(Empty) | |
| 1 <html> |
| 2 <head> |
| 3 <style> |
| 4 .pass { |
| 5 color: green; |
| 6 font-weight: bold; |
| 7 } |
| 8 |
| 9 .fail { |
| 10 color: red; |
| 11 font-weight: bold; |
| 12 } |
| 13 </style> |
| 14 </head> |
| 15 <body> |
| 16 <span>Tests that canvas 2d context supports 'direction' attribute: <span id="sup
ported"></span></span> |
| 17 <div> |
| 18 <span>Tests that context.direction is 'ltr' with parent element having unspecifi
ed direction: <span id="result1"></span></span><br> |
| 19 <canvas id="canvas1" width=400 height=20 style="border:1px solid black"></canvas
> |
| 20 </div> |
| 21 <div dir="rtl"> |
| 22 <span>Tests that context.direction is 'rtl' with parent element having direction
as rtl: <span id="result2"></span></span><br> |
| 23 <canvas id="canvas2" width=400 height=20 style="border:1px solid black"></canvas
> |
| 24 </div> |
| 25 <div> |
| 26 <span>Tests that context.direction is overridden by 'rtl' with parent element ha
ving unspecified direction: <span id="result3"></span></span><br> |
| 27 <canvas id="canvas3" width=400 height=20 style="border:1px solid black"></canvas
> |
| 28 </div> |
| 29 <div dir="rtl"> |
| 30 <span>Tests that context.direction is overridden by 'ltr' with parent element ha
ving direction as rtl: <span id="result4"></span></span><br> |
| 31 <canvas id="canvas4" width=400 height=20 style="border:1px solid black"></canvas
> |
| 32 </div> |
| 33 <div> |
| 34 <span>Tests that context.direction is overridden by 'inherit' with parent elemen
t having unspecified direction: <span id="result5"></span></span><br> |
| 35 <canvas id="canvas5" width=400 height=20 style="border:1px solid black"></canvas
> |
| 36 </div> |
| 37 <div dir="rtl"> |
| 38 <span>Tests that context.direction is overridden by 'inherit' with parent elemen
t having direction as rtl: <span id="result6"></span></span><br> |
| 39 <canvas id="canvas6" width=400 height=20 style="border:1px solid black"></canvas
> |
| 40 </div> |
| 41 <div> |
| 42 <span>Tests that context.reset sets the direction as ltr<span id="result7"></spa
n></span><br> |
| 43 <canvas id="canvas7" width=400 height=20 style="border:1px solid black"></canvas
> |
| 44 </div> |
| 45 <div dir="rtl"> |
| 46 <span>Tests that context.reset sets the direction as rtl<span id="result8"></spa
n></span><br> |
| 47 <canvas id="canvas8" width=400 height=20 style="border:1px solid black"></canvas
> |
| 48 </div> |
| 49 <div> |
| 50 <span>Tests that change in element's dir attribute is reflected in context.direc
tion as rtl: <span id="result9"></span></span><br> |
| 51 <canvas id="canvas9" width=400 height=20 style="border:1px solid black"></canvas
> |
| 52 </div> |
| 53 <div dir="rtl"> |
| 54 <span>Tests that change in element's dir attribute is reflected in context.direc
tion as ltr: <span id="result10"></span></span><br> |
| 55 <canvas id="canvas10" width=400 height=20 style="border:1px solid black"></canva
s> |
| 56 </div> |
| 57 <div> |
| 58 <span>Tests that context.direction reflects the valid direction after save/resto
re context operations: <span id="result11"></span></span><br> |
| 59 <canvas id="canvas11" style="border:1px solid black"></canvas> |
| 60 </div> |
| 61 <div id="results"> |
| 62 </div> |
| 63 <script> |
| 64 if (window.testRunner) |
| 65 testRunner.dumpAsText(); |
| 66 |
| 67 var newCanvasElement = document.createElement('canvas'); |
| 68 document.getElementById('supported').textContent = newCanvasElement.getContext('
2d').direction ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'; |
| 69 document.getElementById('supported').className = newCanvasElement.getContext('2d
').direction ? 'pass' : 'fail'; |
| 70 |
| 71 var fontSettings = "12px 'Arial'"; |
| 72 |
| 73 function appendResult(description, result) |
| 74 { |
| 75 var descriptionElement = document.createElement('span'); |
| 76 var resultElement = document.createElement('span'); |
| 77 descriptionElement.innerHTML = description; |
| 78 resultElement.textContent = result; |
| 79 resultElement.className = (result === 'PASS') ? 'pass' : 'fail'; |
| 80 descriptionElement.appendChild(resultElement); |
| 81 document.getElementById("results").appendChild(descriptionElement); |
| 82 document.getElementById("results").appendChild(document.createElement('br'))
; |
| 83 } |
| 84 |
| 85 function verifyDrawText(canvasId, resultId, text, expectedDirection) |
| 86 { |
| 87 var canvasElement = document.getElementById(canvasId); |
| 88 var resultElement = document.getElementById(resultId); |
| 89 var ctx = canvasElement.getContext('2d'); |
| 90 var width = canvasElement.width/2; |
| 91 var height = canvasElement.height; |
| 92 resultElement.textContent = (ctx.direction == expectedDirection) ? 'PASS' :
'FAIL'; |
| 93 resultElement.className = (ctx.direction == expectedDirection) ? 'pass' : 'f
ail'; |
| 94 ctx.moveTo(width, 0); |
| 95 ctx.lineTo(width, height); |
| 96 ctx.stroke(); |
| 97 ctx.font = fontSettings; |
| 98 ctx.fillText(text, width, height/2); |
| 99 } |
| 100 |
| 101 function verifyDrawTextWithSpecifiedDirection(canvasId, resultId, text, directio
n, expectedDirection) |
| 102 { |
| 103 var canvasElement = document.getElementById(canvasId); |
| 104 var resultElement = document.getElementById(resultId); |
| 105 var ctx = canvasElement.getContext('2d'); |
| 106 var width = canvasElement.width/2; |
| 107 var height = canvasElement.height; |
| 108 var currentDirection = ctx.direction; |
| 109 ctx.direction = direction; |
| 110 resultElement.textContent = (currentDirection && (ctx.direction == expectedD
irection)) ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'; |
| 111 resultElement.className = (currentDirection && (ctx.direction == expectedDir
ection)) ? 'pass' : 'fail'; |
| 112 ctx.moveTo(width, 0); |
| 113 ctx.lineTo(width, height); |
| 114 ctx.stroke(); |
| 115 ctx.font = fontSettings; |
| 116 ctx.fillText(text, width, height/2); |
| 117 } |
| 118 |
| 119 function verifyDirectionAfterReset(canvasId, text, direction, expectedDirection) |
| 120 { |
| 121 var canvasElement = document.getElementById(canvasId); |
| 122 var width = canvasElement.width/2; |
| 123 var height = canvasElement.height; |
| 124 var ctx = canvasElement.getContext('2d'); |
| 125 ctx.direction = direction; |
| 126 ctx.moveTo(width, 0); |
| 127 ctx.lineTo(width, height); |
| 128 ctx.stroke(); |
| 129 ctx.font = fontSettings; |
| 130 ctx.fillText(text, width, height/2); |
| 131 canvasElement.width = canvasElement.width + 1; |
| 132 var description = 'Tests that context.reset() sets the context.direction to
' + expectedDirection + ': '; |
| 133 var result = (ctx.direction == expectedDirection) ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'; |
| 134 appendResult(description, result); |
| 135 document.body.removeChild(canvasElement.parentElement); |
| 136 } |
| 137 |
| 138 function verifyDirectionAfterAttributeChange(canvasId, resultId, text, newDirect
ion, forParentElement) |
| 139 { |
| 140 var canvasElement = document.getElementById(canvasId); |
| 141 var resultElement = document.getElementById(resultId); |
| 142 var ctx = canvasElement.getContext('2d'); |
| 143 var width = canvasElement.width/2; |
| 144 var height = canvasElement.height; |
| 145 |
| 146 if (forParentElement) |
| 147 canvasElement.parentElement.dir = newDirection; |
| 148 else |
| 149 canvasElement.dir = newDirection; |
| 150 resultElement.textContent = ctx.direction == newDirection ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'; |
| 151 resultElement.className = ctx.direction == newDirection ? 'pass' : 'fail'; |
| 152 ctx.moveTo(width, 0); |
| 153 ctx.lineTo(width, height); |
| 154 ctx.stroke(); |
| 155 ctx.font = fontSettings; |
| 156 ctx.fillText(text, width, height/2); |
| 157 } |
| 158 |
| 159 function verifyDirectionAcrossSaveRestores(canvasId, resultId, testVector) |
| 160 { |
| 161 var canvasElement = document.getElementById(canvasId); |
| 162 var resultElement = document.getElementById(resultId); |
| 163 var ctx = canvasElement.getContext('2d'); |
| 164 var width = canvasElement.width/2; |
| 165 var height = 0; |
| 166 ctx.moveTo(width, 0); |
| 167 ctx.lineTo(width, canvasElement.height); |
| 168 ctx.stroke(); |
| 169 ctx.font = fontSettings; |
| 170 var testVectorLength = testVector.length; |
| 171 var i = 0; |
| 172 for (; i < testVector.length; ++i) { |
| 173 height += 20; |
| 174 ctx.direction = testVector[i].direction; |
| 175 ctx.fillText(testVector[i].text, width, height); |
| 176 if (i != testVectorLength - 1) |
| 177 ctx.save(); |
| 178 } |
| 179 var validDirectionCount = 0; |
| 180 for (--i; i > 0; --i) { |
| 181 ctx.restore(); |
| 182 if (ctx.direction == testVector[i - 1].direction) |
| 183 validDirectionCount++; |
| 184 } |
| 185 resultElement.textContent = validDirectionCount == testVectorLength - 1 ? 'P
ASS' : 'FAIL'; |
| 186 resultElement.className = validDirectionCount == testVectorLength - 1 ? 'pas
s' : 'fail'; |
| 187 } |
| 188 |
| 189 function verifyInvalidDirection(direction) |
| 190 { |
| 191 var ctx = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d'); |
| 192 var currentDirection = ctx.direction; |
| 193 ctx.direction = direction; |
| 194 var description = 'Tests that invalid direction value ' + direction + ' has
no effect on the context.direction: '; |
| 195 var result = (ctx.direction == currentDirection) ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'; |
| 196 appendResult(description, result); |
| 197 } |
| 198 |
| 199 verifyDrawText('canvas1', 'result1', 'Left-to-Right text', 'ltr'); |
| 200 verifyDrawText('canvas2', 'result2', 'Right-to-Left text', 'rtl'); |
| 201 |
| 202 verifyDrawTextWithSpecifiedDirection('canvas3', 'result3', 'Right-to-Left text',
'rtl', 'rtl'); |
| 203 verifyDrawTextWithSpecifiedDirection('canvas4', 'result4', 'Left-to-Right text',
'ltr', 'ltr'); |
| 204 verifyDrawTextWithSpecifiedDirection('canvas5', 'result5', 'Left-to-Right text',
'inherit', 'ltr'); |
| 205 verifyDrawTextWithSpecifiedDirection('canvas6', 'result6', 'Right-to-Left text',
'inherit', 'rtl'); |
| 206 |
| 207 verifyDirectionAfterReset('canvas7', 'Right-to-Left', 'rtl', 'ltr'); |
| 208 verifyDirectionAfterReset('canvas8', 'Right-to-Left', 'ltr', 'rtl'); |
| 209 |
| 210 verifyDirectionAfterAttributeChange('canvas9', 'result9', 'Right-to-Left text',
'rtl', true); |
| 211 verifyDirectionAfterAttributeChange('canvas10', 'result10', 'Left-to-Right text'
, 'ltr', false); |
| 212 |
| 213 verifyDirectionAcrossSaveRestores('canvas11', |
| 214 'result11', |
| 215 [{ text: 'Left-to-Right text', direction: 'ltr
' }, |
| 216 { text: 'Right-to-Left text', direction: 'rtl
' }, |
| 217 { text: 'Right-to-Left text', direction: 'rtl
' }, |
| 218 { text: 'Left-to-Right text', direction: 'ltr
' }, |
| 219 { text: 'Right-to-Left text', direction: 'rtl
' }, |
| 220 { text: 'Right-to-Left text', direction: 'rtl
' }]); |
| 221 |
| 222 verifyInvalidDirection('RTL'); |
| 223 verifyInvalidDirection('LTR'); |
| 224 verifyInvalidDirection('INHERIT'); |
| 225 </script> |