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Unified Diff: content/renderer/media/

Issue 420603004: Use the AudioProcessing float interface in MediaStreamAudioProcessor. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: OnDataCallback can be called more than once. Created 6 years, 4 months ago
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Index: content/renderer/media/
diff --git a/content/renderer/media/ b/content/renderer/media/
index 2e7a40db18c275f43eff64a37122603fc6b768a5..16f43db26f78135840eaf75a65d337140b53361c 100644
--- a/content/renderer/media/
+++ b/content/renderer/media/
@@ -31,10 +31,32 @@ const int kAudioProcessingSampleRate = 16000;
const int kAudioProcessingSampleRate = 32000;
const int kAudioProcessingNumberOfChannels = 1;
-const AudioProcessing::ChannelLayout kAudioProcessingChannelLayout =
- AudioProcessing::kMono;
-const int kMaxNumberOfBuffersInFifo = 2;
+AudioProcessing::ChannelLayout MapLayout(media::ChannelLayout media_layout) {
+ switch (media_layout) {
+ case media::CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO:
+ return AudioProcessing::kMono;
+ return AudioProcessing::kStereo;
+ return AudioProcessing::kStereoAndKeyboard;
+ default:
+ NOTREACHED() << "Layout not supported: " << media_layout;
+ return AudioProcessing::kMono;
+ }
+AudioProcessing::ChannelLayout ChannelsToLayout(int num_channels) {
+ switch (num_channels) {
+ case 1:
+ return AudioProcessing::kMono;
+ case 2:
+ return AudioProcessing::kStereo;
+ default:
+ NOTREACHED() << "Channels not supported: " << num_channels;
+ return AudioProcessing::kMono;
+ }
// Used by UMA histograms and entries shouldn't be re-ordered or removed.
enum AudioTrackProcessingStates {
@@ -51,122 +73,105 @@ void RecordProcessingState(AudioTrackProcessingStates state) {
} // namespace
-class MediaStreamAudioProcessor::MediaStreamAudioConverter
- : public media::AudioConverter::InputCallback {
+// Wraps AudioBus to provide access to the array of channel pointers, since this
+// is the type webrtc::AudioProcessing deals in. The array is refreshed on every
+// channel_ptrs() call, and will be valid until the underlying AudioBus pointers
+// are changed, e.g. through calls to SetChannelData() or SwapChannels().
+// All methods are called on one of the capture or render audio threads
+// exclusively.
+class MediaStreamAudioBus {
- MediaStreamAudioConverter(const media::AudioParameters& source_params,
- const media::AudioParameters& sink_params)
- : source_params_(source_params),
- sink_params_(sink_params),
- audio_converter_(source_params, sink_params_, false) {
- // An instance of MediaStreamAudioConverter may be created in the main
- // render thread and used in the audio thread, for example, the
- // |MediaStreamAudioProcessor::capture_converter_|.
+ MediaStreamAudioBus(int channels, int frames)
+ : bus_(media::AudioBus::Create(channels, frames)),
+ channel_ptrs_(new float*[channels]) {
+ // May be created in the main render thread and used in the audio threads.
- audio_converter_.AddInput(this);
- // Create and initialize audio fifo and audio bus wrapper.
- // The size of the FIFO should be at least twice of the source buffer size
- // or twice of the sink buffer size. Also, FIFO needs to have enough space
- // to store pre-processed data before passing the data to
- // webrtc::AudioProcessing, which requires 10ms as packet size.
- int max_frame_size = std::max(source_params_.frames_per_buffer(),
- sink_params_.frames_per_buffer());
- int buffer_size = std::max(
- kMaxNumberOfBuffersInFifo * max_frame_size,
- kMaxNumberOfBuffersInFifo * source_params_.sample_rate() / 100);
- fifo_.reset(new media::AudioFifo(source_params_.channels(), buffer_size));
- // TODO(xians): Use CreateWrapper to save one memcpy.
- audio_wrapper_ = media::AudioBus::Create(sink_params_.channels(),
- sink_params_.frames_per_buffer());
- virtual ~MediaStreamAudioConverter() {
- audio_converter_.RemoveInput(this);
+ media::AudioBus* bus() {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ return bus_.get();
- void Push(const media::AudioBus* audio_source) {
- // Called on the audio thread, which is the capture audio thread for
- // |MediaStreamAudioProcessor::capture_converter_|, and render audio thread
- // for |MediaStreamAudioProcessor::render_converter_|.
- // And it must be the same thread as calling Convert().
+ float* const* channel_ptrs() {
- fifo_->Push(audio_source);
+ for (int i = 0; i < bus_->channels(); ++i) {
+ channel_ptrs_[i] = bus_->channel(i);
+ }
+ return channel_ptrs_.get();
- bool Convert(webrtc::AudioFrame* out, bool audio_mirroring) {
- // Called on the audio thread, which is the capture audio thread for
- // |MediaStreamAudioProcessor::capture_converter_|, and render audio thread
- // for |MediaStreamAudioProcessor::render_converter_|.
- DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- // Return false if there is not enough data in the FIFO, this happens when
- // fifo_->frames() / source_params_.sample_rate() is less than
- // sink_params.frames_per_buffer() / sink_params.sample_rate().
- if (fifo_->frames() * sink_params_.sample_rate() <
- sink_params_.frames_per_buffer() * source_params_.sample_rate()) {
- return false;
+ private:
+ base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
+ scoped_ptr<media::AudioBus> bus_;
+ scoped_ptr<float*[]> channel_ptrs_;
+// Wraps AudioFifo to provide a cleaner interface to MediaStreamAudioProcessor.
+// It avoids the FIFO when the source and destination frames match. All methods
+// are called on one of the capture or render audio threads exclusively.
+class MediaStreamAudioFifo {
+ public:
+ MediaStreamAudioFifo(int channels, int source_frames,
+ int destination_frames)
+ : source_frames_(source_frames),
+ destination_(new MediaStreamAudioBus(channels, destination_frames)),
+ data_available_(false) {
+ if (source_frames != destination_frames) {
+ // Since we require every Push to be followed by as many Consumes as
+ // possible, twice the larger of the two is a (probably) loose upper bound
+ // on the FIFO size.
+ const int fifo_frames = 2 * std::max(source_frames, destination_frames);
+ fifo_.reset(new media::AudioFifo(channels, fifo_frames));
- // Convert data to the output format, this will trigger ProvideInput().
- audio_converter_.Convert(audio_wrapper_.get());
- DCHECK_EQ(audio_wrapper_->frames(), sink_params_.frames_per_buffer());
+ // May be created in the main render thread and used in the audio threads.
+ thread_checker_.DetachFromThread();
+ }
- // Swap channels before interleaving the data if |audio_mirroring| is
- // set to true.
- if (audio_mirroring &&
- sink_params_.channel_layout() == media::CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO) {
- // Swap the first and second channels.
- audio_wrapper_->SwapChannels(0, 1);
+ void Push(const media::AudioBus* source) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ DCHECK_EQ(source->channels(), destination_->bus()->channels());
+ DCHECK_EQ(source->frames(), source_frames_);
+ if (fifo_) {
+ fifo_->Push(source);
+ } else {
+ source->CopyTo(destination_->bus());
+ data_available_ = true;
+ }
- // TODO(xians): Figure out a better way to handle the interleaved and
- // deinterleaved format switching.
- audio_wrapper_->ToInterleaved(audio_wrapper_->frames(),
- sink_params_.bits_per_sample() / 8,
- out->data_);
+ // Returns true if there are destination_frames() of data available to be
+ // consumed, and otherwise false.
+ bool Consume(MediaStreamAudioBus** destination) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
- out->samples_per_channel_ = sink_params_.frames_per_buffer();
- out->sample_rate_hz_ = sink_params_.sample_rate();
- out->speech_type_ = webrtc::AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech;
- out->vad_activity_ = webrtc::AudioFrame::kVadUnknown;
- out->num_channels_ = sink_params_.channels();
+ if (fifo_) {
+ if (fifo_->frames() < destination_->bus()->frames())
+ return false;
- return true;
- }
+ fifo_->Consume(destination_->bus(), 0, destination_->bus()->frames());
+ } else {
+ if (!data_available_)
+ return false;
- const media::AudioParameters& source_parameters() const {
- return source_params_;
- }
- const media::AudioParameters& sink_parameters() const {
- return sink_params_;
- }
+ // The data was already copied to |destination_| in this case.
+ data_available_ = false;
+ }
- private:
- // AudioConverter::InputCallback implementation.
- virtual double ProvideInput(media::AudioBus* audio_bus,
- base::TimeDelta buffer_delay) OVERRIDE {
- // Called on realtime audio thread.
- // TODO(xians): Figure out why the first Convert() triggers ProvideInput
- // two times.
- if (fifo_->frames() < audio_bus->frames())
- return 0;
- fifo_->Consume(audio_bus, 0, audio_bus->frames());
- // Return 1.0 to indicate no volume scaling on the data.
- return 1.0;
+ *destination = destination_.get();
+ return true;
+ private:
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
- const media::AudioParameters source_params_;
- const media::AudioParameters sink_params_;
- // TODO(xians): consider using SincResampler to save some memcpy.
- // Handles mixing and resampling between input and output parameters.
- media::AudioConverter audio_converter_;
- scoped_ptr<media::AudioBus> audio_wrapper_;
+ const int source_frames_; // For a DCHECK.
+ scoped_ptr<MediaStreamAudioBus> destination_;
scoped_ptr<media::AudioFifo> fifo_;
+ // Only used when the FIFO is disabled;
+ bool data_available_;
bool MediaStreamAudioProcessor::IsAudioTrackProcessingEnabled() {
@@ -202,12 +207,12 @@ MediaStreamAudioProcessor::~MediaStreamAudioProcessor() {
void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::OnCaptureFormatChanged(
- const media::AudioParameters& source_params) {
+ const media::AudioParameters& input_format) {
// There is no need to hold a lock here since the caller guarantees that
// there is no more PushCaptureData() and ProcessAndConsumeData() callbacks
// on the capture thread.
- InitializeCaptureConverter(source_params);
+ InitializeCaptureFifo(input_format);
// Reset the |capture_thread_checker_| since the capture data will come from
// a new capture thread.
@@ -217,12 +222,8 @@ void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::OnCaptureFormatChanged(
void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::PushCaptureData(
const media::AudioBus* audio_source) {
- DCHECK_EQ(audio_source->channels(),
- capture_converter_->source_parameters().channels());
- DCHECK_EQ(audio_source->frames(),
- capture_converter_->source_parameters().frames_per_buffer());
- capture_converter_->Push(audio_source);
+ capture_fifo_->Push(audio_source);
bool MediaStreamAudioProcessor::ProcessAndConsumeData(
@@ -231,12 +232,31 @@ bool MediaStreamAudioProcessor::ProcessAndConsumeData(
TRACE_EVENT0("audio", "MediaStreamAudioProcessor::ProcessAndConsumeData");
- if (!capture_converter_->Convert(&capture_frame_, audio_mirroring_))
+ MediaStreamAudioBus* process_bus;
+ if (!capture_fifo_->Consume(&process_bus))
return false;
- *new_volume = ProcessData(&capture_frame_, capture_delay, volume,
- key_pressed);
- *out = capture_frame_.data_;
+ // Use the process bus directly if audio processing is disabled.
+ MediaStreamAudioBus* output_bus = process_bus;
+ *new_volume = 0;
+ if (audio_processing_) {
+ output_bus = output_bus_.get();
+ *new_volume = ProcessData(process_bus->channel_ptrs(),
+ process_bus->bus()->frames(), capture_delay,
+ volume, key_pressed, output_bus->channel_ptrs());
+ }
+ // Swap channels before interleaving the data.
+ if (audio_mirroring_ &&
+ output_format_.channel_layout() == media::CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO) {
+ // Swap the first and second channels.
+ output_bus->bus()->SwapChannels(0, 1);
+ }
+ output_bus->bus()->ToInterleaved(output_bus->bus()->frames(),
+ sizeof(int16),
+ output_data_.get());
+ *out = output_data_.get();
return true;
@@ -265,11 +285,11 @@ void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::Stop() {
const media::AudioParameters& MediaStreamAudioProcessor::InputFormat() const {
- return capture_converter_->source_parameters();
+ return input_format_;
const media::AudioParameters& MediaStreamAudioProcessor::OutputFormat() const {
- return capture_converter_->sink_parameters();
+ return output_format_;
void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::OnAecDumpFile(
@@ -308,12 +328,18 @@ void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::OnPlayoutData(media::AudioBus* audio_bus,
base::subtle::Release_Store(&render_delay_ms_, audio_delay_milliseconds);
- InitializeRenderConverterIfNeeded(sample_rate, audio_bus->channels(),
- audio_bus->frames());
- render_converter_->Push(audio_bus);
- while (render_converter_->Convert(&render_frame_, false))
- audio_processing_->AnalyzeReverseStream(&render_frame_);
+ InitializeRenderFifoIfNeeded(sample_rate, audio_bus->channels(),
+ audio_bus->frames());
+ render_fifo_->Push(audio_bus);
+ MediaStreamAudioBus* analysis_bus;
+ while (render_fifo_->Consume(&analysis_bus)) {
+ audio_processing_->AnalyzeReverseStream(
+ analysis_bus->channel_ptrs(),
+ analysis_bus->bus()->frames(),
+ sample_rate,
+ ChannelsToLayout(audio_bus->channels()));
+ }
void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::OnPlayoutDataSourceChanged() {
@@ -321,7 +347,7 @@ void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::OnPlayoutDataSourceChanged() {
// There is no need to hold a lock here since the caller guarantees that
// there is no more OnPlayoutData() callback on the render thread.
- render_converter_.reset();
+ render_fifo_.reset();
void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::GetStats(AudioProcessorStats* stats) {
@@ -384,12 +410,6 @@ void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::InitializeAudioProcessingModule(
// Create and configure the webrtc::AudioProcessing.
- CHECK_EQ(0, audio_processing_->Initialize(kAudioProcessingSampleRate,
- kAudioProcessingSampleRate,
- kAudioProcessingSampleRate,
- kAudioProcessingChannelLayout,
- kAudioProcessingChannelLayout,
- kAudioProcessingChannelLayout));
// Enable the audio processing components.
if (echo_cancellation) {
@@ -424,82 +444,95 @@ void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::InitializeAudioProcessingModule(
-void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::InitializeCaptureConverter(
- const media::AudioParameters& source_params) {
+void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::InitializeCaptureFifo(
+ const media::AudioParameters& input_format) {
- DCHECK(source_params.IsValid());
- // Create and initialize audio converter for the source data.
- // When the webrtc AudioProcessing is enabled, the sink format of the
- // converter will be the same as the post-processed data format, which is
- // 32k mono for desktops and 16k mono for Android. When the AudioProcessing
- // is disabled, the sink format will be the same as the source format.
- const int sink_sample_rate = audio_processing_ ?
- kAudioProcessingSampleRate : source_params.sample_rate();
- const media::ChannelLayout sink_channel_layout = audio_processing_ ?
+ DCHECK(input_format.IsValid());
+ input_format_ = input_format;
+ // TODO(ajm): For now, we assume fixed parameters for the output when audio
+ // processing is enabled, to match the previous behavior. We should either
+ // use the input parameters (in which case, audio processing will convert
+ // at output) or ideally, have a backchannel from the sink to know what
+ // format it would prefer.
+ const int output_sample_rate = audio_processing_ ?
+ kAudioProcessingSampleRate : input_format.sample_rate();
+ const media::ChannelLayout output_channel_layout = audio_processing_ ?
media::GuessChannelLayout(kAudioProcessingNumberOfChannels) :
- source_params.channel_layout();
- // WebRtc AudioProcessing requires 10ms as its packet size. We use this
- // native size when processing is enabled. While processing is disabled, and
- // the source is running with a buffer size smaller than 10ms buffer, we use
- // same buffer size as the incoming format to avoid extra FIFO for WebAudio.
- int sink_buffer_size = sink_sample_rate / 100;
- if (!audio_processing_ &&
- source_params.frames_per_buffer() < sink_buffer_size) {
- sink_buffer_size = source_params.frames_per_buffer();
+ input_format.channel_layout();
+ // webrtc::AudioProcessing requires a 10 ms chunk size. We use this native
+ // size when processing is enabled. When disabled we use the same size as
+ // the source if less than 10 ms.
+ //
+ // TODO(ajm): This conditional buffer size appears to be assuming knowledge of
+ // the sink based on the source parameters. PeerConnection sinks seem to want
+ // 10 ms chunks regardless, while WebAudio sinks want less, and we're assuming
+ // we can identify WebAudio sinks by the input chunk size. Less fragile would
+ // be to have the sink actually tell us how much it wants (as in the above
+ // TODO).
+ int processing_frames = input_format.sample_rate() / 100;
+ int output_frames = output_sample_rate / 100;
+ if (!audio_processing_ && input_format.frames_per_buffer() < output_frames) {
+ processing_frames = input_format.frames_per_buffer();
+ output_frames = processing_frames;
- media::AudioParameters sink_params(
- media::AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY, sink_channel_layout,
- sink_sample_rate, 16, sink_buffer_size);
- capture_converter_.reset(
- new MediaStreamAudioConverter(source_params, sink_params));
+ output_format_ = media::AudioParameters(
+ media::AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY,
+ output_channel_layout,
+ output_sample_rate,
+ 16,
+ output_frames);
+ capture_fifo_.reset(
+ new MediaStreamAudioFifo(input_format.channels(),
+ input_format.frames_per_buffer(),
+ processing_frames));
+ if (audio_processing_) {
+ output_bus_.reset(new MediaStreamAudioBus(output_format_.channels(),
+ output_frames));
+ }
+ output_data_.reset(new int16[output_format_.GetBytesPerBuffer() /
+ sizeof(int16)]);
-void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::InitializeRenderConverterIfNeeded(
+void MediaStreamAudioProcessor::InitializeRenderFifoIfNeeded(
int sample_rate, int number_of_channels, int frames_per_buffer) {
- // TODO(xians): Figure out if we need to handle the buffer size change.
- if (render_converter_.get() &&
- render_converter_->source_parameters().sample_rate() == sample_rate &&
- render_converter_->source_parameters().channels() == number_of_channels) {
- // Do nothing if the |render_converter_| has been setup properly.
+ if (render_fifo_.get() &&
+ render_format_.sample_rate() == sample_rate &&
+ render_format_.channels() == number_of_channels &&
+ render_format_.frames_per_buffer() == frames_per_buffer) {
+ // Do nothing if the |render_fifo_| has been setup properly.
- // Create and initialize audio converter for the render data.
- // webrtc::AudioProcessing accepts the same format as what it uses to process
- // capture data, which is 32k mono for desktops and 16k mono for Android.
- media::AudioParameters source_params(
+ render_format_ = media::AudioParameters(
- media::GuessChannelLayout(number_of_channels), sample_rate, 16,
+ media::GuessChannelLayout(number_of_channels),
+ sample_rate,
+ 16,
- media::AudioParameters sink_params(
- media::AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY,
- media::CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO, kAudioProcessingSampleRate, 16,
- kAudioProcessingSampleRate / 100);
- render_converter_.reset(
- new MediaStreamAudioConverter(source_params, sink_params));
- render_data_bus_ = media::AudioBus::Create(number_of_channels,
- frames_per_buffer);
+ const int analysis_frames = sample_rate / 100; // 10 ms chunks.
+ render_fifo_.reset(
+ new MediaStreamAudioFifo(number_of_channels,
+ frames_per_buffer,
+ analysis_frames));
-int MediaStreamAudioProcessor::ProcessData(webrtc::AudioFrame* audio_frame,
+int MediaStreamAudioProcessor::ProcessData(const float* const* process_ptrs,
+ int process_frames,
base::TimeDelta capture_delay,
int volume,
- bool key_pressed) {
+ bool key_pressed,
+ float* const* output_ptrs) {
+ DCHECK(audio_processing_);
- if (!audio_processing_)
- return 0;
TRACE_EVENT0("audio", "MediaStreamAudioProcessor::ProcessData");
- DCHECK_EQ(audio_processing_->input_sample_rate_hz(),
- capture_converter_->sink_parameters().sample_rate());
- DCHECK_EQ(audio_processing_->num_input_channels(),
- capture_converter_->sink_parameters().channels());
- DCHECK_EQ(audio_processing_->num_output_channels(),
- capture_converter_->sink_parameters().channels());
base::subtle::Atomic32 render_delay_ms =
@@ -512,28 +545,34 @@ int MediaStreamAudioProcessor::ProcessData(webrtc::AudioFrame* audio_frame,
<< "ms; render delay: " << render_delay_ms << "ms";
- audio_processing_->set_stream_delay_ms(total_delay_ms);
+ webrtc::AudioProcessing* ap = audio_processing_.get();
+ ap->set_stream_delay_ms(total_delay_ms);
DCHECK_LE(volume, WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl::kMaxVolumeLevel);
- webrtc::GainControl* agc = audio_processing_->gain_control();
+ webrtc::GainControl* agc = ap->gain_control();
int err = agc->set_stream_analog_level(volume);
DCHECK_EQ(err, 0) << "set_stream_analog_level() error: " << err;
- audio_processing_->set_stream_key_pressed(key_pressed);
+ ap->set_stream_key_pressed(key_pressed);
- err = audio_processing_->ProcessStream(audio_frame);
+ err = ap->ProcessStream(process_ptrs,
+ process_frames,
+ input_format_.sample_rate(),
+ MapLayout(input_format_.channel_layout()),
+ output_format_.sample_rate(),
+ MapLayout(output_format_.channel_layout()),
+ output_ptrs);
DCHECK_EQ(err, 0) << "ProcessStream() error: " << err;
- if (typing_detector_ &&
- audio_frame->vad_activity_ != webrtc::AudioFrame::kVadUnknown) {
- bool vad_active =
- (audio_frame->vad_activity_ == webrtc::AudioFrame::kVadActive);
- bool typing_detected = typing_detector_->Process(key_pressed, vad_active);
- base::subtle::Release_Store(&typing_detected_, typing_detected);
+ if (typing_detector_) {
+ webrtc::VoiceDetection* vad = ap->voice_detection();
+ DCHECK(vad->is_enabled());
+ bool detected = typing_detector_->Process(key_pressed,
+ vad->stream_has_voice());
+ base::subtle::Release_Store(&typing_detected_, detected);
- // Return 0 if the volume has not been changed, otherwise return the new
- // volume.
+ // Return 0 if the volume hasn't been changed, and otherwise the new volume.
return (agc->stream_analog_level() == volume) ?
0 : agc->stream_analog_level();

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