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Unified Diff: Source/core/frame/FrameViewAutoSizeInfo.cpp

Issue 459633002: Autosizing storage doesnot belong on FrameView (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Aligned with review comments Created 6 years, 4 months ago
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Index: Source/core/frame/FrameViewAutoSizeInfo.cpp
diff --git a/Source/core/frame/FrameViewAutoSizeInfo.cpp b/Source/core/frame/FrameViewAutoSizeInfo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1dbd577e1a6c961335b0e7671e7c9bf1f295c75e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/core/frame/FrameViewAutoSizeInfo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "core/frame/FrameViewAutoSizeInfo.h"
+#include "core/frame/FrameView.h"
+#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
+#include "core/rendering/RenderBox.h"
+#include "core/rendering/RenderView.h"
+namespace blink {
+FrameViewAutoSizeInfo::FrameViewAutoSizeInfo(FrameView* view)
+ : m_frameView(view)
+ , m_inAutoSize(false)
+ , m_didRunAutosize(false)
+ ASSERT(m_frameView);
+ removeAutoSizeMode();
+void FrameViewAutoSizeInfo::configureAutoSizeMode(const IntSize& minSize, const IntSize& maxSize)
+ ASSERT(!minSize.isEmpty());
+ ASSERT(minSize.width() <= maxSize.width());
+ ASSERT(minSize.height() <= maxSize.height());
+ if (m_minAutoSize == minSize && m_maxAutoSize == maxSize)
+ return;
+ m_minAutoSize = minSize;
+ m_maxAutoSize = maxSize;
+ m_didRunAutosize = false;
+ m_frameView->setLayoutSizeFixedToFrameSize(true);
+ m_frameView->setNeedsLayout();
+ m_frameView->scheduleRelayout();
+void FrameViewAutoSizeInfo::removeAutoSizeMode()
+ m_frameView->setLayoutSizeFixedToFrameSize(false);
+ m_frameView->setNeedsLayout();
+ m_frameView->scheduleRelayout();
+ // Since autosize mode forces the scrollbar mode, change them to being auto.
+ m_frameView->setVerticalScrollbarLock(false);
+ m_frameView->setHorizontalScrollbarLock(false);
+ m_frameView->setScrollbarModes(ScrollbarAuto, ScrollbarAuto);
+void FrameViewAutoSizeInfo::autoSizeIfNeeded()
+ if (m_inAutoSize)
+ return;
+ TemporaryChange<bool> changeInAutoSize(m_inAutoSize, true);
+ Document* document = m_frameView->frame().document();
+ if (!document || !document->isActive())
+ return;
+ Element* documentElement = document->documentElement();
+ if (!documentElement)
+ return;
+ // If this is the first time we run autosize, start from small height and
+ // allow it to grow.
+ if (!m_didRunAutosize)
+ m_frameView->resize(m_frameView->frameRect().width(), m_minAutoSize.height());
+ IntSize size = m_frameView->frameRect().size();
+ // Do the resizing twice. The first time is basically a rough calculation using the preferred width
+ // which may result in a height change during the second iteration.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ // Update various sizes including contentsSize, scrollHeight, etc.
+ document->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets();
+ RenderView* renderView = document->renderView();
+ if (!renderView)
+ return;
+ int width = renderView->minPreferredLogicalWidth();
+ RenderBox* documentRenderBox = documentElement->renderBox();
+ if (!documentRenderBox)
+ return;
+ int height = documentRenderBox->scrollHeight();
+ IntSize newSize(width, height);
+ // Check to see if a scrollbar is needed for a given dimension and
+ // if so, increase the other dimension to account for the scrollbar.
+ // Since the dimensions are only for the view rectangle, once a
+ // dimension exceeds the maximum, there is no need to increase it further.
+ if (newSize.width() > m_maxAutoSize.width()) {
+ RefPtr<Scrollbar> localHorizontalScrollbar = m_frameView->horizontalScrollbar();
+ if (!localHorizontalScrollbar)
+ localHorizontalScrollbar = m_frameView->createScrollbar(HorizontalScrollbar);
+ if (!localHorizontalScrollbar->isOverlayScrollbar())
+ newSize.setHeight(newSize.height() + localHorizontalScrollbar->height());
+ // Don't bother checking for a vertical scrollbar because the width is at
+ // already greater the maximum.
+ } else if (newSize.height() > m_maxAutoSize.height()) {
+ RefPtr<Scrollbar> localVerticalScrollbar = m_frameView->verticalScrollbar();
+ if (!localVerticalScrollbar)
+ localVerticalScrollbar = m_frameView->createScrollbar(VerticalScrollbar);
+ if (!localVerticalScrollbar->isOverlayScrollbar())
+ newSize.setWidth(newSize.width() + localVerticalScrollbar->width());
+ // Don't bother checking for a horizontal scrollbar because the height is
+ // already greater the maximum.
+ }
+ // Ensure the size is at least the min bounds.
+ newSize = newSize.expandedTo(m_minAutoSize);
+ // Bound the dimensions by the max bounds and determine what scrollbars to show.
+ ScrollbarMode horizonalScrollbarMode = ScrollbarAlwaysOff;
+ if (newSize.width() > m_maxAutoSize.width()) {
+ newSize.setWidth(m_maxAutoSize.width());
+ horizonalScrollbarMode = ScrollbarAlwaysOn;
+ }
+ ScrollbarMode verticalScrollbarMode = ScrollbarAlwaysOff;
+ if (newSize.height() > m_maxAutoSize.height()) {
+ newSize.setHeight(m_maxAutoSize.height());
+ verticalScrollbarMode = ScrollbarAlwaysOn;
+ }
+ if (newSize == size)
+ continue;
+ // While loading only allow the size to increase (to avoid twitching during intermediate smaller states)
+ // unless autoresize has just been turned on or the maximum size is smaller than the current size.
+ if (m_didRunAutosize && size.height() <= m_maxAutoSize.height() && size.width() <= m_maxAutoSize.width()
+ && !m_frameView->frame().document()->loadEventFinished() && (newSize.height() < size.height() || newSize.width() < size.width()))
+ break;
+ m_frameView->resize(newSize.width(), newSize.height());
+ // Force the scrollbar state to avoid the scrollbar code adding them and causing them to be needed. For example,
+ // a vertical scrollbar may cause text to wrap and thus increase the height (which is the only reason the scollbar is needed).
+ m_frameView->setVerticalScrollbarLock(false);
+ m_frameView->setHorizontalScrollbarLock(false);
+ m_frameView->setScrollbarModes(horizonalScrollbarMode, verticalScrollbarMode, true, true);
+ }
+ m_didRunAutosize = true;
+} // namespace blink
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