he",
+ "hi",
+ "hr",
+ "hu",
+ "id",
+ "it",
+ "ja",
+ "ko",
+ "lt",
+ "lv",
+ "nb",
+ "nl",
+ "pl",
+ "pt-BR",
+ "pt-PT",
+ "ro",
+ "ru",
+ "sk",
+ "sl",
+ "sr",
+ "sv",
+ "th",
+ "tr",
+ "uk",
+ "vi",
+ "zh-CN",
+ "zh-TW",
+# Some locales have hyphens in the names but for some uses underscores are
+# needed.
+remoting_locales_with_underscores = remoting_locales
+remoting_locales_with_underscores -= [
+ "en-GB",
+ "es-419",
+ "pt-BR",
+ "pt-PT",
+ "zh-CN",
+ "zh-TW",
+remoting_locales_with_underscores += [
+ "en_GB",
+ "es_419",
+ "pt_BR",
+ "pt_PT",
+ "zh_CN",
+ "zh_TW",
+group("resources") {
+ deps = [
+ ":copy_locales",
+ ":strings",
+ #":verify_resources", TODO(GYP) enable this.
+ ]
+# TODO(GYP) enable verify_resources. The bots are complaining about
+# gen/main.html not being found but this doesn't seems to reproduce locally.
+if (false) {
+action("verify_resources") {
+ script = "//remoting/tools/"
+ sources_to_verify = [
+ "$root_gen_dir/main.html",
+ "../base/",
+ "../host/",
+ "../host/",
+ "../host/installer/mac/uninstaller/remoting_uninstaller-InfoPlist.strings.jinja2",
+ "../host/mac/me2me_preference_pane-InfoPlist.strings.jinja2",
+ "../host/win/core.rc.jinja2",
+ "../host/win/",
+ "../host/win/version.rc.jinja2",
+ "../resources/",
+ "../webapp/background/background.js",
+ "../webapp/butter_bar.js",
+ "../webapp/client_screen.js",
+ "../webapp/error.js",
+ "../webapp/host_list.js",
+ "../webapp/host_setup_dialog.js",
+ "../webapp/host_table_entry.js",
+ "../webapp/manifest.json.jinja2",
+ "../webapp/paired_client_manager.js",
+ "../webapp/remoting.js",
+ "../webapp/window_frame.js",
+ ]
+ inputs = [
+ "remoting_strings.grd",
+ ] + sources_to_verify
+ stampfile = "$root_build_dir/remoting_resources_verified_stamp"
+ outputs = [ stampfile ]
+ args = [
+ "-t", rebase_path(stampfile, root_build_dir),
+ "-r", rebase_path("remoting_strings.grd", root_build_dir),
+ ] + rebase_path(sources_to_verify, root_build_dir)
+ deps = [ "//remoting/webapp:html" ] # Generates main.html.
+} # if false
+grit("strings") {
+ source = "remoting_strings.grd"
+ output_name = "remoting_strings"
+ # The grd file encodes "remoting/..." in the name, so root everything in the
+ # generated file root.
+ output_dir = root_gen_dir
+ resource_ids = "resource_ids"
+ outputs = [
+ "remoting/base/string_resources.h",
+ ]
+ # The grd produces a *.pak file and a messages.json file (this one uses
+ # underscores instead of hyphens) for each locale.
+ outputs += process_file_template(
+ remoting_locales,
+ [ "remoting/resources/{{source_name_part}}.pak" ])
+ outputs += process_file_template(
+ remoting_locales_with_underscores,
+ [ "remoting/webapp/_locales/{{source_name_part}}/messages.json" ])
+action("copy_locales") {
+ script = "../tools/build/"
+ # The gyp build calls out to Python, but the Python just computes a simple
+ # replacement over the locales. Here, we can do this in GN script by
+ # pretending the locale list is a list of files. The {{source_name_part}}
+ # will just expand to the locale name.
+ inputs = process_file_template(
+ remoting_locales,
+ [ "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.pak" ])
+ # Likewise, process the outputs in the same way as the inputs.
+ if (is_mac || is_ios) {
+ # On mac, use underscores instead of hyphens and put the files in a
+ # different place.
+ outputs = process_file_template(
+ remoting_locales_with_underscores,
+ [ "$root_build_dir/remoting/resources/{{source_name_part}}.lproj/locale.pak" ])
+ } else {
+ outputs = process_file_template(
+ remoting_locales,
+ [ "$root_build_dir/remoting_locales/{{source_name_part}}.pak" ])
+ }
+ args = [
+ "-p", os,
+ "-g", rebase_path(root_gen_dir, root_build_dir),
+ "-x", rebase_path(root_out_dir, root_build_dir),
+ ] + remoting_locales
+ deps = [ ":strings" ]
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