(Empty) | |
| 1 |
| 2 This is a testharness.js-based test. |
| 3 PASS naturalWidth/Height of SVG in <img>, width/height in pixels |
| 4 FAIL naturalWidth/Height of SVG in <img>, width in pixels; height unspecified as
sert_equals: expected "500x0" but got "300x150" |
| 5 FAIL naturalWidth/Height of SVG in <img>, width in pixels; percentage height ass
ert_equals: expected "500x0" but got "300x150" |
| 6 PASS naturalWidth/Height of SVG in <img>, width/height in pixels; viewBox |
| 7 FAIL naturalWidth/Height of SVG in <img>, width/height unspecified; viewBox asse
rt_equals: expected "0x0" but got "300x150" |
| 8 FAIL naturalWidth/Height of SVG in <img>, width in pixels; height unspecified; v
iewBox assert_equals: expected "400x0" but got "400x300" |
| 9 Harness: the test ran to completion. |
| 10 |