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Unified Diff: remoting/protocol/

Issue 498773005: Add some remoting targets to GN build. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 4 months ago
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Index: remoting/protocol/
diff --git a/remoting/protocol/ b/remoting/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc75988382270d0b97537ac962170908e42e2599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remoting/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+static_library("protocol") {
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "audio_reader.h",
+ "audio_stub.h",
+ "",
+ "audio_writer.h",
+ "",
+ "auth_util.h",
+ "",
+ "authentication_method.h",
+ "",
+ "authenticator.h",
+ "",
+ "buffered_socket_writer.h",
+ "channel_authenticator.h",
+ "",
+ "channel_dispatcher_base.h",
+ "",
+ "channel_multiplexer.h",
+ "",
+ "chromium_port_allocator.h",
+ "",
+ "chromium_socket_factory.h",
+ "",
+ "client_control_dispatcher.h",
+ "",
+ "client_event_dispatcher.h",
+ "client_stub.h",
+ "",
+ "clipboard_echo_filter.h",
+ "",
+ "clipboard_filter.h",
+ "clipboard_stub.h",
+ "",
+ "clipboard_thread_proxy.h",
+ "",
+ "connection_to_client.h",
+ "",
+ "connection_to_host.h",
+ "",
+ "content_description.h",
+ "errors.h",
+ "",
+ "host_control_dispatcher.h",
+ "",
+ "host_event_dispatcher.h",
+ "host_stub.h",
+ "",
+ "input_event_tracker.h",
+ "",
+ "input_filter.h",
+ "input_stub.h",
+ "",
+ "it2me_host_authenticator_factory.h",
+ "",
+ "jingle_messages.h",
+ "",
+ "jingle_session.h",
+ "",
+ "jingle_session_manager.h",
+ "",
+ "libjingle_transport_factory.h",
+ "",
+ "me2me_host_authenticator_factory.h",
+ "",
+ "message_decoder.h",
+ "",
+ "message_reader.h",
+ "",
+ "message_serialization.h",
+ "",
+ "monitored_video_stub.h",
+ "",
+ "mouse_input_filter.h",
+ "name_value_map.h",
+ "",
+ "negotiating_authenticator_base.h",
+ "",
+ "negotiating_client_authenticator.h",
+ "",
+ "negotiating_host_authenticator.h",
+ "",
+ "network_settings.h",
+ "",
+ "pairing_authenticator_base.h",
+ "",
+ "pairing_client_authenticator.h",
+ "",
+ "pairing_host_authenticator.h",
+ "",
+ "pairing_registry.h",
+ "",
+ "protobuf_video_reader.h",
+ "",
+ "protobuf_video_writer.h",
+ "session.h",
+ "",
+ "session_config.h",
+ "session_manager.h",
+ "",
+ "socket_util.h",
+ "",
+ "ssl_hmac_channel_authenticator.h",
+ "",
+ "third_party_authenticator_base.h",
+ "",
+ "third_party_client_authenticator.h",
+ "",
+ "third_party_host_authenticator.h",
+ "token_validator.h",
+ "",
+ "transport.h",
+ "",
+ "v2_authenticator.h",
+ "",
+ "video_reader.h",
+ "video_stub.h",
+ "",
+ "video_writer.h",
+ "../signaling/",
+ "../signaling/iq_sender.h",
+ "../signaling/",
+ "../signaling/jingle_info_request.h",
+ "../signaling/",
+ "../signaling/log_to_server.h",
+ "../signaling/",
+ "../signaling/server_log_entry.h",
+ "../signaling/signal_strategy.h",
+ "../signaling/",
+ "../signaling/xmpp_signal_strategy.h",
+ ]
+ configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors" ]
+ # TODO(GYP) Remove when WebRTC/jingle is converted.
+ configs += [
+ "//content:webrtc_stub_config",
+ "//content:libjingle_stub_config",
+ ]
+ deps = [
+ "//base",
+ "//crypto",
+ "//net",
+ "//remoting/base",
+ #'../jingle/jingle.gyp:jingle_glue', TODO(GYP)
+ #'../jingle/jingle.gyp:notifier', TODO(GYP)
+ #'../third_party/libjingle/libjingle.gyp:libjingle', TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ forward_dependent_configs_from = [
+ #'../third_party/libjingle/libjingle.gyp:libjingle', TODO(GYP)
+ ]
+ # TODO(GYP) Remove when jingle is converted.
+ direct_dependent_configs = [ "//content:libjingle_stub_config" ]
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