DescriptionFix end-of-pattern matching for Skia recording optimization.
The recorder optimizer's pattern matcher was accepting command sequences
when it shouldn't have.
In the submitted case, and the pattern matcher was looking for:
saveLayer, drawBitmap, restore
and in the rendering for the submitted case, the sequence of commands
saveLayer, drawBitmap, drawBitmap, restore
This sequence was improperly accepted by the matcher, and the optimizer
reduced the sequence to:
drawBitmap, drawBitmap
where the opacity from the saveLayer paint argument was applied
to the first drawBitmap only.
The user-visible effect in Chrome was a flashing effect on an image
caused by incorrect (too-high) opacity.
The patch adds a Skia test to check for pixel colour values in
a similarly structured recording. All other Skia tests pass.
Blink layout tests also pass with this change.
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : Test: use colour values that avoid rounding edge cases #Patch Set 3 : Test: use explicit color type when reading pixels #
Total comments: 12
Patch Set 4 : Test fixes: leak, var names, lint #
Created: 6 years, 4 months ago
Total messages: 7 (0 generated)