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Unified Diff: src/preparser.h

Issue 442573004: Fix bailout ID for nullary arrow function literals (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 4 months ago
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Index: src/preparser.h
diff --git a/src/preparser.h b/src/preparser.h
index d1d1c53e0b16979d91c4d233b1dd0e3096e1f1f1..ff6bd2728c929e865e90d137cf9040177b8b5e9f 100644
--- a/src/preparser.h
+++ b/src/preparser.h
@@ -451,13 +451,6 @@ class ParserBase : public Traits {
bool* ok);
ExpressionT ParseArrowFunctionLiteral(int start_pos, ExpressionT params_ast,
bool* ok);
- ExpressionT ParseArrowFunctionLiteralBody(
- FunctionState* function_state, typename Traits::Type::ScopePtr scope,
- int num_parameters, const Scanner::Location& eval_args_error_loc,
- const Scanner::Location& dupe_error_loc,
- const Scanner::Location& reserved_loc,
- FunctionLiteral::IsParenthesizedFlag parenthesized, int start_pos,
- bool* ok);
// Checks if the expression is a valid reference expression (e.g., on the
// left-hand side of assignments). Although ruled out by ECMA as early errors,
@@ -2450,108 +2443,100 @@ typename ParserBase<Traits>::ExpressionT ParserBase<
// TODO(aperez): Change this to use ARROW_SCOPE
typename Traits::Type::ScopePtr scope =
this->NewScope(scope_, FUNCTION_SCOPE);
- FunctionState function_state(&function_state_, &scope_, &scope, zone(),
- this->ast_value_factory());
- Scanner::Location dupe_error_loc = Scanner::Location::invalid();
- int num_params = Traits::DeclareArrowParametersFromExpression(
- params_ast, scope_, &dupe_error_loc, ok);
- if (!*ok) {
- ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location(start_pos, scanner()->location().beg_pos),
- "malformed_arrow_function_parameter_list");
- return this->EmptyExpression();
- }
- if (num_params > Code::kMaxArguments) {
- ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location(params_ast->position(), position()),
- "too_many_parameters");
- *ok = false;
- return this->EmptyExpression();
- }
- ExpressionT expression = ParseArrowFunctionLiteralBody(
- &function_state, scope, num_params, Scanner::Location::invalid(),
- dupe_error_loc, Scanner::Location::invalid(),
- FunctionLiteral::kNotParenthesized, start_pos, CHECK_OK);
- return expression;
-template <class Traits>
-typename ParserBase<Traits>::ExpressionT
- FunctionState* function_state, typename Traits::Type::ScopePtr scope,
- int num_parameters, const Scanner::Location& eval_args_error_loc,
- const Scanner::Location& dupe_error_loc,
- const Scanner::Location& reserved_loc,
- FunctionLiteral::IsParenthesizedFlag parenthesized, int start_pos,
- bool* ok) {
typename Traits::Type::StatementList body;
typename Traits::Type::AstProperties ast_properties;
BailoutReason dont_optimize_reason = kNoReason;
+ int num_parameters = -1;
int materialized_literal_count = -1;
int expected_property_count = -1;
int handler_count = 0;
- Expect(Token::ARROW, CHECK_OK);
- if (peek() == Token::LBRACE) {
- // Multiple statemente body
- Consume(Token::LBRACE);
- bool is_lazily_parsed =
- (mode() == PARSE_LAZILY && scope_->AllowsLazyCompilation());
- if (is_lazily_parsed) {
- body = this->NewStatementList(0, zone());
- this->SkipLazyFunctionBody(this->EmptyIdentifier(),
- &materialized_literal_count,
- &expected_property_count, CHECK_OK);
- } else {
- body = this->ParseEagerFunctionBody(
- this->EmptyIdentifier(), RelocInfo::kNoPosition, NULL,
- Token::INIT_VAR, false, // Not a generator.
- materialized_literal_count = function_state->materialized_literal_count();
- expected_property_count = function_state->expected_property_count();
- handler_count = function_state->handler_count();
+ {
+ FunctionState function_state(&function_state_, &scope_, &scope, zone(),
+ this->ast_value_factory());
+ Scanner::Location dupe_error_loc = Scanner::Location::invalid();
+ num_parameters = Traits::DeclareArrowParametersFromExpression(
+ params_ast, scope_, &dupe_error_loc, ok);
+ if (!*ok) {
+ ReportMessageAt(
+ Scanner::Location(start_pos, scanner()->location().beg_pos),
+ "malformed_arrow_function_parameter_list");
+ return this->EmptyExpression();
- } else {
- // Single-expression body
- int pos = position();
- parenthesized_function_ = false;
- ExpressionT expression = ParseAssignmentExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
- body = this->NewStatementList(1, zone());
- body->Add(factory()->NewReturnStatement(expression, pos), zone());
- materialized_literal_count = function_state->materialized_literal_count();
- expected_property_count = function_state->expected_property_count();
- handler_count = function_state->handler_count();
- }
- scope->set_start_position(start_pos);
- scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
+ if (num_parameters > Code::kMaxArguments) {
+ ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location(params_ast->position(), position()),
+ "too_many_parameters");
+ *ok = false;
+ return this->EmptyExpression();
+ }
- // Arrow function *parameter lists* are always checked as in strict mode.
- this->CheckStrictFunctionNameAndParameters(
- this->EmptyIdentifier(), false, Scanner::Location::invalid(),
- Scanner::Location::invalid(), dupe_error_loc,
- Scanner::Location::invalid(), CHECK_OK);
+ Expect(Token::ARROW, CHECK_OK);
+ if (peek() == Token::LBRACE) {
+ // Multiple statemente body
+ Consume(Token::LBRACE);
+ bool is_lazily_parsed =
+ (mode() == PARSE_LAZILY && scope_->AllowsLazyCompilation());
+ if (is_lazily_parsed) {
+ body = this->NewStatementList(0, zone());
+ this->SkipLazyFunctionBody(this->EmptyIdentifier(),
+ &materialized_literal_count,
+ &expected_property_count, CHECK_OK);
+ } else {
+ body = this->ParseEagerFunctionBody(
+ this->EmptyIdentifier(), RelocInfo::kNoPosition, NULL,
+ Token::INIT_VAR, false, // Not a generator.
+ materialized_literal_count =
+ function_state.materialized_literal_count();
+ expected_property_count = function_state.expected_property_count();
+ handler_count = function_state.handler_count();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Single-expression body
+ int pos = position();
+ parenthesized_function_ = false;
+ ExpressionT expression = ParseAssignmentExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
+ body = this->NewStatementList(1, zone());
+ body->Add(factory()->NewReturnStatement(expression, pos), zone());
+ materialized_literal_count = function_state.materialized_literal_count();
+ expected_property_count = function_state.expected_property_count();
+ handler_count = function_state.handler_count();
+ }
- // Validate strict mode.
- if (strict_mode() == STRICT) {
- CheckOctalLiteral(start_pos, scanner()->location().end_pos, CHECK_OK);
- }
+ scope->set_start_position(start_pos);
+ scope->set_end_position(scanner()->location().end_pos);
+ // Arrow function *parameter lists* are always checked as in strict mode.
+ bool function_name_is_strict_reserved = false;
+ Scanner::Location function_name_loc = Scanner::Location::invalid();
+ Scanner::Location eval_args_error_loc = Scanner::Location::invalid();
+ Scanner::Location reserved_loc = Scanner::Location::invalid();
+ this->CheckStrictFunctionNameAndParameters(
+ this->EmptyIdentifier(), function_name_is_strict_reserved,
+ function_name_loc, eval_args_error_loc, dupe_error_loc, reserved_loc,
+ // Validate strict mode.
+ if (strict_mode() == STRICT) {
+ CheckOctalLiteral(start_pos, scanner()->location().end_pos, CHECK_OK);
+ }
- if (allow_harmony_scoping() && strict_mode() == STRICT)
- this->CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(scope, CHECK_OK);
+ if (allow_harmony_scoping() && strict_mode() == STRICT)
+ this->CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(scope, CHECK_OK);
- ast_properties = *factory()->visitor()->ast_properties();
- dont_optimize_reason = factory()->visitor()->dont_optimize_reason();
+ ast_properties = *factory()->visitor()->ast_properties();
+ dont_optimize_reason = factory()->visitor()->dont_optimize_reason();
+ }
FunctionLiteralT function_literal = factory()->NewFunctionLiteral(
this->EmptyIdentifierString(), this->ast_value_factory(), scope, body,
materialized_literal_count, expected_property_count, handler_count,
num_parameters, FunctionLiteral::kNoDuplicateParameters,
FunctionLiteral::ANONYMOUS_EXPRESSION, FunctionLiteral::kIsFunction,
- parenthesized, FunctionLiteral::kArrowFunction, start_pos);
+ FunctionLiteral::kNotParenthesized, FunctionLiteral::kArrowFunction,
+ start_pos);
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