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Unified Diff: src/compiler/

Issue 426233002: Land the Fan (disabled) (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Review feedback, rebase and "git cl format" Created 6 years, 5 months ago
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Index: src/compiler/
diff --git a/src/compiler/ b/src/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39852bf13213d3cefd4c497af4d9e0d4f729898c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/compiler/instruction.h"
+#include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+namespace compiler {
+OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const InstructionOperand& op) {
+ switch (op.kind()) {
+ case InstructionOperand::INVALID:
+ return os << "(0)";
+ case InstructionOperand::UNALLOCATED: {
+ const UnallocatedOperand* unalloc = UnallocatedOperand::cast(&op);
+ os << "v" << unalloc->virtual_register();
+ if (unalloc->basic_policy() == UnallocatedOperand::FIXED_SLOT) {
+ return os << "(=" << unalloc->fixed_slot_index() << "S)";
+ }
+ switch (unalloc->extended_policy()) {
+ case UnallocatedOperand::NONE:
+ return os;
+ case UnallocatedOperand::FIXED_REGISTER:
+ return os << "(=" << Register::AllocationIndexToString(
+ unalloc->fixed_register_index()) << ")";
+ case UnallocatedOperand::FIXED_DOUBLE_REGISTER:
+ return os << "(=" << DoubleRegister::AllocationIndexToString(
+ unalloc->fixed_register_index()) << ")";
+ case UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_REGISTER:
+ return os << "(R)";
+ case UnallocatedOperand::SAME_AS_FIRST_INPUT:
+ return os << "(1)";
+ case UnallocatedOperand::ANY:
+ return os << "(-)";
+ }
+ }
+ case InstructionOperand::CONSTANT:
+ return os << "[constant:" << op.index() << "]";
+ case InstructionOperand::IMMEDIATE:
+ return os << "[immediate:" << op.index() << "]";
+ case InstructionOperand::STACK_SLOT:
+ return os << "[stack:" << op.index() << "]";
+ case InstructionOperand::DOUBLE_STACK_SLOT:
+ return os << "[double_stack:" << op.index() << "]";
+ case InstructionOperand::REGISTER:
+ return os << "[" << Register::AllocationIndexToString(op.index())
+ << "|R]";
+ case InstructionOperand::DOUBLE_REGISTER:
+ return os << "[" << DoubleRegister::AllocationIndexToString(op.index())
+ << "|R]";
+ }
+ return os;
+template <InstructionOperand::Kind kOperandKind, int kNumCachedOperands>
+SubKindOperand<kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands>*
+ SubKindOperand<kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands>::cache = NULL;
+template <InstructionOperand::Kind kOperandKind, int kNumCachedOperands>
+void SubKindOperand<kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands>::SetUpCache() {
+ if (cache) return;
+ cache = new SubKindOperand[kNumCachedOperands];
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumCachedOperands; i++) {
+ cache[i].ConvertTo(kOperandKind, i);
+ }
+template <InstructionOperand::Kind kOperandKind, int kNumCachedOperands>
+void SubKindOperand<kOperandKind, kNumCachedOperands>::TearDownCache() {
+ delete[] cache;
+void InstructionOperand::SetUpCaches() {
+#define INSTRUCTION_OPERAND_SETUP(name, type, number) \
+ name##Operand::SetUpCache();
+void InstructionOperand::TearDownCaches() {
+#define INSTRUCTION_OPERAND_TEARDOWN(name, type, number) \
+ name##Operand::TearDownCache();
+OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const MoveOperands& mo) {
+ os << *mo.destination();
+ if (!mo.source()->Equals(mo.destination())) os << " = " << *mo.source();
+ return os << ";";
+bool ParallelMove::IsRedundant() const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < move_operands_.length(); ++i) {
+ if (!move_operands_[i].IsRedundant()) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const ParallelMove& pm) {
+ bool first = true;
+ for (ZoneList<MoveOperands>::iterator move = pm.move_operands()->begin();
+ move != pm.move_operands()->end(); ++move) {
+ if (move->IsEliminated()) continue;
+ if (!first) os << " ";
+ first = false;
+ os << *move;
+ }
+ return os;
+void PointerMap::RecordPointer(InstructionOperand* op, Zone* zone) {
+ // Do not record arguments as pointers.
+ if (op->IsStackSlot() && op->index() < 0) return;
+ ASSERT(!op->IsDoubleRegister() && !op->IsDoubleStackSlot());
+ pointer_operands_.Add(op, zone);
+void PointerMap::RemovePointer(InstructionOperand* op) {
+ // Do not record arguments as pointers.
+ if (op->IsStackSlot() && op->index() < 0) return;
+ ASSERT(!op->IsDoubleRegister() && !op->IsDoubleStackSlot());
+ for (int i = 0; i < pointer_operands_.length(); ++i) {
+ if (pointer_operands_[i]->Equals(op)) {
+ pointer_operands_.Remove(i);
+ --i;
+ }
+ }
+void PointerMap::RecordUntagged(InstructionOperand* op, Zone* zone) {
+ // Do not record arguments as pointers.
+ if (op->IsStackSlot() && op->index() < 0) return;
+ ASSERT(!op->IsDoubleRegister() && !op->IsDoubleStackSlot());
+ untagged_operands_.Add(op, zone);
+OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const PointerMap& pm) {
+ os << "{";
+ for (ZoneList<InstructionOperand*>::iterator op =
+ pm.pointer_operands_.begin();
+ op != pm.pointer_operands_.end(); ++op) {
+ if (op != pm.pointer_operands_.begin()) os << ";";
+ os << *op;
+ }
+ return os << "}";
+OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const ArchOpcode& ao) {
+ switch (ao) {
+#define CASE(Name) \
+ case k##Name: \
+ return os << #Name;
+#undef CASE
+ }
+ return os;
+OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const AddressingMode& am) {
+ switch (am) {
+ case kMode_None:
+ return os;
+#define CASE(Name) \
+ case kMode_##Name: \
+ return os << #Name;
+#undef CASE
+ }
+ return os;
+OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const FlagsMode& fm) {
+ switch (fm) {
+ case kFlags_none:
+ return os;
+ case kFlags_branch:
+ return os << "branch";
+ case kFlags_set:
+ return os << "set";
+ }
+ return os;
+OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const FlagsCondition& fc) {
+ switch (fc) {
+ case kEqual:
+ return os << "equal";
+ case kNotEqual:
+ return os << "not equal";
+ case kSignedLessThan:
+ return os << "signed less than";
+ case kSignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+ return os << "signed greater than or equal";
+ case kSignedLessThanOrEqual:
+ return os << "signed less than or equal";
+ case kSignedGreaterThan:
+ return os << "signed greater than";
+ case kUnsignedLessThan:
+ return os << "unsigned less than";
+ case kUnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+ return os << "unsigned greater than or equal";
+ case kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual:
+ return os << "unsigned less than or equal";
+ case kUnsignedGreaterThan:
+ return os << "unsigned greater than";
+ case kUnorderedEqual:
+ return os << "unordered equal";
+ case kUnorderedNotEqual:
+ return os << "unordered not equal";
+ case kUnorderedLessThan:
+ return os << "unordered less than";
+ case kUnorderedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+ return os << "unordered greater than or equal";
+ case kUnorderedLessThanOrEqual:
+ return os << "unordered less than or equal";
+ case kUnorderedGreaterThan:
+ return os << "unordered greater than";
+ }
+ return os;
+OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const Instruction& instr) {
+ if (instr.OutputCount() > 1) os << "(";
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < instr.OutputCount(); i++) {
+ if (i > 0) os << ", ";
+ os << *instr.OutputAt(i);
+ }
+ if (instr.OutputCount() > 1) os << ") = ";
+ if (instr.OutputCount() == 1) os << " = ";
+ if (instr.IsGapMoves()) {
+ const GapInstruction* gap = GapInstruction::cast(&instr);
+ os << (instr.IsBlockStart() ? " block-start" : "gap ");
+ for (int i = GapInstruction::FIRST_INNER_POSITION;
+ i <= GapInstruction::LAST_INNER_POSITION; i++) {
+ os << "(";
+ if (gap->parallel_moves_[i] != NULL) os << *gap->parallel_moves_[i];
+ os << ") ";
+ }
+ } else if (instr.IsSourcePosition()) {
+ const SourcePositionInstruction* pos =
+ SourcePositionInstruction::cast(&instr);
+ os << "position (" << pos->source_position().raw() << ")";
+ } else {
+ os << ArchOpcodeField::decode(instr.opcode());
+ AddressingMode am = AddressingModeField::decode(instr.opcode());
+ if (am != kMode_None) {
+ os << " : " << AddressingModeField::decode(instr.opcode());
+ }
+ FlagsMode fm = FlagsModeField::decode(instr.opcode());
+ if (fm != kFlags_none) {
+ os << " && " << fm << " if "
+ << FlagsConditionField::decode(instr.opcode());
+ }
+ }
+ if (instr.InputCount() > 0) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < instr.InputCount(); i++) {
+ os << " " << *instr.InputAt(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return os << "\n";
+OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const Constant& constant) {
+ switch (constant.type()) {
+ case Constant::kInt32:
+ return os << constant.ToInt32();
+ case Constant::kInt64:
+ return os << constant.ToInt64() << "l";
+ case Constant::kFloat64:
+ return os << constant.ToFloat64();
+ case Constant::kExternalReference:
+ return os << constant.ToExternalReference().address();
+ case Constant::kHeapObject:
+ return os << Brief(*constant.ToHeapObject());
+ }
+ return os;
+Label* InstructionSequence::GetLabel(BasicBlock* block) {
+ return GetBlockStart(block)->label();
+BlockStartInstruction* InstructionSequence::GetBlockStart(BasicBlock* block) {
+ return BlockStartInstruction::cast(InstructionAt(block->code_start_));
+void InstructionSequence::StartBlock(BasicBlock* block) {
+ block->code_start_ = instructions_.size();
+ BlockStartInstruction* block_start =
+ BlockStartInstruction::New(zone(), block);
+ AddInstruction(block_start, block);
+void InstructionSequence::EndBlock(BasicBlock* block) {
+ int end = instructions_.size();
+ ASSERT(block->code_start_ >= 0 && block->code_start_ < end);
+ block->code_end_ = end;
+int InstructionSequence::AddInstruction(Instruction* instr, BasicBlock* block) {
+ // TODO(titzer): the order of these gaps is a holdover from Lithium.
+ GapInstruction* gap = GapInstruction::New(zone());
+ if (instr->IsControl()) instructions_.push_back(gap);
+ int index = instructions_.size();
+ instructions_.push_back(instr);
+ if (!instr->IsControl()) instructions_.push_back(gap);
+ if (instr->NeedsPointerMap()) {
+ ASSERT(instr->pointer_map() == NULL);
+ PointerMap* pointer_map = new (zone()) PointerMap(zone());
+ pointer_map->set_instruction_position(index);
+ instr->set_pointer_map(pointer_map);
+ pointer_maps_.push_back(pointer_map);
+ }
+ return index;
+BasicBlock* InstructionSequence::GetBasicBlock(int instruction_index) {
+ // TODO(turbofan): Optimize this.
+ for (;;) {
+ ASSERT_LE(0, instruction_index);
+ Instruction* instruction = InstructionAt(instruction_index--);
+ if (instruction->IsBlockStart()) {
+ return BlockStartInstruction::cast(instruction)->block();
+ }
+ }
+bool InstructionSequence::IsReference(int virtual_register) const {
+ return references_.find(virtual_register) != references_.end();
+bool InstructionSequence::IsDouble(int virtual_register) const {
+ return doubles_.find(virtual_register) != doubles_.end();
+void InstructionSequence::MarkAsReference(int virtual_register) {
+ references_.insert(virtual_register);
+void InstructionSequence::MarkAsDouble(int virtual_register) {
+ doubles_.insert(virtual_register);
+void InstructionSequence::AddGapMove(int index, InstructionOperand* from,
+ InstructionOperand* to) {
+ GapAt(index)->GetOrCreateParallelMove(GapInstruction::START, zone())->AddMove(
+ from, to, zone());
+int InstructionSequence::AddDeoptimizationEntry(
+ const FrameStateDescriptor& descriptor) {
+ int deoptimization_id = deoptimization_entries_.size();
+ deoptimization_entries_.push_back(descriptor);
+ return deoptimization_id;
+FrameStateDescriptor InstructionSequence::GetDeoptimizationEntry(
+ int deoptimization_id) {
+ return deoptimization_entries_[deoptimization_id];
+int InstructionSequence::GetDeoptimizationEntryCount() {
+ return deoptimization_entries_.size();
+OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const InstructionSequence& code) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < code.immediates_.size(); ++i) {
+ Constant constant = code.immediates_[i];
+ os << "IMM#" << i << ": " << constant << "\n";
+ }
+ int i = 0;
+ for (ConstantMap::const_iterator it = code.constants_.begin();
+ it != code.constants_.end(); ++i, ++it) {
+ os << "CST#" << i << ": v" << it->first << " = " << it->second << "\n";
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < code.BasicBlockCount(); i++) {
+ BasicBlock* block = code.BlockAt(i);
+ int bid = block->id();
+ os << "RPO#" << block->rpo_number_ << ": B" << bid;
+ CHECK(block->rpo_number_ == i);
+ if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
+ os << " loop blocks: [" << block->rpo_number_ << ", " << block->loop_end_
+ << ")";
+ }
+ os << " instructions: [" << block->code_start_ << ", " << block->code_end_
+ << ")\n predecessors:";
+ BasicBlock::Predecessors predecessors = block->predecessors();
+ for (BasicBlock::Predecessors::iterator iter = predecessors.begin();
+ iter != predecessors.end(); ++iter) {
+ os << " B" << (*iter)->id();
+ }
+ os << "\n";
+ for (BasicBlock::const_iterator j = block->begin(); j != block->end();
+ ++j) {
+ Node* phi = *j;
+ if (phi->opcode() != IrOpcode::kPhi) continue;
+ os << " phi: v" << phi->id() << " =";
+ Node::Inputs inputs = phi->inputs();
+ for (Node::Inputs::iterator iter(inputs.begin()); iter != inputs.end();
+ ++iter) {
+ os << " v" << (*iter)->id();
+ }
+ os << "\n";
+ }
+ Vector<char> buf = Vector<char>::New(32);
+ for (int j = block->first_instruction_index();
+ j <= block->last_instruction_index(); j++) {
+ // TODO(svenpanne) Add some basic formatting to our streams.
+ SNPrintF(buf, "%5d", j);
+ os << " " << buf.start() << ": " << *code.InstructionAt(j);
+ }
+ os << " " << block->control_;
+ if (block->control_input_ != NULL) {
+ os << " v" << block->control_input_->id();
+ }
+ BasicBlock::Successors successors = block->successors();
+ for (BasicBlock::Successors::iterator iter = successors.begin();
+ iter != successors.end(); ++iter) {
+ os << " B" << (*iter)->id();
+ }
+ os << "\n";
+ }
+ return os;
+} // namespace compiler
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
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