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Unified Diff: src/

Issue 420613006: Trace every incremental marking step. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Move HistogramTimerScope Created 6 years, 5 months ago
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Index: src/
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d3df705c2169ea81a715c4b212e961eb50abdf84..4150b19f94f13a1a77351e23f5e75e02ba9503aa 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -853,104 +853,112 @@ void IncrementalMarking::Step(intptr_t allocated_bytes,
if (state_ == MARKING && no_marking_scope_depth_ > 0) return;
- // The marking speed is driven either by the allocation rate or by the rate
- // at which we are having to check the color of objects in the write barrier.
- // It is possible for a tight non-allocating loop to run a lot of write
- // barriers before we get here and check them (marking can only take place on
- // allocation), so to reduce the lumpiness we don't use the write barriers
- // invoked since last step directly to determine the amount of work to do.
- intptr_t bytes_to_process =
- marking_speed_ * Max(allocated_, write_barriers_invoked_since_last_step_);
- allocated_ = 0;
- write_barriers_invoked_since_last_step_ = 0;
- bytes_scanned_ += bytes_to_process;
- double start = base::OS::TimeCurrentMillis();
- if (state_ == SWEEPING) {
- if (heap_->mark_compact_collector()->sweeping_in_progress() &&
- heap_->mark_compact_collector()->IsSweepingCompleted()) {
- heap_->mark_compact_collector()->EnsureSweepingCompleted();
- }
- if (!heap_->mark_compact_collector()->sweeping_in_progress()) {
- bytes_scanned_ = 0;
+ {
+ HistogramTimerScope incremental_marking_scope(
+ heap_->isolate()->counters()->gc_incremental_marking());
+ double start = base::OS::TimeCurrentMillis();
+ // The marking speed is driven either by the allocation rate or by the rate
+ // at which we are having to check the color of objects in the write
+ // barrier.
+ // It is possible for a tight non-allocating loop to run a lot of write
+ // barriers before we get here and check them (marking can only take place
+ // on
+ // allocation), so to reduce the lumpiness we don't use the write barriers
+ // invoked since last step directly to determine the amount of work to do.
+ intptr_t bytes_to_process =
+ marking_speed_ *
+ Max(allocated_, write_barriers_invoked_since_last_step_);
+ allocated_ = 0;
+ write_barriers_invoked_since_last_step_ = 0;
+ bytes_scanned_ += bytes_to_process;
+ if (state_ == SWEEPING) {
+ if (heap_->mark_compact_collector()->sweeping_in_progress() &&
+ heap_->mark_compact_collector()->IsSweepingCompleted()) {
+ heap_->mark_compact_collector()->EnsureSweepingCompleted();
+ }
+ if (!heap_->mark_compact_collector()->sweeping_in_progress()) {
+ bytes_scanned_ = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (state_ == MARKING) {
+ ProcessMarkingDeque(bytes_to_process);
+ if (marking_deque_.IsEmpty()) MarkingComplete(action);
- } else if (state_ == MARKING) {
- ProcessMarkingDeque(bytes_to_process);
- if (marking_deque_.IsEmpty()) MarkingComplete(action);
- }
- steps_count_++;
+ steps_count_++;
- bool speed_up = false;
+ bool speed_up = false;
- if ((steps_count_ % kMarkingSpeedAccellerationInterval) == 0) {
- if (FLAG_trace_gc) {
- PrintPID("Speed up marking after %d steps\n",
- static_cast<int>(kMarkingSpeedAccellerationInterval));
+ if ((steps_count_ % kMarkingSpeedAccellerationInterval) == 0) {
+ if (FLAG_trace_gc) {
+ PrintPID("Speed up marking after %d steps\n",
+ static_cast<int>(kMarkingSpeedAccellerationInterval));
+ }
+ speed_up = true;
- speed_up = true;
- }
- bool space_left_is_very_small =
- (old_generation_space_available_at_start_of_incremental_ < 10 * MB);
+ bool space_left_is_very_small =
+ (old_generation_space_available_at_start_of_incremental_ < 10 * MB);
- bool only_1_nth_of_space_that_was_available_still_left =
- (SpaceLeftInOldSpace() * (marking_speed_ + 1) <
- old_generation_space_available_at_start_of_incremental_);
+ bool only_1_nth_of_space_that_was_available_still_left =
+ (SpaceLeftInOldSpace() * (marking_speed_ + 1) <
+ old_generation_space_available_at_start_of_incremental_);
- if (space_left_is_very_small ||
- only_1_nth_of_space_that_was_available_still_left) {
- if (FLAG_trace_gc) PrintPID("Speed up marking because of low space left\n");
- speed_up = true;
- }
- bool size_of_old_space_multiplied_by_n_during_marking =
- (heap_->PromotedTotalSize() >
- (marking_speed_ + 1) *
- old_generation_space_used_at_start_of_incremental_);
- if (size_of_old_space_multiplied_by_n_during_marking) {
- speed_up = true;
- if (FLAG_trace_gc) {
- PrintPID("Speed up marking because of heap size increase\n");
+ if (space_left_is_very_small ||
+ only_1_nth_of_space_that_was_available_still_left) {
+ if (FLAG_trace_gc)
+ PrintPID("Speed up marking because of low space left\n");
+ speed_up = true;
- }
- int64_t promoted_during_marking = heap_->PromotedTotalSize()
- - old_generation_space_used_at_start_of_incremental_;
- intptr_t delay = marking_speed_ * MB;
- intptr_t scavenge_slack = heap_->MaxSemiSpaceSize();
- // We try to scan at at least twice the speed that we are allocating.
- if (promoted_during_marking > bytes_scanned_ / 2 + scavenge_slack + delay) {
- if (FLAG_trace_gc) {
- PrintPID("Speed up marking because marker was not keeping up\n");
+ bool size_of_old_space_multiplied_by_n_during_marking =
+ (heap_->PromotedTotalSize() >
+ (marking_speed_ + 1) *
+ old_generation_space_used_at_start_of_incremental_);
+ if (size_of_old_space_multiplied_by_n_during_marking) {
+ speed_up = true;
+ if (FLAG_trace_gc) {
+ PrintPID("Speed up marking because of heap size increase\n");
+ }
- speed_up = true;
- }
- if (speed_up) {
- if (state_ != MARKING) {
+ int64_t promoted_during_marking =
+ heap_->PromotedTotalSize() -
+ old_generation_space_used_at_start_of_incremental_;
+ intptr_t delay = marking_speed_ * MB;
+ intptr_t scavenge_slack = heap_->MaxSemiSpaceSize();
+ // We try to scan at at least twice the speed that we are allocating.
+ if (promoted_during_marking > bytes_scanned_ / 2 + scavenge_slack + delay) {
if (FLAG_trace_gc) {
- PrintPID("Postponing speeding up marking until marking starts\n");
+ PrintPID("Speed up marking because marker was not keeping up\n");
- } else {
- marking_speed_ += kMarkingSpeedAccelleration;
- marking_speed_ = static_cast<int>(
- Min(kMaxMarkingSpeed,
- static_cast<intptr_t>(marking_speed_ * 1.3)));
- if (FLAG_trace_gc) {
- PrintPID("Marking speed increased to %d\n", marking_speed_);
+ speed_up = true;
+ }
+ if (speed_up) {
+ if (state_ != MARKING) {
+ if (FLAG_trace_gc) {
+ PrintPID("Postponing speeding up marking until marking starts\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ marking_speed_ += kMarkingSpeedAccelleration;
+ marking_speed_ = static_cast<int>(
+ Min(kMaxMarkingSpeed, static_cast<intptr_t>(marking_speed_ * 1.3)));
+ if (FLAG_trace_gc) {
+ PrintPID("Marking speed increased to %d\n", marking_speed_);
+ }
- }
- double end = base::OS::TimeCurrentMillis();
- double delta = (end - start);
- heap_->tracer()->AddIncrementalMarkingStep(delta);
- heap_->AddMarkingTime(delta);
+ double end = base::OS::TimeCurrentMillis();
+ double delta = (end - start);
+ heap_->tracer()->AddIncrementalMarkingStep(delta);
+ heap_->AddMarkingTime(delta);
+ }
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