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Unified Diff: Source/platform/graphics/ImageDecodingStore.h

Issue 485833005: Image decoding: Remove deprecated image caching code (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 4 months ago
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Index: Source/platform/graphics/ImageDecodingStore.h
diff --git a/Source/platform/graphics/ImageDecodingStore.h b/Source/platform/graphics/ImageDecodingStore.h
index 48f191ed879c93947c8fdcefc5895c1c1ec5cfc1..cb8de62d92c02b95cb922813069fd1231fb40fe5 100644
--- a/Source/platform/graphics/ImageDecodingStore.h
+++ b/Source/platform/graphics/ImageDecodingStore.h
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
#include "SkSize.h"
#include "SkTypes.h"
#include "platform/PlatformExport.h"
-#include "platform/graphics/DiscardablePixelRef.h"
-#include "platform/graphics/ScaledImageFragment.h"
#include "platform/graphics/skia/SkSizeHash.h"
#include "platform/image-decoders/ImageDecoder.h"
@@ -48,26 +46,10 @@ class SharedBuffer;
-// ImageDecodingStore is a class used to manage image cache objects. There are two
-// types of cache objects stored:
-// 1. Image objects
-// Each image object belongs to one frame decoded and/or resampled from an image
-// file. The image object can be complete or partial. Complete means the image
-// is fully decoded and will not mutate in future decoding passes. It can have
-// multiple concurrent users. A partial image object has only one user.
-// 2. Decoder objects
-// A decoder object contains an image decoder. This allows decoding to resume
-// from previous states. There can be one user per one decoder object at any
-// time.
+// ImageDecodingStore is a class used to manage cached decoder objects.
-// ScaledImageFragment
-// A cached image object. Contains the bitmap and information about the bitmap
-// image.
// ImageDecoder
// A decoder object. It is used to decode raw data into bitmap images.
@@ -76,9 +58,6 @@ class SharedBuffer;
// using an ImageDecoder. It contains encoded image data and is used to represent
// one image file. It is used to index image and decoder objects in the cache.
-// LazyDecodingPixelRef
-// A read only user of this cache.
// All public methods can be used on any thread.
@@ -90,37 +69,13 @@ public:
static ImageDecodingStore* instance();
- // Why do we need this?
- // ImageDecodingStore is used in two code paths:
- // 1. Android uses this to cache both images and decoders.
- // 2. Skia discardable memory path has its own cache. We still want cache
- // decoders but not images because Skia will take care of it.
- // Because of the two use cases we want to just disable image caching.
- //
- // FIXME: It is weird to have this behavior. We want to remove image
- // caching from this class once the transition to Skia discardable memory
- // is complete.
- static void setImageCachingEnabled(bool);
- // Access a complete cached image object. A complete cached image object is
- // indexed by the origin (ImageFrameGenerator), scaled size and frame index
- // within the image file.
- // Return true if the cache object is found.
- // Return false if the cache object cannot be found or it is incomplete.
- bool lockCache(const ImageFrameGenerator*, const SkISize& scaledSize, size_t index, const ScaledImageFragment**);
- void unlockCache(const ImageFrameGenerator*, const ScaledImageFragment*);
- const ScaledImageFragment* insertAndLockCache(const ImageFrameGenerator*, PassOwnPtr<ScaledImageFragment>);
// Access a cached decoder object. A decoder is indexed by origin (ImageFrameGenerator)
// and scaled size. Return true if the cached object is found.
bool lockDecoder(const ImageFrameGenerator*, const SkISize& scaledSize, ImageDecoder**);
void unlockDecoder(const ImageFrameGenerator*, const ImageDecoder*);
- void insertDecoder(const ImageFrameGenerator*, PassOwnPtr<ImageDecoder>, bool isDiscardable);
+ void insertDecoder(const ImageFrameGenerator*, PassOwnPtr<ImageDecoder>);
void removeDecoder(const ImageFrameGenerator*, const ImageDecoder*);
- // Locks the cache for safety, but does not attempt to lock the object we're checking for.
- bool isCached(const ImageFrameGenerator*, const SkISize& scaledSize, size_t index);
// Remove all cache entries indexed by ImageFrameGenerator.
void removeCacheIndexedByGenerator(const ImageFrameGenerator*);
@@ -128,37 +83,25 @@ public:
void setCacheLimitInBytes(size_t);
size_t memoryUsageInBytes();
int cacheEntries();
- int imageCacheEntries();
int decoderCacheEntries();
- // Image cache entry is identified by:
+ // Decoder cache entry is identified by:
// 1. Pointer to ImageFrameGenerator.
// 2. Size of the image.
- // 3. LocalFrame index.
- // 4. LocalFrame generation. Increments on each progressive decode.
- //
- // The use of generation ID is to allow multiple versions of an image frame
- // be stored in the cache. Each generation comes from a progressive decode.
- //
- // Decoder entries are identified by (1) and (2) only.
typedef std::pair<const ImageFrameGenerator*, SkISize> DecoderCacheKey;
- typedef std::pair<size_t, size_t> IndexAndGeneration;
- typedef std::pair<DecoderCacheKey, IndexAndGeneration> ImageCacheKey;
// Base class for all cache entries.
class CacheEntry : public DoublyLinkedListNode<CacheEntry> {
friend class WTF::DoublyLinkedListNode<CacheEntry>;
enum CacheType {
- TypeImage,
- CacheEntry(const ImageFrameGenerator* generator, int useCount, bool isDiscardable)
+ CacheEntry(const ImageFrameGenerator* generator, int useCount)
: m_generator(generator)
, m_useCount(useCount)
- , m_isDiscardable(isDiscardable)
, m_prev(0)
, m_next(0)
@@ -173,7 +116,6 @@ private:
int useCount() const { return m_useCount; }
void incrementUseCount() { ++m_useCount; }
void decrementUseCount() { --m_useCount; ASSERT(m_useCount >= 0); }
- bool isDiscardable() const { return m_isDiscardable; }
// FIXME: getSafeSize() returns size in bytes truncated to a 32-bits integer.
// Find a way to get the size in 64-bits.
@@ -183,52 +125,21 @@ private:
const ImageFrameGenerator* m_generator;
int m_useCount;
- bool m_isDiscardable;
CacheEntry* m_prev;
CacheEntry* m_next;
- class ImageCacheEntry FINAL : public CacheEntry {
- public:
- static PassOwnPtr<ImageCacheEntry> createAndUse(const ImageFrameGenerator* generator, PassOwnPtr<ScaledImageFragment> image)
- {
- return adoptPtr(new ImageCacheEntry(generator, 1, image));
- }
- ImageCacheEntry(const ImageFrameGenerator* generator, int count, PassOwnPtr<ScaledImageFragment> image)
- : CacheEntry(generator, count, DiscardablePixelRef::isDiscardable(image->bitmap().pixelRef()))
- , m_cachedImage(image)
- {
- }
- // FIXME: getSafeSize() returns size in bytes truncated to a 32-bits integer.
- // Find a way to get the size in 64-bits.
- virtual size_t memoryUsageInBytes() const OVERRIDE { return cachedImage()->bitmap().getSafeSize(); }
- virtual CacheType type() const OVERRIDE { return TypeImage; }
- static ImageCacheKey makeCacheKey(const ImageFrameGenerator* generator, const SkISize& size, size_t index, size_t generation)
- {
- return std::make_pair(std::make_pair(generator, size), std::make_pair(index, generation));
- }
- ImageCacheKey cacheKey() const { return makeCacheKey(m_generator, m_cachedImage->scaledSize(), m_cachedImage->index(), m_cachedImage->generation()); }
- const ScaledImageFragment* cachedImage() const { return m_cachedImage.get(); }
- ScaledImageFragment* cachedImage() { return m_cachedImage.get(); }
- private:
- OwnPtr<ScaledImageFragment> m_cachedImage;
- };
class DecoderCacheEntry FINAL : public CacheEntry {
- static PassOwnPtr<DecoderCacheEntry> create(const ImageFrameGenerator* generator, PassOwnPtr<ImageDecoder> decoder, bool isDiscardable)
+ static PassOwnPtr<DecoderCacheEntry> create(const ImageFrameGenerator* generator, PassOwnPtr<ImageDecoder> decoder)
- return adoptPtr(new DecoderCacheEntry(generator, 0, decoder, isDiscardable));
+ return adoptPtr(new DecoderCacheEntry(generator, 0, decoder));
- DecoderCacheEntry(const ImageFrameGenerator* generator, int count, PassOwnPtr<ImageDecoder> decoder, bool isDiscardable)
- : CacheEntry(generator, count, isDiscardable)
+ DecoderCacheEntry(const ImageFrameGenerator* generator, int count, PassOwnPtr<ImageDecoder> decoder)
+ : CacheEntry(generator, count)
, m_cachedDecoder(decoder)
, m_size(SkISize::Make(m_cachedDecoder->decodedSize().width(), m_cachedDecoder->decodedSize().height()))
@@ -258,12 +169,6 @@ private:
void prune();
// These helper methods are called while m_mutex is locked.
- // Find and lock a cache entry, and return true on success.
- // Memory of the cache entry can be discarded, in which case it is saved in
- // deletionList.
- bool lockCacheEntryInternal(ImageCacheEntry*, const ScaledImageFragment**, Vector<OwnPtr<CacheEntry> >* deletionList);
template<class T, class U, class V> void insertCacheInternal(PassOwnPtr<T> cacheEntry, U* cacheMap, V* identifierMap);
// Helper method to remove a cache entry. Ownership is transferred to
@@ -287,20 +192,10 @@ private:
// Tail of this list is the most recently used cache entry.
DoublyLinkedList<CacheEntry> m_orderedCacheList;
- // A lookup table for all image cache objects. Owns all image cache objects.
- typedef HashMap<ImageCacheKey, OwnPtr<ImageCacheEntry> > ImageCacheMap;
- ImageCacheMap m_imageCacheMap;
// A lookup table for all decoder cache objects. Owns all decoder cache objects.
typedef HashMap<DecoderCacheKey, OwnPtr<DecoderCacheEntry> > DecoderCacheMap;
DecoderCacheMap m_decoderCacheMap;
- // A lookup table to map ImageFrameGenerator to all associated image
- // cache keys.
- typedef HashSet<ImageCacheKey> ImageCacheKeySet;
- typedef HashMap<const ImageFrameGenerator*, ImageCacheKeySet> ImageCacheKeyMap;
- ImageCacheKeyMap m_imageCacheKeyMap;
// A lookup table to map ImageFrameGenerator to all associated
// decoder cache keys.
typedef HashSet<DecoderCacheKey> DecoderCacheKeySet;
@@ -309,16 +204,13 @@ private:
size_t m_heapLimitInBytes;
size_t m_heapMemoryUsageInBytes;
- size_t m_discardableMemoryUsageInBytes;
// Protect concurrent access to these members:
// m_orderedCacheList
- // m_imageCacheMap, m_decoderCacheMap and all CacheEntrys stored in it
- // m_imageCacheKeyMap
+ // m_decoderCacheMap and all CacheEntrys stored in it
// m_decoderCacheKeyMap
// m_heapLimitInBytes
// m_heapMemoryUsageInBytes
- // m_discardableMemoryUsageInBytes
// This mutex also protects calls to underlying skBitmap's
// lockPixels()/unlockPixels() as they are not threadsafe.
Mutex m_mutex;
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